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Valley Twins Incorrect Quotes
Percival: Idris...why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Idris: Your text told me to satanize the Room before you returned.
Percival: I said sanitize, Idris
Percival: You mean you don't get gay thoughts when you look at Garreth?
Idris: You do?
Percival: Crushes are the worst.
Garreth: Yeah, whenever I'm near someone I have a crush on I start acting stupid.
Percival: You always act stupid.
Garreth: Yeah, don't think about that too much.
Sebastian: Okay I'm sick of this, everyone raise your hand up if you're single
Amit: *Puts his hand up*
Idris: *Puts Amit’s hand down*
Garreth: My favorite thing is saying some incredibly stupid shit and watching Percival speedrun the five stages of grief as he realizes with horror that he still wants to marry me.
Natty: Who’s turn is it to give the pep talk?
Ominis, sighing: Idris
Idris: Fuck shit up out there and don’t die.
Garreth, wiping a fake tear from his eye: Inspirational
Percival: Damn I forgot how much I loved wearing tank tops
Garreth: You have freckles on your SHOULDERS?!
Percival: Yeah, I guess?
Garreth: Haha sorry let me just-
Garreth: *Lays face down on the floor*
Garreth: What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Percival: You, probably
Garreth: D:
Poppy: Idris can't be good at everything. Maybe they’re a bad kisser
Amit: No they’re good at that too
Poppy: What?
Amit: What?
Percival, walking into the Room of Requirement: Is something burning?
Garreth, leaning seductively against a table: Just my love for you.
Percival: Garreth your cauldron is on fire
Poppy: Have you ever been in love?
Percival, writing Garreth’s name over and over again in tiny hearts on the inside of his notebook: No.
Garreth: I slipped a little note in your bag to tell you how much I love you :)
Percival, opening his bag: This is a 10 page letter
Ominis: You think you're funny.
Idris: I think I'm adorable :)
Valley Twins Incorrect Quotes
Percival: Idris...why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Idris: Your text told me to satanize the Room before you returned.
Percival: I said sanitize, Idris
Percival: You mean you don't get gay thoughts when you look at Garreth?
Idris: You do?
Percival: Crushes are the worst.
Garreth: Yeah, whenever I'm near someone I have a crush on I start acting stupid.
Percival: You always act stupid.
Garreth: Yeah, don't think about that too much.
Sebastian: Okay I'm sick of this, everyone raise your hand up if you're single
Amit: *Puts his hand up*
Idris: *Puts Amit’s hand down*
Garreth: My favorite thing is saying some incredibly stupid shit and watching Percival speedrun the five stages of grief as he realizes with horror that he still wants to marry me.
Natty: Who’s turn is it to give the pep talk?
Ominis, sighing: Idris
Idris: Fuck shit up out there and don’t die.
Garreth, wiping a fake tear from his eye: Inspirational
Percival: Damn I forgot how much I loved wearing tank tops
Garreth: You have freckles on your SHOULDERS?!
Percival: Yeah, I guess?
Garreth: Haha sorry let me just-
Garreth: *Lays face down on the floor*
Garreth: What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Percival: You, probably
Garreth: D:
Poppy: Idris can't be good at everything. Maybe they’re a bad kisser
Amit: No they’re good at that too
Poppy: What?
Amit: What?
Percival, walking into the Room of Requirement: Is something burning?
Garreth, leaning seductively against a table: Just my love for you.
Percival: Garreth your cauldron is on fire
Poppy: Have you ever been in love?
Percival, writing Garreth’s name over and over again in tiny hearts on the inside of his notebook: No.
Garreth: I slipped a little note in your bag to tell you how much I love you :)
Percival, opening his bag: This is a 10 page letter
Ominis: You think you're funny.
Idris: I think I'm adorable :)
Amit and Idris work so well because Idris needs to be talked through, in detail, everything ever and Amit needs to info dump at least once a day or he'll die
My Ships As Taylor Swift Albums
Idris Valley x Amit Thakkar

All I Wanted
Word Count: 1k
Idris Valley x Amit Thakkar
Prompt: "Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)"
Prompt from @heyitszev

Idris could hardly believe that halfway through the term Hogwarts could still surprise them. The decorations in the Great Hall for the Yule Ball were, well, enchanting. The fake (or maybe even real) snow dusting the fireplaces and falling from the ceiling with it’s perfect display of stars. The candles only added to the atmosphere, the warm light helping to contrast the cooler blues and whites.
Of course, nothing there was more beautiful than the boy next to them. When Idris turned to face him they expected to see him watching the dancing or marvelling at the decorations. But instead Amit’s gaze was darting around the room rapidly. The tension in his shoulders had him standing straighter than Idris had ever seen him. He was wringing his hands like he was trying twist them off at the wrist.
“Are you okay?” Idris leaned over to whisper to him. Amit nearly jumped out of his skin but quickly tried (and failed) to compose himself.
“Of course,” Amit nodded five times in quick succession. “Do you, um, do you want to dance?”
“What are you nervous about?” Idris asked instead because really, they weren’t oblivious.
“I’m not nervous,” Amit said. Seeing as how he was still wringing his hands and his denial was barely a mumble, Idris didn’t believe him at all. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else, which they tried really hard not to take personally.
“If you don’t want to be here you can go,” Idris told him, trying to pretend they were totally okay with that. That wasn’t right. They were okay with it, really. They’d just been looking forward to this, their first official date, for weeks and now it was here and Amit looked absolutely miserable. But if he didn’t want to be at the ball they weren’t going to force him to stay, that would be awful.
“No!” Amit protested immediately and grabbed onto Idris’ sleeve like he was scared they were going to walk away and leave him there. “I want to be here with you. There’s simply more going on than I expected. I’ll be okay in time, I’m sure.”
Oh, oh okay. Idris got it now. They couldn’t resist chuckling at themself and their panic for a moment because were they really worried that the boy who stormed up to them in the middle of the hallway and pulled them into a kiss by their lapels didn’t want to go on a date with them?
Idris gently took Amit’s hand from their sleeve but only so they could hold it in their own. They squeezed Amit’s hand, letting him know it was okay to do and immediately Amit’s grip tightened.
“It’s okay, Amit,” Idris promised. “Come here, I have an idea.”
Idris pulled Amit along, never once letting go of his hand as they navigated the crowd for him. They let him use their hand as his anchor point. Slowly, even with the crowds, Amit’s grip loosened until they were just another couple holding hands, just in time to slip out the side door and into the gardens on the grounds.
“What are we doing out here?” Amit wondered.
“Attending the Ball of course,” Idris answered as they casted a quick warming charm on both their clothes. They could still hear the music from outside, but now it was muffle and nowhere near as all-encompassing. The stars glittering above their heads now were real, no suffocating feeling of a stone ceiling. It was just the two of them among the snow and starlight.
“But the Ball is inside?” Amit pointed out.
“And we are outside,” Idris said. They pulled Amit closer and squeezed his hand, immediately getting a squeeze back in response. “We can hear the music, we’ve even got the snow, space to dance, the exact same sky as on the ceiling, enough light to see. That’s a ball in my book.”
“But you’ve been so excited about the Ball,” Amit protested. “And I really did want to experience that with you.”
Idris squeezed Amit’s hand once more.
“The Ball is pretty and maybe one day we can go and it’ll be easier,” Idris said. They pulled Amit even closer so they could wrap their freen hand around his waist, a touch that immediately helped him relax further. “But it wasn’t the Ball I was excited about. All I wanted was to spend my evening with you. Who needs candlelight when you have starlight, anyway?”
“Are you sure you’re okay with being out here?” Amit confirmed.
“Yes, Starlight, I am,” Idris replied, a smile on their face already in anticipation of Amit’s reaction. Just as they’d expected Amit’s eyes immediately widened and he tried to hide his face in Idri’s shoulder, which just gave them an idea.
“Besides it was so crowded out there I couldn’t appreciate how beautiful you look,” They grinned for just a moment before lifting theirs and Amit’s hand above their heads and twirling him around. While it was bliss to watch Amit, what really mattered was the laugh that finally bubbled out of his chest. “Much better.”
"You're incorrigible," Amit said. Idris pulled Amit back into them and Amit was caught off guard that he grabbed for them and ended up holding onto their upper arms. Idris happily put his hands on Amit's hips, not minding at all.
"Absolutely," Idris replied, eyes fixed on Amit's lips which were now only centimeters away.
They'd kissed plenty of times in the last few weeks, but something about this felt different from a quick hello or burst of affection. Like the snowflakes dancing around them it was beautiful and special but so easy to lose and so easy to fall apart.
"Now you look nervous," Amit teased.
"Alright you know what," Idris laughed.
Idris pulled Amit in by his hips so their chests were pressed together as their lips fell together too. As it turned out the warming charm wasn't even necessary. The warmth flooding Idris' body from Amit's hands and lips and heartbeat against their own was more than enough to fend off the cold. When they pulled away their hands found each other again, squeezing the others' fingers as they basked in the peace the other brought. That was all they needed.