Asoiaf Fandom Double Standards - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

It's a fact that Dany's story is riddled with violence against women of color and that she's the perpetrator in several cases, so mentioning her race is actually necessary (Sansa being white has no bearing on her story because again, she never hurt or killed any woc). Besides burning Mirri, r*ping Irri and torturing the wineseller's daughter, she also slaps Eroeh in the face. She looted one city, destroyed another to gain an army of slaves, took over another one for a trial run at ruling and plans to abandon it to invade and destroy a continent that she (and the thousands of warlords she's bringing with her) has never been to to demand fealty from people who don't want her as their queen. Why don't you at least acknowledge that Dany is written as a villain and that your hatred of Sansa is, by comparison, irrational?

It's ironic that the biggest criticism of how George writes characters of color is that he uses them in service of white characters' arcs and that's exactly what you've decided to do in my inbox. Nothing about liking these characters, wanting to see more of their stories, or wanting better for them. Nothing about wanting to start a conversation about the racism in George's writing. Nope. Just you using these characters of color and their suffering, which you supposedly care about, as props because you feel a "pure", white character is being unfairly hated. I have to laugh. The only "hate" I've given to Sansa is disliking her annoying stans and pointing out how she's written in the books but apparently, that's enough to have you clutching your pearls.

And the thing about racism is that, for Dany to be capable of being racist, it would mean that race HAS to be a factor in their society. That would mean that Sansa, as a white woman, would subsequently benefit from her white identity. Which is why I found that so funny from the first ask you sent. You can't just decide that race is only a factor in a single character's story. I get it though, you haven't actually thought any of this through because your only motivation is to put down Dany and prop up Sansa. This is how I know you don't care at all about racism and you're just copying talking points you've heard instead of thinking for yourself.

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9 months ago

If George was going to make Daenerys evil in the books or cause her to die after intensely suffering and losing everything what would be the point of making her the child of three (third Daenerys) or setting the precedent of suffering, abused and murdered TARGARYEN WOMEN? What would be the point of showing her grow up exiled, starving and homeless on the run with no one but a rotating cabal of odd adults who want to use her and a brother who treats her like an object? What would be the point of showing her develop real, genuine diplomatic skills and make hard choices for the good of her people when it would be easier to just have her use the dragons? What would be the point of Dany being the ONLY Targaryen, and having her never once benefit from her surname or ancestry? What would be the point of having her suffer and starve in the trenches with her people? What would be the point of “no one ever looked for a girl”? More importantly why do you want a teenage bridal slave to be “put in her place”? Why do you want an orphan who grew up in poverty to suffer and fall so someone who grew up in a fucking castle could take everything from her?

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9 months ago

controversial but i don’t really feel like ‘if i am ever queen i will make them love me‘ quote is that positive, especially compared to dany’s reign. she doesn’t make anyone love her, she just does what she thinks is right, what her heart tells her, she’s guided by genuine compassion and empathy and the people she has freed love her exactly for that, not because she tries to win their love.

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7 months ago

Common fandom complaint that you’re tired of hearing? It can be more than one

I'm tired of hearing about Sansa being the most unfairly hated character, especially when it comes with no acknowledgment of how horrible her stans act or the hate they give other female characters. It's just a demonstrably incorrect claim. Every other character is allowed to be disliked but we're all just expected to put Sansa on a pedestal cause she represents "true womanhood" or whatever the nonsense argument of the week is. Arya and Dany are two of the most casually hated and rewritten characters in the fandom and it barely gets talked about cause "feminism" in this fandom is only about female characters "pure" enough to deserve it. I just think it's gross to try and quantify how worthy a female character is of being defended from misogyny. At that point it's not even about defending Sansa from unfair hate, it's being upset that she isn't getting special treatment.

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