Annabeth Chase Pjo - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


I will happily talk about this with you.

why do i never see people talk about the fact that annabeth being attacked by spiders and her father not believing her is a metaphor for disabled children having their symptoms ignored

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Hi! Could make a request about Percabeth x gn reader who is clingy/likes to spend as much time as possible together and physically affectionate with Percy and Annabeth, but not to others? Thank you!

Percy and Annabeth with Clingy Reader

Double combo đŸ˜đŸ”„đŸ”„ I love writing self-indulgent stuff hehe

Hope you enjoyed this one, I loved writing for both of them😔😔😔 not proofread

Hi! Could Make A Request About Percabeth X Gn Reader Who Is Clingy/likes To Spend As Much Time As Possible

Being the clingiest one out of the three of you, its really hard to unstick yourself to the other two

No matter what, reader is always seen with AT LEAST Percy or Annabeth

You feel at your best when your with both of them, so it’s not uncommon for other campers to see you hanging out with either Percy or Annabeth, or even both!

You love spending your day with them, spending as much time with them before dinner by accompanying them to their activities or chores

Since you’re the most open about your affections, you’re always somehow touching them

Whether it be a lingering hand on their back or an arm wrapped around their waist, you’re always clinging onto any part of them

Hand holding is a MUST for you

Annabeth takes your right while Percy takes your leftđŸ˜©

The one who would let you fully indulge in your clingy antics is Percy because,,

Cmon on now

I headcanon Percy as super clingy and affectionate too💀💀

He would let you latch on to him whenever you want bro, he’s all yours

He’s clinging just as tight

He loves when you just randomly jump on him and hug the living life out of him


Since he’s just as affectionate as you, you already know he’s gonna play along with you as wrap your arm around his

He’ll then wrap his arm around your shoulder which causes you to hug him

His final one up on you is hugging you back while lifting you up in the air, your laughter ringing through his ears like music (SCREAMING)

Now, with two extremely affectionate people, Annabeth has to be the one to balance y’all out

As much as she loves being bombarded with your love attacks, she’s more calmer with her advances with you

So while your energy is bought all the way up with Percy, you’re able to just calm down and settle next to Annabeth when around her

Percy is more high energy and Annabeth is more soothing

She loves the more quieter moments between you two since she thinks they’re more intimate

Like during the campfire while Percy is somewhere in the dark night, you’d rest your head on her shoulder

She’d gently lay her own on top of yours and just

Sit there

She relishes in the moment you share, allowing you to take her hand and hold it, looking down at the serene look on your face while smiling

In private, you’re 100% more clingy

If you’re bunking in Percy’s cabin, you’ll cling onto your boyfriend and girlfriend, loving the way you’re sandwiched between them despite the bed offering so much space

You’d play with both of their hands while you slowly fall asleep, Annabeth’s warm and Percy’s cool hand comforting you as you close your hands

Now about what you said about reader not being affectionate with others, it would be more about how comfortable you’ve grown with Percy and Annabeth

Yeah you’ll hug your sibling every now and then, but for the most part, you’re just not as close to anyone to be as affectionate as you are with your partners

And people find that fine tbh, whatever your more comfortable with is betterđŸ”„đŸ”„

Spending so much time with Annabeth and Percy have made you all grow closer

Sure there have been some problems sprinkled in here and there, buts nothing that a good talking can’t fix

You’re living your best life as long as you got them both at your side 😭😭💔💔💔

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hi! i was wondering if i could request a percy jackson! platonic headcanon fic where like luke, y/n is also being manipulated and possessed by one of the evil gods and the group finds out? (also i’m sorry to go all teen wolf but she starts to act kinda like void stiles) ty!

Reader being Controlled by a God

NEVER apologize for going all teen wolf, I love this idea😍😍😍😍😍 when you say headcanons fic, imma think you meant headcanons but with a story plotđŸ”„

I think this is a little more generalized than what I usually write

I’m telling you, when I finish heroes of Olympus, WE WILL HAVE A BIGGER AND BETTER GROUP OF CHARACTERS💀🙏🙏🙏

Hi! I Was Wondering If I Could Request A Percy Jackson! Platonic Headcanon Fic Where Like Luke, Y/n Is

The change is a slow process

Not many caught onto your change appearances, those who did marking it down as an off day you had

Plagued with nightmares and visions, paranoia grows as you distance yourself from the group slowly

This god, you didn’t know their name or their face

The fear they instilled in you was enough for your confidence to break down though

It was like having a devil on your shoulder, it’s soft whisperings influencing your everyday life

You tried blocking it all out, but it was getting too much! You could never escape the whispers, even in sleep, which was way worse than being awake

Yet you didn’t dare tell a soul, what would people say! Would Chiron kick you out of the camp? Gods, you can’t be kicked out another home again, you just can’t!

You lose sleep as this god takes its hold on you, grip tightening more as the weeks pass

It isn’t long until you began listening to the voice, listening to it as it planted seeds of deceit and darkness

I think the one who would pick up on your weird changes is Annabeth lowkey

She notices EVERYTHING

When you don’t show up to breakfast in the mornings, she takes note of it. During training, she notices how you have this far off, dull look in your eyes. Like you’re there physically, but mentally somewhere else.

She definitely sees how you look at everyone now, a distrusting expression as you distance yourself from those around you

So when the girl tries approaching you about it, making it known that she’s worried for her friend, Annabeth is taken aback by your defensive aggression

“Don’t worry about it, its none of your buisness” you would say, eyes narrowed and arms crossed, shutting down any other attempts she tries to make

And while the others try to reassure her you could be upset about something else, one look at you and she already knows that there’s something more

You begin doing small tasks for your new friend

They’re small at first, pack a bag with a few necessities, steal some drachmas, your cabin mate won’t notice a few missing

You don’t even notice as they get a bit extreme, wordlessly following its orders to sneak into Chiron’s office and take some files, and to go into the woods after they call lights out in the dead of night

You’re friends grow even more suspicious and worried as you seem to creep around the camp grounds

They might even hear you whispering to yourself one day. What’s next, you would ask. Whose here? Hiding behind a tree, your friends would finally see that there’s something seriously wrong with you

Percy prays to any god or goddess listening that you just haven’t moved on from your invisible friend phase, but as always, nothing ever goes his way

This voice that first haunted even your sweetest of dreams was a familiar one that you grew to trust

They’re all waiting to watch you stumble, my dear. They’ll use you until there’s nothing left of you.

Join us, you’ll have me to guide you through the new life I’m offering you.

Your final task sets everything in motion, setting off every alarm in every demigods head as you walk past them.

With one mission in your head, you head towards the training grounds where Percy and a few others swung their swords at dummies

Taking the nearest sword, you walked up to Percy from behind, pushing everyone who got in your way

Speeding up to close the gap between you two, Percy’s instincts takes over as he quickly glances behind him and narrowly dodges your swing at him

He wouldn’t have any time to think as you continuously swing the sword you held at him, not once stopping even as he tried talking to you

“What’s going on with you?! Talk to me y/n!

“Do you seriously ugh- think talking is gonna get you out of this?”

Because of your sloppy form due to the wrong sized sword you took, you were taken down by the green eyed boy, causing you to scamper away from him

Heaving and looking at him with irritation, he could make out a dark shadowy figure lingering behind you, almost encasing you with its darkness

That’s it

It isn’t until Annabeth comes running in with Chiron that you make your escape into the woods, where they search hours for you, only to come empty handed

But you didn’t leave without leaving behind a small gifts

At sundown, three hellhounds were released into the camp grounds by portals no one knew existed

Just like Luke, you had betrayed them all, yet they felt that they couldn’t blame anyone but themselves!

The signs were there since the beginning!

It seemed that this god, a new enemy, had taken over your head, and your friends weren’t going to stop until they finally had the real you backđŸ”„đŸ”„

Cue epic music playing in the background

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