Andy Barber X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Vampire!Andy discovering his cute hunter mate has a weakness for neck kisses 🙊
His fingers were soft against the velour collar as he started to remove the material from around your neck, the bare space feeling off as Andy set it down on his desk.
“Why are you taking it off?” You asked, drawing his gaze toward your bare neck. “Is there something wrong with it?”
“I wanted to give you another,” Andy crooned in your ear as he drew his lips from your earlobe to the base of your neck, nipping softly.
You shivered and gasped when his fangs were drawn over a sensitive spot in your neck, the airy breath stirring a hearty chuckle from the vampire behind you. His hands reached for and grasped your hips, the feel of his hardened length behind you stirring another moan.
“My little mate likes her neck being played with,” Andy’s lips stretched into a smirk against your neck, and his fingers had started to pull up the hem of your shirt, exposing your stomach.
“I don’t-“ your protest had become a moan as he nipped at your flesh and the point of his teeth dug into your skin.
“Oh yes you do,” Andy’s chest vibrated against your back as he trailed his soft lips up and down the curve of your neck drawing one moan after the next, “I have a new collar for you.”
“You didn’t have to.” You whimpered, your eyes closed as he licked and marked your neck, one hand drawn from your hip to grasp a smooth velour box.
“Yes I did.” Andy cracked open the box, your attention falling to the choker collar inside, the pretty and elaborate design making your heart flutter. “Beautiful collar for my beautiful little human. Something breathtaking and upscale.”
“Andy-“ He had cut you off by a few soft nips to the neck as he secured the new collar, and slid his fingers beneath the cut of the choker.
“It suits you.”
omg this was so amazing 👏🏾 I love how Andy was so protective of the reader ❤️ but I hate Lee (Lee is a dirtbag) even if his played by a sexy fine man like seb
For A Price
Summary: 'It was more than clear that the two men had their own personal dispute outside of the current situation but that was none of your concern. Whatever it was, they could settle it without you. Or so you hoped.'
Pairing: Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Black!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY. THIS IS A DARK FIC. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS BEFORE READING. Prostitution, explicit language, oral (m rec), threats involving a gun, car sex, sexual coercion, NON-CON, anal sex, crying, hair pulling
Notes: So fun fact-- this is the second fic I've ever received a nasty comment on and the first fic to get a racist comment all in one.

After two hours of sitting in the police station you were finally free, reclining back in the passenger seat of the Audi as Andy drove down the road. You were relieved when he answered your annoyed and panicked phone call, his voice immediately comforting you as he promised to be at the station to get you as soon as he could. Now you could breathe again.
“Thanks again, Andy. Sorry you had to come all the way out here. I know it’s a pain.”
Andy quickly flashed you a smile. “How many times have I dropped everything for you now? You know I don’t mind, Y/N.”
His hand came to rest next to yours on the center console, his knuckles barely brushing yours, and you felt a warm rush run through you. It was the same one you always felt whenever you were with Andy. You both had a rather close friendship with each other stemming back to the first time you met him when you got your first collar for soliciting. It still shocked you that a man of his caliber took pity on you enough to help you out but he did and afterwards he slipped you his card.
“You ever need help again, just call.”
For a while you forgot about the number, having tucked the card inside a pocket of your purse where it stayed until you wound up being carted to the station once again. He never so much as scolded you when he finally got to you, instead making sure you were okay before he posted your bail and dropped you off back home. From then on, you developed a sort of bond with the sweet lawyer; He never once judged your line of work but he always made sure you were safe. If he happened to see you out, he would stop and chat with you, maybe even take you to get a bite to eat and a hot cup of coffee. Andy Barber was a good man. Far too good to be helping you out as much as he did.
Andy had pretty much heard it all where you were concerned:
“Why are you helping her? She’s a lost cause.”
“Look at what she does. Let her sit in a cell, it would serve her right.”
“She’s just using you. Stop being so fucking nice to her.”
All of it was spoken with so much disdain and disgust that he had to bite his own tongue to keep from reminding those same people that they were anything but saints and had no right to judge you. None of those things ever deterred him though. Deep down, even though he knew better, he couldn’t help but care for your well-being. As much as he wished you were doing anything other than allowing strangers to use you as their personal toy, he knew better than to voice his opinions. All he could do was hope you stayed safe at the end of the day. He could only imagine the creeps who got to touch you, what they did to you behind closed doors. It burned him up inside, a smoldering flame that grew if he thought about it for too long. Too many times he wanted to bring you home with him and every time he had to remind himself it wasn’t his place to do so, not unless you asked. And you never did.
How he wished you would.
“I feel like I need to repay you for all the times you’ve saved my ass. You’re probably the only person who looks out for me honestly.”
“Sometimes we all just need someone to check in on us. I don’t mind. I never have.”
“There has to be something I can do. Coffee? A beer? Dinner?”
“Just knowing you’re okay is enough repayment. Now stop naming things,” he shook his head. That soft smile of his made his cheeks rise.
“Fine, fine. I’ll just continue freeloading until you get tired of me.”
“That could never happen.”
He looked over at you with sincerity in his eyes and suddenly a wave of shyness hit you, making you avert your eyes to the dark road ahead. You swore this was his superpower. No one else made you feel like this but Andy. He was a charming son of a bitch for sure. Silence stretched on for a few long seconds before something came over you, a swift kick of bravery that made you lean over the console and plant a kiss on Andy’s cheek.
“Thanks for being so good to me.”
Andy felt heat rise in his cheeks as he turned to catch your eye. You were so close he could faintly smell the tea tree oil wafting off your hair. The shimmering coffee colored orbs of your eyes never looked as beautiful as they did right now. For a second Andy forgot all about the road you both were on, his attention glued to your face and how much he wanted to kiss you. The light rumble of gravel beneath the tires finally brought his eyes back to the road as he cleared his throat and quickly straightened the wheel. He looked so flustered that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry if I caught you off guard.”
“It’s uh…,” Andy paused to clear his throat again, “it’s fine. Just unexpected is all.”
The more you watched him try to collect himself, the more you wanted to litter kisses all over his face. He deserved something for always coming to your rescue and if he wouldn’t accept you buying him dinner or a drink, maybe he was willing to accept something else.
“Do you maybe…want to pull over?” you asked. Your fingers trailed down the bearded curve of his cheek.
Andy gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye before he nodded wordlessly. The car veered off onto the shoulder and came to a stop before Andy shifted into park. Removing his seatbelt, he turned to face you and you were on him before he could even speak. Your lips molded to his softly at first before Andy deepened it, his hands grabbing your face and pulling you closer. A moan hummed softly in your throat and you could feel Andy’s lips curve into a smile. Pulling away from you, his forehead rested against yours.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“Should’ve made a move then, Barber. Kept a girl hanging long enough.”
You both smiled and Andy stroked your cheek. “Can I make up for lost time?”
Peering up into his cerulean eyes, you swore you could have melted into a puddle right there in the passenger seat. “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
Your lips met again, this time with more fervor than before. You dared to let your tongue tease against Andy’s lips and he parted them allowing you to explore further. The way he cradled your face with such care made butterflies erupt in your belly. It had been far too long since someone treated you so tenderly. With so many men carelessly using you and groping at every turn, you were starting to think a soft touch no longer existed. You should’ve known Andy was the exception. Of course he was. Your hand gripped at the lapel of his jacket before pushing beneath it, your fingers feeling a broad chest beneath the dress shirt Andy wore. Even under the fabric you knew he was well built, the definition evident against your wandering touch. You journeyed further down until you felt the cool leather of his belt against your fingertips. When your movements paused, Andy pulled away from your lips again. Your eyes flashed up to his, your question silent in them. Andy did the work for you, one of his own hands moving down to undo his belt with ease. Giving you a small grin, he nodded silently urging you to continue.
The button snapped open between your fingers and you pulled the zipper down, the sound seemingly amplified in the otherwise silent car, and pushed your hand inside the opening of his slacks. Soft cotton brushed over your fingers, the material shifting from the weight of Andy’s growing erection. You dared to feel over his bulge and you were surprised at how thick he felt. Andy tried not to move but he couldn’t stop himself from moving into your touch. His cock bobbed slightly under your touch. A smile curved along your lips as you nestled your nose against the pulse point rapidly beating against Andy’s neck. His expensive cologne tickled your nose in the best way and all you wanted then was to completely drink Andy Barber in, get lost in him.
“Relax for me, okay?” you murmured into his skin.
The responding thick swallow Andy gave made you place a kiss on his jaw before you focused your attention on what rested inside his boxers. You slowly unsheathed his cock and bit your lip as you took in the sight. He was so big and warm, a large vein running up the side of his shaft that you couldn’t wait to feel with your tongue. Pulsing in your hand, you swore you could feel him growing harder from your touch and it made you salivate. Giving him a few firm pumps, you leaned over the center console and gave a teasing kitten lick over the crown. Andy watched you with an intense stare, his hands flexing with the need to pull your clothes off and touch every part of you that he could. This wasn’t exactly how he imagined having you but it would be a lie for him to say he wasn’t happy regardless. He relaxed against the headrest and allowed you to lavish his cock with your tongue while your lips wrapped around his head.
“Are you going to tease me forever, honey?”
A sultry chuckle sounded in your throat before you took all of Andy in your mouth and swallowed him down to the root. The hiss he let out made pride swell in your chest. All you wanted to do was make him feel good. Your tongue swirled around his warm length while you sucked, your hand steadily rotating at the base. The taste of precome spreads over your tastebuds and you hum softly as you get lost in giving Andy pleasure. Soft praises and chants floating off his lips make you clench your thighs together, your pussy getting wetter the longer you draw the words from Andy’s mouth. You hollowed your cheeks while Andy watched from above proudly, his hand soothingly rubbing at your lower back in a way that shot tingles up your spine. It would have been next to perfect had the sound of knocking against the window not startled you both into quickly stopping. You sat up in time to be greeted by a flashlight shining through the glass.
“Shit,” Andy muttered. He shoved his cock back into his boxers before zipping up his pants.
You moved back over to your seat and placed your head in your hand, shame overtaking you. Andy exhaled before rolling down his window. You didn’t expect to see someone you and Andy both knew peering into the window, a slanted smile on his face.
“Evening, Barber,” Lee said. Shining the light into the car, he saw you trying and failing to hide your face. “Well, well look who it is. Not even away from the station a whole half hour and you’re going back getting into trouble again, Y/N.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest and it wasn’t even because you were caught. This happened enough that you were used to the usual song and dance. However this instance was different from the past; Lee Bodecker was the local sheriff and a “friend” —you used that word loosely— of yours. Once or twice he pulled strings of his own to get you out of trouble and maybe once or twice you thanked him in a way that made it so he would let you slide on the off chance he caught you slipping again. Looking at him now though, you can’t quite decipher the look in his eye but you don’t care for it. And something tells you he might not be as generous as he was in the past.
“You’re the last man I would’ve expected to find out here getting… serviced. From Y/N no less.” You didn’t miss the wink he threw your way.
“This isn’t…it’s nothing, Bodecker. And I’m sure you’ve let worse people off for less. What do I have to do for you to look the other way on this?”
Lee shifted the toothpick in his mouth as he chuckled, flashlight still shining in your face. Resting an arm on the top of the car, he leaned into the window.
“Well hold on now, Barber, who said I was letting you off?”
“Lee, please,” you spoke up with wide, begging eyes.
“You both know I wouldn’t be doing my job if I just let you go.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time now would it?” Andy muttered.
That set Lee’s mouth into a thin line, all traces of humor gone. It was more than clear that the two men had their own personal dispute outside of the current situation but that was none of your concern. Whatever it was, they could settle it without you.
Or so you hoped.
“I could always bring you both in. What would it look like with the hot shot lawyer sitting behind bars for getting caught up with the local whore? Remind me, when’s the next time Jacob is supposed to come up for a visit?”
“Don’t ever fucking mention my son again,” Andy snapped in Lee’s face.
Lee sneered at him. “And what about you, lil lady? My boys and I have been nice enough to let you skate on by for a while now. All it would take is a word and maybe a few videos for you to be spending time in a cell for as long as I see fit.”
Anxiety ran through every nerve in your body and sweat started to bead at your hairline. The threat of tears burned the back of your throat. Lee could see the fear in your eyes and it tickled some sick part inside of him.
“Please don’t. I’ll do whatever I have to do, Lee, please. I can’t go to jail.”
“Y/N stop talking,” Andy warned.
“No, let her finish, Barber. She was starting to speak my language.” The tone of his voice, the implications lying underneath it, made your stomach turn. “You said you’d do whatever you had to. Sure about that?”
You weren’t but you just wanted all of this to be over and fast. Ten minutes of suffering was worth some freedom. Right?
“Y/N,” Andy said.
“Y’know I’ve had about enough of you talking,” Lee piped up. “This girl could be your ticket outta here. So if I were you, I’d shut the fuck up and let her help you.”
“And if I don’t?” he challenged.
Lee smirked and a couple seconds later, the gun appeared. You let out a loud gasp as you backed into the passenger door. Andy stiffened as Lee pushed the barrel of the gun into his temple with a menacing smile.
“I’d hate for her to have to clean your face off the windshield before I bring her in. Not a very dignified way to go out in my opinion.” When Andy didn’t speak up again, Lee nodded as if he was satisfied. Looking back to you, he said, “Why don’t you join me in the backseat?”
You tried to open your mouth but words failed you. Tears stung at your eyes and you tried your hardest to keep them at bay but one managed to slip free and cascaded hotly down your cheek. With a shaky hand, you opened the door and got out but not before giving Andy one last look. His jaw tensed but his eyes held nothing but worry for you.
“I’ll be okay,” you promised.
If only you believed it.
You and Lee both slip into the backseat at the same time, his gun still trained on Andy behind the headrest. Shifting his toothpick between his lips, he gives you that smile that now makes your skin crawl. If only you asked Andy to take you back to his place. If only you hadn’t kissed him. If only you had kept your hands to yourself. You wouldn’t be in this situation now. Lee reclined in the seat, his jacket slipping open to show off his belly tucked inside the shirt of his uniform.
“No need for those tears now, honey. It’s gonna be alright. You’ll treat me as good as you were treating Mr. Barber, right?” You nod wordlessly as you work up the willpower and swallow down the bile wanting to rise in your throat. “That’s good. Been aching to get a piece of you again for some time now. Better make it worth my while.”
He motions to his pants and you take the hint as you start to work his belt open with fumbling fingers, your sniffles filling the eerie silence of the car. The sound of his zipper is amplified as you slowly slide it down. He helped you open the flap of his boxers and he fished his cock out where it stood proudly, waiting for you to tend to it. He was thick and heavy but not like Andy. His head was angry red, his shaft throbbing. It looked fitting for such a selfish piece of shit like Lee and now you were about to welcome him into your mouth once again.
“No, no honey. Not your mouth this time.” You stopped and met his eyes glowing sinisterly, the corners creased from his smile. Dread filled your entire body. “You know I’ve always been an ass man. I wanna feel that tight little hole stretching just for me.” More tears fell and this time you let them. Lee tucked his finger under your chin and swiped away the salty trail with his thumb before tracing it over your bottom lip. “You’re getting all wet in the wrong place, sweets. That’s alright, I’ll help you out. If you’re good, Barber, and you keep your fucking mouth shut, maybe I’ll let you fuck her pussy when I’m done,” he called up front.
Through the rear view mirror you could make out the quiet rage simmering on Andy’s features. Lee’s rough hand pried your thighs apart and he brazenly grabbed at your crotch. You cursed the fact that your panties were still wet from before and you knew Lee could feel it, his fingers rubbing the wet spot repeatedly. Licking his lips, he hummed appreciatively.
“Go ahead and take those off.” You did as you were told, trembling hands working the material down your legs and dropping them on the floor. While you stared down at the garment, Lee spit into his palm before stroking his cock. As if he truly cared enough to get you ready to take him. “Alright now honey, make me proud.”
He yanked you over onto his lap and you rolled your eyes up to the ceiling in a silent prayer that this be over and done quickly. Humiliation flooded you as you braced against the seats and allowed Lee to situate you over his erection with a bruising grip. He guided his head through your wet folds to gather what he could before breaching your ring of muscle. You bit your lip to stifle sounds of your protest and let your tears roll freely down your face. Lee stretched you painfully but within seconds your body was adjusting to his careless intrusion and he was singing his praises with panting breaths.
“Atta girl. Tight little hole on you. Should’ve broke you in way before now.”
Lee moved his hips under yours and you fought to keep your mind focused on anything other than what was happening now. Your body, however, was steadily betraying you, your pussy soaking from the added stimulation. Lee’s soft grunts got more passionate as he reached around to circle his fingers over your clit.
“Don’t,” you cried pathetically. You were too scared to push his hand away. Not that he would have let you anyway.
“Can’t go neglecting this little pussy. She’s crying for me, sweets.”
Emotions conflict inside you– anger, embarrassment, shame– and it takes every bit of energy you have not to let the building sobs you feel in your chest overtake you. You want to scream at Lee to stop violating you. You want to beg Andy to save you. The gun still trained on him though tells you that even if Andy wanted to save you, some weight on the trigger could easily stop him from doing so. Your eyes drifted up to the rearview and there you saw those amazing baby blues filled with their own mixture of anger and pain. You didn’t see how hard he was gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white and shaking. The car rocked from Lee’s movements, his thrusts getting more desperate as your body reacted to him. You hated yourself when a moan slipped free, evidence of pleasure you didn’t want to feel in this moment.
“Hear that, Barber? She can’t even control herself,” Lee drawled.
Andy felt the tick in his jaw. His body was on fire. He knew your noises weren’t because you liked any of this but a spark of jealousy still hit him all the same. Your moans and cries made a sad little song, Lee’s pleasured grunts adding to it. The fingers circling your clit slipped down before pushing past your slit making you feel even more full. A trembling breath racked your body and you felt that telltale coil winding up in your lower belly.
“All those cocks you take and still so fucking tight. Maybe you just needed the right man to really break you in, huh?” A sob shakes you but Lee is too far gone to care, another sick laugh leaving him.
You can feel an orgasm fast approaching and as much as you hate that Lee is giving you this feeling, you take it as a sign that all of this is close to being over. Lee fucks into you harder and you know he’s close. His panting breaths become harsher, strings of curses falling out through gritted teeth.
“You gonna come for me, sweets?” When he’s met with silence, his hand quickly fists into your hair and pulls back until you hiss in pain. “Answer me, girl.”
“Y-yes,” you whimper.
“Yes, sir. You got better manners than that.”
“Yes, sir.”
The words leave a sour taste in your mouth but there’s no time to dwell on them when Lee pushes his fingers back inside you and curls them until he reaches that little spot that makes your eyes slam shut, stars bursting behind your eyelids. Your sobs mix with your moans until you’re unsure of which is winning out. Your pussy gushes all over Lee’s digits and he laughs triumphantly before he finally crumbles, heavy groans filling the car as his warmth fills you. When you’re sure he’s done, you scramble off his lap and huddle against the door. His sated grin makes your stomach turn and you want so badly to slap it off his face.
“You got what you wanted, Bodecker. We done here?” Andy asked.
Lee tucked his softening length away with a satisfied sigh. “I think you’re free to go.”
You furiously wiped the tears staining your face as you slipped your panties back on, your eyes never once netting either of the two men.
“Y/N get back up here.”
You fumble for the door handle before Lee stops you with a hand on your leg. “We’ll hold on now, I said you were free to go. I was just starting to have fun with our girl here. In fact, I think I wanna make a little arrangement.”
You and I Both Know
Pairing: dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Request from Anonymous: “Reader and her family just moved in next door to Andy. He becomes obsessed with the reader and watches her touch herself through his window.”

Warnings: Major age gap (reader in her 20s + Andy in his 40s), voyeurism, smut - masturbation (f & m), oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, noncon/dubcon initially, consensual later, stalker vibes from Andy, dark!Reader too just to be safe, 18+
Word count: ~2,600
a/n: Oh my.
Tuning your parents out as you drive, your mind drifts off, dwelling on the fact you never imagined you'd be moving back in with them after college. Four years of hard word, and nothing to show for it except a piece of paper to hang on the wall and a 5-figure debt.
Instead of moving into your own place, you're hauling yours and your family’s belongings to their new house. “A fresh start for us all, I suppose,” your mom joked when you told them you'd be going with them.
Stepping out of the car when you get there, you let out a sigh as you take it in. The quiet suburban neighborhood is in stark contrast to the rowdy college town you resided in for the last four years. Just as you're about to make a smart-ass comment asking where the parties and hot guys are, as if on cue, a man pulls into the driveway next door, and waves as he gets out of the car.
A double take isn't even necessary to notice how attractive he is. He looks to be in his 40s, and he must have a nice job based on how he's dressed and the briefcase he's carrying.
“Hey Andy,” your dad calls out, offering the man a wave in return before walking toward him.
“You know the neighbors already?” you ask, giving your dad a curious look.
“He was around when we looked at the house,” he shrugs.
“He has a son your age,” your mom adds, not-so-subtly winking at you before walking with your dad toward Andy.
“Oh God,” you mutter, following behind them.
As you stand there listening to them make small talk, you have to keep yourself from smirking as you make a mental note of the fact he's not wearing a wedding ring.
Pulling you from your thoughts is your dad’s chuckle. “Sorry, I didn't even introduce you… This is our daughter, Y/N. She just graduated, so she's spending some time with us while she job hunts.”
“Nice to meet you,” he smiles, holding his hand out for you. “I have a son your age-”
“So I’ve heard,” you cut him off, causing everyone to laugh. And you can't tell in the moment, but you're sure his gaze lingers on you for longer than it should.
This is going to be fun.
It’s the first night when you notice his bedroom window is across from yours. You'll never forget laying in bed, and looking up from your phone at the same time that he walks into his room – your jaw literally dropping as he unbuttons and slips his shirt off, exposing his toned physique. You covertly keep an eye on him until he’s completely undressed, and turns to head toward his bathroom.
“What the fuck,” you whisper, resting a hand on your forehead. Heat spreads across the skin of your chest when you relax your body and realize you’ve been clenching your thighs together.
Less than one day in the suburbs and you're attracted to a middle-aged, divorced father. Nice, Y/N, you think to yourself before closing your eyes, and with a deep sigh, the hand on your forehead travels down to the waistline of your shorts.
An involuntary whimper falls from your lips when your fingers slip under the thin material and brush over your clit, prompting your other hand to fly over your mouth, not needing anyone to hear you.
As you lay there pleasuring yourself, you’re too caught up in the image of Andy between your legs – broad shoulders spreading them and thick fingers teasing you – to notice that he’s peering through his window at you. He truly hadn't meant to watch, but he entered his room again having forgotten something, and there you were with your curtains open just wide enough for him to get a peek. It instantly registers for him what you’re doing when he sees the hand over your mouth and your legs spread, and the sight is captivating.
Noticing your eyes are closed, he stands there watching, his hand reflexively wrapping around his hardening cock. It’s only when your back arches and your body jolts as you come that he quickly scurries back into his bathroom to finish up in the shower.
Once your breathing steadies and you’re able to sit up, you glance toward his window again. Unbeknown to you that he did watch you, a shiver runs down your spine at the thought of the possibility. You bite your lip and roll your eyes at yourself though before cleaning up and trying to sleep.
You’ve spent the last week now trying to shake the fantasy that's plagued your mind since that night – the thought of him catching a glimpse of you, seeing you touch yourself to the thought of him – but he makes it impossible when you begin noticing the way he watches you through his windows when you're outside the house during the day, not bothering to look away even when your eyes meet his.
If only he would do that at night.
The sheer desire gives you a burst of confidence, you choosing tonight to put on a new lacy shorts and cami set that you haven't been able to show off yet and light a few candles to set the mood. A couple minutes before you know he's due to enter his room, strip, shower, and go to bed, you pull your curtains all the way open and situate yourself on the bed.
Carefully watching him rid himself of his clothing piece by piece, you kick your shorts off and revel in the feeling of the cool air hitting your warm center. Any other time you’d be embarrassed by how worked up you are already, but between anticipating this for the last few hours, or days really, and watching him walk around his room, leaving nothing to the imagination, what’s a girl to do?
Reluctantly taking your eyes off him and laying your head back, you hone in on the daydream you’ve been perfecting the last few nights. Starting at your chest, you rest your hands on your breasts over the silky fabric of your shirt, kneading at them and teasing your nipples with your fingers, all while imagining what it would feel like having Andy’s larger hands on you.
Across the way, before he heads into his bathroom, he glances over like he does every night since the first and does a double take seeing that your curtains are open for a change. Furrowing his brow, his lips slowly turn into a smirk as he makes out what you’re doing in the dim light of your room.
Unashamedly, he takes a seat on the edge of his bed and keeps his eyes on your hand, practically growling as he watches it settle between your spread legs. He mimics your movement, running his hand up his thigh to wrap it around his already-hard cock. As your fingers tease along your slit and begin to circle your clit, he starts stroking himself, mirroring your slow rhythm at first.
The only sound in his room are the low hums of pleasure he lets out as his mind wanders, wondering what it would feel like for your hand to be the one jerking him off, or what noises you must be making right now. A louder groan of frustration rips from his throat when you pull your hand away from yourself and reach for something, him following suit by stilling his hand a moment.
“Come on,” he says quietly, keeping his eyes on you. “Keep going, Y/N.” But his eyes go wide when he sees you’ve grabbed a vibrator. “Oh, fuck.”
Pressing the vibrator to your clit, you thrust two fingers into your now-dripping cunt, chasing the release you know is so close. Watching you finally come undone pushes him over the edge too, his hips involuntarily bucking up toward his hand and stuttering as his release spurts onto his hand and lower abdomen.
Working yourself through your high, your breathing eventually levels out again, allowing you to lift your head up to look out the window. You break out into a cunning smile when your eyes fall on him – his head dropped back, eyes closed, chest heaving, and his hand still on his cock.
Got him.
By the time he opens his eyes, yours are closed again, but the smile is still there. It doesn’t cross his mind that it would be because you saw him watching you.
That whole routine happens a couple more times, but nothing comes of it. The way he watches you, you would have thought he’d have done something by now in attempt to get you alone. But maybe watching you through the window is enough for him, so you let it go for a few days figuring you’ve done your part.
Lucky for you though, while you’ve been frustratedly waiting for him to make a move, he’s just been waiting for the right time to. And seeing your parents’ car pull out of the driveway from where he’s sitting on his sofa working tonight, he’s found his chance.
Hearing the doorbell ring, you throw on a sweater and make your way there to answer. Slowly opening the door, you have to refrain from looking too excited when your eyes land on Andy.
“Mr. Barber, hi,” you smile.
“Please, call me Andy,” he kindly urges. “Uh, do you guys have any milk? I'm cooking and didn't realize mine had expired.”
“Um, yeah, we should,” you stammer a bit, finding it strange, but you open the door further for him. “Come in, I'll get it for you.”
Following you to the kitchen, he can't help but drop his gaze to your behind, your short pajama shorts not leaving a lot to the imagination. His eyes stay fixed there as he leans against the counter and watches you bend over to look in the fridge.
“So where are your parents?” he asks, breaking the silence.
“Gone,” you answer as you stand up straight, and turn to face him, no milk in your hand, but donning a smirk on your face. “And I think you and I both know that you already knew that.” The corner of his mouth twitches slightly as he looks at you skeptically, but you move closer to stand in front of him. “I've noticed the way you watch me… When I walk to my car, when I get the mail…” You pause before whispering, “Through my window at night.” He looks shocked, still not having known that you'd seen him, and you just chuckle, placing your hands on his chest. “Why do you think I leave my curtains open?”
“You dirty girl,” he rasps, gripping your hips and pulling you toward him so he can finally get his lips on yours. He kisses you roughly, tugging your sweater off you before turning you with him so you're the one against the counter.
“I've been waiting for you to do something about it,” you pant as he drops his face to your neck and hoists you up to sit on the counter.
“You think about me when you touch yourself?” He mumbles the question as his lips continue trailing down your neck.
“Maybe,” you tease, but gasp when he nips at your skin. “Fine, yes,” you sigh.
His lips are dragging across your collarbone when he slips a hand between your legs, pressing two fingers against your clit over your shorts.
“Please Andy,” you beg, breathless.
“Please what sweetheart?”
“I don't know, do something,” you whine. “Anything.”
All he does is laugh at your desperation as he kneels down on one knee, pulling your shorts off for you before situating himself between your legs.
“Oh princess,” he murmurs, kissing along your inner thigh. His thumb teases along your slit, bringing your wetness up to your clit. “You're even prettier up close.”
When he's had enough of teasing you with his fingers, he finally places his hands on your hips to keep you in place as his tongue dips between your folds, licking a few stripes from your entrance up to your clit before wrapping his lips around it.
“Shit,” you sigh, resting back on an elbow, and bringing your other hand to the back of his head, fingers twisting in his hair. As his tongue continues to work at you, you’re rapidly coming undone.
You pull at his hair, and grind your hips against his face, to which he responds by humming, “Nuh uh” and tightening his grip on your hips.
“But I’m close,” you breathe.
Just as you're about to come, he takes his mouth off of you, prompting you to let out an exasperated groan before opening your eyes to look down at him. But he's standing up, a smirk on his face as he pushes his pants down, exposing his erection. Speaking of things being prettier up close, you think to yourself.
One of his hands goes to his cock, stroking himself a few times as his other arm wraps around your middle, pulling you to sit up again. “The only way you're coming is around my cock and when I say,” he tells you through gritted teeth before capturing your lips with his again.
You whimper into his mouth feeling him begin to thrust into you, and let out a choked moan when he breaks the kiss, pressing his lips to your neck again. Once he sets a steady rhythm, his hand slips under one of your thighs and pushes your leg up to allow his thrusts to become even deeper.
“That feel good, huh?” He lifts his head and brings the hand that's on your back to the back of your neck to get you to look at him. “Feel better than that little pink vibrator you like to use?”
“God yes,” you sigh, rolling your eyes back. “I'm so close, please.”
“Yeah? You gonna come already?”
You just nod the best you can when his hand on your neck and repeatedly whisper, “Please.”
“Fuck,” he groans. feeling you clenching around him. “Do it then. Come for me, all over me.”
You hit your peak with a silent moan, eyes rolling back again and your thighs trembling. “That’s a good girl,” he coos, slowing his movements just a bit to work you through it, soothingly rubbing your leg and pulling your head onto his shoulder as you calm down.
You barely catch your breath before he's picking up the pace again, pounding into you harder than before even. Still sensitive, you whine, digging your nails into his back. “Fuck Andy,” you shake your head. “Too much.”
“Oh come on angel,” he teases, a mocking tone to his voice. “I think you've got at least one more for me. This is what you wanted isn't it? So you need to take it.”
“Oh- God, I'm gonna-” But your words are cut off by a high-pitched moan. He has you coming again, calling out his name as you do, and bringing him over the edge with you. He groans in your ear, and you can feel his cock twitch and spill inside of you as his hips finally begin to still.
Both breathing heavy, you stay like that. His hot breath against your neck is about all you can feel in your overstimulated state.
You don't know how much time passes before he speaks up, interrupting the silence you've fallen into. “That better than you imagined?”
“I don't know,” you hum, somehow having the energy to joke with him. “Might have to do it again before I can answer that."
Tag list: @chris-butt @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @flovds @starlightcrystalline @stargazingfangirl18 @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @buckybarnes101 @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares
pairing— andy barber x fem!reader
word count— idk i wrote this on tumblr app
summary— andy wants to get rough in the kitchen
warnings— rough andy barber, kitchen sex, fingering, talks of eating food, face patting
authors note— chile this is so bad, i’m so sorry PLEASE REBLOG THIS AND MINORS DO NOT INTERACT AND DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE

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You were standing in the kitchen when he got home, putting away the last couple of bits of shopping. You heard him drop my keys in the bowl by the front door, and called out a hello, and he replied in kind.
"How was your day?"
"Antsy! Nothing in particular, just a low tolerance for for stupid people in supermarkets. Oh, and all the idiots seemed to be out on the roads today."
He steps up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
"Well it's chill time. I'll make dinner in a bit. What do you want?"
"Mmmmm" is the only reply he gets.
"If you're antsy, does this help, or make it worse?" He ask as his left hand comes up to hold your right breast through your blouse. You release a quiet gasp and wriggle your hips into his,
"I'm not sure 'antsy' is the word I'd use to describe how you're feeling. What about this? Does this help?" He sweeps the hair away from the back of your neck and kiss it gently. He feels your weight leaning on him as he nips it gently with his teeth, then more as he opens his mouth wider and bites gently just below your hairline. Your hips are rotating against him, grinding against nothing; greedy for ... something. Anything.
He holds your neck in his teeth possessively, and raises his hand from your breast, letting his fingers scratch over your nipple, which brings another gasp and wriggle. He closes it around your throat, adjusting his grip carefully. You freeze your movements, just ragged, uneven breathing. That's not his grip - He’s just holding you - that's you being so horny you're almost forgotten how to exhale.
Andy pulls you back against him, spins you around and pushes you back against one of the tall cupboards, moving in to bite and nibble your neck , pinning you in place by your hair. You think you can trust him not to leave marks, but you're not entirely certain; there's no fucking way you're going to stop, or even pause to check. He tugs your blouse from your skirt and reaches up a hand, pulling your bra clear of your breast.
"Did you say 'antsy', my love? I'm not certain that's the word I'd use." He takes your nipple between his fingers and squeeze it gently. Then harder. Then HARD. Your eyes and mouth both flash open at the same time, and you gasp. "I'd say you're horny as fuck", Andy growls in your ear as he eases the pressure. You make no response, so he takes you by the throat again and give you another tight squeeze of the nipple.
"Look at me."
Your eyes open, glassy and not really focussing.
"No, LOOK at me," as he squeezes hard. "Pay attention, don't break eye contact."
Now he had your undivided attention. He grabs the hem of your skirt and give it a sharp tug, pulling the press studs apart with a pleasing staccato patter. He checks that your panties are daytime-sexy, not special occasion-sexy before he grabs the waist in his fingers and pulls them away from you, hard. He hears the threads start to creak and part before they give up. That's going to leave a mark on the inside of your groin. He lets the ragged scrap fall to catch on your knee. That's a memento for later. He kicks your legs farther apart, to reach down to separate your lips and gather your moisture. He barely needs to; you're so fucking wet, it practically drips onto his fingers. He pushes his fingers into your mouth, and join them with his tongue. He wants to fucking consume you. To kiss you with more violence, with more teeth and nips and bites and more ... everything.
He pulls away from you and your eyes are closed again. You try to open them, but they're glazed with lust once more, and you're barely there. He kisses you, draws back and pats your face, squeezing your nipple again.
"Didn't I tell you to keep your eyes open?”
He knows it's unfair but he doesn’t care that it's unfair.
He reaches underneath you again and draw your slickness forward from your cunt to your clit and you hiss; He repeats the movement again, and again, and again. Your knees start to wobble and he can see you're concentrating on the feelings, and starting to give in to the orgasm.
"Eyes...", He growls. He gets your attention back, but he can tell it's all getting a bit much. This time as he reaches back, He slides two fingers into you, slick and unresisted, then three, beckoning you. He can feel you starting to crest.
You snap back, you're trying so fucking hard, and He’s making it so fucking difficult.
He lets his thumb start to caress your clit, and his little finger scrapes over your asshole. You're so wet, but he can hear and feel you getting wetter. He knows you're not going to be able to hold on for much longer.
He can feel your effort, but you have no chance of obeying.
"Please can I cum?"
"Not yet, just hold on a little longer."
"I can't hold it, I need to cum!"
He knows you do.
"Nearly there"
"I'm going to cum!"
"Not yet! In 10. 9. 8... 7..."
He continues counting down
"Fuuuuucking hell! Fuuuuck!
"3 ..."
"2 ..."
"1. Come for me. Let me fucking hear it. Come as hard as you can"
There's a beat of silence, every muscle in your body is locked rigid, and then it comes. He can't spell the noises you make; the shrieks as your pussy gushes all over his arm; the gasps as your fingers grip his shoulders, the nails biting hard; the incoherent noises as your legs wobble and give up and he takes your full weight and he lowers you both to the kitchen floor. He eases off as you pull him in with your arms. There's no talking yet, and there won't be for a while. He can feel your juices seeping through his pants , and it makes him smile. He can feel your ragged breathing, and it makes him smile. He can feel your arms squeezing him tightly, and it makes him smile.
"I fucking love you."
"I fucking love you too."
Look, Don’t Touch

Pairing: Andy Barber x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, voyeurism, exhibitionism, praise kink, vaginal sex, public sex (they’re in a sex club), slight bicep choking, masturbation. This is literal porn without plot. 18+.
A/N: Written for @whisperlullaby’s 700 follower challenge!
I have to thank @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for helping me with the kinks for this one! I hope you like it Becca! I’ve gifted you with three of our fictional daddies for this one. Even though two of them only play a small role. I wonder if you can figure out who they are 👀

“Look at them. Can’t keep their eyes off that little pussy swallowing up my dick.” He purred, catching the shell of your ear between his teeth, your knees trembling as you tried to remain upright on his lap. “Bet they’d do anything to switch places with me right now, do anything to have such a pretty little slut at their mercy.”
You watched as they stroked their cocks, the hunger they felt for you obvious in the way that they stared. They were fixated as they looked you over, your cunt clenching around Andy’s girth, letting him know just how much you were enjoying yourself. Your eyes glazed over, the blur of the two bodies standing just feet away from you fading slightly.
“Do you think they’ve ever had a girl as precious as you, Sweetheart?” He didn’t want an answer, you knew that. And you couldn’t have given one if you tried, garbled whimpers catching in your throat as he rutted up into your soaking wet heat. “I bet they haven’t. Wanna know how I know?”
All you could do was nod your head before letting it fall back on his shoulder, his open mouth breathing against your cheek.
“I know they haven’t, because my girl is one of a kind. So fuckin’ sexy, body to die for. And this right here,” he reached his arm around your waist, snaking it down over your belly and between your thighs, “this pussy is the sweetest little hole I’ve ever fucked.”
“Andy, fuck.”
He’d always been full of praise for you. In and out of the bedroom. But this? This was something entirely new.
When he’d suggested bringing you to the most prominent sex club in Boston, you hadn’t for a second thought it’d end up like this. The black, velvet couch he leant back into while he fucked you was a far cry from the soft, cotton sheets of your bed.
You had no idea that you liked being watched, liked having him show you off like you were his favourite possession. Yet here you were, grinding down on his perfect length while the two mysterious strangers in front of you enjoyed every second of it.
You watched through half-lidded eyes as the brunette ran the tip of his thumb across his slit, collecting up the pearly drops that glinted in the low light and smearing them down his erection; his steely blue eyes searing into you.
“And these,” Andy reached with both hands to cup your breasts, rolling your nipples around in his fingertips and releasing them with a soft pinch, “I just know wanna get their mouth on these, Sweetheart.”
Your feet braced against his knees, warmth filling your belly, you rose up, sliding back down onto him and winding your hips from side to side. You wanted to put on a show, you wanted them to want you. Knowing you were safe in Andy’s arms, that nobody was going to touch you without his express permission - and he’d never give it - was liberating.
“That’s it,” he encouraged proudly, “show them just how much you love riding my dick. Show them how you work that body.”
You settled your hands on his shoulders behind you, his lips brushing against the top of your spine, fucking down onto him over and over; desperate cries ringing out over the music gently thrumming from the speakers.
Your eyes flitted to the blonde, his muscular biceps straining beneath the confines of his short sleeved, black t-shirt. You could see by the look on his face that he was trying to remain composed, holding himself back from speaking by biting down on his bottom lip. You kept your eyes locked to his sapphire blues, rolling your hips back and forth, Andy’s cock dragging delightfully against your slick, pulsing walls.
“Look at my pretty girl, showing herself off like this. Fuck, that’s it. Show ‘em what’s mine. You wanna talk to ‘em, Sweetheart? Go on, tell them how stretched out you are for me.”
You hesitated, your movements halting for a moment, heart pounding in your chest at the situation unfolding around you.
Bringing your hands forward to rest them on Andy’s knees, you arched your back, smirking slightly at the satisfied grunt that vibrated against your skin as Andy chased it with his mouth.
“He fuckin’ you good, Honey?”
Your heart stuttered, butterflies erupting in your stomach as the blonde spoke. In your new position, you took in the sight of his thick girth, the way his sun kissed hand wrapped around it and tugged slowly. You couldn’t help but wonder how they’d feel on your skin. They looked rough, calloused like working man’s hands, marred with the evidence of manual labour.
Andy’s hips jutted up into you, cock nudging at your g-spot and eliciting a deep moan from your lips. “Answer him, Sweetheart.”
“Y-yes. So good. Always fucks me so good.”
Bouncing back against Andy’s cock, the new angle causing him to hit all the deepest spots inside you, you looked to the brunette.
The way his cheeks reddened made you smile, he was cute. One gloved hand tucked into his jean pocket, and the other lazily stroking himself. He was shy, and it made you want to hear his voice; made you want to tease him.
“Do you like watching me, Sir?”
His hand stilled, pink lips parting a little, and his eyes pupils swallowing the mesmerising blue of his iris’.
You kept your movements slow, enjoying the way his stare travelled, neck craning slightly to take in the sight of your ass backing up on Andy’s lap.
“Y-yes. Don’t stop, Doll.”
It wasn’t a lot, and it certainly wasn’t the kind of praise that your boyfriend was worshipping you with, but the way he looked utterly enraptured by you filled you with exhilaration. You were at the height of pleasure, completely overwhelmed by the tension between the four of you as you took Andy deep inside over and over.
“God, just look at them. Lookin’ like they wanna eat you, Sweetheart.” The mere thought of it had your eyes rolling back, a deep, desperate cry flying from your throat at the image his words conjured in your head. Andy’s fingers pinched at your waist, pulling you from the sordid fantasy swirling in your mind. “Don’t go gettin’ any ideas now, I don’t share.”
One firm bicep wrapped itself around your neck, yanking you back against his chest. One hand rubbing at your clit and forcing you to stay in place while he fucked your squelching cunt with such ferocity, you could barely breathe.
“Come for me, pretty girl. Show them how good I make you feel.” Andy rasped, his breaths ragged as he pounded into you. “Squeeze my dick with that perfect, little cunt. C’mon.”
A sharp slap to your clit had you squirming, bursting at the seams as you chased your release, a tidal wave of ecstasy crashing over your fucked out body -- toes curling, every muscle in your body tensing up and revelling in the bliss that he pulled from you.
“Fuck, that’s good pussy. My pussy. Gonna fill it up, make it all messy. Be dripping down those soft thighs all night, won’t it?”
Andy didn’t relent, continuing his insistent pace, bringing you to the brink of another orgasm in no time. The two pairs of eyes on you grew wilder, their own movements nearing them to the edge of their own climax. Lustful grunts rang out, reverberating through your body, pushing you closer and closer to heaven.
“Keep those eyes open for me.” He breathed, kissing the column of your throat possessively, another show of ownership. “Look what you do to them, about to come all over themselves just from watching you fall apart on my lap.”
Obeying him, his bicep fixing your gaze in their direction, you marvelled at them; cocks swollen and leaking, balls drawing up as they whimpered and grunted through their pleasure. You’d never felt so desired, so utterly coveted.
You couldn’t hide your glee when they erupted. The blonde panting and shooting his load into his palm, chest heaving and a heavy growl emitting from him. You licked your lips at the sight of the pearly liquid in his hand, eyes flitting to the brunette and pussy fluttering at the sight of him; teeth clenched, high-pitched whimpers making your knees quiver.
“Fuck, got all three of us coming for you. Aren’t you a lucky girl?” Andy smirked, his thrusts staggering, one guttural growl letting you know he was right there, filling you up and painting the walls of your overworked pussy with his hot, sticky come.
Your eyes flutter closed, your body collapsing against the soft planes of his chest; allowing him to use your cunt to milk himself dry until he was spent.
You let the atmosphere in the room soothe you, the faint smell of sex heavy in the air, limbs twitching as you came down from your euphoric high. When you opened your eyes again, the two men were gone; leaving you to revel in the afterglow of your obscene acts with Andy.
“So proud of you, Sweetheart. My precious, sweet thing.” He praised, stroking a stray tendril of hair away from your sweat-slicked forehead. He peppered your temple with sweet kisses, hands caressing your ribcage tenderly. “Gonna have to show you off more often.”

A/N: Did you guess them? 👀 Love you Becca! 🖤
Pairing: Andy Barber X Fem! Reader
Summary: Andy and you were nemesis in the courthouse
Word Count: 800+
Warning: smut, implicit smut, 18+ MINORS DNI
A/N: I don't have any ideas how lawyer, DA, and court works, I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. I also experienced a block and this story kinda being forced. Sorry if it disappoints you. Using prompt from the bingo, "suit up".
Bingo Masterlist || Masterlist

“Ma’am, could you spare us a glimpse of your tactics for today?”
“Are you confident to win the case today?”
“Do you feel any guilt at all?”
The reporters from medias all over Boston gathered around the courthouse. The flashes of their cameras were everywhere as you made your way inside. The shouting from Boston community was still heard in the main lobby of the courthouse. You knew they would speak the filthiest curses at you just because you were doing your job. You could finally breathe after stepping in the empty elevator.
“Look who’s arrived,” Neil mocked right after you stepped out of the elevator, “the lucifer!”
“I’m surprised to see you still here, Mr. Loguidice. The office really needs an underpaid worker, doesn’t it?”
His face turned red as he fisted his hand. Andy cleared his throat and stepped in between you two and cut Neil’s intention to mouth another insult. He greeted you politely before guiding you inside the room. The meetings with the judge and Andy lasted quite long, discussing additional evidence and witnesses. Defending your client was a hard work and long process, considering the heavy crime she was in and how good Andy was as the assistant district attorney.
In Boston, Andy was known as the best crime fighter, less talking and the bad guys went straight to jail. However, you were a reputable lawyer as well. The media called you ‘the lucifer in heels’, dealing with high clients who had done severe crimes both blue collar and white collar. The courthouse knew that it would be a long trials when both of you were in the same room. Not that you were complaining about your rival. Andy was the most respectable man, professional, and smart. His blue eyes, neatly trimmed beard, and all of his godly physical attributes were also an eye candy in the courtroom.
Trials and trials had been through, yet the verdict has not been decided. It finally came to the jury trial for the next day. You finally had time to breathe for a while. Convincing others was always your specialties, the trial would not be a problem.
“Care for a talk? I heard there is a new diner around here.” Andy asked you after the meeting finished.
“I thought we all agree not to talk about business outside the courthouse, Mr. Barber.”
“No business, I promise.”
You nodded. “Just tell me where and I’ll see you there.”
It took both of you a ten minutes drive to reached the place. The diner was nice. It was homely place with simple food. You spent quite a long time talking about life with Andy. Just like his promise, no business talk. The fries had long forgotten.

You could not remember what started it but here you were, in front of the door hurriedly looking for the keys as his hands exploring every inch of your body. Both of you were kissing each other sloppily and did not even make it to the bedroom. Your clothes had been discarded the moment when the door was close.
The heat was undeniable between two of you. Your moan echoed as he pulled orgasm after orgasm from you. His name sounded like a prayer rolled from your tongue. The low growl and your name came out from his mouth, feeling the release was close. At this point, you were beyond exhausted, and he was still pounding you hard. Another orgasm washed over you while you trembled and milked him. He came afterwards, painting your wall with his seeds.
Both of you laid on the floor for a while to catch your breath. The cold from the floor started to reach your spine.
“My back is starting to get cold.”
Andy stood up. You could feel his warm hands as he lifted you. “Don’t worry, I got you. Let’s go to bed.”
Frantic alarm sound woke you up. You were still tired and sore from last night, but you had to get ready for the trial today. You heard the bathroom door was open. Andy stepped out as his towel hung low, revealing his perfectly sculpted body with some tattoos. It was like a magnet. You got up from the bed and walked towards him. Voluntarily, your fingers tracing the outline of his body.
“It’s not the first time you see me, sweetheart.” You did not need to see his face to know that he was smirking.
“You don’t invite me to the shower.” You whined and pouted like a child.
“We don’t have time for that. You don’t want to be late for trial. Now, shower and suit up.” He put his hands on his waist. He literary looked like a dad scolded his child.
“Ugh! I know.” You stooped making your way to the bathroom.
“Hey! Once this over, I promise we don’t need to keep this a secret anymore, Mrs. Barber.”
Pairing: Andy Barber x Female!Reader x Ransom Drysdale x Steve Rogers Word Count: 22,871 (oh my god, I’m SO SORRY) Summary: Three of the most violent and notorious inmates at Steelridge Correctional Center escape, and they take you–the sweet, compassionate prison doctor–with them. Warnings: Explicit language. Explicit sexual content. Unprofessional doctor/patient feels. Violence. Death/murder. Reference to murder. Threats of non con and murder. Kidnapping. Gun, knife, and law enforcement baton/nightstick use. Non con. Dub con. Vaginal fingering. Gang bang. Unprotected sex. Rough/painful sex. Oral sex (f & m receiving). Cum eating. Hand job. Exhibitionism. Voyeurism. Degradation. Spitting (just once for lube). Anal sex. DP. Overstimulation. Pussy slapping. Squirting. Beating/whipping with a belt. Sooo much angst. Suicidal thoughts & themes. Physical, emotional/mental, & sexual abuse. Gaslighting. Prison AU. Doctor!Reader. General AU for most of the fictional babes. Mean!Steve Rogers (I mean it, he’s awful). 18+ only!
A/N: Whew, okay omg I am SO EXCITED for this story aka my fic o’ ruin. It’s my super late final entry into my soft!dark challenge, and I’ve been chipping away at it for a while. It took me some time to figure out a scenario/AU that made sense for these characters to come together and cum together 😏but I think I pulled it off. Also, please take all of my medical, prison, criminal, and law stuff with a grain of salt, I’m not an expert lol. Enjoy! ❤️
🚨P.S. Please note this is a DARK FIC that contains lots of dark elements. Like. If you didn’t read all of the warnings above, please go back and do so right now. And do not proceed if you are not okay with any of these elements. Your media consumption is YOUR responsibility. Also please note that I do not in any way condone any of the dark actions or elements found in this story, this is a work of FICTION. Thank you! (Also please let me know if I missed any warnings.) 🚨
Prompts: This ask + There was only one bed + “Come on, just a little taste.” + Overstimulation/Squirting

Keep reading
Sins of the Flesh
Title: Sins of the Flesh
Pairing: Andy x innocentMarried!reader
Summary: Andy is married, but when Laurie drags him to church and he spies you, he can’t help himself.
Warnings: Cheating. Oral (f receiving). P in V. Coercion. Noncon/dubcon.
A/N: This is crap. I’ve re-worked it 3x in 3 weeks and I still don’t like it. But, it’s officially Sinday and I just want to take this off my wip. Tagging @labella420 @thatsthewrongwallcraig @the-iceni-bitch
gif by @luvinchris

Six fucking months. Six fucking months of your kumbaya’s and This little light of mine and clapping around the large table and the children joining in. Six fucking months of your tight little body he’d get glimpses of each time you’d bend over to pick up a laughing child, your dress riding up just enough to show thigh.
He’d never intended this. Loathed when Laurie thought you should all start going to church after everything. He’d sit in the pew, eyes forward, imagining he was somewhere else. Anywhere else. Occasionally side-eyeing his wife with her clasped hands placed neatly in her lap like a good little Christian.
Then, one Sunday, he saw you. Your outstretched hand beckoning the minister as he stepped off the podium at the end of the service; quick little peck to his cheek. Andy’s eyes travelled down your body, focusing on your ring finger and the simple band that wrapped around it.
You met with everyone; all smiles and cheer as you’d shake their hand or extend a warm hug. He stayed back as Laurie walked up to you, Jacob in tow. Your smile was genuine at her introduction. Laurie’s - Andy smirked - held no real kindness.
Always looking for the in, Andy thought.
It was that day Andy’s mind began to swirl.
You plagued his thoughts when he drove to work - running a red light that cost Andy a handsome ticket from the cop that pulled him over. What were you supposed to tell him when he asked why you didn’t stop? Sorry, officer, too busy imagining fucking the minister’s wife.
Keep reading
but bestfriendsdad!andy barber???? 😭😭 sorry i'm just a hoe for him
[bestfriendsdad!andy barber x fem!reader]
warnings; SMUT! MINORS DNI, +18, reader and jacob are in college, use of sex toys, semi public sex, reference to oral sex, squirting, if uncomfortable please don’t read. press keep reading for smut :)

chest heaving, your hand clenching the fork, andy knew exactly what was happening.
it’d been more than 30 minutes since andy shoved the huge, thick plastic cock through your slit and demanded you to keep it in while the three of you had dinner.
“how’s the pasta, [y/n]?” andy tilted his head as his shoe blinding slithered through your thighs and pushed at the silicon toy, making you whimper and slam your hand over your mouth.
“uh, it’s good! really good!” you exclaimed, chuckling nervously as jacob typed away on his phone, making you sigh in relief, but andy frowned at you from across the table.
“well, i’m glad the two of you could drive down to boston for the weekend, i know how stressful college can be.” jacob nodded without paying attention as his phone begin to ring, most likely a call from his girlfriend.
“gotta answer this, might take awhile.” he excused himself and ran up the stairs, leaving andy to dust himself off and circle around the table, pulling your chair harshly to face him as you choke out a moan.
“be quiet for me, angel, don’t you fuckin’ dare disobey,” you cried into his shoulder the second he doubled over and began to thrust the plastic dick into your sopping cunt, his cock twitching at the lewd, squelching noises.
“let me cum, mr. barber, please,” your nails sank in his clothed, flexing bicep, your [e/c] flickered between the penetration of your sex, and the determine expression on his gorgeous, dampened face.
“do i have to fuck your throat to keep your mouth shut?” his free hand firmly held the back of your neck and you instinctively flattened your tongue against your chin, opening wide for his spit to dribble and you gladly accepted it, as if it’d been some sort of nectar of the gods.
“cum. now.” you gasped as his thumb strayed to skillfully zero on your clit, making you lightly squirt around the sizable toy and he swallowed your moans with his pretty, plump lips, adrenaline running through your veins as you trembled against his body.
“i love you.” he whispered, making you hum in mesmerization, responding with the same, heartfelt words.

𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 | 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐨𝐧!𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐦

summary: Excon!Ransom shows up on your doorstep. What’s the worse that could happen?
warnings: excon!Ransom. smut. rough sex. dubcon. oral sex (female receiving). exhibitionism. surprise guest. dark!ending.
word count: 1,846
author’s note: thank you @river-soul for looking this over. 💙
☽ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♁ 𝐎𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 ☾

“Ransom!?” You squeak; shock written on your face as the excon stands on your doorstep. “What? How?”
He tilts his head to the ground and looks at you under his lashes. “I got out this morning,” he admits. “And you were the first thing on my to do list.”
Keep reading
The Mind of a Broken Soldier (Leave Me Be, Chapter 2 )

Hello People of Tumblr ! It’s ya girl Hazel ! I am back again with another chapter which i am 100% sure NOBODY request it because nobody requested this story in the first place but i’m still continuing it because i feel like it. I was planning on continuing this story and give sly nods to WandaVision and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier here and there along the way. Not in this chapter but... maybe on future chapters. But I’ll see how this one goes and where my idea leads me to.
So you need to read Chapter 1 to be able to understand this chapter properly because this chapter is solely Bucky’s point of view of the reader and some random thoughts. I love reading novels and love their style of writing hence i aspire to write a decent and proper story fanfiction. I mean when you read some books, there will be several chapters viewed from that other characters’ perspective so i decided to implement that style to my story.
So once again, thank you so much if you decided to pop by, read it and love it. Don’t be shy to pop by my message box to share some ideas you have or maybe you just wanna vibe together, I’d love to do that with you guys too. But please please please don’t be mean if you don’t like it. FYI, this chapter is slightly shorter than the first chapter. Love, Hazel .
Disclaimer: No disclaimer or any warnings. But definitely do me and yourself a favour and check out Chapter 1 so you can properly comprehend this chapter with ease :)
Characters : Bucky x Reader; teeny weeny mention of Sam :)
“Look man, I know we don’t really see eye to eye but I call to check on her…How’s she doin’?” Sam heaved a sigh of empathy from across the line.
I tightened my grip upon the thin, slick and smooth communication tool which now known as smartphone that I hadn’t had the chance to acquaint with. I let out a sigh of desperation, desperate of ways to haul her from the rabbit hole she’s now falling into. My fingers combing through my unruly long hair that’s bundled up in a disheveled bun. A bad habit of mine when I’m in desperation and anxiety.
“It’s been a week since Steve walked out from her life and if I’m being honest, Sam, she’s not doing very well. She’s…she’s been nestled up in her room since then.” I heaved another sigh of despair, my right human arm gripping the kitchen counter tightly in effort to prop myself while the other man-made hand still latched onto the phone.
“I even had to force feed her just to keep her alive for god sake.” I asserted whilst rubbing my right eye with the heel of my right human hand and quietly strutting towards her door. Leaning my side against the stark beige wooden door, plopping my ear against it to silently eavesdrop, just like how I had done countless times to check on her well-being without having to barge into the door. Soft whimper gradually shifted into muffled sobs. I closed my eyes, let my head hung low as if my neck was already tired enough to brace the weight of obstacles and desperation that merge into one and let out a long exhale.
“Gotta go, Sam… I’ll call you back.” I lowered my voice into mutter and hung up.
Even though I had known Steve for so many years, sometimes I still couldn’t decipher what’s in head. Recalling back to the 40s, way before he and I even considered enlisted into the army, women would always prefer me over Steve to take me out as their dancing partner when we’re at the bar. I felt bad for him and he’d sometimes complained that if only there’s the one out there who would see him through his frail and tiny stature. Seventy three years later, he abandoned the woman who’s been through with him through thick and thin, put up with his stupid decisions and god knows what more for eight years, for Peggy.
The woman whom he knew for only two years and only dated briefly.
The woman whom he’d share his infatuation and obsession with.
The woman he met at the army who didn’t even spare him a glance…not until after he’s gone through physical changes then eventually decided to give him a chance.
I wouldn’t even consider that as official if they only exchange flirting and longing glances at the office…


and even Howard Stark’s Lab.

Clasping my hand upon the door handle, I levered it down and pushed open the door generating soft creaking from the hinge. I tiptoed my way in and left the door ajar. There she was… dressed down in only white camisole and panties while curled up in a fetal position upon the bed which was a bit too spacious now for a single person. Her back facing towards me, shoulders quivering from muffling her own sobs into whimper.
Oh Steve… what have you done…
I slowly crept my way towards her and slowly sank myself on the bed. I was hesitant to lay next to her but I tried to push that thought away considering her mental health was already at stake. If I left her untended, she might eventually spiraled into deep depression and she’s already halfway there. So I laid next to her, draped my arm over her frail, delicate and small body to hold her close as if sheltering her from her own whirlpool of emotions . While offering her the comfort of silence, my mind wander off to how on earth Wanda dealt with her own grief… poor kid not only lost her significant other but also her twin brother and parents as I was informed by Sam. My train of thought was halted when I heard her croaked a rhetorical question,
“H-h-he’s not coming back, is he? Did that prick even try second guessing his decisions?”
I wish I could do more than being her shoulder to cry on and dragging Steve back by the ear. That punk really took all the stupid with him. I contemplated whether I should say something decent to comfort and lift her spirit but I retracted. “I’m sorry, Doll… “ Were the only words I could muster from my still-healing disrupted mind. After Hydra’s infamous torturous events and being sent away to Wakanda to get my mind fixed. I found that I had difficulties of expressing my thought and feelings emotionally from the years of being over-electrocuted and memory-wiped conducted by Hydra, more strenuous than my old self. Not that I couldn’t do it but I realized it took more time to do so.
But even so I still try to rack my brain, dig deeper to find something nice to say; to make myself feel a tad better for at least doing something good in my life for once after the horrendous past, to at least counteract all those gruesome dirty work I unconsciously did to the others.
“I tried talking some sense into him, but he was very adamant of his decision. That punk…I’m really sorry…” i tried to string those words together carefully, worried that one step further or slight wrong move might set the fire ablaze even more. At this point, I was scared considering I had never connected to women emotionally. Sure I’d dated many women back in the 40s, but never considered them seriously… Now I know how it felt to wear their shoes, to know how it felt to be ditched and forgotten, even though I didn’t experience it firsthand.
Running out of options and words to say, I scooted closer whilst tightened my embrace and inhaling her scent, a hint of fresh bed linen and lavender; Steve hates it when women used too much perfume to the point it’s suffocating. I remember he’d always complained about the atrocious penetrating smell of perfume whenever we walked past the women at the bar.

“Doll… tell me what to do… I can’t bear seeing you breaking apart like this and I am running out of ways to numb your pain…” I consoled.
I used to be a good pep talker, a great one even; constantly spewing encouragement and lending a piece of advice or two to Steve. But I guess I had to shift my roles and be the good listener instead.
I did not expect her to open her heart and confide everything, as if she was confessing everything to me. I could only fervently listen to her anguish secrets that had been tormenting and keeping her awake. I felt really bad for the insecurity and self- doubt she had to endure these past years. Constant comparison with Peggy and doubting herself; nevertheless, she still fought her way to prove her worth… such strenuous and tenacious effort just to keep Steve’s attention to her…
Oh Steve… if only you’re in my position now, you’d know how much effort it took for her to keep up with your fantasy. They said love is full of sacrifices but not as much sacrifice from one side, both sides needed to make equal sacrifices to make things work, if one sacrifices too much, they’d weaken because they’re giving out too much and eventually died, just like her.
I knew Steve was always oblivious with things, but never as horrid as this. My heart sympathized and mourned for her. Eight years of relationship that she fought so hard to keep slipped out of her hands just like that.
“I-i-i-it h-h-h-urts, Buck… it hurts…He’s my first love, first kiss and…”

I felt her body shook under my embrace. No longer able to withstand her emotional suffer, I tried to soothe and lull her to sleep.
“I know, Doll. But I promise you’ll get through it, I promise to be with you every step of the way. We will get through it. I am not going anywhere. I am not going to walk out this door, not until you kick me out because you’re so sick of looking at my face. You have my word, Doll. I am staying.” I promised.
I promised myself I’d be there to pick up the pieces regardless of any circumstances, because it’s the right thing to do. I’d be there to hoist her up when no one else could. i’m doing what a good friend would do... It’s the right thing to do … Right?
Innocence (Andy Barber x F!Reader) Chapter 1: Violate (18+)

Summary: y/n’s boyfriend rapes her, and andy barber is the lawyer for her case
wc: 1220
Chapter 2
content: mentions of grooming, mentions of sexual assault, rape, sexual themes, alcohol, swearing, angst, you’ll probably get angry, not being believed, andy is a good guy, y/n is 5’10, andy is 6’
currently not proof read
Pov: second person
I have never seen an episode of Defending Jacob because my broke ass can’t afford Apple TV. Also can't find the book anywhere. Everything I know about the show is from fanfiction. If anything is incorrect, I apologize.
This fic was written to spread awareness on sexual assault
This fic is inspired by “Prima Facie” starring Jodie Comer, and my own personal experiences. If you or anyone you know has been a survivor please know that you’re not alone. If you need anyone to talk to, know that as someone who has been groomed, I am here for you. My Discord will be available below. I am not a professional however. Professional services will also be linked below. Remember: YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE. and if anyone tries to gaslight you into thinking that it was YOUR fault. Fuck them. It wasn’t.
My Discord: chxrry#3063
YWCA Canada
Nikki Land
Grooming Definition: Grooming is when someone builds an emotional connection and a trusting relationship with someone, typically younger, in order for them to manipulate, abuse and/or exploit them. People of all ages can be groomed and can be the groomer.
782 days. Seven-hundred-eighty-two days. 2 years and 51 days. 2 years, one month and 21 days. That’s how long ago it happened. How long ago it was since you’d had enough. Since you realized that he didn’t love you. That he was using you. That he was grooming you. That he’d physically and emotionally abuse you, then proceed to gaslight you into thinking that he was doing this because he loved you. Gaslight you into thinking that your family didn’t love you, and that he was all you had. You were convinced that he really did love you. So convinced in fact, that you’d let him fuck you after he’d gaslight you, because you were vulnerable. You were manipulated by that piece of shit man; Jake Hall.
You were convinced that all was well until the night you finally said, “NO.” You two were out drinking with your friends Sierra and Ethan. They were more so Jake friends than yours, but they still cared plenty about you, and you knew that. Surprisingly, you hadn’t been gaslit into thinking otherwise. That night, you were intoxicated, however, you were still sober enough to be aware of your surroundings. After taking your third shot of tequila, things started to get hot and heavy between you and Jake, so you two both made the decision to go back to your apartment. There, you had a few glasses of wine, some vodka, and some more tequila. You drank much more than Jake did, however you didn’t think of it.
Now, you were quite intoxicated, but yet, you were still aware of your surroundings. You let Jake know that you were still, “sober enough” to put it in the same words you used, and you two went to your room and fucked. Shortly after, you felt sick. You let Jake know, he pulled out, and you went straight to the bathroom to throw up. All of that alcohol was coming back to haunt you.
You slumped down with your back against the tub, and placed your head on your knees. Jake then came in and picked you up. He carried you to the bedroom, placed you on the bed, and peppered you with kisses. You told him to stop, but it was more playful than serious.
“Stop,” you giggled, “I have to brush my teeth.”
Jake continued.
“Jake, my breath stinks.”
“I don’t care about your nasty breath,” Jake remarked. “You’re still absolutely perfect.”
As you rolled your eyes and smiled, Jake added, “Let me make love to you.”
You’re unsure how long he’d been going, but suddenly you wanted it to end. “Please stop.” You let out. But he didn’t. Instead, he went harder. “Jake… Pull. The fuck. Out. Right now” You demanded. Instead, he put his hand over your nose and mouth, and went even harder. You wanted to cry, to thrash, do anything. But you couldn’t. You just sat there as he raped you. You were there, but at the same time, you weren’t. Eventually, he pulled out, came on your stomach, and fell asleep. You gently pushed him off and went to the bathroom. You turned on the shower, hopped in and cried. When you turned off the shower, you sat on the toilet lid, gasping for air as you tried to comprehend the situation. When you came to, you went straight to your home office and pulled out the suitcase you had full of clothes. You and Jake were going to take a trip to Rome, so you had a suitcase prepared. That was definitely no longer happening.
As you stepped out of your apartment building, it was pouring rain, with a little bit of hail. You didn’t care though, you just wanted to make it to the nearest police station.
When you arrived, the wall clock read 3:09. Wiping your slightly dried tears away, you walked up to the reception. It was a larger woman in her late-20s/ early-30s. She had blonde hair, that was done in a half-up half-down beehive, and the most gorgeous brown eyes you had ever seen. She looked a lot like WWE Hall of Famer, Trish Stratus. With a thick jersey accent she asked, “May I help you?” It wasn’t rude, as a matter of fact, it was the kindest way you could possibly ask a question. She could tell you were in distress. “May I please report a crime?” you stuttered out. “Of course,” She said. “You don’t need to ask.” You just nodded and let out an inaudible, “Sorry.”
“Would you like me to get an officer?”
You nodded again.
“Sorry we didn’t have any female officers at the station right now,” You heard the thick jersey accent say. You looked up and saw a tall officer. Roughly 6’4, and looked to be in his mid-30s. He had brown hair that framed his face perfectly, and was quite fit. If you hadn’t just been violated by a man, you’d almost say that you found him attractive.
“It’s alright,” You smiled, “Anyone is perfect.”
The receptionist nodded as the officer led you towards an interrogation room. He set up the video camera, and started recording. After introducing himself as “Officer David Johsnon”, he had you state your name, your date of birth and your birthplace before he started to ask questions:
“What was the crime that you wanted to report?”
“I was raped.”
“Do you know his name?”
“Jake Robertson Hall.”
“What were you doing before?”
“I was throwing up in my bathroom before he came in and started pampering me. We had sex before I felt sick, but it was consensual.”
“So these events took place at your place of residence?”
“Yes. They were at our shared apartment.”
“Were you intoxicated?”
“Yes, but I was sober enough to know what was going on.”
“Was he intoxicated?”
“I’m unsure. He drank a lot less than I did.”
“When did this happen?”
“Roughly an hour ago.”
“What did you do after?”
“He fell asleep so I got up to take a shower. After that, I got dressed and came here.”
“Were you two in a relationship?”
“How long have you two been in this relationship?”
“Roughly a year.”
“Where did you meet?”
“I met him at a WWE event.”
“Has he ever abused you?”
“Yes. He’d constantly abuse me and then gaslight me into thinking he was doing this out of love.”
“Do you know if he has a past of abusing women?”
You held back your tears harder and harder after every question, choking back those tears as you answered.
“It’s okay to cry,” Officer Johnson said in a reassuring tone. “You’re safe here. Don’t worry.”
Officer Johnson took your phone incase Jake decided to message you. He also got you a hotel room for you to stay at since you couldn’t go home. Everyday he visited you to make sure you were okay, except one day, he took you to the station. He took you to the interrogation rooms once again, however, much to your dismay, you saw Jake in one them.
“You’re not taking me to see HIM are you?”
“No, Ms L/N. I’m taking you to see a lawyer.”
“Who is it?”
“His name is Andy Barber. He’s a good friend of mine, and a damn good lawyer too.”
Innocence (Andy Barber x F!Reader) Chapter 2: Unbelievable (18+)

Summary: y/n’s boyfriend rapes her, and andy barber is the lawyer for her case
Chapter 1
tag list: @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @maylaysia109 @avoyen1998
contact me however you like to be added to my taglist!
wc: 930
content: mentions of grooming, mentions of sexual assault, rape, sexual themes, alcohol, swearing, angst, you’ll probably get angry, not being believed, andy is a good guy, y/n is 5’10, andy is 6’, lots of dialouge bc idk how to end a conversation
currently not proof read
I have never seen an episode of Defending Jacob because my broke ass can’t afford Apple TV. Can’t afford the book either, and idk how to get a library card. Everything I know about the show is from fanfiction. If anything is incorrect, I apologize.
Yes, the restaurants in this chapter are Bob’s Burgers and Jimmy Pesto’s. No, I’m not THAT original. Shhhh I just wanted a lil easter egg.
Sorry that it’s a bit short.
Pov: second person
This fic was written to spread awareness on sexual assault
This fic is inspired by “Prima Facie” starring Jodie Comer, and my own personal experiences. If you or anyone you know has been a survivor please know that you’re not alone. If you need anyone to talk to, know that as someone who has been groomed, I am here for you. My Discord will be available below. I am not a professional however. Professional services will also be linked below. Remember: YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE. and if anyone tries to gaslight you into thinking that it was YOUR fault. Fuck them. It wasn’t.
My Discord: chxrry#3063
YWCA Canada
Nikki Land
Grooming Definition: Grooming is when someone builds an emotional connection and a trusting relationship with someone, typically younger, in order for them to manipulate, abuse and/or exploit them. People of all ages can be groomed and can be the groomer.
775 days until the trial
Nervously toying with your necklace, you sit down across from Mr. Barber. You watch Officer Johnson leave as Andy gives you a sympathetic look. When you look back at him, he gives you a warm, compassionate smile before softly saying, “It’s okay.”
“So you know what happened?” You ask, your voice just above a whisper.
“Yes, but don’t worry. You don’t have to talk about anything that you’re uncomfortable with.”
You nod before Andy continues, “For now, I just want to get to know you. Tomorrow we’ll go over the details of your case.”
For the next forty minutes you two share where you’re from, your Starbucks, your favorite type of cookie and pretty much every personal detail about your lives. In that moment, Andy felt like your best friend, and you almost forgot about why he was there. That was until Officer Johnson came in with your phone.
“There’s a text from someone named, ‘Katy Kat,” he hands you your phone and before you read the text, you ask if Jake has texted or asked about you. He shook his head "no".
katy kat:
Hey, girlie! It’s Katy.
I’m in town and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch and hang out a bit.
I went over to your place yesterday but Jake said that you weren’t home.
That you haven’t been home for a while.
If you get this, let me know that you’re okay.
I really want to catch up with you!
You look up at Officer Johnson, and he gives you a nod of approval. Signifying that you can respond to Katy’s text.
I’d love to hang out with you.
It’s been so long!
I’m so sorry I wasn’t home. Things between Jake and I haven’t been the best lately, and I’ve been staying at a hotel for the past week.
I’ll explain everything when we meet up
Katy responds right away.
katy kat:
Great! I’m glad you're okay!
Can you meet me at Jimmy Pesto’s in half an hour from now?
Of course!
katy kat:
See you soon xx
You place your phone on the table, face down and explain the texts to the two men in front of you. Andy offers to drive you as Officer Johnson needs to talk to Jake about what happened that night.
Before you exit the car, Andy asks for your phone. Confused, you hand it to him and watch as he opens contacts.
“My personal cell number. If you need anything, call me.”
You thank him before exiting the car. Katy sees notices, smiles widely and waves you over. The table she’s at is on the patio of Pesto’s. Two seater. There’s two glasses of water on the table. One in front of her, and one where you’d be sitting.
“Hey,” you said as you sat down.
“That’s a nice car that you got out of. Definitely not Jake’s.”
“It belongs to a friend of mine.”
“We have the same friends, and none of us own a Prius THAT nice.”
“It’s my lawyer’s.”
“Lawyer?” Katy said as she leaned over on the table.
You took a large sip of water before stating, “Jake and I,” another sip, “had an incident that requires legal action.”
“What was it?” She asked.
You took a deep breath before looking up at your best friend and telling her what happened. You were in absolute disbelief when she responded with, “He’s your boyfriend so it doesn’t count. You have immediate consent.”
“Katy, I told him ‘No’,” You told her with slight hurt in your voice, “I told him to stop, and he didn’t. He went harder, and put his hand over my mouth”
“And you didn’t fight back?”
“You bitch,” You stood up and stormed to the restaurant across the street, Bob’s Burgers. It was much smaller and emptier than Jimmy Pesto’s. There was only one customer, and he was sitting at the counter. He was a larger man. He wore a gray beanie, a blue button down shirt and brown khakis. He and the woman working at the counter were laughing about something. She was tall, wore a red shirt and glasses of the same color. When you sit down at the seat next to the man, the woman asks if you’d like anything. You shake your head no, and she asks if you’re alright.
“Not really, “you sigh, “my best friend, well ex-best friend now, is being quite bitchy in such a way that I can’t be her friend anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Hun,” the woman says.
The man chimes in before you can say anything, “I could never stop being friends with my best friend, Bobby.”
“Teddy, not know,” states the woman.
You shoot Andy a text and within a few minutes he’s picking you up.
“Hey, why were you in-” before he could finish, you were breaking down in the passenger seat of his car.
“This past week, I’ve been telling myself that this wasn’t going to change anything, but then I tell my best friend what happened, and she doesn’t care.”
You wipe away your tears, “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Andy turns in his seat to face you, and places his hands on your biceps, “you’re a strong, independent woman, and I promise that Jake will be put in jail for his heinous crime.”
You sniffle, and smile a little.
“Thanks, Mr. Barber.”
“Hey, if I put myself in your phone as ‘Andy’, you call me that in person too.”
“Thanks, Andy.”
“Anytime, y/n.”
Andy Barber is having an affair with his assistant while his wife reader is waiting for him at home then decided to divorce him
Andy Barber Drabble!! 🌧
Welcome To The Fae station: Full masterlist
Library Of Chris Evans: Chris Evans masterlist
“Why are you waiting up?” Andy asked coming in through the front door, coming home late from work once again, his hair disheveled along with his shirt and trousers.
“How was she Andy?” I asked bluntly swirling the glass of wine in my hand, needing to calm myself down after taking care of our daughter all day, she was only 4.
“How was who? What are you on about Y/n?” Andy said cautiously putting down his briefcase, his hands on his waist as he walked closer to me.
“Lucy, your assistant. I think you forgot to tell her not to send me your pictures and videos hun. Must say you put on quite the performance” I joked not even looking at him, my chest starting to tighten remembering the videos that bitch had sent to me, claiming my husband was now hers.
“Y-you were never meant to see that honey, I promise. It was a mistake, I was feeling lonely and-“
“LONELY? YOU WERE FEELING LONELY? You’re working Andrew, I’m here alone taking care of a child because no one else can. I stay up and cook you dinner, I do your laundry, I listen to you rant about your work, I love and wait on you. NOW YOURE SAYING YOUR LONELY? HELL WHAT THE FUCK AM I THEN?”
“Calm down Alecia is sleeping-“
“I don’t give a flying fuck Andy, I really don’t. You’re a piece of shit. Why would you do that to me? To alecia? To this family? I knew I should have trusted Laurie when she warned me about you”
Nodding at his red flushed face, I turned around and picked up the brown envelope I had picked up this morning from my lawyer.
“Well hopefully she can fulfill the place of your wife and daughter, we’re over Andy. For your information, if all you needed was sex to break this marriage, you’re the pathetic one here. Not me. Sign these papers”
“Now hold on don’t you think you’re overreacting? I promise you it won’t happen again” He pleaded grabbing onto one of my hands, his face creasing with worry.
Taking a deep breath with his hand brushing over his face, he then asked, “ What about Alecia”
“Well we can ask her what she wants to do, but I will fight for her any chance I get Andy. You may have broken this marriage, but you will not take my daughter away from me”
“You can’t do that-“
“I can. You weren’t supposed to cheat and now look what happened”
“So we’re over just like that? You don’t even wanna work it out?”
“You literally fucked another woman instead of talking to me, so yes, just like that”
His Cherry
Pairing: Andy Barber x Black Reader
Words: 4,250
Summary: Reader gets tired of Laurie cheating on Andy and takes matters into her own hands.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit Language, Explicit sex (Vaginal sex, oral m, spanking, some daddy kink, breeding kink, spit kink, anal play, clit spanking, forced cuckqueaning)
A/N: This is for @fuckandfluff ‘s Thot shit Challenge! I’m so proud of her for reaching another milestone and wanted to get in on it. I hope you like it lovely and congratulations. If you want to be a part of the challenge, you can click this link or go on her page to read the rules that go with it. Happy Thotting!

You didn’t mean to fuck her husband… Yes, you did. But he was a good man so why not give him something that he deserved. What he didn’t deserve was a two-timing slut of a wife that he has. No, Andy Barber didn’t just work hard for his wife to be out fucking the enemy. But here she was in her office of the Children’s Cottage no less, legs spread as she took dick from Neal Logiudice. Scum of all scum and a scent that smelled like cheap aftershave.
How this frigid whore got to be with the likes of Andy Barber was always a mystery. Had she not trapped him with Jacob, maybe life would be different. The way his demeanor demanded power was enough for a girl to sink to her knees. That’s all you wanted was to be on your knees, relieving his stress while your throat massaged his dick. But Mrs. Laurie Barber was the lucky bitch that got to go to sleep with that Greek god at night.
But that was going to change right now and not a minute later. You pushed the door to her office just a bit, holding your phone in front of the close couple as Neal thrust in and out of Laurie. They were too busy in the throes of passion that they didn’t even know they were being watched. The scene didn’t even send a tingle between your legs. You snapped from every angle, position, and even the finish. These would for sure ruin whatever strength of a marriage that she had with Andy. He would soon be yours and you could show him how he deserved to be treated.

The tips of your acrylics hit the keyboard as you were typing out an email that needed to be sent ASAP when the waft of expensive cologne teased your nostrils. The door of the entrance opened as you thought a God had walked through. You looked up from the screen as Andy came into your eyesight, adorned by a fitted suit that made you wonder what was underneath it.
“Welcome in Mr. Barber! How may I assist you today?” He looked down at you with a furrowed brow as he placed one elbow on top of the desk. You weren’t sure why he was looking like that but he had his eyes on you and that was all that mattered.
He stood up straight, clearing his throat as he keeps his eyes directly on you, “Hi… I’m sorry, usually, I know everyone that works with Laurie but I don’t remember you. Are you new?” Him not remembering you would have been a punch to the gut until you realized that your look changed in the previous months.
The glasses, braces, and need to be frumpy were thrown away. You decided to actually give a damn about your appearance so when he didn’t know who you were, it felt more like a win than anything. A giggle escaped your lips as you returned a gaze right back to him, “No, Mr. Barber it’s still Y/N. I just replaced my glasses with contacts and finally got my braces out.” His mouth hung slightly open at the realization, feeling the hardening of his cock through his pants.
He cleared his throat once more as he stumbled on his words, “W-wow I couldn’t even tell. I mean you always…” Before he could finish his sentence, Laurie’s office opened as she beamed at her husband.
Fucking Fake… Wonder how she’ll be smiling once he finds out.
They embraced and share small kisses as Andy announced that he wanted to take his wife out to lunch. Some women have all the luck and all you wanted was to be bent over Andy’s desk whenever he called for you. The happy couple exited the facility as you began to type furiously on the keyboard annoyed at all the information that you knew.
You couldn’t have her keep this charade going on any longer. It was time to curate your plan and you knew just how to do it. That bitch wouldn’t be happy any longer. Not with the man that you wanted.

It wasn’t hard to have flowers sent to Laurie’s office and to make it look like it came from Andy. As the delivery person gave her the bouquet, she examined the card that had a hotel key card attached to it.
To the love of my life, meet me at the Fairmont, Room 314
♥ Andy
The smile plastered on her face made your pride swell. You did a great job at her thinking she was going to have a bliss-filled day. Little did she know, that smile was about to be slapped off of her cheating little face. It was the end of the day so you said your goodbyes and dashed out of the door to get ready for phase one of your plan.
You made it home in record time to take a shower and slip on the lingerie that you bought just for this day. Andy wouldn’t be able to tear his eyes away from you when he finally laid eyes on the body that you worked on constantly. The mirror reflected just how good you looked, slipping your trench coat on carefully clasping each button in place. Your heels were the last to be slipped on as you grabbed your keys to leave the house and back into your car.

Laurie made it to the Fairmont with her bag in tow smiling as if she won a million dollars. She stepped to the front desk, waiting for the concierge to notice her. Her eyes scanned the intricate details of the hotel thinking that Andy must be pulling out all the stops. She was disrupted from all her thoughts as she heard a soft but audible voice, “Welcome to the Fairmont! How may I help you today?” The lady smiled at Laurie until she was met with a response.
She pulled out her room key and showed it to the woman behind the desk, “Here for Room 314? I was given this key and told to come,” the concierge took the key from her fingers and typing in the reservation for room 314, “Right! Welcome, Mrs. Barber our guest is already waiting for you. Enjoy your stay!” Laurie took the card back as she beamed back at the lady and walked to the elevator to begin her ascension to the hotel room.
Laurie tapped the card to the door’s reader as it unlocked instantly with a sound click. She pushed the door handle door as the door swung open, taking in how beautiful the room was. She started on her way looking for Andy as she called out, “Andy? Andy, honey are you in here?”
She pushed the door open to the separate bedroom. What she wasn’t expecting was to see you sitting comfortably on the end of the bed, with a smirk no less holding a folder, “What are you doing here? I though-”
“Oh, honey… Looking for someone else? Andy perhaps? Don’t worry, he’ll be here soon and we can get this party started,” you met her with a smirk that felt almost illegal. You uncrossed your legs, pushing yourself from the bed as you walked over to her frozen posture. “I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing here, hm? Tell me, Laurie, have you been a good girl lately?”
You could tell that she didn’t know what you were getting at. She looked at your furrowing her brow as you spoke, “What are you talking about? Why are you even here Y/N?” You lifted the cover of the folder, pulling out the first picture and handing it to her.
Her eyes widened in fear as she looked back at you. Her vision was obscured with the still picture of Neal’s dick in her throat. The color drained from her face, fingers trembling as she thought she was being careful. Poor thing… “H-how did you get this?!”
You circled around her, not taking your eyes off the trembling woman. Taking a lock of hair in your fingers, you brought it up to your nose, smelling the lavender shampoo on each strand. She definitely prepared to get railed didn’t she? “You’re not very careful are you, Laurie. Honestly, what would the committee think about you getting fucked at the cottage? Where the children are supposed to stay safe.”
Her eyes darted back to you, they were filled with rage and this is the most emotion that you’ve seen from her in all the years that you’ve known her, “And what about poor Andy,” you cooed, “What would he think or did you not give a fuck about him while you were being a slut?”
It was as if he heard his name because you both heard the door open and close as his baritone voice boomed all over the room, “Laurie! Honey are you here?” Before he could get an answer, he had already made it to the entrance of the room.
You looked over Laurie’s shoulder, smirking over at him, “Hi Andy, so happy you could join us. Thought you needed to be here to see what your lovely wife has been up to.” Your eyes went back to Laurie as you motioned for her to take a seat in the chair by the window, “Have a seat..”
The tears were starting to brim at the corners of her eyes as she spoke through clenched teeth, “You bi-”
The click in your teeth mixed with a sinister smile appeared, “If I were you, Laurie, I would sit the fuck down before the cottage gets wind of your discrepancies too,” she brushed past you dropping her bag as she hesitantly sat in the chair. Your eyes glanced back up at Andy as confusion set on his face, “I know this is all confusing for you Mr. Barber. Why don’t come have a seat with me and we can discuss,”
You held your hand out but he declined, “I can walk myself, I just want to know what’s going on.”
This must not be easy for him and you knew it wouldn’t be. But you needed him to know just exactly who his wife was and why she didn’t deserve him. The bed felt just as soft as it was the first time you were on it. But even more comfortable now that Andy was seated next to you. The manila folder was still in your clutch as you handed it over to him.
The air was thick with anticipation and the audible breath emitting from Laurie’s lips. The tremble in her lip apparent as she spoke in a broken tone, “I’m so sorry Andy…” He looked up at her calmly at first and then back down at the folder. He took a deep breath before opening it up. The fire coming into his eyes was exactly what you wanted.
“Just what the fuck is this Laurie!? Neal?! You went out and fucked that motherfucker?” Her sob broke out as his voice raised with each question. “Don’t you dare fucking cry! Did you cry while you were taking his dick? Doesn’t look like it.”
His gaze turned over to you, “And you, just where the fuck do you get off?” Why the fuck was he mad at you? If anything you were doing him a favor. But you needed to keep your demeanor level to get what you wanted.
You looked down for a minute at met his eyes with an apologetic face, “Mr. Barber I hate that you had to find out this way. She was never going to tell you,” bringing your hand to cup the side of his face, “Besides, you don’t deserve to be lied to. I did it for you, can’t you see that?”
Standing up from the confines of the bed, you stood in front of him, blocking his sight of Laurie. Pulling each button from the trench coat, letting it pool to the floor. You showed the full set of lingerie that you wore just from him. “This…” running your fingers over the lace material and garter straps, “Is all for you, wanna give you what you really deserve Andy.”
His eyes scanned you from head to toe as his cock hardened from your half-naked body, “This isn’t right and you know it,” It was hard to believe him when his breath hitched at the very sight of you. You looked down to see a print forming in his slacks and you couldn’t help but beam internally.
You straddled his lap instantly, wrapping your arms around his neck. Looking into his eyes as they were no longer their deep blues, but a darkened hue. He was trying too hard not to give in, “But it feels right Andy… I saw the way you looked at me that day. Like you wanted to fuck me. Right?” Resting your clothed pussy over his hardening length, “You knew better but your eyes couldn’t stop looking…”
✨Why you bother me when you know you know better✨
He felt you rest against him grinding on his hard length as a groan escaped his lips, “Fuck… Tha- that doesn’t mean anything. What do you want? Money?” If you were sensitive that would have broken your heart.
You brushed your nose to the crook of his neck, inhaling his cologne, moaning at his scent. That sweet sound sent all the blood straight to his cock as you felt it poking your throbbing core, “I just want you and to make that bitch pay for hurting you.”
Looking over at Laurie, her face was a deep shade of red, watching you straddle her husband, “This is how you treat your husband, Laurie. Gonna show you exactly how to please him.” Directing your gaze back to Andy, you pressed your lips to his expecting him to pull back. But instead, he gripped the back of your neck crashing his lips back to yours.
If there was any dryness left on your panties, they were certainly ruined now. Andy kept his grip on you, pushing his tongue between your full lips not even having to fight to dominate your mouth. You moaned freely, grinding on his dick through his slacks as he brought the other hand to steady your hips.
Pulling from his lips, you kept the steady roll of your hips against him as you looked over to Laurie, “You’re going to watch me fuck your husband the way he needs. Leave and the committee will get these photos before you even exit this hotel.” Returning your lips back to his filling the room with the audible smacks of passionate kisses.
Laurie didn’t even move a muscle as she watched Andy’s hands roam up and down your body. While his kisses were amazing, you wanted to put your mouth to better use. You wanted to make this man see stars because that’s what was owed to him.
Sliding from his grip, you slid down to your knees parting his legs wider as you crept up between his thighs. You looked up from your fluttering eyelashes asking, “May I suck your cock, Andy?”
He looked over at Laurie and then back at you, “Of course you can Honey. Let me feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock,” smirking down at you as you quickly undid his belt buckle.
You pushed his slacks down, looking at the bulging print pushing at his briefs. Your tongue licked at the clothed cock, looking up at Andy as he blew out a breath you never knew he was holding. Some girls have all the luck, you thought but you were about to take yours. Hooking your hands at the band of his briefs, you pulled his cock free as he slapped against his stomach.
Your mouth dropped at the length of thickness of his dick, looking over your shoulder at Laurie, “Oh you are a stupid bitch you know that? To downgrade when you have this dick to worship at home.” You wasted no time in letting her remark, licking a slow steady stripe up the underside of his dick.
Andy shuddered at the sudden contact of your tongue as it licked his tip lightly as he looked down at you. Your lips kiss up and down both sides his long length, stopping to fill your mouth with spit. Wrapping both hands around his girth, you pumped and worked him over as he hissed from the softness of your hands, “That’s it, just like that pretty girl. Feels so good.”
Opening your mouth you let the saliva cover his tip wrapping your lips around it simultaneously, flattening your tongue at the underside, finding the vein running up his length. His head leaned back at how good your mouth felt as your bobbed your head up and down taking in him in inch by inch.
You moaned around him, loving how good he felt and tasted on your tongue. Pulling your lips off of him with an audible pop, you slapped the tip against your tongue, taking him back in until he reached the back of your throat.
You began to inch him slowly down your throat his groans getting louder as your gagged and sputtered at his thickness, “That’s it taking my cock like a good fucking girl,” your walls clenched around nothing from his praise only driving you to take his entire length until you nose hit the patch of hair at his pelvis.
You came up for air, pulling your lips back off of him as the strings of his cum and your spit dripped from your chin. “Does she suck your cock like this? Bet she doesn’t even let you fuck her throat,” you stroked his dick looking at the man so blissed out.
He gave a deep chuckle looking at the mess left on your face, “No honey, bitch doesn’t even suck my cock unless it’s my birthday,” he trapped your chin between his fingers bringing to his eye level, “Something tells me you like sucking cock. Don’t you pretty girl?” he cooed as you gave him slight smirk before taking back down your throat.
“Oh fuck! So good pretty girl. Wanna keep my cock right here all. The. Time,” He thrust up into your mouth with each word. Making you moan around his girth, “Shit honey, you really do like being a little cockslut,” He fisted your hair in his hand as he pulled out, thrusting into your mouth. He twitched at each gag and choke coming from your mouth, loving how wet your mouth was. If he was going to get what he deserved, your throat was going to get a load.
You could feel him twitch in his mouth, bringing your hand up to massage and tugs on his balls, which set him off automatically. He thrust two more times before you felt the warmth spilling down your throat. You drank up every drop, breathing through your nose as he rode as his high. He slipped from your mouth as you caught your breath, looking up at him as you opened your mouth to show that you swallowed every drop, “Got a surprise for you. Wanna see it?”
Fisting your hair again, he brought you up to crash his lips against yours, not caring that he just came in your mouth. Your tongues danced together as gripped the sides of your face to stay in place. Meanwhile, Laurie sat in shock at the performance before her. Andy never kissed her liked that and she was fuming.
Finishing his kiss, he bit and tugged at your bottom lip, releasing it, “Let daddy see, honey,” a gush of arousal added to the moisture between your legs at calling himself that. You stood up, discarding your panties as you got on the bed with your face down and ass up. Andy made quick work of taking his shirt off, standing behind you. He could see the silver shining automatically, pulling your ass cheeks apart.
His cock hardened at the plug nestled snuggly in your tight hole as it stretched around the cold piece of jewelry. It was silver with his name engraved on the flat piece. Andy marveled at the sight, breathing out, “Oh pretty girl… is this tight hole mine? want daddy to use your ass?” He gave loud smacks to your cheeks as he looked over at Laurie, “What’s the matter, honey? You never even wanted me near yours. ‘m definitely gonna wreck hers.”
He looked back at the right time to see your pussy clench and drip at the promising declaration of filling your tight canal, “ooh she really liked that, didn’t you pretty girl?” He pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing in slow circles as you jerked from her pressing at your bundle of nerves.
You bit down on your lip pushing back against him as your mouth went slack, “Yes… Yes Andy I liked it,” you felt another smack to your ass, yelping from the sting. You corrected yourself, “Yes Daddy I liked it.”
He groaned at the sudden correction, grasping his cock in his hand as he pushed it past your wet folds to your aching hole, “Such a good girl, correcting without daddy having to say anything,” his tip stretched your waiting hole as the rest stretched your wider, arching your back to let him in more.
“Fuck! You feel so good wrapped around my cock pretty girl,” he stayed seated in you before pulling back out to thrust sharply into you, fisting your hair to bring your head up to meet his eyes. “Look at Daddy while he fucks you stupid.”
Andy slammed his hips repeatedly, loving the way your cheeks rippled with each thrust. He was so thick and veiny that all your spots were being hit at the same time. You fisted the sheets as he thrust never wavered.
He used his thumb to push the butt plug in further, your eyes rolling back from feeling the fullness of his dick and the plug, “O-oh Daddy! You feel so good.” He looked down at the creamy mess being made on his cock as he slammed in harder, feeling you clench tighter.
Leaning over your mouth fully opened, he spat down your throat as you let out a loud moan from the act. “Fuck! You like that too? Looks like I’m gonna keep you.” Laurie tried to protest as Andy snapped his head her way, “You shut the fuck up! I think I deserve a willing slut to please all my needs,” His thrust never faltering as the coil inside you became tighter, “Go on princess, you can cum,” he landed a smack to your ass causing you to scream as your release gushed on his length and on the expensive sheets.
He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you against his chest as he pulled the cups of your bra down, pulling at tweaking at your nipples. He fucked you through your orgasm, never stopping his thrusts. Bringing his lips to the flesh of your neck, sucking a hard bruise as you started seeing stars once again, “Daddy! I’m gonna! Oh, fuck!” Andy placed quick smacks to your clit as your covered him with your cum, desperate to milk him of his cum.
The way that you were squeezing him, he knew that he wouldn’t last long as his balls drew up, he looked back over at Laurie, drilling your spasming hole, “What ya think honey, should I fill her with my cum?”
She shrieked, “Andy don’t you fucking dare!”
He smirked as he slapped at your clit again, bringing you to your third orgasm, “I don’t give a shit what you say. Gonna fill her tight cunt up and keep it there. May even keep going until she’s full and round with my baby,” he was close and he knew, he grunted as he slammed into you, “Want Daddy to fill you up baby?”
You could no longer think as your eyes glazed over from the intense fucking, “Fill me up, please daddy? Wanna be you little cumslut,” that’s all he needed to hear as he came with a shout and cursed loudly. His dick twitched and filled you to the brim, even some spilling out. Which he fucked right back into you.
He rode out his high inside your as his breath became normal, looking over at Laurie whose face was covered with tears, “Get the fuck out and be ready to see the divorce papers next week.” Going back to your tired frame, he peppered kisses down your face, rubbing your body up and down.
She shot up in anger, standing and trembling, “Andy you don’t mean that! You fuck her once and you want to get a divorce?!”
Taking a break from bringing you back to consciousness, “No, you fucked Neal more than once. That’s why. But her? Oh, she’s just the cherry on top. She’s mine and I don’t give a fuck what you think. Now get the fuck out and the house too.”
She stormed out not caring how she looked. He slipped out from your laying down as he brought you into his arms, looking down at you snuggled against him, “I really wanted to fuck your ass honey,” you giggled weakly.
“You still can Daddy, we have all weekend...
Tags: @afriendlyblackhottie @fuckandfluff @ilovefandoms102
Okay, this was a whole journey!!! And it was written so well! 😍👏🏼 The description of reader’s relationship with Jacob and Laurie was so fleshed out. I love how Laurie became sort of a mother figure for her and how that doubled her guilt with having an affair with Andy. You also took the time to show how Andy and reader’s relationship began and it worked out so well in building the story. I also appreciate how at first, reader was actually more cautious than Andy when it came to setting boundaries for the both of them. They both tried to control themselves and it’s gotten to the point where they can’t anymore. THE TENSION BETWEEN THE TWO WAS SO INTENSE AND YOU WROTE IT PERFECTLY!!! 😭 Please make a part 2! There are no words to describe how perfect this is!!!
give me all your venom, i love that shit
summary: i do apologize. no one asked for this…but i accidentally watched assassination nation. okay, it was intentional the first time. but the twenty times after that while i was writing this were accidental. anyway…smut stuff. webcam smut with love of my life Andrew Barber.
warnings: cheating. age gap. andy gets a little dark. this is prob as dark as i would ever write this perfect, beautiful man. a million and one pet names also.
word count: around 11,100 lol oops
pairing: andy barber x reader
a/n: so yes, age gap. it’s unclear what that is. go ahead and do what you will. it’s truly none of my business. also…one day, i’ll write in my tags ‘i’m gonna post tonight’ and actually post that night. not 300 nights later!
Keep reading
uh idk if this will reach anyone, but worth a shot.
I’ve been looking for a fic ft. Steve, Ari, Ransom and Andy and I can’t seem to find it
Steve, Ari, Ransom kidnap the reader (andy’s ex), who works at an art gallery and then she goes on to meet Andy years after their break up.
I stopped it midway and I didn’t save it, it would be of great help if y’all could just lmk the name or smtg!!
🍒 Help Me 🍒

🍒 Pairing; Stepdaddy!Andy Barber x Fem!reader [ONE SHOT] 🍒
Hello! Here’s my long time writing, of one my favourite CE characters. I’ve been writing this bit by bit for a while now so I decided to post it. I loved him so much in defending Jacob so I basically horny re-watched it. Minors please don’t interact, this is mature sexual content. Must be +21 to read. Liking and reblogging is very much appreciated. Love you all!!
Summary: Andy is sex starved.
Mentions: (warning) Stepcest | Age Gap (Reader is 23/Andy is 52) Cheating (Andy) Unprotected sex (use protection babes), degradation, pet names, extreme voyeurism, dacryphilia, size kink (Andy’s cock is so big) cum, squirting.
Masterlist is here loves 🍒 [Word Count] +1K | Credits: @katherineswritingsblog ❤️

“Stop calling me! We are so over.” You yelled, throwing your phone across the room. It shattered, and landed on the floor by your bed. Tears streaming down your cheeks.
“What’s going on?” Andy knocks on your bedroom door, letting himself inside.
“Daddy..” you sobbed, running into his arms hugging him. You’ve never called him Daddy before. His arms gently enveloped you, as you cried against his chest. He soothed you by caressing your back.
“What happened, flower?” Breaking the silence your stepfather looked down at you. Caressing the back of your hair.
“We broke up last week, and he’s just still calling me. My ex..” you wiped your tears into Andy’s T-shirt.
“Some, guys never get the hint do they baby? Especially you, the younger generation.” A soft chuckle left him. Peeking up at him your cheeks flushed red. Your stepfather held you against his chest. You could feel the strong muscles of his chest against you. You’ve always found him very attractive and your mom was a lucky woman. Andy didn’t raise you, he always took care of you. Your eyes told Andy many things right now especially the vulnerability in your messy situation.
“Dinner is in 20 minutes. If you don’t feel like eating with us tonight, I’ll bring you your dinner up here. I know your mother won’t mind..” rubbing your spine in circles your eyes met. You nodded softly.
“Is Jacob gonna be okay with it?” Andy let out a soft chuckle.
“Of course, sweetheart. I mean, we are having a movie night after dinner. He’s picking the movie and apparently it’s gonna be cool.” Andy mimicked Jacob in a funny way making you giggle.
“Then I’m coming downstairs..” you confirmed making Andy lean down and kiss your forehead. His lips were so soft. You almost melted. This was wrong on another level. He was your stepfather. You wished to know how his lips tasted for a moment.
“I’ll see you downstairs, and hey.. no more crying right flower?” Wiping your tears away, with his thumb he then walked out of your room. Your knees nearly turned to jelly. It was obvious… you had the hots for your stepfather. You never felt this way, when you were younger. Maybe you weren’t a little girl anymore. The sexiest thing was though… he gave you these sweet nicknames, now your body reacted to them in ways you wouldn’t found possible. He was your mothers husband. After his divorce with Laurie he found your mom, fell in love and you moved from a big city to Newton. The suburbs with so many lovely people. You didn’t like Andy’s job. Your mom was a teacher. She was teaching high schoolers English and Arts. She was the soft crafty type. Andy was the dominant one. The head of the family. You weren’t lying now.. it seemed like he had a soft spot for you. Always being so nice to you lately. Helping you as much as he could…always giving you whatever you wanted. Right now you wanted to ride his cock, and sleep with him until you both wear out. So wrong.. it was so wrong to think this way. You felt guilty for wanting what’s your mothers. Not once though.. not once you didn’t hear them go all spicy during night time. Maybe they just knew how to control themselves knowing your bedroom is right next to theirs.

Wearing a loose shirt, and pair of pyjama shorts walking downstairs. Finding Jacob setting the table for dinner, with no amusement on his face. He hated it. Andy whispering something to your mother but as you entered them both parted away from each other and awkwardly smiled your way.
“Okay it’s not a big deal. Me and my boyfriend broke up.” Rolling your eyes.
“Honey.. please. I just wish to help you. You can talk to us about anything.” Your mom approached you and hugged you. Kissing your cheek. Returning her hug, watching Andy opening his bottle of beer. Your mom then faced him.
“Yeah.. that’s right. Don’t be afraid to tell us. If he’s giving you hard time again. Don’t hesitate to tell me I’ll take care of it.” Andy flashed you a soft smile before drinking his beverage. You nodded.
“Okay guys as much as I love you? You can stop being so awkward. I’m totally fine.”
“Then you can like help me right? Cause I can’t find the forks.” Jacob nudged you removing his earphone.
“Sure.!” You reached for napkins and forks approaching the table helping your stepbrother. You were grateful for your family. When you turned around you found your mom kissing Andy on the lips, rubbing his chest. Accidentally tipping off the glass off the table making it fall on the floor you gasped. Getting on your knees.
“I’m so sorry!” You spoke repeatedly, your heart racing. Your mom ran to you checking you over. Shit.. you couldn’t stand this. Not anymore.
“I have to leave.” You hurried upstairs to change your clothes. Ignoring Andy calling your name. You needed a breather…

After an endless walk, listening the whole playlist on your Spotify and a bucket of tears which were wasted you finally made your way back home. It was after midnight. Your mom was probably very angry with you. Maybe Andy too.. disappointed perhaps. Switching off your shattered phone which surprisingly still worked, you unlocked the door and walked inside the very lonely and dark house. Switching on the lights in the kitchen you filled yourself a glass of water. Finishing it all nearly in one go. A lamp in the living room switched on by itself. Turning around to see who it was.. Andy.
Rubbing his bearded cheek, wearing a black hoodie. Pair of black jeans and a black t shirt. He looked so pissed.
“I’m sorry..” you began.
“Sorry? How are you sorry! I was worried to shit!” He barked. Not caring if he would wake Jacob or your mother. Looking down at your hands, tears filling your eyes.
“I can’t stand this! Okay? I really fucking can’t! You’re not my father stop acting like one!” Now you probably went too far. Andy raised off the couch and approached you nostrils flaring with anger.
“Are you gonna hit me?” You then looked him straight into his stormy eyes. He was breathing heavily, cheeks flushed with blood rush. Anger… such a powerful emotion. Tears rolled down your cheeks.
“You’re such a brat, I went out! Looking for you!! You know what that means? You’re living under my roof! You’re my responsibility! Running away like that Y/N! You could get..-” he stopped himself starting to pace in the room.
“Well maybe I should move out!!” You yelled back at him. Clenching fists, wiping your tears away.
“I hate you!!” The next words made Andy stop his impatient pacing slowly turning around to face you.
“You don’t mean that..” he breathed out. Eyebrows knitting together.
“I don’t.. I really don’t.. I’m so sorry!” You approached him and hugged him tightly.
“So sorry.. so sorry!” He touched your cheeks and finally.. his mouth was on yours. Kissing you. You sobbed into the kiss, but returned the favor. Kissing him. The passion in his kiss set your body on fire. Your hands slid to the back of his head tugging him down to you. He was kissing you, deeply. You couldn’t keep up as moans flooded out of your lips. Your body ached. Picking you up in his arms, Andy slammed you against the wall. Lips still against yours, tongues tangling in heat. Wrapping your arms around his big shoulders; he walked over to the couch with you. Dropping you on it. You gasped.
“S’that what you want? I knew.. it.” Exposing you like that he removed his hoodie. Eyes hungry like a big bad Wolf. You kicked off your trainers. Parting your legs for him.
“Please..” nodding quickly, he hovered above you. Hand on the arm of the couch. Touching your pussy with his fingers nearly moaning under his breath.
“I’ve wanted to use this pussy to fuck my cock.. for a while now sweetheart..” admitting the filthiness, he stripped you off your shorts and panties. Sitting down, eyeing your pussy. Parting your pussy lips with his digits. You moaned impatiently bucking your hips up against his hand.
“Ow..” cooing he parted your legs even more and touched your belly. Sliding two digits into your pussy, eyes on you. Licking his lower lip. You nearly cried out. But deciding to bite into your sleeve to shush yourself. He hovered above you again and touched your cheek with his free hand. Thumb sliding between your lips. You moaned and sucked on it like a Bitch in heat.
“So good for Daddy..” he smiled, curling his fingers inside of you. Moving them in and out in a hasty pace making you gasp and mewl with pleasure.
“For y-you..” you opened his belt and his jeans. He was clearly hard you could see it.
“All this just to get fucked by your stepfather you dirty little slut..” the degradation made your face cherry red. His fingers continued to abuse your swollen cunt. Your creamy cum wrapped around his fingers and before he had a chance to kiss you again you cried out against the side of his neck squirting around his fingers cumming hard.
“You’re makin’ such a big mess..” Pulling his fingers out of you, Andy got on the sofa between your legs sliding his jeans down his ass. Which you automatically grabbed in your small hands. Chuckling at your needy grabby hands he lined himself with your small pussy.
“So big.. not gonna fit!!” You gasped, looking at his big cock.
“I’ll make it fit, flower..” pumping himself few times, your stepfather had your slick on his cock now.. using it for lubrication. Biting your lower lip as he parted your creamy folds with the tip of his dick. He was so gorgeous concentrating like that..
“Daddy do you love me?” You whimpered as he slowly filled you. The stretch was so big it made you shed few tears. Blinking them away he nodded.
“I love you so much sweetheart.. now let Daddy fuck this tiny cunt of yours. Been dying to taste it and rub it with my beard..” he moaned softly bottoming out inside of you. He felt like he won a jackpot. Your pussy was the first exciting thing that happened to him in weeks.
“Hurts..” you then breathed on his lips. He was so big. You felt him in your guts.
“Your boyfriend didn’t stretch your tiny hole did he? Not entirely.. take this slut.” Suddenly you were taken to his lap. Andy sitting up holding your hips. He fucked into your pussy with delicious violence. Making you wrap your arms around his shoulders, face against his neck. His own face was in the crook of your neck. To mask his moans and grunts delivering hard and quick thrusts into your tight core. You felt like passing out. Pleasure bubbling inside of your belly feeling him in your abdomen causing electric bolts shoot down your spine battering out your breath. Big hands on your ass guiding you moving you back and forth on his monster cock. Creaminess leaking of you soaking his the patch of his pubic hair smearing down to his balls.
“D-daddy..!” You felt your orgasm approaching, tears streaming down your face. Lips parted, cheeks hot and moaning on his cheek holding the back of his head trying to gyrate your pussy on his cock but he was so big.
“Makin a big mess flower you gonna clean it up with you mouth.. just wait until your mom comes down now. Catching us doing the filthy big grown up sex!!” Moaning Andy thrusted himself faster into you making you cry out against his neck again. He was moaning so frequently that it stimulated your brain turning it in a liquid.
“So good Daddy.. I love your cock!” You breathlessly whimpered. Andy kissed you wrapping his big arms around you. The thing of getting caught made him continuously rut into your core. The coil in your belly snapped and you wailed in pleasure. The soreness was now ignored the intense pleasure made you part your legs even more and grab fistfuls of his hair. Tipping your head back, moaning and moaning clenching hard on his cock. Andy stuttered in his pace, cumming right after you with a big growl against your neck slightly dipping you backwards his chest tightly pressing against yours. Flooding your Pussy in his cum. There was so much cum on his cock and his groin that it looked like a creamy puddle sticking to your lower bodies as he rammed his cock so deeply into you. Loving you, rubbing his bearded cheek on your cleavage. Your tender flesh going pink. Calming down his breath, you stroked his hair resting your chin on the top of his head. Both of you sweating.
“I love you too Daddy..” you mumbled softly. Andy made an eye contact with you.
“My little one.. my flower.” The older man kissed you and now your ex boyfriend was forgotten.

god im so obsessed with this series you don’t understand
Prettier When You're Mine
Dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Author’s Note: Two more chapters on this one
Summary: One year into working with a young, bright and beautiful junior prosecutor, Y/n, who bears an almost uncanny resemblance to Andy’s late wife, Laurie, he finds himself developing feelings for her. Though, when she brushes off his advances, Andy proves that he’ll do whatever it takes to recreate his family.
Disclaimer: 18+ This work contains dark themes, including stalking, dub-con, infidelity and manipulation. Read at your own discretion.
Masterlist Playlist Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Weeks after her visit to Andy's house, Y/n makes an unsettling discovery and Andy reveals an even more sinister truth Warning: mentions of forced sex, mentions of stalking, possessiveness, mentions of pregnancy
Twelve weeks Later
Food poisoning. Stress. A newly developed food intolerance. Some sort of undiagnosed illness.
Off all the things that could have caused the wave of symptoms she’d been experiencing, two faint, pink lines on a little plastic stick was the last place Y/n figured she’d find her reasoning. Holding the edge of the bathroom counter in a white knuckled grip, she shut her eyes and bent her head. Sniffling softly, she felt a slow, warm trickle down her cheeks and it was a task in itself to quiet her sobs.
It wasn’t possible- it wasn't supposed to be possible.
“Babe?” A knock on the locked bathroom door made Y/n jump, and hastily wiping at her eyes, she checked her reflection over while emitting a sound of encouragement. “I’m almost ready to leave-”
“Already?” After capping the test and shoving it into the waistband of the back of her pants, she pulled the door open abruptly, causing James- who had been leaning on it- to stumble forward a little. “I didn’t realize it was seven already.”
He glanced at his watch and flashed her a look of concern, “Its actually seven thirty,” reaching out, he cupped the side of her face and she tried to smile, hoping that the sting in her eyes would wait till he’d left. “You’re still sick?” He frowned deeply and then chuckled halfheartedly as he teased, “I thought you were better, you had half a pizza last night.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/n smiled faintly and laid her hand on his forearm, “I’m fine,” she lied. It was hard to keep it together, but the last thing Y/n wanted was to have to explain everything to James when she could hardly make sense of it all herself. “Its just um…my hair is being uncooperative.”
He didn’t look like he believed her, but played along anyway, “Looks great to me,” he bent his head a little too swipe a kiss off her lips. When he pulled away, James searched her eyes and furrowed his brows, “You’re sure that you’re okay?” He moved his hand to slip two fingers under her chin, “Because if you want to stay home, I’ll stay with you or-”
“I’m fine,” Y/n forced herself to smile, “Go to work,” she tiptoed and kissed him again.
He sighed, “Alright. Alright. And you’re sure you don’t want a ride?” Y/n shook her head in refusal, already deciding that she had other plans and wanting to get out of her current situation as soon as possible. “Okay,” his smile faltered, “Well I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah,” Y/n blinked quickly, barely holding it together, it was getting harder to lie to him by the second, and all she wanted was a few minutes to break down in peace, “Later.”
“Love you,” James said softly before kissing her one last time, and with a subtle, unnoticed break in her voice, Y/n returned;
“Love you too.”

Later that day
Letting out a long, slow breath, Y/n wrung her hands together. She was shaking in her shoes and barely holding it together; it felt like her whole life was falling apart while she’d been reduced to nothing more than a powerless spectator.
She was late to work that morning, having impulsively decided to detour to a local women’s clinic. A free one that time so she wouldn’t have to use insurance or her banking information- the last thing she needed was James finding out about it from anyone but her. It, up to the minute she’d seen the little grainy image on the blueish screen, Y/n had taken to calling the baby in her belly ‘it’. Because it wasn’t possible; it wasn’t supposed to be there. It was going to ruin everything.
But then she’d seen it and within a second, everything had changed. She fell in love.
And she was so scared of that love.
The nurse at the clinic had been alarmed by her very expressive outburst; loud wailing and messy tears. She’d asked if something had happened to put her in that situation, if she needed to see a social worker or wanted a pamphlet on termination. Y/n had refused both.
“Okay,” Y/n exhaled heavily, touching her lower stomach, “Let’s do this.”
Another breath.
Clenching her fist so tight she could feel her nails leaving crescent shaped bruises on her palms, Y/n knocked on the door. She would have just gone in, she wanted to, but Y/n also wanted to prolong her final moments spent in denial.
“Come in.”
Another breath. A bigger one.
Turning the knob, Y/n crept inside and shut the door behind herself. Her throat suddenly felt dry and when he looked up from his work, and when he flashed her an unsuspecting, innocent gaze she felt rage boil in her center. They hadn’t talked about what had happened at his house, Andy for one had seemed to have forgotten, making Y/n wonder if he’d been that drunk.
She’d even started wondering if it had all been a dream because how could he forget when she thought about it everyday?
“Y/n,” he folded his arms, “You’re-”
Late. For a lot of things.
“I know,” she cut him off hastily, “We need to talk.”
It might have been her tone, or just the weight of her words, but Andy sat up straighter, relaxing into the back of his chair and knitted his brows. Frowning, he asked, “What is it?” Y/n hesitated, and he though he encouraged her to sit, she remained standing, “Sweetheart if you don’t-”
“Please don’t call me that,” she cut him off hastily, shaking her head, “You have no idea-” Her voice broke with emotion and she sniffled loudly.
"Hey," Andy crooned, standing and crossing the floor to come near her. Though, when he reached to touch her face, Y/n filched, and his jaw tightened in response. With a scoff, he raised his hands in mock surrender and stepped away to lean on the edge of a bureau against the wall while she lingered near the chairs at his desk
Peeved by his reaction but still crippled with anxiety, Y/n whispered, “This is really important.”
“I wouldn’t know, you haven’t told me yet,” he shrugged and she wasn't sure if his disregard was coming from his annoyance with her or just the fact that he seemed to enjoy seeing her vulnerable. When she still didn’t speak, Andy started again, “I want to help you, but-”
“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out, refusing to look at him.
Andy huffed, straightening his back as his grip on the edge of cupboard loosened, “Congratulations.”
Lifting her head, her jaw dropped when she realized his apparent amusement, “No, you don’t understand,” Y/n explained in a panic, “I’m twelve weeks pregnant and....." For a moment, she considered telling him about James' infertility, but Y/n didn't think she wanted him to know that much about her personal life. "It doesn't matter," she shook her head, "You're probably the father." Most likely.
Andy scoffed a chuckle, “I know. How's that for your ten percent?”
Her lips quivered and Y/n felt like the room was spinning. As heavy breaths threatened to turn into a full on panic attack, she reached for the back of the closest chair for support. “What?”
“I know,” Andy repeated, licking his lips before he stood, slipping his hands into the pockets of his black trousers, “I know...everything. About James; the accident and his……little problem.”
Slapping her hand to her mouth, Y/n emitted a choked sob. “Oh my god,” her words were muffled into her palm, “You knew.” Andy came to stand behind her, laying one hand on her shoulder while the other snaked around to flatten on her stomach. There wasn’t a visible bump there yet, but there was a distinct firmness that she’d only started noticing earlier the last week.
“Don’t touch me,” as a whirlpool of emotions engulfed her, Y/n shoved him off, “How did you know?”
A car wreck when he was sixteen temporarily left James paralyzed from the waist down and had permanently left him unable to have children. He’d been up front about the whole thing when they’d first started getting serious, and they’d even had a battery of tests run after they’d moved in together, just to be sure. For years, Y/n had promised, him and herself, that she didn’t care that they would never have biological children, and for years, it was true. She was okay with it being just the two of them for the rest of their lives, she was okay with adoption if they ever decided to have children.
But then she’d seen that couple at the doctor’s office and the most intense mixture of jealousy and heartbreak had overwhelmed her to the point of wondering if she actually was okay with never being able to get pregnant, or if she was just going along with it because she loved him.
“Give a dirty cop three thousand dollars and he’ll show you the world,” Andy taunted, reaching out to touch her face and clicking his tongue when she slapped his hand away, “You don’t have to be upset, I'm giving you what you want.”
“I didn’t want it like this!” She laid a hand over her stomach protectively, “You can’t do this to me, I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” Andy stepped forward to box her in, “Have a abortion? I know you don’t want that, else you wouldn’t be here right now. And don't you think for a second that you’re gonna pass my baby off as his.”
“Who’s to say you can stop me from doing either?”
The thought had crossed her mind when she determined that Andy was her baby’s father; she could lie to James and let him think they’d run into a miracle, or she could have an abortion at the women’s clinic and move on with her life. But Andy was right, she wanted that baby and lying to James for the rest of their lives wasn’t something she could bring herself to do. Their relationship had been built on trust and honesty, if they raised that child together and he somehow found out that it wasn’t his, he’d be devastated and everything they had would be ruined.
And Andy deserved to know that he had a baby out there, at least, that was the fact that Y/n had convinced herself of on the cab ride over to the office.
In an instant, Andy had her by the neck, holding her against the door. His grip wasn't tight enough to completely cut off her air, but it was firm and hurt. “You won’t,” Andy snarled, letting her throat go in favor of grabbing the the neckline of her blouse and pulling her up to his face, “You get rid of this baby and I will fucking kill you,” he shoved her against the door again, eliciting a frightened gasp, “And you tell him that its his, or try to run away or do whatever that brilliant little mind of yours can come up with and I will hunt you down and kill him with my bare hands. And you will never see this child again.”
“Why are you doing this?” She shuddered, voice quiet and scared.
He was proving to truly be a monster. To be all the things she’d heard about him; the kind of man that could raise a murderer- because he was capable of being one himself.
When he let her blouse go, his demeanor shifted completely. With newfound gentleness, Andy's eyes softened and he smoothed his hand over the wrinkles on her blouse. Trailing his fingers down her body he stopped to cradle the front of her hips, thumbs rubbing slow circles in the area a couple inches below her navel. “How can you ask me that?” He frowned, “I’m doing this for you- for our family. I just want our family back.”
A hitched noise contained in her throat followed the return of a thought she’d had back at his house; it was never about her. “I’m not her, I’m not Laurie.”
Andy’s long lashes fluttered as his gaze flitted to meet hers, “You’re not,” he agreed, touching her face gently, “You’re so much better. She was weak and stupid. She killed my baby boy,” he leaned his forehead against hers and while she was scared to the point of her blood running like ice water, Y/n didn't dare move away, “But you’ll protect our baby, I know it. You'll be such a good wife and an even better mother, I knew it from the moment we met.”
“I love my fiancee,” she whimpered.
“No,” his mood shifted suddenly and Andy grabbed her by the shoulders, holding Y/n to the door, though not violently. “I see the way you look at me. You feel the same way I do,” he pressed urgently, “This is the way its supposed to be.”
“This the way you made it,” Y/n counted fearfully.
He scoffed, bemused again, “Call it divine intervention.” Though his grip on her shoulders was bruising, Andy used his thumb to trace affectionate circles into the fabric of her coat, "Now,” his tone dropped again, “I’ve told you what happens if you make the wrong decisions. So you’re going to do as I say, and we’re going to fix this, together.”
“I could break you and you'd come back for more."
damn right i would! totally not stalking your whole master list btw but my godddd😍😍😍
Rough Night

Heres my submit and let me tell you. My big fucking weakness is a daddy Andy who has no qualms being rough. Make it however short or long you want babes. 😍
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork, I hope you enjoy! Happy Birthday! Andy Barber x Female Reader 18+ Please! Not beta read and mistakes are all mine!
Andy was the best husband you could ask for. Doting. Loving. Fiercely protective. And many days and nights were spent making love. Tender kisses and touches. Something so deeply emotional that it brought tears to your eyes.
And some days, to crudely put it, he just needed to fuck you. He needed to sink himself hard and deep into you until you were screaming his name. Those nights, he was relentless and demanding. It always left you with a delicious soreness the next day. And the moment he walked in the door…you could already feel that ache.
Andy must have left his jacket in the car because he already had his sleeves rolled up. The sight of him in a tie never failed to take your breath away. He simply watched you from the other side of the kitchen as he placed his hands on the island counter. The tension crackled between you before he said, “Come here, honey.”
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