Anyways Child Ahsokas Actresses Slayed - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago
Baby Ahsoka and that clone she held the hand off :ˋ)

They are still on that misty planet and he is letting her practice her force healing :D they’re friends now btw and while most of his injuries healed his arm sometimes gives him trouble and Ahsoka tries to help :)
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look at her!
cute little Jedi baby
very happy That the tube top is cancelled
that is not something you should let your 14 yo child wear
looking at you skywalker
anyways child Ahsokas actresses slayed
also i love lotr and let’s all be honest ahsoka had her Gandalf the white moment
‚legacy of war‘ nu-uh you mean legacy of drama Queen
anyways do you ever think about the fact that huyangstays with ahsoka cuz she’s the last surviving member of the order
and the Jedi are huyangs family too
and Ahsoka is all that’s left of it and she just keeps dying
and disappearing
and that’s why he sounded so broken when he said ‚i told them to stay together‘
because he loves the Jedi
and ahsoka is one despite everything she herself says
cuz I think about it a lot and I might write a fanfic :ˋ)
star wars
ahsoka series
ahsoka spoilers
ahsoka tano
idk what his name is he probably died :/
might delete later lol