Andy Barber X Female Reader - Tumblr Posts
omg this was so amazing 👏🏾 I love how Andy was so protective of the reader ❤️ but I hate Lee (Lee is a dirtbag) even if his played by a sexy fine man like seb
For A Price
Summary: 'It was more than clear that the two men had their own personal dispute outside of the current situation but that was none of your concern. Whatever it was, they could settle it without you. Or so you hoped.'
Pairing: Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Black!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY. THIS IS A DARK FIC. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS BEFORE READING. Prostitution, explicit language, oral (m rec), threats involving a gun, car sex, sexual coercion, NON-CON, anal sex, crying, hair pulling
Notes: So fun fact-- this is the second fic I've ever received a nasty comment on and the first fic to get a racist comment all in one.

After two hours of sitting in the police station you were finally free, reclining back in the passenger seat of the Audi as Andy drove down the road. You were relieved when he answered your annoyed and panicked phone call, his voice immediately comforting you as he promised to be at the station to get you as soon as he could. Now you could breathe again.
“Thanks again, Andy. Sorry you had to come all the way out here. I know it’s a pain.”
Andy quickly flashed you a smile. “How many times have I dropped everything for you now? You know I don’t mind, Y/N.”
His hand came to rest next to yours on the center console, his knuckles barely brushing yours, and you felt a warm rush run through you. It was the same one you always felt whenever you were with Andy. You both had a rather close friendship with each other stemming back to the first time you met him when you got your first collar for soliciting. It still shocked you that a man of his caliber took pity on you enough to help you out but he did and afterwards he slipped you his card.
“You ever need help again, just call.”
For a while you forgot about the number, having tucked the card inside a pocket of your purse where it stayed until you wound up being carted to the station once again. He never so much as scolded you when he finally got to you, instead making sure you were okay before he posted your bail and dropped you off back home. From then on, you developed a sort of bond with the sweet lawyer; He never once judged your line of work but he always made sure you were safe. If he happened to see you out, he would stop and chat with you, maybe even take you to get a bite to eat and a hot cup of coffee. Andy Barber was a good man. Far too good to be helping you out as much as he did.
Andy had pretty much heard it all where you were concerned:
“Why are you helping her? She’s a lost cause.”
“Look at what she does. Let her sit in a cell, it would serve her right.”
“She’s just using you. Stop being so fucking nice to her.”
All of it was spoken with so much disdain and disgust that he had to bite his own tongue to keep from reminding those same people that they were anything but saints and had no right to judge you. None of those things ever deterred him though. Deep down, even though he knew better, he couldn’t help but care for your well-being. As much as he wished you were doing anything other than allowing strangers to use you as their personal toy, he knew better than to voice his opinions. All he could do was hope you stayed safe at the end of the day. He could only imagine the creeps who got to touch you, what they did to you behind closed doors. It burned him up inside, a smoldering flame that grew if he thought about it for too long. Too many times he wanted to bring you home with him and every time he had to remind himself it wasn’t his place to do so, not unless you asked. And you never did.
How he wished you would.
“I feel like I need to repay you for all the times you’ve saved my ass. You’re probably the only person who looks out for me honestly.”
“Sometimes we all just need someone to check in on us. I don’t mind. I never have.”
“There has to be something I can do. Coffee? A beer? Dinner?”
“Just knowing you’re okay is enough repayment. Now stop naming things,” he shook his head. That soft smile of his made his cheeks rise.
“Fine, fine. I’ll just continue freeloading until you get tired of me.”
“That could never happen.”
He looked over at you with sincerity in his eyes and suddenly a wave of shyness hit you, making you avert your eyes to the dark road ahead. You swore this was his superpower. No one else made you feel like this but Andy. He was a charming son of a bitch for sure. Silence stretched on for a few long seconds before something came over you, a swift kick of bravery that made you lean over the console and plant a kiss on Andy’s cheek.
“Thanks for being so good to me.”
Andy felt heat rise in his cheeks as he turned to catch your eye. You were so close he could faintly smell the tea tree oil wafting off your hair. The shimmering coffee colored orbs of your eyes never looked as beautiful as they did right now. For a second Andy forgot all about the road you both were on, his attention glued to your face and how much he wanted to kiss you. The light rumble of gravel beneath the tires finally brought his eyes back to the road as he cleared his throat and quickly straightened the wheel. He looked so flustered that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry if I caught you off guard.”
“It’s uh…,” Andy paused to clear his throat again, “it’s fine. Just unexpected is all.”
The more you watched him try to collect himself, the more you wanted to litter kisses all over his face. He deserved something for always coming to your rescue and if he wouldn’t accept you buying him dinner or a drink, maybe he was willing to accept something else.
“Do you maybe…want to pull over?” you asked. Your fingers trailed down the bearded curve of his cheek.
Andy gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye before he nodded wordlessly. The car veered off onto the shoulder and came to a stop before Andy shifted into park. Removing his seatbelt, he turned to face you and you were on him before he could even speak. Your lips molded to his softly at first before Andy deepened it, his hands grabbing your face and pulling you closer. A moan hummed softly in your throat and you could feel Andy’s lips curve into a smile. Pulling away from you, his forehead rested against yours.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“Should’ve made a move then, Barber. Kept a girl hanging long enough.”
You both smiled and Andy stroked your cheek. “Can I make up for lost time?”
Peering up into his cerulean eyes, you swore you could have melted into a puddle right there in the passenger seat. “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
Your lips met again, this time with more fervor than before. You dared to let your tongue tease against Andy’s lips and he parted them allowing you to explore further. The way he cradled your face with such care made butterflies erupt in your belly. It had been far too long since someone treated you so tenderly. With so many men carelessly using you and groping at every turn, you were starting to think a soft touch no longer existed. You should’ve known Andy was the exception. Of course he was. Your hand gripped at the lapel of his jacket before pushing beneath it, your fingers feeling a broad chest beneath the dress shirt Andy wore. Even under the fabric you knew he was well built, the definition evident against your wandering touch. You journeyed further down until you felt the cool leather of his belt against your fingertips. When your movements paused, Andy pulled away from your lips again. Your eyes flashed up to his, your question silent in them. Andy did the work for you, one of his own hands moving down to undo his belt with ease. Giving you a small grin, he nodded silently urging you to continue.
The button snapped open between your fingers and you pulled the zipper down, the sound seemingly amplified in the otherwise silent car, and pushed your hand inside the opening of his slacks. Soft cotton brushed over your fingers, the material shifting from the weight of Andy’s growing erection. You dared to feel over his bulge and you were surprised at how thick he felt. Andy tried not to move but he couldn’t stop himself from moving into your touch. His cock bobbed slightly under your touch. A smile curved along your lips as you nestled your nose against the pulse point rapidly beating against Andy’s neck. His expensive cologne tickled your nose in the best way and all you wanted then was to completely drink Andy Barber in, get lost in him.
“Relax for me, okay?” you murmured into his skin.
The responding thick swallow Andy gave made you place a kiss on his jaw before you focused your attention on what rested inside his boxers. You slowly unsheathed his cock and bit your lip as you took in the sight. He was so big and warm, a large vein running up the side of his shaft that you couldn’t wait to feel with your tongue. Pulsing in your hand, you swore you could feel him growing harder from your touch and it made you salivate. Giving him a few firm pumps, you leaned over the center console and gave a teasing kitten lick over the crown. Andy watched you with an intense stare, his hands flexing with the need to pull your clothes off and touch every part of you that he could. This wasn’t exactly how he imagined having you but it would be a lie for him to say he wasn’t happy regardless. He relaxed against the headrest and allowed you to lavish his cock with your tongue while your lips wrapped around his head.
“Are you going to tease me forever, honey?”
A sultry chuckle sounded in your throat before you took all of Andy in your mouth and swallowed him down to the root. The hiss he let out made pride swell in your chest. All you wanted to do was make him feel good. Your tongue swirled around his warm length while you sucked, your hand steadily rotating at the base. The taste of precome spreads over your tastebuds and you hum softly as you get lost in giving Andy pleasure. Soft praises and chants floating off his lips make you clench your thighs together, your pussy getting wetter the longer you draw the words from Andy’s mouth. You hollowed your cheeks while Andy watched from above proudly, his hand soothingly rubbing at your lower back in a way that shot tingles up your spine. It would have been next to perfect had the sound of knocking against the window not startled you both into quickly stopping. You sat up in time to be greeted by a flashlight shining through the glass.
“Shit,” Andy muttered. He shoved his cock back into his boxers before zipping up his pants.
You moved back over to your seat and placed your head in your hand, shame overtaking you. Andy exhaled before rolling down his window. You didn’t expect to see someone you and Andy both knew peering into the window, a slanted smile on his face.
“Evening, Barber,” Lee said. Shining the light into the car, he saw you trying and failing to hide your face. “Well, well look who it is. Not even away from the station a whole half hour and you’re going back getting into trouble again, Y/N.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest and it wasn’t even because you were caught. This happened enough that you were used to the usual song and dance. However this instance was different from the past; Lee Bodecker was the local sheriff and a “friend” —you used that word loosely— of yours. Once or twice he pulled strings of his own to get you out of trouble and maybe once or twice you thanked him in a way that made it so he would let you slide on the off chance he caught you slipping again. Looking at him now though, you can’t quite decipher the look in his eye but you don’t care for it. And something tells you he might not be as generous as he was in the past.
“You’re the last man I would’ve expected to find out here getting… serviced. From Y/N no less.” You didn’t miss the wink he threw your way.
“This isn’t…it’s nothing, Bodecker. And I’m sure you’ve let worse people off for less. What do I have to do for you to look the other way on this?”
Lee shifted the toothpick in his mouth as he chuckled, flashlight still shining in your face. Resting an arm on the top of the car, he leaned into the window.
“Well hold on now, Barber, who said I was letting you off?”
“Lee, please,” you spoke up with wide, begging eyes.
“You both know I wouldn’t be doing my job if I just let you go.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time now would it?” Andy muttered.
That set Lee’s mouth into a thin line, all traces of humor gone. It was more than clear that the two men had their own personal dispute outside of the current situation but that was none of your concern. Whatever it was, they could settle it without you.
Or so you hoped.
“I could always bring you both in. What would it look like with the hot shot lawyer sitting behind bars for getting caught up with the local whore? Remind me, when’s the next time Jacob is supposed to come up for a visit?”
“Don’t ever fucking mention my son again,” Andy snapped in Lee’s face.
Lee sneered at him. “And what about you, lil lady? My boys and I have been nice enough to let you skate on by for a while now. All it would take is a word and maybe a few videos for you to be spending time in a cell for as long as I see fit.”
Anxiety ran through every nerve in your body and sweat started to bead at your hairline. The threat of tears burned the back of your throat. Lee could see the fear in your eyes and it tickled some sick part inside of him.
“Please don’t. I’ll do whatever I have to do, Lee, please. I can’t go to jail.”
“Y/N stop talking,” Andy warned.
“No, let her finish, Barber. She was starting to speak my language.” The tone of his voice, the implications lying underneath it, made your stomach turn. “You said you’d do whatever you had to. Sure about that?”
You weren’t but you just wanted all of this to be over and fast. Ten minutes of suffering was worth some freedom. Right?
“Y/N,” Andy said.
“Y’know I’ve had about enough of you talking,” Lee piped up. “This girl could be your ticket outta here. So if I were you, I’d shut the fuck up and let her help you.”
“And if I don’t?” he challenged.
Lee smirked and a couple seconds later, the gun appeared. You let out a loud gasp as you backed into the passenger door. Andy stiffened as Lee pushed the barrel of the gun into his temple with a menacing smile.
“I’d hate for her to have to clean your face off the windshield before I bring her in. Not a very dignified way to go out in my opinion.” When Andy didn’t speak up again, Lee nodded as if he was satisfied. Looking back to you, he said, “Why don’t you join me in the backseat?”
You tried to open your mouth but words failed you. Tears stung at your eyes and you tried your hardest to keep them at bay but one managed to slip free and cascaded hotly down your cheek. With a shaky hand, you opened the door and got out but not before giving Andy one last look. His jaw tensed but his eyes held nothing but worry for you.
“I’ll be okay,” you promised.
If only you believed it.
You and Lee both slip into the backseat at the same time, his gun still trained on Andy behind the headrest. Shifting his toothpick between his lips, he gives you that smile that now makes your skin crawl. If only you asked Andy to take you back to his place. If only you hadn’t kissed him. If only you had kept your hands to yourself. You wouldn’t be in this situation now. Lee reclined in the seat, his jacket slipping open to show off his belly tucked inside the shirt of his uniform.
“No need for those tears now, honey. It’s gonna be alright. You’ll treat me as good as you were treating Mr. Barber, right?” You nod wordlessly as you work up the willpower and swallow down the bile wanting to rise in your throat. “That’s good. Been aching to get a piece of you again for some time now. Better make it worth my while.”
He motions to his pants and you take the hint as you start to work his belt open with fumbling fingers, your sniffles filling the eerie silence of the car. The sound of his zipper is amplified as you slowly slide it down. He helped you open the flap of his boxers and he fished his cock out where it stood proudly, waiting for you to tend to it. He was thick and heavy but not like Andy. His head was angry red, his shaft throbbing. It looked fitting for such a selfish piece of shit like Lee and now you were about to welcome him into your mouth once again.
“No, no honey. Not your mouth this time.” You stopped and met his eyes glowing sinisterly, the corners creased from his smile. Dread filled your entire body. “You know I’ve always been an ass man. I wanna feel that tight little hole stretching just for me.” More tears fell and this time you let them. Lee tucked his finger under your chin and swiped away the salty trail with his thumb before tracing it over your bottom lip. “You’re getting all wet in the wrong place, sweets. That’s alright, I’ll help you out. If you’re good, Barber, and you keep your fucking mouth shut, maybe I’ll let you fuck her pussy when I’m done,” he called up front.
Through the rear view mirror you could make out the quiet rage simmering on Andy’s features. Lee’s rough hand pried your thighs apart and he brazenly grabbed at your crotch. You cursed the fact that your panties were still wet from before and you knew Lee could feel it, his fingers rubbing the wet spot repeatedly. Licking his lips, he hummed appreciatively.
“Go ahead and take those off.” You did as you were told, trembling hands working the material down your legs and dropping them on the floor. While you stared down at the garment, Lee spit into his palm before stroking his cock. As if he truly cared enough to get you ready to take him. “Alright now honey, make me proud.”
He yanked you over onto his lap and you rolled your eyes up to the ceiling in a silent prayer that this be over and done quickly. Humiliation flooded you as you braced against the seats and allowed Lee to situate you over his erection with a bruising grip. He guided his head through your wet folds to gather what he could before breaching your ring of muscle. You bit your lip to stifle sounds of your protest and let your tears roll freely down your face. Lee stretched you painfully but within seconds your body was adjusting to his careless intrusion and he was singing his praises with panting breaths.
“Atta girl. Tight little hole on you. Should’ve broke you in way before now.”
Lee moved his hips under yours and you fought to keep your mind focused on anything other than what was happening now. Your body, however, was steadily betraying you, your pussy soaking from the added stimulation. Lee’s soft grunts got more passionate as he reached around to circle his fingers over your clit.
“Don’t,” you cried pathetically. You were too scared to push his hand away. Not that he would have let you anyway.
“Can’t go neglecting this little pussy. She’s crying for me, sweets.”
Emotions conflict inside you– anger, embarrassment, shame– and it takes every bit of energy you have not to let the building sobs you feel in your chest overtake you. You want to scream at Lee to stop violating you. You want to beg Andy to save you. The gun still trained on him though tells you that even if Andy wanted to save you, some weight on the trigger could easily stop him from doing so. Your eyes drifted up to the rearview and there you saw those amazing baby blues filled with their own mixture of anger and pain. You didn’t see how hard he was gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white and shaking. The car rocked from Lee’s movements, his thrusts getting more desperate as your body reacted to him. You hated yourself when a moan slipped free, evidence of pleasure you didn’t want to feel in this moment.
“Hear that, Barber? She can’t even control herself,” Lee drawled.
Andy felt the tick in his jaw. His body was on fire. He knew your noises weren’t because you liked any of this but a spark of jealousy still hit him all the same. Your moans and cries made a sad little song, Lee’s pleasured grunts adding to it. The fingers circling your clit slipped down before pushing past your slit making you feel even more full. A trembling breath racked your body and you felt that telltale coil winding up in your lower belly.
“All those cocks you take and still so fucking tight. Maybe you just needed the right man to really break you in, huh?” A sob shakes you but Lee is too far gone to care, another sick laugh leaving him.
You can feel an orgasm fast approaching and as much as you hate that Lee is giving you this feeling, you take it as a sign that all of this is close to being over. Lee fucks into you harder and you know he’s close. His panting breaths become harsher, strings of curses falling out through gritted teeth.
“You gonna come for me, sweets?” When he’s met with silence, his hand quickly fists into your hair and pulls back until you hiss in pain. “Answer me, girl.”
“Y-yes,” you whimper.
“Yes, sir. You got better manners than that.”
“Yes, sir.”
The words leave a sour taste in your mouth but there’s no time to dwell on them when Lee pushes his fingers back inside you and curls them until he reaches that little spot that makes your eyes slam shut, stars bursting behind your eyelids. Your sobs mix with your moans until you’re unsure of which is winning out. Your pussy gushes all over Lee’s digits and he laughs triumphantly before he finally crumbles, heavy groans filling the car as his warmth fills you. When you’re sure he’s done, you scramble off his lap and huddle against the door. His sated grin makes your stomach turn and you want so badly to slap it off his face.
“You got what you wanted, Bodecker. We done here?” Andy asked.
Lee tucked his softening length away with a satisfied sigh. “I think you’re free to go.”
You furiously wiped the tears staining your face as you slipped your panties back on, your eyes never once netting either of the two men.
“Y/N get back up here.”
You fumble for the door handle before Lee stops you with a hand on your leg. “We’ll hold on now, I said you were free to go. I was just starting to have fun with our girl here. In fact, I think I wanna make a little arrangement.”
🍒 Help Me 🍒

🍒 Pairing; Stepdaddy!Andy Barber x Fem!reader [ONE SHOT] 🍒
Hello! Here’s my long time writing, of one my favourite CE characters. I’ve been writing this bit by bit for a while now so I decided to post it. I loved him so much in defending Jacob so I basically horny re-watched it. Minors please don’t interact, this is mature sexual content. Must be +21 to read. Liking and reblogging is very much appreciated. Love you all!!
Summary: Andy is sex starved.
Mentions: (warning) Stepcest | Age Gap (Reader is 23/Andy is 52) Cheating (Andy) Unprotected sex (use protection babes), degradation, pet names, extreme voyeurism, dacryphilia, size kink (Andy’s cock is so big) cum, squirting.
Masterlist is here loves 🍒 [Word Count] +1K | Credits: @katherineswritingsblog ❤️

“Stop calling me! We are so over.” You yelled, throwing your phone across the room. It shattered, and landed on the floor by your bed. Tears streaming down your cheeks.
“What’s going on?” Andy knocks on your bedroom door, letting himself inside.
“Daddy..” you sobbed, running into his arms hugging him. You’ve never called him Daddy before. His arms gently enveloped you, as you cried against his chest. He soothed you by caressing your back.
“What happened, flower?” Breaking the silence your stepfather looked down at you. Caressing the back of your hair.
“We broke up last week, and he’s just still calling me. My ex..” you wiped your tears into Andy’s T-shirt.
“Some, guys never get the hint do they baby? Especially you, the younger generation.” A soft chuckle left him. Peeking up at him your cheeks flushed red. Your stepfather held you against his chest. You could feel the strong muscles of his chest against you. You’ve always found him very attractive and your mom was a lucky woman. Andy didn’t raise you, he always took care of you. Your eyes told Andy many things right now especially the vulnerability in your messy situation.
“Dinner is in 20 minutes. If you don’t feel like eating with us tonight, I’ll bring you your dinner up here. I know your mother won’t mind..” rubbing your spine in circles your eyes met. You nodded softly.
“Is Jacob gonna be okay with it?” Andy let out a soft chuckle.
“Of course, sweetheart. I mean, we are having a movie night after dinner. He’s picking the movie and apparently it’s gonna be cool.” Andy mimicked Jacob in a funny way making you giggle.
“Then I’m coming downstairs..” you confirmed making Andy lean down and kiss your forehead. His lips were so soft. You almost melted. This was wrong on another level. He was your stepfather. You wished to know how his lips tasted for a moment.
“I’ll see you downstairs, and hey.. no more crying right flower?” Wiping your tears away, with his thumb he then walked out of your room. Your knees nearly turned to jelly. It was obvious… you had the hots for your stepfather. You never felt this way, when you were younger. Maybe you weren’t a little girl anymore. The sexiest thing was though… he gave you these sweet nicknames, now your body reacted to them in ways you wouldn’t found possible. He was your mothers husband. After his divorce with Laurie he found your mom, fell in love and you moved from a big city to Newton. The suburbs with so many lovely people. You didn’t like Andy’s job. Your mom was a teacher. She was teaching high schoolers English and Arts. She was the soft crafty type. Andy was the dominant one. The head of the family. You weren’t lying now.. it seemed like he had a soft spot for you. Always being so nice to you lately. Helping you as much as he could…always giving you whatever you wanted. Right now you wanted to ride his cock, and sleep with him until you both wear out. So wrong.. it was so wrong to think this way. You felt guilty for wanting what’s your mothers. Not once though.. not once you didn’t hear them go all spicy during night time. Maybe they just knew how to control themselves knowing your bedroom is right next to theirs.

Wearing a loose shirt, and pair of pyjama shorts walking downstairs. Finding Jacob setting the table for dinner, with no amusement on his face. He hated it. Andy whispering something to your mother but as you entered them both parted away from each other and awkwardly smiled your way.
“Okay it’s not a big deal. Me and my boyfriend broke up.” Rolling your eyes.
“Honey.. please. I just wish to help you. You can talk to us about anything.” Your mom approached you and hugged you. Kissing your cheek. Returning her hug, watching Andy opening his bottle of beer. Your mom then faced him.
“Yeah.. that’s right. Don’t be afraid to tell us. If he’s giving you hard time again. Don’t hesitate to tell me I’ll take care of it.” Andy flashed you a soft smile before drinking his beverage. You nodded.
“Okay guys as much as I love you? You can stop being so awkward. I’m totally fine.”
“Then you can like help me right? Cause I can’t find the forks.” Jacob nudged you removing his earphone.
“Sure.!” You reached for napkins and forks approaching the table helping your stepbrother. You were grateful for your family. When you turned around you found your mom kissing Andy on the lips, rubbing his chest. Accidentally tipping off the glass off the table making it fall on the floor you gasped. Getting on your knees.
“I’m so sorry!” You spoke repeatedly, your heart racing. Your mom ran to you checking you over. Shit.. you couldn’t stand this. Not anymore.
“I have to leave.” You hurried upstairs to change your clothes. Ignoring Andy calling your name. You needed a breather…

After an endless walk, listening the whole playlist on your Spotify and a bucket of tears which were wasted you finally made your way back home. It was after midnight. Your mom was probably very angry with you. Maybe Andy too.. disappointed perhaps. Switching off your shattered phone which surprisingly still worked, you unlocked the door and walked inside the very lonely and dark house. Switching on the lights in the kitchen you filled yourself a glass of water. Finishing it all nearly in one go. A lamp in the living room switched on by itself. Turning around to see who it was.. Andy.
Rubbing his bearded cheek, wearing a black hoodie. Pair of black jeans and a black t shirt. He looked so pissed.
“I’m sorry..” you began.
“Sorry? How are you sorry! I was worried to shit!” He barked. Not caring if he would wake Jacob or your mother. Looking down at your hands, tears filling your eyes.
“I can’t stand this! Okay? I really fucking can’t! You’re not my father stop acting like one!” Now you probably went too far. Andy raised off the couch and approached you nostrils flaring with anger.
“Are you gonna hit me?” You then looked him straight into his stormy eyes. He was breathing heavily, cheeks flushed with blood rush. Anger… such a powerful emotion. Tears rolled down your cheeks.
“You’re such a brat, I went out! Looking for you!! You know what that means? You’re living under my roof! You’re my responsibility! Running away like that Y/N! You could get..-” he stopped himself starting to pace in the room.
“Well maybe I should move out!!” You yelled back at him. Clenching fists, wiping your tears away.
“I hate you!!” The next words made Andy stop his impatient pacing slowly turning around to face you.
“You don’t mean that..” he breathed out. Eyebrows knitting together.
“I don’t.. I really don’t.. I’m so sorry!” You approached him and hugged him tightly.
“So sorry.. so sorry!” He touched your cheeks and finally.. his mouth was on yours. Kissing you. You sobbed into the kiss, but returned the favor. Kissing him. The passion in his kiss set your body on fire. Your hands slid to the back of his head tugging him down to you. He was kissing you, deeply. You couldn’t keep up as moans flooded out of your lips. Your body ached. Picking you up in his arms, Andy slammed you against the wall. Lips still against yours, tongues tangling in heat. Wrapping your arms around his big shoulders; he walked over to the couch with you. Dropping you on it. You gasped.
“S’that what you want? I knew.. it.” Exposing you like that he removed his hoodie. Eyes hungry like a big bad Wolf. You kicked off your trainers. Parting your legs for him.
“Please..” nodding quickly, he hovered above you. Hand on the arm of the couch. Touching your pussy with his fingers nearly moaning under his breath.
“I’ve wanted to use this pussy to fuck my cock.. for a while now sweetheart..” admitting the filthiness, he stripped you off your shorts and panties. Sitting down, eyeing your pussy. Parting your pussy lips with his digits. You moaned impatiently bucking your hips up against his hand.
“Ow..” cooing he parted your legs even more and touched your belly. Sliding two digits into your pussy, eyes on you. Licking his lower lip. You nearly cried out. But deciding to bite into your sleeve to shush yourself. He hovered above you again and touched your cheek with his free hand. Thumb sliding between your lips. You moaned and sucked on it like a Bitch in heat.
“So good for Daddy..” he smiled, curling his fingers inside of you. Moving them in and out in a hasty pace making you gasp and mewl with pleasure.
“For y-you..” you opened his belt and his jeans. He was clearly hard you could see it.
“All this just to get fucked by your stepfather you dirty little slut..” the degradation made your face cherry red. His fingers continued to abuse your swollen cunt. Your creamy cum wrapped around his fingers and before he had a chance to kiss you again you cried out against the side of his neck squirting around his fingers cumming hard.
“You’re makin’ such a big mess..” Pulling his fingers out of you, Andy got on the sofa between your legs sliding his jeans down his ass. Which you automatically grabbed in your small hands. Chuckling at your needy grabby hands he lined himself with your small pussy.
“So big.. not gonna fit!!” You gasped, looking at his big cock.
“I’ll make it fit, flower..” pumping himself few times, your stepfather had your slick on his cock now.. using it for lubrication. Biting your lower lip as he parted your creamy folds with the tip of his dick. He was so gorgeous concentrating like that..
“Daddy do you love me?” You whimpered as he slowly filled you. The stretch was so big it made you shed few tears. Blinking them away he nodded.
“I love you so much sweetheart.. now let Daddy fuck this tiny cunt of yours. Been dying to taste it and rub it with my beard..” he moaned softly bottoming out inside of you. He felt like he won a jackpot. Your pussy was the first exciting thing that happened to him in weeks.
“Hurts..” you then breathed on his lips. He was so big. You felt him in your guts.
“Your boyfriend didn’t stretch your tiny hole did he? Not entirely.. take this slut.” Suddenly you were taken to his lap. Andy sitting up holding your hips. He fucked into your pussy with delicious violence. Making you wrap your arms around his shoulders, face against his neck. His own face was in the crook of your neck. To mask his moans and grunts delivering hard and quick thrusts into your tight core. You felt like passing out. Pleasure bubbling inside of your belly feeling him in your abdomen causing electric bolts shoot down your spine battering out your breath. Big hands on your ass guiding you moving you back and forth on his monster cock. Creaminess leaking of you soaking his the patch of his pubic hair smearing down to his balls.
“D-daddy..!” You felt your orgasm approaching, tears streaming down your face. Lips parted, cheeks hot and moaning on his cheek holding the back of his head trying to gyrate your pussy on his cock but he was so big.
“Makin a big mess flower you gonna clean it up with you mouth.. just wait until your mom comes down now. Catching us doing the filthy big grown up sex!!” Moaning Andy thrusted himself faster into you making you cry out against his neck again. He was moaning so frequently that it stimulated your brain turning it in a liquid.
“So good Daddy.. I love your cock!” You breathlessly whimpered. Andy kissed you wrapping his big arms around you. The thing of getting caught made him continuously rut into your core. The coil in your belly snapped and you wailed in pleasure. The soreness was now ignored the intense pleasure made you part your legs even more and grab fistfuls of his hair. Tipping your head back, moaning and moaning clenching hard on his cock. Andy stuttered in his pace, cumming right after you with a big growl against your neck slightly dipping you backwards his chest tightly pressing against yours. Flooding your Pussy in his cum. There was so much cum on his cock and his groin that it looked like a creamy puddle sticking to your lower bodies as he rammed his cock so deeply into you. Loving you, rubbing his bearded cheek on your cleavage. Your tender flesh going pink. Calming down his breath, you stroked his hair resting your chin on the top of his head. Both of you sweating.
“I love you too Daddy..” you mumbled softly. Andy made an eye contact with you.
“My little one.. my flower.” The older man kissed you and now your ex boyfriend was forgotten.