Anti Robert Baratheon Stans - Tumblr Posts

Oh so this is the interview that made Robert's stans crazy? Sorry folks, but grrm is right.
Robert was just a warmonger who was bitter about losing a "girlfriend". He only cared about himself and his ego.
Ah, i love how grrm is not blaming Rhaegar and Lyanna for the war lol
What is Daenerys without her dragons?
A great military strategist
A resilient woman
A hero with the courage to face a dragon with only a whip
A queen that is not petty and forgives people that spit on her or try to attack at her own court
A woman whose intuition and capacity for learning from experience enabled her to wake dragons out of stone
A revolutionary that fights to change the status quo and help the oppressed
A queen who plants trees, builds armies to defend her people, negotiates for trade, works on projects for irrigation, compromises for peace, but also a queen that is not afraid to turn to fire and blood if that’s necessary to protect her people’s freedom
A curious, intellectual mind that constantly seeks to learn more, that listens to Ser Barristan’s lessons in military matters, that goes to the House of The Undying seeking knowledge and stays in Meereen to learn and take responsibility for her actions
A bookworm
A queen that listens to all
A queen that values all people regardless of status, nobility, culture, gender or wealth
A polyglot
A person capable to adapt and respect different cultures, but also someone that tries to change things that are wrong
A sexually free woman
A girl who dreams of home, family and love
A compassionate person
A queen that puts her people before herself
I hate Robert but Rhaegar is the same, he messed with a 14 year old girl for a prophecy and not only that he made her his lover, he besmirched his honor and made him a bastard and condemned an innocent child to be repudiated, the double standards are horrible considering that both are the same, so they had deaths, what do they deserve?
How are they the same? The arguments you use against Rhaegar are null and void.
14-year-old girl you say? In Westeros that age is considered suitable for a girl to be wed. You have to understand that in the Westerosi society age works differently due to unstoppable wars and very low level of available medical help. Just like in real Middle Ages. A girl of 20 is already a spinster and has no prospects if unmarried, and a woman at 40 is old. Jaehaerys I died at 69 and was called the Old King.
Messed for prophecy reasons? Why? Where in the text did you find proof of that? It's your fanon interpretation which has no connection to reality.
Besmirched his honor? You see, according to Ned Stark's version of his life he has a bastard, which means he once had a lover. And guess what? Everyone still calls Ned honourable.
Condemned an innocent child to be repudiated? By the time Jon was born Rhaegar was already dead, so he was incapable of condemning the boy to anything. Jon's misery at Winterfell was mostly due to Ned's inaction towards Catelyn's behaviour. Brynden Rivers was perfectly fine with his position of king's bastard, by the way.
As for Robert, even if we agree that Rhaegar and Lyanna's actions started the series of events that later led to Robert's Rebellion, there's a huge difference between Robert and Rhaegar. And most importantly, difference in their intentions.
We know very little about Rhaegar, but from what we know there's no single mention of him harming anyone on purpose. At the same time Robert closes his eyes on the murder of children because he wanted them dead, and later he once again wants to kill Dany — a pregnant innocent girl, he beats Cersei and he fucks prostitutes simply to deliver his own pleasure and not caring about their feelings.
So, no, Rhaegar and Robert are not the same, they are incomparable.