American Horror Story X Reader - Tumblr Posts
I support you in the tate interest bc I'm right there with you
Has he done crimes? Ya sure but look at him he's cute!
And I'm intrigued with your modern day fic idea if you wanna share š
a/n i love you for indulging me <3
also i will be the first to admit that i don't think i ever fully got what AHS apocolypse did to murder house?? like the time travel and new timeline? ig there's no more murder house??
idk i didn't love it so i'm leaving it out partially out of preference and partially out of being a little confused lol,, and i honestly don't want to get into all of that!!
and there's time in between the end of AHS murder house and AHS apocalypse so you can also imagine this is somewhere in there, where season 1 trauma is less fresh to all the characters but not season 8...if that makes sense??
anyways this made me so excited i decided to use this as my homework study break instead of the fic i was working on earlier
"And maggots crawl up their nose and eat their brains."
And just like that, I no longer have the luxury of letting whatever Kayla's into these days be just background noise. "Wait a minute..." She looks up from the large book laying in front of her, raising an eyebrow like she had been talking about something any seven-year-old girl could be into. Like brain eating maggots are no different than Barbies or baby dolls. "Maggots?"
"Mhm," she nods, sitting up a little straighter, "It's in my new book, I checked it out at the library."
Kayla lifts one end, giving me a way to check out the cover. 500 Weird Ways to Go. Ugh. Can't blame her, I blame the person raising her. I look away from the dining room table and glare at my mom who's searching through the boxes that have lived on the kitchen counter since we first walked in about a week ago.
"What?" My mom doesn't even have to look up to sense my disappointment. "It's educational, and you were into some weird stuff, too when you were seven." She pushes aside the box she's looking through in favor of the one next to it. "...Used to tell me how much bacteria a single roach could carry."
I set down my pencil. "Doesn't matter--Kayla's been having nightmares." The trig homework was frustrating before and I can't tell if this is worse. "It's not appropriate." She walks away from the boxes, giving me a chance to see the low cut, silky tank she's wearing. "And neither is that top if that's what you're wearing for the PTA meeting."
"Lighten up, sweetheart." I don't. She sighs, nails tapping against the counter. "Y'know you used to be fun."
"Yeah, well," I stand, picking up my school supplies, awkwardly forcing them all into my arms, "That was before some crazy lady forced me to move halfway across the country to live in some house that we shouldn't even be able to afford."
Her glossy lips fall apart in mock surprise, "I'm not crazy." She shakes her head once, "And I've told you...the financial stuff just worked, just relax and be a kid for once. Worry about decorating your room, or-or making friends, or throwing a rager and making me hate you."
I am so not in the mood for the you worry too much speech. "Lot of ways for me to make you hate me." Before she can respond, I reach over and steal the mug of coffee she had been drinking from. "Just saying."
I walk out of the kitchen, mug and school supplies all awkwardly balancing in my arms until I'm in what's supposed to be my room.
There's nothing wrong with the space. Actually, in another situation, I'm sure I could have really loved this space. The room has dark blue walls and wood arches that make it feel unique. It also came pre-furnished and everything feels like it fits. But none of it feels mine.
Maybe it's just the lack of unpacking...the boxes of posters and personal items pouring over the dresser and onto the floor...the suit case I'm still living out of. Or maybe the good qualities of the room are the issue. It's put together so perfectly I feel like I'm what's wrong with it. Like I'm intruding--a guest in someone else's room...someone else's house...someone else's life.
Sometimes when I can't sleep I imagine what it might've been. Some nights it even slips into my dreams. The story rarely stays the same...sometimes it's a teenage girl who wanted to be here even less than I do...other times I picture a little kid who grew up here...and sometimes I even think of this as some boy's room that relies on rock music and doesn't get along with his mom.
None of that matters, I guess. It's my room, obviously, and imagining who might have lived here before won't help me with my homework. I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my temple before turning my attention back to the real villain. Trigonometry.
I breeze through most of the questions as much as anyone can breeze through trigo until I'm on the last one. I'm stuck. I work on it again and again and it keeps being wrong.
I sigh, grabbing a pillow and using it to muffle my groan of frustration. How many times can I do what I'm supposed to do and still get it wrong? I pick up my eraser, knowing what I should do. I should just start over. Instead of dragging it across the page I throw it across the room.
Instead of smacking into the door and falling to the ground, the door pushes back. I sit up quicker than I thought possible.
"Warm welcome." The sarcasm comes from the stranger lingering way too comfortably in my doorway. His dark eyes scan the room before landing on me. He takes in my appearance openly, which I'm not used to, so I instinctually do the same. He seems like he's average height with blonde hair that's long enough to shag slightly and he's wearing an oversized sweater. "Cool room, by the way."
"Uh..." He's definitely lying, because all I've fully unpacked are a couple of books, a few pictures, my record player, and a single movie poster. "Thanks."
I'm not stupid. I know home intruders can be anyone, even cute boys that look like they're around your age and act casual enough to gaslight you into feeling like you're the weird one for not inviting them in. But if that's the goal, he's really good at it. I feel awkward and like I should be doing something to compensate.
"Sorry about the eraser." The words feel flat, almost shy. "That wasn't--wasn't about you--" Like I wouldn't have been well within my rights to throw something at someone who may or may not be breaking into my house. "That was...trig."
He nods once and I can't tell if it feels indifferent. I'm not sure why it matters. The stranger steps further into my room, his attention briefly focusing on the framed photo of a younger me and one of my best friends from back home. He's closer than a stranger should be now, close enough to lean over and look at my homework, which he does.
"Uh..." I sit up even straighter, a part of me wanting to grab my notebook and shield it even though that's irrational. There isn't anything he can get from it. "Who are you?"
The stranger holds my stare for a beat before answering, "I'm Tate." I nod, even though that does nothing for me. "I live around here."
Okay--that makes a lot of sense. I wouldn't be surprised if my mom ran into him on her way out and waved him down and told him to just let himself in and find her oldest daughter. Maybe this is an ambush attempt at getting me to make friends.
"Oh," I mumble like that explains everything, "Did my mom stop you?" The assumption feels like it could make me seem weird. I don't know why I feel like I'm the one that needs to come off as casual when he's the one that has less of a right to be here. "She invites people in sometimes, especially when she's new to a place." I scratch my knee to have something to physically do. "She never thinks anyone could be a murderer."
Oh my god?! Did I just accuse the only attractive guy I've met here of being a murderer? "Not that I think you're a murderer." I fight the urge to physically cringe. "--I um--I've been doing math for way longer than physically tolerable so my head's kinda mush right now."
"Explains why you divided wrong." Before I can ask what he's talking about, Tate places his finger against the bottom of the page. I look at what he's pointing at, some throwaway basic math...that I messed up. That's why it wasn't working.
"Oh?" I pick up my pencil and cross out my mistake so that I remember where to start over. "You totally saved my life." I rewrite the numbers so that I can actually solve the problem. "I'm Y/n, by the way."
Only halfway done with my math problem, I look up. He didn't ask for my name, which doesn't matter. Maybe he feels less comfortable in a stranger's room than he seems or maybe I've weirded him out and he has no intentions of speaking to me again. Not knowing is making my skin feel like it's crawling. It doesn't make sense for me to care.
I want him to like me. The realization burrows itself deep into my chest. It's an uncomfortable feeling, making it hard to just sit there and stare.
I've never considered myself someone that needs validation from guys, but this doesn't feel quite like that. School hasn't seemed too promising and every day I talk to my friends from home or I see their posts online and realize that they still have everything I did. I'm not mad about it or surprised--the world doesn't and shouldn't stop and start with me--but it hurts to suddenly have no one. And even though I know nothing about him, Tate's the first remotely cool seeming person I've met.
He waits a beat, eyes focused on a point that feels just past my head. I don't know why, but something about the silence feels pivotal. Tate then dips his chin downwards, a nod of acknowledgement. "Cool."
Tate takes a partial step forward, body angling itself towards the nightstand that I've been using for my record player. "This work?"
"Yeah," I turn myself so that I can watch him, "I know everything's online, but I like having physical copies." My nails press into my knee.
Tate reaches forward to mess with the volume dial. "What kind of music do you have?"
"A little of everything," I force my hand to relax, "But most of my vinyls are still being shipped."
His eyes briefly flit in my direction, "Got anything worth listening to?"
"Uh..." Is he implying that he's staying? Do I want him to? I'm lonely and kind of desperate for friends, but I should probably at least try to be a little suspicious. "We can listen to whatever you want on my..." I move a pillow and straighten my comforter in search of my, "Phone."
After a second of searching, I find it under my textbook.
I unlock my phone, "Yeah, your pick, I owe you for the math thing."
Tate shrugs, "I just wanted to make sure you'd stop at the eraser, y'know, as a friend."
He gestures towards the door in a way that almost feels teasing. I can barely register the fact that he's kind of making fun of me because my mind's stuck on the last word. "We're friends?"
"You wanna be?"
The bluntness of the question surprises me more than it should. He's yet to feel particularly invested in social norms. "...Yeah." I scratch at the back of my wrist awkwardly. "That'd--that'd be cool."
Tate's head turns his head away for a second. He takes a step forward before sitting at the edge of my bed. The proximity nearly makes me jump out of my skin. I redirect my nervous energy into grabbing my homework and moving it to the other side of the bed. "You got any Kurt Cobain on there?"
a/n i accidentally developed the background way too much for something idek if i'm going to touch on again but i spent all day doing hw and deserved to give into a harmless impulse
might have to make a part 2/mini series bc what did i do all that for š i lowkey wanted to add violet and reader friendship to add some angst so maybe that? idk
āļ½”Ā°ā© yesimwriting's masterlistāļ½”Ā°ā©
Below the cut is a full list of all my work :) (updated 10-10-23)
*pls limit interactions if youāre a pro ED/ana acc :)*
Final GirlĀ
Chapter 1
Chapter 2Ā
Chapter 3
Chapter 4Ā
Chapter 5
Chapter 6Ā
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9Ā
Chapter 10
To be continued.
Final Girl fic-verse:
First ImpressionsĀ
Sick Day
Final Girl fic-verse blurbs:
Drunk Y/NĀ
Stu saying the L word
Billy saying the L word
Little RitualsĀ Ā
Time of Need
Talking about Y/N
Stuās thoughts about Y/N and POV
Billy Loomis x S/O with Panic attacksĀ
Stu waiting for Y/N and Casual Intimacy
Ā Billy and Stu with S/O who cries a lotĀ
Billy and Stu Scaring Guys Away
People noticing their friendshipĀ
Driving with StuĀ
Ethan LandryĀ
One of Them
Ask about EthanĀ
Noticing they like Y/N
Joel Miller
First Rule
What Follows
Y/N gets hit on - Protective JoelĀ
Pulling Away
Pulling Away similar story
More Than ThisĀ
Tate LangdonĀ
Modern day fic
Jason Todd
Slow Nights
Business Practical
Chapter 1
Chapter 2Ā
Steve Harrington
Movie Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Times Have Changed
48 Hours
Chapter 1
A Red Widow
This Time itās DifferentĀ
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Domestic AssertivenessĀ
Hobbie BrownĀ
Ask about Hobbie
Bloodroot in the SuburbsĀ
Chapter 1: The BabysitterĀ
Chapter 2: Kill Habits, Not peopleĀ
Searing Starlight
Searing Starlight Chapter 1
Searing Starlight Chapter 2
Searing Starlight Chapter 3
To be continued.
Kaz Brekker:
Blurb series: The Promise of Rain (i define a blurb series' as a series with shorter chapters where each chapter correlates but can technically be read as a stand alone)
The Promise of Rain (blurb 1).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 2).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 3)
To be continued.
Falling Angels:
Falling Angels Chapter 1
Falling Angels Chapter 2
To be continued.
Anastasia (Prologue)Ā
Bookworm readerĀ
A Knife in the Back
The Darkling:
Solace (part 1)
Solace (part 2).
To Be Alone (smut).
All the Good Dreams (might be getting a part 2)
The Needs of Pain (part 1)_
The Needs of Pain (part 2, smut).
Corridor Moments
darkling x shy! reader HC
Comforting the darkling HC
Playing Vices
Darkling x anxious! Reader
Kirigan x Soft Girls/Similar personalityĀ
Crossing LinesĀ
Darkling x Pregnant! ReaderĀ
Nikolai Lantsov:
Handmaid reader x nikolai. childhood best friends toĀ
lovers fic
Enemies to lovers Nikolai HC (i'm thinking of making a series based on this
The Problem With Light Chapter One
To be continued.
Maven Calore:
Dying Starlight
Ask me stuff, I wanna write things you wanna read, send me ask anonymously if you want i write for
Demon slayer
Actors and Actress
Teen wolf
The boy
American horror story
Some people from AOT
Mafia au's
Villain au's
Ill try angst
Lemme know if you want something wrote please im giving you peeps permission to absolutely blow my phone up šš
Okay i couldn't figure out how to make a masterlist yet so i taged all the fics i wrote like this # characternameSPNQ
Wink wonk SPNQ out!

ā.ļ½”.:* š¼š½ššš šš
š§ššÆš .ļ½”.:*ā§ šš”šš²/šš”šš¦ - 21
irish ā non-binary ā autistic
multifandom ā it (2017) lover
ā.ļ½”.:* š½šš
i cannot stop minors from viewing or interacting with my work. but i'd appreciate it if any minor intreracting with my work would be atleast 16+ (if you are below that age, just do not interact. you will be blocked.)
this blog contains dark content. beware.
reader will always be afab refered to as they/them.
i write what i want to. i decided to not take requests (wich i did before). thoughts are alway welcome though ! :)