August Blogs - Tumblr Posts
uhhh life updates 6/9/24 ig
I finished school Friday. My last day of middle school!!! (So fucking crazy lmao)
High school here I come!!
My 14th birthday is in a little over a month. Only 2 years til I can get my permit and a job and whatever else. (I'm so fucking old lol)
Being a teenager is weird and scary but at least I have my friends, and I have good music, and I have todd in the shadows to scream at me about maroon 5. Everything will be alright and I just have to remember that.
π§: float on-modest mouse, meet me at our spot-the anxiety
Learning css and html currently so at some point I might be able to code my own theme teehee
oh yeah getting top braces july 9th :o
Should prob start thinking about rubber band colors lmao
Also I'll be at camp the next week ππ and my birthday's the 17th so I'll be at camp and have new braces over my fourteenth πππ who cares lmao
I'm only getting top braces cuz I have a deep bite so my ortho literally said if I got both sets at the same time I would end up biting my bottom set off cuz my teeth go down too far πππ€€ποΈπποΈ
Uh guys? I've been looping Silver Spring for about 2 hours now π±
Guys I havenβt slept in 23 hours π₯°π₯°
K guys I think I'm gonna muscle my way through another all nighter
Jesus fucking Christ
im drinking water. Woo.

I don't do it nearly enough lmao
Drinking water and listening to champagne supernova kinda makes it feel like life is worth living idk
Lol remember when I had a mental breakdown in your yard about w*lson lmao I do not miss that (still not over it even though it's been like 5 months and I was the one that broke up with him jfc)
Anyway I'll talk to u later (hopefully me and yk who will hang out but we'll see if he even says a word to me :p) (my god i hate church. Like I love some of the people there but like. They think they're doing way more than they are. Like at this point I like complaining about it more than I like actually being there) (prob the whole ex bf that i see most weeks thing doesn't help lmao)
JESUS CHRIST WTF IS WRONG ME (1000 posts check)
Anyway omw to write a poem called 'ode to a best friend' so stay tuned for that ig.
might make a Livejournal or might use the blog I made for blogging. Either way I'm gonna clean up this blog and probably focus less on rbs
love that the only man I call father is a gay Japanese episcopal priest :|
ten days til I turn 14
btw my actual non-meme non-fandom personal blog is @august-blogs if you wanna follow that ig
after i get braces my mom is gonna take me to hot topic πͺπͺ
@xxlast-breathxx has a spoon stealing addiction btw. Don't trust them around your spoons
i wanna get into Ethel Cain but I listen to like. Post hardcore and stuff and my brain just can't listen to folk or whatever genre she is ππ
a part of me thinks you like small rooms. i don't know why. just vibes
real and true. Small rooms big houses idk.
coolmathgames freaking rebooted all my idles so i have to start from scratch ππππ
rb to have me spam your inbox (it helps to have a recently posted ask game *ghost noises*)