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"Choose 5 Servants to represent your FGO journey."
Inspired by this Reddit post
Emiya - My first 4-star from the tutorial gacha. He currently rests at NP3. I may not use him all the time, but he's reliable. His defense-ignoring NP is awesome for challenge quests even to this day!
Shuten-Douji - My first 5-star. I didn't even realize she was a 5-star when I first summoned her, but when I did, I was incredibly excited! Koyanskaya of Light may have taken my top Assassin spot lately, but Shuten is still great.
David - One of my top Servants back when I didn't have as many options. Harp of Healing saved me tons of times back in Arc 1, and the Sure Hit on his NP definitely helped with damage!
Scáthach-Skađi - My first foray into meta setups. I only rolled for her because I liked her design, but her being the Quick meta was an appreciated bonus. I may have Castoria, Tamamo, Oberon, and Koyanskaya now, but Skađi still has a place in my support roster for when I'd rather use Quick Servants.
Passionlip - I got her to NP5 (and Suzuka Gozen to NP6) in the process of trying to summon Meltryllis. I did get Melt and absolutely adore her, but I also came to really appreciate Lip. She's a great tank who can also dish out a surprising amount of damage, and she's a fairly complex character. This same summon/appreciate cycle happened to me with Space Ishtar (NP2'd her while trying to summon Calamity Jane) and Baobhan Sith (NP3'd her while trying to summon Barghest and Mélusine), but Passionlip was the first, so she gets the spot on the list.
Man, this was tough! Nitocris didn't even land on the list after all this consideration, and she's my favorite!
What about you guys? If you play FGO, which five Servants reflect your gameplay journey?
Passionlip coming in clutch on the latest challenge quest!

I couldn't have done it without my whole team, though.
Kiara did the bulk of the damage, killing Hokusai and whittling Bakin down to her final health bar. She was also able to tank a surprising amount of damage thanks to Goddess Morph + her NP's heal.
Tamamo and Friend Castoria got the debuff clear/Arts buff train rolling. The heals, cooldown reductions, and Anti-Enforcement Defense were also greatly appreciated.
My Castoria came in to replace Friend Castoria when the AI decided to gang up on her early on (Turn 4-ish).
Mash kept Tamamo and Kiara alive just long enough for one final NP cycle.
Passionlip soloed against Bakin for the final few turns, finishing the run with an NP-B-B chain.
It wasn't the most efficient run ever, but it's done. That's what matters. These Servants did a good job. They may not be real, but I'm proud of them.
Dang Castoria
>meet a boy, dopey but cute >he looks lonely >calls out for a mash >guess i’m mash now >living in the same cottage, basically married >run out of the village for humanality >i’m not mash >may as well go with him >i’m uh, i’m kind of a big deal >not quite up for it yet but he’s really supportive >when he’s not talking about mash >the fuck kind of a name is mash anyways >time for pet play >just for his safety, nothing else >actually pretty hot >he wants to raid a human farm to find mash >may as well show off my skills >fuck up, fuck up again >that one busty bitch shows up to suck him dry >tristram dies while we escape >where’s mash he says >go to level 1 ville >even he can mating press me there >time to buy his bitch from the auction >it’s an old man >he still wants the old man >screw it i’m gonna win for him >fight this uppity bitch >win >he says she did better >wtf do i need to dye my hair red or something >old guy just scratches his ass and gives me shit all day >he’s still talking about mash >moth says i have to face my destiny >can’t let the people die >he’s the same as me >maybe i can do it, i’m the child of prophecy after all >two children of prophecy >it’s some busty slut flashing her pits >reeks of every goblin, lion, and monster this side of england >he runs up yelling mash >that’s mash >mash goes off with an old man to please him for quartz >he’s even more depressed than before >he can’t get to mash >calamity.mp4 >way too many of them >he’s turned to drugs >mash shows up to solo a horde >she’s even strong too >boss music starts >my cheerleader passes out >welp, time to pack it in >let’s run away together >mash runs straight at it >his dick grows three sizes >he runs after her screaming heroic japanese >they hold hands >they beat the calamity >townspeople cheering for them >new child of prophecy born >i didn’t do anything >he never grinned that much for me