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1 year ago

If you're an author/writer, a maladaptive daydreamer, alt, a cosplayer, into DnD/Roleplay, enjoy fantastical fashion, or generally just have a love for fantasy fiction... you HAVE to attend a Renaissance Faire at least once in your life.

I'm most of the above and it was an amazing experience for me. Entirely liberating. I forgot my job, my disorders, my responsibilities. Completely tossed aside my stress for an entire day. There were freaks everywhere; unusual humans of every lovely variety. My friends and I met so many great people. Anti-facists, anarchists, goths, punks...

I'm from a small town and know next to no alternative people. The X's on my gloves, safety pins, the yellow laces on my docs- people don't understand it. There I was able to speak the lingo and made friends in the process. At one point or another I was offered alcohol by a new acquaintance. Told them I was straight edge. Instead of looking at me weird, they GOT IT. Even apologized and asked if it would be disrespectful for them to drink in front of me. I'll tell ya, punks supporting other punks... nothing better.

It was like coming home.

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1 year ago

If you're an aspiring author working to get published, slaving away on a novel in progress with perfection as your goal... I would highly advise you, every once in a while... to write.

Not on your novel, not in your notes and concepts document, not on anything even remotely professional and not in a journal. Simply tell a story, stress free, with no expectations. Could be fanfiction from your favorite series, a random short story idea you had three months ago, or a writing prompt you found online. Allow yourself to have some fun again. Remind yourself why you love what you do. It will make you all the more determined and inspired to one day complete your ultimate work.

Fanfiction was how I originally fell in love with writing (that and my adventures in my paracosms). I started putting my story ideas on paper when I was eight. Four years ago I stopped writing fanfiction altogether, deeming it a waste of time when I could be putting my talents elsewhere. But a couple days ago I randomly decided to sit down with a computer and a few ideas, no outline or notes whatsoever, and just have a good time. Incredibly cleansing.

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1 year ago

"Words without poetry lack passion: words without passion lack persuasion; words without persuasion lack power."

-Brennan Manning

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4 years ago

Quick Tips For Developing Complex Characters That Aid The Plot And Message Of Your Story


One of the most important elements of character establishment is how a character is framed within the story. This can be shown best through their interactions with others, as well as their social capital.

Is your protagonist well-respected and recognised in their community? Does something about their lifestyle lead them to be treated poorly? Are they seen as experienced and knowing, or inexperienced and overzealous? Are they well-known or enigmatic? Framing a character as a top dog with a long way down to fall, or an up-and-comer clawing their way to the top against all odds, can make their place in the story and world feel richer and more complex. How others see them shapes how the reader sees them almost as much as how they see themself.


When developing characters with close relationships to others in the story, it’s important to consider how these relationships - as well as previous connections or their family history - shape their perspective and actions. Is your character used to taking care of people and making sensible decisions? Were they raised to value honesty, or to disregard it entirely? Do they consider themself a social pariah because of their relationship to the rest of their family, or do they feel comfortable in their standing?

This can also massively impact character motivation - is your character scared of hurting those around them, or desperate for revenge? Are they held back by a fear of putting their loved ones in danger, or does it spur them to take risks to keep them safe?


Giving your characters symbolism and repeated motifs can massively help to establish them thematically within the story, be they in dialogue, appearance or description. Associating a given character with a verbal motif (a repeated phrase or question) or with a physical descriptor (a colour, metaphor or symbolic comparison), especially when tied into interpersonal symbolism, can massively help to create depth in a way that is easier for a reader to grasp.

For example, if one of your secondary protagonists has struggled for most of their life with social anxiety or self-esteem issues, using a visual metaphor (e.g. a simile relating the character to an animal, or the world around them to some sort of environmental threat) can help outline and uphold development in this character, and to help their growth shine through, especially when such a metaphor is linked to the world they live in/the wider plot.


There are two significant types of character parallel that can really help make a character shine.

The first is interpersonal. Does your character have a foil in the narrative? Are they trying to follow in the footsteps of a significant figure in their life? Are they nottrying to, but it’s happening anyway? Does their story draw parallels to existing mythology, or classic narratives, and if so, does it subvert them?

The second type of parallel is more related to the narrative. If your story is about a decay - about a world or situation slowly getting worse - does your protagonist parallel this, or contrast it? Does their story end with them symbolising the dire situation they’re in, or emerging from it unscathed? If your story is about an ascent, or a plot, or a heist, does your protagonist get more and more hopeful as the story progresses, or do they dread the triumphant climax the closer it gets? How is their growth linked to this?


Every story has a conflict, but interpersonal conflicts of belief - especially between primary characters - can help establish a greater conflict in the narrative, and can also help make worldbuilding feel richer and more complex. How have your characters’ backgrounds shaped how they see the world? What are their political beliefs? Letting them argue, clash and disagree about world views and systemic problems, even if they’re fighting from the same side, can not only help characters individually feel more complex, but can flesh out the world you’re working in and provide more opportunities for conflict and development further down the line.

Does your protagonist get their beliefs from empathy or sympathy? Do they believe in doing what’s right, or doing what’s smart? Did a tough upbringing harden them to the world or make them kinder? Did an easy, happy childhood make them naive, or apathetic? No character should automatically have all the most palletable opinions. Explain where they got their views - it makes the whole story feel more broad.

Happy writing!

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4 years ago
Bible Researcher Eli Kittim Is The Goodreads Award-Winning Author Of The 5-Star Christian-Nonfiction

Bible Researcher Eli Kittim is the Goodreads Award-Winning Author of the 5-Star Christian-Nonfiction Book, “The Little Book of Revelation.”


What’s the Book About?

It’s a Retelling of the Jesus Story: A Biblical Study of the Sequence of End-time Events.


With Positive Reviews by Blueink Review & Renowned Bible Scholar Robert Eisenman!


Grab your copy here (buying links):

Official Eli Kittim Website
The Little Book of Revelation |

The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days [Kittim, Eli of] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying of

Barnes & Noble

The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days|Paperback
Barnes & Noble
This book is a fascinating study in search of the real Jesus. The author concludes that scripture is essentially a collection of prophecies,


To buy this book in Europe, click here:
The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days. : Kittim, Eli of: Livres

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4 years ago
Goodreads Contest Winner! #award_winning_book

Goodreads Contest Winner! #award_winning_book


*The Little Book of Revelation* was a winner in a Double Decker Books contest on Goodreads, a few years back. As a result, Double Decker Books and five other blogs promoted this book for several weeks. They included a book description, an author bio, editorial reviews, and buying links.


Here are some of the links:


InkSpell Reviews -

The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days
Ink Spell Reviews
The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days Blurb: “Sounds like you’ve got the subject well in hand … Your i


Spilling Words -

The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days
~Spilling Words~
The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days Blurb: “Sounds like you’ve got the subject well in hand … Your i


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7 months ago

A reminder to please take a chance on indie authors the same way you might indie films or indie video games. A lot of us work hard to create quality stories that are too subversive or unmarketable for a mainstream audience and if you're tired of the schlock that gets turned out by the big corps your next perfect read could be being peddled by a tiny nonentity on the corner of social media sending posts out on nothing but hope and a prayer. Don't write us off.

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6 months ago

I've got a lot of weird things.

Like, a sci-fi epic where I forgot to include humans lol.

Or reverse harem where she gets all the men :D

A reminder to please take a chance on indie authors the same way you might indie films or indie video games. A lot of us work hard to create quality stories that are too subversive or unmarketable for a mainstream audience and if you're tired of the schlock that gets turned out by the big corps your next perfect read could be being peddled by a tiny nonentity on the corner of social media sending posts out on nothing but hope and a prayer. Don't write us off.

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2 years ago

little red | masterlist


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Must Read!

please be sure to read this! it includes the possible trigger warnings!


Character Boards.





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2 years ago

little red | playlist.


little red masterlist!

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Greyhound - Ashton Irwin

“Blood of the rabbit, it stains my teeth.”

Criminal - Britney Spears

“He is a villain, by the devil’s law.”

Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant

“There ain’t nothing in this world for free.”

Checkmate - Conan Gray

“A lover on the large.”

I See Red - Everybody Loves an Outlaw

“Executioner style, and there won’t be no trial.”

Dog Days Are Over - Florence + the Machine

“Leave all your love and longing behind, you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive.”

Break My Heart - Hey Violet

“So light me up, and let me burn.”

Arsonist’s Lullabye - Hozier

“Some would sing, and some would scream.”

Bad Things - Jace Everett

“When you came in the air went out, and every shadow filled up with doubt.”

She Knows - J. Cole (ft. Amber Coffman & Cults)

“And deep down, she knows.”

DNA - Kendrick Lamar

“I don’t contemplate, I meditate, then off your fucking head.”

Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

“‘Cause you’re a criminal, as long as you’re mine.”

Saigon - Luke Hemmings

“Looking for thunder in these desert eyes.”

Cherry Flavoured - The Neighbourhood

“I’ve been getting high, it’s keeping me low now.”

Devil’s Advocate - The Neighbourhood

“If a God is a dog, and a man is a fraud, then I’m a lost cause.”

R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood

“I’m using white lighters, to see what’s in front of me.”

Wires - The Neighbourhood

“Mister know it all, had his reign and his fall.”

Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

“He’ll rekindle all the dreams it took you a lifetime to destroy.”

Ain’t It Fun - Paramore

“If it don’t hurt now then just wait, just wait awhile.”

Looking at Me - Sabrina Carpenter

“Don’t you come at me green with an attitude when my lips and my soles are red.”

Sue Me - Sabrina Carpenter

“So sue me for looking so pretty tonight, wearing your favorite color under the lights.”

Paris - Sabrina Carpenter

“Halfway ‘cross the world for me to notice.”

Born for This - The Score

“We are the warriors who learned to love the pain.”

Dark Red - Steve Lacy

“Something bad is ‘bout to happen to me, I don’t know what but I feel it coming.”

I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version)

“No apologies, he’ll never see you cry.”

mad woman - Taylor Swift

“What a shame she went mad, you made her like that.”

willow - Taylor Swift

“Wreck my plans, that’s my man.”

Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

“And why does she give a damn about me.”

If Walls Could Talk - 5 Seconds of Summer

“‘Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound.”

Older - 5 Seconds of Summer

“On the day that you leave me, I’ll forever be bleeding.”

Red Desert - 5 Seconds of Summer

“Red desert, heal our blues.”

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2 years ago

character boards | little red

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little red masterlist.

*✿❀ *✿❀ *✿❀ *✿❀ *✿❀ *✿❀ *✿❀ *✿❀

Scarlett Garner;

Character Boards | Little Red

Jackson Coaser;

Character Boards | Little Red

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7 months ago

I'm likely to redraft the first chapter; however, I'm just as likely to erase it completely. I don't actually have any idea whether it's worthwhile.

A first chapter should introduce the protagonist and set the stage for the rest of the story. But the reality is that, the first chapter takes places a couple hours before the inciting incident, with chapter 2 skipping to right after.

Elijah is (initially unknowingly) saved by his mother, hence the chapter title "Goodnight Elijah."

The story involves uncovering what happened. The inciting incident is that Elijah's people (the Wilsics) have been exterminated.

We don't introduce Hayden (second trio member) until chapter 2: "that's a friend," and Xander is teased in chapter 3: "for girls."

Trio De Hearts: Dust & Ashes

Sample from: Chapter One

Story by @ayaisokay (main blog)

A trio of unlikely friends embark toward neighbouring lands, hoping to find answers about the attacks against a warrior clan native to their land. While united with differences, will they find more similarities than expected?

The following sample is being redrafted, this will soon be outdated

"I'm not gonna lose to you again!" Elijah told his cousin, rushing past Tiago as he tossed a thick ball of snow at his head. Tiago stumbled, but he wasn't beaten just yet. He had longer legs that came down hard with a loud crunch against the snow.

Elijah was much smaller still; but he wasn't above finding ways to compensate for his shortcomings.

"There's more where that came from." He warned the older boy with a ghastly grin, scooping up more snow and balling it up in his stiffening hands. He turned back and found that Tiago was already gaining on him once more.

"Try it again, you little cheat." Tiago warned him, working to close the gap. He'd have probably managed it if he wasn't being pelted the entire time. The first strike scarcely missed his knee, the second strike, to his hip, almost sent him face first into leafless trees, but the third was better. Another headshot. Tiago was left struggling for footing after tripping on a rock he'd missed while temporarily blinded. He went down, lightly enough to roll and resume running fast, though he'd still wasted enough time for Elijah to create a large gap.

Yelling and making all manner of noise, the cousins soon found themselves breaking free of the forest's trees and into a short stretch of open plains.

Almost every blade of grass had been concealed in a thick layer of snow. Luckily, the cut out path remained illustrated by horse-tracks and their prior steps.

The boys had been at the race for 12 minutes already— this was the returning and final lap. They'd undergone this race countless times, but their return was always a test of their stamina— and yet, unyielding against his depleting reserves of energy, Elijah pushed on where he would often falter. Tiago wouldn't give up either. With two winters more growth, his strides made up for lost time— he was rapidly closing the gap between himself and Elijah.

They’d traversed roughly 2.4 kilometres already— there was barely 800 metres left to run.

Committed and at their limits, the rivals quartered the remaining distance in about a minute and a half. But, they’d fallen into silence. Only the sound of faint pants and the soft thud of snow crushed underfoot escaped them. Neither dared to utter a word, as they advanced onward, adorning the path with frantic steps.

Determined as he was, Elijah could only maintain his leading position for about a minute longer.

In the short stretch of plains, Tiago was unstoppable— Elijah had no branches or roots to help slow Tiago to his pace.

He passed Elijah with a grin, making sure to tilt his head back so that his rival could see it.

Unphased, Elijah stared dead ahead. The family estate was in sight, just 200 metres ahead. His objective: the well. It was visible through the open gate. He'd make it there first, he told himself, pushing to keep going, much to his aching legs' displeasure.

He'd noticed something his opponent had not. His legs just had to hold out long enough to take the advantage. "You're forgetting to keep your eyes forward," Elijah thought to himself, with a smirk forming on his face.

In close to 30 seconds, Tiago passed the village's gate first, triumphantly pumping his fist. Anticipating victory as the well sat just 20 metres away, he began to yell and cheer. "You're gonna lose ag—" he started, only to stumble on the latest coat of ice while Elijah slid past him. He'd happily embraced the opening, dropping to his knees and letting physics take control. For the first time, he attained victory against Tiago.

"Again?" He asked, "I wouldn't count on it." The proud boy exclaimed, taking his seat at the well.

"No way you won. You're as slow as a blind scribe writing lore." Lyra claimed, yelling from her house opposite the well. She was a meek girl with the voice of a Lion and the kind of attitude that would get boys into trouble.

"Leave him be," Tiago told the girl between breaths, tossing a snowball as he rose. Prepared, she dodged it quite effortlessly, surprising Elijah who watched as he caught his breath. "I'll be back to winning tomorrow." He claimed, tossing a second snowball bounding toward a red faced Elijah.

The hit almost knocked him into the well, but he couldn't help but giggle. "Yeah, if I freeze to death in there," he proposed to Tiago, who dragged himself over to take a seat at his side.

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8 months ago

you stole my sunshine.

By: ghostermctoaster and corn

Heyo! So! I mentioned in my bio that I like writing, so I’m teaming up with my friend Corn to write a FNAF based story centering around my ocs Alex and Alystyr. We’re in for a wild ride, I don’t know when the first chapter is going to be posted or if I consistently post on a regular basis, BUT I do know this is going to be fun and I hope you guys enjoy :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the FNAF universe nor do I claim the own FNAF universe, this is not a theory fic, this is for my own enjoyment. I do not own any characters unless stated (my ocs, for example) To add on, some plot points/theories may not match everyone’s views or not be canon, this is meant to be an alternate universe to the main games so please be aware not everything is going to be the same, thank you!

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8 months ago

Eight hours of lore research later and we only have 1.5k words written 🥲

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3 years ago

Please please please refrain from paywalling any sort of fanfic. The lack of monetary gain from fanfiction is one of the core reasons we are legally allowed to create/share/read it.

Fair Use doesn't entirely hinge on whether or not we are earning money, but it is one of the biggest factors a court will consider.

The OTW (company responsible for our ability to legally create fanfic; also owns Ao3) already does so much for us legally, and we absolutely do not need to make their job any harder.

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11 months ago

calling all authors!!

i have just stumbled upon the most beautiful public document i have ever laid eyes on. this also goes for anyone whose pastimes include any sort of character creation. may i present, the HOLY GRAIL:

this wonderful 88-page piece has step by step breakdowns of how names work in different cultures! i needed to know how to name a Muslim character it has already helped me SO MUCH and i’ve known about it for all of 15 minutes!! i am thoroughly amazed and i just needed to share with you guys 

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4 years ago


What is a plot?

A plot is the chain of events that make up the story in a book, movie, TV show, and the like. A plot generally consists of five major points: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution/ Denouement. 


This is the beginning of the story. Here, the reader is introduced to the setting, the characters, and the main conflict. 

Rising Action:

This is where the story starts to get complicated. The conflict begins to escalate to a much bigger issue.


This is the middle of the story. The characters may be panicking, as the conflict has reached its peak. 

Falling Action:

By this point of the book, the characters may have thought of a solution to the issue and are implementing it. The story begins to cool down.


This is the end of the story. The story is at a stopping point, the main issue resolved. If you’re writing a series, this may be where you would add the extra bit of information that leads into the next book.

What is a subplot?

A subplot is a plot that exists inside the main plot. An example being a group of characters working together to reach a concrete goal, but romantic tension existing between the two main characters at the same time - the subplot. 

These are the only two I felt needed some clarification. If you have any questions, or feel as though I’ve missed something, feel free to let me know!

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4 years ago


What is a genre?

A genre is a category that your story belongs to based on form, style, or subject matter.


Your book belongs to this genre if your characters are on a quest or journey to reach a concrete goal. Take The Lighting Thief  by Rick Riordan. The goal is to return the lighting bolt to Zeus before summer solstice, or there will be war.


Your book belongs to this genre if the world in your story has a type of magic system, or includes mythical creatures. Think of Dragons, Centaurs, Pixie dust, et cetera.


Your book belongs to this genre if the story centers around a question(Who, What, Where, Why, and How). Think of Criminal Minds, Mondays Not Coming, Lucifer, etc. 


Your book belongs to this genre if your story centers around the romantic relationship of two or more characters. Think of Five Feet Apart, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, Love, Simon, etc.  

(Keep in mind, your story can belong to more than one genre. There are no limitations.)

If anyone has any questions, or feels as though I’ve left something out, feel free to let me know! 

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6 months ago

"👏just 👏because 👏you're 👏traumatised 👏doesn't 👏mean 👏you 👏can 👏go 👏around 👏and 👏traumatise 👏 others 👏" - saturnfairycat

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