Also Can I Just Say - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

the people who made the independence day posters must have been like “right go and get a bunch of google images of famous landmarks and chuck them on the front of the cool alien spaceship png we made”

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1 year ago
Thinking About What It Would Be Like To See Color For The First Time. I Always Love Stories With Those

Thinking about what it would be like to see color for the first time. I always love stories with those kind of themes, ever since I read The Giver as a kid. The idea of growing up without color but suddenly seeing it for the first time always stuck with me.

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7 months ago

vent // i want to blame my ex and my mother for all this trouble w me job hunting and apartment hunting. bc me and my ex made all these (vague) plans to move (back?) in together after i graduate and after her work contract is up and then everything fucking fell apart and its all her fault but its also all my fault. and then also w my mom and how i kept going back and forth deciding whether to move back home bc she was practically guilting me into it and THEN she practically fucking disowns me for being a lesbian RIGHT after i had turned down a nice job offer bc i felt so guilty w the thought of her alone. and i want to blame them but rly all i have to blame is myself bc i let them dictate my life and i also never bothered to make concrete plans and rly figure out what i want. but i mean would it have mattered anyway?? u can make all the plans in the world and in the end everything fucking falls apart anyway. u plan to move in w ur gf, and she fucking leaves after one night of living together. and then u plan to move in again, bc u were too afraid to leave her and she was too afraid to leave u, but at this point uve built up so much resentment over EVERYTHING thats happened that u sabotage the whole entire relationship. u plan to move back home with ur mother, but then she spouts some religious fucking bullshit abt how shes never going to accept ur sexuality and even tho u saw it coming it still hurts bc u held onto a little bit of hope that maybe shell change her mind. u plan u plan u plan and nothing fucking turns out the way u planned it. whats the point. (and when u finally start allowing urself to make plans w somebody else, even if those plans are just all in ur head, that fucking falls apart too). anyway moral of the story is always put urself first.

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5 years ago
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain
The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain

The Many Hugs Of Cassandra Cain

Batman and Robin Eternal 03 2015-12 >> Stephanie Brown comforting, protective

Batman and Robin Eternal 05 2016-01 >> Harper Row collapsing, spent, drained

Batman and Robin Eternal 13 2016-02 >> Sculptor innocent, desperate, contentment

Batman and Robin Eternal 13 2016-02 >> Batman Detective Comics 950 2017-04 >> Batman supportive, reassuring, protective

Batman and Robin Eternal 14 2016-03 >> Harper Row acceptance, caring, warmth

Detective Comics 943 2016-12 >> Harper Row happiness, joy

Detective Comics 945 2017-01 >> Stephanie Brown relief, support, concern

Detective Comics 952 2017-05 >> Batman pain, sorrow, empathy

Detective Comics 953 2017-05 >> Basil Karlo gratitude, thanks

Detective Comics 955 2017-06 >> Christine Montclair despair, kindness, love

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4 months ago

I love when people are genuinely excited about our plots/ships. I love when I’m not the only one who’s like “!!!” I love it. @ my partners you will literally never annoy me by being overly excited about our ships I love it so much.

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