Clone Troopers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

The Funniest Possible Star War: an AU where the Kaminoans get wise just a LITTLE earlier.

Like. Instead of waiting until the inhibitor chips are activated and the Empire is already ascendant to realize that the Galactic Empire absolutely will not allow there to be a planet that mass-produces clone armies for the highest bidder, they have this realization BEFORE Order 66 goes out.

AU where the Kaminoan government looks at their position, looks at the likely fallout, and weighs their futures under a Galactic Empire to whom they are a threat that has outlived its usefulness VS a grateful but still slow-moving Republic, with all its factions and legalities intact, its social mores primarily unchanged….its army filled with thinking, feeling men to whom Kamino is their homeworld and who are in control of their free will and thus capable of refusing orders that strike at their own hearts…its main enemy in the form of the Separatist Alliance neutralized but not utterly annihilated, ripe for both sides being played against the middle…

And quietly, about six weeks before Knightfall, without telling anyone, just…..deactivates the chips. Sends out a pulse via comm channel designed to fry or alter them. Remote killswitch. Something like that.

So Palpatine like. He’s WON. He’s TRIUMPHANT. He kills the Jedi strike team, gets Anakin to kill Mace Windu, names his new apprentice Vader, has him swear allegiance, sends him to wipe out the Jedi, goes all “COMMANDER CODEEEE”


“exEcUtE oRDeR SIxtY sIx”




Cody politely asks for clarification because that’s not a term in the GAR manual, sir, apologies. Long pause. Cody equally politely apologizes and explains that he’s in a pitched battle, sir, but I’m sure the General will contact you when we’ve taken the planet.

[Palpatine voice] “Hwat.”

He hits the next button on his carefully-curated Order 66 contact booklet for the high-priority targets he wants taken out before the general transmission so they don’t get any warning. He sits impatiently through the tinkly elevator music.


Rex blinks, explains he’s not familiar with that code, sir, but Rex is a little less polite than Cody due to long-term exposure to Anakin Skywalker, and has the presence of mind to also point out that the Supreme Chancellor isn’t even technically IN the GAR chain of command, he’s a CIVILIAN leader, what’s going on–

Palpatine hangs up on him.

Okay, fine, whatever. Annoying but not unsurpassable, those two were ALWAYS an irritant, their clone commanders must have done something to the chips, it WAS a clone from Skywalker’s battalion who nearly discovered them after all. He’ll take out the rest of the Council and the all-call general transmission will take out the rest of the Order, he can deal with the treacherous 501-B and 212th later–

Shaak Ti’s clone commander asks in abject bewilderment how the Supreme Chancellor even got his personal comm number. He’s not even on duty. It’s 3am. Half the Council’s clones don’t even respond. Those that do just promise to have their Jedi call back about this Order 66 thing when they’re available.

He sends the general transmission with significantly less gravitas than originally planned.

He immediately starts getting confused email notifications. Unduli sends a TEXT from some random rank-and-file clone’s comms politely reminding him that she was present for the most recent strategy meeting and there was no operation codenamed Order 66, and reminds him coolly to respect the chain of command. Depa Billaba’s commander not only calls back but actually GETS HER ON COMMS to ask if she knows the term. They patch her padawan into the call to puzzle it out. The padawan asks Palpatine what happened to his face. He sits through three full minutes of playful banter before screaming and cutting the line.

Anakin gets downstairs to kick off Knightfall. The 501st blinks at their orders, exchange long looks, agree wholeheartedly, and stun him in the back the moment he turns around before dragging his ass to the Temple medical wing. 

The war ends twelve hours later.

Palpatine throws a chair through a window.

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8 months ago

clone trooper comedy podcast: my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, and me

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6 months ago

Clone wars art of some OCs

Clone Wars Art Of Some OCs

All original characters. From left to right: Captain Ghoul, General Oaderin Tomb, and Revenant. I am so happy with how it turned out, hope you enjoy it as much as me!

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8 months ago


Jedi train to catch themselves while falling

In the crèche it’s onto mats and cushions

Initiates will jump off of anything they can get onto until a teacher stops them

Padawans have secret competitions and games where they jump off of things

When the clone wars starts, almost every single clone has a heart attack pretty early on when their general, commander, or both jumps off of a building mid battle, a ship at the start, or something else for the hell of it.

Which of course becomes a bet of “who’s general is the coolest?” And “who can stick the best landing”

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10 months ago

I saw a post about them with this quote and it wouldn't leave my head so I offer this (sorry)

Yeah if anything happens to Echo in the finale I will be inconsolable

I Saw A Post About Them With This Quote And It Wouldn't Leave My Head So I Offer This (sorry)

Force ghost version below the cut

I Saw A Post About Them With This Quote And It Wouldn't Leave My Head So I Offer This (sorry)

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A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson
A Visual Guide To The Clones Of The Grand Army Of The Republic, Made By Me. I Used This Gifset By Skybson

A visual guide to the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic, made by me. 
I used this gifset by skybson and this incredibly thorough and helpful list by propheticfire as references, please check them out!
 This includes clones who made screen appearances in Canon, so it does not include clones from comics, novels, or Legends. 
Tbh I was originally going to make this a gifset and then I thought why not visually categorize the entire GAR for fun so here we are!

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Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Every Named Clone Trooper In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Every named Clone Trooper in Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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3 years ago

Mm just rewatched the Siege of Mandalore arc. Time to leap back on the fuck Palpatine express.

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11 months ago

The Captain

Summary: You meet a very unusual Captain when he and a Senator come to your planet.

A/N: Hello Lovelies,

So I’ve been wanting to write for Alpha-17 for a while now, so I took a chance on this one. I hope he is true to character.

Thank you to @ladykatakuri​ and @firstofficerwiggles​ for being beta readers for this story.

Love oo

Warnings: Canon-typical violence, sparring, mentions of injuries, broken bones, blood, flirting, fluff, angst, kissing, mentions of experimentation, bankruptcy, trauma, threats, I think that’s it, if I miss any please let me know. 

AO3 Link   |   Words: 12,468   | 

One Shot Master List |   Main Master List  

The Captain

(Picture is not mine - found it on Wookieepedia - if you know who drew this, please let me know so I can give proper credit)

Continuar lendo

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10 months ago

incorrect quote

omega : Advice of the day kids, if you ever meet someone who calls Gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are a certified nerd.

tech: Yeah but you have to specify, frost glacier or cool blue? You can’t just say blue because there’s more than one blue.

omega : Blue and light blue, nice try nerd

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1 year ago

Have this goofy ahh shaky drawing of rex

Have This Goofy Ahh Shaky Drawing Of Rex

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1 year ago

Overall, I think the competency and the badass-ness of the Clones and their skills is SUPER underrated.

Like, they are trained constantly for 10 years. Full 12 hour days, using blasters, battle strategy (for the CC), all sorts of culture and language, physical training, sparring, simulations, and probably more that I’m not even getting.

(This part is more Headcanon)

They all probably know the basics of how to do everything. Everyone can theoretically fly a fighter, scuba dive, use speeders, cannons, heavy machinery, repair all kinds of weapons, ships, gear, and tech system.

Not to mention the variety of weapons they would be trained with

Now, are they all top notch and the best? No, fighter pilots don’t need to dive in the water so their scuba training is rusty and may need a crash course. But they know the basics.

This isn’t even talking about the practical knowledge they know. Most likely multiple languages, including Mando’a, the cultures associated, and where they can be found.

Ignoring all this, and my headcanon bit, they trained 12 hours a day for 10 years sparring and fighting at LEAST. These would be the scariest most skilled fighters around and I feel like they don’t get the kudos they deserve.

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8 months ago

so, ive gotten into Delta Squad recently and something that has always interested me is the dynamic between different types of troopers.

Among the GAR, i'd imagine what you do affects everything in your life. Who you're friends with, who you know, how you act, even how you think. Theyve created a heirarchy, excluding cc and captains, i'd imagine Commandos are at the top of the pyramid. ARCs coming in next, then Medics, then ARF, then engineers (anyone who works on any machine but doesn't get deployed, includes any clone that maintains/directs fighters), then command/greys (those who work in the command tower or who can wear greys to work, seen as lower for not directly fighting), then maintenance, and then the shinies.

They've built a system and it may not be super strict and they are friendly with one another off duty, once the pressure is on, everyone falls in line. It's not something that is spoken about either, I would even say they do it more subconsciously than anything, but its there.

Now, will they be mean/rude/hostile to anyone who branches out or is friendly/friends with those of a different level? No! They are brothers and they know every job matters. They are one collective and they each have a role. However, if someone from maintenance starts saying they're gonna be an ARC, well expect jokes to be made and comments to pop up.

Funnily enough, Commandos don't feel this at all. They hardly interact with the regs, and when they do its for a point. Now, they just see everyone as below them so, again, the heirarchy doesn't affect them. They have their superiors they follow but don't expect them to be buddy buddy with an ARC.

There is a group above the Commandos, the Advisors, that aren't actually known at all. Everyone assumes the Commandos get their orders from the nat-borns they work. Advisors fall under the Commanders level, even though everyone on that level doesn't know they exist; especially since they are considered a separate entity and they only follow commands of those they are temporarily serving. This can cause issues and it did for CC-01/425 'Advisor' for the Delta Squad.

Their armor is blank, though they can see action, so 'Advisor' was mistaken for a shiny. A Captain was directing shinies to load crates and called out 'Advisor' for slacking off. 'Advisor' ignored the Captain and continued to the Command Center to guide Delta Squad. The Captain grabbed him and dressed him down on the deck, the shinies watching. Before the Captain could finish his rant, Sev came looking for 'Advisor' and quickly fixed the misunderstanding (read: threatened bodily harm in many different ways before yanking 'Advisor' along to the meeting).

Another group that this wouldn't entirely apply to is the Coruscant Guard (me? talk about them? the horror). They had it, it was there, then everyone got overworked and short on supplies so its just hold on and we'll live. The only heirarchy is by rank, even then its hardly applied unless their on-duty.

(headcanon time), The 141st Blackout Corps works on the other side of the galaxy from the GAR so they are also disconnected from them. Their armor is the most different and unique, made up of a pitch black base (where the name Blackout came from) with bright colors painted on. The system doesn't apply to them either due to the fact that theyre pretty isolated and its common for people to pickup the slack where needed. An ARC to help a engineer or a Maintanence to take a shift in the command center.

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8 months ago


the GAR will help any guards on duty whether its giving them a small break by taking their post or catching a criminal on the run

most shinies don't get it until their first to coruscant

its very sad but every GAR clone has some experience helping a guard clone (tho helping shinies are hard to come by as they are kept to the prisons; the hate feels less personal and lets them get a thick skin)

crime goes down when the GAR visits and all but stops when the Marine Corps visits as the Marines take way to much pleasure in beating up criminals

often times to up the intimidation, the GAR won't wear their blacks when they do visit and instead walk around in full armor

the GAR medics will often take shifts at the Gaurd HQ to both give them a break and to help teach their shinies in a less time sensitive setting (well, thats if there isn't any terror attacks or explosions)

during this time, things often go missing from venators but no one makes a fuss about it

bacta tanks, blankets, armor, blasters, medical supplies of all kinds, rations (including pudding cups), and sometimes they'll let guards use their water rations for showers on the venator (though monnk's battalion makes this a habit as they get more water than the other battalions)

the guard shinies that slip through the cracks and are put on senate duty are given special attention, with many troopers loitering around to give them an out if need be

unfortunately, there have been several occaisions of guard troopers running from aids and senators

Troopers try and help when they can but sometimes it just isn’t enough

GAR troopers make it a habit of visiting the Guard barracks to at least comfort them when they can

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7 months ago

Freaks of the Corscant Guard Part One

Slick in the CG:

So obvi Fox saves Slick from decommissioning and is like ‘u work for me or die’

Slick chooses life and is like ‘what’s needed’

Fox doesn’t trust slick like at all, so he is forced to wear a shock collar and has a tracker implanted that’s attached to his intestines (slick doesn’t know where it is only that it’s there)

Slick essentially does Fox’s dirty work and he doesn’t mind, fox isn’t a bad boss at all

Slick becomes a part of the ‘crazies’ squad which is made up of a Psychopath (psycho), a sociopath (socio), a narcissist (narc), a pathological liar (false), and a serial arsonist who burned several natborns (burn)

All of them have trackers in them (diff locations) but burn is the only one who has a collar as well

Slick does enjoy these partners and their craziness

Psycho and socio are the only ones who’ve left the planet and worked with other squads

Fox has gotten them to cooperate by making the squads in question ‘their’ pets

Despite what that means, Socio and Psycho like their pets happy and healthy so completing the mission and keeping them all alive is perfect for their pets

Socio prefers to be alone so often solo missions on Coruscant that are off the books

Psycho enjoys working with new pets and has actually been able to keep one

On an off world mission, Psycho was given charge of a squad with the 41st

It went bad and Psycho was only able to save one pet (he was very upset at his pets being taken), a shiny that survived

The shiny (that Psycho named Baby) had asked for a transfer after the mission and Neyo decided to just let Fox have him

After all, if Baby liked Psycho and wanted to be his vod’ika, there must be something really wrong with Baby

Psycho was absolutely delighted to have a permanent pet! Usually, he kept pets for the length of the mission and then satiated with solo off the books missions on Coruscant

Psycho wanted nothing more than his pet to be happy and healthy, otherwise he’d look like a bad ori’vod and Baby would become a broken toy (no one likes a broke toy)

Baby (under Stone’s command) is given similar shifts as Psycho, well he has the same break times and days off. Otherwise he’s in the prison

Narc hates Baby, as Baby takes away attention from him (as Baby is something new and taking all of Psychos attention)

Narc ends up tormenting Baby when Psycho isn’t around which Psycho catches on too

Baby, who now sees Psycho as a safe place, ends up developing a dependency on Psycho that’s extreme when he’s not on shift

When he’s working, he’s fine, but when he’s free, he’s attached to psycho like a tumor

Slick likes Baby and attempts to get Fox to stop Narc (bc he’s not getting involved in that, no way) and leaves it at that

False gets along very well with Narc, as he is a great liar and has no problem inflating Narc’s ego

False mostly does info handling and spec ops, as he’s a great liar and it’s practically impossible to tell what’s the truth and a lie

It’s not hard for commanders to get the truth from him though, as False is entirely trustworthy and normal besides his lying

The problems only came when troopers stopped trusting him, not understanding that False pathologically lies when the information either doesn’t matter (so he’s lie through entire conversations) or he’s deflecting (captured and asked for info) but when it comes to commanders and brothers lives on the line, he’ll be truthful

Burn is surprisingly the odd ball of the group, as he gets along with everyone and no one

He’s likable enough but he has a habit of going absolutely psychotic around fires and sometimes he just wants to watch something burn

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6 months ago

Kit Fisto's Scuba Troopers

Lets go! (halfway through this became OC time)

Monnk was reconditioned once when he was 3 standard because Dred Priest was trying to get at the Mandalorian training Monnk (they were basically father and son, the Mandalorian giving Monnk his name and his sea dragon on his armor)

He was a very playful and joyful child until the reconditioning, the old personality is still there but is rarely shown anymore

After Monnks reconditioning, he didn't remember how to do anything so all of his fellow CCs and Scuba troopers retaught him so he doesn't fall behind, thanks to them he wasn't decommisioned

Kit Fisto had an incredibly hard time reading Monnk at first, feeling a blank wall in the Force but flickers of brightness

Kit's playful attitude when off duty helped bring out some of Monnk's old personality and Monnk will now crack smiles and make the occasional joke

Kit finds out abut the reconditioning after a hard battle that ended with Monnk in the bacta tank and it was marked in his file

The Scuba Troopers mostly take after Monnk's old personalility, being very playful and pranks are common in the Acclimator

Though, they can get serious very quickly and they are masters at fighting underwater

They have an extra set of armor, they underwater gear, while also having to maintain their snow, sand, and regular gear

Their CMO, Plague, known for treating infections and his harsh and constant anger. Do not make him mad or play any pranks in his Medbay. He is apart of the scariest batch of medics to come out of Kamino

He has/can/will scream at his patients (including generals)

(These include Sacrifice of the 104th, Agony of the Corries, Reaper of the Marine Corps, and Suffering of the 327th. They were one of the first batches of medics and the original Mandalorian Trainer was very hands on. Their attitude comes from her, she adores them the most.)

When meeting his batch, Plague is much more chill and can be seen smiling

If you want to get on his good side, you get one chance (your first visit that isnt the standard 'this is the medbay, i'm here to help')

If you come in on your own and are honest about what happened he will treat you nicely (no screaming, just silent treating of injuries)

If you had to be dragged in, complain, down play your injuries, don't say all of them, try to worm out, make excuses, lie about why you're there, kiss his ass (not so much but this is usually accompanied by any previous thing on this list), or he finds you before you come to him, you've lost and no longer get his good graces

so far, only one shiny has his good graces and is absolutely his favorite

Cancer was a fresh off Kamino shiny who was quiet and clearly uncomfortable with his batchmates being in another battalion. He came in two weeks after picking him up with a freshly bleeding slice in his face from where he fell in the mess and cut himself of a bench corner

He was warned against going to the med bay but went alone, Plague found something in his chest when they met (affection?) and was taken in by the shiny apologizing and explaining what happened. Cancer made no fuss and listened very well, when Plague checked on him in a week, his injury was gone!

Cancer made Plague speechless and ten minutes later Cancer was changed to a medic track with a new Ori'vod

Cancer excelled in the medic track and quickly took after Plague, however he didn't have his anger instead doing the "you're dissapointing me, i thought you were better than that" mixed with baby sad eyes which is somehow worse

Originally his name was Fungus (dubbed by others), because he grew on Plague quickly. Plague offered the name Cancer to which the newly dubbed Cancer hugged Plague

Plague moved Cancer to his room, since as CMO he gets private quarters

Cancer is completely aware of the favoritism and totally takes advantage (he may be a shiny, but Plague has taught him to guilt trip so hard.)

Plague has introduced Cancer to his batch and they adore him, Cancer became the most untouchable clone in the whole army

Due to the nature of their battalion, the medics can fix simple injuries and surgeries underwater and their belts have cloth loops to slide medical tools into

The ARCs can't wear their kamas or pauldrons underwater so their armor is painted to mimic the shapes of them, made up of swirls or wavy lines, their normal gear does have kamas and pauldrons

Kit is very bad at picking who to make ARCs because if he had his way, everyone would get the training

To make up for this, the ARCs teach much of what they learn to the regular troopers, though they are all rather adept at adapting to fit the situation

It is common for Kit’s ship to be covered in shells, dead coral, animal bones, and shiny rocks

All of the troopers have some love for the water and the species in them and after the war, many choose to become marine scientists, dive instructors, or underwater cinematographers

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