Amphibia Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
I am not well after the latest Amphibia and Owl House episodes 🥲


Imagine being invaded and then the giant lizard says that he'll spare you if a teenage girl beats him in hand to hand combat.

“All In!” Never have I had the chance to draw art of Amphibia before. But finally sat down to doodle and color the calamity trio after watching the breathtaking penultimate episode of the show! Do not use this artwork in any way! “Amphibia” © Matt Braly
That silly little frog show just broke my heart in the best way 💔
Am I about to rewatch all of The Owl House in denial that we're close to the end? Yes. Is it partially because Amphibia ending just ruined me? Also yes
That's not a toad, that's a frog!

Also, new Head Canon that the continent they're talking about at the end of the last episode of Ampihibia is the Boiling isles👀
the most unrealistic thing about the Amphibia finale was that Sasha Waybright could be a practicing child psychologist in the state of California at age 23

spiraling down thy majesty / I beg of thee, have mercy on me

“Three stars burning bright, come from beyond to expel the night; should they fight or embrace the fall, their choice will determine the fate of all”
Check it out! In “Temple Frogs,” the coordinates used for the Thai temple on the show are the coordinates for the real Thai temple in LA!

The statute in the episode is also a real statute in the Thai temple in LA!

Check it out! In “Temple Frogs,” the coordinates used for the Thai temple on the show are the coordinates for the real Thai temple in LA!

I have 2 headcannons for this:
1) Cloak-Bot is probably too damaged at this point to cloak, and he mostly likely can’t find supplies on Earth to fix that
2) Desperation. At this point in the episode, Cloak-Bot has about 30 minutes before he self destructs, so he’s throwing caution to the wind in order to beat the deadline and stay alive

What happened to stay out of sight? Also, this is a SICK shot!!!! Love it!!!!
With amphibia and toh coming back soon here’s a reminder to
Amphibia AU -- ‘Quisling Marcy’ aka ‘what if Marcy *was* in cahoots with Andrias?’
Whelp, someone was gonna do this at some point so it looks like it’s gonna have to be me.
Marcy doesn’t just betray Anne, the Plantars, Sasha, etc. In this AU, she sells out all of humanity. She was still somewhat manipulated by Andrias, but here, she isn’t simply duped. She’s in proper cahoots with him.
Okay, so this is gonna require some changes to the show’s background.
In this setting, it was a clan of humans who first travelled to Amphibia and who created/brought the box with them. How did they create this wonderous box? Through making a deal with a demonic yellow triangle who does appear to exist at least in the show’s mythos.
With their allyship, Andrias and his friends created the greatest civilisation in Amphibia from the ground up. When the box was stolen by presumably a Plantar ancestor, the humans chased after them, leaving Andrias completely abandoned and their place in history eventually lost to the sands of time.
So Marcy goes through the same emotional turmoil of not wanting to be alone after her parents inform her they’re moving. She steals the box and transports herself, Anne and Sasha to Amphibia for the same canonic reason.
However, when we get to the point where she and Andrias “discover” the secret passageway, that’s where she begins to learn the truth of her own heritage. Here, not only does she find out about Andrias’ “explorer ancestors” but her own.
She is a descendant of the original humans who visited Newtopia. The ones who chased after Sprig and Polly’s ancestor back to Earth.
Andrias begins filling her head with stories and ideas of “spreading the glory of Newtopia to other worlds” and how this could be her and her friends’ destiny as the wielders of the gems.
Andrias: “Can’t you see, Marcy? You didn’t find the box by accident. You were always meant to.”
So now jump ahead to when Marcy reveals the truth in the wake of the Rebellion and Adrias pulling the rug underneath everyone’s feet.
Marcy: “It didn’t start off this way… I did it for us.”
Marcy becomes increasingly erratic and unhinged the more she explains what she did and why. While in the show, Marcy was desperately trying to justify her actions, here she’s attempting to justify something even more horrific and is steadily coming apart in front of everyone.
She says Andrias will leave Earth in “their stewardship”, which means they “can lead the Earth together and make things the way they should be. And they’ll now never have to be apart.”
When she stands in front of the mural of Andrias flanked by pretty wicked looking humans and claiming it’s “their destiny”, cue Grime whispering to Sasha,
Grime: (hushedly) “Okay, Red Flag.”
But of course, Anne and the others are not interested and are even more creeped out and aghast by Marcy’s actions than in canon. So when the battle breaks out, Marcy is forced to fight against them.
Okay, so this is already pretty bad, what Marcy has done. How can we take it up a notch? Let’s press the forward wind button for a few minutes, shall we?
Andrias: “Not so fast! You all have spunk, real chutzpah. But this ends now. Marcy…?”
(He steps aside to reveal Marcy on the ledge in front of the shattered window pane, holding a struggling Sprig in her grasp)
Anne: “SPRIG!”
Sprig: “Guys! Don’t listen to these bullies! I’ll be fine!”
Andrias: “We’ll see.”
Marcy: “Put back the Box, or I’ll do it! I’ll–I’ll…” Anne: “You wouldn’t dare!”
Marcy: “I gave you this, Anne, and I can take it all away! Now put the Box Back!!”
(Marcy is now holding Sprig dangerously close to the outside ledge. All she has to do now is let go)
Sprig: “Anne, don’t!”
Anne: … Polly, do what they say.”
(Polly puts the box back and the flying castle stabilizes. The Frobos take Polly and return her to the group and she hugs the remains of her fallen friend)
Polly: “Frobo…”
Anne: (to Andrias) “Okay, dude, you have what you want. Now please, just let him go. He’s my best friend. In this world or any other world.”
(After Anne says this, Marcy’s cheeks flush red and she starts hyperventilating in rage. Sprig notices this) Sprig: “Uhh, Anne…?”
Andrias: “That’s the thing about friends, isn’t it? The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go. Allow me to demonstrate.” (he looks down and gives Marcy a look to say “do it”)
(Marcy growls and without having to be asked twice flings, not drops, flings Sprig out the window)
Now this is the part in this AU where Sasha really comes into play and gets actively involved in her road to redeeming herself. On the journey to Newtopia, Marcy allowed her pilot Joe Sparrow, really letting her get a feel for riding him. When she led the Rebellion, she had the Toads take Marcy’s notes so she could learn quicker how to use the Box.
Sasha is the one who jumps out the window and calls Joe. She’s the one who rescues Sprig. And she’s the one who, after Anne curbstomps Andrias, swips the Box and just about got it to work and open the portal. Grime is the one who stays behind to hold Andrias off, yelling at her to go while she can.
When Marcy sees them making a break for it, seemingly abandoning her, she utterly. Freaks. Out.
Anne: “Sasha, hurry!”
Sasha: “Wait, where’s Mar—“
Marcy is the one who impales Sasha from behind in a fit of desperation to stop them. Sasha weakly apologises to Anne for all she’s done before falling to the ground.
Marcy stands there before them, bug-eyed and stricken with horror. Her hand covers her trembling mouth. She drops her glowing sword, its hideous orange glow lighting up the bottom half of her face.
She looks from it, to Anne and the Plantars and to Sasha.
Then she starts to laugh, which quickly turns into crying, and then into a hideous combination of the two while her hands run up through her hair. The realization of what she’s done, on top of everything else has now well and truly broken her.
Sasha, on the floor, uses her last ounce of strength to hit the right button on the box, and kickstarts whatever comes next in Season Three. … phew. That was actually pretty fun, I’m not gonna lie. Who knows? Maybe I’ll think of more to add to this as time goes on, or heck, if you wanna contribute or expand upon this, please be my guest.

Yknow shits gonna get real when they pull out the red background and black silhouette

I’m not sorry for this