Angel Gabby - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
Made This

Made this

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10 months ago
Baby Spider

Baby Spider ⭐️

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9 months ago

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for!

Here It Is, The Moment You've All Been Waiting For!

I finally stopped procrastinating, enjoy these cuties being adorable 💕

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9 months ago
flat colors with minimal shading and lineart drawing of Gwen Stacy, Gabriela O'Hara and Spidercat from Across the Spiderverse.
Gwen in her spidersuit is on the left and is standing en pionte on one foot. Gabriella deeply inspired by her coolnes is wearing a pink tutu on top of biking shorts. She also wears loose blue tshirt with pikachu on it and sneakers.
Between them is Spidercat also in awe of Gwen. On top it's suit also has a pink tutu :3

so I have this au headcanon that oscillates between silly and depressing that when Gabriella's universe was collapsing all the spiders grabbed as many people as possible and just jumped the portals.

So Gabriela is very much alive and to Miguel's dismay decided that Gwen is the coolest and ballerina and even spidercat agrees! Totally an older sister material!

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9 months ago
Baby Mine, Dry Your Eyes. Rest Your Head Close To My Heart, Never To Part.

Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never to part.

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4 months ago

🍁 Halloween!Miguel O’Hara Headcanons 🎃

A lil context on how I think Halloween works in nueva before we get started: since everyone lives in apartments there is no going door to door in Nueva, so block parties are thrown instead. You can stay at the block party or just grab some candy from the candy bowls on tables set up and move along

 Halloween!Miguel OHara Headcanons
 Halloween!Miguel OHara Headcanons

👻 Works overtime throughout October to make sure the kids can have a safe Halloween

👻 he will usually bring out a bowl of candy with a sign of take one on it

👻 he will usually go back to his apartment and sleep, sometimes he stays to handout candy but it’s very rarely

👻 will keep Lyla on red alert for crime just incase

👻 because of the noise from the block parties Gabi will scream and cry…more than she normally does, so sleeping might not be an option

👻 Miguel likes to give his 3-month old Gabi, applesauce instead of candy. he is very determined to keep her healthy

👻 will yell at everyone to go to bed if the block party goes on for to long

👻 would prefer to sleep in the next day, but he sleeps when Gabi sleeps

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4 months ago
, - Yet Again -

Да, моя довга обсессія нарешті вилилася в картінку - моя творчість зробила повне коло yet again бо в дитинстві я якось вже надихалася Врубелем і малювала янголів-тваринок

*включає Коломбо* О, і ще дещо!

Це блін ЗЛОЧИН що цю пісню не тягають по фандомних плейлістах, АУ ЛЮДОНЬКИ це ж прям ООООО

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1 year ago


Angel Gabby from the unsettling wholesome unfiction web series ANGEL HARE

"Look at how well you've grown" - Angel Gabby

Makes me cry every time

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11 months ago
Joined Some Random Whiteboard, This Is What I Drew!i Promise After This I'll Be Quiet About The One Guy
Joined Some Random Whiteboard, This Is What I Drew!i Promise After This I'll Be Quiet About The One Guy
Joined Some Random Whiteboard, This Is What I Drew!i Promise After This I'll Be Quiet About The One Guy
Joined Some Random Whiteboard, This Is What I Drew!i Promise After This I'll Be Quiet About The One Guy

joined some random Whiteboard, this is what i drew! i promise after this i'll be quiet about the one guy i promise- Also, Kerfluffle is my oc

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6 months ago

I decided to do some Angel Hare fanart. It's probably one of my favorite analog horrors other than Welcome Home. It's based on Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes. I felt it might be somewhat fitting since both projects have biblical themes involving murder for the sake of freeing someone from another's oppression. My use of shading could use some work, though.

Hope y'all like it!

I Decided To Do Some Angel Hare Fanart. It's Probably One Of My Favorite Analog Horrors Other Than Welcome
I Decided To Do Some Angel Hare Fanart. It's Probably One Of My Favorite Analog Horrors Other Than Welcome

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1 year ago

Angel Hare finale tonight :0 super excited for that omg.

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11 months ago
I Have Fallen In Love With Another Analog Horror Series. This Is Angel Gabby From A Series Called "Angel

I have fallen in love with another analog horror series. This is Angel Gabby from a series called "Angel Hare." If you have not heard of it, I would highly recommend checking it out!

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1 year ago
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp
Woah Woah Big Art Dumpp

woah woah big art dumpp

(in order from top to bottom, left to right)

mlp infection stuff i’m working on:3

oc based off of 2000s older brother core(the gender envy is real😔)

BIVE!! i love her sm:>

silly cutecore gal i tested out sum stuff with!!

agere art of me and my one of the many comfort characters, angel gabby<33

drew me being a happy goober for once!!

new oc sketches

and a wolf mask thingie!!^^

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