Pjo Percy - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

percy cutting luke and then immediately apologizing because his fatal flaw is loyalty. then luke immediately turning around and cutting him on purpose. He was tired of asking percy to join him, he was ready to get rid of percy. the fact that percy was losing that fight was not because luke was better at fighting than him. it was because percy was incapable of hurting a friend like that, whether they are fighting him or not. the fact that he fought ares and luke in the same episode but luke was the one that percy was losing to is his fatal flaw being absolutely fatal.

but can we talk about luke’s progression during this scene? the hurt on his face up until percy rejects his plan and especially when he cuts him. the whole conversation looked like he didn’t want to hurt percy. when percy was slowly figuring it out, his eyes showed no aggression but rather sadness that he knows percy won’t accept his offer. when percy brought up the shoes, the line “I didn’t think you’d give them to grover to wear.” actually hurt me, the pain in his eyes because he cares about grover, one of his first friends.

(Side note: can someone PLEASE update me on those luke simping tiktok girlies cause i don’t have tiktok but after that last episode?? they’re probably sobbing-)

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4 years ago

Least Favorite of the Seven?

My least favorite member is Piper. She’s just kind of bland to me and TOA didn’t really put her into my good graces. My opinion on her was a rollercoaster. I liked her at first, then it went down, went up around the Mark of Athena, and then went really down in TOA. I am going to write a reason why Piper is my least favorite soon. 

Jason used to be my least favorite, but the last two books of the HOO series and the third book of TOA made me adore him. 

Least Favorite Of The Seven?

My Order of Most to Least Favorite:

1. Percy

2. Annabeth

3. Leo

4. Hazel

5. Jason

6. Frank

7. Piper

Comment your order. 

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8 months ago

Being on both means that ur in pain constantly with the “friendly reminder!” And it just fucking stabs u.

Im realizing something.

The ‘I love Percy’ side of the fandom knows joy and has fun and doesn’t hurt people with Headcanons.

But the ‘I Love Jason’ side of the fandom??? That is a war zone of trauma, death, and misery.

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7 months ago

Friendly reminder that Charles beckendorf is one of the only people who knew about Percy’s crush on Annabeth, and he doesn’t live long enough to see them get together.


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Hey! Doing good I hope?

I’ll make this brief since I don’t want to take up too much time, but I love Scarlet Witch and Percy Jackson so… Why not put them together? What if the reader is a child of Hecate with magic similar to Scarlet Witch’s? Powerful and dangerous, yet Percy is the only demigod who doesn’t fear her. If anything, he’s actually curious.

Reader being a Child of Hecate

YEAAHH MY FIRST PJ REQUEST WOOOO‼️‼️ I did a little research on Hecate and bro this idea is literally so COOL📢 Also I’m gonna make it so that you know, Hecate is fighting alongside Kronos just to make things more dramatic. Also this might be long but let me know if you want more calmer headcanons of child of Hecate since I feel like i always stray from the request💔💔💔

Hey! Doing Good I Hope?

Meeting reader was definitely a nightmare

Percy, Annabeth, and Grover had stumbled upon you one night on one of their quests and to say you were a strong demigod was an understatement

You were powerful, your magic (which Percy didn’t know was possible for a demigod to have) was unlike anything they’ve ever seen before

Believing they were your enemy, you did not hold back when attacking them

“I told you I don’t want to join your STUPID ARMY!”

At the raise of your hand a powerful blast sent the group flying back

Before they could even recover or say anything, you begin to speak in a low voice, moving your hand as fog came out of nowhere

From this fog, misty figures emerged and attacked them, the reader controlling the mist with every flick of their wrist

Yeah after that fight, Annabeth and Grover were not so fond of your presence alongside them

Her not trusting you as easily as Percy and Grover not liking how you were able to make these dangerous figures appear out of nowhere put them on edge around you

Percy on the other hand only had questions and questions to ask

“How did you make those guys appear?” “Do you like, control fog?” “If you’re part human, whose your godly parent then?”

Finding out that Hecate was your mother only made the group tense since the goddess was currently on their enemies side in the growing war

At camp, being a child of Hecate, most, if not all, of the campers avoid you

Claiming that you would use your magic against them, the campers choose to steer clear from you

Not Percy though

He’s like a little leech on your back, a lost puppy following a random stranger

He does his best to make you feel somewhat at home since he understands what it’s like being an outcast because of your differences

He learns more about you as you begin opening up to him the longer he’s around, like how your life was before finding out you were a half blood, some of your powers that you demonstrated as you lifted him off the ground

You weren’t a bad person everyone believed you to be

At one point though, Percy catches you sneaking out of the Big House with a paper in your hands when he was sneaking out to use the bathroom himself

Except you were caught by Chiron

He quickly jogs over to see what was happening only to be in shock at what you did

“What are you doing here Y/N? And what do you have in your hand?”

You slowly begin moving your hands in the same familiar way you once did all that time ago in your first meeting

“What do you mean? I don’t have anything. I’m not even here in front of you. In fact, you were actually heading back in after watching the stars, never coming across anyone on your way out.”

Chiron’s eyes glazed over as you snuck around the centar, running from the Big house and into the dark woods. The centar then looked around in confusion before looking up to the sky and chuckling

“Lovely constellations as always.” Percy watched as Chiron shut the door, acting as if nothing ever happened

Rushing after you, carefully avoiding any harpies, Percy followed the sound of quiet whisperings, seeing you in a clearing, hunched over with small candles surrounding your figure

It took everything in him to not yell when he saw the dead crawling from the ground and begin whispering in your ears, ghosts floating around you while you kept your eyes closed.

The stick Percy stepped on though immediately drew your attention as all the ghosts vanished as quickly as they came

“Whose there?”

Slowly the boy walks out, eyes wide as he meets your own shocked ones

“I thought you said you were a child of Hecate, not Hades.”

It took everything in you to not smack your face at his dumb words

You would explain everything to him, why you grabbed the paper, how you were able to manipulate the Mist with Chiron, and how since your mother was also the goddess of necromancy, you were able to speak to the dead about what the future held in store, hence why you needed the paper with information

Now at this point he thinks you’re the coolest demigod he’s ever met

Being able to manipulate the mist on someone like Chiron AND be able to basically see into the future

You’re like Percy’s new favorite subject to learn more about

He would keep what happened that night a secret but Percy would totally introduce you to Nico and expose you to the younger boy

And you guys would actually get along really well surprising (Percy’s a proud mother watching from afar)

Being able to talk to the dead, you both talk a lot as you realize you have many things in common

In battle, Percy stays far away from you since he wouldn’t want to get caught in your mist and be jumped by your warriors

And despite Annabeth’s persistent nagging on staying away from someone as dangerous as you, Percy can’t help but stare in awe whenever you use your magic, whether it be conjuring up a mist form or illusions for your enemies

Percy is one of the only people you can rely on since homeboy isn’t here to judge anyone

He finds all your powers really cool and if people are afraid of what you could do, then he makes sure to shoot down any concerns and accusations

OH ALSO!! You help him a lot when it comes to manipulating the mist when it comes to mortals since you’ve noticed how he has a lot of trouble with it

Overall, Percy is your 4lifer and always encourages you in everything you do

He’s so supportive I can’t💔

He can’t be afraid of what you powers you possess, not after getting to know who you really are

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When the Sky met the Sea (Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader)

A/N: I was inspired to write this after reading the phrase ‘the sky meets the sea’ on a video!!! I was filled with inspiration 😍📢

When The Sky Met The Sea (Platonic!Percy Jackson X Reader)

Percy felt as if the rain were drowning him. The thundering raindrops that crashed down on him was too much for him to handle while fighting this monster. The boy quickly ducked away from the monsters aggressive swing and away from the edge of the cliff. Further away from his saving grace, the sea.

He felt the energy in his body slowly draining from him the longer he fought. This battle had been going on for much longer than he would’ve liked, but he’ll admit, that was on him. He shouldn’t have pretended to play tag with the ferocious beast now in front of him.

Momentarily distracted by his thoughts, Percy was struck down by sharp claws. Riptide was thrown away from his hands. Thunder echoed in the distance. He looked up, fear finally growing in him at the state he was in.

The monster roared in triumph at Percy’s mistake, almost sounding like a wicked laugh. Percy tried shuffling away from the creature in front of him, praying to any god or goddess listening that Annabeth or Grover, or anybody really, would come save him. The monster stomped its giant paw right next to Percy’s small body.

Thunder and lightning sounded closer to the pair, not that the boy would notice anyway.

“No way I’m getting taken out by a giant lion.” Percy stared in horror as the monster opened up its mouth, canines gleaming in the lightnings light that seemed too close for comfort.

It all happened so quick that the boy had no idea what had happened.

One minute Percy is saying all his goodbyes and mourning all the things he never got to do, and the next, he’s watching with wide eyes as the lion monster is zapped away from his body.

“Get up, quick!”

Having absolutely no time to register anything, Percy scrambled towards the source of the mysterious voice that came out of nowhere. Looking backwards, he watched as the monster slowly got up and recovered itself, it’s side still sizzling from the sudden lightning strike.

Nearing the cliff, Percy finally looked towards his savior. Time seemed to slow down around him. Sea green eyes met with striking blue ones. Your narrowed eyes looked past him and towards the monster. Now noticing the sword in your hand, Percy watched with amazement as you lifted it above your head and into the sky.

Suddenly, lightning struck down on you and Percy fully believed you were cooked meat, the light emitting from the clash blinding him for a second until his eyes adjusted. There you stood, unphased by the strike as it looked like your sword was collecting the lightnings energy into it.

You yanked your sword back down, arm somewhat flinging itself at the recoil of the powerful strike. Swinging your sword toward the monster Percy had forgotten about, he watched with wide eyes as a blast came straight out and hit the beast square in the face.

The rain never stopped coming down even after the monster exploded into dust and disintegrated into nothing. Thunder and lightning continued striking down in the back as Percy slowly looked towards you again.

Breathing heavily, you looked to the boy who stared at you with green, awe-stricken eyes. Slamming the blade of your sword into the dirt below you, you spoke in a calm voice.

“Who are you?”

Percy couldn’t believe how cool you looked in that moment. Standing at the edge of the cliff, the waves crashing in the rocks behind you causing them to reach high heights, and the lightning that lit up your face enraptured him.

“Percy. Percy Jackson. Son of Posiden.” He had no idea why he had mentioned who his father was but it felt right in that moment. Huffing, you took your sword once again from the ground and transformed it back to its bracelet form.

“So you’re Percy Jackson. Well, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” Walking past him, you picked up his sword and shoved it against his chest, urging him to take it. The boy fumbled with it a little before it transformed back to a pen.

“Child of Zeus.” Thunder once again struck in the back and this time Percy couldn’t help himself.

“You’re actually so cool.” Chuckling, you began walking towards the forest and away from the cliff, Percy eagerly following close behind, already asking questions left and right.

It was in that moment, the sky finally met the sea.

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You know what, I’m going to warn you from now, you’re going to get a lot of Percy x reader requests form me (not that I can blame myself) so without further ado… Can I request a Percy x Melinoe!reader?

Everyone knows how Nico is the ghost king, but can you imagine Percy meeting and falling head over heels for a daughter of Melinoe? She may as well be a living ghost queen because of her control over ghosts.

I imagine she shows her love for him in strange ways since regular lovers give each other flowers and chocolate, what the reader does? She shows up in his nightmares and battles off any monsters giving him trouble. She also did something weird for Valentine’s Day, but I’ll leave that up to your imagination 😉

Maybe she even has magic, to smaller extent to the Hecate cabin? (Blame Hades II and my love for magic for that idea), I don’t know, I can just see her having a lot of tricks up her sleeves.

(I’m sorry for making this so long.)

Percy with a Child of Melinoe

I’m always ready for these Percy jackson requests, keep them coming😻😻😻 you literally be dropping the most COOLEST REQUEST LIKE DDAAMMMNNN I LOVE UR BRAIN

Also I’m so SORRY it’s super long, always write too much but I can’t help it😭😭 for some reason I need to have some loose story when writing anything😭😭😭

You Know What, Im Going To Warn You From Now, Youre Going To Get A Lot Of Percy X Reader Requests Form

Ok so I headcanon any child related to any underworld gods/goddesses usually have like dark eyebags, so Percy meeting Reader for the first time kinda freaks him out. A lot.

Reader just emerges from the darkness of the forest with shadowy figures following close behind, bro really believes that his soul was chosen to be reaped because the way they would look at him with dead eyes LMAO💀💀

But you were just walking around. In the dark. Lowkey talking to yourself until you saw Percy

I think Percy would find reader very odd at first, considering all the other people he’s met

Their dark eyebags and dull appearing skin makes them look like a walking corpse, and the way that they would just be lurking in the shadows, kinda talking to themselves would make him raise an eyebrow

But he didn’t know that you were just talking to the ghosts surrounding you, all of them yapping about ‘unfinished business’ they have

Reader would often be seen around camp looking a bit jittery, almost like they’re hiding from something but you’re just trying to avoid the ghosts that won’t leave you alone

“Shh shh, fine I’ll help you Jonathan. But later, people are looking at me again. Now leave me alone, oh gods Percy is walking over, leave leave!”

Since no one can seem these ghosts reader can see, Percy genuinely thinks you’re just off your rockers

Until you reveal how you’re mother is Melinoe, goddess of ghosts (he would be confused at first since he probably had no idea who that was💀💔)


Imagine Melinoe!Reader can like allow people to see ghosts if they’re touching them in some way!!! So to show the poor boy that you’re not crazy, your cold ass hands touch his arm and BOOM! Percy cannot believe all these ghosts just SURROUNDING reader

After that the rest is history

They both would grow so much closer since Reader finally chooses to fully trust in Percy as he accepted them and all their weird and scary abilities!!

Percy starts tagging along with reader when they go to take ghosts to the underworld, though Hades isn’t happy to see him most of the time

“It’s fine uncle, Percy’s just helping me.”

“How can he help you if he can’t even see the ghosts grabbing him?”

“Wait they’re grabbing me?!”

“He’s messing with you Percy.”

Reader and Nico would also be pretty close too

Since they’re able to summon ghosts, Nico sometimes asks if he can see Bianca, and they all sort of just have random get togethers in the middle of the night

Family reunions we love ‘em😍😍

Nico and Reader also shadow travel together whenever he needs someone to talk to

Melinoe!Reader would be a BIG gift giver, but they aren’t the most conventional gifts 💀

While some would gift flowers or plushies, reader would probably give him like wilted flowers and trinkets they claim would ward off unwanted spirits, and maybe even an authentic dreamcatcher too!!!!

Reader might even give him bones of small dead animals, which he accepts with a grimace on his face

“Wow ok! Um where did you find these exactly haha!”

“Oh you know, I was walking around the forest and began finding these small bones! Then I went further and found larger ones and then even larger ones! I would’ve taken one but it was too heavy, so you get the small ones.”

He would keep them in a glass jar that’s next to his bed though because it’s the thought that counts <3

He would also bring you SHELLS he finds whenever he’s by the the beach, sometimes even going to deeper waters to find the prettiest ones for your own collection🐚

Percy definitely carries a bag so you and him could put bones and shells in it to take home if you’re out of camp

I also would think that sleeping around reader would give anyone in their vicinity nightmares so they usually appear in Percy’s dreams to fight off any nightmarish monsters

At first he thinks he’s going crazy that he keeps seeing you in his nightmares until you explain that you can travel through dreams, hence why you’re basically in his brain now

Totally normal😁


I think Reader would think a good idea date for both of them would try summoning some kind of powerful ghost during the night for fun😭

Like at first Percy thought it was a cute picnic date and was like aww they’re so cute🥰 until he sees the ritual circle and is like what😀

He’s like super worried that your soul is gonna get possessed or something so he just keeps holding your hands to keep you grounded to the living world while you continue chanting and smiling

This dude can’t catch a break with you

During battles is when everyone around experiences what readers true power and magic is

While they may appear weird on the outside, them summoning ghost after ghost and making them solid life forms sends shivers and chills throughout every living persons body

It’s a really unsettling feeling tbh

So while Nico can summon the undead, you’re able to summon ghosts which makes you guys the perfect duo when fighting together

And they’re able to make their opponent hear the whispering voices of the ghosts around them which usually drives the fear factor up by a LOT

They could also sap any energy in their opponents body but they need to be touching the person which involves fighting in close range

I think Reader could also possibly drag out the soul of a living persons body, but it’s a theory since they haven’t fully tried going through with it

Also random thought but Melinoe!Reader loves going underwater with Percy because it’s the one place ghosts can’t follow them

So it’s just like, they can finally breath and not have a million voices demanding things from them

Percy is just super happy to help them in way he can

Plus it means he gets to spend more one on one time with you without having to worry about any ghosts watching their every move

Reader and Percy have matching rings that ward off any evil and vengeful ghosts


Readers hands are super cold and I like to think Percy’s hands are super warm, so whenever they hold hands it’s like a clash that they both like

And when they hold hands, Percy is able to the world through Readers eyes

Which means that Percy kinda bullies the ghosts into leaving Reader alone for a while and getting some kind of privacy💀😻😻

Percy is super in love with this reader despite the unsettling vibes they can sometimes radiate

Reader is just happily digging up more bones to add to Percy’s growing collection :D

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Hi hello! I hope your having a good day

This might be a little boring but what about a Percy x reader childhood friends to lovers?

Percy had a fat crush on reader growing up (and never gets over them) but then he was swept away to camp half blood so suddenly so he didn’t have time to say anything to reader, and because of the no cellphone rule at camp reader is like all up in their feels thinking their best friend just left without telling them. So when reader sees Percy at school in the winter they kinda avoid him assuming that he was doing the same, basically they drift apart.

But a year or two later, it turns out reader is also a Demi god just found out later in life maybe a child of Apollo or smt, so they come to camp and they see Percy and suddenly everything is making sense, like why he left on such a short notice why he never contacted them, etc. then Percy and reader just have this little catch up where they realize they still have feelings for each other ,but are maybe too nervous to admit because they don’t wanna ruin their friendship again?

It’s so cliché I know, but I’m such a sucker for the childhood friends to lovers trope.

Percy with a Childhood Friend

Omg this is so CUTE ARGGH!! This is my second time writing this cuz I accidentally deleted everything the first time </3

It’s a little long since I wanted to somewhat incorporate a story🔥 not proofread🔥🔥

Edit: I finished proofreading this and DAMN there were a lot of errors💀💀 do not write when ur about to pass out guys💀

Hi Hello! I Hope Your Having A Good Day

This is literally the cutest idea EVER!!

You guys would totally become friends because of your mutual confusion with school💀 Like you both bond over struggling with school and immediately grow closer

Since he could remember, Percy always had a harder time learning the materials in school and was outcasted for it in a way

So when you sit next to him during recess and start talking to him out of nowhere, he knows you guys are gonna be stuck with each other for a long time

Since you're basically his first friend, in like forever, he can't help the growing feeling he has for you

The way you brightly smile at him when he asks for help on a reading he can’t quite seem to grasp, or the way you patch him up after getting into a fight with one of the bullies

You’re just like the light in his life, you’re warm presence immediately settling his anxiousness

You guys are stuck together like glue and no one can seem to separate you both, something that many have tried to do

Percy believes that nothing can get better than this honeymoon phase in your friendship, swearing that he’s going to confess his small crush on you and everything😭

Until he’s kicked out of school and your family moves away and you begin attending Yancy Academy💀💀

Percy is obviously just as heart broken as you

So for the next few years, Percy faces all these new schools alone and gets kicked out of all them

And when he’s sent to Yancy Academy and finally reunited with you again, he quite literally JUMPS on you

Like this boy is SO HAPPY to see you omg

That spark never left between the two of you and you both make up for lost time

So while school is still the same, getting to see you everyday now is a game changer for Percy

The buried feelings come back full force, your warm and bright smile still making him feel gooey inside after all this time

And you’re just as nervous to him too cuz AHHH!! Childhood crush is back!!

Of course we all know how this ends, Percy is unfortunately kicked out of school again and you’re both heartbroken in the end

Percy leaves mysteriously while you’re wondering where he went

You question Grover on the boys disappearance, the satyr giving you a nervous look while saying Percy didn’t feel quite right attending the school

Which confused and hurt you because Percy had said you made going to this prison worth it

Percy never got to say his goodbyes and is suddenly dragged into the half blood life, continuing his life with danger at every corner

Even after going on all these exciting and dangerous quests, years later Percy will never be able to stop his mind from straying to the one he let get away

He feels regret for the most part and probably thinks you hate him for leaving you so suddenly💀

He often wonders what your doing

Maybe your reading a book from that one author you like

Or maybe you’ve picked up a new hobby. Last time he saw you, you did mention you’ve had this strong urge to learn archery

School starts again and Percy is once again sent to a new school

He’s already anticipating going to camp next year but is immediately caught off guard when he sees you in the distance in one of the school halls

It’s LITERALY like time slows down

His eyes widen when he makes eye contact with you, the light hitting your face in a certain angle that makes you look ethereal

He feels his heart speeding up when your recognize him from the distance

Your face is scrunched up in confusion and then hurt, quickly looking away from him and walking down a different hallway

He’s so happy to see a familar face that he doesn’t even think about how you might be feeling after not seeing him these past few years

Percy looks different. Hes way taller than he was before. His hair is longer and messier, but makes it work. His face is more defined, skin glowing even under the florescent lights

You can’t deny the way your heart skipped a beat at seeing Percy again but everything crumbles down when you remember his unannounced departure from Yancy Academy

‘He could’ve at least told me’ you bitterly think while slamming your locker

Yeah you would avoid him like the plague while school’s in session

Walking in the opposite direction when you see him and avoiding his eyes when he tries to get your attention during class

It isn’t until when a monster interrupts the formal winter dance that you finally speak to him

Percy is trying his best to fight off the monster when it knocks him to the ground with a force that has him hackling for air

That’s when you come to the rescue

“Percy get down!”


With a bow and arrow in hand, you aim for the beast with such precision and confidence, he stares in amazement as you single handily slay the monster with one arrow

He unfortunately has to flee the scene when he hears people barreling down the hallways, anxious to see all the commotion he caused

Yeah he gets to camp early that year💀

And when this guy sees you at camp during the summer, everything suddenly clicks in his head

The way you could see the monster and WERENT affected by the mist

Your scary accurate hit with a bow that seemingly came out of nowhere

And even the way the sun would shine in your favor in random moments

When you see Percy though, your confusion is maxed out. Was this why he left? Why you were never able to get ahold of him?

Yeah things are a little awkward during this time

While you’re put into the Apollo cabin after being claimed and adjusting to camp, Percy finds a hard time to talk to you

He’s SUPER excited knowing you’re a half blood too

He doesn’t have to worry about keeping any secrets from you and can tell you all about his journey throughout the years!!!

But fate seems to pull you and him further apart, bit by bit

He’s forced to hear your contagious laughter from afar during dinner, watching with soft eyes as your siblings surround you, nudging you suggestively when they catch him staring at you

You look over to him and send him a shy smile, in which he would perk up at finally getting your attention :D

After that night, things get a little easier

He’s still dragged away whenever he tries to approach you, but now he isn’t the only one trying to talk

You both wave whenever you see each other

Percy still stares at you whenever a camper tries asking him a question

While you try to walk up to him, he’s magically bombarded by other campers crowding him

He would push past them all to finally get to you after you nod your head to the side, urging him to follow you

“Yeah you know what guys? How about we catch up with this during the campfire! Yeah yeah, totally, see ya!”

He’s jogging up to you as you both walk the shore

“Well aren’t you popular here.” You say with a sly smile

“Oh yeah, I’m kinda known around camp. I’ve had a few uh, memorable, moments.” This dude is blushing like crazy cuz FINALLY! He’s finally alone with you!

After settling everything between you two, once again you’re stuck together

Training together despite your different weapons, doing activities together is a new norm

Except things are different this time

Percy isn’t the shy boy he was when he was young

He’s more confident and wants to make his intentions know to you

While he shows you how to use his sword during training, you guys already know he’s placing his hands over yours to show you the ‘correct placement’

So sly teehee

During the art and craft activities , he’s suggesting you guys to make a matching bracelet

His smooth flirting isn’t missed by you and you’re literally having a HEARTATTACK

You aren’t used to Percy being so bold, buts it’s honestly such a nice change of pace

He would definitely confess his feelings after dinner near the shore

And despite his suave attitude the past weeks, he’s so clumsy when he reveals his feelings for you

“So um, I like y- wait. Ok ok, sorry. What I wanted to say is that like, I like you. A lot actually. For a while. And you know it’s completely fine if you don’t, but I hope you like me the same because this would be really embarrassing for me-“

“Percy! It’s ok um! I like you too. A lot.”




He’s would totally lift you up and spin you around because he’s so HAPPY

Bro finally got his crush😭😭

He’s so sweet to you like bro

Always hyping you up during mock battles, cheering you on during camp games even if you’re aren’t on the same team

You already know he’s willing to lay down his life for you😭

And you wouldn’t hesitate to do the same even if he begs you not to say that (he doesn’t want to even think of the thought of you leaving him)

He’s an extremely affectionate person, pda is his middle name

If you aren’t that comfortable with pda though, he’ll settle with just holding your hand. He’ll just cuddle you later in private😻🔥🔥

But of course you guys are still best friends so you both would still clown the other if one of you does something stupid

He would love it if you play with his hair

He would be sitting in front of you during the campfire while you’re on a log seat when you brush some hair away from his face.

You rub his head a bit and Percy would lean his head into your hands.

When you’re done you pull away only for your boyfriend to bring your hands back to his hair, silently asking you to continue (UGHHHH MY HEART)

Sally loves you and is supportive of you guys (your number one supporter)

She invites you to have dinner with them and how could you refuse😩

Percy is so down bad for you and always brags about how long you both have known each other and how close you are

Like no one cares but he’ll just keep and talking about you to anyone around

Sometimes when you bunk in his cabin for a night or two, he likes talking about the past and how far you’ve both come

It’s during these nights where he’ll get emotional, maybe cry because he’s so grateful he has you in his life

You would kiss his tears away (SCREAMING)

Overall, childhood friends to lovers works out PERFECTLY with Percy. He values your friendship as much as he values your relationship

He knows you better than anyone in your life, has seen different versions of yourself and has always stuck by your side, through thick and thin💔

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Hi! Could make a request about Percabeth x gn reader who is clingy/likes to spend as much time as possible together and physically affectionate with Percy and Annabeth, but not to others? Thank you!

Percy and Annabeth with Clingy Reader

Double combo 😍🔥🔥 I love writing self-indulgent stuff hehe

Hope you enjoyed this one, I loved writing for both of them😔😔😔 not proofread

Hi! Could Make A Request About Percabeth X Gn Reader Who Is Clingy/likes To Spend As Much Time As Possible

Being the clingiest one out of the three of you, its really hard to unstick yourself to the other two

No matter what, reader is always seen with AT LEAST Percy or Annabeth

You feel at your best when your with both of them, so it’s not uncommon for other campers to see you hanging out with either Percy or Annabeth, or even both!

You love spending your day with them, spending as much time with them before dinner by accompanying them to their activities or chores

Since you’re the most open about your affections, you’re always somehow touching them

Whether it be a lingering hand on their back or an arm wrapped around their waist, you’re always clinging onto any part of them

Hand holding is a MUST for you

Annabeth takes your right while Percy takes your left😩

The one who would let you fully indulge in your clingy antics is Percy because,,

Cmon on now

I headcanon Percy as super clingy and affectionate too💀💀

He would let you latch on to him whenever you want bro, he’s all yours

He’s clinging just as tight

He loves when you just randomly jump on him and hug the living life out of him


Since he’s just as affectionate as you, you already know he’s gonna play along with you as wrap your arm around his

He’ll then wrap his arm around your shoulder which causes you to hug him

His final one up on you is hugging you back while lifting you up in the air, your laughter ringing through his ears like music (SCREAMING)

Now, with two extremely affectionate people, Annabeth has to be the one to balance y’all out

As much as she loves being bombarded with your love attacks, she’s more calmer with her advances with you

So while your energy is bought all the way up with Percy, you’re able to just calm down and settle next to Annabeth when around her

Percy is more high energy and Annabeth is more soothing

She loves the more quieter moments between you two since she thinks they’re more intimate

Like during the campfire while Percy is somewhere in the dark night, you’d rest your head on her shoulder

She’d gently lay her own on top of yours and just

Sit there

She relishes in the moment you share, allowing you to take her hand and hold it, looking down at the serene look on your face while smiling

In private, you’re 100% more clingy

If you’re bunking in Percy’s cabin, you’ll cling onto your boyfriend and girlfriend, loving the way you’re sandwiched between them despite the bed offering so much space

You’d play with both of their hands while you slowly fall asleep, Annabeth’s warm and Percy’s cool hand comforting you as you close your hands

Now about what you said about reader not being affectionate with others, it would be more about how comfortable you’ve grown with Percy and Annabeth

Yeah you’ll hug your sibling every now and then, but for the most part, you’re just not as close to anyone to be as affectionate as you are with your partners

And people find that fine tbh, whatever your more comfortable with is better🔥🔥

Spending so much time with Annabeth and Percy have made you all grow closer

Sure there have been some problems sprinkled in here and there, buts nothing that a good talking can’t fix

You’re living your best life as long as you got them both at your side 😭😭💔💔💔

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Oh boy, oh boy, do I have something for you. I really hope this is as good as the other requests I’ve given you, but can you imagine a Percy x Zagreus!reader?

The Reader is the child of Zagreus himself, who doesn’t have a good relationship with the Olympian queen. This means Hera is against his child as well and, despite being a goddess of marriage, tries to keep them away from their father as much as possible. But the Reader doesn’t care, they’ll fight their way to the Underworld no matter how long it might take.

So… how do you think Percy would react with this one? Think he’ll fall head over heels for their determined attitude? Join them in their runs? Patch them up while also scolding them if they come back terribly injured? You gotta tell me what you think.

Hope this is good, hope your day is going well, and have a good morning! Or afternoon…? Maybe even night?

And no, no, I did not draw inspiration from the Hades game, slowly falling in love with it, and trying to find as much gameplays as I can. Nope, don’t know what you’re talking about (😉)

Percy with a Child of Zagreus Reader

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Do I Have Something For You. I Really Hope This Is As Good As The Other Requests Ive

OOOOO😻😻 I can smell the bitterness of this reader coming from a mile away💀

I didn’t even know there was a game called Hades, Imma have to look a little into. I kinda mostly focused on reader for this one if I’m being honest

Not proofread💔

EDIT: After playing the game I realized I mischaracterized Zagreus and Hera BUT WE WON'T TALK ABOUT

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Do I Have Something For You. I Really Hope This Is As Good As The Other Requests Ive

Being a child of Zagreus, Hera has put reader through HELL growing up

Like gods aren’t normally supposed to interfere with demigods and whatnot but since she has a bone to pick with the underworld god, you would never be on good terms with Hera

Zagreus would’ve wanted to raise you himself lowkey, probably if your mother died unexpectedly, and mostly to protect you from the wrath of the goddess

But this is Hera we’re talking about, she’s a very bitter and unfair goddess, so she’s willing to tear you both apart if it means seeing Zagreus continuously suffering

Reader is forced to grow up alone, running away from danger that seems to follow them at every corner and turn

The only thing you would have of your father is a pendant of his, and the distant memory of his face

Maybe he even gave you a blessing of protection and perseverance, something that would help you before you were taken away from him

I think Hera would have some curse placed on you and your father, something that keeps y’all from each other

Him trapped in the underworld and you forced to walk the world of the living, cursed to never find an entrance to the world below

Yeah you grow up very untrusting towards others because of Hera’s constant tricks

Most people you’ve met had always broken your trust and betrayed you in some way

So it’s no real shocker when you keep your distance when you first meet Percy

Percy had probably saved you from being eaten by a monster or even helped you run away from some situation that escalated badly

Whatever happened, he’s eager to talk to a new demigod!

It’s not everyday he meets a new halfblood outside of camp

And as nice and silly as he is, you can’t let yourself get close to him, after all this could just be another façade sent to distract you

So it surprises him when you walk past him without introducing yourself or thanking him

You kinda just look at him and move on with your life💀

And that’s what makes you so interesting to Percy! With the way you walk like you’re on a mission, since he has nothing better to do, he decides to join you!

And that’s how his journey with you begins

He fills the empty silence left by you with loud talking and ramblings, and somewhere along your journey, you actually begin to enjoy his company

One worded responses turn to small comments to actual conversations

You can’t help it honestly, you’ve been alone for so long that you crave the presence of another person

It’s a weakness that has led to so much heartbreak and betrayal in your past

But you allow yourself to indulge in Percy, allow yourself to believe he won’t turn against like the others had

Percy definitely notices how you don’t reveal much about yourself

You’re so closed off to a point where he basically only knows your name

And yet he can’t stop his heart from beating faster when you let a smile slip when he says something stupid

I think it would be during the dead of night where you finally reveal why you’ve been wandering around

Like y’all have been traveling together for a while and you ACTUALLY trust him

Percy is so sincere and doesn’t make false promises or comments

He’s an open book basically😭 you can tell he’s a genuine person, and from what you’ve heard about the demigod, he’s a good person

You dare say you might have even grown to like him😦

He honestly admires your perseverance and bravery, like you’ve been on your own for YEARS

Your determination to see your father again captivated him

He feels sorry for you too, you’ve been separated from the only family you know and with no way to get to him

He’s also lowkey scared of your lack of respect towards the powerful goddess

He’s learned to never make a god angry, but he guesses that doesn’t apply to your situation since the goddess had been after you the second you were born

Percy would totally mention how his friend, Annabeth, claims that Hera has a vendetta against her too

If this is after the first war with Kronos, I think you might even reveal how you fought along side him

Percy is shocked to hear that but not really surprised since you never had a good relationship with the Olympian

Kronos promised you that you would be able to see your father again, so you willingly joined his army

Like having this convo with you, it really makes Percy see how anyone can be influenced by the experiences they go through in their life

Percy really wants to help you so I think he might introduce you to Nico

“Nico might actually be able to help you get to the underworld! He’s the son of Hades, by the way.”

“Wait, are you serious? Hades has a son? Why didn’t you say anything sooner?!”

It takes time trying to contact the younger boy, but you still jump on Percy and hug him cuz AHH

You might actually be able to see your father!!!

And Percy is just as happy to see you smiling brightly as the younger boy makes his appearance

Hell you might even give him a small peck on the cheek as a thank you teehee (this dudes face would be REEEDDDD)

But danger finally strikes you all when Nico leads you to an entrance to the underworld

Monster quite literally spawn out of NOWHERE, mostly attacking you and keeping you away from the one place where people would stray far away from

You dodge any swipes and attacks aimed at you, inching closer to the entrance until you’re launched back

Battered and bruised, you get up only to be pulled away by Percy

He would try to explain that it was too dangerous to continue, that you all needed to fall back and come up with a plan!

“Percy let go of me! I’m so close, you can’t do this to me!”

“We need to get back now! Please! We won’t be able to beat them! They’ll kill you!”

It’s a complete surprise to him and Nico when you pull out a sword against him, it being half celestial bronze and steel

Nah cuz this would be a major breaking point for both of y’all, having such a dangerous weapon would cause Percy to question your morals😭💔

You would slowly back away from him, realizing that he didn’t betray your trust, but you betrayed his

You would separate from him as you fight your way to the underworld entrance, looking back once to him, heart breaking at the sight of his hurt expression

Your alone in the underworld now, and Percy can’t help but feel hurt that you would be so reckless and driven to this state

He would totally go in after you though despite Nico’s warnings

If Percy can find you before you run into any more trouble, then maybe your fate won’t end in tragedy

Zagreus!Reader is actually pretty reckless when it comes to being reunited with their father. It’s something that Percy admires and hates about them, since most of the time it leads them to getting hurt in the end

He just wants to help you in anyway he can, you just gotta let him help. Your untrusting nature might be the cause of your downfall if you don’t learn to trust others💔

(I love this reader tbh, so much potential when it comes to the underworld hehe)

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6 months ago

hi!! i was wondering if your requests are open and if they are, can i request a pjo platonic headcanon fic where reader is Percy’s younger half sibling(by like 2 years) and the trio found them while on a quest?

Percy with a Younger Sibling | Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader

I’ve been wanting to write a sibling thing for a while so HEREEEE😜😜 Also i hope this is what you meant by headcanon fic 😣

Hi!! I Was Wondering If Your Requests Are Open And If They Are, Can I Request A Pjo Platonic Headcanon

Its completely by accident when they stumble upon reader while wandering the city’s streets

Trying to make it to the nearest train station, the trio, so occupied with their current quest, failed to see the person running towards them at full speed until they body slam into Percy

The two go slamming into the ground, Percy taking the brunt of the impact while trying to make sense on why this kid quite literally tackled him

But just as he’s about to complain about the pain on his butt, homie is immediately taken aback by bright green eyes staring at him in shock

“I'm so sorry I-!” You try to lift him up from the ground as quick as possible before hearing shouting coming from behind, signaling you that it’s time to dip

So you run off just as quickly as you came, the three teens watching as a random store owner tries following after you only to give up once you turn into a busier street

Annabeth and Grover thought that was the end of that encounter until they notice homeboy Percy not moving from his spot

“Percy let’s go! The train leaves in 10 minutes. It’s better to be early than late.”

“Uh yeah, sure Annabeth. I’ll catch up with you guys, I gotta do something.”

The two watch with shock as Percy runs down and turns the same corner this random kid did just seconds before

Tbh it doesn’t take long for Percy to catch up to the younger kid since he’s taller and naturally fast as a demigod

Seeing you turn into an alley, Percy cautiously follows after you

“Why are you following me? Don’t you know how weird that is??”

Awkward chuckles escape his mouth as he takes in the younger child in front of him

Your look disheveled in every way possible. Sweater half zipped up, you look quite defensive at the sight of him. Much different to how you looked before when you were helping him up the ground

Reader's eyes are hard to ignore. He recognizes them, recognizes that they’re quite similar to his own. Maybe they’re exactly the same color?

Is this how people normally react to his eyes? Damn maybe he did win the pretty eye color lottery

Taking a small step forward, Percy goes to speak until you take a step back

“Don’t come any closer! You’re probably working with those monsters, aren’t you? Well I can defend myself now!”

This dudes eyes are as big as saucers as he watches you, with great difficulty, manipulate water into a thin stream in front of you from a small puddle

It all clicks in his head in an instance

I mean come on, a kid having powers like this? Controlling water at that?

To think he thought he and Tyson were the only children of Poseidon but life loves throwing surprises his way

I like to think that Percy would give reader a full rundown of quite literally everything, about why monster go after them, why they have these unique abilities, Camp Half Blood, the Olympians, EVERYTHING

It doesn't take much convincing on his end to have you tag along on his quest

Reader's been on their own for a while so finally having someone and somewhere to go gives a new sense of purpose in their life

And it doesn't hurt to admit that it feels nice to have someone look after them, someone to care for them. They've been alone for so long

Percy takes you under his wing, teaching and guiding you to the best of his abilities while on the quest

Annabeth and Grover had many MANY questions at first but soon drop it once they see you using your power for the first time

It makes sense why the green-eyed boy seemed so attached to you despite not knowing you for long

I think while Percy trains you to control your powers better, you'll both have an understanding of your familial relations with each other

Its kind of like an unspoken thing that you guys just quietly acknowledge. You put two and two together when you realize he shares the same ability as you..


Both of you tend to feed into each others chaotic energy! Yall fall into a sibling dynamic after some point, him riling you up with his sarcastic comments and you easily taking the bait

Being younger than him, Percy does his best to not coddle reader! Yes he's protective of you, you're his younger sibling after all! (Thats gonna take some time getting used to for him) But you've survived on your own for quite a bit, so he has faith that you'll be able to handle yourself in the face of danger

Even if that includes you running away from said danger LMAO💀

Percy would TOTALLY tell you all about Sally! During the night while the others sleep, he would quietly tell you the stories about his mom and her obsession with making foods blue when she could, how she would take him to the beach every year for his birthday

He'll even tell you about Tyson and how he's a cyclops. That alone has you sitting up in astonishment because NO WAY

Hearing all the adventures and stories from Percy has you lowkey looking up to him. He's only 2-3 years older than you but he's been through so much and it honestly amazes you how strong he is.

When asked about him, Percy might even tell you a little bit about Poseidon. He tells you its a bit complicated but he'll sate your curiosity for the time being

He won't ask you outright, but he's definitely curious on how you were able to survive for so long by yourself, considering you're a child of one of the Big Three.

Percy is quite protective of Sibling!Reader! He doesn't want anything happening to you but considering your both like alarms on other monsters radar, its hard to accomplish that well

For the time being though, his main goal is to finish this mission and get you all back to camp, safe and in one piece (hopefully)

He promises that he'll protect you from anything that wishes to hurt, and he usually keeps his promises 😜

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6 months ago

So you like my ideas, huh? Well, I hope I can continue to create some good ones for you! I shall try my best 🫡

Oh! I do have one request in mind, how about Percy being paired with reader who’s the child of Athena? Yes, yes, I know an amazing half-blood known as Annabeth exists but I had something in mind.

We all know how children of Athena are seen as wise, intellectual, clever, and combative people but what if the reader was different than that? There’s several types of intelligence after all, so what if they specialized in emotional intelligence and craft?

I can see them being insecure of their “abilities” since they know their siblings can do better, and even fear that Athena herself is disappointed in them, but, while Percy thought it was strange at first, he soon found himself enjoying those traits.

I mean, with their emotional intelligence, the reader knows when he’s upset no matter how hard he tries to hide it, and they tend to give him gifts like Melinoe!reader. They’re probably usually architectural models, weavings, mini sculptures of what he enjoys… You know all that good stuff. They probably gifted him something as something to remember them by when he went on a quest… but I’ll leave that up to you.

Combat practice to bond/as dates 👀?

Also, I’m not sure if you saw, but I like long headcanons so stop apologizing and keep it up!/lh

Poor all of your thoughts into it if you have to or want, I like it!

Percy with a Child of Athena!Reader

I literally LOVE these detailed asks UGGHHH!! I love the idea of instead having a different form of intelligence as a child of athena like damn😍 I'm getting used to brain dumping on these, its a work in progress🙈

Sorry for answering so late😭

So You Like My Ideas, Huh? Well, I Hope I Can Continue To Create Some Good Ones For You! I Shall Try

Lowkey this reader sticks out like a sore thumb amongst their siblings😭

I like to think that most Athena kids are usually on the more serious sides, so it surprises a lot of campers outside of the Athena cabin to see Reader extremely expressive!

While the other Athena children spend their time devising tactical plans for big camp games, reader is just on the side doodling architectural designs and whatnot

They aren’t as involved in what their siblings do because it doesn’t interest them much

Like whenever they try and ask for readers opinions and start using big ass words, they just smile and nod cuz they had no idea what the others were saying

Athena's children are extremely intelligent so its difficult for reader to be on the same wave length as their siblings

It lowkey makes them feel like an outcast in their cabin because they cant really connect with their siblings like they do with each other while they talk about subjects beyond reader’s comprehension

Constantly being surrounded by books, scrolls and maps full of knowledge, reader often beats themselves over not being able to comprehend and show interest in wanting to learn about these types of things

They’re led to believing that they are a defect amongst their mothers children (crying)

They are always surrounded by reminders of their own inabilities to match their sibling’s intelligence which is why they spend little time in the Athena cabin, and even littler time with their siblings

Readers only saving grace is that they are always in tune with peoples emotions and feelings, no matter how well or little they know the people around them

Whether its feelings of anxiousness, sadness, quiet anger, or happiness, reader always seems to know how a person is feeling!

The first time Percy meets reader is when he spots them at the crafting hut

Being one of his first activities in the beginning of the day, he notices how reader is always there before anyone else

Percy probably thought you were apart of the Hephaestus cabin or something like that with how many times he’s seen you sculpting and carving away at a new project every other day

So he’s surprised when you reveal that you’re actually a child of Athena

He would definitely notice how you distance yourself from your siblings, especially during breakfast, lunch and dinner

He’s good friends with Annabeth so he sees the differences between you, her and your siblings

While she and her siblings are more closed off and have their noses stuck up a new book everyday, your always seen drawing or weaving a new tapestry for your cabin

You show your emotions more openly compared to their more dismissive nature as well!

He definitely sees you as the 'social butterfly' of the Athena cabin

The more time he spends with reader though, he notices just how in tune they are with his feelings

He could give the smallest, most insignificant indication that he's had a bad day and you'd be able to read him like an open book

It's easy talking to you about his conflicting emotions, your patience and thoughtful expression gives him more confidence to just let everything out

I think he would definitely fall for how empathetic you are in many situations

You've made many friends with campers from different cabins because of this quality trait! Always learning and understanding a situation/conflict that arises, you're always able to resolve the problems that makes it fair for all parties involved

Despite this, Percy is confused and a bit surprised to find out that you're actually insecure about this dominating trait of yours

"What?! It's literally the best thing about you though!"

"I know but its just! My siblings aren't the way I am. They're able to actually use their skills for something. All I can do is listen to people and make friends. That's nothing special. I'm useless."

It PAINS him to hear you say that because its obvious you don't understand the importance of being as emotionally intelligent as you are

He makes it his mission to show you just how many people you've helped, to show you that you have a reason to be proud of what you're able to do!

You slowly open yourself more after hearing all his reassurance, from him and other people around camp

It's definitely a positive change as you have a pep to your step now. You engage with you siblings more now that you have a confidence in your own abilities.

You make him many sculptures as thank you gifts! Even when he says that you don't need to, you cant help admit that enjoy giving him these gifts with a nervous smile

You've made him a mini version Riptide and even have given him a small owl pendant

You were hesitant to give him the pendant because it seemed more intimate compared to your other gifts, but he happily accepted it with a soft smile


I think reader would be pretty aware of Percy's feelings for them which makes them feel fuzzy

So imagine how you feel when Percy pulls up to you one late afternoon after not seeing him for the entire day to give you a small pendant of his own

The sculpting of the trident is definitely more crude and less detailed compared to the one you gave him, something Percy abashedly admits but you wave him off

"It's beautiful, thank you Percy."

"No problem, now we're matching!"

You're aware of your own feelings for him as you are aware of his feelings for you, so it doesn't take long for a confession to happen

I mean matching pendants? come on bro its so painfully obvious to everyone

Percy falls for who reader is, not because their a child of Athena

He doesn't care that you're different from your siblings because he understands everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses

You still represent Athena with pride and he'll happily support you till the end


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8 months ago

if im subjected to one more post that is anti-percabeth i'm going to go crazy. like GET OUT OF MY FACEEEEEE

i do not care if you like other percy ships, but saying "she's always insulting him and never complimenting him" ... oh so you have to only ever acknowledge your closest friend, your significant other, your LITERAL OTHER HALF in the best way possible because any other way would be abusive? like i can't lovingly make fun of my partner because why?

GOODNIGHT. and comparing her treatment of percy to the literal abuse he's face from gabe and any other adult that's mistreated him is so wild???

yall are hating on a fictional teenage girl for being A FICTIONAL TEENAGE GIRL? like yall must be sooooo fun at parties.

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