Amazon Rainforest - Tumblr Posts

So, our Lung is on fire.
It is already threatened by huge deforestation, to the point it lost 20% of its wildth in less than 30 years.
It’s been burning for around two weeks and almost no word has been uttered about it. I, sincerely, have come to find out about it just now. I’m shooketh ™️ because we’re really burning away this planet.
The Amazon Rainforest holds 20% of global waters, it’s an area of incredible value in termns of biodiversity and, nevermind, it’s a crucial climate regulator. Spread awareness, demand help.
ugh fine my personal blog is not cutting so I’ll post here
they don’t act on the root of the problem, they don’t mitigate the effects of deforestation, they do have limited action and they don’t help conserve the forest land outside their very small grounds besides doing little to nothing to help the people who actually live in the amazon and conserve it on a daily basis
they are organized, they can keep woodcutting companies away from their land, they are getting murdered for it, they are the only reason there is any forest left at all
Overwatch 2 Maps: Masterlist
This is the master list of my post about known Overwatch 2 maps, map extensions, or maps I really want to be added.
India - Where is the new map?
Rome - Talon HQ.
NYC - 3 Theories why it is being added.
Gothenburg, Sweden - What map type will it be?
Kings Row, London - What other maps will get extensions?
Rio de Janeiro - What map type will it be?
Monte Carlo, Monaco - Overview
Berlin, Germany - What it might be like as a map.
The Galápagos Islands - What it might be like as a map.
The Bayou - What it might be like as a map.
The Amazon Rainforest - What it might be like as a map.
Overwatch 2 Maps: The Bayou
I'm sorry that this took so long. I was extremely busy, but I should be back to a more normal schedule soon. Also, please send me any ideas you all have, and thank you all for 46 followers! ~ Nova
So, I promised another cut-map post, and this is it. Out of all of the cut-maps, other than the Galapagos, this is probably my favorite even though it might be the vaguest. On the Overwatch Wiki, the Bayou is listed as one of the cut Overwatch maps, so I'm going to go over the real-life place and what it might be like as a map. This is a long one, so here's the TLDR:
TLDR: I think the map was based on the Louisiana Bayou Bartholomew, the largest bayou in the world. It is like a swamp, so it is mostly water with specific plants and some land with a lot of different types of animals living in it like alligators and different types of fish. If it was made into a map, then it would be a payload that is probably a boat. It would be set at either dusk or dawn, going off of the concept art. Trees and other destroyed buildings would be the high ground.
Real World Bayou: A bayou, by definition, is a body of water typically found in a flat, low-lying area, and it might be an extremely slow-moving stream or river, often with a poorly defined shoreline. Since the Overwatch Wiki was really vague about which bayou it is specifically, I am going to go off of the most well-known bayou in the US. Bayou Bartholomew is the longest bayou in the world that spans 364 miles through Louisiana and Arkansas. It is the home to over 100 aquatic animals ranging from alligators to catfish and a lot of animal species. Like the definition states, bayou's don't usually have a defined shoreline which means that the easiest form of travel through the bayou would be using a boat.

The Bayou in Overwatch 2: The concept art shows that the Bayou looks abandoned and desolate. There looks to be a run-down boat(on the left) and an abandoned watchtower(on the right). It is supposed to be a payload map which I find really interesting, you would think that they would make it either a control point or assault(2 CP) based off of the fact that traveling through a bayou is hard. So, the question is, how would you move around the map? Also, I think that the time when you are playing on the map is either dusk or dawn since the sky is a grey, red, orange, peach, and white color scheme. Now to more speculation.
Since it is a payload map in a bayou, the payload is probably a boat. You would most likely be able to walk through some of the water and on land, with trees and the abandoned watchtower area serving as the high ground. Personally, I would want to see animals moving around throughout this map; I think seeing alligators swimming around the players ominously would be hilarious.

Anyways, I hope you all are excited for the May Melee to begin. I think the Mei skin is super cute; Snowball is a bell! Also, I should be getting back to posting more. I needed a break for a little while. If you have any ideas let me know beneath any post or send me a question. I will be doing either another cut map or a possible new character next.
Overwatch 2 Maps: The Amazon Rainforest
Alright! Welcome to: "Another cut-map that I wish was added to the game because we might have seen animated animals!" (Check out my posts on the Bayou and Galapagos in OW2. I talked about the environments and animated animals we might have seen with some other stuff). On the Overwatch Wiki, the Amazon Rainforest was a cut-map and I'm gonna talk about what it's like in real life and what it might be like in Overwatch 2. But first, the TLDR if you don't want to read under the cut...
TLDR: IRL the Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. It is found in northwestern Brazil; it is a relatively flat area with a lot of streams/rivers with thousands of animals living in it. In OW, it will probably be Control, but I hope it will be a hybrid or a push map. If it is either of those map types, the paths would be around and into an Aztec-like style temple.
Real World Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon Rainforest, like it says in the name, is a rainforest. It is in northwestern Brazil and extends into Columbia, Peru, and other South American countries. It is the largest tropical rainforest in the world that is home to a lot of different species of insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. Some of my favorite animals from the Amazon Rainforest are jaguars, Amazon river dolphins, giant otters, ocelots, and hummingbirds. The terrain is quite flat, being a rainforest and all, has a lot of trees, frequent oxbows, and thousands of streams. Now, to Overwatch!

The Amazon Rainforest in Overwatch 2: The concept art shows that the main color scheme for the Amazon would be a lot of green and brown shades with some oranges and white. It is listed as Attack/Defend which I think means Assault/2CP. The art also shows that the attack/defend point would be an Aztec-like temple(It reminds me of the jungle temples in Minecraft), but since 2CP might not exist in OW2 I am going to talk about what map type it could be.
It would probably be Control, but I don't like Control that much, other than Lijang Tower, so I want it to be hybrid or push. If it is hybrid, the payload itself would be a truck/jeep. The payload route would start at a campsite, go down a path, parallel to the Amazon river, then go around the temple, and end up inside it. If it was a push map, then the robots would probably walk around the temple, with two roads on parallel sides of the temple being where they leave the area. I think that on a different map, the robots should look different. In city areas, like Toronto, they look clean while in a place like this they might look overgrown to match the map's vibe.

Anyways, I will be posting about some possible new character soon, but I'm not sure when. I hope you all are excited for the May Melee, I really hope Florida Mayhem win!
We need everyone's help right now to protect the rainforest and Indigenous People
The Amazon Rainforest is under a massive threat. I know you've heard this a million times, but this is different. There is a piece of legislation that will decimate the rights of Indigenous people of Brazil, who have been protecting the rainforest. It's unfathomably bad. It has majority support. And they're voting tomorrow. As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."
The thing you can do—and I know this sounds overly simple—is sign this petition—and tell your friends to do the same: SIGN HERE.
As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."
Again, this bill has majority support. You may be wondering, why will a petition signed by people who don't live in Brazil make any difference? Because it will give those opposing it political air cover. It will show the world is with them.
But we need a LOT of signatures.
Please do this simple act and spread the word.

So, our “Lung” is on fire.
It is already threatened by huge deforestation, to the point it lost 20% of its width in less than 30 years.
It’s been burning for around two weeks and almost no word has been uttered about it. I, sincerely, have come to find out about it just now. I’m shooketh ™️ because we’re really burning away this planet.
The Amazon Rainforest holds 20% of global waters, it’s an area of incredible value in terms of biodiversity and, nevermind, it’s a crucial climate regulator. Spread awareness, demand help.
for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.

Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.

Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:

THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.

side note: not to sound bitter or ungrateful but also like what’s up with Europe… y’all exploited South America for centuries but just because you “aren’t seeing results” you stop helping altogether?? if you really wanted to help you wouldn’t stop because you think you aren’t helping lol
How to help Amazônia:
You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.
( )
And remember: 1 dolar is like 4,04 reais. If you donate only ONE dolar you're helping a lot.
Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.
ugh fine my personal blog is not cutting so I’ll post here
they don’t act on the root of the problem, they don’t mitigate the effects of deforestation, they do have limited action and they don’t help conserve the forest land outside their very small grounds besides doing little to nothing to help the people who actually live in the amazon and conserve it on a daily basis
they are organized, they can keep woodcutting companies away from their land, they are getting murdered for it, they are the only reason there is any forest left at all

This is happening now. This image has to reach the rest of the world. The Kayapo being expelled from their homes for the construction of the Belo Monte Dam, which will flood 400.000 acres of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.
The amazon is burning in brazil, a failed atomic bomb expiriment killed 5 people in Russia and who know how many more it will kill, American citizens are deathly afraid of mass shootings that have no intention of stopping.... I really feel like we're at the end of the world

Bro, it's like 4PM in São Paulo right now and all the smoke made it look like it's already of ashes indeed.