Arthur Fleck X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Fear is a powerful thing

Fear Is A Powerful Thing

"With a swift swing of the apartment door, Arthur was in his home. Out of breath and bloody, he went into the kitchen, calling out his fiancé's name.

“Y/n? Where are you?”

Hearing her lovers voice, Y/n took a small breath and walked out of a room their shared room.

"Arthur I'm over he-"

Seeing blood all over Arthur, her voice went silence. Words speaking from the fear in her shining e/c eyes.

"Yes, I know this looks bad-It is bad. But baby I'm in big trouble. BIG trouble. I shot a guy."


Seeing her shaky arms, he snaked his lanky arms around her body, attempting to comfort his love. Though, as any stranger could see, she was the opposite of what he was trying to make her feel.

"Because love" Arthur stated, kissing her forehead, leaving a small print of lipstick, "He made fun of me. Made of people like me."

Before she could even think of any word, the door was broken down, guns pointed at their faces.

"Police! Put your hands up!"

Fearing for her life, Y/n did as she was told, but Arthur, he was quite different. He unhooked his arms from her, and made a motion with his hands, a marion of shooting himself.

He laughed, an episode, starting. Though, with that laugh came a consequence.

Filled with rage, the police grabbed the deranged man, forcing him into cuffs and dragging his think body out of the building and into their car.

Y/n stood there, door broken and herself? Unsure. She was unsure of what to do, but she new one thing. She needed to run. Run for Arthur.

And she did. With the clap of her shoes, the many lights bounced onto her tear struck face, illuminating her velvety skin.

The fire and sorrowful cries of pain waves into her ears, draining a memory she would never forget.

She soon found a large crowd looking over at a car wreck. Quickly, she spotted her lover swaying to an unheard rhythm onto of the damaged vehicle.

He spotted her too, their eyes connecting. The crowd that was there too matched at the even that was happening. Not the hellfire, but lovers speaking unspoken words to one another.

With a sharp motion with his wrist, Arthur had his 'fans' carrying Y/n onto the car.

As he held her hands, he saw the same fear he's seen for months.

They once held love and passion for him, but now, fire and pain is all he saw. It didn't matter though. He didn't care.

With a lick of his lips he spoke loudly.

"Y/n, instead of waiting, we'll be having our wedding here! The scenery is much more grand than Italy or Greece, this is what I want!"

"This isn't you Arthur, this isn't the man I fell for."

"Oh but Y/n it is. And you will like it."

Arthur then smashed his lips onto hers, signifying their marriage and a crowd of cheers.

No matter her struggle, Y/n couldn't pull away. So she thought of the only thing she could do, kiss back. The hellfire and fear never leaving her eyes

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5 years ago

The woman made of light

The Woman Made Of Light

She was always there. The woman fitted in white. Whenever he was upset, having an episode, or just lonely, she was there for him. Even in times when he could not see her. This was one of those times.

She looked down from the heavens, seeing the figure of the man she knew all too well. His laughter ringing throughout one ear and the other. A laughter that was manic.

Although, she loved it just the same. With her feathered wings, she flew away from the sight and passed the large golden gates written into age old books.

She flew to a man. A man people called God. As she landed on the marble steps to his large throne, she bowed before speaking.

“My lord, please forgive me for interrupting whatever you were doing, but I must go. I must down to Earth in a body made of flesh.”

God nodded, knowing exactly what she had meant.

“Very well,” He spoke. His voice calm and bright. “You must remember, once you are there, your wings will be stripped and body able to have wounds. Is that what you truly desire?”

With a nod of her head, God did as she asked. She was placed onto what humans called concrete, her body now fitted with an outfit of pure white.

The busy streets held many voices. Many voices she and the others have heard. Though, she could never point out any names.

She walked, looking for the man her heart, her soul in fact had called out for. Many faces were seen, until she found the one she was looking for.

More of a painted face really. He was lying on the ground in an alley way, his face holding bruises and his arms curled around his as a weak form of shielding himself.

Her face torn into worry, quickly running to him and helping him up.

“Arth-Are you okay? What happened?”

With a groan, he wiped of blood that spilled out of the corner of his mouth, leaving a trace of red on his right sleeve.

“Boys-Thry took my sign and beat me. Ah-“

He tumbled a bit, his knee wanting to give out, but held strong.

“Here, let me help you. I’ll take you home. Just show me where that is.”

She knew clearly where he lived, but could not tell. All she did was hold onto him as he walked her to his place, holding onto her once in a while as he limped.

That was three years ago. Three years since that faithful day the woman in white had met the clown.

A relationship had blossomed and they knew each other like the palms of their own hands, except one thing. The clown didn’t know what she actually was, and she was going to keep it that way.

An angelic laughter rang throughout the tiny apartment in Gotham City. The laughter of Y/n L/n. The same woman who helped the clown, Arthur Fleck.

As a movie kept rolling, she watched with her sparkling eyes what was playing on the screen. A laugh erupting from her throat whenever something comedic happened.

Arthur was in the kitchen, trying to find something to eat, but not finding a single crumb.

“Y/n! Love, there isn’t anything in the kitchen. Want to go out to eat?”

“That would be great Arthur! Let me get my wallet!”

With that, she turned off the television and grabbed what she had needed, and met Arthur at the door.

Human life was hard for the angel, but day by day it grew easier for her to understand how to be human.

Arthur kisses her forehead and they went out the door and the building. Waking hand in hand, he spoke.

“You look beautiful love. The same as when I first met you.”

A smile spread onto Y/n’s face, her pearly whites shining in the sunlight. “Thank you Arthur. You look as handsome as ever.”

His face formed a small smile as a light tint of pink trickled onto his sunken cheeks. “Thank you darling. It’s nice to hear that from someone dear to me.”

She giggled, which caused Arthur to laugh. Which made in turn having them both laugh their heads off, getting strange looks from the passerby.

As the walked into an alley, they both failed to spot a human in dark attire from behind them, a sharp object making a glint.

Their laughter calmed down, now going silent and without word. Though they stole glances from one another, smiles never leaving their lips.

That stopped, a sudden knife being held against Arthur’s neck, and a deep voice speaking with hate and darkness.

“Give me your money and he lives. If not, you both die.”

Y/n looked at her lover with worry, and faint “Help.” coming from his lips as the knife got tighter around his neck.

“I don’t think so.” She spoke, a blight light coming from her body and beholding what she truly was.

Her wings flapping in the wind and a small, yet deadly dagger now being held in her hands. Shocked, the man dropped his knife. But before he could run, she slammed her free hand around his throat, squeezing tightly.

Arthur just sat there. More shocked than any person would have been. But before his mind could even race, the angel spoke.

“I may be a woman of God, but I will break his rules if you ever lay a hand on that man ever again. Heed my warning scum, now leave.”

She threw him on the ground, now looking like the same woman she was before. No wings, no dagger.

As the theft ran, she helped Arthur up from the ground, only speaking once. “Arthur, love. I know you may have questions, but please let that wait until after dinner. I’m hungry.”


He walked alongside her, his mind racing with many questions. He knew what she was. Having his mother read him the Bible, he knew from the moment she was a creature of God, but one question remained.

Why? He felt as if he didn’t deserve her. That he was too imperfect for her. Yet, she is with him. So, why him?

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5 months ago
Me And Arthur Fleck Real

me and Arthur Fleck real 🐰♡🃏

#arthurfleck #yumejoshi #selfship #just girly things #im just a girl

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5 years ago

Shooter || Joker x Reader


Summary: You're a witness of three privileged men killing at the subway. You accidentally meet the shooter the day after and he's far from what you've imagined he'd be.

Warnings: None

Words: 1562

Authors: Cass & Ailo


The gunshots brought back the pain; it was as if he would still be laying on the dirty sidewalk in that alley, being kicked by those teenagers, trying his best to protect his head and crotch from blows. The gunshots were sounded as if they could crack a skull, as if the sound itself could purify the mind.  Arthur's stomach lurched as he lowered gun he was holding in hand. He did this. He actually did this. Then silence returned far more thickly than it was before the shots, as if everything around man was collectively holding it's breath.

You were hiding behind one of pillars, hand covering your mouth as you desperately tried to calm down your breath and racing heart. Witnessing such a thing was too much for you. Using subway was your everyday thing, you were using it to get to work as well as return home. This unfortunate day you were going back home later than usual, the evening was calm until you heard shooting in the other cart. You didn't see much through little windows between carts. The little bit of view was terrifying enough to make you sneak out of the cart as soon as it stopped. You peaked out of your hiding spot just to look if you could go but all you saw was a man being shot as he tried climbing up the stairs. Quickly returning to your spot you started to pray to get out of this alive. Thanks God, the shooter disappeared and you were able to get out of the station safely. You thought about going to the police but all you wanted truly was to go home and hide in the safety of your little apartment. "I can always go there tomorrow," you told yourself, running back to your place.


Arthur returned home and pretended he was all fine but he wasn't.

That evening everything was making him angry, especially his mother and her pure trust in Thomas Wayne. Arthur helped her take bath but as soon as he put her to bed, he went to his own, little room and sneaked under the sheets, pulling quilt on his head as he was trying to hide himself from this world.


You should have to be asleep for a few hours but you simply couldn't find yourself a place. Sitting on the couch, looking at the movement on the tv's screen, your mind was going crazy recalling every second of the event in the subway.

Even if you were in your own flat you still felt scared because of such things were becoming an everyday thing. Shaking your head you forced yourself to go shower and get to bed.


Arthur was fired. All he could have done was get out of there with his head up, he didn't want to show them that they've broken him down like an old branch of a tree. He sat at the not high fence, foot tapping up and down like some dumb wind up toy. Man was rethinking his entire existence.

For you the morning was hard, dragging yourself out of the bed was horrible yet you started to get ready for going out.

Your friends made you join them during the protest against all the rich people in the city. You didn't really like such events because of the crowd but maybe they would finally affect something, you thought.

You never were a conflict person, you always tried to avoid fights or arguments but you hated all those rich bastards. They were having fun in their skyscrapers while all the regular people were drowning in trash and poverty.

Holding the strap of your bag you walked trough the streets, trying your best to not get crazy because of the yesterday's situation. You stopped your walk when you spotted a man, a really sad man.

Arthur felt observed, and indeed he was being watched.

A rather young woman was standing several steps from him glaring at him curiously.

At first he didn't react but when she was standing still in front of him, man raised his head a little and tilted it aside so his locks fell off his face, letting him see her fully.

Man looked too similar to the one from yesterday, it kinda made you afraid and all you've wanted was to run back to your flat but his look made you concerned.

You let out a sigh and smiled at him gently when he looked at you. Walking slowly you started to move closer to him. "Hey there... is everyhitng okay? You look sad," you said shrugging softly as you played with the strap.

He looked you deeply in the eyes; emotionless and empty eyes of his were like a well which ran dry. "Yeah," he replied without thinking too much. He observed you still yet he didn't move at all.

"So... Why so sad and aren't you cold? It's quite chilly today," you said bouncing on your legs a little. "Maybe I can help you somehow?"

"Do you like comedy?," He asked out of sudden. The question was so random that even he giggled a little but the giggle was full of darkness and sadness.

You blinked looking at him, taken aback by a sudden question. Thinking for a little moment you quickly nodded. "Sure! Who doesn't? I love to have a good laugh, it helps to keep going in this city. For me at last."

He sent you a brief smile but it was more a curl of his lips in a grimace. "I'm a comedian, I've always wanted to be a comedian," he said as he hopped off the fence and made a pose like only clown would do.

"Oh wow! It must be great, I bet you know a lot of jokes and anecdotes," you said smiling at him more and clapped your hands a little. "But you are missing one thing, friend."

He was about to reach into inner pocket of jacket to pull his notebook out and read something for you but he stopped any movement, looking at you. He shook his head for "no".

"Smile," you said giggling. "Come on, smile for me and I am ready to hear you out."

You turned round to find little bench, sitting down you put one leg over other like ever lady would does. Looking at man you send him another smile and waited at his performence.

He tried his best to smile yet he felt like tears started to gather into his eyes. He turned around few times and posed again but instead of smiling naturally, he slipped two fingers of each of his hands into his mouth corners and spread them upward in a grimace which had to be pretending smile.

You looked at him, raising your eyebrow. "Okay, let's say that this is enough to convice me. So? Can I hear you and your jokes?," You asked kindly.

You were really courious what he will 'serve' you. The things you told him were true, despite being young you already hated your life in Gotham. Silly comedies, stend ups and all of this helped you cope with the hard life and kept you away from bad thoughs and stuff.

Arthur pulled his notebook out of the pocket and opened it with shaking hands, turning page after page. When he was looking down onto his notes he was about to cry in a spot because of the sadness that were coming out of them. "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?," You asked looking at him.

"The man who killed three shitbags in the metro yesterday," he whispered seriously.

You looked at him completely struck with your eyes wide open. After a moment you laughed, it was very nervous. "You… Are you joking, right? 'Cus you are a comedian," you asked shortly.

"Am I looking like someone who's joking?," He asked openly.

You sat there quiet, swallowing heavily, soon you shook your head for 'no'.

"And do you know what's the worst? I'm fucking happy about what I've done, I don't regret killing them."

You giggled nervously and nodded, slowly moving to the edge of the bench, trying your best to slip away from him.

"I won't hurt you," he assured raising hands up. "I won't hurt you, no need to run."

You got up from your seat and looked at him. "You promise? I... I saw you. I swear, I didn't go to the police. Cross on my heart," you said.

He shook his head slightly with that strange grin on his lips. "I don't mind it. I have nothing to lose and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't funny."

You nodded, looking at him. Your hands once more played nervously with the strap of your bag. "You know…," You began slowly. "I think you did a right thing. Whoever they were, they deserved this. They play around because they are 'good, rich boys' while we all struggle here. Wayne and everyone similar to him could die in the fire and the city would become better instantly."

He listened to you patiently as the grin on his lips grew wider. Arthur nodded his head a little like he would be bowing to you. "When city will be burning, it's gonna be triumph of unprivileged. And I tell you this, it's gonna come sooner than everyone expects."


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan  @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila  @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees  @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​ @biologyforliving​

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