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No context, just turtlenecks

by Christof Simon on Flickr.Alpine hut in South Tyrol Dolomites, Italy.
Could you make an Au Of Protagonist 5# Koji Kazama End up being a Bear Transient and have all of the other ones reacting to it. Here's a picture of what I think he would look like.

One: HOT BEAR! And Two, real talk, I almost always think of Mc5 being a bear or canine transient during everything, not turned into one, but actually just being one to begin with. So thank you for letting me indulge in this. Also I can’t read minds so i don’t know how your mc is like so i'm just going to use my Koji as a based, and with Characters of my pick, so let's roll! Ps. may have gone a bit overbroad, so sorry.
Shiro:*Meeting human Koji* “He’s hot!”
Shiro:*Meeting Bear!Koji* Thinking about how Koji could pound him.
Things are more or less the same in the beginning, with meeting Ryota and Sal, and fighting the Red Oni. The difference is that Bear!Koji pretty much grabs and carries Ryota with him, causing Ryota to blush for the fact that one he is being carried like nothing by a large bear transient, and two, he is being held against the said bears chest in his strong arms, reminding Ryota of a strong handsome hero saving an innocent. Fighting the oni, goes easier as Koji is a lot stronger than a human, making fighting with brawn an easier feet. The only down is that Koji has to deal with Sal marveling over him and trying to feel his body at times.
Meeting with Shiro and Kengo is about the same, thought Kengo is more into wanting to fight Koji, seeing his larger form(Kengo noting that Bear!Koji is taller than him) and seeing as Koji’s current wear is more than a little showing, of his body makes Kengo really want to fight him. Shiro is still if not more a blushing and stuttering mess than ever. Shiro has never been interested in anyone before, sure he’s seen people he found were attractive, but he didn’t really feel that into them. Byt upon meeting this large and intimidating bear guy who help to save friend, Shiro can’t stop himself from looking over Koji, taking in the way his fur looked soft and the string muscles under it, eyes going to his broad chest taking in the way it rise and fall. Looking up at his face, Shiro can’t help but find him handsome, even if his face is scowling at Kengo, cause of the fact he wants to fight(Which in Koji’s opinion, is annoying cause he already had to fight two onis and deal with Sal trying to feel up his arm.).
As things progress, it’s a bit safe to say the guys are more than a little in love with their bear friend. Shiro always finds himself sneaking looks at Koji when he is not looking, blushing in embarrassment at the fact he is checking him out, but he can’t help it! Everytime he looks at Koji, he reminded of the times Koji carried him and protected him, even thought Shiro knows it was platonic, he can’t help but think about if it wasn’t. Imagining himself being held against his cru-friend, sometimes thinking about Koji’s strength and thinking about how he could hold Shiro down with ease, those thoughts getting push down a lot. Ryota likes to feel Koji’s fur(Most of the time getting a no) and just run his hand through it. Ryota will at times, just lay on Koji and fall asleep on him, not really scared of Koji, and liking how warm he is. He will also pick Koji to hide behind a lot of the time(Koji being a little more protective of Ryota) and at times will ask if Koji is okay to carry him, thought will blush at the fact Koji can hold him. Kengo is still the same, only with his desire to have a fight with Koji increase.
It’s during the Berserker thing, that Kengo starts to fall for Koji, seeing his large body fight and battle alongside him, fist flying, with an almost crazed smile on his face, sets something a light in Kengo. Maybe it was during the match against Koji, having a bigger form hold him down and shout at him, staring into dark grey eyes that had a large fire in them, but even since then Kengo can’t help the stray thought of just...liking how having Koji on top of him felt, for some reason. He knows he likes it, but doesn’t get why. He fought guys that were as big as Koji before, so why did make him feel, so weird? Kengo tends to find his heart beating fast and loud every time he is very close to Koji, but does not get why he is feeling this way. He will ask Koji to fight with him from time to time, having decided that Koji would be his training partner since then. He does still get annoyed when Koji hits his head.
Garmr still smells and sees Koji as his master, only a little weirded out by Koji being a bear transient, having mostly had human masters before, but master is master.
Ashigara upon meeting Koji is ecstatic! He really wants to be friends and the fact the Koji has an interest with sumo, makes Ashigara smile in happiness! When the two meet for the first time, Ashigara is more than happy to introduce himself, thought is a bit nervous, as he hoping Koji doesn’t run off like Barguest, so he tries to seem like a cool guy and is a bit pushy in wanting Koji to join the sumo club. He’s not trying to mean any harm! When Koji does tell him he sees Ashi as a friend, it makes Ashigara pull him into a hug, as Ashi is happy to have a bear pal. He likes to practice with Koji from time to time(sometimes with Kengo or Yasu along as well), and is wanting to do things with the other bear, usually when Ashi feels alone or just wants to hang out.
Leib is pretty much indifferent. He doesn’t really care if Koji was human or not, as he sees Bear!Koji the same as any transient. Jambavan is both nervous and intimidated with Bear!Koji, mostly cause of the whole game thing, thought he will blush if Koji ever holds him, liking the feeling(And maybe dreaming of being Kojis special one, being held and comforted by the bear.). Alp is the same as he is with normal Koji, Only having a larger like to the fact the two are bears(Alp ignores when Koji points out he isn’t a real bear to start with). Alp does try to get Koji to do a performance with him, stating that two bears are better than one, mostly just wanting to hang out with the tall bear.
Barguest when meeting Bear!Koji, is mostly just hoping he is not like Ashigara, as one is enough for him. He’s is a bit cautious of Koji as seeing the large bear that was more than happy to rip some mobsters apart for shooting at them, which while he is thankful, is also terrified of what Koji might do to Kenta or him. He only lets those fears go when he sees how gentle Koji is with Kenta, watching the large guy turn from vicious bear to soft teddy is a bit shocking. Thought Barguest is more than happy to have Koji watch Kenta, knowing that anyone who would try to hurt him, would be met with a scare surprise.
Overall most interactions are most or less the same, though most people upon meeting Koji tend to think he is more brawn than brains, granted his personality not really helping most of the time, leading people to be shock at how gentle Koji can be with people, that it sends a contrast in their minds about the bear.

#housamo #housamofanart #furryart #tokyoafterschoolsummoners #bara #furrymuscle #furrygay #furrybara #furrybear #gaymusclebear #gayfurry#Alp