Joker 2019 - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Hey, does anyone know what happened to @he-she-or-it ? She was a great mutual of mine even though we never talked and she was a part of the clownfucker community..kinda makes me sad that I dont see her on my dash anymore.

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5 years ago
...even When Your Heart Is Breaking

“...even when your heart is breaking” 

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5 years ago

joaquin phoenix just slayed my life


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3 years ago

i would like to be playing wii right now, because i could accidentally hit you with the controler

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1 year ago

Joker 2019

I just watched the 2019 Joker movie and I absolutely loved it lol. Idk why I waited so long to watch it but I am now obsessed and I can't wait for the 2nd movie 😫

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2 years ago

Not weird, not weird at all. The MCU was fun for a while but at some point it seems like keeping the continuity going became more important than storytelling.

Building a univers of interconnected movies is hard and it limits what you can do with each individual story. There is a reason why alternate univers are so common in comics.

The DCU is a good exemple of what I mean. The whole thing isn't really good. Most of the best DC movie in the last few year where one shot. Case in point, the batman and joker.

Maybe it's a weird thing to say, but I love it when I watch Moon Knight and I just forget that it's part of the MCU.

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7 months ago

What a work of art!

Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster
Music In Film: Joker(2019) Dir. Todd Phillipsmusic Supervision By George Drakoulias, Randall Poster

Music in Film: Joker (2019) dir. Todd Phillips music supervision by George Drakoulias, Randall Poster

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5 years ago

Welp I'm trying to be more active on tumblr.. Tbh this website confuses me 😂

Welp I'm Trying To Be More Active On Tumblr.. Tbh This Website Confuses Me

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5 years ago

Joker-a Master of Perspective

Joker uses perspective to enhance the movie storytelling perspective. It is a story about the descent of a man giving into his darker desires. This is typically seen as a tragic tale, but the music and camera shots portray it as the opposite. It feels like a man going from despair to hope. 

The music in the opening shot is called “Hoyt’s Office” and it has a sinister and foreboding feel to it whereas the music at the end of the film called “Call Me Joker” is much more hopeful and delicate, the music is softer and more personal instead of the sharp low tones of the beginning. The shot choice also changes the perspective of scenes that should be dark like when Arthur kills his mother Arthur sits next to the window which bathes the shot in light and creates an uplifting atmosphere and the lens reflects light which gives the shot a dreamy look like Arthur enjoys his choice and has finally fulfilled one of his wildest dreams. The final shots of him in the asylum are again bathed in light with minimal sound and the actions are happening slower than normal giving it that dream like feel to it once again. The final shot I’ll talk about is when Joker is dancing on the car during the riot. He is the center of the frame once again and everything around him seems to fade away. This is emphasized by the shots at a superior angle where only Joker and the sky are in shot with everyone else just out of view and the wide angle view when everyone else is in shot but the noise they would have been making is overtaken by the score. He is finally “seen” by people. He has become the center of this revolution and the world can finally see his solo performance.

The perspective is also in use when it comes to the fact that Arthur is made to clearly be an unreliable narrator in the film which can bring many interpretations of the events that unfold. Until the first time Arthur gives into his darker desires most of the abuse he endures is physical. Once he kills the three men on the subway the abuse shifts to emotional with his mother and then once he kills her it becomes verbal until he kills Murray and then he becomes the Joker and the movie ends with Arthur feeling free and not hesitating to give into his desires. This can be seen as the journey of how much Arthur can justify his actions. With each killing he is able to justify his actions with less and less provocation. At the beginning he shot the men in self defense and by the end he was killing people because he deemed it “what they deserve”. (This was also seen when he killed Randall when Randall came over to try and comfort him about his mother’s death and he kills him because of what Randall did at the beginning of the movie. Now that Arthur has made it this far in his descent he sees nothing wrong with killing Randall when earlier he held himself back.) Because of how the abuse seems to shift to allow Arthur to justify his actions it can lead to questions on if the abuse was really like the way it was portrayed or if it had been warped in some way due to Arthur’s perception. (This is just a single possibility that is left up to the viewer’s interpretation)

Joker is incredibly interesting in its use of film making techniques and how it uses all of the facets of the audio visual medium to convey its story. I was left fascinated in how well made it was with a great performance by Joaquin Phoenix, masterful cinematography and directing, and an emotive score. The film and superhero nerd in me loved every second of it.

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5 years ago

What a way to spend Halloween! I got to go see Joker and I loved it! Now I'm ending my Halloween night by watching IT on Blu Ray!

What A Way To Spend Halloween! I Got To Go See Joker And I Loved It! Now I'm Ending My Halloween Night

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5 years ago

I’ve been working on an animatic that I got the idea of from @insert-gender-here ! This is just a little preview for it.

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5 years ago

the movie cameo we all need

silossylas - kinda done ngl
silossylas - kinda done ngl

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