kordy-b - Out.For.A.Walk.Bitch!

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Omg This Was So Amazing I Love How Andy Was So Protective Of The Reader But I Hate Lee (Lee Is A Dirtbag)

omg this was so amazing 👏🏾 I love how Andy was so protective of the reader ❤️ but I hate Lee (Lee is a dirtbag) even if his played by a sexy fine man like seb

For A Price

Summary: 'It was more than clear that the two men had their own personal dispute outside of the current situation but that was none of your concern. Whatever it was, they could settle it without you. Or so you hoped.'

Pairing: Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Black!Reader

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY. THIS IS A DARK FIC. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS BEFORE READING. Prostitution, explicit language, oral (m rec), threats involving a gun, car sex, sexual coercion, NON-CON, anal sex, crying, hair pulling

Notes: So fun fact-- this is the second fic I've ever received a nasty comment on and the first fic to get a racist comment all in one.

For A Price

After two hours of sitting in the police station you were finally free, reclining back in the passenger seat of the Audi as Andy drove down the road. You were relieved when he answered your annoyed and panicked phone call, his voice immediately comforting you as he promised to be at the station to get you as soon as he could. Now you could breathe again.

“Thanks again, Andy. Sorry you had to come all the way out here. I know it’s a pain.”

Andy quickly flashed you a smile. “How many times have I dropped everything for you now? You know I don’t mind, Y/N.”

His hand came to rest next to yours on the center console, his knuckles barely brushing yours, and you felt a warm rush run through you. It was the same one you always felt whenever you were with Andy. You both had a rather close friendship with each other stemming back to the first time you met him when you got your first collar for soliciting. It still shocked you that a man of his caliber took pity on you enough to help you out but he did and afterwards he slipped you his card.

“You ever need help again, just call.”

For a while you forgot about the number, having tucked the card inside a pocket of your purse where it stayed until you wound up being carted to the station once again. He never so much as scolded you when he finally got to you, instead making sure you were okay before he posted your bail and dropped you off back home. From then on, you developed a sort of bond with the sweet lawyer; He never once judged your line of work but he always made sure you were safe. If he happened to see you out, he would stop and chat with you, maybe even take you to get a bite to eat and a hot cup of coffee. Andy Barber was a good man. Far too good to be helping you out as much as he did.

Andy had pretty much heard it all where you were concerned:

“Why are you helping her? She’s a lost cause.”

“Look at what she does. Let her sit in a cell, it would serve her right.”

“She’s just using you. Stop being so fucking nice to her.”

All of it was spoken with so much disdain and disgust that he had to bite his own tongue to keep from reminding those same people that they were anything but saints and had no right to judge you. None of those things ever deterred him though. Deep down, even though he knew better, he couldn’t help but care for your well-being. As much as he wished you were doing anything other than allowing strangers to use you as their personal toy, he knew better than to voice his opinions. All he could do was hope you stayed safe at the end of the day. He could only imagine the creeps who got to touch you, what they did to you behind closed doors. It burned him up inside, a smoldering flame that grew if he thought about it for too long. Too many times he wanted to bring you home with him and every time he had to remind himself it wasn’t his place to do so, not unless you asked. And you never did.

How he wished you would.

“I feel like I need to repay you for all the times you’ve saved my ass. You’re probably the only person who looks out for me honestly.”

“Sometimes we all just need someone to check in on us. I don’t mind. I never have.”

“There has to be something I can do. Coffee? A beer? Dinner?”

“Just knowing you’re okay is enough repayment. Now stop naming things,” he shook his head. That soft smile of his made his cheeks rise.

“Fine, fine. I’ll just continue freeloading until you get tired of me.”

“That could never happen.”

He looked over at you with sincerity in his eyes and suddenly a wave of shyness hit you, making you avert your eyes to the dark road ahead. You swore this was his superpower. No one else made you feel like this but Andy. He was a charming son of a bitch for sure. Silence stretched on for a few long seconds before something came over you, a swift kick of bravery that made you lean over the console and plant a kiss on Andy’s cheek.

“Thanks for being so good to me.”

Andy felt heat rise in his cheeks as he turned to catch your eye. You were so close he could faintly smell the tea tree oil wafting off your hair. The shimmering coffee colored orbs of your eyes never looked as beautiful as they did right now. For a second Andy forgot all about the road you both were on, his attention glued to your face and how much he wanted to kiss you. The light rumble of gravel beneath the tires finally brought his eyes back to the road as he cleared his throat and quickly straightened the wheel. He looked so flustered that you couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sorry if I caught you off guard.”

“It’s uh…,” Andy paused to clear his throat again, “it’s fine. Just unexpected is all.”

The more you watched him try to collect himself, the more you wanted to litter kisses all over his face. He deserved something for always coming to your rescue and if he wouldn’t accept you buying him dinner or a drink, maybe he was willing to accept something else.

“Do you maybe…want to pull over?” you asked. Your fingers trailed down the bearded curve of his cheek.

Andy gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye before he nodded wordlessly. The car veered off onto the shoulder and came to a stop before Andy shifted into park. Removing his seatbelt, he turned to face you and you were on him before he could even speak. Your lips molded to his softly at first before Andy deepened it, his hands grabbing your face and pulling you closer. A moan hummed softly in your throat and you could feel Andy’s lips curve into a smile. Pulling away from you, his forehead rested against yours.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”

“Should’ve made a move then, Barber. Kept a girl hanging long enough.”

You both smiled and Andy stroked your cheek. “Can I make up for lost time?”

Peering up into his cerulean eyes, you swore you could have melted into a puddle right there in the passenger seat. “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”

Your lips met again, this time with more fervor than before. You dared to let your tongue tease against Andy’s lips and he parted them allowing you to explore further. The way he cradled your face with such care made butterflies erupt in your belly. It had been far too long since someone treated you so tenderly. With so many men carelessly using you and groping at every turn, you were starting to think a soft touch no longer existed. You should’ve known Andy was the exception. Of course he was. Your hand gripped at the lapel of his jacket before pushing beneath it, your fingers feeling a broad chest beneath the dress shirt Andy wore. Even under the fabric you knew he was well built, the definition evident against your wandering touch. You journeyed further down until you felt the cool leather of his belt against your fingertips. When your movements paused, Andy pulled away from your lips again. Your eyes flashed up to his, your question silent in them. Andy did the work for you, one of his own hands moving down to undo his belt with ease. Giving you a small grin, he nodded silently urging you to continue.

The button snapped open between your fingers and you pulled the zipper down, the sound seemingly amplified in the otherwise silent car, and pushed your hand inside the opening of his slacks. Soft cotton brushed over your fingers, the material shifting from the weight of Andy’s growing erection. You dared to feel over his bulge and you were surprised at how thick he felt. Andy tried not to move but he couldn’t stop himself from moving into your touch. His cock bobbed slightly under your touch. A smile curved along your lips as you nestled your nose against the pulse point rapidly beating against Andy’s neck. His expensive cologne tickled your nose in the best way and all you wanted then was to completely drink Andy Barber in, get lost in him.

“Relax for me, okay?” you murmured into his skin.

The responding thick swallow Andy gave made you place a kiss on his jaw before you focused your attention on what rested inside his boxers. You slowly unsheathed his cock and bit your lip as you took in the sight. He was so big and warm, a large vein running up the side of his shaft that you couldn’t wait to feel with your tongue. Pulsing in your hand, you swore you could feel him growing harder from your touch and it made you salivate. Giving him a few firm pumps, you leaned over the center console and gave a teasing kitten lick over the crown. Andy watched you with an intense stare, his hands flexing with the need to pull your clothes off and touch every part of you that he could. This wasn’t exactly how he imagined having you but it would be a lie for him to say he wasn’t happy regardless. He relaxed against the headrest and allowed you to lavish his cock with your tongue while your lips wrapped around his head.

“Are you going to tease me forever, honey?”

A sultry chuckle sounded in your throat before you took all of Andy in your mouth and swallowed him down to the root. The hiss he let out made pride swell in your chest. All you wanted to do was make him feel good. Your tongue swirled around his warm length while you sucked, your hand steadily rotating at the base. The taste of precome spreads over your tastebuds and you hum softly as you get lost in giving Andy pleasure. Soft praises and chants floating off his lips make you clench your thighs together, your pussy getting wetter the longer you draw the words from Andy’s mouth. You hollowed your cheeks while Andy watched from above proudly, his hand soothingly rubbing at your lower back in a way that shot tingles up your spine. It would have been next to perfect had the sound of knocking against the window not startled you both into quickly stopping. You sat up in time to be greeted by a flashlight shining through the glass.

“Shit,” Andy muttered. He shoved his cock back into his boxers before zipping up his pants.

You moved back over to your seat and placed your head in your hand, shame overtaking you. Andy exhaled before rolling down his window. You didn’t expect to see someone you and Andy both knew peering into the window, a slanted smile on his face.

“Evening, Barber,” Lee said. Shining the light into the car, he saw you trying and failing to hide your face. “Well, well look who it is. Not even away from the station a whole half hour and you’re going back getting into trouble again, Y/N.”

Your heart was pounding in your chest and it wasn’t even because you were caught. This happened enough that you were used to the usual song and dance. However this instance was different from the past; Lee Bodecker was the local sheriff and a “friend” —you used that word loosely— of yours. Once or twice he pulled strings of his own to get you out of trouble and maybe once or twice you thanked him in a way that made it so he would let you slide on the off chance he caught you slipping again. Looking at him now though, you can’t quite decipher the look in his eye but you don’t care for it. And something tells you he might not be as generous as he was in the past.

“You’re the last man I would’ve expected to find out here getting… serviced. From Y/N no less.” You didn’t miss the wink he threw your way.

“This isn’t…it’s nothing, Bodecker. And I’m sure you’ve let worse people off for less. What do I have to do for you to look the other way on this?”

Lee shifted the toothpick in his mouth as he chuckled, flashlight still shining in your face. Resting an arm on the top of the car, he leaned into the window.

“Well hold on now, Barber, who said I was letting you off?”

“Lee, please,” you spoke up with wide, begging eyes.

“You both know I wouldn’t be doing my job if I just let you go.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time now would it?” Andy muttered.

That set Lee’s mouth into a thin line, all traces of humor gone. It was more than clear that the two men had their own personal dispute outside of the current situation but that was none of your concern. Whatever it was, they could settle it without you.

Or so you hoped.

“I could always bring you both in. What would it look like with the hot shot lawyer sitting behind bars for getting caught up with the local whore? Remind me, when’s the next time Jacob is supposed to come up for a visit?”

“Don’t ever fucking mention my son again,” Andy snapped in Lee’s face.

Lee sneered at him. “And what about you, lil lady? My boys and I have been nice enough to let you skate on by for a while now. All it would take is a word and maybe a few videos for you to be spending time in a cell for as long as I see fit.”

Anxiety ran through every nerve in your body and sweat started to bead at your hairline. The threat of tears burned the back of your throat. Lee could see the fear in your eyes and it tickled some sick part inside of him.

“Please don’t. I’ll do whatever I have to do, Lee, please. I can’t go to jail.”

“Y/N stop talking,” Andy warned.

“No, let her finish, Barber. She was starting to speak my language.” The tone of his voice, the implications lying underneath it, made your stomach turn. “You said you’d do whatever you had to. Sure about that?”

You weren’t but you just wanted all of this to be over and fast. Ten minutes of suffering was worth some freedom. Right?


“Y/N,” Andy said.

“Y’know I’ve had about enough of you talking,” Lee piped up. “This girl could be your ticket outta here. So if I were you, I’d shut the fuck up and let her help you.”

“And if I don’t?” he challenged.

Lee smirked and a couple seconds later, the gun appeared. You let out a loud gasp as you backed into the passenger door. Andy stiffened as Lee pushed the barrel of the gun into his temple with a menacing smile.

“I’d hate for her to have to clean your face off the windshield before I bring her in. Not a very dignified way to go out in my opinion.” When Andy didn’t speak up again, Lee nodded as if he was satisfied. Looking back to you, he said, “Why don’t you join me in the backseat?”

You tried to open your mouth but words failed you. Tears stung at your eyes and you tried your hardest to keep them at bay but one managed to slip free and cascaded hotly down your cheek. With a shaky hand, you opened the door and got out but not before giving Andy one last look. His jaw tensed but his eyes held nothing but worry for you.

“I’ll be okay,” you promised.

If only you believed it.

You and Lee both slip into the backseat at the same time, his gun still trained on Andy behind the headrest. Shifting his toothpick between his lips, he gives you that smile that now makes your skin crawl. If only you asked Andy to take you back to his place. If only you hadn’t kissed him. If only you had kept your hands to yourself. You wouldn’t be in this situation now. Lee reclined in the seat, his jacket slipping open to show off his belly tucked inside the shirt of his uniform.

“No need for those tears now, honey. It’s gonna be alright. You’ll treat me as good as you were treating Mr. Barber, right?” You nod wordlessly as you work up the willpower and swallow down the bile wanting to rise in your throat. “That’s good. Been aching to get a piece of you again for some time now. Better make it worth my while.”

He motions to his pants and you take the hint as you start to work his belt open with fumbling fingers, your sniffles filling the eerie silence of the car. The sound of his zipper is amplified as you slowly slide it down. He helped you open the flap of his boxers and he fished his cock out where it stood proudly, waiting for you to tend to it. He was thick and heavy but not like Andy. His head was angry red, his shaft throbbing. It looked fitting for such a selfish piece of shit like Lee and now you were about to welcome him into your mouth once again.

“No, no honey. Not your mouth this time.” You stopped and met his eyes glowing sinisterly, the corners creased from his smile. Dread filled your entire body. “You know I’ve always been an ass man. I wanna feel that tight little hole stretching just for me.” More tears fell and this time you let them. Lee tucked his finger under your chin and swiped away the salty trail with his thumb before tracing it over your bottom lip. “You’re getting all wet in the wrong place, sweets. That’s alright, I’ll help you out. If you’re good, Barber, and you keep your fucking mouth shut, maybe I’ll let you fuck her pussy when I’m done,” he called up front.

Through the rear view mirror you could make out the quiet rage simmering on Andy’s features. Lee’s rough hand pried your thighs apart and he brazenly grabbed at your crotch. You cursed the fact that your panties were still wet from before and you knew Lee could feel it, his fingers rubbing the wet spot repeatedly. Licking his lips, he hummed appreciatively.

“Go ahead and take those off.” You did as you were told, trembling hands working the material down your legs and dropping them on the floor. While you stared down at the garment, Lee spit into his palm before stroking his cock. As if he truly cared enough to get you ready to take him. “Alright now honey, make me proud.”

He yanked you over onto his lap and you rolled your eyes up to the ceiling in a silent prayer that this be over and done quickly. Humiliation flooded you as you braced against the seats and allowed Lee to situate you over his erection with a bruising grip. He guided his head through your wet folds to gather what he could before breaching your ring of muscle. You bit your lip to stifle sounds of your protest and let your tears roll freely down your face. Lee stretched you painfully but within seconds your body was adjusting to his careless intrusion and he was singing his praises with panting breaths.

“Atta girl. Tight little hole on you. Should’ve broke you in way before now.”

Lee moved his hips under yours and you fought to keep your mind focused on anything other than what was happening now. Your body, however, was steadily betraying you, your pussy soaking from the added stimulation. Lee’s soft grunts got more passionate as he reached around to circle his fingers over your clit.

“Don’t,” you cried pathetically. You were too scared to push his hand away. Not that he would have let you anyway.

“Can’t go neglecting this little pussy. She’s crying for me, sweets.”

Emotions conflict inside you– anger, embarrassment, shame– and it takes every bit of energy you have not to let the building sobs you feel in your chest overtake you. You want to scream at Lee to stop violating you. You want to beg Andy to save you. The gun still trained on him though tells you that even if Andy wanted to save you, some weight on the trigger could easily stop him from doing so. Your eyes drifted up to the rearview and there you saw those amazing baby blues filled with their own mixture of anger and pain. You didn’t see how hard he was gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white and shaking. The car rocked from Lee’s movements, his thrusts getting more desperate as your body reacted to him. You hated yourself when a moan slipped free, evidence of pleasure you didn’t want to feel in this moment.

“Hear that, Barber? She can’t even control herself,” Lee drawled.

Andy felt the tick in his jaw. His body was on fire. He knew your noises weren’t because you liked any of this but a spark of jealousy still hit him all the same. Your moans and cries made a sad little song, Lee’s pleasured grunts adding to it. The fingers circling your clit slipped down before pushing past your slit making you feel even more full. A trembling breath racked your body and you felt that telltale coil winding up in your lower belly.

“All those cocks you take and still so fucking tight. Maybe you just needed the right man to really break you in, huh?” A sob shakes you but Lee is too far gone to care, another sick laugh leaving him.

You can feel an orgasm fast approaching and as much as you hate that Lee is giving you this feeling, you take it as a sign that all of this is close to being over. Lee fucks into you harder and you know he’s close. His panting breaths become harsher, strings of curses falling out through gritted teeth.

“You gonna come for me, sweets?” When he’s met with silence, his hand quickly fists into your hair and pulls back until you hiss in pain. “Answer me, girl.”

“Y-yes,” you whimper.

“Yes, sir. You got better manners than that.”

“Yes, sir.”

The words leave a sour taste in your mouth but there’s no time to dwell on them when Lee pushes his fingers back inside you and curls them until he reaches that little spot that makes your eyes slam shut, stars bursting behind your eyelids. Your sobs mix with your moans until you’re unsure of which is winning out. Your pussy gushes all over Lee’s digits and he laughs triumphantly before he finally crumbles, heavy groans filling the car as his warmth fills you. When you’re sure he’s done, you scramble off his lap and huddle against the door. His sated grin makes your stomach turn and you want so badly to slap it off his face.

“You got what you wanted, Bodecker. We done here?” Andy asked.

Lee tucked his softening length away with a satisfied sigh. “I think you’re free to go.”

You furiously wiped the tears staining your face as you slipped your panties back on, your eyes never once netting either of the two men.

“Y/N get back up here.”

You fumble for the door handle before Lee stops you with a hand on your leg. “We’ll hold on now, I said you were free to go. I was just starting to have fun with our girl here. In fact, I think I wanna make a little arrangement.”

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More Posts from Kordy-b

1 year ago

Keep Me in Your Thoughts (32)

Keep Me In Your Thoughts (32)

It was close to dawn as rhaelle laid awake in her armchair facing the blazing fire, she sniff as she stare into space as her mind was elsewhere.

It been close to a month since daemon left, it been a week since he sent a letter to her explaining that it might take a bit longer for him to come home. Her mind was too muddled to worry if daemon was going to come back or not, it was too focus on her new status as a dowager queen now thoros has joined his wife.  Rhaelle's hand rest near her mouth as tears form and sting her eyes at the thought of the late monarch, the funeral was days ago and she still hasn't stop crying.

The one man she considered as a father and who didn't treat her as a pawn or object was gone, it hurt so much to think about it. It was like jaehaerys all over again, one second his fine and happy and moving again and the next his back in bed and she is being woke up in the middle of the night told that it was time to say your goodbyes. She felt lost. She felt abandoned. She felt angry.

Rhaelle thoughts were interrupted by her stomach turning in discomfort, before she knew it she was holding her mouth as she gets up hurrying to the bucket that was near bedside and dropping down to her knees to puke up her supper. She retch before groaning as she move to push herself to lean against her the bed on the floor, she wipe her mouth with the back of her hand. She close her eyes tight feeling a headache coming on, why must she feel this way now she has so much to do and being sick is going to get in her way.

As rhaelle spit up more vomit into the bucket, a knock came from her door before it was opened making her turn her head weakly to see Meleah walking in and looking around. The priestess stop midway to see rhaelle on the floor clenching a bucket by her side. 

"My Queen? Are you alright." She asked closing the door behind her before going to squat across from the queen.

"Yes, it's nothing. It will pass." Meleah look at rhaelle wary, rhaelle cast her eyes away from meleah worried eyes to the folded parchment in the woman's hand, "What is that." She motion her head to what meleah was holding, meleah took a sit on the floor before looking at the message that was sent from king's landing.

"It is a message from king viserys." Rhaelle roll her eyes leaning her head back so it could hit the side of her mattress.

"Throw it away, I am in no mood for him." Meleah frown a bit.

"It could be important." Rhaelle scoffed doubtfully, but nonetheless she took the message from meleah's outreach hand and opened it.

She scan her eyes over the words dully and carefully before dropping her hand in her lap with a look.

"What did it say, my queen." Meleah ask making rhaelle look at her.

"He invited me to celebrate the return of daemon, without baelor." meleah brows shot up in surpised.

"Will you go." Rhaelle shrugs her shoulder unsure, she didn't feel like leaving the castle but she knows she must.

"Not like I have a choice." She grunts moving to her knees and using her bed to get up, meleah follow suits watching rhaelle carefully as she went to her side of the bed and tug on the rope to signal the servants.

"Do you wish me to go with you, my queen." Rhaelle looks at meleah for a moment before shaking her head no.

"I can go by myself, I doubt I will be there long. Once they have they fun taunting me I will be home by midnight." Meleah frown at rhaelle's back as she walks around the room.

"On the other hand, maybe I should go...for support." Rhaelle turn her head to look at meleah as the young woman took a seat on the bed while staring back at the queen.

"It's okay. I do not wish to put you through such a torturous evening at my expense," Meleah made a noise as rhaelle shuffle to her vanity table to grab her ring and put it on her picky.

"Even more reasons for me to go, maybe I can take the light off you. I know if I bring up my god, Otto would have no chance to bother you but spend his time demeaning me." Rhaelle's face twisted into a deep frown as she walks over to her bed to sit.

"Please, don't provoke that fool. I truly do not wish to be drag out of the celebration for punching him in his face." Meleah giggle as she leans against her friend.

"Oh, but I bet it you will feel really good." Rhaelle chuckle as she shook her head before looking at meleah.

"Are you sure you wish to come?" She asked, rhaelle really hope she say yes because she didn't think she handle those vultures by herself even if daemon was going to be around.

"Of course, my queen." Meleah smile making rhaelle smile back before taking her friend's hand that rest on her thigh.

"Thank you," Meleah gave a bow of her head.

"That what friends are for." Rhaelle lean her head against meleah as the door to her chamber was open making them pull apart.

Rhaelle instructed the servants into packing for a trip, "...Oh, and pomegranates I will need you to bring me one before I depart." A girl with silver blonde hair nodded before leaving as the others start finding clothes for rhaelle to wear on her ride and the afternoon.

After announcing her departure to her family and the council, rhaelle and meleah took off to King's Landing. The ride there was sadly fast it seem rhaemyx was ready to get this over and down with just as much as you, when you arrive the sun was up and beaming from the sky. When they made to the castle, there was no one to greet them like usual but there was a servant there to give a message to rhaelle. The king needed to see her in the council chamber, hopefully there were others there too, rhaelle and meleha gave their belongings to the servant before walking inside.

The walk to the council chamber brought back memories, the very spot where her life ended and begun. Rhaelle stop down the hall of the door with meleah ahead of her looking back, the priestess looked at her friend as she goes back to her to stand parallel to rhaelle.

She place her hand on her friend's arm making rhaelle snap out of her daze filled memories, making meleah give a small smile at rhaelle before squeezing her arm in reassurance. Rhaelle smile back before taking a deep breathe and exhaling, they walk together side by side to the door where two guards waited and open the doors to them. The young queen walks in first before meleah to find the council room with masters and king in it, the door closed behind them catching some attention.

"...your grace," rhaelle spoke up before her and meleah bow to the man at the head table, when viserys said her name making her lift up and look at him he wore a small smile.

"We heard what happened to king thoros, we are so sorry for your lost." Rhaelle bow her head thanking him for his condolences, she move her hands to clasp in front of her as she waited for whatever viserys wanted to ask.

The room was quiet making rhaelle look at meleah who gave a confuse look back at her, rhaelle turn her attention back to viserys and otto as they sat their just watching her. She refrain from rolling her eyes at the two idiots who called themselves king and the hand.

"Is there something else?" She ask making viserys look otto.

"Actually, there is..." Otto lean forward with his hands link together on the table, rhaelle couldn't refrain this time from rolling her eyes, "...since your husband passing we wish to discuss the succession."

"I am thoros heir," Rhaelle says dully looking at him.

"Yes, but things has changed." Rhaelle raised her brow at him before glancing at viserys.

"How so." Otto look over at viserys before back at rhaelle.

"Our son, Aeron, survived that horrid war in the stepstones. He is also the eldest and fifteen..." Rhaelle squint her eyes at him.

"So?" The corner of otto's lip twitch as he tries to refrain from grinning.

"He is of age to take the seat of Magonsæte, and with the princess returning from her tour. The king thinks it is a good idea to betrothal the two together." Rhaelle stammer at the thought.

"H-he can't he is to be married to another," she said looking between viserys and otto.

"Another? Over the princess. It seems you forgot queen rhaelle that duties comes first over happiness." Rhaelle glare at otto with a sharp look.

"He is right, rhaelle." Rhaelle look at viserys, "This can reunite our houses, not only house velfrey but house velaryon–"

"House Velaryon is not my responsibility anymore, " she cuts off making viserys purse his lips, "And my children happiness will always come first before duties," she said looking back at otto.

"My answer is no with due respect, my king. I am abidding by my husband's last wish," she said, Otto looked at her irritated while viserys gave her an exasperated look, the king look around the table before he look at rhaelle again.

"I wish to discuss a matter with rhaelle, Otto and Lord Strong can stay, I will need everyone else to stand outside." He said with his eyes trained on the woman by rhaelle's side, rhaelle look at meleah who look back at her.

"I'll be outside, my queen." Rhaelle frown before nodding as she follow the other man out the door.

Meleah stood in the hallway taking a step far from the door and the men standing near it, she lean against the wall with a window next to it looking of out to see servants and others going on with their daily routine. Her gut twist nervously in her stomach, she wondered what was being said in the chamber, she hope that ot wasn't anything bad. Rhaelle doesn't need anymore stress, she just lost her husband and friend and to be honest meleah is starting to worry for her queen. She been so off for the last couple of days, at first she thought it coukd be about daemon but the more she watches rhaelle, she feels something more is at foot. As her mind start to wonder what was going on with her friend, the doors to the council was burst through making meleah look over to see rhaelle looking around until her eyes landed on meleah.

"We're leaving." Rhaelle hiss before turning on her heels and making her way down the hall, meleah walk after her friend but not before looking inside the chamber to see the three man still sitting with glum looks on their faces.

Meleah turn her head away and hurried down the hall where her mistress just stalk down, meleah never seen her friend look so angry before she usually good at masking her emotions when she had to deal with viserys and otto. Her curiosity wonders what could they have said to make rhaelle act like this, and was it bad.

@avidreader73 @green-lxght @watercolorskyy @supermassiveblackhope @spderm4nnnn @cleverzonkwombatsludge @beggarsnotchoosey

1 year ago

Begging You

Begging You

It was the middle of the night when you woke, you stretch out your body and your hand went to the left side of the bed hoping to snuggling up to reid. But, your arm fall on a empty cold space, you snap your eyes opened before sitting up slowly, the bathroom door was close and inside was dark so he wasn't in there. You push the thick cover off your body before scooting off the bed and sliding on your fuzzy slippers, you out into the hall seeing the house was pitch dark, you hit the switch for the hallway before walking downstairs.

The kitchen light was off and so was reid's office that was down the hall, you frown looking around confuse, it wasn't until you heard a creak from outside that made you slowly turn your heard towards the back sliding door. You back up out of the kitchen before peeking around the corner and saw the deck was lit up and a figure was sitting on the stairs. You walk over to the sliding door and gently slide it open making spencer turn his head to look at you, you give hima small smile as he does the same before turn back towards the spacious yard.

"Hey, babe. You couldn't sleep?" You ask taking a seat next to him.

"I had another nightmare." He whisper making you lean against him with your hand on his knee.

"Want to talk about it?" Spencer look at you, the sadness and tiredness from his eyes made you frown.

"I think this one is best saved for tara," he joke but you could tell it had grief behind it.

"That bad, huh." He nodded.

"But, hey you don't need to worry about it," You gave him a look.

"But, i do, spencer. It seems like ever since hotch and morgan left your nightmares have become frequent." Spencer bows his head, "I'm starting to get concern about your mental–"

"Honey, please." He beg making me lower my shoulders, "I already have prentiss constantly badgering me about going to a therapist, please don't start too."

"Have you ever thought maybe, she has a point, you been through a lot this past year–"

"Yeah, I know I was there." He snap making you bite your bottom lip at his frustration, you didn't take it to heart you know how stress he been since prentiss put him on leave, "...I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean...I'm just..." he sigh putting his head in his hand.

"I know your reckless, I get it."

You both sat in silence. The sound of the crickets in the air reminded you of the time, you and spencer went back home to nevada to check out your old childhood home.

"...hey, you remember that time when we climb that huge oak tree in my backyard when we were kids and you ended up falling out of it because, shoot what happen again..." you ask looking at him, spencer's lips curve at the memory and shook his head.

"I was attack by squirrel–"

"You were attack by a squirrel, gosh..." You lean your head back as you giggle, "...that was most hilarious thing I seen, and you remember what your mom said when was cleaning up your cheek." You grin.

"She said, this is what children get when they don't listen to their mothers, disfigured the day before picture day." He smile with his knee knocking your own, you shook your head at the memory.

"And she had to put cake of make-up on you to hide the little scatches from the squirrel." He chuckle nodding his head, you watch him as the tension in his face slolwy disappear.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look like I was about to fall asleep with how heavy that make up was on me." You giggle remembering his face, one of his eyes were half open while the other one was completely close.

We grew quiet again with a peaceful ambience between us, you glance at reid before looking out as the fireflies start to glow up the backyard.

"...you know that was one of the scariest moments of my life." You turn your head to look at spencer as he look back at you with a small frown, "...seeing you there on the ground in pain, it scared the hell outta me all I could think is 'it's my fault, it was for me he probably be okay,' I blame myself for months for what happen." You sigh bowing your head back before looking at him.

"What I am trying to say is that I worked through it just like i work through you going on your long trips and dangerous assignments by talking to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist or me. But, you can't hold whatever in here..." You press your index finger to his temple, "...forever because than it gets to be too much and it overflows out into our lives, and I don't want that to happen." You out your hand over his as it rest on his thigh.

"So, please, spence whatever going through that weird machine you call a brain, let it out, write down in a notebook. Hell, sew it on a pillow for all I care, just please no more holding it in. For us." You grab his hand putting in his lap resting it his hand on your four months belly bump, spencer look down at your stomach and his hand rub the small bump with a small smile.

"Do you have any clients tomorrow?" He ask making you give a wide smile.

"No, I'm all yours." He look back up to your face.

"Okay, we can talk tomorrow, but for now..." he took off his grey zip up sweater and put it around your shoulder before scooting close to you, "...let's just enjoy this." You smile moving your head to rest on his shoulder as his arm wasaround your own.


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1 year ago

Keep Me in Your Thoughts (34)

Keep Me In Your Thoughts (34)

When we finally decided to show ourseleves the welcoming celebration was moved from the throne room to godswood, my arm was loop through meleah's arm as I leaned on her while she guided me to godswood. I don't know what has gotten into me, I had so much energy earlier now all I feel is tired and sluggish and big. This reminds me of something what I can't put my finger on what, maybe it's the stress getting to me, yeah, once I finish here and get back home I will feel like myself again.

Only the Red Keep and the people who stay in it can only be the reason to make me feel like absolute shit for no reason, I sigh to myself.

"Where's my pomegranate." I ask turning to look at meleah making the girl sigh herself.

"I told you, my queen. They are still looking for one," My frown deepen as we walk down the halls.

"Gods, I hate this place." I mutter, how can they not have pomegranates, they are one of the most imported fruit in westeros and they're still looking. Pigs. All of them. This place thinks about nothing but themseleves....

The moment we made it outside, I stirr meleah to the table filled of food. I unhook my arm from her as I look at the various of finger foods to eat, as I think about what I should eat first the rumble in my stomach made me realize it didn't matter. So, I took the crabapple tart from the platter and pop one in my mouth, my lashes flatter in delight at the bittersweet taste before moving to grab a plate and start pulling sweets and others onto my plate.

"My lady must you get so much," I pause and look at her before looking down at my plate that sat a separation of sweets and tidbits before glancing back at her with a frown.

"Gods, no wonder I'm getting fat, I'm stress eating." I groan moving to abandon the plate on the table, but meleah stop me from doing so as she took the plate from me.

"No, I didn't mean it like..." she sigh, "You look fine, my queen. Here." I shook my head as she tries to hand it back to me making my hands out in front of me.

"It's okay, nope. I'm fine. I'm not hungry anymore," I lied as I glance at the food and back meleah, she gave me a pleading look making me turn my head away.

"Fine." She said defeated, "Why don't I hold on to it, and if you get hungry again you can take a sweet or a tidbit off the plate, so people can think we are sharing and not all of it is yours." I bite my cheek and glance at her.

"You will do that for me?" I ask a bit uncertain, why am I feeling unsure, of course meleah do that for me she's my friend, "Thanks, Mel." She gave me purse smile as she bow her head at me.

I swipe a pork with bread around and quickly putting it in my mouth, gods that's nasty, even through I hate this place with a passion their food are always amazing. I cover my mouth as I chewed making me glance around at the lords and ladies, I look away from the people distracted by a bird in the weirwood tree. I move away from meleah to go near the tree trying to see the bird, I stand under the creepy face tree looking at the long branches that look to stretch out forever. As I move around the tree to stand behind it  I finally found the bird perched on a branch, it red feathers blended in with the blood-red leaves.

"What are you looking at?" I narrow my eyes at the bird as the person behind m3 ask.

"A bird."

"A bird?" He repeated making I hum.

"Yes, a bird. A Summer Tanager to be exact," It was his turn to hum.

"I don't see it." I lean back so my back can be touching his chest a bit before I move to point up in the tree.

"It's right...there on  that scrawny branch between those two larges ones." I felt him move closer so the front of his body was flash against my back and his chin hover over my right shoulder.

"Do you see it, my prince." His hands went to my waist gently squeezing them.

"Yes, my queen." I turn my head just as daemon did the same, a broad smile painted his lips as he gaze at me.

He squeeze my waist again before leaning towards my lips, before he can get a kiss outta me. I look away from him and move out of his hold  to lean against the tree, daemon look at me with amuse look before moving to lean against the tree too parallel from me.

"A fun fact about birds is that some are said to be smarter than humans," I said looking up as the bird flit to another branch making it shake and some leaves fall off.

"Are they now." I nod as I look at the bird flit again over to another branch, "I never knew you found birds interesting." I look at him.

"I don't. I just like reading about them, my favorite bird is the shrikes." Daemon raised his brow.

"Why? Because their cute and small." I chuckle as I move close to daemon making him smirk at me, as my hand brush against his hand making him grab it.

"That's one of the reasons," he press his lips to my palm making something in me spark and make me bite my bottom lip.

"What's the other." He ask moving my hand to rest against his cheek, my thumb caressed his cheek making him lean into my hand.

"Mostly because of their nickname, butcher birds, they got their names from impaling their prey on thorns or sharp branches to eat and store for later." I said as I slide my hand from his touch making him look at me with a bemused look, "Just because something is small and cute, my dear. Doesn't mean it can't kill you, daemon."

He face came close to my own, I could feel and smell his breathe from how close he was. It made you want to close the gap and kiss him already.

"I love it when you threaten me, my queen." A deep purr from him caused my mind to go foggy, it was the same sound he will make when he was on top of you. My core squeezed around nothing at the thought of him, gods how you want him inside of you.

"Not...threatening, my love. Just educating." I purr leaning closer to him.

He made it hard for me to think clearly. I could tell he felt the same way as his eyes hasn't stop peaking down at my swollen breast in this dress, I watch as his tongue poke out wetting his lips before our eyes made contact. His light purple eyes were now cloudy dark lilac as he stare at me, I look at his hand feeling it on my waist as he squeezes me before moving to slide behind me to grope my backside. As he kneaded my ass all I can think about is how all the time we laid in bed together. Those slender fingers were the ones that brought me to a mind-boggling orgamic bliss so many times, and how his soft lips would kiss along my thigh until he mouth on me. Gods how you want to feel him inside you again.

"...daemon," I whispered making him hum, "kiss me." He move his hand to the back of my neck bringing me onto a heated kiss.

I moan softly against him as he pull me flash against him, I could feel his tent poking me as I rub myself against casuing to let out a small whimper. His lips move from my lips to my neck as he kiss and suck along the my collarbone, as i allow him to push my back against the tree, the sudden sounds of people around us made me remember where we were at. I move to pull his mouth from my body before pecking him on the lips, before he could pull me in for another deep kiss. I move away from his hold and made my way from behind the tree.

I look over my shoulder with a smile to see him watching with lovesick grin as he comes from around the tree, when his name was called by a familiar female voice. I turn my eyes away and made way through the people who started to leave back inside to find Meleah.

@beggarsnotchoosey @cleverzonkwombatsludge @avidreader73 @green-lxght @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @watercolorskyy @stargaryenx

1 year ago

Keep Me in Your Thoughts (33)

Keep Me In Your Thoughts (33)

"Fucking bastards. How dare them." I hiss slamming the door to my old chamber open as I walk in, I start to pace the room.

"The nerve of them to blame me for this, as if I was the one who animate the rebellion. I..." I point at myself as I face meleah who was watching on the bed, " did nothing but try to restore my name and give a home to my children, and yet this is my fault." I let out a bitter chuckle, foolish old man, those bastards, those...argh.

I grabbed the pitcher from the table and threw it against the wall above the fireplace before it fell to the floor, I grind my teeth as I stare at the empty space that use to have a painting there long ago before I threw it away.

"...my queen, what is going on," I snap my head around to look at meleah as she stare at me worried, "What are you talking about? What happened in the chamber–"

"Those bastards is incompetent that is what, they are blaming me for the rebellion that iron islands are starting because I am queen."

"What do you being queen have to do with the rebellion," I rub my temple as I stand still.

"Apparently, now the last old king of westeros is gone, lords are wondering if I will bend the knee to viserys. Which I will never do not even if he held a sword to my neck," I spit angrily, "So, now a rebellion is starting in the iron islands saying they want to be kings again, and the one whose trying to act like a king and viserys thinks the other houses will follow." I sigh putting my face in my hands, this all so tiring and stupid, I can easily stomp out this little rebellion easily with my dragon but no that will only make it worse they said.

"What do they want you to do? Do they want you to bend the knee?" Meleah ask, I drag my hands down my face and look at her.

"They gave me options." Meleah raise a brow.

"Options?" I nodded before looking down, this wasnt fair, I don't understand what I did to deserve to be put in this hell.

"They said I can either give up my crown to Aeron or bend the knee to house targaryen and become lady of the serpent islands."

"But if you don't." I look up at her with a small frown.

"Than, they will go back on our deal and isolate us from westeros, which mean we will have to go back to exporting our goods through Dorne and Esso." The idea of that might sound good but it isn't, many of the things we grow and make is from essos.

To westeros our goods are the finest things they ever eaten and worn, while in essos they are nothing more than sand to them. It will put us in ruins and dorne won't be enough for us from going penniless, it's hard to say but we need the seven kingdoms to strive.

"What are you going to do." I sigh walk over to the bed and flopping down next to meleah, my back hit the bed as I look up at the familiar patterns I grown to count and look when I was bored.

"I never wanted to be queen," I said looking to meleah as she stayed sit up watching me, "All I wanted was for my daughter not to end up like me, broken and hollow, nothing to her name but the men that surrounded her." I shook my head as I could feel the burning sensation behind my eyes, I covered my eyes with the palm of my hand to keep the tears from falling.

"I would have been happy as a lord's wife, no matter how they treated me, if they ask for heirs I would have given them all  until it killed me, if it meant my daughter didn't have to do it." I sniff rubbing my nose with the sleeve off my tunic, "I never ask for this...I didn't ask to be queen, or to rule a kingdom or be the reason a rebellion is started. I just wanted to my life in peace away from viserys."

A soft knock came from the door making me and meleah look at it, meleah at me as I look back at her before she turn her head and got up. I use my elbows to lift me up to see who was at the door, when i saw it was a servant I drop down and went back to looking at the patterns of the sheet that cover my old bed, the door was shut a second later before the bed dip. I look at meleah to find her looking at me as she hold up a message.

"Daemon and Caraxes were seen flying over the city, the king wishes for our presents to welcome him back." She said before tossing the message, I sigh closing my eyes, I wish I can wake up and be back where I was when I was a little girl.  In my bed back at Driftmark waiting for my mother to come get me for my flying lessons. What I would give to be that senseless and innocent little girl again, and not this shell of a woman who had to grow up so fast and be maneuver around like some puppet on the strings.

What am I going to do? Is my reign as queen over, I mull over that thought, Am I ready to give up the crown and title.

"Should we get going, my queen?"

I mean the thought of giving up the title as queen didn't really pain me bit the thought of having to bend in front of viserys and surrender to him is what irks me the most.


I don't care about being queen, I will still be lady of the isles and it's not going to be a big adjustment for me.


But, I don't want it to seem like I gave up and make viserys and otto feel like they won, no I want ro make them think that they did, they like to play their  games with me. I can easily do the same, I still have a few things up my sleeve and they will see. 

"Rhaelle." Meleah voice snap me back to reality making me blink multiple times before looking over at meleah to see her lean over looking at me.

"What." She furrow her brows and tilt her head to the side.

"I said should we get going," I frown a little before shaking my head and move to sit up making meleah to lean back, "Do you want to leave?" She ask making me look at her with before saying no.

"...I have made my decision," I said getting up and walking over to the chest near the wardrobe.

"And?" She ask behind me as I shift through my gown trying to find a gown to wear.

"I have decided..." I trailed off as I push aside the other gowns to get to the one that I needed.

"You have decided." Meleah repeats edgy me to go on making me sit up with the gown I was looking for before going back to the bed.

"That I will step down as queen and give my crown to my son, if..." I stop as I admire the gown before putting it neatly on the bed for me to consider, as I look at it my stomach starts to turn and luckily not for the worse reason.

"Do you think they have pomegranates here?" I ask moving my hand to my stomach before rubbing it, meleah glance at me before she stood.

"I'll can call a servant and ask." I smile.

"Please, do I am famish." I move to go back to my chest to pull out matching shoes and them back to the bed.

As meleah pull the string for the servant, I started to undress with my back to her. I start at my boots tossing them to the side before going to unbuckle my belt and shimmy my trousers off before discarding them on the couch leaving me in my undergarment, i turn my head to see meleah talk to the maid in the threshold of the door making me turnnback around and look down as  I start unbutton the tight corset vest, I sigh in bliss finally getting the tightness of the corset off my stomach and breast.

"Meleah, can you help me get my gown on," I say turning to face the woman.

"Of course, my queen." I watch her turn around before stopping making me give her a raise brow in question, she recover whatever shock or stunness she wss experiencing before making her way towards me with a look of bewilderment in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" I ask looking st her warily, she look at me confused making me narrow my eyes at her, "Meleah? Are you okay." I ask again making her brow twitch before nodding her head.

"Yes, my queen. I am okay, " I hummed watching her as she move to get the dress off the bed, "Are you okay?" She ask as she glance at the dress and me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said looking at her unsure, why was she asking me I was okay she was the one who looked like she saw a ghost.

"Good. Thats good." She mumble.

I raise my brow at her as she held the dress against her arm, I used her shoulder to balance myself as I step through into the dress. I frown a bit when meleah start to pull on the strings to tighten it.

"Can you not tighten it so much," I ask softly, "...it's making my breast and stomach ache." I heard meleah let out a sound before feeling the fabric loosen a bit.

"All done, my queen." I step away from her and when to the mirror, soon meleah was right beside me looking at me through the mirror. I nod my head as I turn left and right inspecting it.

"How do you feel. Is it to your liking, my queen." Meleah ask, I stare at myself for a second before nodded.

"It's uncomfortable as hell, but it will do." I ran my hand down the front of the gown with purse lips, it makes my breast look swollen and my arms look a bit chubby.

"Does this thing make me look fat." I look at meleah to see her gape at me.

"W-what, n-no. You look fine, my queen." I clench my jaw as I stare at the mirror, shes lying you do look fat, I sigh and bow my head in annoyance before lifting it.

"It's fine. Let's see if we can use my hair to take attention off my body," I sigh sadly moving over to the table with the mirror to take a seat, as I started to play with my hair I have yet see meleah in the mirror in front of me.

I called her name waiting for her to come as I try to run my hand through my hair to get the tangles out, I finally saw meleah and pinch my brows together at her timid look. I ask if she was alright and she nodded her hair with purse look, I made a face before trying to figure out what I can do with my hair.

@beggarsnotchoosey @cleverzonkwombatsludge @avidreader73 @green-lxght @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @watercolorskyy @stargaryenx

1 year ago

Begging You

Begging You

It was the middle of the night when you woke, you stretch out your body and your hand went to the left side of the bed hoping to snuggling up to reid. But, your arm fall on a empty cold space, you snap your eyes opened before sitting up slowly, the bathroom door was close and inside was dark so he wasn't in there. You push the thick cover off your body before scooting off the bed and sliding on your fuzzy slippers, you out into the hall seeing the house was pitch dark, you hit the switch for the hallway before walking downstairs.

The kitchen light was off and so was reid's office that was down the hall, you frown looking around confuse, it wasn't until you heard a creak from outside that made you slowly turn your heard towards the back sliding door. You back up out of the kitchen before peeking around the corner and saw the deck was lit up and a figure was sitting on the stairs. You walk over to the sliding door and gently slide it open making spencer turn his head to look at you, you give hima small smile as he does the same before turn back towards the spacious yard.

"Hey, babe. You couldn't sleep?" You ask taking a seat next to him.

"I had another nightmare." He whisper making you lean against him with your hand on his knee.

"Want to talk about it?" Spencer look at you, the sadness and tiredness from his eyes made you frown.

"I think this one is best saved for tara," he joke but you could tell it had grief behind it.

"That bad, huh." He nodded.

"But, hey you don't need to worry about it," You gave him a look.

"But, i do, spencer. It seems like ever since hotch and morgan left your nightmares have become frequent." Spencer bows his head, "I'm starting to get concern about your mental–"

"Honey, please." He beg making me lower my shoulders, "I already have prentiss constantly badgering me about going to a therapist, please don't start too."

"Have you ever thought maybe, she has a point, you been through a lot this past year–"

"Yeah, I know I was there." He snap making you bite your bottom lip at his frustration, you didn't take it to heart you know how stress he been since prentiss put him on leave, "...I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean...I'm just..." he sigh putting his head in his hand.

"I know your reckless, I get it."

You both sat in silence. The sound of the crickets in the air reminded you of the time, you and spencer went back home to nevada to check out your old childhood home.

"...hey, you remember that time when we climb that huge oak tree in my backyard when we were kids and you ended up falling out of it because, shoot what happen again..." you ask looking at him, spencer's lips curve at the memory and shook his head.

"I was attack by squirrel–"

"You were attack by a squirrel, gosh..." You lean your head back as you giggle, "...that was most hilarious thing I seen, and you remember what your mom said when was cleaning up your cheek." You grin.

"She said, this is what children get when they don't listen to their mothers, disfigured the day before picture day." He smile with his knee knocking your own, you shook your head at the memory.

"And she had to put cake of make-up on you to hide the little scatches from the squirrel." He chuckle nodding his head, you watch him as the tension in his face slolwy disappear.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I look like I was about to fall asleep with how heavy that make up was on me." You giggle remembering his face, one of his eyes were half open while the other one was completely close.

We grew quiet again with a peaceful ambience between us, you glance at reid before looking out as the fireflies start to glow up the backyard.

"...you know that was one of the scariest moments of my life." You turn your head to look at spencer as he look back at you with a small frown, "...seeing you there on the ground in pain, it scared the hell outta me all I could think is 'it's my fault, it was for me he probably be okay,' I blame myself for months for what happen." You sigh bowing your head back before looking at him.

"What I am trying to say is that I worked through it just like i work through you going on your long trips and dangerous assignments by talking to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist or me. But, you can't hold whatever in here..." You press your index finger to his temple, "...forever because than it gets to be too much and it overflows out into our lives, and I don't want that to happen." You out your hand over his as it rest on his thigh.

"So, please, spence whatever going through that weird machine you call a brain, let it out, write down in a notebook. Hell, sew it on a pillow for all I care, just please no more holding it in. For us." You grab his hand putting in his lap resting it his hand on your four months belly bump, spencer look down at your stomach and his hand rub the small bump with a small smile.

"Do you have any clients tomorrow?" He ask making you give a wide smile.

"No, I'm all yours." He look back up to your face.

"Okay, we can talk tomorrow, but for now..." he took off his grey zip up sweater and put it around your shoulder before scooting close to you, "...let's just enjoy this." You smile moving your head to rest on his shoulder as his arm wasaround your own.


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