Anti Bkdk - Tumblr Posts

Every. Goddamn. TIME!
Dear BakuDeku shippers,
You’re just as bad as your predecessors, the SasuNaru shippers.
With hatred,
At this point I genuinely want to know what Bakugou antis and bakudeku antis want Katsuki to do. 💀💀 Like, yes in chapter one, aka 3 years ago in the story, Katsuki told Deku to jump off a building. It was shitty, it was fucked up, etc, etc, etc. He also bullied Deku 10 years previously which again is also shitty, fucked up, etc, etc, etc. Then over the next 300 chapters he grows the fuck up, learns about his insecurities, realizes why he bullied Deku, nearly died for Deku in the war and even fucking apologized in the next chapter and yet y'all still aren't satisfied.
Like this is a genuine question, what do y'all want him to do? And please genuine, intelligent answers. Not something like, "Ooooh he should kill himself!!" or "He should drop out of U.A!!" Let's not act like five year olds. 💀💀💀

Your stupid Gary Stu of a character had his moment of the fanbase being heartbroken and sad for him. Either give Izuku the respect he deserves or STFU. LET THE MC BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN THE STORY ABOUT HIM AND STOP MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT IZUKU ALSO ABOUT THE SHITSTAIN, STAGNANT, OVERRATED AUTHOR’S PET!
Imagine having the arrogance of talking like this. And this is a thirty something year old TEACHER acting like this. This will be the last time I ever do a post like this but, honestly, I am so sick of her negativity. And the fact people LIKE her talking like this…they should be ashamed of themselves. They are only going to encourage people to cause to be ugly to each other for ships. People like her are going to help cause MHA to be remembered as a joke for how crazy people get over imagining doodles falling in love.

I found these posts on Twitter. I don’t know who said this originally but...

...whoever you are,
I think the least talked about reason why I dislike Bakudeku is because the idea that because Midoriya is a boy, he can’t feel hurt over how Bakugo treats him. Despite Bakugo’s abusive tendencies, and him constantly calling him “weak” and “worthless”, “useless Deku”, and physically abusing him their whole childhood, this is portrayed by fans as being cute, because it’s two boys, and seeing as Izuku is a boy, he can’t possibly be upset, hurting, or suffering in any way, despite the fact that the entire reason why he throws himself into battle, and constantly breaks himself to save others, is because he doesn’t want to be useless or worthless anymore, and how he never truly had friends before U.A. I wonder why he feels that way, I mean it’s not like he was constantly told he was useless, and isolated from his peers every other day from the time he was four by someone he considered his best friend at the time- oh wait…
If the paragraph above doesn’t make this clear enough for you, then let me ask you a simple question: If Midoriya was a girl, and Bakugo was still a boy, and treated female Midoriya like he does in canon, (using his quirk on her, destroying her notebooks, calling her worthless, constantly yelling at her and being angry when she receives praise from others, dragging her out of the dorms to fight after curfew, only wanting to atone now that she isn’t quirkless anymore, as if it was her fault he abused her his whole life, and still has yet to properly apologise and treat her better) would you still ship them? Would you like Bakugo? No you wouldn’t. You’d see Bakugo on the same level as M*neta, or En3@vour, and wouldn’t praise him for being a feminist. Bakudeku would be the one of the most hated ships in the fandom, and so many more people would be stating that “it pushes the narrative that abuse victims must forgive and love their abusers, even when they’ve done nothing to warrant it”, and how it would be romanticising toxic relationships, and how abuse is ok as long as the abuser is conventionally attractive.
So why should it be any different seeing that Izuku is a boy?
Me: *follows an artist for good BNHA content, but then immediately sees that they ship* Is this a curse...? Or some form of punishment-
Fujoshi: Heroes: Rising? More like the movie, lol- If you didn’t ship them before, you’re shipping them now Me: