Leapordpaw - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Her Heart Pounded In Fear The Yowls And Shreeks Echoing Through Her Ears As The Queen Ran Towards MossClan

Her heart pounded in fear the yowls and shreeks echoing through her ears as the queen ran towards MossClan territory. After Cliffstar's trivial and breathtaking announcement Goldensong feared for both her unborn kits and herself. She shuffled away from the gathering the scent of blood and anger wafting into her nose as she shrank from the fighting and into the shadows. She watched her smaller Clan as they fought feircely against the large numbers of the mountain cats, the suddon realization that Cliffstar had anticipated the fight and had brought most of her Clan with her strongest warriors fighting beside her.

Turning to run after the order of her leaders she struggled towards the water her breath heaving. A scream escaped her as a brutish pair of paws slammed on her shoulder blades showing her downward. Pain raked her side as the shadowy cat yowled battering and throwing her upward to face him. Goldensong recognized Leapordpaw of RangeClan momentarily as he slashed at her chest earning a gasp.

"Stop! Please! My kits!" She cried tears running across her cheeks as he flung her downward pain seering her face as his thick claws drug across her eyes and muzzle. A gargle formed from her throat as fear welled inside of her thoughts ringing through her head, I'm going to die! I can't die! I gotta! Please-! Abruptly a yowl struck them both. The weight lifted off of her as she struggled upward blood smearing her gaze tinting her veiw red.

She gasped for breath and looked upward shock rippling through her as she noticed the white and orange shape of her friend throwing the apprentice upward blood spurting out as Crookedmask latched onto Leapordpaw. A screech of terror rising from the apprentice as he was joised into the hair large white paws gripping his sides. He landed with a thump the striped warrior ontop of him battering him with strong tough paws. Crookedmask flung the apprentice away crouching between the queen. Terror filled the blue eyes of the trainee as he tumnled away back into battle limping away blood trailing behind him.

He turned his sides heaving and ran forward his gaze worried,"RangeClan is full of rogues to attack a queen like that." He pushed against her side,"A-are you okay? Can you walk?" A wimped escaped her as she pushed against him attempting to stand, her weight pressing against him as she pressed aching paws into the red ground.

The cool ground felt warm as she walked against Crookedmask limping towards the StormClan cat allong side her leader and severely wounded Clanmates, Jaggedstar had allowed them to come back to camp due to the herb supply and Medicine Cats. The reek of mingled scents twinged her nose. The flash of the realization of the backlash her mate would give her caused a shiver to run down her spine. She hadn't noticed the fear that ran across her face until Crookedmask spoke up,"Hey, we will take care of you at camp. I'll make sure we take good care of you, and trust me Duskeye is great and will make sure you are healed in no time... and Drizzleheart will keep you company in the nursery and Bluebellkit will be so excited to see you. So don't worry about anything.." he smiled sympathetically blood trickling down the side of his face. Goldensong looked upward into his green gaze and smiled leaning against him with a sigh ignoring the pain that shot through her body and allowed herself to ease into her friends warmth.

Her Heart Pounded In Fear The Yowls And Shreeks Echoing Through Her Ears As The Queen Ran Towards MossClan

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6 years ago

Cliffstar Family Batch

Cliffstar Family Batch


Rank: Senior Warrior, RangeClan

Siblings: None

Parents: (deceased)Brokenleg, (deceased)Cloudtooth

Mate: Burntail

Kits: Cliffstar, Leappaw, Stormpaw, (deceased)Orangekit


Rank: Senior Warrior, RangeClan

Siblings: (deceased)Shallowspike

Parents: (deceased)Feathernose, (deceased)Blazeclaw

Mate: Stonefoot

Kits: Cliffstar, Leappaw, Stormpaw, (deceased)Orangekit

Cliffstar Family Batch


Rank: Apprentice, RangeClan

Mentor: Rumbleclaw

Siblings: Cliffstar, Stormpaw, (deceased)Orangekit

Parents: Burntail, Stonefoot

Mate: None

Kits: None


Rank: Apprentice, RangeClan

Mentor: Quickflight

Siblings: Cliffstar, Leappaw, (deceased)Orangekit

Parents: Burntail, Stonefoot

Mate: None

Kits: None

Cliffstar Family Batch


Rank: Apprentice, RangeClan

Mentor: Crowslash

Siblings: Cloverpaw

Parents: Cliffstar, (deceased)Brokenear

Mate: None

Kits: None

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6 years ago
Flowerfoot Paused At His Fathers Side Studying Aspenstar's Inconsistent Breaths. He Pressed Against Him

Flowerfoot paused at his fathers side studying Aspenstar's inconsistent breaths. He pressed against him only stirring when the soft steps of Brackentail sounded at the entrance,"I can handel this for now... go on ahead, Shatterfang is practicing with Cloverpaw and Leapordpaw right now." The old tabby tom turned and rested his eyes worryingly on his leader.

Flowerfoot paused and touched his nose to his fathers pelt before stepping out onto the ledge, he let out a soft sigh as he looked around the camp before carefully making his way down the slope into the open space. A battle scarred tom sat begrudgingly watching the two apprentices scuffle his stumpy tail twitching as the brothers rolled. Flowerfoot watched his young apprentice, Cloverpaw looked battered and worn as he held down Leapordpaw. The momentary glimpse of joy fluttered on the dark tabbies face before large paws wrapped around his neck and he was dragged downward his muzzle clashing painfully with a loud thump into Leapordpaw's. He stumbled his eyes welling before they widened in shock as his stomach was battered and he was heaved off thumping into the stones.

"Gotta be quicker Cloverpaw. You aren't gonna get win like that." The rumble of Shatterfang rose as he stepped up and nudged Leapordpaw as he rose. Flowerfoot lept down worried as his apprentice staggered up panting,"We will be taking a break."

"What?" The upset crack of Leapordpaw sounded behind him.

"Yeah it was gonna be fine, we where just starting Flowerfoot." Shatterfang added the irritation rough in his voice.

Flowerfoot nudged the smaller brown tabby up and shot a look through narrowed hazel eyes at the two toms behind him,"Fine, you can continue alone, he is my apprentice and I choose when he trains." He lifted himself and flicked his tail dismissing Cloverpaw.

Shatterfang grunted and shoved past him,"Fine, Leapordpaw show me your attack."

The gray tabby sighed and shook out his thick pelt glancing around for Cloverpaw and recignizing his smaller form by The Stream and plodded over. He set himself beside him and bent down to drink.

"Flowerfoot I'm sorry."

He froze the water lapping at his nose and he straitened up,"What?" He quieted himself as he tried to look at the young tom though he faced away.

"I'm sorry." Cloverpaw's voice hitched and his body began to shake,"I'm sorry you're stuck with me as an apprentice, I'm weak... I-I can't do anything, we go out to hunt and I scare even the deafest of mice away... we train and I lose.. I'm sorry I'm not like Cliffrunner or Leapordpaw..."

The painful hick in his voice clung to Flowerfoot's heart as he wrapped his tail around his smaller frame,"Cloverpaw.." he paused thinking,"Let me see your paw." He said softly.


"Trust me," Cloverpaw hesitated before lifting his paw and sniffling, Flowerfoot did the same,"What do you notice?" He asked softly.

Cloverpaw narrowed his eyes thinking as tears rolled down his cheeks confusion glittering in his sad emerald eyes,"Your paw is.... bigger...?" He looked up nervously.

Flowerfoot nodded,"Yes, that's because I'm still moons older than you, I have had more training than you, I've had to learn and grow the same as you." He looked down at their paws his larger gray paw looked huge in comparison to Cloverpaw's younger smaller brown and cream paw," You've only just become an apprentice... I don't expect you to know how to hunt or fight after a few sunrises of walking the length of our territory. You are right about not being your brother..." Cloverpaw's eyes darkened,"He thinks strength makes a warrior great... your heart is strong Cloverpaw, and it wills you to work hard and I know you will, your blood and your claws don't make you a great warrior, your mind and heart do." He pressed his nose into his forehead and felt Cloverpaw press back against him.

"What use am I to a Clan if I can't protect it.." He whimpered sadly.

Flowerfoot smiled,"Thats why you are an apprentice so I can teach you how!" He lifted a paw and tapped Cloverpaws head and chuckled,"Like I said I don't expect you to be StarClan's Leader just off of milk!" He smiled at he sound of Cloverpaw laughing.

Flowerfoot's gaze softened,"You know... you remind me of Brokenear." The memories of his old friend flashed through his mind as Cloverpaw looked up his green eyes matching his fathers hope flittering his gaze as he brightened. Flowerfoot shook the memories away and smiled standing his tail still drapped across his shoulders,"C'mon we can go see if the geese have flown back in." Cloverpaw stood a smile growning on his muzzle as he walked along beside his Mentor,"That sounds nice."

Flowerfoot looked up meeting the gaze of Aspenstar as he smiled, he watched his father roll over onto his back happily. Flowerfoot grinned back and walked along the excited Cloverpaw to The Caves entrance.

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