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2 years ago

Love is blind- Loki

Love Is Blind- Loki

Summary: You join an experiment for Shield Corp’s new dating app. You must see if you can find the one to spend your life with sight unseen. Your heart is set on Loki, but will your differences outweigh your love? Will you stand at the alter and say I DO? 

Pairing: Loki X Reader (Plus Size) 

Warnings: Talk of grief, Fluff, Eventual smut, Mutual pining, some angst.

Chapter 1:

               “Is love blind, can an emotional connection be strong enough to last a lifetime? Over the course of this experiment, we hope to not only find the answer. Over the next 2 weeks the 14 of you in this room will be dating 14 other individuals in another section of the estate but will never see their faces. That is until you find the one you think is your perfect match, get a proposal, AND a yes.” Nick Fury stood imposingly in front of the group of women, while his colleague Maria Hill was giving us a hopeful smile. “Are you ladies ready to meet your potential husbands?” Fury smirked at all of us like a cat does a mouse. And I couldn’t help but question what I had gotten myself into.

                 Six months ago, I lost my dad. He was my best friend and the person I could always rely on. My mom was devastated, he was her other half. I’ve never seen a connection like theirs anywhere else, they understood everything the other needed without question. They moved as one and finished each other’s sentences, they made it look so effortless. I’ve spent my whole life looking for that connection, my equal who will understand me completely.

In today’s world of “dating” apps where love = dick pics and messy one night stands that end in you being ghosted, my view on love isn’t exactly the standard anymore. It doesn’t help either that most of the guys are superficial pigs who neg woman for their skin color, fashion sense and most commonly, their size. As a size 22, I’m not exactly what most go for. I can’t count the number of comments I’ve received over the years on dates. “Don’t worry, you’ll lose the weight”, “You’d be so pretty if you just ate a salad”, “You looked smaller in your pics, stop fishing using angles.”

Fuck them! My diet is balanced, and I do cardio and strength training. I’m just curvy. Not my fault that they can’t handle all I have to give. I love my body, now I just need to meet the man who can handle all of me. And that’s when I got the ad, an email from the ShieldsDown app, the dating app made by Shield Corp. designed for serious relationships only. I had applied and was pending approval, only to get an invitation to participate in their latest experiment. Why not? Let’s just hope I don’t get my heart broken; a gal can only take so much. I smiled at the screen as I press accept.

               Now I’m one in a room of 14 beautiful women, all shapes, sizes, and shades, all awaiting the green light to enter their pods. Some of them seem great, like my roommate Nat, a beautiful red head with a light creamy complexion, she has a slight accent, but I can’t place it. Then there’s Pepper, a gorgeous and very thin woman dressed in designer clothing, such an elegant poise to her. A few others seemed nice enough, a young red head named Wanda, an enchanting woman with mocha skin, a shaved head and serious expression named Okoye, those are just a few that I’ve bonded with. But not everyone is very supportive of the “competition” as some put it. One being a blonde girl next door type named Sharon, her face is pretty, and her hair is a nice style, but her personality is so toxic. I’m already done with her, and we only met 4 hours ago.

               A buzzer sounded and the lights by our doors turned green, signaling that our pods were ready for our first dates. I turned to my new friends and looked them each in the eye with a nervous smile. Wanda looked excited, Nat looked bored, and Pepper was so nervous she was wiping her palms on her Gucci pantsuit.

“Good luck ladies” I forced passed the lump in my throat as I opened the door to my future.  “Wish me luck Daddy, I think this is it.”


               “Hello Darling, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” a smooth silky monotone voice greeted me. I couldn’t help the flush rising in my cheek.

God, why did the first one have to be British? I love accents! I can already feel my knees getting weaker. SHIT!! How long has it been since he spoke? Get it together Y/N!

“Y/N, and the gentleman with the delicious accent would be?” I replied, grateful that my voice wasn’t as shaky as my legs.

I heard a deep chuckle from the other side of the wall. “Loki darling, a pleasure.”

Inspecting the room as a distraction, I realized it only contained a large sofa and a coffee table, both facing a wall with a light up blue stained-glass wall with a speaker on each side. I got settled in while I asked him about his room, to which he replied with similar descriptions. After that topic was used up an awkward silence started to creep in.

“Ok, I’ll just say what we are both thinking. This is weird.” I break the tense silence and hear another chuckle. “Admit it, it’s true. I mean we are talking through speakers near a wall to a Stanger, who may or may not be our spouse in one month.”

“It is quite odd, never really thought this would be how I’d find my partner. Or that I’d even get a say.” The last sentence was almost mumbled, as if it was an after thought spoken aloud.

“Wait, so is your family into arranged marriages, is that what I’m hearing?”

“Technically yes, the only exception being that my parents, well adopted parents, chose each other. So, they felt like it was fate that they were paired together.” His voice sounded so wistful when he spoke about them, you couldn’t help but pick up on certain things.

“You lost them.” It wasn’t a question, he spoke about them with a love and sadness that you understood completely, the same way you sounded when you talked about your dad. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

There was a stunned pause, “How?” he questioned. “You too.” In that moment he felt at ease, someone else understood his pain. They didn’t pity him for his loss, they just felt a shared pain of their own.

“Yeah, my dad. He passed back in July.” The tears were falling silently down your face. You laughed the pain away. “And this is why I suck at dating! First 5 minutes and I’m talking about death. So romantic.” He laughs with you, “I think the blame for this interesting turn of conversation rests on both of us Darling, not just you. And as far as death, I’ve delt with my fair share of loss. When opening up to someone it’s inevitable that the topic with take a grim turn at some point. I rather like that we got it out of the way early on.” I could almost feel his warm smile as he spoke to me.

               Over the next hour we stayed on lighter topics, do we have any siblings, our favorite subjects from school, and even most played song this year. Loki has one brother and one sister, both his father’s biological children, but the oldest, Hela, was from a previous marriage. Loki’s favorite subjects were English, theatre and music, very unsurprising as he seems highly educated and elegant in his speech. His most played song, however, was very surprising. Hank Williams’ Hey Good Lookin, which I got a rendition of as proof. He even makes my southern accent sound sexy, damn.

               We were interrupted by the buzzer and red light near our separate exits. I let out an involuntary sigh, my disappointment evident.

“I don’t want to leave either Darling, but rest assured you will be hearing from me again. Very soon.” Loki smiled at the glass on his side.

A smile light up my face, “If we must. I fear I may be bored until then Loki, so try to make it quick.” Our light banter coming naturally as if we had known each other for years instead of minutes.”

“Until then darling.” He heard the click of her door closing and with that sound his heart sealing on her. His Y/N, she was the one. He just knew it. Mother help him, is this how Odin felt when he met Frigga? If so, he understood why his father made the nine realms bow to him to keep her safe. He would do anything for this witty, energetic, and enchanting woman, and he had yet to even see her face.

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2 years ago

Love is Blind- Loki

Chapter 2:

Love Is Blind- Loki

Summery: You join an experiment for Shield Corp’s new dating app. You must see if you can find the one to spend your life with sight unseen. Your heart is set on Loki, but will your differences outweigh your love? Will you stand at the alter and say I DO? 

Pairing: Loki X Reader (Plus Size) 

Warnings: Talk of grief, Fluff, Eventual smut, Mutual pining, some angst.

The procession went on after I left Loki, I visited 6 more pods that day and spoke to some interesting characters. One was a timid man with a quite nature named Bruce, I had a feeling he wasn’t quite what he portrays himself to be, that there’s a great deal beneath those still waters. There were a few other that I couldn’t connect with. Tony, the narcissist who talked a great deal about physical appearance, highly unlikely to be a match there. Scott was another one, very energetic and friendly, but also reckless, he told me stories of his misspent youth. I prefer certainty and planning out my life instead of rolling the dice. Another one was Thor, who turned out to be Loki’s brother, seemed friendly and once I mentioned Loki he opened and even encouraged me to nourish that connection. I could feel the love and concern for Loki in his voice, it made me long for a sibling of my own, maybe Thor will be that for me as well. The other two weren’t really that interesting, nothing stood out to me other than Peter, the one who yelled at me for never having seen Footloose, the “greatest movie of all time”, and Clint, who was very neutral, only talking to me like you would a coworker, he even called me “bro”. 

 Finally, round one of the pods was over, having talked to 7 of the 14 men the ladies were all abuzz with gossip. I wasn’t really one for girl talk so I sat next to my new friends with a mug of warm chai tea. 

 Nat went on and on about Clint, she was drawn to his brash humor and reserved nature. They seemed like a good pair to be honest. 

 Pepper was complaining about Tony, his slightly sexist comments and innuendos were irking her, and she just couldn’t seem to shake him out of her mind. If I was a betting woman, I’d say those two are either getting married by the end of this or, more likely, getting engaged just to have intense hate sex and then crash and burn. Either way, there are in for a ride for sure. 

 Wanda blushingly gushed about a sweet man named Vis, drawn to his kind energy and somewhat gullible nature. I decided to take my visit with him to fish for his feelings for Wanda, I’m not the kind to stab another woman in the back, us girls gotta stick together, especially in here. 

 A cackle echoed through the room from a group of women in the other corner. Their loud comments as clear as if they were right next to me. 

 “He just sounds so perfect, like one of those gentlemen in the 40’s or 50’s who provide everything for their wife. I’d love to be spoiled and pampered.” Sharon’s annoyingly gushed. 

 Figures the self-centered one would want a man to dote on her hand and foot. God, I feel for that poor sap named Steve. 

 The group slowly dispersed to their separate suites, Nat and Y/n leaving next to last and going to their individual rooms.


 The next morning Y/n woke up bright and early, very unlike her, excited for day two of the introductions. Dressed in denim shorts and a flowery top with cold shoulders, hair thrown up in a cute messy bun and a pair of tie-dye classic Reebok shoes. Finishing the look are your dark framed glasses. 

 The rest of the morning went by in a blur or excitement and stress from all the girls. Breakfast was practically inhaled off the island, and the coffee pods were almost empty, guess not many people slept well. Finally, all the women arrived at their first pods of the day, the lights turn green, and they all open their doors. 

 I enter the pod to hear a scratching sound. My brows scrunch in confusion. There is no other sound, just the scratching and maybe a shuffling of paper. 

 “Hello?” The scratching sound immediately stops, and a throat clears before I hear a rich deep voice reply.

 “Hello ma’am, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Steve.” His voice is deep but hesitant, almost shy, or embarrassed.

“So, you’re the one half the ladies are fussing over. Tell me mister popular, what’s your deal? How did you charm practically every woman you’ve talked to so far?” I teased.

 “Frankly?” He responded with a chuckle,” I have no clue. I just talked to them, asked them about themselves. The usual questions about family, job, hobbies. I’ve never been the pickup lines kind of guy.” 

 “Ok, I respect that. Smooth snarky comments aren’t everything, they often are used just to hide one’s own insecurities.” I looked down at my waist, remembering how I used to feel growing up being the “big” girl that no guys showed interest in. “I been guilty of that myself quite often.”

 “I know a little something about those too. I just prefer the honest route. I was the scrawny kid who had a mouth on him, didn’t know when to back down. Then I joined the army, got in shape, and ended up opening my own gym run by Veterans like myself. Even now, when I look in the mirror all I see is the tiny version of me that I hated.” There was a notable heavy pause. “Sorry, you probably have no idea what I’m going on about.” He tried to laugh off the awkward tension. 

 “Actually, I do know. I’m not, nor have I ever been tiny. The exact opposite in fact. I used to look in the mirror and I remember asking myself why I was so big, no matter how much I watch my diet, how many miles I ran, how much I could lift, I couldn’t get any smaller. I just would cry myself to sleep wondering why I didn’t look like everyone else.” Silent tears flow down my face, my voice trembling slightly. “But I realized that that was never in the cards for me. I kept a balanced diet and exercise, but I don’t care how many pounds are on the scale or how many x’s are before the word large on my clothes. I’m happy with the way I look, and I love myself. That’s what really matters.” 

 “You’re amazing.” His voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve changed the way I look entirely, and I still don’t really feel comfortable in my own skin. You were able to do what I never could. “

 “Accept myself?” I asked confused. 

 “Love myself.” He replied sadly. 

 “We’ll just have to work on that then. Won’t we?” I smiled, hopeful that I could help someone else love themselves, just as they are. 

 We went on for the remaining hour discussing our outlets for when we are feeling insecure. Turns out we have a similar love for art, and history. My obsessed monologue about the English monarchies was interrupted by the red light flashing. 

 “And I was just getting to Elizabeth! Well, I guess we’ll just start with her next time.” I huffed in fake agitation. 

 “I’ll remind you where we left off, her “daddy issues” as you called them.” His deep chuckle warming the room. 

 We went our separate ways out of our pods, and I went on to the next feeling hopeful. If I don’t find a husband, at least I’ll be leaving with some great new friends. Knowing no matter what, I love myself.

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2 years ago
Love Is Blind Masterlist

Love Is Blind Masterlist

Summary: You join an experiment for Shield Corp’s new dating app. You must see if you can find the one to spend your life with sight unseen. Your heart is set on Someone, but will your differences outweigh your love? Will you stand at the alter and say I DO?


Love Is Blind Masterlist

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


Love Is Blind Masterlist


Love Is Blind Masterlist

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2 years ago

Avengers Masterlist:

Avengers Masterlist:

Love Is Blind:

Summary: You join an experiment for Shield Corp’s new dating app. You must see if you can find the one to spend your life with sight unseen. Your heart is set on someone, but will your differences outweigh your love? Will you stand at the alter and say I DO?

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2 years ago





Summery: Under the full moon on a bed of rose petals sat a beautiful woman. A woman so desperate she was willing to place an open call into the universe to get the only thing she wanted, a baby. And she was gonna have one at any cost.

Pairing: Demon!Bucky x Plus Size! Reader

Warnings: SMUT, slight dub/con, breeding kink, no protection (cause baby making),

Y/N sat under the light of the moon in the field. Her skin illuminated in contrast to the vibrant red of her babydoll set enhancing her ample curves. Her exposed ass and thick thighs nestled in a pool of rose petals. The flames of red and white candles swaying in the slight breeze with her long dark tresses of curls. In front of her vulnerable form stood a small statue of a fertility goddess on her makeshift alter, along with a knife for sacrifice and a goat horn for masculine energy.

The night was eerily quiet, not a single nocturnal creature daring to stir and interrupt the ritual taking place.

“Bucky, I wish to make an exchange.” Y/n whispered into the night. “My blood for my blood. I crave this gift and know the price. I willingly pay.” She lifts the dagger off the one alter and placed the blades edge to her left palm. She applies presser to cut open her hand. Before even a drop is spilt, the air grew heavy and the flames extinguished themselves.

“Don’t mare suck lovely skin doll.” A rich deep voice whispered into her ear. She felt the rush of warmth at his presence and her mind goes hazy with lust, hardly even noticing him remove the dagger from her grip. A large cold hand was placed on her bare shoulder causing her to shiver in anticipation.

“My gift requires a fair exchange, does it not?” Y/n slowly turns her head to look at the strange entity with a falsely innocent expression. Her breath escapes her as she’s entranced by intense blue eyes, perfectly plump lips perfect for biting and luscious dark locks made for pulling. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, just making her that much happier with her plan.

“Yes doll, but I don’t ask for blood.” A smirk appeared on his face, his eyes showing that he didn’t buy her act one bit. “My price is far more enjoyable, for both of us.”

Hand still on your shoulder, he turns her around to face him fully. His other hand travels up her neck to cup her face as he leans in to tease her. Their lips just a breath apart, eyes locked in a passionate and questioning gaze. “Am I the demon for you doll? Or would you prefer the painful methods of the others?“

“I want you.”

At these words his self restraint snapped. Lips crashing together in an intense kiss, biting lips and tongues battling for dominance. His hands slipping from her shoulders taking the thin straps of her negligee with them. Further down they traveled cupping her now bare breasts, the curves of her stomach and hips, and landing on her ass. Grabbing and kneading her globes, both of them eliciting the most delicious moans and groans either had ever heard.

His lips trailed kisses down her throat and over her collarbone as he lifted her up onto his lap. Her hands reaching up to grab his hair, one hand in his perfect locks and the other grasping his short black horn and guiding his mouth back to her breasts, the rough movement causing him to growl in pleasure. He pushed her hips down onto his covered erection and ground into her dripping mound.

The whine ripping its way up her throat ending in a whimper as he aggressively teased her nipple, rolling the other one with his cold metal fingers. The temperature contrast feeling like heaven and hell were working in tandem to bring her to her peak.

As the pressure built in her the high getting ever closer, she bucked her hips on her own. Wildly thrashing over his bulge to get as much friction as possible, driving him insane, needing her more with every passing second.

“I need to make the deal first doll, payment comes after.” He chuckled, voice strained with lust. His blue eyes blown wide, almost completely pupils with his raw desire.

Y/n whimpered, her hand traveling between their bodies to her soaked core. Her fingers hooked into her tiny panties and ran thru her slick heat. Little gasps and moans slipping between her lips and into his ears, enticing him further towards the edge of his control.

Looking into his eyes, now pure black, y/n stops playing with her slit and ran her fingers over his full lips. He opens them instantly and she slides into his mouth. He sucks them slowly, tongue caressing her. An almost pained moan vibrating against her fingers still sealed by his lips. His hips thrusting more erratic, as her hand still on his horn holds him still why she thrusts her fingers in and out of his mouth, matching the pace of his own thrusts against her.

“I need you.” Y/n whines as she slides her fingers from his mouth, “please fill me daddy. I need it now.” Y/n’s hands caressing his bare chest, nails digging in just enough to cause his eyes to roll back. She rocked her hips and played with her nipples head thrown back moaning loudly into the night.

His attention snapped back to her, wantonly grinding on his dick in ecstasy. Needy and desperate, just how he loved them. The last of his resolve crumbled with the nibbles to his neck as she whimpered.

“Daddy…. please…”.

“Fuck” he growled. Ripping her thin panties off her ass, he laid her back on the pool of rose petals kissing and biting a trail down her torso, over her plump stomach and to the plush mound below. Looking her in the eyes he devoured her greedily, like a starved man in the dessert who found an oasis, the nectar coming from between her perfect thighs. His moans and groans radiating through her quickly drove her to her peak with the most erotic, animalistic noises he had ever heard.

“Fuck…. Daddy!” She came soaking him as he speeds up trying to drink every last drop. When he finally comes up for air his stubble is dark and his face is glistening and flushed.

He sits up and grabs her thighs pulling her swiftly to him, as his pants dissolve before her eyes. Y/n gasps Audibly at the sheer size of him. Having her practically drooling over his cock had him smirking.

“Ready for daddy’s dick babydoll?” He teased in her ear. Her eyes met his as she bit her lip and whimpered.

“Yes Daddy.” He plunged into her in one thrust, knocking the breath out of her. He was merciless in his deep, relentless thrusts. Hitting her sweet spot right away, he had her keening mindlessly at the pleasure consuming her. Her second climax coming so quickly she was blindsided. Soaking his thighs as he continued his animalistic pounding trying to chase his own high.

She grabbed his horns for balance and yanked his head back to lick and nibble along his throat, driving him even more wild. His pace increased, to her surprise, bringing her to yet another climax. His hips grew more erratic as he neared his own peak, the possessive growl coming from him made her clench around him one last time taking him over the edge. His eyes flashed red as he sunk his teeth into your exposed neck as he emptied his seed into her.

She wrapped her legs around his hips, keeping him inside her warmth as she whispered an incantation. His form locked up, he lifted his head from her shoulder and meet his wide blues eyes with hers as realization hit him. Stroking his face lovingly as she finished her spell, she smiled at the ink band forming around his right ring finger and her own left one. She leaned up and kissed him sweetly.

“What have you done?” He was in shock looking down at your beautiful happy face.

“I got what I wanted.” She replies sweetly.

“You wanted to be fertile…. I was supposed to allow you to become pregnant with your partner.” He tries to understand her.

“Silly, there isn’t a human man I desire to be with.”

“But…. You wanted a baby. And summoned me, an Incubus…. to gift you the ability to have one.”

“No daddy,” he shivered at the title now realizing the truth, “I summoned you to help me make a baby.” Looking into her eyes he now sees the obsession and lust combined.

“What better pair can there be? Me, a witch with an insatiable lust that no mortal can even touch, and you, a demon who needs orgasms to live.” She kisses his neck and bites down hard, making a mark that matches her own he gave her in the throes of passion. Claiming him as her mate but completing the set. “And just image how perfect our babies with be Daddy, with your eyes and horns.” She grinds her hips against him, hungry for more. Eyes pulling him in again.

They never stopped, their lusts fueling each other for eternity. A carnal union that was bound by magic and desire. Y/n bore him many children, all with his eyes and their own pairs of demon horns. Together they breed the perfect race of sexy demons.

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2 years ago

Thanks for the recommendation @lilacprincessofrecovery. I always love to explore the fluffier sides of Tony.

Thinking of making this a series. Please let me know what you all think.

Thanks For The Recommendation @lilacprincessofrecovery. I Always Love To Explore The Fluffier Sides Of

*Tony and Y/n have been together for a few months*

Y/n walked into her bedroom in a trance, exhausted from long hours in her kitchen perfecting her Easter treats. The largest order she’s ever made, of course supplying for your boyfriend’s holiday charity gala would require an outrageous amount of sweets. This was her moment to shine and grab the attention of the big wigs of NYC to boost her business.

After hours of decorating cookies and molding chocolates, Y/n was covered in sugary goop. Her hair had pastel shades of the rainbow mixed in from icing and edible luster dust. Stripping out of her sugar coated clothes she looked in the mirror, noticed the messy knots in her hair and the chocolate that got into places it shouldn’t be. She was a mess.

On days like today, when she’s tired, stressed, and completely overworking herself, she has a bad tendency to harshly criticize herself. Having sampled the sweets non-stop for the last week she looked hard for any new fat rolls or stretch marks. Her hands run over her curves in a very judgmental way, inspecting for the smallest increase in weight. She’d pick at her face, the dark circles prominent from lack of sleep. She’d pick herself apart and ask how she could fool herself into thinking that she could be worthy of anyones love, let alone her perfect boyfriend.

The Tony Stark. The billionaire, playboy, philanthropist himself settled down in a committed relationship, and with you a 26 year old baker who wears a size 22. He had models that threw up more than they ate and looked like the wind could blow them away. But he always made sure you felt like the most precious woman in the world. On good days when you were your confident self he’d take you out, he couldn’t take his hands off you. Arms around your belly when talking to someone else, and rubbing your arm or resting on your thigh while driving. And the looks he’d give you from across the room while he was supposed to be talking with business associates, like he was a kid looking at a lifetime supply of his favorite candy, and he had just won it.

But what made her love him even more was how he treated her on her bad days. On days like today, when she let the voice in her head tell her she was worthless and unlovable, Tony made it a point to prove her wrong. He’d order in her favorite food, fuck the calorie counts and portions controls, his girl wanted comfort food and she was gonna get all of it. He’d order her dinner and pour her a drink, letting her fill her stomach before he drew her a bath and lets her soak her cares away. He’d set up her favorite playlist and set a new book out for her to read while she soaks and refills her glass to the top. On really bad days he’d even join you, he’d sit behind you in the water and just hold you while you cried, kisses to you neck and shoulders and whispers of loving words reminding you that you were perfect to him.

Once her muscles and her mind were relaxed he’d scratch and rub her back and then cuddle her until she fell asleep, whispering more loving words into her ear, while caressing every bit of fat on her body, until he fell asleep himself.

“Cupcake?” Tony looked at her reflection in the mirror from the doorway of her bedroom. She was so in her own self deprecating world that she didn’t even hear him come home. “Is it a cuddle night baby?”

She just nodded holding back tears of shame. He stepped towards her, cupping her round cheeks in his large warm hands. He smiled at her with love in his eyes.

“Ok baby, let me run the bath.” He was determined to remind her again and again just how perfect she was, and he always would.

God she loved him.

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2 years ago

Hey guys, sorry I haven’t posted anything for a few weeks. Work has been crazy! 🫣 I have the next few days off so, in between cleaning up my messy house and other errands, I’m gonna do a writing binge.

Hopefully I’ll have some chapters and drabbles that I can post over the next week or so to keep you all entertained. 🤞🏻Now that work is easing up I should be making a schedule for story drops. Keep an eye out! 😘

Hey Guys, Sorry I Havent Posted Anything For A Few Weeks. Work Has Been Crazy! I Have The Next Few Days

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2 years ago
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Summary: Y/n was rescued by Bucky when she was younger leading them to a beautiful friendship. But will the friendship evolve into something more with distance and time? Y/n is all grown up now and the boys are back from war. Will their longing hearts finally become one?

Warning: angst, eventual smut, talk of assault, fluff

Moving to Brooklyn seemed like a nightmare to you at the time, you were 8 years old and Texas was the only home you had ever known.

Growing up in your small town everyone knew everyone, and no one batted an eye at your chunky frame. You had just always been that way. But here, in the big city full of strangers, you could feel the judgemental stares and the hear the whispered criticisms. Never before had you felt insecure in your own skin, but New York had a way of making everyone feel out of place. And you absolutely hated it.

After a while a group of boys a few grades above you started to harass you on the way home from school. They were maybe 12 or 13yrs old, and would follow you around making rude comments about your weight and the clothes you wore.

This went on for years until you were 15, and the harassment took on a new tone. The stares became lecherous and the comments more sexual. You became very afraid, always kept pepper spray and your dads pocket knife on you just like he told you. The day came were one of the older boys tried to corner you into the wall and touch you.

He didn’t get very far, as you reached for the mace in you pocket you heard a deep voice growl out at the boys.

“You punks better back away from the dame.” You could see him over the assailant’s shoulder, blue eyes dark with rage and jaw tense. If looks could kill, the boy trying to pin you to the wall would be dead.

James “Bucky” Barnes, the guy every girl in Brooklyn wanted, and who could blame them? He was kind, charming and practically a white knight, he rescued girls all the time from creeps like these, and rescued his best friend too. Here he was standing in the alley about to fight 3 guys all on his own, and he didn’t even know who you were. At least you didn’t think so.

“Back off Barnes, this don’t concern you!” Sneered the boy in front of you.

“Well I think it does punk. Now back off the dame and leave.” Bucky’s eyes narrowed into a glare, fists clenched at his sides. You were baffled, he was really gonna do this, was gonna pick a fight, outnumbered, for a complete stranger.

Getting your whits together you tighten your hand on the mace in you pocket. You met Bucky’s eyes and gave him a look, glancing at the other 2 silent goons. You prayed he’d understand, and it looked like your prayers were answered when his eyes brightened with understanding and his lips lifted in a smirk.

Tapping your would be attacker on the shoulder you sprayed him in the eyes as soon as he turned to face you. Then you kneed him in the balls with all your strength, and shoved him back. His ass landed groaning on the asphalt in agony, while you could hear the pained moans and grunts from the other two near the alley entry. Glancing up you see Bucky with blood coming from his lip and the other two knocked out cold on the ground.

Bucky offered you his hand and guided you to safety, Penny’s dinner just a few blocks down. He stayed with you to make sure you were ok, helped you through the shock. You ended up staying the rest of the evening drinking milkshakes and eating burgers with both him and Steve. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Sadly, your boys went off to war, you had to watch Bucky leave first, followed by little Stevie, who wasn’t so little anymore. You spent 3 years writing your boys letters and praying that you’d get one back. You always did, some times they’d take months to get to you, but you’d get just as many as you’d send. Once you didn’t get a response for 6 months and all at once got 20 letters from each of them, responding to each and every question you had asked in detail.

Steve met a gal named Peggy, a pretty British thing that loved him for who he was on the inside, not his new muscles. You liked her already, and couldn’t wait until he brought her home. But this also worried you, if Steve could find someone over seas, then couldn’t Bucky? You kept you feeling locked away, but it was there and it was all consuming, you’d been in love with him since that day when you were 15. But you knew he couldn’t feel the same way, he was older, mature and could get any pretty girl he wanted. Why would he go for the young, thick girl who happened to be one of his best friends.

The day came when the war was over, we had one. Your boys were coming home. You got the news of their arrival and racesd home from work to change. You slipped into you summer dress with the roses and gold sandles, curled your hair and put on your favorite burgundy lipstick then raced to the airport to see your boys.

The tall mop of blonde hair was easy to spot first, and next to him the brunette who held your heart. Grinning so large, feeling as if your face would split open, you yelled for them.



Their heads whipped in your direction and their eyes grew big. Standing by the luggage carrousel was y/n, but not the y/n they left 3 years ago. No, this y/n was all grown up. Bucky’s heart practically stopped, she was gorgeous. All curves and legs, her hair was wild and her full lips were painted a deep burgundy. She was a vision, an angel after the hell of war.

Before he left for war he had a small crush on her, his delicate bunny. So sweet and pure, he vowed to protect her from everything that would ruin her, including himself. So he kept it locked away, was there for her as a friend. But after 3 years of nothing but letters and longing, he was so worried he would lose her to someone else, that she would meet some punk while he was gone and this faceless guy would take away his bunny.

He kept reminding himself the whole way home that Y/n is just a friend, that he had no claim to her and no right to be possessive. But the second he saw her he had trouble remembering how to breath, let alone why he shouldn’t have her. That she wasn’t his bunny, but damnit, yes she was. And he was gonna prove it!

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2 years ago
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Summary: Y/n was rescued by Bucky when she was younger leading them to a beautiful friendship. But will the friendship evolve into something more with distance and time? Y/n is all grown up now and the boys are back from war. Will their longing hearts finally become one?

Warning: angst, eventual smut, talk of assault, fluff

Bucky and Steve were frozen like statues in front of you, staring openly in shock. You could feel the blush creeping up your neck to your face under their gaze.

“Why are you so shocked? I haven’t changed that much! Stevie’s the one who shot up 7 feet!” You exaggerate with a nervous giggle.

It was steve’s turn to blush bright red, and all of you burst into laughter.

“You’ve got me there y/n! But seriously, we weren’t expecting you to look so grown up. When we left you were still our little y/n. Now look at you!” Steve tried to reason.

“Says the tree standing in front of me! Need I remind you that when you left, I was taller than you by over a foot. Now you tower over me like a skyscraper!” You jokingly roll your eyes at him. The tense awkwardness leaving the air and you all feel normal again.

“Same old bunny, sassy as ever huh doll?” Bucky smiles at you and your heart melts. How can he hold even more sway over you that he did before? Because we thought we were gonna lose him everyday for 3 years the voice in your head snarks back.

“I’ve always got sass for my boys, who else is gonna knock sense into you two if not me? And maybe now that Stevie’s got a gal, she can held me out?” You playfully winked at Steve before leading them to their luggage.

As you all left the airport Steve told you more about Peggy, how she was brave and strong but also as insecure in relationships as Steve was, this being the first for both of them. You couldn’t wait to meet her next month, when she would be done visiting her own family.

Steve and y/n filled most of the conversation with stories about the howling commandos and your job at the book store around the corner from their place. Bucky’s silence going unnoticed as they walk up to their apartment.

The apartment had been just the boys’ home until they left for war. You had kept it nice and made sure that their bills were paid with the checks their sent. Finally last year when you where 17, they sent a letter for you to just move in. You were grown enough and practically living there already. When you lost your mother it just made sense to live in the home that reminded you of loved ones that were coming home, instead of a house full of memories of one that was lost forever.


The apartment was a small 2 bed, 1 bath which in hindsight was now a problem. And that’s where Bucky’s mind went. Where was y/n gonna sleep? There are 2 rooms, 2 beds, and now 3 people. He wanted more than anything for her to sleep in his arms every night for the rest of their lives, but he couldn’t just say that. He didn’t want to scare his bunny.

Bucky and Steve both went to their separate rooms to unpack and y/n followed bucky. The moment he stepped into the room he was hit with her scent, coconut and vanilla covering the whole room.

Her stuff was perfectly combined with his throughout the room. The closet and dresser were each split down the middle. The book selves, the bed side table, even the shoes by the bedroom door, all had her belongings right next to his.

Bucky was high from the scene in front of him, the one thing he had been dreaming about for years. The room was their room, the bed that was once just his, she now slept in it too. This was finally their room, and he was determined to make it their life, permanently.


Unpacking, he remained silent while Y/n stood by the door watching him. She was waiting for him to tell her to grab her things, and to move to the couch or that he would be the one sleeping on it. She figured with them home she’d have to start her apartment hunt, there were some options she already had narrowed down. Not that she wanted to move, she wanted nothing more than to curl back up in that bed with bucky by her side every night. But she thought that that was the last thing he would want.

Bucky saw the ad on the nightstand, apartments circled in red, and picked it up. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You rushed to explain to bucky.

“I figured I needed to start looking, now that your room was occupied again.” You laugh weakly, trying to hold in the heartbreak.

“You don’t have to go anywhere Doll, this is our room, not just mine.” He looks you in the eyes, the blue depth swirling with emotion making you lose your breath. Your brows crease is confusion as you look at him hopefully.

He places his hand on your arm as he steps closer, his body pressing against your own. His other hand lifts your chin up to look into your eyes.

“I had you move in because I wanted you safe, wanted you home. And now that I have you here? Doll, you’re not going anywhere. Those dresses are going to stay in our closet, those heels are gonna stay by the door and your perfectly curvy ass is gonna sleep in our bed every night curled against me.” Bucky groaned into your ear between the kisses he trailed along your neck. You gasped his name while grinding into his caresses along your body.

“Tell me you’ll stay baby. Tell me you love me too.” Blue orbs looked at you full of love and desire.

“I love you.” You leaned into his waiting lips. “ I’m yours Jamie, I always have been.” You kiss him to convey all the longing, and the love you both had held back. In this moment the both of you agreed that all of the waiting and the war had been worth it. Because through it all you found each other.

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2 years ago

Sweet Temptations


Summary: All her life Y/n had smelt nothing but blood, determined to ease the suffering of her soulmate she vowed to only surround herself with sweet scents. But what happens when a sexy thick thighed Space Viking walks through her door? 

Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Soulmate AU, some body shaming, talk of grief. 

Y/n had lived her whole life smelling scents that weren’t around her. She always thought she was crazy, or something was physically wrong with her, that was until the day her mother told her about soulmates. Everyone had a soulmate, and they were connected by one of the 6 senses, her parents had been connected by sight, so they had found each other relatively easy.

Others aren’t so lucky and get taste or, like you, smell. How were you supposed to find your other half on smell alone? Most scents were normal, soaps and clean laundry and sometimes the smell of the outdoors, like grass and flowers. The smell that worried you the most was the metallic sting of blood.

This was the most common smell, it scared you to think that your soulmate could be hurt, or that they had to see the level of violence that would cause such a strong smell of copper. You decided that you would only give them sweet smells, scents to comfort them and make them feel safe.

Years later, you were keeping that promise you made to yourself. Sweet Temptations was 7 successful years into business, despite the snap being done 6 years ago and then undone just last year, your business had never suffered. Here you were, the best pastry chef in Queens, and the staple baker for none other than the Avengers themselves.

You had gotten to know Nat after the snap, she had been grieving and needed some serious sugar therapy, and she deemed that both your pastries and your friendship were the cure. Now that everyone she had lost was back, they all were addicted to you too. You’d only met a few members of the team besides Nat, including Wanda, Tony, and Steve all of whom you had seen in person. Bruce only ever ordered over the phone, Nat told me he’s kind of a hermit, but he made her happy and seemed sweet.

Nat was the only one that knew your secret, no one else knew about the link with your soulmate. They thought you just loved to bake, and in a way you did now. But it took years for your choice to become a passion. One that hopefully one day would pay off. For the last handful of years, you’d had the stench of stale beer and old pizza wafting into your nose, over the last few months it was being replaced with much more pleasant scents like clean laundry and soap. You just worried about what would make them so upset to drown themselves in beer and carbs every day for 6 years.

Thor had been struggling with his depression and survivors guilty now that most of his made family had been returned to him. He actively had been trying to better himself and get back the once confident god. No videogames, no drinking and most importantly therapy, to recover from his grief and forgive himself.

Thor left his latest session to see a message from Lady Natasha, asking him to pick up her pastry order. Normally he would have made an excuse to avoid such a temptation, but he had a confidence boost from his session. Most people would believe that his vice was drinking, but they would be very wrong, with the constant scent of fresh pastries and sweets constantly floating around him he had the biggest sweet tooth on Midgard. It was all thanks to his soulmate, whoever they were, for the persistent raging battle of wills.

This errand for Natasha was to be his true test, he vowed to not sample any of the delicious morsels that this shop had to offer. He was a god of his word, and he would win this mental battle. The entire walk there he believed that this was true, until he walked in and saw the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, serving said delicacies.

Her smile lit up the room, her cheekbones lifting higher making her round face even more round. Warm y/e/c eyes shifted their focus to him as she called him by name.

“Thor, right? You’re here for Nat’s order?” Sweet voice like honey in his ears. So lost in her that he stayed silent just staring. Politely she didn’t mention his odd behavior and simply wrote a note and attached it to the box of pastries she handed over.

“Here you are handsome! Tell Nat hi for me, ok?” She winked at him. A blush rose on his cheeks at her comment. How could she think he was handsome, surely, she was jesting? He once had been handsome but now he was much heavier and less muscular. He avoided looking in mirrors and just started wearing clothing other than sweatpants last week. She had to be acting nice because she was Natasha’s friend, she couldn’t really mean what she had said.

The walk back to the compound went quickly as he mentally spiraled with negative thoughts about his body. As he walked into the living room of their communal floor the team swarmed him for their treats only to freeze in place at the look on his face.

“You wanna talk about it bud?” Bucky asked, having gone through his own mental hurdles he knew not to press too much and demand answers. And the look on Thor’s face showed that currently those mental demons were kicking his ass.

“Therapy went well, I was quite confident and feeling more like my old self. But then I saw this beautiful woman and she called me handsome, but she must have been joking. I just kind of spiraled.” Thor laughed awkwardly to make light of his pain.

“Hey Pointbreak, this woman happen to be curvy, with a smile like sunshine and y/h/c hair?” Tony asked him, startled Thor nodded in confirmation.

“She meant it big guy, says so right here.” He pulls out a note card with Y/n’s name and number that says “If talking isn’t your thing, maybe texting me will be easier” with a heart and a wink.

Nat hid smiling in the corner her plan working perfectly, while Thor was recovering back at home, post un-snap, he told her of his soulmate connection and the tempting smells of sweet sugary treats. She had her suspicions, so she started ordering more treats for the team from her baking bestie, to see if they were the ones. He never reacted to the scents until he could see them, commenting on how he had been craving just that. It had all made sense, his sweet addiction, and her constant smell of coppery blood. The baker and the Space Viking God, who would have known?

Finally, months later, she had set the trap. But this big blonde idiot was too dumbstruck by your delicious curves to see the big picture. It all replied of you now, and Nat hoped that was enough.

When Thor had stepped through the door of your shop you had known right away that he was your soulmate. For once you could smell your own creations as you were surrounded by them. For the last few months, you had been smelling sweets after your opened for the day. You had figured out that it was a customer of your shop, but it wasn’t someone who came in themselves. But never in a million years did you think that the hunky god of thunder thighs would be your other half. Damn, he was yummier than any pastry you could ever make.

He was HOT, long blonde hair you could grab onto, dark trimmed beard over strong jaw, and lonely blue you could drown in. And his new belly? Perfect! He was now as cuddly as he was sexy, you usually went for the bigger guys, guys who wouldn’t judge you for your curves but love and embrace them, so why wouldn’t you embrace him for all of his?

You took the shot to reach out, giving a guy your number and being forward wasn’t really your thing, but you refused to be the reason you missed out on your soulmate. Now to pray and hope he’s the type of God that answers prayers.

Y/n’s phone rings with an unknown caller ID.

“Hello, is this Y/N?” His deep voice resonates over the speaker.

“It is, and is this my Space Viking Soulmate? Nice to hear your voice Handsome.”

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