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Nodding as he heard the director, the blade stepped into the room as he walked near the blonde male and his desk, not really used to coming in here on his own. Usually there were a few others that mingled around, one of them usually his master when they weren’t sent on missions. Right, no more stalling himself as he then went into the military stance that he had usually seen his master and also the other’s do. “Director Deusericus , My master and Zack have both left for their week long beach vacation, thus leaving both me and Buster behind since I assumed you told them weapons weren’t necessary. With that, I…well rather me and Buster were wondering since our Master’s are away on their vacation, and technically we’re both not on the payroll, would it be alright if we both took a week vacation of our own? It would keep us out of everyne’s way here, and mainly Hojo’s hands, plus we would be back before our Master’s got back from theirs.”
He wasn’t the best at convincing but after watching his master talk for so many years, it at least helped a bit. Though he hoped Buster was having luck with the Turks as well.
Director Lazard continued writing his notes while Masamune was speaking. When he finished, he mused thoughtfully at the idea. “I am not sure how I feel about the idea of the two of you running around the world unchecked...especially Buster. However, I also have the feeling that if the two of you were running around the building unchecked, I will have various calls about stolen apple pies, blown out walls and who knows what else that would end up leaving me with extra work. Since you technically are not on the payroll or recognized employees, then if you cause havoc somewhere else for the week, we can simply say that we are in no way involved. But please do not cause any trouble. As long as I don’t hear about it or hear anyone else talking about it and you are back before you are missed, then I will simply pretend that you are behaving perfectly and doing whatever it is that living swords usually do when their masters are away.”
Spa Holiday
He had his master to thank for that as he took after Sephiroth in some ways and being calm when something huge is happening, but in the case of needing to repair his best friend and love that he hasn’t seen in four years? Definitely needed to be level headed and be the rock so that Buster could have hope this will all work. And since in events like these, most people wouldn’t consider busting into a weapons shop to get sword oil since there were a very select few that even wielded swords. Listening to Buster as he spoke before standing straight up and folding the world map up, he would keep note to get a map of the entire area with their ever growing shopping list they needed. He nodded about the shine part and as for the fighting part, the silver had to think.
“If it doesn’t aggravate your wound nor injure your leg more, then use some materia that we have on us.” That way he would do all the fighting if needed which was alright with him. As for the cure, Masamune spoke up. “If it helps at all, then we’ll do whatever it takes.” Sighing out, he then placed a hand onto Buster’s shoulder as amethyst eyes gazed at the blond as he spoke up. “Buster…..promise me. If it starts to get worse or your low on energy, then tell me right away. I can try transferring my own energy to you if needed, but I’m not going to lose you……not again.” Squeezing the younger’s shoulder a bit, he then nodded as he went to collect his things as he spoke once more. “We should consider getting some type of food for energy in a pinch, if they have any apples then we’ll try to grab a few of them and water helps too. Granted I can use an ice materia if it comes to that, but it would help to pick some extra supplies up.”
Food, water, potions, ethers, and sword oil/polish……anything else to add to the list they needed? Reassurance that he won’t lose his best friend again? That would be handy about now.
As Masamune started to take charge and was reassuring him, Buster gave the other a gentle smile. It really did make him feel better that someone was looking after him. He hated to admit it had felt like a long time she he had anyone focusing on his own well being.
“Okay...I promise.” he replied with a nod. “I’ll try and take it easy. I can probably use material well enough though I only have two slots.” had been a long time since he had apples. When was it...last...he tried to think back....
He was able to pick up a few in Cosmo Canyon and that is when Cloud bought him his cloak. That was the last time. He had seen them a few times before but it felt strange to ask for them because his money wasn’t his own and the world was about to end and apples were the last thing on anyone's mind.
“If we can find a few apples...that would be nice.” he added, coming back to reality. “I haven’t had them in a while...I hope when we get home...there are still some apple trees growing...“
Journey To Banora
Staying silent and hoped that Lazard was okay with this, he listened to what the director had to say, nodding along as he made some great points since on the one hand if they stayed here, then the guy would have extra work to deal with if anything stolen, blown out or anything else went on. Plus….he highly doubt that the president would appreciate his money going into repairing the tower, though if it caused him a heart attack then by all means. Then on the other hand with both of them leaving for a week, even if they did screw something up then HR and Shin-ra could deny everything and also didn’t need to pay them. But overall as he got the approval from Lazard, he smiled more before saluting once more.
“Director, do not worry. I’ll be there to make sure that nothing get’s out of hand, especially with Buster. And we both promise that we will not cause any trouble nor destruction. Plus we both have our own budget from our master’s so no payroll needed. Also as for getting back, we’ll be back a day before they do so nothing seems suspicious.” Releasing the pose, he then nodded more as he grinned. “Thanks again Director! I’ll make sure to bring you back something from Wutai!”
Turning as he waved to Lazard….he never did mention to him they were heading to Wutai until he said it…..oops. Oh well, shouldn’t be a problem right? Heading to meet up with Buster, he hoped that he managed to talk Reno into helping them get to and from the continent.
Lazard smiled at the other’s enthusiasm. “Bring me back one of those silk robes if you remember. In the very least a lucky cat statue.”
Buster in the meantime was working on sweet talking the Turks...or in the very least blackmailing them when Masa came looking for him.
“You are evil you know that?” Reno sighed heavily. “Fine don’t snitch on us, we will take you guys along. But when we land we don’t know you we don’t talk to you we got nothing to do with you!”
“You are simply our ride.” The blond blade grinned. “You won’t even know we are there...”
“I doubt it.” Rude mumbled as he fixed his gloves. “But it might be interesting.”
Spa Holiday
It was easy to watch his master take command in an instant since he had been trained from birth to do so and Masa only had to watch. However taking command in reality where he didn’t have his master to rely on…..the silver really hoped he was doing a good job since he watched for two decades and yet the moment that he had to be in charge, he freezes. Well nothing like an almost end of the world and a journey to make one become a leader right? As he heard Buster promise, that made the elder relax since he honestly wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he did lose the blond but hearing that Buster only has two materia slots…..they had to figure out what he could use and switch out if needed.
Looking through his own materia that he still had on him, Masamune chose out both Earth and Revive as he then held them in his hands. He didn’t use these materia much anyways so they would be better in Buster’s. Though before he could say anything, Buster spoke up about the apples and with the mention of Banora and it’s Dumbapples, Masamune had to take a deep breath in and out. “They…..would have regrown the apples by now right? The tress had four years to recover so that would make a difference right?”
A treat, a very special treat to have after all this was over and they made it to Banora. Placing the cloak that Buster was letting him use while in town for now, he slipped the hood over his head, making sure the silver tresses were out of sight. “Right, we should get moving while we have the daylight on our side. You have everything you need?”
“They still had a tree left last time I was there...” he smiled lightly at the thought though the smile faded after the memory played through. There was trees blooming in Banora when he was there with Zack. They even had apples on them. But then the missiles came and everything was turned to ash. He simply shook his head, his blond locks falling across his shoulders as he stood and grabbed their bag with what supplies they had. “I have everything...there is no reason for us to stay here any longer.”
As he scanned the room for anything left behind, he slung the bag over his shoulder. “Oh...hey...before leave the you think we could stop someplace first? It is out on the wastelands so it is away from town but...It is still pretty important. There is something I want to look for there. Something that I would like to take with me.” He spoke as if going there wasn’t a big deal at all, but the look in his eyes was almost pleading, giving away the importance of stopping on the way.
Journey To Banora
Silk robe or lucky cat statue, definitely had to get something nice for Lazard and especially his master before they came back from Costa del sol. Though finding the blond weapon was easy since he had to go to the Turk’s floor and the silver seemed to get in on the tail end of the conversation since Reno didn’t seem to happy though from the way that Buster was smiling, they got the ride. “Hey Reno. Well, it seems that you managed to get our ride easily Buster. And I got the unofficial approval from the Director. Basically, as long as we don’t cause any trouble then we’ll be in the clear. Though if we do get in trouble, then Shin-ra will simply claim they know nothing.”
Which was normal but they would be in Wutai so again, extra careful. He then turned his attention to the red head as Masamune nodded once more. “Thank you once again for taking us Reno.”
Buster had a shit eating grin on his face but Reno rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Look. Don’t thank me for anything ‘cause I don’t know anything. You don’t exist as far as I am concerned. As long as you don’t snitch on our drinking trips, we don’t see you. Now...while it ain’t any business of yours, I have to leave for Wutai in an hour so...gotta make my checks or whatever. By the way...” he added quickly. “We’ll be swinging back by there next week. Anyone who misses is gonna get left behind. I ain’t SOLIDER so I will leave your ass behind.”
“Understood.” Buster nodded but couldn’t help looking like an excited little kid. “Masa, We better go grab anything we need and hurry back. Unless you wanna hang around and buy what we might need when we get there.”
Spa Holiday
Masamune nodded along to what the red headed turk was saying, which makes a lot of sense since the more that Reno can claim they don’t exist, the less he’ll be in trouble. And it goes hand in hand with what Lazard said. Plus the silver found it amusing that as long as the two of them don’t snitch on his drinking trip and all, they can have all the fun they want. They both would need to be back here before their master’s next weekend to avoid any questioning from the two of them. “Understandable Reno.”
Looking over to the blond as he spoke up, giving him an equally excited smile as he then chuckled a bit. “Get what would be essential for taking with us to Wutai and we’ll buy the rest there. Mainly your phone and charger, and wallet just in case.” Now that he started thinking, perhaps he should bring a small bag for a day or two worth of clothes. “Grab what you need and I’ll grab mine, then meet back here as soon as possible.”
This was going to be an interesting trip and one hopefully where he could recover any of his memories as well.
“I’m on it!” Buster pipped before quickly trotting back to his room.
The blond reappeared at their rendezvous a short while later. He wasn’t quite sure what to take but Masa did say that they could buy whatever else they needed while they were in Wutai.
He ended up taking a small bag, he had his phone, wallet and charger as well as a jacket (did it get cold in Wutai...he wasn’t sure but he wasn’t too fond of cold) and he had another change of ‘civilian’ clothes as Zack had called them.
“All ready?” he asked as Masa approached. “I wasn’t sure what to I grabbed all the things you send and then a few other things just in case.
Spa Holiday
“I’m sorry buddy but I can’t take you with me.” Zack said apologetically as he stuffed his swim trunks into his travel bag. Buster was sitting on his Master’s bed, his arms folded in front of his large chest and wearing a rather forlorn and upset frown on his face. It was an expression that the blade did not often wear. Zack watched him for a moment, feeling bad. It was as if he had just kicked a golden retriever. “ are going to be fine, I promise. I’m sorry but...I’ve been trying to get shore leave for months and the company isn’t going to pay for you to go too.”
Buster just looked away. His master knew that wasn’t true. He didn’t need to be paid for. He could go in sword form, he didn’t have to eat and he didn’t need a place to sleep.
“Come on...please...don’t be upset.” Zack answered as he zipped up his back. “You have my account code so you can use whatever money you need, after all, some of it is yours anyways. I’ll be back in a week. Just...try to be good okay?” he gave him an apologetic smile and headed out the door.
Buster sat for a long moment, still wearing a frown on his face. Zack wasn’t like Angeal...Zack didn’t fall for Buster’s pouting or his rare fits of displeasure. He supposed that is what he liked about him...even though it did not play in his favor.
He stood and walked out of their quarters and into the common room. It was quite and it made him unease. Buster really didn’t like being alone...he wasn’t accustomed to it. And what if something happened to his Master? What if he didn’t come back either like Angeal? What if he got attacked? What was his master suppose to do without him? Fight with an umbrella?
Now feeling left behind and abandoned, the blond sat down in the middle of the floor, trying to figure out what to do next.
@ancientblxde @lovelessblade
“I heard that tonight is the night when one is suppose to dress up in costumes and watch scary movies and eat popcorn and candy. Is this true?”

“Are we going to get drunk and have festivities?”
With the sun rising along the horizon, the light filtered through the window of the jail cell as it made the second prince of Baharnak squint and open his eyes slightly, blinking a small bit since he was in the jail cells? Course, his body reacted faster then his mind and he was about to call out for the guards, telling that this was a mistake for him to be here when he suddenly remembered that oh yeah, his city was sacked last night and less then a few hours as he let out a shuddery breath. Leaning back onto the stones as his clothes, a mixture of both night and battle, provided little comfort against the coldness of the jail cell. Yet he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around his legs since it had been only a few hours and everything had changed……..
Masu’ne, the second son and the eldest of the twins between him and Mursu’na, and then their was his elder brother, Sepfir. The crown prince who had gone off to start his own town and also had recently gotten engaged to a princess of a neighboring ally. His twin had gone off to serve since he wanted more action then the simple royal life which to be honest, suited his brother all the better. For Masu’ne, deciding to stay home with his father and help out with the court and other royal duties was more his style and his father didn’t mind. Course that didn’t mean they weren’t aware of what was happening since with the death of Alexander the Great, his father warned him of the power struggle that would be happening in this uncertain time. All the while, the silver himself had hoped that impending war or civil strife never reached there walls…..
Oh how he was so wrong……
It had all worked so well to the greeks advantage as none of them knew of the attacks that were incoming, none of them knew about the spies that had infiltrated them, none of them knew about the traitors that would turn the second that it started. For the silver, it would have been another busy day in court and making sure everything ran smoothly in Baharnak. But again, that would have happened if it weren’t for the sudden surprise attack from inside their walls as no one knew what had been happening until it was. The silver himself knew how to fight since despite being royalty, he needed to learn the art of combat and he was glad he did but it hadn’t been enough. They barely had time to send a falcon out to inform his brother, though whether the bird made it or not, at least the message was at least sent out. However, the second prince had been standing along with his father in the last line of defense but it still wasn’t enough since this was the greeks for damn sakes. But with his father’s age and slowness, he couldn’t compare to the younger, more agile men and with that, he saw his father get cut down.
With his father dead, the guards and whoever else fighting scattered to the wind, Masu’ne had been taken prisoner and placed into the jail cell for the time being.
And that’s where he still was until he heard movement, before the silver looked up a bit with his violet eyes and watched as the greek soldier’s approach and held up shackles. Honestly, how was he even going to fight back without a sword, so might as well go without a hassle as he sighed deeply. Frowning as he felt the shackles placed around his wrist and connect to the shackle around his neck, granted it had been a little extreme but he was in enemy hands so they didn’t want to take any chances. Following the soldier’s as he stayed quiet, the moment that the silver got to glimpse out at his beloved home, he was heartbroken before turning his sights away as he supposed they were leading him to the throne room to meet up with his would be conqueror. It took a bit of time but when they finally made it, the silver narrowed his eyes slightly at the blond greek who had his back turned to him.
“My lord, we brought the prince up from the dungeons as you requested. What shall you command us to do with him?” Granted he knew enough about the greek language since thanks to his education but turning his head away, he really didn’t want to know as one of the options would be to put him to death as he was after all, competition and technically the rightful heir to this city.
The Greek warrior turned around at the question, to face the captured prince in question. The young man brushed his golden locks out of his face. “I think neck shackles are a little excessive...unless you are afraid that he is going to get away and you won’t be able to handle him.” he chucked lightly at the guards.
Busterivas came over to Masu’ne with a kind smile, though the blood on dirt on his armor gave hint that even behind the smile was someone who was not meant to be trifled with.
“I know no matter what I say, I will still be the enemy to you, an oppressor. But for what it is worth, I am not here out of a thirst for blood or to strip your beautiful land of her resources. I am here because I am the third son in my family. First gets power, second gets the military and the third gets the freedom but then has to carve out his own path and that is what I am doing. Anyways....”
He turned now, moving to the balcony to overlook the city. “What is done is done, and thankfully with as little blood shed as as possible and I do not plan on spilling more if it can be helped. I will not kill you, Prince, unless you give me reason to. Right now I will have you confined to your quarters...will all sharp objects removed of course...and you will be able to move around the palace as needed with an escort.” he pushed away from the balcony and started back towards the guards and Masu’ne. “The first order of business is to tend to your fallen king and whatever is needed for you and your people to properly morn him. His body has been collected and taken to the royal chambers. I do not know your traditions for tending to he dead...however, we cover the eyes with drachma to pay for the soul’s fair across the river styxs. We have done this for any of your people who have fallen, including your king...”
The blond then signed, running his hand through his blond locks, trying to organize his thoughts further. “I think that is it for anything immediate...I still need to wait for the assessment of the of those will have to wait until the palace is stabilized...” he mumbled, now talking more to himself then to anyone else. “Oh um...” he looked to the guards. “Give the prince whatever he needs to do his job tending to the dead. Bring to me any daggers in his room know stabby things...and he can have free reign in there. Just make sure he has an escort everywhere else.”

“I wasn’t gonna drink a lot...just a little apple cider. The kind that Rapier makes is always is always extra punchy....but someone has to stay sober because she certainly isn’t.” he smiled at the kiss.
@ancientblxde @lovelessblade
@ancientblxde @lovelessblade
“I heard that tonight is the night when one is suppose to dress up in costumes and watch scary movies and eat popcorn and candy. Is this true?”

“Are we going to get drunk and have festivities?”
Hearing the other as he watched the blond trot back quickly to his room, Masamune went to do the same as he tried to figure out in his head what he would need. Since honestly the last time he had been in Wutai was during the war, then after that was when the last of the resistance needed to be snuffed out which in turned had Genesis and Angeal disappearing. However, the silver knew the weather there ranged from humid hot with a mixture of rain to hot but muggy. Occasionally the temperature dropped for the winter time but other then that, like he told Buster, bring what they need and buy the rest there. Getting a small bag of his own as he placed in at least 2 days worth of clothes that were normal clothing, something both Buster and Rapier had to help him with in the beginning. His phone, his charger, wallet as he checked to see how much gil he had and made sure he had both the credit cards just in case. Granted he wouldn’t dip into his master’s unless absolutely necessary or if his own account suddenly ran out which hopefully wouldn’t be the case.
Along with the clothes, he packed a few swim trunks since thankfully him and his master were about the same height so they would fit nicely. Checking about a few more times since whatever he doesn’t bring, he’ll get in Wutai as he nods before deciding to lock the apartment since really, no one was going to be in the room while they were away. Heading back to the common area as he saw that Buster had gotten a bit before him and nodded at the question. “Ready as I can be.” Hearing what the other had to saw as the elder nodded his head gently, the blade spoke up as well. “I did the same as well. Grabbed what I knew would be essential and few extra. The weather might be different from when we were last there a few years but who knows. The more important detail is that we are back here in this building before our master’s after the week is up.”
Buster nodded, peeking into Masa’s back to compare what the other was bringing compared to what he packed. “ have more things then I do...maybe I didn’t pack enough...but I guess we can always buy thing there right? But I guess you are right...” he tried to shake off the bit of nervousness before it was then replace with excitement again. “We just go, have fun and we will be back before our Master’s are!” he bounced a little now on his feet. “Lets get up to the helipad before they leave without us.”

OutOfSteel: I have a male Au’Ra because I like to see the ass of my sexy male character as he runs around, especially since I put him in the tight shorts of a white mage and skimpy top because dragon men look cool. Good news that xmas and black friday is coming up so if you can grab FF14 for cheap off of amazon or somewhere, it is cross platform so you can play your same account on PC with one sub. I hook up my PS4 via a USB cable because I am special like that and play whatever platform suits my mood (it is obviously easier to text chat on PC).

Keep reading

“Oh oh oh! You know how much I love laying back in blanket nests! Can we have lots of pillows too?” the blond pipped happily.
@ancientblxde @lovelessblade
@ancientblxde @lovelessblade
“I heard that tonight is the night when one is suppose to dress up in costumes and watch scary movies and eat popcorn and candy. Is this true?”

“Are we going to get drunk and have festivities?”
Buster smiled softly to the other as he chewed on the bite of apple. "I can walk well enough. I'm not falling apart yet." he replied, looking out over the landscape. He had a bunch of mixed emotions some of them sitting like a bubble in his chest. He was thankful to get back the memento that he found laying in the dust though it was bringing back a few memories he didn't want to think about.
"I don't think...we ever had time to think about just us before." he replied as he situated his pack and his cloak, feeling a bit of stiffness in his knee. "I might also be nice to forget..." he replied softly before taking several more bites of the apple before tossing away the core.
The apple was something small and well, something that he knew Buster enjoyed eating and having on him, and to see the younger turn to him and take a giant bite out of it, the silver couldn’t help but chuckle gently. Despite everything that happened, despite his own master going ape shit and almost destroying the world, this felt like something that would have happened back at Shin-ra and it did happen multiple times. Cherished memories that he definitely didn’t want to forget at all but seeing how his elongated dip in the lifestream managed to retrieve a good chunk back, at least he knew there was a way. Hearing Buster give his thanks, Masamune nodded once more as he spoke afterwards.
“I have more that I managed to buy from the market seeing how they had some left over. Granted they’re not Banora whites but they’re a good substitute until we get to Banora.” Going silent as the elder nodded once more to what the blond had to say, Masamune agreed entirely despite the fact that he felt a twang of wanting to stay but knew it would be pointless. This home was and is gone, and has been for the past five years while he was in the lifestream. His new home will be in Banora with Buster, which will be nice and away from society at most unless people decided to come hunt them down for some reason. “Right.” Walking over to the blond, he then spoke up more as he gave a gentle smile.
“Once we’re in Banora, that is when we’ll get to forget about Shin-ra and just focus on us and simply relaxing. And that’s once we get there, not going to happen unless we start moving or do I have to start carrying you~?”
Buster smiled as he let his friend lead him along to the chopper. Reno complained lightly about having to wait for the two but he had still waited for them. Buster didn’t mind flying though going by land vehicles was still his favorite mode of transportation. Motorcycles were perfect. Chocobos...well...he hated chocobos. Zack loves them but they always seemed to either peck at Angeal or ended up bucking him off, usually Buster along in the process. Not to mention...they kind of smelled.
“I think I have only seen Wutai once.” Buster mused as he sat beside Masa in the back as the helicopter took off. “And not really long enough to actually see it. I’m looking forward so being able to have fun.” he furrowed his brow a little. “Actually...I think this is my first vacation ever.”
“I’m sorry buddy but I can’t take you with me.” Zack said apologetically as he stuffed his swim trunks into his travel bag. Buster was sitting on his Master’s bed, his arms folded in front of his large chest and wearing a rather forlorn and upset frown on his face. It was an expression that the blade did not often wear. Zack watched him for a moment, feeling bad. It was as if he had just kicked a golden retriever. “Look…you are going to be fine, I promise. I’m sorry but…I’ve been trying to get shore leave for months and the company isn’t going to pay for you to go too.”
Buster just looked away. His master knew that wasn’t true. He didn’t need to be paid for. He could go in sword form, he didn’t have to eat and he didn’t need a place to sleep.
“Come on…please…don’t be upset.” Zack answered as he zipped up his back. “You have my account code so you can use whatever money you need, after all, some of it is yours anyways. I’ll be back in a week. Just…try to be good okay?” he gave him an apologetic smile and headed out the door.
Buster sat for a long moment, still wearing a frown on his face. Zack wasn’t like Angeal…Zack didn’t fall for Buster’s pouting or his rare fits of displeasure. He supposed that is what he liked about him…even though it did not play in his favor.
He stood and walked out of their quarters and into the common room. It was quite and it made him unease. Buster really didn’t like being alone…he wasn’t accustomed to it. And what if something happened to his Master? What if he didn’t come back either like Angeal? What if he got attacked? What was his master suppose to do without him? Fight with an umbrella?
Now feeling left behind and abandoned, the blond sat down in the middle of the floor, trying to figure out what to do next.
"Like I said..." the blond started, trying to give a silver haired prince a reassuring smile though he knew it would probably do little good. "I'm not here to cause pain and strife. Take all the time you need to for the proper burials. Speak to the company's physician Euclid for anything you might need. And when you get a chance, I would like you to go over with him any medical needs the people might need as a whole." Buster pursed his lips, going over in his head a million other things that he needed to do. There would trade agreements to look over and stock needed to be taken of the treasury...but maybe he was getting ahead of himself. One thing at a time. First he had to stabilize the city before looking towards the future.
"Please keep me informed of your progress and things you need." He said to Masa directly.
The pure white alabaster moon shone down upon the Persian desert sands, seated in the sky like a pearl wrapped in the folds of dark navy silk. The city of Baharnak, was sleeping peacefully, unaware of the small strike team that had penetrated the city walls and was waiting to make its move.
It was a rather ingenious plan. One of the regular trading caravans had been bribed (and paid handsomely for their efforts) to transport a bit of extra cargo. Wrapped up in the elaborately decorated rugs and hiding in the date baskets was six Greek warriors who had been marked for the task of creating an easy entrance to the army which was waiting outside the city gates over the dunes.
It was a rather ingenious plan. Taken from the example of Achilles and his assault on the City of Troy, this much less inconspicuous version of the “Trojan Horse” was the brain child of Busterivas; a young Greek royal who was seeking to make a name for himself. Busterivas was the grandson of one of Alexander the Great’s generals who had taken over power after death of the great conquer. However, despite now being a part of one of many royal Greek dynasties that had sprung up in Persia at the time, Buster had the unfortunate fate of being only the third son. His oldest brother, Alexius was destined for the crown. His second brother, Lycus was Military Adviser. This left Busterivas with a lackluster existence and deep shadows in which he felt the need to push through to find his own glory.
This the reason for this campaign to dominate the city ‘The City Full of Spring’. He would conquer this land and make his own name and his own dynasty. He would finally step out of the shadow of his older brothers and live on his own terms instead of simply being a nameless face in the background of some political engagement.
“Good…almost there…” Buster peered through the spyglass at the city battlements, the guards lazily patrolling across the top, one by one they vanished from view as they were pulled down and immobilized by his strike team that was on the inside. Busterivas wanted to limit the number of casualties as possible. In his opinion what was the point of taking a city if the citizens were torn and bloodied and ready to revolt against a brutal oppressor? Hopefully by disabling the guard and the first alert system, they could take the Baharnak army by surprise and strike swiftly enough that the confrontation would be over by breakfast.
Then the signal was given. It was quiet and silent. There was no other sign for the army to move except with the opening of the city gates. With a wave of his hand the Greek army started to move forward down the dunes like a shadow creeping along the sand. There was no sound of anxious horses or clashing shields, simply a silent force that came washing into the city like storm water after a heavy ran. It wasn’t even a large army, but the element of surprise had given them a strong advantage.
By the time the native forces had time to gather, it was already too late. The palace had been overwhelmed. The elderly Baharnak King had mustered the last of his strength to stand along side of men in the court yard to defend against the invaders and he had fallen as a result. With the cold hard fact that their king was dead, the Persian guards started to loose their courage and and ultimately relented the Greek invaders.
This had all transpired within a mere two hours time.
The sun had finally risen across the horizon, like a delicate desert rose in hues of gold and red. Its light filtered through the sheer drapery that wisped in front of the windows of the thrown room of his new palace. Buster took a deep breath as he ran his calloused hand through his long blond locks as he looked around at the new area. He had a strange feeling sitting in his chest. It was a mix of excitement over his victory, empathy over those who had to die and be killed for it, and a strange notion of surrealism. It was almost hard for him to believe that this was now his. He had won. He now had his own kingdom and the freedom to do with as he pleased…
…that exactly that was was an entirely different question.
“Good since your tougher then anyone else I know.” Chuckling softly since how long has it actually been since they’ve been able to act like friends and not enemies going straight for each others throats? Looking back on the landscape a bit once more before it was no turning back, this would be the last that anyone would remember of them since if they disappeared then that means the world would be able to rest in a theory. But he wouldn’t know until it happened and living his days out in Banora with Buster sounded like a dream until it happened, at least it’s not an impossible dream. As Buster spoke up, Masamune returned his attention to the blond weapon, giving a softer smile that also had a hint of sadness yet was swept away as soon as the core of said apple was dispensed.
“Honestly after all that’s happened, no one had time to think or react properly but now we can. The only other time that we talked was at Nibelheim a few months back and that was it…..” Breathing out more, his voice went softer as he wanted to hug the taller weapon but waited. “Definitely missed you more than anything Buster, you and Rapier……But I’m just glad that we get to be together once more.” Giving a smile and leaving the other to interpret what he said, he then chuckled before he started walking forward as they would need to make up for lost time.
Buster listened as the other spoke starting a long, feeling the weight of the necklace around his neck that he had picked up on the cliff side. “Nibelheim...“ the blond weapon breathed. He paused for a moment, the memories dark and full of feelings he wasn’t quite sure how to interpret. He reached over and took Masa’s hand, holding it tightly and leaning against him, some to take a little weight off his leg and some for comfort. “Nibelheim was a long time ago it feels like...back before then...things were happy and the sun shined....”
"Hey Buster....." The elder blushed a bit as he spoke. "I know I missed Valentines day and everything but......" He then held up a few chocolate covered dumb apples and a few other treats that the big guy loved. "Better late then never right?" Going onto his tip toes, the silver placed a gentle kiss upon the blond's lips. "Also a reminder of how much I love you."
Buster blinked and tilted his head. "We forgot Valentine's day?" He replied as he completely forgot it too. He then smiled at the gift that was one of his favorite treats. He smiled and returned the kiss sweetly and tenderly. "It is never too late and I never forget how much you love me even though I love to be reminded. I hope you remember how much I love you too right?” he grinned sheepishly. "Sorry I forgot and didn't get you anything...unless you will be satisfied with having me and one of these apples?"