Rhaegar Targaryen - Tumblr Posts

Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman’s name.
I get tired of people thinking of Lyanna as a completely one-dimensional girl .....so presenting......Lady Lyanna Stark

As the 'She-Wolf of Winterfell'
Also Lady Lyanna Stark

As "The Winter-Rose of North"
"Lady Lyanna was the winter rose which rather than burn, bloomed while engulfed in flames."

Lyanna Stark : The winter rose blooming amidst Flames...
The second picture is also the face claim I designed for Lyanna to be used in my fanfic. I have to admit designing Rhaegar,Lyanna and Jon is giving me whole another happiness ...
Listen, Cersei is a bad politician and makes decisions that are incredibly counterproductive to the Lannister and incredibly funny sometimes but holy shit putting Rubies (Rhaegar's symbolic gemstone) with her black "grieving" gown, which would essentially be her wearing Targaryen colors, for Robert after his death was such a fucking move.

Bravo, 10 out 10, nothing to say here,probably my favorite thing she ever does. This was the correct and only choice she could have made in this moment.
It's so petty and Robert frankly deserves it.

"my sister, elia, she married prince rhaegar and became the princess she already was."
a dornish-valyrian wedding between the dragon and the sun

💕👑"The Dragon Prince and the Sun Princess"👑💕Finished this art trade of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen with @poorshadowspaintedqueens! It turned out so soft 🥺 I hope you like it!!!
roberts rebellion au that the rebellion fails and rhaeger becomes king and then proceeds to burn kings landing and ruin westeros kind nero style
forbidden fruit, by shieldmaidens
La historia sigue a Daenora Harhten, también llamada Daenora de Tyrosh, una intérprete, traductora y dama de compañía de Mellario de Norvos y, más tarde, de la princesa Elia Martell de Dorne. Los hechos se desarrollan antes de y durante la Rebelión de Robert.
Interés romántico: Arthur Dayne.
Próximamente en Wattpad y Ao3.

“… and his is the Song of Ice and Fire.”
Different attitudes to Sansa and Lyanna
I hate different attitudes. Sansa was 11-12 years, when ,,betray” (how many said) his famaly. But what about Lyanna Stark? She was 14 -15, when go with Rhaegar ( if R+L=J is true). As result this action Robert stsrted war and many man died (at first Brandon and Rickard Stark died). She can’t know what this might happend.But she must understand, that she betrothed with Robert and Rhaegar have wife with 2 kids. And if she marry with him honor her famaly will suffer as relations between Starks and Baratheons (and maybe with Targareyn too).I am generally silent about Reagan's actions.
I never understand how can people see a love story between Rhaegar and Lyanna. Shipping them is one thing but thinking them as lovers on the books is another thing. People blame Robert as “he never knew under the beauty” but all Robert did as a high lord making a good match for his house. So people likes to think Robert was a rubbish and when Lyanna saw Rhaegar she suddenly fell in love to him. How can Rhaegar knows about Lyanna by the way? He saw her as a knight of the laughing tree and then he fell in love to her? And then she decided to go after a married prince? She was also has fiancee but that’s not even matter. This could be stupid act for Lyanna. Remember she was like 15 and made a sentence like “love is sweet Ned, but it can not change a men’s nature”. I think we’ll see this sentence not just describe Robert but also Rhaegar.
Making Jon the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna kinda ruined many characters.
1) The point of Jon being a bastard is to show how Westeros society treats bastards kids badly. Remove Jon from being a bastard, name one bastard that actually good except for Tommen and Marcella? Joffrey, Ramsey, Daemon Blackfyre, Three Eyed Crow, Aegor Bittersteel etc are all brought bad to Westeros. Jon being NOT bastard shows maybe Westeros is right about bastard being bad.
2) Lyanna becomes an idiot. She hates Robert for being womanizer and has many bastards but chooses a married man? Goes willingly than being kidnapped basically make her responsible for her father and brother death. This is why I believe the theory she been used for blood ritual. Ser Arthur Dayne was at Tower of Joy, not to protect her but to keep her as a prisoner.
3) I am more willing to accept Rhaegar is evil and stupid because who thought Rhaegar pitches idea that if Lyanna married him to make prophecy baby make sense? Melisandre believes in prophecy too but at least she has strategy. The act of crowning Lyanna Stark, betrothed to Robert Baratheon, sister to Ned Stark infront of Elia Martell singlehandedly embarrassed four houses including House Targaryen.

honestly, i don't blame anyone for not making the connection between rhaegar targaryen and jon snow. they are such different guys to me. you could organically stumble upon rhaegar playing a silver harp in a clearing in the woods, silently weeping into the flowing waters of a crystalline stream. jon is the teenage manager of a fast food chain who sometimes shows up to work dripping wet because he doesn't own an umbrella.
So we all know GRRM, like all authors, took a lot of inspo from real life fairy tales, religion, and mythology. There are a ton of parallels but I picked out a few to put in this poll
Propaganda: Before anyone says anything, I know a lot of these are dark spins on the original. I’m not trying to say Littlefinger is a handsome prince or whatever. Also note that some of this is based on either things that haven’t happened yet but are highly likely to happen in Winds/Dream up to and including being confirmed by GRRM.
Arya and Jaqen as Hades and Persephone-the young maiden of spring is found by the lord of the underworld, who gives her an object (in this case a coin) to trick her into being trapped in the world of the dead. When she leaves home, winter comes, but when she returns, so does spring.
Sansa as Rapunzel-a princess locked in a tower by an evil sorceress (or just queen) who is spirited away by a man who wants to marry her. Strong focus on her hair as a symbol of her identity.
The Brotherhood Without Banners as Robin Hood and his Merry Men-a band of outlaws who defend the common people against corrupt authority figures. This one is really self explanatory.
Cersei as the evil queen and Margaery/Sansa/eventually Dany as Snow White-a vain, cruel women terrified of her beauty fading and being replaced by a younger woman who outshines her, so she tries to destroy her perceived rival, ultimately leading to her own downfall. The girls in Snow Whites slot are the popular choices for the identity of the YMBQ and the one Cersei is currently convinced it is.
Jaime and Brienne as Beauty and the Beast-a double subversion. Jaime is handsome and Brienne is ugly, but when they meet she’s brave and kind while he’s selfish and cruel, so it’s the beast who helps the beauty be better.
Lyanna, Rhaegar, and Robert as Helen of Troy, Paris, and Menelaus-a beautiful woman fiercely desired by two powerful men, she either runs off with or is kidnapped by a prince, leading to her (soon to be) husband retaliating by starting a tragic war.
Stannis and Shireen as Agammemon and Iphegenia-a king and commander sacrifices his daughter to the gods to win a war. Bonus if this ends up causing Stannis’ downfall.
Lady Stoneheart as Demeter-a mother wanders the land bringing destruction and misery as she searches for her daughter(s.) When her daughters return to her, spring comes.
Cersei and Jaimes children as the emperor wearing no clothes-the emperor walks around naked insisting that he’s a wearing magic invisible outfit, but everyone is afraid to tell him the truth until finally a child points out that he’s wearing nothing at all. See: everyone pretending not to notice that Cerseis children are the result of incest with her brother, and Ned finally realizing the truth when his 11 year old daughter points out that Joffrey is nothing like Robert.
Bran as the Fisher King-the Fisher King is a character from Arthurian myth. He is the guardian of the magical holy grail, protecting it so it (and power) does not fall into the hands of the unworthy. Notably, he also has a deliberating injury to his legs or groin (depending on the version.) Of course the endgame Bran of the show is a blatant rip-off of Leto II from Children of Dune, but I think the Fisher King sounds more like GRRM would do.
Dany as Moses-a leader who has prophetic visions, who after performing a miracle, frees her people from slavery and leads them on a harsh journey to a new land. Notably regarded as a critically important figure by a monotheistic religion.

quick doodle of AGOT!Jon + the reason why he is not allowed anywhere near the dais while court is visiting Winterfell

working on a wee storyboard thing - a certain prince gets knocked off his horse while chasing the Knight of the Laughing Tree and shenanigans ensue

“The Queen Elia mourns her lover and king, yet her face is devoid of tears as she crowns her child son King just hours after Rhaegar’s death.”
Or Elia kills Rhaegar and crowns Aegon King.
robert’s rebellion series but in keeping with GRRM’s “no king pov policy” we watch robert’s rise through jon arryn’s eyes a parallel to catelyn’s horror in watching her son’s royal rise and fall but this time robert rises and rises while jon gradually realizes they picked the wrong man for the crown
no rhaegar or lyanna pov either. we’re stuck between whatever they see fit to tell elia, arthur and benjen. all contrasting in what they think they know or how much they believe what they were told. the readers are as confused as the realm.

fire and blood
the kings (and rhaegar) of house targaryen

What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.