Anti Inner Circle - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I hope that when ic ask nesta to help them to save their asses, she laughs for 5 mins straight.

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7 months ago

Not me being grateful I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Go get your mans Queen!

A rant from Eris if he finds out how Cassian treated Nesta

Eris: What the hell is wrong with you people? Rhysand: Excuse me? Eris: You have the chance to befriend a goddess in a Fae body, and you lock her in a house when she's depressed? Are you insane? Rhysand: Now see, she was wasting away- Eris: And, what, you thought locking her away was the SOLUTION? Rhysand: I had to do something! She was spending my money! Eris: Oh shut up Reece's Piece of shit. Don't complain about money like you don't have 5 fucking palaces you dickhead. If Nesta asked for my money, I'd have said, whatever you wish, queen!" Rhysand: That's because you didn't see her- Eris: I saw her when she was just made before you morons even knew what she was. And I'm not talking about her silver flames. She made all the High Lords listen. Even my father. A human just turned Fae. How dare you treat her like she's something to be ashamed of? That brute had her hike a MOUNTAIN? Those flawless feet should not have to do any manual labor. Rhysand: She revealed our secrets to Feyre. Eris: Yeah, the malignant pregnancy. Why the hell wasn't Feyre being informed anyway? Nesta was completely right to tell her. You're worse than my father, Rhysand. Rhysand: How dare you- Eris: Did I give you permission to speak, you Illyrian brute? At least my father would've tried to save his wife from the unborn child. He would've yeeted that mfer out as soon as he or she appeared. But you didn't do shit to try and protect the mother. No, you were more concerned about the goddamn egg. Rhysand: How dare you speak to me this way- Eris: You GASLIGHTED her into believing she's worthless, all while making her complete the tasks of a HIGH LADY by going after the Dread Trove. And when she was at her lowest, she inspired an entire library of traumatized priestesses to rise up and restore the Valkyries. And you dare treat her that way? You don't even realize the treasure you have. I would've made her my High Lady without hesitation. Matter of fact, I think I'll call the Blood Duel for her. Rhysand: You'd better not try anything, Eris, or I swear... Eris: You'll what? Kill me? Didn't Lucien tell you? Death threats are simply another Sunday evening while growing up with Beron as a father. Fucking try me, bitch. You should be grateful I spared your little Morrigan from her father after you forced him on her. Rhysand: What do you think you're d- Eris: I'll see you at the blood duel!

@thatlosernoonelikes This is Eris's part of the rant!

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7 months ago


Why do you hate cassian so much???

The list is very long. Just a few reasons:

Never once asked Nesta what happened in those years in the cottage, just took the story from Feyre and believed every word as truth - never sought to understand how it was for all three of them

Went to Nesta's house gunning for a fight despite being a 500 year old fae and she was a 20 year old mortal woman

Went again in the bonus chapter and asked questions about her virginity and if she preferred girls

Dropped Nesta's hand when she was caring for him because Mor appeared

Slept with Mor to hurt Azriel, not because he specifically wanted her

Knows acting as a buffer with Mor hurts Azriel but continues to do it

Never checks Mor for interfering between him and Nesta (i.e. telling Nesta to keep her forked tongue behind her teeth or telling her to go and fill buckets on the two times she enquires after Cassian's well being)

Monologues about Mor being so beautiful that it takes his breath away and she's like a work of art - whilst never offering the same compliments to his mate

Never telling Nesta he loves her

Never stands up for his mate

Rhys (and feyre) are put above Nesta at every occasion

Should not have slept with her after locking her in the house because he was in a position of power and meant to be a caretaker - he should have been responsible enough to put his lust aside

Takes her on the hike and makes her carry a bag that is very heavy whilst knowing she is underweight

Ignores her until she collapses

Won't let her put sugar on her food despite her being underweight

Ignores her after the war

Ignores her on solstice then chases her down the road despite her asking multiple times for him to leave her alone

Destroyed a whole village in anger

Tells his mate that everybody hates her and not eating won't bring her dead father back

Stalks her most nights and catalogues the men that she takes home despite it being none of his business

Laments being a bastard all the time internally but does nothing to help the little boys in illyria who have the exact same start as him

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1 year ago

I have no problem with Feyre being High Lady, my problem is that people make it seem as though she’s actively changing the patriarchy. Feyre who only received High Lady as a title because Rhysand gave it to her. Because she is his mate. Feyre who what barely just learned to read and write? Feyre whose only duty has been paperwork? But we can’t forget she teaches an art class so she’s definitely qualified? If Feyre was going to be High Lady then she should’ve learned what it meant but Rhysand didn’t teach her, she does nothing that makes it so she earns the title, Prythian chooses not the High Lord of Night who gives everyone meaningless titles. Vivienne has done more than Feyre without the title of High Lady, if I had to guess the people would choose her as well, she offers sanctuary to anyone who can make it, she defends the court as best as she can. This is not hating on Feyre despite the tone but Feyre does not deserve the title of High Lady especially in a court of people who do not respect her. Feyre has made it clear that she will only fight for the Night court and even then when do we see her genuinely caring for anyone outside of the inner circle?? They have her brainwashed.

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1 year ago

I have no problem with Feyre being High Lady, my problem is that people make it seem as though she’s actively changing the patriarchy. Feyre who only received High Lady as a title because Rhysand gave it to her. Because she is his mate. Feyre who what barely just learned to read and write? Feyre whose only duty has been paperwork? But we can’t forget she teaches an art class so she’s definitely qualified? If Feyre was going to be High Lady then she should’ve learned what it meant but Rhysand didn’t teach her, she does nothing that makes it so she earns the title, Prythian chooses not the High Lord of Night who gives everyone meaningless titles. Vivienne has done more than Feyre without the title of High Lady, if I had to guess the people would choose her as well, she offers sanctuary to anyone who can make it, she defends the court as best as she can. This is not hating on Feyre despite the tone but Feyre does not deserve the title of High Lady especially in a court of people who do not respect her. Feyre has made it clear that she will only fight for the Night court and even then when do we see her genuinely caring for anyone outside of the inner circle?? They have her brainwashed.

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10 months ago

Just an FYI to the avid Rhysand/IC stans: It is completely possible for a bad person to good things, and a good person to do bad things. It's possible for someone to be a victim of abuse, and an abuser themselves. "Rhysand suffered for his people and deserves all the love" or "Rhysand has a need for control because of his trauma utm," is unbelievable.

Yes, I will acknowledge Rhysand is a victim of SA. I will acknowledge that he had good intentions when protecting Velaris, saving Mor, and fighting Hybern in two wars. However, being a victim doesn't excuse your actions when you abuse others. Under no circumstances does his trauma excuse not telling Feyre about the risk to her life with her pregnancy, or threatening to kill Nesta for no real reason honestly.

You could argue that he had good intentions and didn't want to cause Feyre any stress, just like he had good intentions when stealing Tarquin's book (that he never gave back), or protecting only one third of his court (assuming that the NC is comprised of Velaris, The HC, and Illyria exclusively,) and perhaps he even had good intentions when he tried to make that bargain with Feyre (I seriously doubt it though). However, bad consequences to bad actions that have good intentions DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make those bad actions okay.

No matter how good Rhysand's intentions were in hiding Velaris, people in Illyrian and the HC suffered under Amarantha's reign. No matter how good his intentions were, Nesta was stuck with her toxic, abusive, stalker in the HOW along with a coward who stood by and watched her get abuse against her will until she was mentally broken. No matter how good his intentions, people still got hurt. People still died.

The families of the murdered children probably don't care what his intentions are. I sincerely doubt the people of HC or Illyria care how good his intentions are. It doesn't matter how good his intentions were when he met with the mortal queens, because Nesta and Elain still got hurt, practically murdered, and put back together again before being forced into a life they didn't want. Lucien clearly didn't care about his intentions when he was brought to The NC. He only backed down when he was threatened.

So I'll say this one more time. Louder for the people in the back: GOOD INTENTIONS DON'T MAKE THE BAD CONSEQUENCES INCONSEQUENTIAL ALL OF A SUDDEN!

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4 years ago

Rhysand said "it's your choise Feyre" and the fans were like "RHYSAND IS SUCH A FEMINIST"

Lmao the bar is so low.

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5 months ago

Another reason I don't like the IC is that when Lucien and Feyre returned in ACOWAR, sure Feyre should've gotten him some clothes and a shower and checked up on her sisters before fucking her husband, but Mor and Cassian, and Amren all just chilled with a dude who was visibly shaken up and filthy, dripping with his own blood and sweat, and didn't offer him shit. Like that's a whole ass person bro. Yall could've offered him a bath, a wash rag, something!

And it breaks my heart to think about how Luci was feeling in those moments. He left his home, was attacked by his brother's AGAIN, and I know poor thing was embarrassed. He always dresses himself well, and he's finally in the same building as his mate and he looks like that. And I like em a little greased up but that's not how Luci prefers to carry himself.

And even if they needed a personal reason to be halfway decent to a stranger, it doesn't take a 5 page dissertation to assume he helped Feyre leave Spring.

Lucien deserves better.

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7 months ago

The very existence of the Inner Circle removes all the nuance from the ACOTAR books.

One of the big things that allows for such nuance in a story is perspective. It’s allowing people to have different thoughts and ideas, mixed in with their own personal experiences to create a complex setting.

Except that this can never happen in the ACOTAR books because every time someone has an opinion or perspective that goes against the Inner Circle, they’re either outright written out of it and contradicted or completely vilified to make all their opinions seemingly irrelevant and ridiculous.

This series refuses to allow any nuance in its story for that reason, and it’s a major factor in why it’s difficult to argue about complexities in this story.

I feel that the High Lord Meeting is a great example of this.

We’re constantly told throughout the books that everyone hates Rhysand because of the mask he wears for the world. Then we finally meet the High Lords and it’s like… it’s not hard at all for them to forgive him for his crimes. Even if he didn’t kill the Winter children, that doesn’t excuse all the other horrible things he did while working for Amarantha. The same thing happens with Tarquin + Feysand’s crimes against him. All it takes is knowing they came to Summer to help him against the attack FEYRE caused for him to rescind the red rubies.

Meanwhile, Tamlin — the guy who took in refugees from their Courts, spent decades sacrificing his sentries’ lives and his own sanity to try and break the curse, and overall just doing whatever he can with the limited power he had — isn’t given a fucking INCH over the Inner Circle. It’s so illogical in the grand scheme of things that the other characters just don’t even have a realistic perspective in all of this. Their characters don’t make any sense to the point that they’re just caricatures meant to further the pro-IC agenda.

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2 years ago


The feminist urge to write many ACOTAR fanfics where they call out the ICs bullshit.

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9 months ago

I’ve never understood why people place so much of the blame on Nesta, when the father was right there watching Feyre hunt in the woods. That’s like condemning a 12 yo for letting their 8 yo sibling touch the stove, even though their guardian was there. Being the eldest does not give you any type of power unless you had some to begin with.

The thing is I have no issue admitting Nesta verbally abused her sister in the beginning of the books. My issue is y’all acting like Feyre hasn’t gotten her sister back like 10x over by now. Any claim that Nesta the war refugee is abusive towards Feyre the monarch is sooo unserious like I have to laugh.

Idk why people ignore that the second her sisters turn fae, Feyre over here is talking about exercising her power as High Lady on them as if they ever agreed to be one of her subjects. Even before they turn fae, she's willing to try using mind powers on them and you want me to feel bad for Feyre because Nesta is mean? Feyre who is actually physically violent while Nesta is not?

Getting mad at Nesta stans for "coddling" Nesta while you're coddling Feyre is so asdfghjkl I'm sorry but I actually respect Feyre as a character which means acknowledging the imbalance of power. She won in the end! Nesta is doomed to serve her sister and her brother-in-law who hates her for all eternity. And she's going to do it too so she can atone for the endless guilt she feels! Congrats, take a victory lap instead of writing endless essays on chapter one of a book that came out in 2015.

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