Huyang - Tumblr Posts
Baby Ahsoka and that clone she held the hand off :ˋ)

They are still on that misty planet and he is letting her practice her force healing :D they’re friends now btw and while most of his injuries healed his arm sometimes gives him trouble and Ahsoka tries to help :)

![Panel 3: Inside her ship, Ahsoka happily calls out “Yeah it is!” while Huyang stares at her. Panel 4: Close-up of Huyang with Ahsoka visible next to him. In a recreation of the Veep meme, there are subtitles below Huyang’s head that say, “[laughing nervously] What the fuck??”](
The Purrgil Gazette
I’m watching Ahsoka right now. Soo, spoilers for those who didn’t watch it yet.
I almost cried when I saw Hera.
And then the painting from Lothal- ghost crew. When Governor was making his speech, above his arm I saw Kanan (on the painting) please, tell me it’s not a coincidence. (I miss him sooo much)
Sabine lives in Ezra’s tower!!! And she has a Loth cat!!! And I love how there is a recording from Ezra to her!😭😭😭 (Ezra called her sister. I’m crying)
Are bad guys sith or inquisitors?
What’s with Sabine being Ahsoka’s apprentice? When did that happen? Sabine isn’t force sensitive, right?
And that Morgan… she’s a witch? Of Dathomir? (Name of planet- Arcana, you immediately know there is some Magic involved)
I love how Ahsoka’s partner is that droid who helped with making lightsabers. How did they find each other?
It took me a while to remember who was the governor.😂
Sabine has nightmares?
She still has problem with listening to orders. Not surprised about that.
Three figures… three. Why is it always number three?
Sabine reading a map… as much as I hate to say this, it reminded me about “the Firce awakens.” Not exactly when she was figuring how it works, but when she activated it.
Two galaxies??? (I knew there was another one, i read some books, but I didn’t expect to see it in the show)
I love music during end credits.
Ahsoka was clearly disappointed with Sabine in the second episode.
Hera’s face when Huyang said “because you’re a hologram”. 😂😂😂
She’ll always be a mom of Ghost Crew. You know that, I know that. End of discussion.
When Morgan activated the map, and there was this other galaxy… it was surrounded by Pergills. Lol. I love those creatures.
Since when doctors work as regional supervisors (if you don’t get it, answer is in the tags)
I love Huyang. This droid Is part jedi, in a way. Probably because he spent so many years among them. Kinda like an uncle, i think.
That third sith/fallen jedi/whatever has an armor out of medieval times. Like a knight.
Chopper is literally a child that has a mess in his room. Lol. Another droid I love. And ofc his relationship with others.
Sabine cutting her hair just like Kanan once did. Oh God, I literally cried this time. (Only her haircut was better)
Btw, Sabine and Hera are beautiful.😍
Second episode ends (almost) just like Rebels did. 😭😍😭😍
I love this painting sooooo much.
Can’t wait for new episodes. (Unfortunately I have exam repeat in two weeks)
Now, that’s one hell of a ship in the end.
Watching Ahsoka episode 3 right now (literally, soo all the thoughts were write in chronological order of my thinking, and sometimes they answer each other)
Spoilers ofc.
Start with Sabine’s training after reuniting with Ahsoka.
Seriously, i’m not sure now, is Sabine force sensitive or not. And if not how come she’s Ahsoka’s apprentice?
Funny how Ahsoka just pokes her with a stick and Sabine tries to defend herself. (Until they start “fighting”)
Hera dealing with politics.
And they mentioned Jacen!!!!! Yassssss. But I’m afraid that Chopper may have bad influence on him. 😂
Who is that Xiono guy? I don’t like him. And Hera agrees with me.
The senators clearly don’t understand that just become something seems like it’s… peaceful, fine… whatever, doesn’t mean it is like that in reality. Not the first time this happened.
I still like Mon Mothma though. She’s nice.
We saw Jacen!!! He’s cute!!!! Protect the baby.
He wants to be a jedi, like his dad. I’m not sure what to think about that.
Soooo… Sabine did admit she can’t feel a force.
I’m glad Ahsoka doesn’t exactly want to make Sabine a jedi. She just wants her to be herself. But where will that lead?
I love jammed contact commissions. 😂
And Huyang’s programming makes him funny with his rumbling about jedi protocols.
And he can also be, sometimes, the most reasonable of the three of them. I’m glad Ahsoka listens to him.
Sabine’s cheering when she hit one ship. And then next two.
Aaand they found the eye. (Not me thinking about Sauron’s eye while writing that). It’s a hyperspace ring? Or a ship? I’m confused.
I hope Huyang is gonna be fine. Please.
Ahsoka fighting the ships in the space. That’s new. But her suit was lil bit weird imo.
I love cheering Sabine. She looks soo happy, like a child that is happy with itself because they managed to accomplish something.
Pergills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I’m crying. (And damn, they are huge, i think even bigger thn in Rebels but I’m not sure)
Fortunately Huyang is fine.
Sabine smiling while talking about Pergills. Even though the last time she saw them was when they lost Ezra.
Ok, they said it’s a hyperspace ring.
And paths between galaxies followed/follow the migration paths of our favorite space whales!
I’m glad that those creatures have bigger role than just being animals.
And that’s how the episode ended.
Nice. Can’t wait for another one.
Ahsoka ep 5. (Involves cursing and spoilers. Not necessarily in that order)
Did I say I love music in this series?
Last week I was talking with my dad and explained what was happening in the series and he asked if Ahsoka Hera and the team will use Pergills to find their way to Ezra and Thrawn. Not a bad idea…
Even more Jacen!!! Yay😍😍😍
I totally forgot to notice it earlier bur he has his dad’s… arm thing.
Huyang with Sabine’s helmet 😭. And how he tild them to stay together. He was so sad😭😭😭
Ahsoka has this thing with crossing her arms.
Anakin gives me uneasy feeling.
What does “finishing her training “ means?
Wait, live or die? Really? Well, that was quite… obvious.
Jacen knows something. I mean, why would he sit at the edge of the cliff?
I love how Huyang is half right half wrong.😂
Hera, listen to your baby!!!! He knows something!!!!!
And she listens! Or at least tries to. I love this duo.
Wait… Jacen hears what is happening on “the other side”???? I love that boy😭😭😭😍😍😍(and he made me cry!!!)
Carson: what am I missing? What just happened?
Huyang: Jacen has abilities. His father, Kanan Jarrus, was a jedi.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (that was literally my reaction to this conversation)
Carson: okay, we better get on it then.
You mention jedi, they listen 😂
But still, why did Hera leave Jacen and Chopper alone ot there? What if some kind of beast appears? Or whatever?
Ahsoka- falls down through the clouds.
Me: don’t tell me there will be younger Soka?
Younger Ahsoka- appears.
Me: oh, she’s cute😂
Nice training btw… well, dealing with your past is almost never easy.
Was that a random clone she sat next to? Probably yeah. Sad.
The talk with anakin, right after that… isn’t this a real dialogue from Clone wars? Or at least part of it? When they tried to get through the blocade to Ryloth? (I was watching this ep few days ago)
I knew there was something wrong!!! Vader is there! Be careful Snips!!!
I do love Huyang talking about Ahsoka and Ani. 😂
What did Chopper sense? Maybe a Pergill?
Oh, Siege of Mandalore? Just great.
Ani is dark. Is that a darke side tempting her?
Yup. Red lightsaber. But it’s not temptation… a test? Maybe.
I do love seeing more Vader side of Anakin. Although it pains me. (Btw idk how about the rest of you guys, but I had a feeling since the previous episode that we’ll see him today)
Yay, Ani is Ani again!!!!
No, he disappeared.
Haha, Ahsoka was just floating under the water. I should’ve known.😂
Jacen’s face when he saw the Ghost coming back with Ahsoka😍. I love this boy.
Jacen wants a lightaber. Of course he does.
Learning the past through touching objects? I didn’t know Ahsoka could do that.
I think she’s disappointed. At least a lil bit.
Ouch, Hera is in trouble. I hope she’s gonna be fine. (I hate most of thise politicians, did I mention that?)
Soka saw Pergills!!!!!!
Hey, you fucking senators, Hera is the general. End of discussion.
Why do I have a feeling me and my pa were right about the Pergills?😂
I love our big, soace Whales. (I need an amoji for them😂)
Dang, that Pergill is huge!!!!
Carson: I respectfully disagree.
My translation: Go fuck yourself you idiots.
So Ahsoka is gonna pull Jonah’s trick. (Now which story am I talking about? Who’s gonna tell me?)
Although I wish Hera went too. (And I do hope we’ll still se her in next episodes.)
This episode made me more emotional than I wish it did. (Especially because there was a lot of Jacen. Yes, Imma keep talking about this baby boi. And because we have more Pergills)
Ahsoka ep. 6
Hyperspace from purgill’s point of viev is beautiful.
Huyang told stories to younglings? Cute.
It’s funny how sometimes the droid understands more about “human” behavior than a jedi for example.
Sabine is hurt. (Not physically fortunately)
Although it would be nice if she was a lil bit less… focused on finding Ezra. (Although I’m not her so I don’t know how exactly she feels)
Did witches frim Dathomir really traveled to another galaxy?
Nice statues.
And a building. A temple perhaps?
Who are those standing guys? Or gals?
Oh, never mind. Witches. Of course.
Hey, missy, don’t call Sabine “it”!!!!!
Where the fuck is Ezra? Please, save your… sister or girlfriend or whatever!
Why was this galaxy forgotten? I wonder.
I do like the older fallen jedi. (I still can’t remember his name😂) He’s nice. And smart.
(Right, Baylan)
Pls, don’t make Sabine use choice… it won’t make sense.
Oh, another hudge ass ship. Yay. How did they make it?
Are stormtroopers covered in gold? What the heck?
Yo, Thrawn.
He’s just as polite as ever.
Enoch has funny face.
Sabine is a loose thread. True. She’s unpredictable.
Wait, Baylan was a general?
Hmm… why do I have a feeling Thrawn is plotting something? You know, letting Sabine just go look for Ez? But maybe it’s just prejudice speaking.
“Die well”… i like Enoch. Surprising.
“Fool’s errand” because you lied? Or because you don’t believe Ezra is alive.
Baylan, oh come on. Don’t kill them. I want to like you.😂
Ouch, Sabine lacks luck.
Oh her ride came back. It acts like a doggo. 🐕🐕🐕 (it’s called Howler? Really?) it’s so cuteeeeeeeee😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I want Sabine to adopt it.
Now that’s a funny new creature. Like a crab.
And it recognized the symbol. It knows Ezra???? (I hope so)
Ok, gonna call them tutu. (Idk why)
Baylan, what do you seek?
Tutu crabs have a village.

Nice beard.😂
Sabine, just tell the truth. Please.
He’s still the kid.
Ahsoka is coming!!!! Beware girl, they are waiting for you.
me: Listen, after all the cameos in The Mandalorian, I’m exhausted, I’m full up, I just can’t do anything more, it gets old after awhile, I just– Ahsoka: Hey.


My top 5 favorite droids in Star Wars:
1. Chopper

2. R2-D2

3. AZI-3

4. AP-5

5. Huyang

My heart!
@alphaofdarkness you are so talented its beyond belief! This is so precious and wholesome and as always you capture our beans so beautifully

Another silly redraw 👀😌 I remember seeing the HanLeia kiss + C-3PO screenshot on twitter and just had to redraw Sabezra + Huyang in it, also based on the soft looks Ezra and Sabine share when she mentioned Kanan as Ezra builds his new lightsaber 🤭 can you imagine, yes 😌
The most funniest draw I’ve made, honestly, I could not look at either the main or chibi draw fully without bursting into laughter 🤭 I hope this silly draw brings a smile or giggle to y’all’s day ✨ Que te den mucho feliz!
Hope everyone has a beautiful day, please treat each other kindly ♡
Solo Sabezra kiss underneath with a hilarious edit ♡ॢ₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎

I really hope y'all have a giggle over this~ I have had so much fun drawing for them ♡ always so grateful to the kindness of the community these last few months ✨
"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

just learned david tennant is a star wars fan which makes me so happy he got to be in the star wars universe!!! i fucking adore huyang as well like give me a sassy robot any day
Me and my parents and brother finished watching the first episode of Ahsoka and I was grinning every time a Rebels character appeared and the little callbacks to the show. Also, please someone tell me that I’m not the only one on here that thought that star map looked somewhat similar to the map from Treasure Planet!