And No Wonder I Like The Way Ppl Draw Endermen Tails!!! Its Just That But Blue - Tumblr Posts
8 months ago
So, did a very short meditation and sort of 'took inventory' of phantom shifts bc I was like "why does the top of my head feel weird" and the answer was "you have antlers dipshit."
I have come to a couple conclusions:
1. Why is my tail so skinny, what the fuck
2. Oh so it wasn't just my imagination that I get fins along the sides of my arms, that's fully a thing now??? Okay cool ig
3. WHO WAS GONNA TELL ME CLAWS FEEL THIS WEIRD???? I don't think I usually had limbs as an amphithere so claws aren't a usual thing, and holy shit how does anyone use their hands like this wtf. How am I gonna do tarot readings like this. (/Mostly joking)
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thats all that's the post
just losing my mind over the claws
and no wonder i like the way ppl draw endermen tails!!! its just that but blue
still confused as to why the hell its so skinny and not scaley tho like wtf
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