Authors Supporting Authors - Tumblr Posts
Thank you kindly for the double tag! @estellamiraiauthor @moondust-bard @moonfeatherblue

I made it
Thank you, thank you, you’re far too kind, as always, @the-golden-comet! I’m adding @gioiaalbanoart, who has also been nothing but kind to me, and also loved The Tengu And The Angel, and my darlings Kunio and Nathaniel, as well as @alwri-tes, who had also read and loved my debut novel! Shadow’s Hidden Blade is 100% gonna be the next item on my reading list!
I’m sick of being told that tumblr is dead and new artists/writers can’t thrive on here. This is the only website that has ever supported my work - work that is too queer, erotic, and genuinely subversive to survive the omnipresent corporate algorithm. The fact that there are people out there making posts and memes and fanart about my book blows my mind.
(Staff has done everything in their power to run this website into the ground, so I don’t want to heap uncritical praise on them of course.)
Thank you so much! I’m so happy that my book has touched you so deeply, and thanks for the free promo!
Tag Yourself Tag Game!
This is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Tell me which one of my OCs you think that you’re most like, and then get your moots to tell you which of your OCs they think that they’re most like! I know no one has made tag yourself memes since 2015 but I think they were fun and I want to bring them back. Anyway, here we go!

-Giant ego, but no self esteem
-Mommy issues
-Mythology nerd, and will not let you forget it
-Is the kind of artist who’s so ridiculously talented that he makes other artists feel worthless every time he posts his work on social media
-Great at cooking and baking
-Would fistfight the gods even though he’s short and has little to no muscle tone

-Chronic people pleaser
-Tea drinker, but he's not obnoxious about it
-Has a long list of freaky kinks
-Fully committed to his aesthetic
-Desperately needs a hug

-Watches magical girl anime made for little kids when she’s in her 20s *cough* Precure -Lives on instant ramen
-Can’t function without a cocktail of energy drinks and protein shakes
-Huge stuffed animal collection
-Would win in a fistfight with the gods

-Wears a ton of fake tan
-Very quick to anger
-Owns an ungodly amount of gold jewellery
-Used to love her job but now hates it so much that she cries in her car on the way to work
-Lipstick lesbian
-Mains Princess Peach in Smash
Tagging @the-golden-comet and @gioiaalbanoart!
Me soft-launching my friends’ books by recommending them on Goodreads threads:

Aaaa thank you! ^_^
✨Badly Summarized Story/WIP Tag✨
Thank you for tagging me here, @theink-stainedfolk !! Excited to do this one 💛✨
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Alriiiiight, time to add some art for the ones that are more developed ✨
1. Peter Hart

1. Pirate captain abducts a twinky prince, inadvertently saving him from an arranged marriage. Now forced to go on an epic adventure across the sea with this captain and his gang of adoptive sea dads, the prince and crew discover hidden secrets, find valuable treasures, and become an inseparable family. The Captain and Prince also gradually fall in love via slow burn Enemies to Lovers and have a lot of sex.
2. Your Wish is My Command

2. A Graduate student majoring in History and Architecture stumbled upon an ancient lamp during one of his field studies. After freeing the genie from the lamp, said genie wishes to explore the world and how it has changed from his last imprisonment. However, the researcher is a shut-in that hates public interactions. The genie becomes the researcher’s roommate and helps to bring him out of his shell, while learning some new things on his own. Also a slow burn, Friends to Lovers Slice of Life with lots of sex.
3. In The Realm of Giants

3. A high-fantasy adventure in the great Norse north. Two idiots, a giant and a human, go on an epic quest to one of the three major roots of the World Tree. Giant abducted human after catching human stealing some of his food, forcing the human on a journey across Jotünheim. Everything is giant to the human. Everything. Don’t ask how—this is also a slow burn Enemies to Lovers with….you guessed it….a lot of sex.
4. Tenshito

4. Archangel escapes the restrictive teachings of his seven older brothers to explore Earth Realm. Winds up accidentally launching himself into the cosmos, landing in a forest located in Japan. Angel must keep a human disguise to not be discovered by both Earth’s inhabitants, and his brothers who are actively hunting him to drag him back to the Heavenly Realms. Runs into a kind stranger, lives with him in his remote dojo in the woods, and discovers even deeper secrets about life on earth, outside of Earth, and his new friends. Friends to Lovers, Slice of Life in Japan where… get the idea 🍆
5. Lone Star Rangers
5. Gay cowboy finds a bounty (gay plant alien) on a dying planet, decides not to turn him in for credits, and both become bounty hunting partners. Intergalactic sci-fi, weird-western cowboys and aliens adventure across the cosmos. Cowboy sex. Yeehaw.
6. Operation: Relations
Man who is a professional cat burglar is rivals with a museum night guard. Preparing for heists at night, lives a normal life during the day. Runs into his rival outside of work, and night guard develops a huge crush on the thief. Thief knows exactly who the night guard is, night guard does not know he developed a crush on his rival (thief uses a disguise and voice mod). Crime syndicate that thief is a part of thinks this is a great opportunity to keep tabs on the Night Guard as part of the operation: tells Thief to take Night Guard on his offer to date. Thief is reluctant, but has to stick to the plan. Lots of shenanigans and sex ensues.
I’m going to gently poke the tag list to vote (and also of anyone wants to join in, feel free to!) Leaving this as an +open tag! 💛✨
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@autism-purgatory , @jev-urisk , @talesofsorrowandofruin , @clevah-girlboss , @wyked-ao3 , @glasshouses-and-stones , @gioiaalbanoart , @deanwax , @honeybewrites , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd , @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @illarian-rambling , @mysticstarlightduck , @the-letterbox-archives , @ominous-feychild , @saturnine-saturneight , @words-after-midnight , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @yourpenpaldee , @moltenwrites , @pixies-love-envy , @davycoquette , @writeahurricane , @nczaversnick , @greenfinchwriter , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @lavender-gloom , @aintgonnatakethis , @thecomfywriter , @pluppsauthor , @michellekarnold , @flurrysahin , @authorcoledipalo , @jadeglas , @spookyceph , @astramachina , @48lexr , @inseasofgreen , @saebasanart , @leatafandom , @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , @just-emis-blog , @aalinaaaaaa , @badscientist , @dearunreliablenarrator , @worlds-tallest-fairy , @rhikasa , @eccaiia , @swordslord

🦀 Kudos Crab 🦀
If you are scrolling and see Kudos Crab, your fics will be blessed!
You will get good comments and kudos!
You will beat your writers block!