Bucky Smut - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I need me a cowboy! Bucky. God dammit he's heavenly!! Love this fic so much!

Your daddy know 'bout this?

(Don't be fooled, there's no daddy kink!)

Pairings: dbf!cowboy!bucky x f!reader



Your Daddy Know 'bout This?

Summary: A few days short of your 21st birthday, you decide to celebrate with your friend at the local bar. Unbeknownst to you, a close friend of your dad's is there.

When he sees you with beer in hand and in the lap of another man, things get heated. Somehow, you end up in his shirt, at his house.

Word count: 5.1k

Warnings: pinv sex, passionate sex, forbidden realationship, violence, blood, underaged drinking, slight angst, cum eating, I love yous', mentions of masturation, tension, arguments, slight jealousy and protectiveness, pet names (girl, woman, ma'am, princess, sweetheart)

AN: not yet proofread, might be rough around the edges! Enjoy girliesđŸ„čđŸ«¶

Your Daddy Know 'bout This?

It was his one free night for a long time, and his buds pulled him along for a drink. He had no real objections. He was in a good mood, and it'd get even better once he had a drink in him.

Their group emerged from the damp, rainy night and dove into the smoke tainted air and the usual bustle of the local dive. They ordered their drinks and made their way to the back where the booths were, a jumble of familiar faces greeting them on their way. Until-

Bucky saw a face he ought not to see in a place like this. "Excuse me a moment, fellas. I got somethin' to take care of."

Their group turned to him, confused. "Wha-" and looked in the direction he was already headed. "Well shit, good thing her daddy ain't come with us." The group shared a few nervous glances, then shrugged and chuckled. "Wouldn't want to be one of those boys right now."


"Well. . ." A voice chuckled loudly.

She could see the source approaching their table from her peripheral, his form vaguely illuminated by soft lamp light in the gloomy bar. ". . .aint this a sight?"

She knew that voice, she could hear the telltale grin that shaped it.

Catching onto the change in energy, the giggles and boisterous laughter of their small group died down. Instead, tense glances were exchanged between them, all eventually landing on the intruder, all except hers.

The typical commotion from the rest of the dive continued sounding around them. "Anyone wanna tell me whats goin' on here?" The voice asked above the bustle.

Swallowing, she realised she'd been intently staring into a cadleflame. She thought that, maybe, she'd have a chance at going unnoticed if she sat still enough.

"I asked you a question, doll."

She winced, that was his nickname for her. Fuck. She tore her gaze form the candle, snapping it to her friend across the table and gave her a sidelong glance that ment "Trouble" and her friend nodded in agreement.

The low light that made the place cozy just moments before, now only existed to muddle her thoughts. But, it could work in her favor. She carefully pushed her drink behind her elbow, hoping it wasn't too late to hide, and her friend followed her lead.

"Hey, Buck." She turned toward him, speaking slowly with a cheap grin plastered across her face. As if it somehow would make him more agreeable.

"Hey there, princess." He grinned, hat on his head. "Wanna explain this to me?" And lazily pointed at their gathering.

"Nothin special, we were just leavin', in fact."

A scoff blew past her ear, "The hell we are." The lap she sat on stiffened beneath her, tapping his feet–once, twice–in a show of impatience, rocking her body in the process. The man then whispered in her ear, "Who is this guy anyway?"

She inclined her head, nervous eyes avoiding the big cowboy that stood imposing at the end of their table, and murmured a quiet reply over her shoulder. "No one. . . in particular." A lie, of course. "Let's just go."

The cowboy chuckled. "You're not leavin' with him, you're leavin' with me." That drawl could make the most steeled stumaches jittery with butterflies. Her friend must've felt it too by they way she squirmed in her seat.

She had to screw her eyes shut in a moment of contemplation. Why'd he have to be here tonight? Why'd they have to go to a bar he frequented?

She looked back at her friend with panic in her eyes. Boy, were they in for it. And she could think of nothing else then to ask nicely. "Please, go."

He smirked, putting his hands on his hips, showing a stern, but playful disposition. "Your daddy know 'bout this?"

She pinned him with her eyes, narrowing them with independent annoyance. "Im my own woman, B-"

'What's it to you?' The guy beneath cut her off.

Bucky switched his attention to the guy, and she could feel him shrink a little under Bucky's gaze. "Hell, no need for that tone. I was just sittin' with my buds over there," he pointed to the group of men Buck came with, no doubt to put some pressure on the poor guy. From the looks of it, they'd been listening in on our conversation, and now waved to her, idly laughing at the situation, ready to jump in at any moment.

She shyly waved back, a tight smile on her lips.

"See, I just saw your little group havin' a grand ol' time over here and wanted to join you," Bucky laughed, "and when I noticed that fine woman in your lap, I thought I'd have a chat with her." He disguised it well, but she could hear the anger beneath his humored exterior. Bucky took a moment to look me over, a scan for any harm. But his eyes stuck on my short skirt and thin shirt, and if possible, he looked even more bothered.

The man's hand slunk to the bare skin of her thigh, as if marking his territory. "What's with the hat, you some kind of sheriff? Either way," he waved his hand dismissively. "She's fine where she is, she can make her on decisions." Just like that, he'd successfully stolen the point she'd been trying to make. She shook her head. Stupid, stupid boy.

Bucky's face hardened, any sign of humour gone from him. "I assure you, I dont need a sheriff's badge to take her home, It's within my right." He braced his hand against the table, leaning closer to them. "Now, get that hand off of her, boy." He snarled, annoyance and authority resounding in his voice, promising a solution to the mans cocky demeanour. "She ain't yours to touch."

"Why?" The guy asked. "She yours?" His hand slid higher, squeezing her thigh, challenging the much broader man.

She exhaled, releasing a frustrated hum in early defeat, he'd doomed them both.

The cowboys jaw tensed. Silently, but undoubtedly steaming, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and pushed them above his elbows. The veins on his forearms popping from strain, knuckles turning white from the fists clenching at his sides. "Fella. . ." He began, calming his composure, then pointed two loose fingers at the girl in the mans lap. "Had she been mine, you'd be on the floor already. Now, that girl, ain't of drinkin' age, neither is she to be touched by a slimy bastard like yourself."

Fuck, so he did see the drink. She shook her head again, warning him. "Bucky. . ." A very bad attempt at dissuading him from doing whatever he was about to do. She could almosy feel the guy beneath her sink into the booth they were sitting in. Perhaps he had some sense after all.

Her friend grabbed her arm, loosely yanking on it as her anxious eyes flickered between the men in conflict. She herself sitting in the lap of the guy's friend, who was preparing to step in if necessary. "We should go before this gets ugly." Her friend whispered.

"Respectfully, ma'am, she ain't going nowhere without me." The cowboy opposed, directing his attention to her friend.

No, no, no no. . . Dread filled her, he'd drive her straight home to her parents.

Bucky's eyes fell back on the guy, now shrunken and small under his gaze. "So. . . Stand up, 'n leave, boy." He spoke with the authority of a sheriff, but stood with the confidence of an outlaw. "Theres no need for altercations, I was enjoyin' my night. N' I don't wish that to change-"

"I'll call on the bouncer." The guy shot out, his face probably as pale as his overly white and fragile shirt, and pointed to a man behind the cowboy. Her eyes followed the steps down from the seating area, through the dimly lit dive where a big man stood posted by the door. The guy beneath her then glanced at his friend across from him, both extending curt nods to oneanother.

She wanted to wretch, he was acting a coward, standing up to Bucky with the threat of enlisting two other men to his side. She sighed loudly, making a point for him to hear as she eyed her friend. "Well, I sure know how to pick em'. . ." She whispered, smirking while slowly sliding off his lap. Her friend–despite the commotion they found themselves in–covered her mouth in a snicker.

Bucky narrowed his eyes in a second of silent fury, then answered with a laugh, not missing a beat. "You mean that bouncer?" He asked and turned around, calling a greeting to the bouncer, who in turn tipped his hat with a smile. The type of gesture that indicated a longstanding friendship. "We're well aquainted." Bucky grinned. "But im sure he'd love to sort this out."

If they had any sense at all, the two men would leave with what little dignity they had left and realise that they were already outnumbered inspite of being 2 to 2.

"Leave, girls." The guy easily dismissed them.

How very. . . demeaning. She gave him a pointed look, flashed her eyebrows and jerked her head to the side in a "you had it coming" motion, then grabbed her friend's hand.

"Asshole." She sighed, and steered them out of the booth, taking the cider in her other hand. Silly as she was, she thought she could simply leave, perhaps just slip by Bucky. But no, his strong hand grabbed her bicep as she passed by, and he set his blues deep into her home. "Wait by the truck, I'll drive ya' home." He said, looking between the two girls.

"Fine. . ." She sighed.

"N' dont even think of running, I'll catch you." He warned, and she rolled her eyes, despite the burning that settled in her core. She tried to yank herself free, but he didn't let go.

"What? You wanna hear a "yes sir"?" She dared the words, nervousity building in her gut.

His eyes searched hers, a slow grin spreading over his lips as he leaned closer, bending down to whisper in hear ear. "Dont get cocky with me, girl." His hand began sliding downward, making her shiver, leaving goosebumps in the wake of his touch.

She swallowed, that tone, the hat? God. Her uterus purred, and in a sudden surge on confidence, she answered. "No, sir."

He grabbed the glass bottle from her hand and grinned, taking a sip. "Good, girl. Now go." And pointed to the door.

Would it be wrong to say she started salivating? His words, together with his lips making contact with the same surface she had? There was something about it, something that made her. . . pulse.

Bucky whistled–and his friend, the bouncer–came bounding up the steps, he along with the group of dad's and bucky's friends who were only a few steps behind.

The bouncer tipped his hat to her and her friend in passing, a smirk on his lips. Nice to know there was still some gentlemen in the world.

She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He was quite handsome too.

"Dont even think 'bout it." Bucky warned.

She rolled her eyes, and then they were finally on their way out, meeting bucky's group of friends on the way, all nodding and greeting her. "Tell your daddy we missed him tonight." One said, and they all chuckled.

The girls hurried off, giggling.

Voices raised behind them, and as they were about to exit, she turned around just in time to see Bucky's knuckles collide with the jaw of the guy she'd spent her night on, aending him sprawling.

Plunging into the deep night, the cold swept over them. "He's hot, ain't he?"

She didn't want to answer, pr she didn't want to admit it, more likely. Simply giving her friend a look of understanding.

"God, I was ready to pounce on him the second he called me ma'am."

She understood that too.

After about ten minutes wait, Bucky emerged from the bar. Unscathed, apart form a bloody hand. Before even saying a thing, he had already removed his jacket and wrapped ut around her shoulders. "Only got one, apologies ma'am." He told her friend, and the girls shared a knowing look, their thoughts fiendish. "Let's go."

The ride was relatively quiet, we knew better than to anger him further. Anxiety was growing within her, she didnt wanna know what would happen when her friend was let off.

"Text me ok? I'll se ya' later." Her friend said, eyeing Bucky. She leaned her head through the open window of the truck. "Let me know how that goes," she whispered. "Good luck." And raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her lips.

She had to restratin herself from smiling too coyly. "Sure will." And with one last wave, they were off.

Since her friend had stepped off, the tension grew ever thicker. Now that there were only the two of them, they could say whatever they wanted with confidence. But so far, there'd only been a few sighs and breaths for calming themselves. Neither of them were particularly pleased with the situation.

"I'll be 21 in a few days, Buck."

"Doesn't mean you have good judgement."

She bristled. "I'm not a little girl anymore," and crossed her arms with resolution, her eyes narrowed and staring at him.

" 'Course not, I can tell by how you dress. That what a grown woman look like to you?" He nodded to her body, barely covered apart from the thick jacket over her torso.

She oulled it closer around herself. "What, what exactly do you mean I look like? A slut, a hooker?" Her face stung from embaressment, she felt like a child again, being berated for something she wasn't able to puzzle together by herself.

He clicked his tongue, jerking his head to the side. His patience was running thin. "Dont twist my words, doll. I'm callin you careless."

"That dont matter comin' from you, you're not my daddy." She could feel the comment drivning Bucky into overload.

"No, n' you should thank fucking god he wasn't there to bust you. I was the better option, I can promise you that."

"So what, you gonna tattle on me now?"

He looked over at her, brows furrowed right beneath the rim of his hat. "That all you care about?"

"Right now? Yeah."

"And if I say yes, what then, girl?

"I dunno, m' gonna have to convince you not to."

"Like you convinced that guy to buy you beer, huh? What'd you do, flirt with him? Give him a handjob, suck him off? What did I miss before catching you?"

Her mouth hung open in disbelief. "You fucking asshole!" She shook from anger, she never expected words like that to be thrown at her. Especially not by him. But she'd get him back, there was no reason behind her actions now. "Maybe I would've, I even bet it would've worked if I'd asked you. Right? You would've just loved having your friends pretty daughter gettin' you off, huh!" She half shouted the last sentence, her chest heaving with effort and fury.

"That's enough." His tone was unforgiving, shooting a sense of reality back into her.

"I'll shut up if you answer the god damned question Buck, would it have worked?"

But Bucky didn't answer, his jaw clenched and unclenched, biting back his words. If she thought the silence had been bad before? It was deafening now.

After calming down again, her words hit her like a freight train. She always had a friend in Buck, but now she wasn't sure. The words that'd been thrown back and forth had set them off balance, their entire relationship was on unsteady ground. Something had been rewritten in the rules between them.

There'd always been attraction, but that wasn't something they ever spoke of. They'd always been close, good friends even. But now, something had changed. And it made her feel sick. She'd had an ally in him, but now, she wasn't so certain.

After a long whole of shutting her mouth out of stubbornness, the fate of her father finding out was worse, so she broke. "Please don't bring me home, Buck. Dad'll throw a fit." She tried to smile, to soften her voice. But it felt wrong.

After a moments uncertainty on her part, and strained breathing on his, he spoke. "Im not makin' the detour, you can sleep at mine, that was always the plan anyway." He admitted, sounding utterly tired.

And now she felt extremely guilty, eyes studying him as he gripped the steering wheel harder. Her gaze drifted over his body, his face, his hands. Stopping on the roughed up and bloody knuckles. He'd beaten that guy for her. Out of jealousy, or simply because he was protective?

She turned away, her chest feeling hollow and followed the birches and sprucetress as they flashed by the truck. Their colors and textures blending together as they met the dark consistent sky above them.

Bucky's house was dark, he only lit a few tablelamps when they arrived. It was better that way, she recognized herself here, within the gloom and the safety of his home. It was second to her own.

"I'll get your something more comfortable," he said, his eyes avoiding her clothes, her body as a whole and disappeared into his bedroom.

Was it because he thought they didn't fit her, or the opposite? Had he been mad at himself for being attracted to her?

She nodded slowly, calling out to him, "we should do something about that hand of yours."

"It's fine, I'm fine." He said, re-emerging, meeting her eyes. "Here," he handed here a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, most likely too big for her. "I'll take the couch, n' you can take my bed."

She nodded again, and headed into the bathroom.

Buckys t-shirt was longer on her than the skirt she'd worn, so she opted out of the shorts. Luckily findig a roll of gauze in the bathroom cabinet.

She emerged from the bathroom, a pair of panties and the oversized t-shirt the only things on her body. "You want something to-" Bucky paused as she rounded the corner, and suddenly she herself stopped short–caught off guard.

Bucky stared at her, and whatever he'd been about to say was lost the second he looked up. Bucky cleared his throat, and with the weight of a 15 year long friendship on his shoulders, his eyes stayed glued to hers.

Inwardly, she smiled and hoped the lowly lit livingroom couldn't reveal the blush on her cheeks. "Found some gauze," she held the roll up, indirectly asking for permission to bandage him.

He opened his mouth to decline, she could even see his head begin to shake in dismissal.

But she cut in before he had the chance. "Just let me help, you can be mad and still let me help."

His eyes hardened, but hesitantly, he nodded all the same. "Im fine, doll."

She raised her brows with skepticism and made her way toward him, the fabric of buckys shirt doing its best at showcasing her breats.

Bucky clenched his fist in an attempt to control himself, he winced, the wounds on his knuckles re-opening.

"Yeah," she scoffed. "Sure seems fine to me." And placed herself infront of him. From his position on the couch, he had to look up at her. At that, a flicker of heat blazed in her core. Oh, those eyes. His big, pleading eyes, all sad and hurt. Did he want her gone or want her in some other way?

She kneeled, settling between his thighs and grabbed his hand. "You don't got to be so stubborn all the time. . . Just wanna help you." She wrapped his hand carefully, enjoying every second of his corse skin over hers. Once done, he tried flexing his hand, and winced again. He still hurt, that much was clear, but was too proud to admit it. "Want me to kiss it better?" She joked, hoping it would lighten the mood. But he did that thing again, where he said nothing, and instead clenched his jaw, as if holding back a yes. So she took her chance.

Keeping their eyes locked, she brought his wrapped knuckles to her lips, and kissed them through the bandage once, then moving further up to kiss the softer skin of the back of his hand. Again, his eyes were pleading, and he moved the hand to cup her cheek, stroking her cheekbone with his thumb. She took it as encouragement and kissed his palm, his wrist, his forearm. She stood up on her knees, kissing his bicep and reached for his shirt to pull him closer. She cupped his face and brought him inches from her own, nuzzling her nose against his.

Finally, when her lips reached for his, he pulled away. "Stop, stop," he nudged his forehead against hers. "We can't," he moved his lips away, cheek to cheek, he kissed the soft spot in front of her ear. "We can't."

"Cant, or wont?" She asked dully.

Those pleading eyes were back, begging her not to make him answer that question. She nodded absentmindedly, pulled into her thoughts. She stood up and moved away from him, his hand sliding down her arm and locking around her wrist, stopping her. "Dont leave."

"I'm comin' back."

After a few minutes of bustling in the kitchen, she returned to him. Sidling up next to him on the couch, her curled up legs lulling into his lap as she handed him a whiskey glass, then cradled her own. He whispered a thank you, looking into her eyes, and she whispered a you're welcome, looking into his. Then they sat like that for a while, quiet, unmoving. Bucky's hands finding their home on her legs, glas in one hand and her knee in the other. Somehow, this wasn't crossing a line for them, this was their normal, this was something not even her family questioned, this was them.

"Im sorry, doll." he said finally. "I never meant to imply-"

"It's ok, Buck." He opened his mouth to speak again, but she stopped him. "Really, It's fine. I'd rather not dwell on it."

Another moments silence passed between them, it was uncomfortable, but the unsaid lingered in the air like a thick wall between them, and hung over them with the threat of smothering. "We need to talk about us."

"I didn't like the way he was touchin' you," he said, choosing the topic before she had a chance at it. If he had to approach them, he would do it indirectly. "It didn't look like you were enjoyin' it."

Her eyebrows raised, "You would've punched him even if I were enjoying it." She commented sourley.

He squeezed her knee, gently rubbing circles into the skin beside. "He acted like he owned you," He turned his unscathed hand upside down, brushing his knuckles up and down her sensitive skin.

It all went straight to her head, veins throbbed with heat she didn't know she could feel. All brought out by a single touch of his hand.

But she wouldn't let off. "And what do you 'spouse beating him for it is?"

He stayed silent, his hand turned again, this time to grab her soft flesh, squeezing it with purpose. Much like the guy had done, but this felt different. This felt good, real good.

She swallowed, closing her eyes to focus on the words she needed to say. "What made you think you had the right? If not that I already belonged to–" she stopped, and their eyes met in a quick glance.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "I was only protectin' you." He defended, but it didn't quite sound like he believed the words himself. Nor did she. But if he wasn't ready to see it as it was, she wouldn't pressure him.

Instead, she laid her head on his shoulder. "It shouldn't be this hard."

He shook his head, the words seemingly struck a cord within him. For he sat insilence, pondering, a long while. "I would've said no, you know. And it would've killed me." She looked at him strangely, forgetting what he was referring to for a moment. "I would've said yes, if you hadn't felt forced to it, like it was a last resort to keep your secret."

Oh. . . "Had I wanted it, you'd said yes?" She stared unbelieving into the dark space infront of them.

"Nothin' could stand in my way." He slid his hand further up her thigh, fingers exploring the skin just beneath the hem of his/her shirt.

She sat up straight to look at him properly, she couldn't tell if he was serious. "You want me?"

"More than anything," his voice was breathless, barely a whisper. His index and long finger reaching further up, exploring more than he'd ever dared. "Cant even explain how many times I imagined you gettin' me off after you said it. How much I hated the thought, the sight of you with that guy, his hands all on you."

A pang of need shot through her. She put her whiskey down, and braced her hands against his chest. "But why tell me now, whats changed? Whats changed in this last hour?" His fingers rubbed the skin of her hips beneath her panties, sending shivers running over her body, shivers she'd only previously dreamed he'd be the cause of.

"You're right, it shouldn't be this hard. I'm makin' it too hard." His hand slid to her waist, still invisible to him, but no longer untouchable. Magnetically, they were pulled together, faces inching closer and closer to oneanother.

"And what about daddy?" It was becoming hard to focus, she wouldn't stop him for the world. Bow, they were close enough to feel the dampness of their breaths.

His hand continued exploring farthur up, fingertips finally reaching the soft, plush flesh below her breast. "Your daddy ain't here, is he?"

She began shaking her head in disbelief, lips brushing against eachother. "Dont promise something if you can't follow through."

His hand stopped, "I can, please," he begged, waiting for her go-ahead. "I can. . ."

His words vibrated against her skin, electrifying her body. "Fuck," she moaned, he's right there. Right, there, infront of her, for her. "Then do, please do, Buck."

And just like that, both hands were beneath her shirt, pulling her into his lips and squeezing her breasts.

Breathless moans filled the silent air, they tore at eachother greedily. Pulling and pushing eachothers bodies, fighting to get Bucky free of his clothes.

Snaking one arm behind her back, he guided her down onto cushions and placed himself above her. Still clothed by jeans, he rolled his hips against her core, grinding the rough fabric against her barely clothed clit. This, is what she had been craving. The exact static friction, the heat and movement between their bodies producing all the pleasure she needed. She moaned heavily, beacause still, she wanted more. Pulling her legs up and her panties off, she wordlessly signaled for him to do the rest.

With a groan, Bucky dove into her neck, kissing and sucking, all the while he unzipped his jeans and pulled them off together with his boxers. No time was wasted, he lined his member up with her core within a second, prodding and teasing at the opening. "Please, please, please." She sounded desperate, but fuck, she was. And feeling it was worse then sounding it.

"Yes ma'am." He said, and thrusted into her. A gasp escaped them in unisome. With the arm still around her waist, he pulled her into his hips, his body straining as he delved deeper inside her than she thought possible.

"Yes. . ." She whined. "More."

He kissed his way up her throat, their hips freed and collided into eachother with steady, strong thrusts, pushing her deeper into the cushions with every rut. Nothing could compare, he was unparalleled. Bucky, despite what he was already achieving, kissed his way up her neck, unfaltering in his duty.

Her hands found his face, cupping it and bringing him back to her, and their lips met again. "Taste so sweet," he murmured, sinking his tongue into her. The salt of her skin mixing with her saliva. "Want all of you."

She smiled against him. "Harder."

He did as ordered, keeping his pace and adding pressure. "Yeah," he moaned. "Being so good for me, girl." And pulled her deeper onto his member. Her breaths grew rapid and shallow, fingers clawing at his back as she had nowhere to go, all pleasure directed straight into her. "Close, so fucking close," she cried.

"Good," he chuckled breathely against her skin, and that was a she needed. Her back arched in euphoria, and stars stung her eyelids, speckling the darkness. "Good job, sweetheart. Just breathe," he continued thrusting into her, softly, easing her through the orgasm. "Good girl. Well done. . ." He whispered, kissing her jaw. The stars began fading and she regained her senses, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Beautiful, girl." He moaned, still rutting into her, chasing his own high while wiping the tears from her face. Her body began tingling, on the vege of breaking down.

"Dont know how much more I can take, Buck." She kissed his cheek, focusing on the skill of his lips.

"Almost there, almost. . ." he moaned, increasing his pace. The slickness of her core created a sickening sound together with the slapping of their skin. It was heavenly, but she could feel the pressure building within her again.

"Mmmh, m' gonna cum again, please buck, dont stop."

He didn't, he continued, intent on coming together with her. He bit into her lip, causing her to yelp and yield the hold on his face and licked a trail down her chest and breast, then taking it into his mouth. Sucking and slurping in an insane rythm with the slapping. "Yes, yes! Fuck, Bucky." she called out, and Bucky pulled out of her.

Coming only a second after, his seed spilling over her abdomen. "I love you, I love you." He moaned with faltering breaths, bracing himself on his forearms on either side of her, kissing every part of skin that he could reach.

Holy shit? "I love you too." She smiled lazily, drunk off of her two consequent orgasms. Laying her hand on her stumache, she felt his sticky substance coat her fingers.

His eyebrows knit together in guilt. "Sorry 'bout that sweetheart, I'll get a towel-"

She grabbed his bicep and shook her head, locking her eyes onto his as she brought the fingers to her lips and licked them off, popping them in her mouth to suck them clean.

Bucky stared, unable to form words.

"Cat got your tongue, cowboy?" She asked, a coy smile on her glistenting lips.

"Fuck," he awed breathlessly. "I just love you." He whispered, lowering himself onto her once again, this time striking his tongue into her core.


Tags :
6 years ago


Marvel Actors

Sebastian Stan

Whatever I Want 

Greece (smut)

Do it better (smut)

Chris Evans

Crazy in love (smut)

Forgiven (smut) 

Heat (smut)

World Cup (smut)

Tom Holland

Yours (smut)

Tom Hiddleston

Fake it (smut)

What’s gotten into you? (smut)

Marvel Characters

Loki Laufeyson

Knives (smut)

King (smut)

Connection (smut)

Bucky Barnes


Heels (smut)

Heat Wave (smut)

Tease (smut)

Maybe (smut)

Back to 1937 (smut)

Steve Rogers

Miss You (smut)

Tags :
6 years ago

Heels (Bucky Barnes)

Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Words: 1151

Warnings: smut and ermm smut

All mistakes are mine as always.

Request and perm tag list are open now:)

You adored wearing heels. They were sexy and made you feel good. They suited you and you loved it. So yes you really, really loved heels.

But Bucky loved them more.

The first time Bucky saw you with heels on, he lost words. His mouth opened and closed like a fish and you could see how his cheeks turned red. It was funny and you kept wearing them around him just to see his reaction.

That was before you started dating. Now whenever he saw you with heels, especially with those red ones, Bucky just carried you in his arms and fucked you against the closest wall. You loved these fucks.

That's why you went shopping and that's why you were wearing a new red and high -really high- heels.

Bucky's face when he saw you enter the room made you smile to yourself.

His eyes were fixed in your shoes, only moving when you started walking to him.

Bucky, grabbed your hand, intertwined his fingers with yours and with a smile on his face he made you turn around.

''Fuck me. You look so damn hot in those. Your legs look so fucking incredible'' You smiled and thanked his with a kiss.

Bucky held your hips, and with a growl threw you into the bed. He rapidly put himself on top of you, kissing you again. You wrapped your arms around his neck moving your body closer to his kissing him back.

''You are going to be my death.''

Bucky didn't waste time, he ripped your dress off of you. You gasped and looked at him with a pout in your face.

''The dress cost me 50 bucks! You need to stop breaking my dresses, Bucky.''

He smiled licking his lips at your almost naked body. ''But love, I love breaking your dresses.'' He moved his right hand and touched your pout with his fingers. ''Stop pouting love, you adore it too.''

He kissed you again, his lips touching yours with a sweet rhythm that made you shiver. Bucky's kisses were always sweets, even when you fucked, he let himself lose in your mouth as his tongue danced with yours.

He moved his hands all over your body, letting his fingers brush against your skin, soon his fingers met your panties, already wet because of his kisses.

''You are always so ready for me. I love it.''

In one shift, your panties were broke too. This time you didn't say anything. His hands were distracting you too much and you didn't mind anyways.

Bucky's mouth went to your neck as he let his finger get lost between your folds, thanks your slickness his finger went smooth on you. Your moan echoed the room as Bucky moved his finger around your pussy just collecting your wetness.

''You are teasing...''

''And you love it, sweetheart.''

You couldn't deny it even if you wanted you loved his teasing.

You were ready for him that his fingers slid inside you with ease. Your mouth hung open when he started to slide his finger inside you slowly. He, then, touched that point making you clench around him.

''Bucky please...''

You didn't need more saying, he moved away from you, tearing his clothes of off him.

''You are so perfect''. You said as you watch him.

Bucky was perfect, in every sense of the word. He hated when you told him that but honestly you wanted him to believe it so you kept telling him.

''No, I'm not but you are tho. I could eat you alive right now.''

His eyes fell to your legs, he bit his lip as his eyes went down right at your heels.

Bucky could feel his cock pulsing at the sight of them.

''Fuck, you won't believe how much I love your legs and those.''

He caressed your legs, the touch made you shiver and you bit your lip at how Bucky looked so damn gone at the sight of only your legs.

In a moment he had your legs around his hips, ruting his cock into your entry he kissed you again. Slowly he entered in you, inch by inch he let himself slide inside you.

''I really love being inside you, Doll.''

You nodded agreeing. You love to have him inside you too.

Wrapping your arms in his neck, you moved your hips making Bucky go deeper.

''Fuck. That feels amazing.''

He let you move for a minute on your own, before he started to move. Every thrust he made was well aimed and was making you feel dizzy.

Groans and moans filled the room, Bucky's hand tangled in your hair as he kissed you, moving his hips making his thrust more rapid.

You were about to come.

Wanting him to move deeper, you wrapped your legs stronger around him, making your heels press in his back.

Bucky got the message and moved deeper inside you, leaving your mouth and your hand, he leaned on his right hand as the other one moved between you two aiming for your clit. He didn't miss a thrust as his fingers started rubbing your bulge of pleasure.

''Come for me baby''.

You did, you clenched on him, legs trembling as your orgasm took you over. Bucky smiled at the sight, you looked so damn sexy coming.

His thrust slowed down a bit, letting you recover.

''Fuck, that was amazing.''

''I bet it was baby. Want to come again?'' His moved your legs, hoping on up making the angle better.

''Yes. And I want to be on top this time.''

Loving the idea, he rolled you two over. Now, he was capable of see every thing of you.

''That's a good view.''

''I completely agree.'' He looked so damn good beneath you.

You started to move your hips in circle, you were still sensible because of your orgasm, so you didn't want to hurt yourself going faster than you could take.

Bucky put his hands to your ass, helping you bounce faster, starting to find a good rhythm for you both.

His cock was touching every right point and you began to clench around it.

Bucky sensed it and groaned as he kissed you hard.

''You gonna come for me baby? Go on, come around my cock.''

Bucky rested his feet onto de mattress and began to thrust into you, you cried out as you balanced yourself grabbing on his arms.

Within seconds you were coming. Wave after wave of pleasure that left your whimpering and trembling.

''You are so fucking beautiful''. His thrust began to slow down as he felt his orgasm approaching, his cock twitched, and he pulled out, jerking himself off spreading his cum all over your ass.

''Fuck me, doll.'' He kissed you face as you both relaxed into each other's arms.

''So, you loved my new heels I see.''

''You have no idea, love. You really don't.''

Tags :
2 years ago

Sleepless nights

Roommate!Bucky x Fem!reader

Summary - Weeks of not being able to get off leave you restless and without sleep, and after hearing your troubles through the thin walls, your roommate, Bucky, decides to help you out.

Word count - 4.6k

Warnings - (+18) Smut, masturbation, oral (f receiving), fingering, pet-names, dirty talk, friends to lovers, fluff.

A/n - Well. Let's just say I did not expect to write over 4k words of pure smut, but I'm not mad about it.


Sleepless Nights

Hours. It had been fucking hours of you tossing and turning and there was still no sign of sleep coming anytime soon.

Your eyelids were heavy but your mind was running a mile a minute, refusing you the simple release of rest.

It wasn’t just tonight that you lay awake half the night, for about a week now you’ve been running only on caffeine, barely sleeping at all and you were starting to lose hope that you’ll ever get a decent nights sleep again.

You could give a decent guess to why you couldn’t sleep.

Bucky had only moved in three months ago, but living with somebody else in a tiny apartment with very thin walls proved to be more difficult that you had expected.

You hadn’t been able to get off in weeks, and it was the most sexually frustrated you’ve ever been in your life.

There was a rule you made for yourself when he first moved in.

Never masturbate with Bucky home.

It was a simple rule, one fairly easy to follow. Your walls were thin and Bucky’s enhanced hearing was something you were very aware of. But your resolve was cracking.

You need it.

You’re fucking desperate.

You groaned quietly into your pillow, opening your eyes to adjust to the darkness of your room. There’s no point in trying anymore. You’re never gonna sleep again.

Your bed was too warm, your pillow too flat, everything uncomfortable for no apparent reason and it was driving you insane.

You adjusted your position again, lying on your back to stare up at the ceiling.

You can’t do this anymore.

The thought of finally feeling that release was enough to make you clench your thighs together, images and scenarios filling your desperate and horny brain as you let your eyes fall shut.

You thought about feeling the weight of someone above you, kissing your lips, slipping their tongue inside before lowering their mouth to your neck, marking you, then lower, teeth catching on your nipple before soothing the sting with their tongue, lower, lips against the soft skin of your stomach, lower, brushing against your navel, lower.

You thought about his lips on your clit as a teasing kiss as he looks up at you with a smirk when you moan, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously in the dim light of your bedroom.

You ripped your eyes open, your gaze shooting to the wall to the left of your bed.

The image of him between your legs stayed vivid in your mind.

It certainly wasn’t the first time you’d imagined sleeping with Bucky, but it was the most vivid daydream you’d ever had about him.

He was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen, of course you’d grow to have feelings for him, he was sweet, charming, caring, and too goddamn smooth for his own good.

It was agony sometimes, the way he’d flirt so shamelessly with you when you were sexually frustrated beyond reasoning, it led to a rather dangerous dynamic between you, both teasing the tension more and more until someone finally did something about it, but you were certainly just as stubborn as Bucky, and there’s no way you'd admit to your feelings first.

Your hand was resting on your stomach your body begging you to slide it down further, to feel the mess you’d already made of your underwear.

He’d most certainly hear you if you weren’t careful, but you couldn’t wait any longer, your clit was throbbing with need, your eyes falling closed again as your hand inched lower and lower, slipping under the waistband of your shorts and then into your panties to press two fingers against your clit, gasping at how sensitive you were before quickly snapping your mouth shut, taking a moment to listen for any noises from Bucky’s room and then making gentle circles with your fingers when you felt the coast was clear.

Your head sunk into the pillow, your hips lifting to grind against your hand as the tension in your body started to melt away, your teeth pulling harder at your bottom lip in attempt to keep any noises at bay, but when you started to speed up your fingers, a quite whine slipped out and you were to invested in your own pleasure to notice.

Bucky did though, he noticed everything, heard every damn squeak your mattress would make every time you shifted in bed, heard the quiet noise often playing through your phone as you scrolled aimlessly through social media, he could practically hear you think, so he most certainly heard the soft, whiny moan that made his cock twitch in his boxers.

He knew you weren’t getting much sleep recently, he knew that because he wasn’t either. It’s not like he blamed you, Bucky had his own problems, chronic insomnia being one of them, but knowing that you were also awake all night, tossing and turning just as he was, for some reason made it worse.

The noise wasn’t the problem, he’s had over 70 years to get used to his enhanced abilities, hearing the thump of someone’s heart in their chest was normal to him, the constant noise was more normal, more natural to him now, than the expected quiet he'd hear without the serum.

He liked that he could hear your heartbeat, he liked that he could hear your gentle humming as you showered, he liked hearing you laugh at whatever you were looking at on your phone, so loud and so clear through the thin wall that he could almost imagine that you were laying beside him, giggling at something he had said.

But god he fucking loved hearing the moans kissing his ears right now.

It felt wrong, it felt dirty, but you were making the most beautiful noises, and Bucky couldn’t help but imagine you laying in bed, your hand between your thighs, touching yourself like you needed, your pretty lips parted and eyes closed- no, eyes open, watching him as you let him hear you, let him watch you.

Bucky hissed and cursed quietly when he squeezed his dick through the fabric of his boxers, a soft groan escaping him when you moaned again.

This is wrong. It’s so fucking wrong, but how could he not.

He tried desperately to justify himself when he shifted in his bed, moving closer to the wall to his right to hear you better, his hand sliding under the waistband of his underwear to wrap around his cock, but the guilt and shame of it made him quickly come back to his senses and he ripped his hand away, sitting up in his bed and resting his head back against his headboard, closing his eyes.


He jumped forward, a sharp intake of air catching in his throat at the sound of you saying his name. At first he thought he had been caught, and the guilt worsened, but another moan followed and suddenly he was breathless.

“Fuck Bucky, please.”

He groaned again, his cock so hard that he could feel precum weeping from the tip, making a small damp patch in his boxers.

It took everything in him not to get up and burst into your room, the knowledge that you were thinking about him as you touched yourself was driving him insane, fucking feral.

His fists were clenched in his lap as he breathed through his nose, pushing away the urge to touch himself as he told himself that he could wait it out without being too much of a creep.

He didn’t have any headphones yet, that was still on his list of things to invest in, so he couldn’t exactly stop himself from listening. Not that he wanted to at all, but for your sake.

He waited, listening to your heavy breathing that was steadily speeding up, your quiet moans getting slightly louder as you drew closer and closer to release.

Bucky's cock was throbbing, begging for him to touch himself along with you.

Both of you were on the edge of your seats, waiting for you to climax, waiting for the release, but as you got closer, the tension in your core depleted, and you lost your rhythm, letting out an upset, frustrated cry when you couldn’t cum.

Bucky froze, listening to the muffled, annoyed groan you let out into your pillow, a whispered, “fuck.” escaping your lips.

It was silent for a moment.

Bucky could hear the loud beating of his own heart in his ears, but not a sound from you, not until he heard the quietest sob and he was standing in an instant, his previous lust discarded as he ripped open one of his drawers and pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He could hear your cries getting louder as he left his own room and walked to yours, his forehead falling to the cool surface of your bedroom door as he gathered enough courage to knock.

You froze when you heard the gentle knock on your door, startling you as tears continued to stream down your cheeks.

Did Bucky hear you? Was he at your door to tell you to shut up so he could get some sleep?

Your face heated with embarrassment and you sniffled and cleared your throat, calling out a small, “yeah?”

Bucky swallowed down his nerves, and cleared his own throat, “I heard you crying. Just wanted to check on you, make sure that you’re okay.”

You rubbed your hand across your forehead, there’s no way he didn’t hear you moaning the way that you were only minutes ago if he managed to hear your frustrated crying into your pillow, however, the worry in his voice made your heart swell despite the awkward circumstance.

“I’m okay Buck, just- just tired.” You replied and Bucky sighed, his eyebrows furrowed.

“D’you want me to come in? Could give you a hug if you want one?” He offered.

You bit your lip as you considered his offer, Bucky did give really good hugs, and you most certainly needed one right now.

It was probably a bad idea, and given the fact that you were just masturbating to thoughts of him certainly didn't make it any better, but you found yourself answering before your brain could catch up with your mouth. “Yeah.”

Bucky smiled to himself, reaching for your door handle and letting himself in, tutting gently at the sight of you sat in the middle of your bed with your knees tucked up to your chest, tear tracks drawing lines down your cheeks as you sniffed.

“What's the matter, honey?” He walked to the edge of your bed, his eyes soft when you reached your arms out for him, wanting that hug he had promised.

He sat on your bed and pulled you to him, his metal arm cradling your back as his flesh hand rested on your hair, holding you close to him as you tucked your face into his chest.

He laughed when you grumbled something into his shirt, “What was that, doll?”

You took a deep breath and moved your head to the side, your arms slipping around Bucky’s waist to squeeze him back, making warmth spread across his chest.

There’s no point in pretending what just happened didn’t happen, so you decided to just say it, “You heard me didn’t you?”

Bucky’s hand that was stroking your back stuttered in its movement, and you immediately knew the answer to that question.

“Uhh... heard what?”

You groaned in embarrassment and Bucky blushed, “I appreciate you trying to not make this awkward, but we both know that you definitely heard me.”

Bucky didn’t reply, he didn’t know what to say, he felt disgusted with himself.

“I’m so sorry, I obviously thought I was being a lot quieter than I actually was. Fuck, this is so embarrassing.” You pressed your face into his shirt again and Bucky’s arms tightened around you.

“Hey, you got no reason to apologise, you live here, you have every right to do whatever you need to do whenever you want. I’m the one who needs to apologise, listening in on you like some fuckin’ creep, I’m so sorry Y/n.” He frowned into your hair, the self-loathing was practically rolling off him in waves.

“Bucky, you did nothing wrong, what could you have done? It’s not like you could’ve turned your hearing off or anything.”

He went quiet again, his frown deepening at your words. If only you had known the thoughts that were running through his mind as he listened to you, the way he imagined how you would feel squeezing his fingers, or his cock, how you’d taste.

“You don’t understand, Y/n I-“ He trailed off, unsure on how to word his confession, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but he couldn’t sit there and lie as he held you in his arms. You pulled back slightly, just enough so that you could look at him, and you took in the guilty look in his eyes as the blush deepened on your cheeks, connecting the dots yourself.

“Oh.” Was all you could say, your hands were suddenly clammy, your throat dry as you imagined Bucky touching himself to the sound of your moans, it made your heart thump harder in your chest and he most certainly heard it.

“I didn’t come in here to embarrass you or anything, and I definitely didn’t come in here to try to start something, I just couldn’t sit there knowing that you were crying in here by yourself. I can leave if you’d like. I should probably leave.”

You quickly shook your head, holding him tighter to stop him, “No, stay. I’m not upset Buck, I still think you have no reason to feel bad.”

Bucky pulled a face, his confusion obvious, his dark eyebrows furrowed, eyes squinted and you pulled away from him to switch on the lamp on your bedside table, smiling when you could finally see his features better in the soft, dim light.

“But I- the things I was thinking, doll. Had no right to creep on you like that, I even-“ He stopped himself again and you bit your lip, sitting on your knees in front of him.

“Did you touch yourself?” You asked quietly, watching Bucky’s adams apple bob as he swallowed, his tongue darting out to wet his lips like he so often did.

He nodded and you squeezed your thighs together.

"But I stopped myself. It was wrong.”

Bucky watched you chew on your lip and the sight made him breathless, the previous excitement from earlier making a quick return.

“So you didn’t cum?“ You almost whispered it, your face inching closer to his and he shook his head, “Neither did I.”

You didn’t know where this boldness was coming from, but you weren’t about to question it when Bucky was staring intensely at you like you were a goddess to be worshipped.

His hand slid to your waist, squeezing slightly and urging you to move forward, onto his lap.

"You never told me why you were crying." He reminded, gently running his hands up your bare thighs as you made yourself comfortable.

The two of you had never been so close before, so close to crossing the lines you've both been longing to cross since you'd met, and after a three month long game of cat and mouse, you were finally ready to bite the bullet.

"I needed to get off so bad, it's been so long Bucky and I needed it, but I just couldn't." You didn't care how whiney you sounded, all you cared about was feeling Bucky's erection straining against his sweatpants between you.

“You want some help, kitten?” He asked, his voice rough in the early hour of the morning, his eyes gleaming with hunger, just like the image of him that your mind had made earlier.

You nodded and glided your hands into his hair. Your face so close to his.

“Want me to make you cum, sweetheart? Make you feel good?” You kept nodding his words sending shivers down your spine, eyes falling shut as you grinded your hips against his, earning a hoarse groan from Bucky.

“Please,” You begged, raking your nails through his hair as he hummed, letting himself relish in the sensation before he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and stood, walking to the end of your bed and laying you down before crawling on top of you.

“Of course, honey.” He whispered gently, and then his lips were on yours, softer than you could’ve ever imagined, sweeter than you’d ever dreamed. His tongue was like silk as it slid against your bottom lip, teasing you before slipping into your mouth, exploring in a way that wasn’t too much, just enough to leave you wanting more.

You moaned into his mouth, pulling gently on the hair at the nape of his neck and he responded by nipping at your lip, making you gasp.

“I heard you say my name. Were you thinking about me? While you touched yourself?“ He spoke in between kisses, moving to the spot just below your ear and leaving open mouthed kisses there to give you the opportunity to respond.

You could barely form the words, so focused on how Bucky’s body felt pressed against your own but he nibbled on the lobe of your ear to get your attention.

You nodded, holding his head to your neck to tell him to keep doing whatever he was doing when he traced his tongue below your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.

“I always think about you.” You replied breathlessly and he moaned into your ear, his breath hot on your neck.

“Fuck.” His left hand shifted to your waist, slipping under the hem of your t-shirt and slowly easing it's way onto your skin, you gasped and clenched your stomach when the cold metal met your skin, Bucky almost pulled away, but you arched your back, pressing yourself against his hand, "I always think about you too."

The confession sent you dizzy, along with Bucky's touches as he carressed your soft skin, slowly returning his lips to yours when he felt that your neck was appropriately marked up for him. His hand moved higher and higher, until his fingers brushed the underside of your breast and you arched your back even further, pushing your chest to his.

"Please, buck-" You gasped against his mouth and he pulled back to get a good look at you, his fingers drawing teasing patterns around your nipple.

Your eyes were half-lidded, lips all pretty and swollen from his kisses as you writhed under him, fucking desperate to be touched.

He swore the sight was enough to send him delirious.

"Please what, honey? Talk to me, tell me what you want and I'll give you exactly that." His voice was sweeter than the nickname he'd given you, the pretty words whispered into your ear and all you could do was moan back at him.

"I want-" You paused, you wanted everything, you wanted all of him, all at once, wanted him inside of you, but you thought back to the way you had imagined him pleasuring you earlier, and suddenly you wanted to feel that soft, hot mouth of his in between your legs.

Bucky took in how gone you were, pushing your hips up to grind against his, you needed the release so bad.

"Want to know what I want?" He offered and you nodded instantly, your legs wrapping around his hips to push him down onto you, grinding against him.

"Fuck- wanna taste that pretty cunt of yours, wanna eat you till you can't form a fucking thought, doll." He rolled his hips as he spoke to you, feeling how soaked you were through your shorts, "You want that, honey? Want me to clean up that mess you're making between those pretty thighs?"

You nodded breathlessly, drunk on the feeling of Bucky's hand roaming your skin, you needed more.

You tugged at his shirt, making Bucky chuckle when you struggled to get it off him, he sat back on his knees and reached behind his back to grip the soft material, pulling it over his head and tossing it away, revealing to you his beautifully ripped torso.

It was hard not to gape up at him like he was carved by the gods, because he was, and Bucky almost blushed at your unabashed staring.

He loomed over you with those broad shoulders, silver dog tags hanging from his neck, hunger in his eyes. Of course, you noticed the scars, hundreds upon hundreds of them, scarred tissue that had been broken and left to heal without care, decades of anguish and pain and torture, written deep into his skin, carved into his left shoulder, where skin met metal.

You reached forward, your hand caressing his chest with a barely-there touch, brushing over his dog tags, tracing lightly on a pink scar that stretched across his right collarbone, and settling over his heart, feeling the steady beat beneath your finger tips.

"Beautiful." You breathed and watched as Bucky's lips parted in surprise, it wasn't often he'd receive pretty words in response to the ugliness that was his scars. His tongue darted out to wet his lower lip and pull it between his teeth before he let go and breathed a short laugh, head shaking as he leaned over you.

"That's my line." He lifted your shirt ever so slightly and pressed a kiss to your sternum, his eyes darting up to meet yours as his lips touched your skin, "Can I take this off, sweetheart?"

You let your fingers glide along his back, nodding before lifting your arms to let Bucky guide the shirt over your head.

You didn't feel self conscious to be exposed to him, you didn't really get the chance to before Bucky was groaning out a soft 'fuck' and his mouth was already wrapped around your left nipple.

Immediately, you were a mess again, moaning out in pleasure as Bucky's hot tongue laved over your peaked nipple, sucking it into his mouth before pulling away and blowing cool air onto your heated skin.

He then swapped sides, paying his attention to your right nipple and sending shockwaves down your spine when he used his metal fingers to twist and tweak at the left.

"Fuck, Bucky please-" You groaned, lifting your hips off the mattress, needing to soothe the ache between your legs, he hummed against your skin.

"What is it, honey? You getting all desperate for me huh? I can practically feel you throbbing, sweetheart."

God, this man and his mouth.

He smirked when you didn't respond and lifted his head from your chest, kissing your lips and dipping his tongue into your mouth for a moment before pulling away and kissing your throat.

You shivered as he travelled lower and lower, another kiss to you nipple, lower, a slower, sweeter kiss to your stomach, lower, just below your navel, lower.

He tucked his fingers under the waistband of your shorts, licking his lips and meeting your eye, "Off?"


He smiled at you and nodded, pulling them from your body without hesitation, taking your ruined panties with them. Then he parted your legs.

"Fuck." His lips parted, completely breathless as he stared down at you layed out before him, "God, Y/n- So fucking pretty, never seen anythin' so fucking pretty."

You were soaked, your cunt glistening and throbbing, and all for him.

Bucky felt like he had died and gone to heaven.

He laid on the bed, between your legs, staring at your pussy with half lidded eyes, and just as you thought he was about to finally touch you were you needed it, he turned his head and kissed the inside of your thigh.

You whined out in protest, wiggling your hips and glaring at him when he smirked at you, moving to the other thigh and nipping at the soft flesh with his teeth.

Your eyebrows were pulled tightly together, your hands gripping at the bedsheets. The anticipation was fucking killing you.

"Bucky- shit- just-" You were cut off by a throaty moan when Bucky suddenly moved forward and licked a long stripe through your folds.

Your legs practically wrapped around his head, your hands gripping his hair as he circled his tongue around your clit, teasing you in the most delicious way before finally wrapping his lips around it and sucking hard.

Bucky groaned against your cunt when you pulled his hair, the vibration sending a jolt through your stomach.

His hands then squeezed your thighs as he moved his head lower, tongue-fucking you and moaning at the taste.

"Taste so fucking good, pretty girl." He moaned against you, before burying his face impossibly closer, his nose nudging your clit.

You were a mess, pulling harder on his hair as every swipe of his tongue sent waves of ecstasy through your veins.

His right hand drifted from your thigh, caressing up the inside of your leg and reaching your cunt, Bucky pulled away to watch you.

He parted your folds with his fingers, gently rubbing your clit with the soft pad of his thumb long enough to have you writhing beneath him. You watched as he bit his lip, his eyes gleaming as his hand travelled lower, his index finger sliding inside of you, feeling you clench around him as he fingered you slowly, adding a second finger shortly after.

"God, you're fucking soaked." He murmured, and then his mouth was back on you, sucking on your clit with his fingers pumping inside of you.

It was heaven.

You could already feel the coil in your stomach tightening and you wrapped your legs tighter around his head, pushing his face against you as you rocked your hips below him, urging him to add more pressure.

You'd always imagined he'd be good at this, but the orgasms you'd achieved at the hand of the wet dreams you've had about your roommate paled in comparison to the earth-shattering orgasm that tore through you when Bucky rubbed your clit in tight circles with his pointed tongue and curled his fingers inside you at the same time.

Black dots filled your vision, your heart thumping in your ears as Bucky rode you through the orgasm, his tongue replacing his hand at your entrance, lapping at your soaked entrance, only stopping when you hissed at the oversensitivity.

It was only as you came down, returning to your body and mind, that you realised you were holding onto Bucky for dear life, your hands fisted in his hair and your legs wrapped around his head, ankles crossed at his back.

"Sorry," You breathed, releasing him and softly raking your nails across his scalp, making him smile and shiver when they reached the nape of his neck.

"Never apologise for anything like that, doll. That was fucking amazing." He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, and then another one to your hip as he crawled his way back up your body, finally kissing your lips again.

You blushed when you tasted yourself on his lips. He chuckled and kissed you deeper, his tongue sliding against yours.

He then pulled back and kissed your nose, taking note of the tired smile on your face.

He was practically throbbing with need, but you were exhausted, so he pushed the unholy thoughts to the back of his mind and took a deep breath.

"C'mon, kitten. Time for bed." He whispered, kissing in-between your eyebrows when you furrowed them and standing from the bed, walking to the side and lifting you into his arms.

"But Bucky-" You started as he knelt on the bed and laid you down on the sheet.

"No buts. You're exhausted and you need to rest."

You tried to protest, but your eyes just grew heavier as you sunk into your mattress. Bucky slid into the bed beside you after taking off his sweatpants, leaving him just in his boxers, and you felt the perfect warmth of his body wrapped around yours from behind, his arm wrapped around your waist and holding you close.

It has been weeks since you'd gotten a proper nights sleep.

"What about you?" You whispered sleepily, very aware of his erection pressed against your ass, Bucky laughed, his hot breath fanning against your shoulder.

He tucked your body closer to him and pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck, "What about me?"

"I didn't get to touch you." You were half asleep already, your tired voice way too cute for the vulgarity of your words, "Wanted to make you cum. Wanted you to fuck me."

"Oh honey, we have all the time in the world for that, gonna make you cum more times than you can count, but I need you rested."

You moaned at the thought, pushing your ass back against him, smiling when he groaned, "Promise?"


Tags :
2 years ago



You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course as one of the most successful lawyer in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It’s may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.


Chapter 4:

I agreed with Tony when he offered so kindly for me to stay. I roam the room for the whole day because he says I should get better before doing any work. But he promised to get as much information on the case as possible. Now it was the next day. Nat got some clothes brought to the tower and thank god for that. “ Tony what do we have?” I received a message from tony saying he wanted me to meet him this morning in the conference room

“Goodmorning to you too, am doing good thanks”

“Goodmorning Stark. Glad you’re doing well. Can we get on with the man's murder?” I sat down next to him. He places a folder infront of me. “So the man in the picture was his uncle?”

“Yes. The marking doesn’t go back any further than that. The uncle was questioned but nothing. He only told the detective it was a family tattoo” Bullshit. It has to do more than that. If not than the muder is trying to set up false leads and if that's the case than we are back to square one.

“No. It can’t be nothing. The two other men found with him were not family related. They as far as we know were friends. No job relation so either they messed with the wrong crowd or all three won the lottery for a straight ride to death.” That sounds like bad buiness. “I guess we are going to have to question him”

“We are going to be on the radar. Then we both will be kicked out the case” Tony sips his drink and I smirk towards him.

“Say we see him in a public setting and just start talking” I shrug. “And if they say anything about us bring up the case than I have a good lawyer you can call”

“Sure has gotten me out of the worst” He moves to stand taking the envelope in his arms. “But you are not going. Not leaving this tower until they catch this guy or people” I don’t say anything but that caught his attention. “Why is that smirk still plastered in your face?”

“Well Mr. Stark.” I stand place a hand on his shoulder “You know eitheir way I wasn’t going to follow your instructions but turns out this time it is not for my benefit.” its true. When someone forbids me to do something It just makes me want to do it more and I will find a way. “Steve has a ticket he needs resolved and for that I need to show up in court”

“You can always give them a call?”

“And that's how you think I got in good standing with the judge? Tony you should know better than anyone that the way to people is facing them face to face” I walk out going to find steve.

“Just know that I am letting you go! Not you! And take Bucky with you!” I roll my eyes as I continue walking. I have to find Steve so we can get this meeting over with. Yesterday I tried to take care of it over the phone but these people in the court just don’t like being nice. I know it's the kind of job they are in and it's not their fault. People can be a pain and the pressure they place on them is big but damn, can’t they just get a message through?


“Lets go Steven, we got that appointment at 10”

“I thought you were supposed to be a good lawyer, good enough to not have your client go to court” I am just going to ignor his words. Ignore, ignore. The soon we get back the sooner Bucky will be plastered outside whatever room I am in. I take the passenger seat all the way down to the court house. I could feel the stare in the back of my head and the thick tension was felt too.

“Don’t speak a word, we will be out in 3 minutes tops” We walk in and walk straight into our appointment. “Goodmorning Judge”

“Hey!” when she looks at me her eyes recognize me. “I didn’t see you on the defence paper”

“It was short notice, this guy over here wasn't even in my roster.”

“I see Tony got you a lot of clients” We laugh before she continues “So let's get started so running a light”

“Yes. Even america’s captain makes mistakes”

“Sure do. Everyone does. And you must know that just because he has saved us from many attacks, he still broke a law”

“Totally understand your honor” I notice Steve about to lift his hand when I slap it away.

“But knowing you are now in charge of this guy, I know you will take care of it” She hands the folder over to the officer beside him “How are the boys?”

“Still living it day by day. I tell you I thought working for them would be easier but thank god Karen is there to keep me sane most of the week”

“I understand” she points her head at the officer beside her laughing. “Well you go and take care of this troublemaker” With that we are sent out. Check the time, 3 minutes.

“Where is Bucky?” I look behind us and he is not following us. So much for a guard dog. We look around until we see him out the glass door in a cop car. Fuck. Now to save this other soilder. “Can you get him out in 3 minutes?” I wanted to tell him we could always go home. But I am more excited to see his face when I solve his problem.

“I can figure it out in 1” We head out. “Why would he get arrested? Who is he really Steve?”

“Quick story, we were stationed together in the 40s. Right when I became Captain America. His group was captured. Red Skull, and we rescued them. Later we were at war again on a train and he fell. We thought he was dead until recently. We got a word about someone with the alias, The Winter Soilder. He was an assassin, brainwashed to Hydra's favors. He was doing that for the longest and I had no Idea of it. There was a whole controversy with Stark but now he is all better. He went to Wakanda and the programming on his head was gone” In the use of words I know he was holding things back. Maybe to protect Bucky or because I know him being his bestfriend and not being able to help him while he was suffering for so long did affect him too.

“So is he in god standing with Tony?” I am not good in situations like these. I can’t speak on what has happened because it has nothing to do with me. While it comes to Steve feeling guilty well, It sometimes best to let people heal.

“For the most part. He accepted him as part of the team so we call that a start” I laugh a little. We finally got to the station. “Goodmorning. We are here for James Barnes” The front lady awkwardly typed in her computer. I watch the interaction between her and Steve. She was nervous. The golden boy himself was standing infront of her.

“Yes. He was taken in just a couple minutes ago. I'm sorry but I can’t give you any deta-” I cut her off by setting my card infront of her.

“I am his lawyer.” Simple and short. I need to get out of here. I hate police stations, and hospitals, also resturants but that is besides the point.

“Of course. Give me one second” She walks back through a door. Well hell. My plan to make it a minute was failing. I look around trying to figure out who is involved. Bingo.

“Where are you going?” Steve says grabbing ahold or my wrist

“My one minute starts now” I say. I head myself down towards the sheriff. As I began talking I was texting back and forth in our group chat. Which included Karen, Foggy, and Matt. I figured out Bucky was in jail because he had violated his court ordered therapy session. I settled it and walked out with the Sherriff.

“I know If I ever need a fast lawyer I will contact you” I laugh as he sways my card around.

“I always do my best and thank you for being so kind” I shake his hand seeing as Bucky and Steve are waiting for me. “Is that a good enough lawyer for you?” I smirk at Bucky who would rather stab himself than look me in the eyes right now. “Let's get back to the tower. I need to talk to Tony” but of course nothing can be too simple.


“Mr. Barnes?” We all turn to take in the lady standing infront of us. “Session, Now” Bucky’s head turns towards me with a bigger smirk.

“I just got you out of Jail not mandatory therapy” I shrug. He huffs following the therapist. Steve and I sit outside waiting for him to be done.

“You got his order cleared didn’t you?” I nod. He didn’t have to go anymore to the therapy sessions but when he looked at me, I just had to do it. Well unless he decides to continue them, for his good I hope he does. I can’t even imagine how it was to suddenly live in a totally different place. He was in and out of the ice only to kill and now free of all that the only one he has is Steve. He didn’t get to see his family one last time.While we sit I make a few phone calls. Tony finished with the interview and was getting a couple of things together for when we arrived at the tower. I advised Matty and the team to hang back and not try to be more involved than they already were. I don’t need anything to happen to them just because I decided to continue on with the case. “Do you ever think one day in the future you would have a normal life?” What kind of question is that?

“Why? Is Captin America thinking of the white picken fence life?” He shruggs looking at his hands. “Deep down I know I want a family. Maybe 4 kids. 2 dogs. Big house that's big enough for us but with a lot of land. Maybe a couple of fruits growing everywhere.”


“It's a future that is uncertain. I don’t like uncertainty, so I’d rather play it day by day” I keep hoping that one day I will find someone who stands me up enough, and live until our last breath. But I don’t know what will happen, so it's better not to speak and let things find its course.

“I hope you decide to come on your own, next time” Steve and I jump up hearing the door open from the therapist office. She pats Bucky’s back and he walks past me to stand next to Steve. “Can I speak to you?” I can feel their stares through my back as I just shake my head and follow her inside her office. “You haven’t been to see me in almost 2 weeks” She takes her seat on her chair pulling out her notepad.

“The past couple weeks have been busy. I tried my best but those two weeks were very difficult to take time for myself” Lie. I know I could make some time for atleast a 30 minute session but I didn’t want to stop by.

“Well now that you're here just answer me one question” Her pen clips and the point attaches to the paper ready to start writing. Fuck. “Since the last time we spoke we agreed you were going to contact your family, did you” There it was. The fucking question of the year for me.

“No. I still need time. I have a hard fight against myself but you know I will do it eventually. Soon”

“Let's not diagnose ourselves. You are very smart but sometimes coming up with our own explanation on why we do things will push us back from our actions.”

“Yes. Of course” I smile standing up. “It was nice to see you and I will certainly take your advice. '' With that I open the door and continue walking to freedom. I hate being talked to or criticted like I'm some child, atleast that's how I feel when I am in that room.

“I hope to see you soon too” I look down, walking past the boys out the entrance. We get into the car and drive off. The whole ride I spent looking outside the window. I wasn’t embarrassed about them knowing that I talked to a therapist, I just don’t like answering questions about my life that can be kept without saying.

“Y/N, Tony is waiting for you upstairs” I see Pepper holding on to her tablet like always. “Tony Spoke to the guy and of course denied everything but finally we were able to get something out of him. A couple years ago the guys nephew and the two other guys were suspect of a murder”

“Whose murder?”

A/N: I never saw myself fan-girling over anybody until Sebastian Stan came into my life. LIKE LOOK AT HIM.


Tags :
2 years ago




Sierra Six

Bucky Barnes

Jon Snow

Kayce Dutton

Javier Pena



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


MAYBE Series/ Bucky

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17



HELPLESS/ Kayce Dutton

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14: Part 1

Chapter 15: Part 2

Chapter 16: Part 3

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20


GHOST/ Javier Pena

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Not Part Of The Story



Dimitri Belikov


Porcelain Skin

Tags :
2 years ago



You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course, as one of the most successful lawyers in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.


Chapter 6:

“I wonder if he wants kids” I have been listening to this for the past hour since we got her. Lydia was like her little doll. Wanda was changing her into different outfits she has knitted in her free time while I just lay in my bed trying to rest my eyes.

“You could always try it out with him”

“I bet he would be a good dad” there it is again. She is used to my sarcasm so she now just ignores my remarks without flinching. She knows I don’t mind, like I know she won’t stop until all her thoughts are said outloud. “With his background he would be the overprotective father who only loves his family. A family man” She is a little right. I think Bucky would be a good dad. He would struggle with things but I only hope that with the love of whoever he finds he will get through it to live a life he deserves.

“How many kids do you want?” That's when my phone begins to ring. I whisper a thank you to Tony.

“We are coming up. Get to the conference room” not another word was said as the phone died on the other end.

“Tony is back. Would you mind taking care of her for a while?”

“No, of course not go” I jumped off the bed making sure Lydia was alright before leaving to the conference room. When I walk in I see pictures already on the big screen. The doctor connected to another man connected to another man and a big warehouse.

“So apparently Doctor Monday was getting blackmailed. Of couse we are not going to rule him out because he might just be pointing fingers. This man is Justice Kidd.” He was a young brunette with dark eyes. “He was the Romeo in his story. Committed sucide after finding out his juliette had died.” Jessica. “His father is the one who has been blackmailing Monday. He also said he would begin to threaten his life if he didn’t continue paying.”

“So you offered him protection and he just began to talk?”

“I didn’t even have to offer him anything. He said he had lost everything and agreed to cooperate with us. Police put him under their protection.”

“ I did some research and that is where they tend to hang out” Nat points at the warehouse. “We will go in and capture the guy and have him confess. See how everything is linked”

“Okay. So when do we start?”

“Y/n, no offense but we don’t want you to come. It's for your protection” Bullshit. Before I could complain Wanda walks in with Lydia.

“They're right. If Kidd knows we know then he will do anything to put an end to this. I bet he had more under his sleeve than a bomb.”

“Wanda is right. You need to stay here and keep you and the baby safe” This is a sight I never thought would happen. Tony playing with a baby. Talking in a baby voice not even towards her but to us. “We will go in there and make sure he talks. Nat. Wanda. Steve and I will go”

“Who is going to stay behind with them?” Steve butts in.

“Well Bruce will be in his lab if anything happens and flash here also” Pietro raises his hand like if we were taking roll call. “But they will be back up because our other super soldier will be just fine.” I didn’t think he believed his own words either. “Oh and Vis” I chuckle at his words seeing Vision pass through the wall.

“Okay. I'll be in the command room if anything happens” Tony nods. I grab Lydia from Wanda. I wonder why Matt or any of the group haven’t contacted me. I open my door only to see Bucky standing on a ladder in the corner of my door. “Now it's a prison. I have a guard outside my door and now a camera” He looks down at me with that stupid grin. If I push one leg of the stairs enough, he wouldn’t get a serious injury right?

“It's attached to a sensor too. I can tell who comes in and out of your room” Thats a psycho move.

“When you’re finished can you bring up some popcorn, milk and those banana treats Sam likes” I open the door passing by him carefully.

“I'm pretty sure after almost 100 years, babies can’t eat popcorn this young” I roll my eyes at him. By this rate my eyes might actually get stuck.

“The popcorn is for me. Thanks” I smile before another door slams on his face. I place Lydia on the carpet while I pick out a movie. I am the worst at picking something. It doesn’t matter if it is a movie, song, color, or basically anything else. I could spend 2 hours trying to decide. “Lydia, what movies would you like?” I grab her, placing her on the bed while scrolling through the options. I have seen all of them. Tangle. Tiana. Snow white. Belle. Wall-E. I like music. Something with a storyline that makes me change my perspective. Maybe one where talking animals don’t exist. Or.


“I brought your popcorn” I can hear the irritation in his voice but I didn’t care. “I only put a little butter because I didn’t know how you liked it” Damn. I grab the popcorn, setting it on the side table where he placed the milk too. I start preparing Lydias bottle. “You have been in here for over 30 minutes and still haven’t picked out a movie?”

“I don’t think it's none of your business but we have a hard time choosing. It has to be a perfect one”

“Don’t blame this on the babe. She is fast asleep” I turn to look at him and see he is right. I didn’t notice she fell asleep in the course of me trying to find a movie. Then my attention falls on Bucky. He moves her so she can be comfortably laying down without the pillow but when he moves his hand from patting her she starts crying. “What do I do?” I almost burst out laughing.

“Keep on patting her tummy. Here” I handed him her bottle which he took. “Carefully place it so she can eat” His eyes were like a deer in the headlights. I groaned. Shit. I climbed into the bed beside Lydia and grabbed Bucky’s hand that was holding the bottle and smoothly placed it so she could eat. “There you go” I grab the remote and try to look for a movie again.

“Can you grab her bottle a bit?, If I am going to do this I want to be comfortable” I look over nodding, replacing my hand with his. The bed moves a little and as I think he is going to take the bottle again he takes the remote. “Before you say anything, I will not be staying here while you flip through movies. I will pick the movie” I roll my eyes once again focusing on the tv. “Heard this was a good one” i hear a well known song as the intro begins and I know what it is. Sound of music. We didn’t speak as the movie continued. My mind was going in and out between the movie and the mission. I finally decided to make my way down to the commands I heard a quiet snore. Bucky fell asleep next to the baby. That means I can go and check on the team without having to wake up Lydia. But first I move over to the nightstand beside Bucky. I grab his phone and turn it off. I can’t have whatever alarm goes off with that sensor.

“Tony what's going on?” It's been almost 2 hours since they started the mission and I haven’t gotten an update yet.

“It took us longer than expected. We underestimated his protection.” I interfere with the computer so I was able to see each of them through the cameras.

“Tony, you need to get them out of there now!” I was seeing the infrared map of the building and multiple factors were moving straight to them and trust me when I say, they aren’t human.

“We can take them, we are so close” I could hear the rackes on the other side. He is a stubborn man.

“Tony if there is a percentage of how close you have gotten you know what it would be right now?”

“Don’t say it!”

“17%. Get them out now!” Who would know this underground bunker would be a maze. There is more to this guy than him being a simple criminal.

“On it” then it goes radio silent. The cameras are broken or went out of signal. I almost wanted to throw the keyboard across the room. My anxiety doesn’t allow me to just go back to Lydia and Bucky and just wait until they get back. I pull out my phone and dail the only number I know would get me the answers I needed.

“Tony said you would call”

“Maria I need to know if he actually went back” I get into the elevator and press the roof button. The phone goes silent and my question is answered. “Send address to the pilot”

“Y/N don’t do anything stupid” I felt like this was once in a lifetime opportunity to respond with, stupid is my middle name.

“Don’t worry. This whole thing should have involved me more than just sitting around while they did everything.” I hear the ding and the helicopter is already going. When I climb in I see Vision sitting in the passenger seat. I didn’t even ask. The pilot takes off and my conversation with Maria is long finished.

“What is the plan Miss Y/L/N?” I hear Vis voice through the headphones.

“I will infiltrate the building as subtly as possible. Try to figure out where the Kidd is and take him in. While you go, find the team and help them as much as possible.” I don’t know what those things were I saw on the screen but we can’t let the work go to waste so fast. If it's taking us this much to capture one guy imagine how hard it's going to be next time we try when he knows we are coming for him. “Put some speed in this thing” the pilot nods. No matter if it was May, the air felt colder as we grew near.

“You are going to have to jump now!” Vis and I jump off. Of course she could fly so I had to use a parachute. We were atleast 5 miles away from the warehouse.

“Vis go!” Vision hesitated for a second before leaving. After getting my degree I had my mind set on working for the Fbi. I got into the program and went into training. Although I was going to go under law with them I took an intetiative to maybe learn something else while being there. I learned combat but perfected it while training with Matt. Operational and firearm trainging and perfected that with the help of Nat and Clint. I never thought of myself as an agent or someone who would fight bad guys for a living, well technically I fight criminals but that's besides the point. I just like to learn things. Like how I am fluent in two languages, Spanish and english. I want to start a third but I don’t know which one yet, but that's something to pick at a later time. I hear chaos from afar arriving next to an unsecure door. Once inside the building I hook up my transmitter, hopefully getting a signal and connecting with the others. The corridors are empty and now I can’t hear any type of noise. “Maria, can you hear me?”

“Barely. Y/N, you need to get out of there. I tried to connect with anyone but I haven’t gotten a response” A cold feeling down my spine was the last thing I needed.

“Maria. I need you to tell me where to go. I need to find myself out of this maze.” I was still walking throught the long corridor. Doors and doors for days. All around me was white and I couldn’t see the end of the hallway.


“Stop. Go back 2 doors down.” I followed her instructions and that led me to some stairs. “Go down the stairs and I only see a big opening. Be careful” I nod like if she could see me but honestly the nerves were killing me because I hadn’t done anything like this before. I was better with my words and getting people to see my way, not going into danger or fighting with my hands. Fuck.


Tags :
2 years ago



You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course, as one of the most successful lawyers in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.


Chapter 7:

I walked out a metal door when all the stairs were finished. Quietly I walk on the overhead squaring over the main floor. My back was backed up to the closest wall. I felt like if I just walk normally trying not to be seen or heard I would eventually fall on my face. Trying to clench the wall and feeling the cold concrete was what I needed to calm my heart down. I came this far, can’t turn around now. “Maybe I should take you and with that your team will leave me alone” A dark voice was heard. I look over and see a tall broad shoulder man who was talking to Nat. Fuck. Her head was restless, unable to pick up her head. Both her arms are tied with chains and hanging like arag doll.

“You killed an innocent person, you really think we will let you go that easy?” While they continued talking I walked down some stairs in the back, careful to watch if anyone else or anything else was in the room. In the back of the man who I am guessing is Kidd, there was a table. He emptied his pockets. I grab a gun hand and press it to the back of his head.

“I was wondering when you were going to show up” He turns around to face me with an evil smile on his face. I had the gun and the upper hand but he was the one who was calm. “I did my own research on you” Every step he takes I take a step back. “I know where you came from”

“Shut up” I take the gun closer to him. “You have nothing to say to me. Let her loose '' He chuckles, turning around and before I could do anything he pulled out another gun aiming it to the cieling and taking a shot. The glass crumbles down with dirt flying everywhere. I pull on the Nats lever and cover her.

“Y/N. The place is about to fall down. Take the door to your right. The yellow one! Hurry!” Maria pleas were the last thing on my mind. More dirt came down and I could hear the building crumbling over us.

“Nat?” holding onto her cheeks to make her face me. Her eyes were drifting and if I let her go her body would melt. “Shit. Nat. Wake up” Fuck. I get up, placing my arms under hers, pulling her towards the door.

“I got her” I look up and see Vision coming down. I nod. I see him carry her through the opening where everything was falling. I made sure they were gone as I ran safely past the door.

“Who has the upper hand now?” Goddamit. “ I should have done some research before targeting you. I thought you were going to be a normal person who if they are threatened they would always watch over their shoulder not involve the one and only avengers team." What kind of villain circles someone as the place is about to come down on us?

“Never did plan on it but since you literally tried to bomb me in the avengers tower, you kind of did that to yourself”

“Right now is not the time to be a smart mouth don’t you think?” He drew the gun closer to my face.

“So let me get this straight. Your boy fell for Jessica. Jessica was killed by the 3 suspects. Then your son committed sucide so you went on to kill the three suspects and Mr. Miller to cover up your tracks of revange?”

“Yes” He huffed, taking a look behind me. He lets go of the gun and starts walking away. “Now I know they won’t stop until I am captured but if you die here and I go to court for any of that, well lets just say corpses cant” He makes it to a covered door and locks it before I could stop him. Fuck. I run back to the yellow door and debris blocks the other side. What kind of ward, maze, or fucking warehouse is this?

“Y/N?” oh thank god

“Maria? How Nat?”

“Really? You are stuck underground. Mrs. Romanoff is a couple of minutes away from

the tower. Bruce is with her.”

“Thank god. Trust me I am freaking out. I don’t like being stuck in place more when its


“You know what the good news is?” There's good news?

“My hair still look good?” I slide down the wall ready to collapse and stay there until I die

of starvation

“I can’t tell through infered but what I can tell is we have Kidd under custody and is on

the way to jail” another sigh of relief. “Are you ready to get out of there?” Before I could answer I hear a loud explosion and the hallaway I am in starts moving.

“What the hell is happening?” Please let it be an earthquake and not the ground underneath me falling.

“We cleared the ground above and now we are taking the enclosure you are in out to the surface” I could hear the container I was in hit the ground. Enclosure? What the hell am I, an animal? The sound and the smell of something burning was opposite of me. The metal rectangle opening fell, the light came through and an annoying and pissed off Tony did too.

“I should have kept you in here. Cut an opening on top and fed you like a hamster. That way you couldn’t get stupid ideas an act on them”

“Can we go home now? I did enough heroing today?” I know I didn’t help and probably interfered more than helping but I was tired and I hadn’t had anything to eat. No one got hurt and the criminal is underarrest.

“Yeah. Get in the quinjet” I smile passing by him. Never have I been so happy to touch the ground.

“You okay?” Steve says as I am walking up the ramp

“Next time I tell you to get out you do just as I say so I don’t have to come to you and have something like this happen again” I hear his slight chuckle. I take a seat and close my eyes.

“You saved Nat you know?” Lazily I open my eyes and see him kneeling infront of me. “We weren’t going to give up that easily. We have gotten into bigger messes before. As for you coming over that was a bad idea yes but if you didn’t we wouldn't have gotten to Nat in time” His smile always makes me feel better and he always knows what to say.

“Alright let's go home” Tony demands, walking into the quinjet. “And Bucky is, I would say angry at you but I don’t think that begins to cover it” Fuck! I forgot about Bucky. Fuck Bucky. Lydia. I am a horrible guardian. Leaving her alone with a guy who might have nice intentions but probably doesn’t even know how to take care of a plant. All the way I had two things on my mind. One Lydia and second Nat. When I told you I ran I ran to my room. I think all I saw was tunnel vision.

“Oh thank god” I pressed a hand over my heart seeing Lydia sleep soundly on my bed. His stare was very distinctive so when I felt a stare I knew it was him. I turn around and see him leaning with his arms crossed in the door entry. “Hey Tinman”

“Are you serious? Leaving me alone with a baby?! No. Leaving Lydia alone with me! To go to a mission that didn’t include you. That you could be injured or worse, died from!”

“Am sorry I wasn’t thinking” I walk forward tailing out the door so Lydia wouldn’t wake up. I knew saying sorry was enough when his face wasn’t angry but sad. “I understand-”


“You don’t understand anything! You could have died while under my protection! Lydia could have been harmed while I was with her. Goddamit!” I was looking at the ground like I was some little kid being screamed at by their parents. I didn’t know what to say and I guess he didn’t want to hear anything of what I was going to come up with. His footsteps moved quietly down the hall until he went into his room. The elevator dings and I see Wanda walking out.

“Everything okay?” Why did I feel a sting in my eyes? I never liked people screaming at me. But it never made tears form like this before. Not since the last time I saw my mother. “Y/N you need to understand way better than the quick story” She is right. I don’t know who Bucky is but I really do feel sorry and I have to make him believe me. “I will stay with her. Go”

“Thanks Wanda” I walked towards the door but stopped before I could try the knob. My mind was a mess or words. Every word that I think has no meaning because I am scared it's the wrong ones to use. “Bucky?” He probably hates me more than he did before now. That's why he doesn’t answer the door. Even trying to take a deep breath was a mistake. My breathing was out of order now. I turn the door thanking it for being unlocked. The lights were off but the light from outside gave me enough to see the form of the bedroom. He wasn’t in bed and the bathroom or closet door was wide open with the lights off. Where is he?

“Normally when people don’t answer the door it is because they don’t want to speak to anyone” Shit. I turned to the dark corner his voice was coming from.

“Normally people don’t seat in dark corners in their own room with the light off” Everystep I took towards him I had a bad idea in my head. What if it wasn’t Bucky? What if it was a serial killer pretending to be him? What if it was my imagination or just a dream? What if I walk into the dark corner and get sucked in a different demination?

“For someone who has a lot of thoughts in their brain, you can’t make decisions rapidly” I stop immediately after bumping into him. I kneel infront of him. I don’t hear him even flinch in the chair.

“Tinman I came here to apologise and you are making it really hard” Fuck I can’t come up with words now and that basically in my job description. But I can’t help this feeling, I don’t want to hurt him or have him hate me even more becasue I don’t know how to apologise to someone. I have never been the one to show emotion or love towards somebody. Maybe a hug and a smile with friends but never this. With Bucky it's like a connection and as stupid as it sounds I just crave him more than a physical way. Wanda always said I would find someone who would change my mind on belonging to someone. Having to give everything to them no matter the pain. To make myself vulnerable to them. I would tell her she was crazy. If I did find someone they wouldn’t rule my life. I wouldn’t be someone who would do that. I thought I was strong but with him, it just feels different. Words can’t explain that. “I am not good at apologising because I don’t do it often” I place my hands on his knees. Why? I don’t know!. His muscles tense but I can’t remove them now. “You can ask Wanda. I hardly apologise to people one because I am hardly in the wrong and two because most of the time it is something stupid. I can’t even accept and thank you because I hate feeling like I have to keep up an act of being someone they like-”

“You’re rambling” His voice was above a whisper and If he wouldn’t have moved a little I wouldn’t have quit talking to hear him talk.

“Right. Look I just want to say I am sorry for leaving Lydia with you. I should have thought it through but when I saw that the team needed help, well I bolted. I know you, Bruce, or Sam could have been of better service but it was my problem to fix. So I apologise for that. I don’t know everything,” Shit. I feel a problem coming. “I just know that I am sorry for making you feel like a danger to someone.” more a baby. “ I won’t do it again” I hope he could hear my sincerity in my voice. How can he make me feel so vulnerable? Like I want to cry because I caused him some kind of pain. I met him not even a week ago. Yet he makes me feel like we have been friends for years.


Tags :
2 years ago



You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course, as one of the most successful lawyers in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.


Chapter 8:

After that night, well I should say day. After that day things changed. Kidd was going on trial for the murders and you bet your ass I was going to be there fighting for Mr. Miller. I moved back to my apartment and with a little help from Wanda and Karen I organized my schedule with Lydia. It has only been a day and I feel like dying. I moved back in the morning and by lunch time I was back in the office with the team. That afternoon after getting everything situated on things I missed Karen picked up Lydia from Wanda and brought her to stay in the office while we started our case on Kidd. Lydia was typically a good baby but when the attention was all on her or when she was sleeping. I had to leave early so now I am stuck at home with a baby. Nat was okay. A little help from Bruce goes a long way. Tony offered to extend my stay but I explained to him there was no need anymore. “Yes you can have Lydia while I see her” Wanda called me as soon as I got home. Talking my ear off and now she offered herself again to keep an eye out on Lydia so I can go to therapy. I am so thankful for her and Karen but god, it's 7 and it's been a long day and all I want to do is lay down and sleep.

“Great. I will be there at 9 to pick her up. After your appointment can you accompany me to mine?”

“Of course Wanda. Now get some rest”

“But it's just-” I hung up the phone before she could continue talking. “Ready to go to sleep?” I ask an already asleep baby. She skipped her nap thankfully so she was out like a light once I placed her in her playmat. I grabbed her and gently placed her on my bed and created a fort around her. It feels nice spending the night back home. I took a quick shower and went to bed.

In the morning of course Lydia decided to wake me up at 7 in the morning. “You are messing up my schedule, did you know that?” She responded with a cry. “Okay, okay. Let's get you some food.” a quick change and on our way to the kitchen we go. “I don’t have a chair for you” Can’t have her on her playmat, she might learn how to crawl and it's not safe for a baby here. “Guess you are going to be my suchef” I place a 2 slice of bread in the toaster while holding her bottle with my shoulder so I could use my only available arm to make my breakfast. A strawberry toast will be enough for this morning.

“Hey-” I am grateful my friends have a second sense. “That baby on your hip looks out of order” I roll my eyes at Matt. I kind of hope now the knife I threw at him wouldn’t have missed.

“Shut up. You scared me. Here” I extend Lydia to him and push her into his arms. “Let me wash her bottle so I can get ready” With the scare I dropped her bottle. “What are you doing here?”

“Just checking up on you” I know by his look that there was more to his story but I didn’t have time for it right now. I hand him the bottle and as he begins feeding Lydia I start on my toast. “Haven’t seen you in days other than yesterday, just wanted to check in.”

“Well everything seems to be back to normal, other than the baby of course.” She is such a good baby. Ugh.

“What's wrong?” I shake my head ignoring him as I walk into my room. I go into my room to get ready. Once I am done I pack up Lydias diaper bag and grab her some clothes so I can change her into some more appropriate summer clothing. By that time the clock hit 8:40. “I should get going. Someone has to do all the work in the office”

“Tony invited me over for lunch. I will be in this afternoon so show you I can do all the work you did in a week in just an hour” With a laugh he walks out the door just in time for Wanda to show up.

“Is the little girl ready?” Before I could get her up and hand her over to Wanda she dropped all her things to pick her up. “Aww where did you get this dress?” It was an all white with white flower detailing dress.

“Long story. It's a keepsake.”

“Umm. Ok” I don’t know if she just didn’t want to ask or if she just wanted to get back to Lydia but usually she would persist until I tell her.

“She already downed her first milk. I will be back around 10:30. So if you just want to give her a snack in the span of that”

“Got it” I chuckle, grabbing my things and saying my goodbyes. Took my 15 minutes to be at her office door knocking.

“Goodmorning Y/N please take a seat” I feel like a little kid waiting to be told wrong everytime I am on this couch. “How are you?” I hate this conversation starters

“Good. Can we get through this please?”

“Very well” she opens her notepad and prepares her pen. “I hear the latest on your case” fuck.


“Yes. Bad guy tried to kill me just like he killed innocent people. In the middle of all that I got the guardianship of Mr. Miller's baby, that is until her grandparents come and picked her up. Bad guy is in jail. The end”

“Are you doing okay with all of that?”

“Yes. Bad guy in jail so no more threats to my life. Baby is an adjustment but in a couple days it will be resolved” There it is, the first note in her notepad. I think we spent the whole session talking about the case and how I was feeling every second until now. I know how I felt. Maybe I didn’t take the right actions towards every feeling but I have to admit taking the time to associate myself with what has happened in the past days was good for me.

“It seems like the baby bothers you more than the whole threat towards your life” that is crazy. “Remember you have a difficult time understanding feelings” Bullshit. “Also remember to listen and not denie or fight against my words” Fuck.

“The baby will be off to her grandparents soon, no need to care for it if it's stay is temporary” it's true. I like the little baby but I am just her pitstop to people who will love and care for her better than I could ever do.

“You are correct but you also know this has to do with your feeling towards change?” How dare she ask me. Ain’t she the therapist to figure this out? “With the session you have taken you have shown aggression but at the same time sadness at change. You can’t accept it.” Wrong

“Okay I will work on that” Check. The topic is getting frustrating and I tend to let it out with words so to save her and me of any embarrassment I prefer changing the subject.

“Alright we will move on” Another note to her notepad. “So last time we spoke about your past. You didn’t want to get into it a lot but you did tell me something I didn’t catch on until now” Fuck. I said too much. “You don’t want to go back home, why?”

“I have a life here already. Nothing is waiting for me back there and if this is all about honestly well, that place is not my home. It's just that, a place”

“Even a place can hold a lot of answers. I think for this session you can take a visit back home. Take your time but I don’t want you to come back until you do” Hell yeah. That can be days, weeks, mon- “Never mind. I will give you till this weekend to do that” She rushes me to the door and I couldn’t even talk back as the door meets my face. What just happened? There is no way in hell I can do that this weekend. I let that go to the back of my mind. It's Tuesday and I still have 3 days until then, I will figure something out before then. I drive down to my house and see Wanda playing with Lydia on the ground.

“She didn’t want to take a nap”

“As long as she is not crying and grumpy” And no she was not. “Ready to go?” Wanda nods, placing Lydia in her car seat. “Where are we going anyways?”

“It's a surprise” This surprise didn’t last long. As soon as we parked right infront of it and she took one look at my face waiting for my reaction I knew I guessed right. How could she have kept this a secret? Does everyone in the tower know about this? She didn’t even give any sign of it.

“The doctor will be right in” The kind nurse said, closing the door as she left the room we were in.

“When did you find out?” She was laying on the bed calmly as possible

“3 weeks ago. I felt a little change the day I found out. Mine is not normal like everyone else but I decided that I wanted to enjoy it my way.” Lydia was looking around the dark room, surprisingly not scared of the dark. Most babies like to see their surroundings and get uncomfortable in the darkness.

“Does everyone know?” She shakes her head. A big grin appears in her face as she pulls out her phone.

“I want to do a reveal to everyone and I am going to need your help” I gave her a quick nod before the doctor appeared.

“Well let's check how the baby is doing” I look over to Wanda and for a moment I black out. I feel like the one who should be nervous is her, not me. She is having a baby. A human being is growing inside of her and she is going to be a great mother. That was the whole reason she wanted to spend more time with Lydia. That sneaky little thing. “The baby is doing great. Great heartbeat, strong” Wanda smiles proudly like if she had gotten an A in a project “ You are 18 weeks as of yesterday and you know what that means?” She can’t calculate dates right. “We can find out the gender today” She grabs my hands shaking it with excitement

“Can you write it in an envelope, keeping it a secret?” She really wanted to go all out on this which I don’t blame her. Now that I see how much she craves this I am starting to get excited too.

“Of course. Go ahead and change and the nurse upfront will have that for you” We thank the doctor before he leaves. Wanda changes and all the car ride home her smile still doesn’t fade.

“I want those confetti twisty things and this” She shows me her phone real quick so I can go back to focusing on the road. “ The color smoke for pictures” Her smile and picture showing didn’t stop until we were in the tower. She wanted it to be a surprise for everyone else. The envelope was saved in Lydias car seat pocket. “Vis is lunch ready?” Wanda screams walking out the elevator to the kitchen. That seems like a queue for Lydia to start crying. I didn’t want to disturb anyone so I walked towards the old room I stayed in. I close the door and take Lydia out of her car seat.


“Wanda and Vis are finishing lunch so no bottle until then okay?” I tried to calm her down but nothing was working. I changed her diaper and even tried playing with her toy but nothing helped.

“Miss Y/L/N. Wanda says you can come to lunch now” I thank Jarvis and god. Hopefully food helps calm her down. And it did. Atleast for some time, she went back to crying after eating.

“Did you change her already?” I nod “Play with her?” I nod “Maybe she needs another bottle” Tony was about to get up but I shake my head

“She just ate. That will upset her stomach” I don’t know how parents do this. “She has been missing her naps but everytime if I put her down she refuses to sleep”

“Well try again” What else can I do right? I excuse myself and take her to the room again. I read her a book but her crys are still going. I try to rock her to some music but she doesn’t stop crying. Maybe she is sick? I place her in the bed surrounded by pillows and I go into the bathroom. I know I could just go with Bruce to get her checked but a thermostat can help much faster. Bingo, the baby has a fever. Tony orders some medicine for her as I begin to run her a bath. The cries stop but I can tell she is exhausted.

“Just go to sleep. A good sleep will help you a ton” After a couple minutes of nothing. Her just staring at the wall will I talk to her like she was going to respond. I take her out and just put her diaper on.

“Here's the medicine” I thank Tony. He leaves me while I give her the necessary dose and there goes the cries again.


Tags :
2 years ago



You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course, as one of the most successful lawyers in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.


Chapter 9:

I don’t know what time I fell asleep yesterday. With all the cries and the temperature not going down I panicked and maybe knocked myself out after her cries had stopped. Wait. Where is she? I ran out of my room and out to the main floor. “Hey. Don’t freak out she is in Bruce's lab” Why? I rush over just to come to a stop right at the door. I looked over and the clock said 10. In the morning? What the hell.

“Having a kid is like being hung over sometimes. You don’t remember something when things were rough with them the night before” Clint's words made me feel a little better. I should have stayed up and with her the whole night.

“You stayed with her the whole night” I hear Wanda’s voice beside me. “Her temperature was going down and she fell asleep. An hour or so later she started throwing up” Yeah I can remember that. That was the first time in a long time that I had frozen. After the shock and as soon as Lydia stopped throwing up I went to find Bruce. With another few throw ups and the fever coming back up Bruce told me she had an ear infection. The medicine was prescriped but I couldn't pick it up until this morning. So all last night she was awake and crying. And if she wasn’t crying she was throwin up and right after throwing up she was crying again. She didn’t even want to take her bottle. “You knocked out around 4 in the morning after she was asleep. Bucky took you to lay down”

“Has she taken her medicine?” Wanda nods. I haven’t spoken to Bucky since that night I went to apologise. Havent seen him since either. We spoke for a couple minutes before Wanda knocked on the door and said she needed to leave.

“He stayed with her since you left. The only time he left her side was when he left to pick up her medicine” Now she was feeling better. She was in Bucky’s arms eating some bananas.

“Don’t beat yourself about it. It's not like there is a rule book on how to take care of a baby. Trust me if there was one I would have been their number one fan” We laugh at Clint. “I know her grandparents are on their way but have you ever thought about keeping her?” honestly no. Lydia is a wonderful baby and I distance myself from her but I would be lying if I said she wasn’t the reason I didn’t feel alone. I only spent a full day with her and another couple but during that time she has put me in situations I felt I needed at the time.

“No. Who knows what will happen. I take the long run on this one” I open the glass door and walk towards the two. “Hey” I kneel down in-front of them as Lydia takes notice she reaches her arms out to me but Bucky hold her back

“Yeah no. It's your turn to take a shower” I moved my eyes to where he was looking and my shirt and pants had dried throw up on it. I can’t stand the smell of cheese but I could sleep through throw up being all over me?

“Fine” I roll my eyes walking out the door. “Were yall going to tell me I have throw up all over me?” I say to Clint and Wanda who were now in the kitchen island eating something. They both shake their heads laughing. I make my way over to take a shower. Took a quick 10 minute shower but I would be lying to you if I didn’t feel disgusted at the thought of smelling like throw up. I probably still smelled like it. I changed and once I walked out the door I was surprised to see the sight in front of me.

“She fell asleep right after her bottle” Lydia was fast asleep surrounded by pillows while Bucky stood at the end of the bed

“Thank you” I didn’t know what to say. So I just turned around and started packing her bag so as soon as she woke we could leave.

“Are you going to keep her?” Why does he care? Maybe he was just trying to make conversation to not make it weird and maybe I am an asshole for thinking this but he doesn’t have to be here anymore.

“I am not planning to” It’s as simple as that.

“What if the plan changes?”

“Then I guess I will deal with it then” I shrug really wanting the conversation to be over. But now that the awkward silence has me reconsidering it.

“So about that night” Fuck. Now I really want to go back to the other conversation. “I never meant to put that pressure on you. I was angry, full of rage and that was wrong on my part”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Wanda was right, you don’t accept apologies.” That made my head turn. “She said you don’t accept gratefulness or apologies. There are rare occasions when you use your manners too” oh fuck you. “And when you do, you don’t mean it”

“You got a Y/N 101 from Wanda?” I wasn’t pissed but I wasn’t happy eithier. I don’t mind people having their ideas of me, good or bad I don’t care. But when someone comes up to me and tells me in my face how I am I tend to get defensive.

“Yes. I needed to know if you were truly sorry about your apology” This asshole. “Wanda said if you apologise for something you were truly sincere” calm down. I close my eyes not wanting to do anything out of anger. How dare he go and try to find out if I was truly honest? He should have taken it up with himself to believe me or not.

“Okay” I didn’t want to start an argument with the guy.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure Tinman”

“Do you want to go on a date?”

“With you?” oh shit “I didn’t mean it that way” Fuck you. I saw him walk towards me and my body froze. My eyes are looking for an escape but I can’t come up with one.

“I haven’t been on a date in a long time, if I am being honest I am still learning about my feelings and how to deal with them” He grabs both my hands in his eyes and can’t seem to peel at the sight of it.


“Is this a new therapy thing she has you doing?” I hear a slight chuckle but he shakes his head.

“She mentioned going out with friends and before you say anything, no. When I first saw you I felt a gravitational pull towards you, and call me crazy but that was enough for me to know that in my mind we could be something other than friends” Best friends? Super friends! Get it? Because he is a super soldier? “I didn’t know how to come to you at first but if I don’t give it a try now than I might never get to it”

“Even after I caused you pain? Made you angry and tried to sabotage your orders?” I am not going to deny it made me blush. I thought after everything he would not hate me but dislike me that after the whole protecting me was over he would not even give me a second glance.

“I am willing to give it a try after all of that” that is stupid. How does he know I won’t do it again? “You had your motive behind them and I hope after getting to know eachother things will be alright.” I look up to meet his eyes. Oh honey you don’t know anything. My mind is telling me to remove my hands from his hold. Look away from his eyes. Make my heart steady to his touch. I am not one to do this with. I am no good. I will only break his and my own heart at the end. I am unstable. Maybe that is why I felt that connection with him in the first place. God knows I don’t know how to deal with my feelings either.

“Will I be responsible if things go wrong?” I was giving him a chance to run. Take back his words and hopefully only depart on a happy note. But my heart wants more. Maybe I should be brave enough like him. “I can’t promise you anything.”

“I am not asking you to promise me anything. I am just taking a risk at this” a risk. A risk is taken when you are doing something unsure, dangerous, unplanned, a ticking time bomb, like me.


A/N: why’s have I never seen this?!!!. So adorable.

Anyways I feel like this story is coming to an end. I don’t know if chapter ten will be the last or maybe it will be a couple more chapters but am stuck. Have no idea where to go. Maybe the story will end and I will post some chapters of the future as not part of the story like, if they get married or kids, i dont know.


Tags :
7 years ago


Summary: Bucky had a rough day, so reader had also. Female reader is trying to comfort him in rather intimate way...

Word Count: 1132

Warnings:  smut, cursing and more smut :D

Author: Rouge

It was another boring day at the Shield’s base.

You have ended your duties and you were about go home.

You were working as an agent since 4 months, you had to take care of all administrative matters and you were also taking part in planning of missions. Walking along the long corridor, you’ve heard a loud screams, coming from the conference room. You hesitated for a moment, but then you walked to the door and slowly opened them.

Inside the room you spotted no one else but Bucky and Sam. Both men were arguing loudly. “You think I don’t know, huh!?” Sam was waving his hands, trying to explain something to Bucky.

“Fuck you, Wilson, just fuck off and get thee fuck off of me, okay!?” Bucky strongly pushed other man away and turned to walk out of the room. It was when he spotted you. “The fuck are ya doing here, bitch!? Don’t ya have more interesting things to do, slut?!” he yelled at you, pushing you away when he was leaving the room. You blinked, giving a brief nod to Sam before you closed the door and looked after Barnes.

You good knew that this man had a very impulsive temperament and usually you were avoiding him to not starting an argument. But that day you had enough of everything. And James Barnes made, that your rage has increased within seconds. You cleared your throat as you walked behind him in the direction of the elevator and then you said aloud:

“FUCK YOU, BARNES. FUCK YOU. YOU’RE NOTHING MORE BUT A FUCKING PIECE OF A SHIT, WHO DIDN’T DESERVE TO BE ONE OF US.” You saw how he stopped in the middle of the corridor, motionless. You instinctively stopped too, you were ready to make an elusion if he would want to attack you. He was capable to do such thing
 “Yea, right
” he only mumbled.

You blinked, because you weren’t expecting such reaction from his side. Bucky pressed the button to call on an elevator and then he leaned his forehead against the wall. You approached him. For a moment you didn’t know what to do. Finally, you patted his back. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to say all those things..” you said slowly, in a delicate voice.

You realized you were trying to comfort that man
 The elevator’s door has opened and both of you got inside. Bucky pressed 0 and shortly after he leaned his back against the wall.

You bit inside part of your cheek, giving him a brief gaze. “I think you are right. I don’t fit here” he said suddenly.

“No, no, I really
”, but he didn’t let you finish your sentence.

“Do you have a car here?” he asked.

You nodded slowly, looking at him.

“Can you give me a ride? I was supposed to drive with Sam, but fuck him
” he growled in a low voice.

You sighed deeply, but you gave him a nod.

“Sure. It’s not a problem..”

As soon as both of you got at the underground parking lot, you pointed at the black Jeep.

“This one” you said, opening the door.

 Bucky took a passenger seat next to the driver and he glanced at you.

You closed your door, but you didn’t start an engine.

 Deep inside in your soul there was a war between wits and desire.

The truth was that Bucky was in your type, but you always have been too afraid to show him your affection. Besides, he seemed to be an inaccessible man.

But now
 It was a perfect occasion. You both, alone, in your car, at the parking lot. You knew that no one will come there until the next shift will be started. So you had several minutes. And you wanted to use them properly, not losing the only chance you could ever have.

 You leaned forward and kissed his lips gently. At first he was shocked and then you felt him respond. You pulled back and looked at him. He smiled a bit, looking deeply into your eyes.

“What the fuck was that, doll?” he asked.

You looked at him and smiled.

“I don’t know
 I just..”

He didn’t let you end your sentence once again. He leaned in and kissed you. His metal hand was on your thigh. You moaned quietly, tasting his lips.

You slowly unzipped his belt and his pants. His cock was hard in his boxers.

Bucky didn’t protest, letting you to do what the hell you wanted to.

Wrapping your hands around his cock, you slipped the tip into your mouth and sucked. He tasted so good. You were sucking on him hard as your hands massaged his base and his balls in time with your mouth bobbing up and down on him. You rolled your mouth around the tip and then slid your mouth down his shaft. He moaned and leaned back on the seat. You sucked him hard and fast.

“That’s it, baby, oh that’s soooo good. Suck it, little bitch. Suck my cock.”

Bucky pushed his cock into your mouth and you kept sucking. He was getting harder with every second. You pumped his cock with your hands as you sucked the tip with your mouth. You flicked your tongue over the tip. He grunted loudly, closing his eyes.

As Bucky enjoyed the attention given to his cock he ran his fingers through your hair.

You sucked on him with long, slow strokes.

 That’s it, doll..” he murmured loudly.

Bucky let out a moan and you could feel him giving a small thrust, wanting to be as deep as possible into your hot, wet mouth.

You shifted to your right just a little, and then while you continued to suck on Bucky, you looked up into his eyes.

Bucky’s let out a groan as his hot cum shot into your mouth.

You moaned loudly and swallowed everything, still looking hardly into his eyes. Then you lifted up a bit and gave him a passionate kiss.

Bucky gave the kiss back, moaning a bit.

 That was something..” he wrapped arms around your waist to pull you closer before he kissed you once again.

You simply melted into that kiss.

You had a hope it wasn’t your last common time. You dared to ask.


But he closed your mouth with a lovingly kiss.

“Yes, doll” he smirked. “I wanna repeat it as soon as possible. Plans for Friday’s night?” brunette asked openly.

You couldn’t help but giggle.

“For now I have some. To have you in my bed” you bit your lower lip, glancing at him.

Bucky improved his jeans and nodded.

“Sounds amazing. But.. Can we go now?”

You nodded. But inside you were shouting. From happiness and excitement before next time.

Tags :
7 years ago


Summary: Bucky and reader go to the cinema. However Bucky obviously has other plans in his mind.

Word Count: 1061

Warnings:  smut, sergeant kink, unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob

Author: Ailo

It was a Saturday’s evening.

You were Bucky’s girlfriend and you always enjoyed the time you were able to spend with him.

You both arrived at the complex and went to the screening room located on the third floor. The room was crowded.

Bucky started to scanning the rows of seats in the semi-darkness, trying to find two free places and he did, in the last row.

Bucky slumped into the seat and you did too.

 About 30 minutes into a movie Bucky realized he’d made a mistake. The film was absolutely awful and boring.

However you were interested in an action taking place on a screen.

He leaned close to your ear and whispered quietly:

“The movie is shit.”

You smiled a bit and slowly turned your head to face your boyfriend.

“I like it” you smirked, looking hardly into his blue eyes.

Bucky rolled his eyes and leaned his back against the seat.

 For some time Bucky was sitting calmly in his place, from time to time changing his position.

You good knew that he was bored. And you had to admit you were also.

Suddenly you blenched, feeling something. A coldness of a metal fingers at your thigh.

You looked over Bucky. He looked earnestly back into your eyes and you gave a very soft excited sigh as you looked back at the screen.

Bucky started to stroke your thigh with his metal hand, being bolder and moving straight to the top of your leg.

You were now squirming almost imperceptibly in your seat as Bucky stroked your leg.

You thanked yourself in mind that you decided to put on a short skirt.

Bucky very slowly moved his hand down to take the hem of your skirt and inch by inch, little by little, began pulling it up until the bare flesh of your thighs above your stockings and the red fabric of your knickers was visible out of the corner of his eye.

You bit your lips, slowly turning your head to him.

“You’re a really, really rude man, sergeant Barnes” you whispered calmly.

You knew he loved to be called like that. It was one of his kinks.

He smirked only, licking the corners of his lips.

“Yes, doll” he leaned to you and slowly sucked on your neck. It caused a cold shiver went throughout your body.

His cock was fully erect and straining at his jeans and he moved it to relieve the pressure. He grunted quietly.

With your right hand you grabbed for his crotch and started to undo the buttons of his fly.

“Mmmmm, someone is so eager, huh?” he whispered into your ear and you nodded politely.

You finally unbuttoned his jeans grabbed for his cock and immediately started stroking him with a frantic urgency.

Bucky stretching his metal fingers and pushed the two of them into your yet dripping wet cunt.

You started pushing your hips towards his fingers.

“Just.. Like
 That, sergeant Barnes
” you moaned slowly and quietly, biting your lips.

Bucky smirked and increased his pace.

He was sure the noise of you coming was audible to those around you, but no-one seemed to notice, being too engrossed in the film.

It happened quickly, you started to move in your seat faster and faster, forgetting about stroking his cock.

Bucky could hear your breath catch in your throat as you came all over his metal fingers, trembling slightly.

You gasped and leaned down to take his cock into your mouth. You took his balls into your mouth and sucked and licked making Bucky squirm with pleasure, next you massaged them with your hand and put your mouth on the tip of his cock and started to suck. Bucky looked down as you teased the top of his penis with your tongue lapping at the precum. You looked up at him and smiled as you started to take his cock in.

“Yes, good, doll.. Suck on it, babygirl” he moaned rather loudly.

You gagged slightly and then started to move back up his cock, Bucky lost all feeling of what was going on around him, the sensation of pleasure were to much and he shot his load into your mouth and you swallowed it all.

Barnes growled quietly and he  pulled you on top of his lap and you started grinding on him slowly, trying not to make too many sounds.

He shifted your panties aside and grunting in a low voice, he slipped his cock inside your dripping pussy. As he slowly fucked you, you wrapped your arms around Bucky's neck pulling him deeper into you.

Bucky started to pick up speed letting his cock slide in and out of you halfway enjoying the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing against him. He kept kissing you as you fucked, biting your lips.

“Harder, sergeant Barnes
” you whispered directly into his ear, moving your hips back and forth and looking into those blue eyes of his.

Bucky clinched his teeth as he felt his approaching orgasm.

He took a firm hold of your hips, squeezing them harshly and maybe a bit too hard, so it caused a little whimper from your side, but you closed your eyes and tried to not letting a whimper again.

“Look at me, my little pussy” he ordered coldly, sucking on your neck. You politely followed his order by opening your eyes.

“That’s right, doll” he groaned.

“I.. I can’t
 Any longer..” you moaned.

Bucky grabbed hold of your thighs and wrapped his metal arm around your waist as he thrusted into you pulling you harder onto his cock. He watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you let out a little groan as your body started shaking, your pussy tightened around his cock, squeezing against it. Bucky kept fucking you through your orgasm and pull out of you only when it has died down.

You stopped to move your hips, feeling his hot cum inside of you.

Bucky grabbed your chin and pulled you closer, then brunette kissed your rosy lips, sucking on them a bit.

“I love you and your sweet tight pussy” he murmured against your lips before you slowly got off his lap to take your seat again.

You both improved your clothes and then you continued watching a movie like nothing had ever happened.

Tags :
7 years ago


Summary: Reader is Bucky’s girlfriend, who is still too shy to do some certain things with him. Bucky decides to help her find a hardihood.

Word Count: 1053

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex

Author: Beast 

Two months.

You were HIS girlfriend since two months. You were enjoying every day you were able to spend with him.

Being Bucky’s girlfriend wasn’t a simple thing to deal with.

You always were recognized, you always had to be classy.

Bucky has put you on a display, he was always proud to have such a beautiful woman by his side.

 Of course, your common relationship quickly got very intimate.

But you couldn’t get rid of the strange feeling, that you’re not too experienced as Bucky was, that thought was always somewhere in the back of your head.

Bucky was trying so many times to make you feel comfortable and he almost succeed, however you still were too shy to free your desires.

 That day, Bucky came back really late.

He was tired and exhausted after mission and as soon as he gave you a lovingly kiss, he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

“Do you want me to make you a tea, tiger?!” you asked loudly, stepping out of the kitchen.

“Later!” he yelled back.

You heard he was circulating between bathroom and bedroom, gathering his stuff.

After a while the tea was ready, so you took it to the bedroom and you set a mug on the night table.

“Is my doll glad I’m back at home?” a deep voice asked.

Looking up, your face reddened slightly as you saw Bucky only in tight boxers, eying his toned arms and broad chest. Even if it wasn’t the first time you saw him like this, you always got the butterflies going crazy in the pit of your stomach. You snapped back into reality as Bucky walked towards you, his arms went around your waist, pulling you close to him.

“I was about to jump in the shower, care to join me?” he asked, his voice deeper if even possible. Bucky’s blue eyes had a hint of mischief and lust, suddenly your tiredness melts away.

“I’d love to” you murmured, unconsciously biting your lower lip.

Bucky smiled as he unbuttoned your jeans skirt, letting it fall to your feet. You stripped off your shirt and he unclasped your bra as you pulled down his boxers. He took your hand and pulled you behind him, straight to the bathroom.

Both of you has stepped into the shower, the water was nice and warm, immediately making goose bumps appeared onto your naked bodies.

Bucky wrapped his arms around you, his chest pressed against your back as the warm water surrounded the both of you. Although with the hot temperature of the shower, you can’t help but shiver as you feel Bucky’s hot breath over your neck.

The dark haired man suddenly started to kiss your neck, even nipping at your skin. Humming in pleasure, you turned around, wrapping your arms around brunette’s neck, reaching up to kiss his delicious lips. Bucky’s hands went to your butt, squeezing it slightly as you squeak in a surprise. Smirking, Bucky lifted you up, putting your legs around his waist and backing you up onto the wall of the shower. He kissed you greedily, his tongue teasing the inside of your mouth, as he runs his hands up and down your thighs. Bucky pulled away, immediately his lips went to your neck, sucking and leaving small hickeys. You whimpered feeling your boyfriend’s tongue lick your collarbones, which only made him lick you harder.

He then gave an attention to your boobs, licking and sucking on one as he played and messaged the other. Moaning loudly at the pleasure, you felt something hard brushed against your ass. Smirking slightly, Bucky put your legs down, putting his hard cock in between your legs, teasing your entrance and clit. You gasped as he let out a breathy moan, his eyes met yours as he slowly entered into your wet heat. He started out slowly, savoring the feeling, but he then picked up the pace, pounding into you.

“SHIT!” you screamed, digging your nails into his back as he hit your g-spot. Throwing your head back, your back arched slightly, your breathing was uneven, panting along with Bucky. He gripped onto your hips as he thrusted into you, you whimpered as Barnes roughly kissed your lips, his teeth biting into your lower lip. He thrusted hard and fast, making you both moan each other’s names. Suddenly he slipped out of your pussy, letting out a loud groan.

“How much I love your sweet tight pussy, baby girl..” Bucky looked at you with a lustful glance.

With barely any pause he lifted you with incredible strength and pressed you against the glass. Bucky thrusted his hard dick into your pussy. You cried out, sensitive from the work he just did on you. Man gripped on your softens as he pulled back your wet hair.

He kissed your arms, neck, nibbled your earlobe while he was awaiting for your body to accommodate his member. Bucky once again reached for the shelf and you grab my strawberries and cream body wash.

Bucky slid his metal hand down to your pussy to massage your clit as he pumped in and out of you.

 God, so tight
” he closed his blue eyes, enjoying the pleasure.

He pressed you even harder against the glass and began to grind against you, pumping deeper into your pussy.

“Unleash your desires, doll..” Bucky whispered directly into your ear.

Barnes moved his hands to your hips to gain better leverage and you moved your hand to your swollen clit. Within minutes you were thrown once again over the edge, crying out his name as you did.

Your walls tightened against his large cock. Bucky again kissed your neck as the two of you came together, his milky cum dripped out of your pussy. Panting and gasping for air, Bucky gave you a breathless kiss, before pulling out slowly.

 I love you so much, tiger..” you said, your eyes were half-lidded and tired. Brunette smirked, kissing your forehead.

“I do love you too, doll. Now let’s get washed up” he said, grabbing your strawberry scented shower gel.

 I did
” you whispered.

“I know. You unleashed it finally” he smiled to you and then he gave you a kiss.

 That night you both slept peacefully, snuggling to each other.

Tags :
7 years ago


Summary: You happen to be Bucky’s girlfriend. It's your birthday that day and Bucky wants you to feel as special as it's possible, so he shows you his very romantic side, about which you didn't know earlier.

Word Count: 1219

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex and fluff :)

Author: Nad

You came back home earlier than you were planning too, however it was still a late evening.

 “I'm back home, Bucky!” you said loudly, taking off your blue coat and hanging it at hatrack next to the door.

You frowned a bit as you heard nothing but silence. With a loud sigh you took of your high heels and with a bag on your shoulder you stepped into a living room, becoming motionless as soon as you did.

 On the floor there were petals of roses in different shades of pink and red.

On the little dining table few candles has been placed. There also were petals.

The only light in the room was caused by those candles.

A bottle of a red wine, two glasses and plates - everything was placed shipshape.

 You slowly took the bag off of your shoulder and put it on the couch.

Slowly you went deep into the room, looking around as you were trying to figure out what was happening.

 Suddenly, you felt a familiar pair of a strong palms on your shoulders.

Instead of words, you heard a low voice whispering into your ear from behind.

“I hope you like what you see.”

 That sentence hung in the room when you were thinking how to respond.

 Bucky.. It's beautiful
” you whispered slowly.

 A rough hand has been placed on your cheek, forcing you to turn your head back.

As soon as you did, you felt a rough lips on your soft ones.

You closed eyes, enjoying the tenderness of the kiss. Your hand found its way to Bucky’s unshaven cheek.

After the kiss he looked deeply into your eyes and smiled at you.

Man offered you his metal arm.

“Shall we?” he asked politely and you gave a nod.

Bucky led you to one of the chairs and he improved it as soon as you took a seat.

“Thank you” you smiled brightly looking as he was taking his own seat.

It was only when you realized he was dressed in your favorite outfit, namely dark jeans and a black satin shirt. His dark hair has been gathered in a little bun.

“You look amazing, Buck” you giggled softly, smiling at him.

“Not as much as you, doll” he smirked happily, unscrewing the bottle of wine.

You both enjoyed a delicious meal your boyfriend had prepared for that dinner.

He also gave you a present. It was a gold necklace and a pair of gold earrings in a shape of roses.

“Oh, Buck, you shouldn't have..” you weren't even trying to hide your astonishment as Bucky helped you to put the necklace on.

His strong hands skilfully buttoned it up on your neck while he leaned down to kiss your cheek and whispered.

“Happy birthday, Y/N.”

You giggled softly, brushing his chin with your fingers.

“I didn't know that my man can be oh so charming” you smirked.

Bucky laughed shortly.

“As you can see, I can still be an enigma to you.”

 You felt like his metal arm has been wrapped around your waist and his second hand has been placed under your knees.

“Buck, what..” but you couldn't end your sentence, because you started to giggle as soon as he picked you up, taking you in his arms.

“Shh” he only murmured softly, walking upstairs with you in his arms. “If you were thinking that was everything, you were wrong” he said openly. “But the second part of my surprise will need your effort also” he kissed your chin.

You bit your lower lip slightly. You good knew, what was about to happen.

 Your common bedroom was embellished with candles and incenses. A sweet scent of vanilla caused that you immediately relaxed.

“Mmm.. You gave your best in that preparations” you kissed his lips.

 He slowly laid you down on the bed and took a place between your legs, kissing your lips very tenderly.

You wanted him. Like never before.

 Bucky gently put hands on your hips, you grinded yourself closer to him. He shock his head and whispered that tonight was about you. Bucky then slowly removed his shirt and then he undressed you from your tight dress. Man stopped and just lay staring at your half naked body, you grabbed his hands off your hips and you moved them further down your body.

He knew exactly what you wanted, so Bucky put hand down your lacy underwear, he slowly rubbed his hand against her and he grinned as he could feel that you were already moist.

You then pulled yourself more of him, you put hands down his boxers.

“Not tonight, doll” he let off a little laugh as he reminded you that it was about you tonight.

He kissed his way around your breasts, slowly removing your bra and let his tongue circulate your nipples. He could tell by your small groans this was exactly what you have wanted.

He kissed his way down your body, then he came to your hips, Bucky kissed each one and removed your sexy underwear.

Bucky gently kissed the top of your clit and let the tip of his tongue to tease you. He smirked as he gently let the tip of his tongue slipped inside you. Bucky worked his way around, good knowing what you wanted.

Your groans grew louder and longer.

“Exactly like that, don't stop..” you purred softly, gripping the sheets.

After a few minutes he stopped and used his metal fingers, so he could then kiss your nipples too.

You were running your hands through his dark hair.

“Oh my God
” you moaned quietly, biting your lips.

Bucky took off his jeans and boxers and he started to kiss your

neck and as slowly as he could, Bucky entered himself inside you.

First, he moved slowly, letting you to adjust to his size. And then he started to thrust faster.

“God, I love you, Y/N” he mumbled in a pleasure.

He carried on until you started to scream his name.

“Buck! I’m gonna cum!” you screamed, digging your nails in his muscular back.

He stopped instantly.

” you almost begged but he only smiled, pulling his penis out of your pussy.

Brunette rolled at side and you eagerly got on top of him. You arched your back so he could slowly put himself back inside you.

You rested your hands on his broad chest and he held you from your back. Bucky slowly moved hands to your ass, gently squeezing it and it was when you started to go faster and harder.

“Hey, easy, doll, slow down” he purred, watching your sweaty body. He moved his metal hand to grab your boobs.

“I can't, Buck! I wanna cum!” you threw your head back, going even faster, bucking your hips back and forth. So he let you to carry on.

Bucky squeezed your ass for one last time and you screamed you came. As soon as he felt your hot cum around his cock, he exploded his load in you.

“Fuck!” you screamed and then you simply fell on him, gasping for air.

He wrapped arms around your waist and kissed your sweaty forehead.

“That was amazing, doll” Bucky left a little hickey on your neck.

It was the best sex you both ever had.

Tags :
7 years ago


Summary: You are a young recruit in Hydra’s structures. The Winter Soldier are your trainer. One day, after a rough training, you both get laid, but on the conditions specified by him.

Word Count: 1344

Warnings: smut, cursing

Author: Rouge

“Move your ass, Y/N!” Winter Soldier yelled loudly.

You rolled your eyes as you were making push ups.

“Fuck you” you sighed under your breath.

“What did you say, pussy?” Bucky was standing next to you, watching carefully your every movement.

“Nothing” you made one last push up and slowly you got up.

 Feeling his pertinacious gaze on you, you dared to look into his blue eyes.

You spreaded your arms with a deep sigh.

“What have I done this time, huh? I followed any of yours orders, sergeant” you let out a gasp.

“Yea. Too slow” he only said, unzipping his hoodie. “In such pace you never will pass the main exams” Bucky crossed his arms behind his back.

“Sergeant, as far as I know..” you started, being about argue with him.

“Shut the fuck up, cunt” Bucky snorted. “I don’t fucking care if you’ll make them or not. But if you’re gonna fail, I’ll be responsible for that and I’m gonna be punished as well” he clinched his metal hand, glaring at you. “And now, Y/N, get back on a mat and make another 100 push ups” he ordered coldly.

“But..” you almost screamed, however in the end you nodded and took your place. You started to make push ups again and Bucky was observing you.

 Suddenly you felt coldness on your left hip. Metal hand has pushed you a bit down.

“Deepen moves, Y/N, it will be more efficient” Winter Soldier said in a harsh voice of his.

You gave a slight nod and did what he ordered. However an uninterrupted touch of his hand on your hip was slowly annoying you.

After around 20 repetitions of push ups, you decided to tell him what you were thinking about.

“Can you take your hand off?” you asked.

But there was no respond.

 But after a while you felt a metal hand on your throat.

“I can not” Bucky whispered directly into your ear, leaning down toward you.

He grabbed you by waist and pulled you up. Then he grabbed your chin and forced you to turn your head to face him and then he kissed your lips roughly.

In first second you protested, trying to push him away, but with a little effect. With his metal hand he grabbed your wrists and held your hands in place.

“Don’t” he only said between kisses.

When he stopped, you looked at him, shaking a bit. From shock, but also from strange kind of a pleasure.

“What the fuck?” you asked angrily. “Who do you think you are?!”

But instead of reply, you have been pulled closer to him. He kissed you again, this time he left your hands free. His hands has been placed at your butt and he gave it a little squeeze.

“I am your fucking superior” he snapped. “And really. You’re such an annoying little bitch. I have never had someone like you at  trainings. So stubborn. You think you’re better, don’t ya?” he was whispering into your ear, you could feel his unshaven cheek on your own one.

You swallowed loudly, clinching hands in fists.

“Fuck you” you snorted, turning your head aside.

“Oh, no, doll. FUCK YOU. And I’m gonna do this. I know you want it too.”

You looked over him, your brow slowly moved up.

“Are you joking?” you asked. “I would never have sex with someone like you.”

He only smirked viciously.

“We’ll see. I always get what I want. Believe me, you won’t regret.”

 Without a hesitation he simply slipped his metal hand into your shorts.

You whimpered, trying to take step back, but with his other hand he held you by your waist.

You felt his metal fingers slipped under your panties. He rubbed over your clit and you let out a little subdued moan.

“I..” you started but he growled.

“Don’t. Don’t you even try to say a fucking word. Otherwise you’ll be able to see my other face and I can guarantee it’s the last thing you would like to see” Bucky ordered.

You felt a pleasure, which was spreading all over your body, so you nodded slightly, letting him to do what the hell he wanted to.

He was rubbing over your clit to finally slipped two of his metal fingers into your yet wet pussy.

You closed your eyes, holding back a moan which was about  leave your mouth.

Bucky smiled only as he started to kiss your neck. He was slipping his fingers in and out of your pussy and you started to buck your hips a bit to meet his thrusts.

You looked into his eyes, feeling a blush on your cheeks.

You would never say, that something like that can happen. Especially between both of you. Instinctively you put your hand on his belt, undoing it as fast as you could. The you undone his fly too.

After a while both of you were laying on the mat.

He ripped off your clothes, not even trying to be gentle. Then he licked over your yet hard nipples and he slowly moved down, straight to your swollen pussy.

You slipped hands in his dark hair as he started to lick your clit, slipping his metal fingers in again.

You wanted to scream as he was hitting the right spot, but you were obedient and you stayed calm as he ordered you before.

You only bucked your hips, trying to meet his moves.

He looked over at you, still eagerly licking on your clit.

Biting your lips almost to blood, you only nodded giving him a sign that it was something you have wanted. Bucky only smiled and came back to suck on your clit. You threw your head back as he cupped your boob with his free hand.

Oh, how much you wanted to moan. How much you wanted to call his name and to say aloud how much you liked what he was doing to you

You started to shake as you felt, how your orgasm was overwhelming you.

Finally he stopped and moved up to kiss your lips. You could still taste yourself on his rough lips.

You gave kiss back and you pushed him down on the mat. You tugged his pants and boxers down, revealing his yet hard cock. You licked your lips before he took him into your mouth. Bobbing your head up and down, you were massaging his base at the same time. You felt like his metal palm was slipped into your long hair. You looked over him and you noticed, how turned he was. Observing each of your movements, he was clinching teeth to not moan also. You smiled a bit and increased your pace. It was until he cum in your mouth. You swallowed everything.

Bucky grabbed your wrists an pulled you on top of him. You climbed on his lap and put his cock into your pussy.

You just needed to feel him inside of you.

From the beginning you bucked your hips fast, tangled your fingers with his.

Bucky placed his metal hand on your hip, urging you to make a faster moves.

You both desperately wanted to cum.

He lifted his upper body part and started to lick on your nipples as you were moving up and down, letting his cock slid as deeply as it was possible.

And finally you both came at the same time. You felt his warm semen in your pussy and you closed your eyes, enjoying that feeling.

You wanted to scream his name, but a kiss was everything you could have at that moment.

 When it was after all, you put on your clothes.

“When we have next training?” you asked, smiling rather rudely.

Winter Soldier raised his mouth corners in a grin.

“Next week. Why are you asking? I thought you don’t like our trainings though.”

You rolled your eyes and smirked viciously.

“Let’s say I like them since now.”

Bucky smirked and watched as you left the gym.

Tags :
7 years ago

When I Take Over Control || Bucky Barnes x reader smut drabble

When I Take Over Control || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut Drabble

Words: 3959

Warnings: SMUT!

Author: Rouge

When I Take Over Control || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut Drabble

I hated Bucky Barnes. He was ruining me. He sent absolutely filthy texts to me at work, making my face flush and the afternoons long and miserable. I had to painstakingly pick tops and accessories that covered the bruises and love marks scattered across my neck and shoulders. My muscles were nearly always in delightful agony from our rough sessions together. He took any opportunity that presented itself to strip off his shirt in front of me. The pleasure he derived from watching me blush and try to tear my eyes away far outweighed any reservations he still had about his metal arm. He owned me and he knew it. Although HYDRA had tried their best to snuff out James Buchanan Barnes, the charming, cocky little shit he had been in the 40s had gradually reemerged. Bucky and I made a habit of going to the Tower’s gym together just about every day. He would work his body and fight his demons. He never voiced it, but I knew he appreciated my presence. He spotted me lifting weights, pushed me on runs and had insisted on teaching me self defense. It gave him a little peace of mind knowing I was strong and could take care of myself. He was also greatly amused when I constantly told him “Fight me.” after we spent a week on hand to hand combat. Bucky was usually all business while working out, but he was in rare form today. He spent the entire elevator ride up standing behind me, sliding his palms up my sides and groping my ass. When we reached the gym floor I stepped out ahead of him, dodging a very sweaty and tired looking Clint. Bucky nodded to Clint and followed me out of the elevator, landing a resounding slap onto my ass as he passed me. An hour later I had collapsed to the gym floor in a puddle of sweat. Bucky was lying on a bench across the room, pressing a bar that weighed more than two of me. As I lay there trying to breathe normally again, I took the opportunity to admire him. His bare chest and abdomen glistened with sweat and heaved with exertion. His gym shorts had ridden up slightly, and the brawny muscles in his thighs bunched as he dug his feet into the floor. His metal arm shone in the fluorescent light. The quiet whirring sound it emitted and the delicious grunt he huffed out with every rep made catching my breath more difficult. I was enthralled with every move his tantalizing body made. I pushed myself up off the floor and sauntered toward him as his bar clattered back onto the rack. He sat up and I bit the inside of my cheek as I leaned against the machine next to him. The veins in his forearms were bulging as he pulled his arm across his face, swiping away sweat. A stray strand of dark brown hair had fallen from his loose bun and was plastered to his damp neck. The sweat that had pooled in the dip of his collarbone rolled slowly down his chest. My eyes followed as it trickled its way to the waistband of his sweats. I swallowed heavily at the almost overwhelming impulse to follow the wet trail with my tongue. “Enjoyin’ the view?” I ran my tongue over the indention my teeth had left in my lip, still ogling him shamelessly. “Its the only enjoyable thing about coming here.” Bucky huffed out a short laugh and unscrewed the cap off his water bottle. “Better quit lookin’ at me like that, doll,” he took a long gulp of water, letting a droplet escape the corner of his mouth and trickle down his chin. “That door doesn’t lock and I’d hate to accidentally give somebody a show.” He sat the bottle down, fixing me with his clear blue gaze. “You know, I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist” I purred, brazenly meeting his intense stare. His stubbled jaw tightened. “But I think you have one more set left,” I smirked as I bent to grab his water bottle, giving him a up close look at my sweat-sheened chest. I straightened, removed the lid and took several long sips, being sure to let a significant amount of water escape and rush down my neck and through the valley between my breasts. Bucky blinked. I made a show of deeply swallowing and let out a satisfied and slightly sensuous sigh. I noticed Bucky’s flesh hand twitch and I relished in giving the teasing bastard a taste of his own medicine. I winked cockily as I pivoted and strutted across the gym to retrieve my bag, feeling proud of myself for finally gaining one small victory in this game we played. As I reached the treadmill where I had haphazardly dropped my bag, I heard the weights rattle as Bucky began to press the bar again. Bucky was always a silent worker in the gym. Heavy huffs were the only noises he had ever made. But the bastard was now grunting with every press. Husky, lustful sounds that made my core flutter. They were sounds I had only heard in moments of fiery passion. Blurred images of hot skin, gripping hands, rolling hips and euphoric cries flashed through my mind. I slowly turned back to face him as he brought the bar down for his last rep. He pressed it from his chest. Bare, shining skin, every muscle straining, a pornographic sight
 and then he moaned. The fucker unabashedly moaned. Bucky deposited the bar back onto the rack and let his arms flail to his sides. As I stared, captivated with his immense, muscular form, his ribcage began to bounce as he chuckled. “What the hell are you laughing at?” I hitched my gym bag strap onto my shoulder and glared at him. Bucky just swung one powerful leg over the bench and stood. Pinning me with his lecherous gaze, he crossed the room in a few long strides. He stopped close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off his body, and the sweet musk of sweat, soap and leather surrounded me. The combination was potent. I fixed my eyes on his and tried to ignore the intoxicating effect he had on me. I inhaled shakily as his metal hand snuck its way to my skin. “You can try teasin' me doll,” his words dripped from his mouth like honey, smooth and decadent. He drew his cool metal finger down my side. “But it's a game you just won’t win.” The fog clouding my brain grew thicker the lower his hand drifted. The tip of his finger lightly curled just under the hem of my shorts just as his tongue dragged a short path from just below my ear to my lobe, which he delicately caught between his teeth. I involuntarily shuddered and he instantly stepped away. I blinked blankly into his face and exhaled sharply, my mind a muddled mess. Bucky winked. “See you upstairs.” He then spun on his heel and strutted out of the gym. I gaped at his broad back until he disappeared. The door slammed behind him, jolting me from my dazed state. Damn him. I knew what he wanted. He expected me to fly after him, a quivering mess of need and want, begging him to take me in every possible way. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being taken every which way by Bucky Barnes, I was not going to do it this time. I was going to win a round once. I knew he would be in the shower, waiting for me to fling the glass door open and pull him under the water, throwing myself onto his wet skin, skimming my hands over every reachable inch of his chiseled form, tangling my fingers in his dripping hair
 as I always did. But not this time. I stomped toward the gym shower, thankful that I had a tiny travel bottle of body wash and an extra t-shirt buried in my bag. I stripped and stepped under the near scalding spray. The water flowed through my hair and over my skin, the steam enveloping me for the next 10 minutes as I imagined all the indulgently dirty things I was going to do to Bucky Barnes. I knew I didn’t have long before Bucky would come back looking for me, so I hurriedly swept a towel over myself before shrugging on the oversized shirt. It stuck to my still damp skin and my hair left wet spots on my shoulders. I decided to forgo my sweaty underwear and shorts, making sure my shirt covered my ass and held the bag strategically placed over my front. I dashed for the elevator and prayed everyone else was otherwise engaged in the Tower. I breathed a small sigh of relief when I arrived at Bucky’s room without encountering any of the others. As I tapped the code to open the door, I bit my lip, shivering at the thrill of what was about to come. I let the door close with a bang behind me as I sauntered into the apartment, tossing my bag onto the couch. The bedroom door flew open and a very irritated looking Bucky stepped out. He had obviously just finished his shower. The ends of his hair were still shedding tiny droplets of water and several small strands stuck to his forehead. He glared at me, clearly disgruntled after being left to shower alone. He was also naked from the waist up, only wearing low-slung black sweatpants. Damn, if he wasn’t the most sinful looking piece of heaven I had ever seen. “Where did you go? Why do you look like you've already showe-
” He trailed off mid sentence, noting my appearance. His eyes roved over my figure, assessing my half dressed state. “What are you wearing?” he asked in a low voice. “A shirt,” I replied flippantly as I leaned over the couch, rummaging through my bag for my water. I exaggerated the stretch, making sure he got a glimpse of my bare ass. “Yours, actually.” I thought I heard him growl. “Tell me you did not come all the way up here in that.” His tone was menacingly calm. I straightened and faced him, tossing the cap from my bottle over my shoulder. “I came all the way up here in this.” Bucky’s eyes darkened. I took long swallows of water and stared back insolently. “What if someone had seen you? What if Tony had happened to step in with you?” I drained the bottle. “So what?” His jaw clenched and I grinned audaciously. “You’re mine.” I crossed my arms. “You don’t own me. I don't belong to anyone” Bucky took one slow step toward me. “You’re mine.” Then another. “You’re my girl.” Another step. “You’re my dirty little girl. It's my cock fillin’ your mouth and your tight cunt. It's my name you scream every night. No one else’s.” He was now so close that my breasts, bare under the thin shirt, grazed his massive chest. His soft breath in my ear contrasted with the rough stubble scraping my cheek. I wanted to give in. To fall into him, let him ravage me and indulge every lustful craving. But this time, even if it was just this once, he would fall apart under me. “You can’t resist me.” I tilted my chin, smiling defiantly up at him. My fingertips slithered up the inside of his right thigh and I squeezed his hardening erection. Raising up on my toes, I giggled airily, pressing against him until my lips brushed his as I spoke. “You’re so right.” Bucky’s breath hitched. I nibbled on his full bottom lip before sucking it between my teeth. And then I abruptly pulled away, pushing past him toward the bedroom door. “What the hell?” he rasped behind me. I bit back my smirk. Got him. “Is there something you need?” I inquired sweetly as I turned to blink innocently up at him. Bucky growled, his metal hand lashing out to grasp the back of my neck. I stopped its advance, clutching his forearm in front of my face. His eyes flashed beneath his dark brow. “I said, is there something you need?” I asked again forcefully, letting my gaze wander from his eyes, to his inviting mouth and back up. “You know what I need,” he whispered hoarsely. “Tell me. “I need you.” Say it,” I murmured. Bucky flexed his jaw. He loved being in control. “Say please, Bucky,” I breathed alluringly, releasing his arm and running my fingers over his stubble. “Say it and I can give you everything you want.” He sighed softly, his crystal eyes peering into mine. “Please
 I want it.” “Tell me you need me,” I whispered against his lips. “I need you.” With his throaty plea, the desire consumed me. “Well, since you asked so nicely,” I teased as I kneeled in front of him. I slid my palms up his powerful thighs and hooked my fingers in the waistband of his sweats. My tongue skimmed along the line where fabric met skin from one hip to the other. As I gently tugged them down, I placed feathery kisses on every inch of newly revealed skin. When the pants dropped to his ankles I let my eyes travel up his frame. He was a solid wall of taut muscle. His hungry eyes were smoldering at me behind wisps of dark hair. He was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. I kept my eyes locked on his as I took the tip in my mouth and whimpered when the sweet taste of his precum coated my tongue. Bucky’s eyes dilated, dark pupils nearly blacking out sky blue. He brought up both hands to grasp my head, but I and snatched them away. “I didn’t say you could touch me.” Bucky arched a brow, bemused. I licked a long stripe from base to tip, still firmly squeezing his wrists. He sucked in a tight breath. “No touching” I ordered, dragging my lips along the underside of his cock. I released his hands and engulfed him in my mouth. Sliding my head up and down, slicking him and taking more and more of his length. Soon the head was hitting the back of my throat, producing a wet, choking sound. I took in a long gasp of air through my nose before pushing my head down, until he was fully sheathed in my throat and my nose had almost reached the short, black curls at his base. I swallowed around him, the walls of my throat massaging his girth. I gagged once and sat back. Bucky was clenching and unclenching his fists, his abs tightening with each gasping breath. I slipped a hand up the hard ridges and dragged my nails back down. His cock muffled my mewl. My other hand wrapped around his shaft and I began to jerk him as I sucked on the head. My tongue circled the tip with each pull of my hand and mouth. Bucky’s head fell back. His fingers flexed at his sides, battling the impulse to roughly grip my neck and fuck my throat as he so often did. Frenzied gagging sounds and guttural grunts filled the air. Saliva, forced out of the corners of my mouth with every plunge, rolled from my chin and slid down my throat. It was all so vulgar and everything I craved. Bucky tipped over the edge with a hoarse cry, swelling in my mouth. “Ah
” He convulsed above me as pleasure wracked his body. I pressed my palm against him, and his warm, calloused hand gripped my wrist for support as he panted. The other came to rest on the back of my head, thumb stroking through my hair as I eagerly drank his load. I moaned around him, shamelessly begging him for every last drop. He was looking down at me as I slowly released him from my mouth. Chest heaving, pupils blown, eyes glazed over from his high. “Now.. Lay down.” Bucky blinked. “What?” I almost felt bad for impeding on his post-orgasmic bliss. Almost. “On the couch. Lay down. Now.” He took two steps back and lowered himself onto the couch, still looking slightly disoriented. “Don’t move” I murmured. I stepped up next to him, so close my knees brushed his shoulder. I lifted the hem of his shirt over my head, revealing my naked form underneath. The cool air raised chill bumps on my newly exposed skin. I let the shirt drop to the floor beside me. Bucky’s eyes never left mine as I brought one knee to rest between his head and the back of the couch. I placed the other on the sofa’s edge and my hands on the arm rest behind him. I could have come solely from the sight beneath me. Bucky was gazing up at me from between my legs, his eyes blazing with desire. His cool breath caressed my slick folds. I shoved a hand through his soft hair and tugged his face up to my pussy. “Make me come, Bucky.” He didn’t have to be asked twice, immediately running his tongue from my entrance to my clit. His hands came up to clutch my ass, burying his face in my cunt. The harsh scraping of his stubbled jaw on my inner thighs would be well worth it. He enclosed my bundle of nerves in his lips and began to flick his tongue over it while sucking gently. “Buck
 Bucky, shhhit, oh god
” My high pitched whimpers and breathy curses filled the room. Both of my hands were twisted in his hair as I rode his pretty mouth. His fingers dug into the flesh of my ass and he matched my rhythm, tongue stroking from my dripping entrance to massage my clit with every roll of my hips. “Oh fuck
 don’t stop
 I’m so close, baby” I panted breathlessly. Bucky groaned against my sex and my legs trembled. His rough flesh hand stretched up and tangled in the hair at the nape of my neck. He wrenched my head down, arching my body back over him. His cybernetic arm wound around my waist, firmly holding my pussy to his lips, working my cunt for all he was worth. Alternating between delicately nibbling and sucking my clit, he landed a sharp slap to the back of my thigh that sent me spiraling into bliss. I trapped his head with my legs as I shuddered in pleasure. His unyielding hold on my hair kept me bent backward, broken and raspy screams falling from my throat. Eventually my muscles slackened and my cries faded to elated gasps. Bucky’s mouth lingered against my glistening folds, the tip of his tongue lazily lapped at my pulsing clit. His swollen lips kissed gingerly, and gentle tremors shook my body as I floated back to earth. I crawled down his body until I was straddling his waist, clasping the back of his neck with one hand and splaying the other through his long hair. He sighed at the sensation and I pressed my lips to his full mouth. His face was soaked with my orgasm. The taste of my arousal on his hot tongue drove me wild, and the moan that surged from my throat was swallowed by his fervid kisses. I was on fire, burning with the need to be surrounded by him, filled by him. I tugged his hair, yanking his head back and exposing his neck to my wandering lips. “Do you want me, baby?” I whispered, my tongue gliding out to taste his skin. “You want to fuck me into this couch?” A low moan rumbled in Bucky’s chest as he sat upright. He wrapped his cool metal arm around my hips, crushing my soft frame to his hard body. His other hand skimmed up my side and clamped onto the back of my neck. My palms grabbed at his shoulders as he stood from the couch, his massive strength sweeping me up as if I was weightless. He turned, delving his tongue into my mouth. I captured it between my lips and sucked lightly. “Put your mouth on me.” He obeyed instantly, dipping his head to slide his lips up the column of my throat. “Yes, baby
 so good,” I whimpered as Bucky ventured lower, sealing his mouth onto my nipple, biting softly. “So good for me.” “Take me, James,” I purred. “I want you inside me.” Bracing one hand against the arm of the couch, Bucky guided himself to my opening, swiping his length back and forth through my wetness. “Now, Bucky,” I pushed, digging my fingertips into his ribs and wrapping my legs around the back of his thighs. With a throaty groan, he plunged forward, burying himself fully in one thrust. With both hands grasping the armrest, he ground his hips against mine, driving as deep as he could. All the air flew from my lungs as slammed into me with all the power behind his hips and arms. With each punishing snap of his hips, he hit a spot that made my head spin and my walls seize around his thick cock. “Yes, god
 oh fuck, Bucky!” I screamed, clinging to him for dear life. Blinding ecstasy swept my body. His breaths came in irregular heaves and every muscle was trembling. I knew he was close to coming undone all over again. “No. Not yet.” “What?” he grated out. “You’re not done yet,” I gasped, reaching down to the firm flesh of his ass, jerking him flush against me. “I want more. Give me one more.” Bucky growled harshly and pulled himself from me. His hair was falling around his face, casting dark shadows across his glinting eyes. Sitting back on his knees, he towered above me, making a ferocious sight. Snatching my ankle, he hoist my right leg onto his metal shoulder. As he sank himself once more into my pulsating cunt, he tossed my left leg over the other. He planted his palms on either side of my head, his bulk forcing me into the cushions. Slipping completely from me before ramming his length deep into my center, he desperately drove me toward my undoing. My knees were pinned against my shoulders, and with every unforgiving thrust, Bucky reached a place within me he had never been. “Don’t forget to breathe, darlin’.” His voice was strained, betraying his struggle to keep his own end at bay. He held my gaze as our bodies, slick with sweat, fused together again and again. Hair wisped against my face and each breath he took fanned across my skin. I choked for air and clung to his immovable arms. His name was the only word I knew and it fell from my lips in broken gasps and moans, over and over with each euphoric surge that wrecked my body. As I writhed below him, Bucky lost control over his climax. “Shit baby, I can’t
 fuck, I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come..” His body went rigid and his cock throbbed inside me. I felt the rush of warmth spread through my core. Prayers, pleas and profanities spilled from his mouth. With one final rough cry, Bucky collapsed on top of me. His forehead rested on my breastbone as he struggled for breath. My eyes drifted closed and I tenderly carded my fingers through his hair as we basked in paradise together. “Look at me.” His cerulean eyes peered into mine, so trusting and vulnerable. “I’m yours, Mr Barnes. Always.”

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6 years ago

Public round || Bucky Barnes x Reader smut

Public Round || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut

Summary: You were at the restaurant with your boyfriend, Bucky Barnes. He liked to tease you, so he dared you to do some certain things in public. You were not into this idea at the beginning but soon you found out that, in fact, you enjoyed it. And the whole situation could only have ended in the one certain way...

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, public sex, dirty talks, cursing, daddy kink

Words: 3296

Authors: Rouge & Beast

Public Round || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut

"You look beautiful tonight." Bucky clinked your wine glass. "Oh, you really do love me." You giggled softly. "I do, Y/N. I really do." He was telling the truth. For those long months when you both were together, you've learnt how to separate lies from truth if it came to his words. He played a col-hearted man yet he was just a lovely kitten that was in a need of love. "I love you too, Bucky," You said, clinking back. You and Bucky were out for our every once in a while fancy restaurant night.

"Do you love me enough to tell me which panties you're wearing?" He asked, curling lips in a wry smirk as my brows went up a bit.

You looked down at the table. "Buck, shhhh, you're embarrassing me again. Why do you do that?" This restaurant was quieter than most in New York, but there was still enough of a hubbub that no one was going to hear your conversation. "I don't want everyone listening to us." "Come on, there's almost no one here. We're at the early oldster sitting. So. Which ones?" "Oh, okay. The red ones." You were turning a light shade of red yourself. "The ones with all the lace? The super sexy red ones?" He continued. You nodded slightly, turning your face aside to hide the blush. "For me? You wore them for me tonight? Am I going to get lucky later?" Bucky cocked his brows and made himself comfortable in the chair, stretching his back a bit. You nodded again. "What? Tell me." "You know I can't do this in public. Wait until we get home, then I'll tell you, Buck." "Well Y/N, YOU might not get lucky when we get home if I can't hear a little more from you right now." Bucky insisted. You let out a loud sigh. "Yes Bucky," you lowered to almost a whisper. "You're going to get lucky tonight." He could barely hear your voice. "I'm going to fuck your brains out." There was a little pause. "Is that what you have wanted from me?" You crossed arms on your chest, looking him straight in the eye. Bucky smiled, and you smiled back. "Maybe you could give me those panties now so I can tell how lucky I'll be?" He said with a hint of hopefulness. "No, Sir, no FUCKING way." You sounded pretty resolute. And yet, Bucky could saw you shifting around in your seat. It was time for a little shove. "I want your panties. Now." Bucky said in a low voice of his, and that made a cold shiver ran down your spine. You shook your head however.

"You know it turns me on. And that it'll turn you on too." He almost moaned. Your shifting was becoming a little agitated. "Of course, I'd rather see your bottom hugged in by those panties. But, if I can't see that, I could think about it when you hand them over." Bucky was so stubborn. "Stop, please!" You pleaded in a hoarse undertone. "I'll say whatever you want at home. Not here! You know that I am shy!" Bucky just stared at you with a happy smile.

"What? What! You really want this?" You started to get up from the chair, looking slightly disgusted and somewhat defeated. “Okay, Buck! But this is only this time! And never again!” "No. Sit down." Bucky measured your figure with his steel eyes.

You were confused but you obeyed, taking seat slowly.

"Here. Take them off here." He said darkly. Your jaw dropped.

"Now? Here? No. It's too hard, everyone will see." Your head was shaking. “It'll take me a longer time to take them off in the way no one will see..” You mumbled. "I'm a patient man for the woman I love. And her bloomers." Bucky said with a genuine beam in his eyes. "I can't believe you're asking me to do this." You were mumbling as your hips were rocking back and forth. "And that I'm actually doing it!" You stopped for a second. "God," you exhaled, "I... My... I'm already soaked... You creep!" But you smiled at him. It was clear that you'd gotten them down past your ankles and over your heels as you were handing them off to Bucky under the table. "Y/N!" Bucky shook his head. "I want to see them." "I can't... Not here... Oh, I'm gonna kill you when we'll get back home!" You'd bunched up the red lace and pushed it across the table. Bucky opened them up in front of him before he grabbed them up and inhaled hem across his face. "I can't wait to get my mouth down there. Can you?" Bucky said as you blushed profoundly. "You didn't do that, did you Buck?" You were staring at him in disbelief, the blush on your cheeks was visible. "In fact, maybe you could get up and show your perfect butt to me when you walk away to the ladies? And take off your bra for me too and bring it back. Is it red too?" Bucky was encouraging you. "Really? You're kidding, right?" Your whisper was hoarse again. "That's why you'll look so good." He sweet talked. "I... But... People will look..." You rolled your eyes. "And people will only see a gorgeous woman that turns their heads." Bucky shrugged his arms with his eyes still on you. "Are you sure? I mean, I want you to be turned on and happy with me...” You blushed harder, you felt how your heart was skipping a beat. "I'm already turned on. I want YOU to be turned on." Bucky smirked. You twinkled slightly and murmured. "You know you can make me horny with just your leer, but we're in the middle of so many people." That was an exaggeration, but you certainly were in a public place. "Everything will show. My nipples are so hard, they'll stick out a mile and everyone will see..." You trailed off as you started to get up. "All right, Buck. All right." But he could see you were smiling again. You were enjoying the shove. The waiters were just delivering your meals when you were walking back with your right hand trying, and failing, to contain all the material from clutching your bra. You quickly sat down as the waiters were departing. "Here!" You said as you thrusted your hand across the table and deposited the goods. "God, the material keeps rubbing, I feel like I could come right away." You went pink. "Don't do that to me, Bucky!" You giggled like a teenager, and then quickly covered your mouth with a hand. Bucky'd spread your bra out.

"Put that away right now." You said with a strong voice. Seeing Bucky like this, with your bra in his hands, in public, it made you turned on yet frustrated a bit. "I am mortified! Why do you like doing this to me? It doesn't really arouse me as much as you think it does." You added. "Oh, really? You know, when you were walking towards the ladies, I was fixated on the wet spot on the back of your dress." Bucky smirked proudly and slowly licked his lips. "What?! I had a spot?! Do you think anyone else noticed?!" Now the pink turned almost dark red. "I don't understand how you do this to me." You looked annoyed. "Can we eat? Please." It was delicious, as usual. You were quiet but not in any kind of bad way. Just subdued, like you were thinking about something, maybe what you were going to do later. After you ordered dessert and coffee, you looked over at Bucky. "I feel like I'm naked and all the people are staring at my tits." You sighed. Whenever you used the word "tits", he knew foreplay had started. "What do you mean?" "I don't know.." You quieted a little. "It tingles in my clit..."  You were quieter still. "I feel my pussy leak a little more. I'm scared if I get up there'll be a puddle." You exhaled. "You like the sensations, right?" Bucky said in just as low a voice. "You can take it, can't you?" "Yes, I can take it! But I just want you to take me! But we can't until we leave. Do we have to have a dessert? I really need you to plow me." You bit your lower lip, throwing him an eager glance. Bucky only liked his lips as he stared at you. "Oh, Buck, stop. Really. You're torturing me..." You were breathing heavier. "You could stop it right now. Just reach under your dress." He smirked again. "No!" The blushed hit your cheeks hardly. "You'll like it. You'll not only get relief but it'll get you ready for the main event."

"No.... No... I fell for that once before. But no matter how hot am I, I am not going to make myself come in public again." You whispered clearly. Once when you were dating, Bucky'd convinced you to rub yourself to orgasm on a park bench. When you both got back to his apartment, you fucked for five hours, on every piece of furniture, on the floor, in the shower. You must have came many times... "Then tell me. You can guess what I'm going to do to you when we get home. Tell me what YOU'RE going to do to ME." Bucky reached to his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, he lit one up and inhaled the smoke while watching you carefully. "Hmmm, all right, I can do that. Let me think." Your eyes looked up at the ceiling for a second, before they found his again. "I'm going keep my clothes on. But you're not. Instead of my stripping for you, tonight you're going to stand in front on me while I'm prim and proper on the couch..." "Prim and proper without a bra or panties under your chic clothes, leaking all over the place." Bucky giggled wryly, he again licked on his bottom lip. “But yeah. Go on, doll.” "Shut up, you brat. It's my turn." You started again. "You're going to do what I say, and button by button you'll open your shirt for me so I can see that muscular chest of yours, and your bionic arm. You'll take off your shoes and socks, unbuckle your belt, unbutton your pants." You closed your eyes for a second, getting into your thoughts. "And pull them down?" Bucky asked as he exhaled the smoke. He moved in his chair, crossing legs nicely. "Be quiet or I'm going to stop." You gave him angry gaze. "You've got the floor mistress." Bucky smiled. "Good. Back to what I want. You'll pull your cock out from the slit in your underwear and zipper, it'll be difficult because it's already as hard as a rock." You smirked darkly, leaning your back against the chair. Bucky nodded vigorously as he did same. "Yes, a total stiffy. And it'll stick out of your pants, straight up with that vain beneath that it has. It looks so dirty. It's so ridiculous that I have to grab it and put it down my throat." Your voice was soft yet delightful. Your story was getting intense. "Your cock always tastes so good to me. I just love having my lips around the tip, getting my red lipstick all over it and then cleaning it off."

Bucky saw your arm moved a little deeper under the table. "Keep your shirt on, but take your pants off. I want to see you balls too." You sighed lovely. He was a little bewildered.

"Now? Here?" Bucky was starting to sound like you several minutes ago. "Yes. Here." You smiled as you rolled your eyes. "No silly. At home." You gave him another smile. "I want to see your balls hanging down under your shirt tales. For some reason that's really sexy to me. With your dick standing straight up so I lick you all over, suck you, play with your balls, all at the same time." Your arm was going back and forth a little. You seemed to lost inhibitions about being out in the restaurant. "I love it when I soak your cock with my mouth, it feels so good. But I want even slicker, so I take you cock out of my mouth and spit on it. Few times..” With closed eyes that you was having, you ran the tip of your tongue around your lips. “I'm rubbing up and down, making you shudder in my hands, massaging it just up to the point where you're going to spurt... But I stop then." "Oh fuck, don't. I'm about to explode out in public myself." Bucky was barely breathing at this moment. "Don't you dare, there's more to come." You opened your eyes to wink at him. "As I'm rubbing your shaft I start getting a feeling I haven't had in a long time. I slowly stand up  shimmying up my skirt. Can you imagine that?" Bucky's mouth was dry at this point. He only nodded.

"I just pull you by your hand and force you to sit down on the couch. And when you sit there, I slowly stradle you and my wet, dripping pussy slowly sucks your cock in..." You continued with a dirty smirk.

"Doll. Fuck." Bucky gasped.

You could saw how he moved his bionic arm under the table, you smiled even wider at that view.

"Huh? Something's wrong, darling?" Now it's your turn to tease him, and you've just found yourself enjoying this.

He didn't say a word.

Bucky simply got up from his seat and grabbed you by your wrist.

"C'mon, doll. Don't make me wait or I'll go crazy." It's more like an order than ask but you nodded as you got up, too.

Smirk was dancing on your lips as you followed Bucky. You stopped paying attention to the wetness that was dripping down your legs.

He led you to the nearest restroom. Bucky briefly looked at the sign that was saying "LADIES", and he opened the door, pulling you in.

"Buck, it's ladies..." You couldn't help but giggle.

He didn't respond. Bucky pulled you into one of the cabin, and he locked it from inside.

Bucky pulled your dress up along your thighs, exposing your dripping clit.

He simply went down on his knees and picked your one leg up, resting it over his shoulder.

Bucky rushed straight to your clit, he closed his full lips on your pussy, slowly sucking on your folds.

"Oh, fuck..." You whimpered quietly, looking down at him. "Yea.. Just like that... Just like fucking that.." You closed your eyes and you rolled your head back, resting it against the wall of the cabinet.

He buried his bearded face into your core, Bucky's tongue was slowly moving up and down your folds, teasing them with the tip.

You saw how he licked his metal fingers between he slipped them into your pussy without warning. They stretched your tight clit hardly, and made you let a loud moan mixed with a whimper.

"Fuck.. My pussy is so fucking tight, daddy." You slipped hand into Bucky's hair to pull his face back to your pussy. "Lick this dripping cunt, daddy. I wanna feel your tongue down there."

Bucky smirked as he slowly swirled his tongue over your clit.

"You like it, don't ya, doll? You love to have your pussy eaten, don't ya, Y/N?"

You only managed to nod as you tugged on his hair.

"Suck it, please, daddy." Your moans were loud and melodic.

Bucky started to suck on your folds, still fucking your pussy with his metal fingers, making a lot of wet noises while doing so.

"Yeah, fuck..." You pulled your breasts out of your dress and pinched your nipples, massaging your boobs at the same time.

Bucky looked up at you and he giggled a bit, sending vibes to your core.

After few longer moments, Bucky got up and pinned you to the wall. He rushed his hands to the belt and undone it.

You couldn't stop yourself from helping him, so you unzipped his fly and slipped your hand in his pants, pulling his dick out.

You licked your lips as you looked down on his cock.

"Hard as fucking rock. I love it, daddy."

Bucky only smirked as he pinned you to the wall again, he picked your leg up to wrap it around his hip as he pushed himself into your slick core.

You gasped and moaned his name straight into his ear.

"Oh, Bucky!"

Bucky was kissing wherever he could reach. He closed his mouth on your hard nipples few times while pounding in your cunt with a fiercely pace.

His shaft was slipping out of tour pussy slowly to get back roughly as he pushed forward.

With one hand on your boobs and one on your hip, Bucky was fucking your brain out.

Suddenly you both heard how few girls, probably three or four, got into the restroom, giggling and talking about some teenager's shit.

Bucky slipped out of your cunt and forced you to turn around. He pinned your front to the wall of the cabin, at the same time forcing you to stick out your bun.

You obeyed eagerly and you let out a whimper as you felt like Bucky's cock was stretching your pussy again, this time from behind.

Luckily, girls didn't hear you, they were too focused on gossiping.

Bucky's metal hand was moved to your mouth, covering it.

You bit inside of your cheek, the pleasure was unbearable. You wanted to scream to whom you've  belonged to.

Bucky placed his other hand on your hip to control the speed of his thrusts.

He was going in and out, in and out, his pace was getting rougher and rougher. His cock was sinking into your core easily, and he felt how your walls were clenching around him. That meant you were nearing your orgasm.

When the girls left the restroom, Bucky moved his hand off of yoir mouth. You used the moment to started moaning.

"Daddy, fuck! I wanna you to cum in that fucking tight cunt, daddy! I wanna feel your fucking cum in me!" You moaned eagerly, you felt how your legs were shaking.

Bucky placed his mental hand on your other hip and he increased the pace, fucking your pussy with his hard cock as fast as he only was able to.

"Fuck... Fuck.." He was grunting deeply, and in the end, he cum deep inside of you, shooting his load into your core.

You gasped for the air and you slipped your hand between your thighs to rub your clitoris and to slip two of your fingers into your pussy, along with his cock.

"Yea, fuck, I cum, daddy..." You groaned lazily, turning your head to his.

Bucky leant down to you and crushed his lips on yours.

He tasted wonderful.

When he slipped his cock out of your clit, you turned around to him, improving your outfit.

You took a hold of his yet hard cock and you gave his shaft few long strokes.

Bucky closed his eyes, enjoying additional pleasure as you were spreading your mixed cums along his length.

You got on your tiptoes and kissed him at the same time.

You smirked after few moments, when you stopped playing with his cock.

Bucky slipped his dick back into his jeans and he buckled the belt.

When you both got out of the restroom, he looked at you.

"We gotta do this more often, Y/N."

You only smiled.

You already had another scenario in your head.

Public Round || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut

PandiesđŸŒ: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans  @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

Tags :
6 years ago

Reunion || Stucky Smut


Summary: Bucky is out of cryo in Wakanda. He lives calm life but he feels something's about to happen, soon. When Steve comes to Wakanda, it only makes Bucky sure of an uncertain future. Their meeting goes into very sexual way as soon as they get alone.

Warnings: Smut, small IW spoiler

Words: 3399

Authors: Cass & Beast

Request by: @infinity-stones-seeker inspired by ♄


It's been a while since he was awaken. Time seemed to be passing by quicker than it used to do before.

He wasn't a Winter Soldier anymore. He wasn't sergeant Barnes either.

White Wolf. His new name has sounded so proudly and he was truly happy about that.

Bucky was spending his time at learning how to live his new life. Shuri has helped him a lot lately. In the wildest dreams, Bucky wouldn't thought that T'Challa's sister will become his best buddy.

The idyll didn't last long, unfortunately.

Bucky was nervous since the moment he found out that Steve will come to Wakanda, along with people Bucky knew for a while then.

He was still without his left arm and he felt kinda like a waste dude.

 Steve sighed rubbing his neck nervously. He was back in Wakanda. Last time when Steve was here, he had to say goodbye to his best pal and now... He came back to see him again.

Steve was deep in his thoughts, looking through the window until Shuri slapped him in the arm.

"Still here? You should go now. He is waiting at you."

Man nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

He thanked Shuri and left.

He good knows where he has to go but he felt fear. It was such a long time since they've seen each other last time.

Bucky was rounding an airstrip another time, he was meant to meet with Captain at that place. It was when he spotted familiar figure on the horizon.

"Steve..." Bucky whispered, yet his lips didn't move even a bit.

He slowly started to walk toward his pal, his buddy, his Steve... A walk has shortly changed into a pace faster than it, in the end changing into a simple run.

Not paying any attention to people around, Bucky jumped into Steve's arms.

"I thought I will never see you again, pal..." He mumbled as he buried face into Steve's hair.

Steve hugged Bucky tightly. His pal. His buddy. His Bucky... He was awake again and now he was in Steve's arms.

Blond man nuzzled to Bucky's shoulder inhaling other man's scent. In this specific moment, Steve realized how much he missed his friend. His warmth. His presence.

Steve pulled away and looked at Bucky's face. "How are you, Buck? It's good to see you again." He said and looked into Bucky's eyes just to make sure it was really him this time.

Without Bucky, Steve used to dream about his friend. Many times he was thinking that Bucky was back for real but those were just dreams.

"I am fine but your presence here heralds something more, I believe..." Bucky's smile has faded away but soon, new one slowly crept on his lips. Bucky reached his limb out to run fingers over Steve's beard. "I can't believe! You and the beard! I like it." He giggled softly.

Steve blinked and laughed loudly at Bucky's comment. "Then better believe it, Buck! Because this beard stays."

He sighed and looked at his pal. Bucky didn't change a lot. For Steve, it was still the same man. Man's gaze fell on Bucky's missing arm. "It's gone..." He said quietly with obvious sadness in his voice.

A blush crept onto Bucky's face, so man turned his head aside trying to hide it. "I am used to live without it, you know?" Bucky's voice was nothing more than a whisper. "Shuri... T'Challa's sister said she can help me with that but she needs some time, you know?" Bucky smirked darkly as he took a deep breath.

He looked shyly at Steve. His pal wasn't that "good guy" anymore. Steve looked valiant, he definitely acquired so much vigor, he was so tall and handsome as hell...

Bucky pointed with his chin at the little hill nearby. "I live there. C'mon. I'll show you!"

Steve noticed the blush but he didn't say anything, he only nodded. "I know. I talked with T'Challa and Shuri. You still look great, pal. With or without an arm."

Blond man turned around to look at the hill. "It looks nice. Lead the way, Buck." Steve said with a smile.

The sun was setting slowly when they were walking side by side, ahead, together.

"Something's in the air, I can feel it in my bones." Bucky's voice was full of sadness. "We live in bad times, Steve."

Bucky took a deep breath, he inhaled the fresh air and smiled a bit.

"I enjoy Wakanda's life. It's simple but at the same time, it gives me a lot of peace I have almost never had." Bucky looked around above his shoulder to notice a group of children following them now and then. "Looks like we have a company over there."

Steve laughed softly. "We are old, Buck. It's normal for men at this age to feel something in their bones." He joked trying to divert Bucky's attention from the real reason he had came to Wakanda. "That's wonderful, Buck. I am so happy that you finally have found a peace and that... they helped you." He said and then looked over his shoulder to look at children. "I was gone for few months and you already have new friends, pal?" Steve looked back at Bucky and smiled.

Bucky's voiced echoed as he laughed shortly. "It wasn't me who made new friends. It was them."

Bucky stopped within a step and gustily turned around making an angry grimace. "Give the adults some time to talk!" He roared in deep voice of his, what made children laugh as they ran away.

Bucky put his bangs behind the ear and winked at Steve. "I hope they will give us some time at least."

Soon, two men arrived on the peak of the hill. On the other side of the hill, near to the base of an upland, there was a small cottage house.

"So. Here we are..." Bucky looked at his pal.

Steve smiled at Bucky and shrugged. "We will see. If I can be honest, it's kinda sweet to see you with kids."

Man looked at cottage house. "Still looks better than our first apartment. Remember that, Buck?" He asked looking at his friend.

Bucky rolled his eyes poking Steve's side. "You good know I don't like kids."

As they walked down the hill, Bucky nodded slightly. "I do remember."

And indeed, he remembered. It was a good time to both of them. They were young, completely lost in their youth, they weren't worrying of an upcoming wars nor difficulties.

As they reached the house, Bucky has politely shifted aside to let Steve in. "Forgive me the mess." He ruffled his own hair.

"You do realize you aren't a messy person, right?" Steve asked as he walked inside.

"I wasn't. Now I definitely am. I do not put much attention to the mess." Bucky joined Steve inside and he closed the door behind him. "So, Mr Rogers, welcome to Bucky's little farm!" Bucky laughed and simply flopped on the tiny wooden bed.

He looked at Steve once again letting his eyes slip all over the familiar figure.

"Funny that we meet again when everything's about to fall apart again, huh?"

Steve chuckled and looked at Bucky sadly. "Yeah, you are right, Bucky... but let's not talk about this now, please. I came here to see you. Not to talk about world's problems... I missed you, Buck. I am more than happy to see you again."

Bucky smiled at his friend and let out a loud sigh. "Same here, Steve. Make yourself at home. My place is equally yours." Bucky's eyes never left Steve's. "Wanna some coffee? Anything?" He cleared his throat.

"You know I am not a coffee fan." Steve said as he sat next to Bucky on the bed.

Steve was looking at Bucky for a second before placing hand on Bucky's cheek. "I am so happy you are back. You have no idea."

Before Bucky stopped himself from doing so, he let out a short nervous giggle. "Charming as always, huh, Cap?" He asked. At the same time he sweared in his thoughts. WHAT THE HELL ARE YA DOING, BARNES!?

"I missed you, Steven." Again his lips barely moved as he has spoken.

Steve smiled. "I've never been too charming. I have no idea what are you talking about."

Steve couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to taste him. He wanted to feel him. He wanted to have Bucky as close as possible again. He let out a soft sigh and pulled Bucky closer. "I missed you harder."

Bucky shifted a bit blushing hardly. This time was like their very first time back then to him.

Bucky wrapped his arm around Steve's neck and pulled him closer. He crushed his lips on Steve's humming quietly.

Yes. It was that. Familiar taste had hit him hard and Bucky felt like every of his muscles tensed within a second.

Steve was taken by the surprise. He growled into the kiss quietly and kissed Bucky back.

This was the thing that Steve missed the most. This wonderful feeling. The feeling of someone being close. The feeling of being loved.

Steve pulled away panting against Bucky's lips. He took a deep breath and gently pushed Bucky down on the bed.

And it was when Bucky killed the atmosphere. Again. "Doesn't it... Bother you, Steve?" He mumbled quietly looking up at Captain. "I still don't have my arm..."

Bucky's heart was skipping a furious beat. It was mostly him who was leading all the actions between them. Now, the roles have changed a bit.

"Buck..." Steve said quietly and placed his hand back on Bucky's cheek. "I'd have you anyway..." Steve whispered before kissing his pal again.

Steve didn't care about fact that Buck was missing an arm. He was there. He was real and he was with him now.

Bucky smiled but was cut off by breathtaking kiss. He got lost into it. His hand quickly found Steve's nape where Bucky gently ran fingers over the skin. He knew that Steve liked this kind of teasing.

Bucky pulled away seconds later to take a breath. "Someone was missing me deeply, huh?" He made the best and most lovingly voice he only could.

Steve purred loudly as he felt Bucky's hand on his nape. "Fuck... Yes, I missed you. I missed you so badly. Time without you... was so hard that I couldn't wait until you will be back... Four years Buck... it's too long for me..." Man muttered and move his kisses to Bucky's neck. Steve's hand slowly moved down other man's body.

Bucky opened his neck for Steve by tilting head aside, he also let out a quiet approving whimper as a sign he missed Steve's touch.

"Dear Lord, how much I was longing for you."

Bucky slipped hand in Steve's hair pulling them strongly, so Steve was forced to raised his chin. Bucky immediately used this fact kissing man's jawline and then slowly sucking on Steve's lower lip.

Steve moaned as Bucky pulled his hair. "I love when you do that, Buck." He muttered and kissed Bucky deeply. Steve couldn't wait any longer, he started to slowly grind his crotch against Bucky. "I need you, Buck."

He purred and moved back to Bucky's neck pushing hand under his clothes.

"Oh, man.." Bucky was only able to moan incomprehensibly as he felt how Steve was grinding against him.

Bucky licked his lips slowly as he felt a bulge in Cap's pants.

"My Captain is more eager than I thought..." He let Steve's lips wandered along the pulsepoint on his neck.

"You have no idea how eager am I." Steve said and sat up to remove the upper part of his uniform and his gloves. He threw everything on the floor and started to undress Bucky. "I hope your little friends won't visit us. This would be hard to explain them some things."

"Easy, man," Bucky smirked lazily, "They know they cannot come in without my permission."

It was hard to Bucky to get undressed while having only one arm, so he has left this to Steve.

When his shirt was removed, Bucky felt exposed for few seconds but that feeling simply has vanished as Steve's hands started their way along Bucky's chest. Former Winter Soldier was only able to moan deeply as he moved hand to Steve's crotch. Bucky cupped the bulge in Cap's pants and massaged it hardly looking into his lover's eyes.

Steve laughed and nodded. "Well, I can see you had raised then really well, Buck. You are a good dad." Steve joked and let out a low growl as he felt Bucky's hand on his hardening cock.

"Fuck, Bucky..." Steve moaned softly and his hips gently thrust into Bucky's hand.

Bucky smirked against Steve's lips slowly licking over them as he tightened his grasp on Steve's bulge. "It's hard without an arm." Bucky murmured deeply. He wasn't that beefy as he used to be but Steve has gotten very muscular and heavy. Cap was pinning Bucky down easily.

Blond man purred and kissed Bucky’s lips. “Still doing great, pal.” He said, moving kisses down Bucky’s neck and then down his chest.

"I waited for so long..." Steve muttered, undressing Bucky completely.

Bucky wasn't blushing anymore, even when he has gotten exposed completely.

Steve's actions made his cock hard like never before. Bucky licked his lower lip as he reached hand to Steve's belt and fly.

"Hands... Hand off pal." Steve said, pushing Bucky's hand away.

Steve gently kissed Bucky's abdomen and wrapped his hand around Bucky's cock. Blond man smiled and started to stroke Bucky from the base to the tip.

Bucky rested his hand at Steve's shoulder as he let out loud moan. "Shit, Steve..." He whispered rolling head back on the pillows. "Fuck, pal..."

With each touch of Steve's hand, Bucky was shivering softly. A cold shiver was running up and down his spine with his lover's every single touch.

Bucky hung his mouth open as he squeezed Steve's thigh.

"How much I.... I missed that.."

Steve sighed against Bucky's tip. "I missed this too, pal. So much." He whispered before taking the tip into his mouth.

He started to suck Bucky's tip gently swirling his tongue around it from time to time. Steve missed this so much. Every sound made by his pal was making him even more eager.

Bucky instinctively slipped his hand into Steve's hair, he pulled them hardly. "Fuck you, Rogers.." Bucky grunted loudly as he bucked his hips a bit to slid his cock deep down Steve's throat.

Steve good knew how to make Bucky hard. His every move was considered carefully.

Bucky's head was rested on the pillows as he relaxed all of his muscles watching, how Steve was giving him a blowjob.

"Now it's fuck you, Barnes." Steve said before slipping Bucky's cock deep into his throat and sucking it even harder.

He wanted to pleasure Bucky more but also, he has wanted to tease him so badly. He waited too long for this, so he moved his hand to Bucky's balls to massage them gently.

Barnes shifted at the strong grasp on his balls and grunted deeply closing his eyes. "Just like that, Cap. You're doing a great job, you know?"

Bucky opened his blue eyes and looked down at his friend. He grabbed Steve by his bangs and started to rocking his hips in steady pace. With each thrust, Bucky's cock was sliding deep down Steve's throat, what was gagging Rogers a bit.

"Fuck. If you're gonna suck that cock so hardly, I'll cum." Bucky said in deep voice of his. "I wanna play with your dick, too."

Steve let out a loud growl when Bucky pulled his hair. He looked up and just let Bucky fuck his mouth while still massaging man's balls.

Steve pulled back for a bit. "Good. That's what I have wanted and... maybe later, pal." Steve winked and returned to sucking on Bucky's cock. This time he sucked him harder, moving his head up and down, squeezing Bucky's balls at the same time. Steve sticked his tongue out to ran its tip along the main vain on Bucky's cock.

Bucky bucked his hips few more times and then he had just simply cum in Steve's mouth, spurting his hot sperm down Steve's throat.

"FUCK!" Bucky grunted loudly jerking on his cock to gush every drop of his cum.

As he finished, Barnes got up and pulled Steve by the hand. He kissed Rogers and circled him nuzzling to his nape from behind. Bucky rubbed his hand down Steve's chest to his belt.

"Let's just be two free men that have gay sexual urges and are finally given the opportunity to act on those urges." Bucky whispered as he kissed his pal's neck.

Barnes let go of Steve's cargo pants after unbuckling and unbuttoning them and they fell to the ground.

Bucky grabbed the strap of Steve's boxers and pushed them down around his ankles as well. Barnes began grinding the man as they both moaned. "C'mon Mr. Rogers, relax." Bucky whispered as he stroked Steve's member pumping his hand fastly along Steve's shaft.

Steve growled loudly and grabbed Bucky's hand. "Since when you are in charge?" He growled and successfully threw Bucky back on the bed.

Steve stepped out of his pants and boxers and then pinned Bucky down. "White Wolf isn't so confident now, huh?" He kissed Bucky. "Hope you are ready, pal. I don't wanna hurt you." Steve winked.

"Hurt? Me? I was hurt many times. That will be a pleasure."

Bucky tried to support his weight on his elbow but he failed and in the end he laid comfortably down. His eyes were on Steve's massive cock. Bucky licked his lips briefly.

"I've never seen you so bossy, man."

Steve spitted on his hand and stroked his cock few times listening to Bucky's words. "Exactly Buck, and it's enough for you." He explained and kissed Bucky deeply before slowly pushing into him.

Steve let out a loud growl. "Your ass is fucking tight, pal... And I was always bossy." He grunted and nuzzled to Bucky's neck.

"Fuck!" Bucky growled and immediately his hand wandered to Steve's back, where Barnes dug his nails into man's skin. "Fuck, you're so fucking huge, Rogers! What were you taking? Fucking steroids?!" Bucky bit his lower lip slowly wrapping legs around Steve's hips.

The feeling of being full was slowly spreading all over his body. Indeed, it was kinda painful but Bucky enjoyed the feeling.

The sight of Steve's muscular body towering over him was truly breathtaking.

Barnes was grunting everytime when Steve was shoving his member into Bucky's ass.

Steve moved slowly letting out a moan from time to time. “Your ass feels so good, Bucky.” He wrapped arms tightly around his man. “I wish I could hold you like this forever
 I don’t want to let go. Never again.” Steve said panting.

Bucky moved hand from Steve's back to his nape trying to pull him down as much as it was possible. "Yes, Steve. Just like that. Just like that."

Bucky let his thoughts drifted away and he only focused on the pleasure.

Steve started to move faster. "Fuck Bucky... I am close." Steve growled and nuzzled to Bucky's neck. Soon, Steve pushed into Bucky as deep as he only could and he cum with a loud whimper. "Fuck!"

Bucky has arched his back as the pleasure hit him hard.

"Steven!" He grunted deeply shooting his eyes close as he felt how Steve cum inside of him.

Moment later, when Rogers fell on the mattress next to him, Bucky instinctively nuzzled to his pal, hiding his face in Steve's hair.

Blond man sighed and gently stroked Bucky's hair. "Don't call me Steven ever again." Steve laughed and hugged Bucky tightly. "You know what Buck?" He asked and looked at his friend.

Bucky brushed his lips against Steve's collarbone. "I like to call you that... What's it?" He mumbled quietly.

"Just don't... I love you and I am happy you are here with me. I missed you. I missed having you in my arms." Steve said softly and kissed Bucky's forehead.

Bucky only nodded before he let the darkness to overwhelm his body.

"I love you too, Steve."


PandiesđŸŒ: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans  @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

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6 years ago

Sweet Domination || Bucky x Reader smut


Summary: You like to be sub when Bucky likes to be dom. A sweet play never comes to an end between two of you.

Warnings: Smut, dirty talks, light BDSM

Words: 2379

Author: Rouge & Beast


The dark room was like a place out of time, a place to rest without consequence. The darkness in that way was a sanctuary, a place to recharge and forget the things the world said had to be done.

The wooden doors opened slowly, quietly. Then a little click and lights went on.

Bucky walked into the bed like it was his own home, kicking off his shoes messily at the door and smiling widely as he dropped something onto the nearest chair. Barnes was never good at hiding surprise and this occasion was no different. The man ran his hands through his hair, quite aware that his attractiveness was enhanced by his more rugged qualities.

You smirked - just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. “Hi there, handsome.” You stretched lazily. Alluringly, you would blink your eyes from time to time, allowing your eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. “Fuck, you look so fucking hot
” Bucky swallowed hardly, his steel blue eyes on your body as he laid down next to you. The charm of your physique stole insensibly upon him. The lines of your body were long, clean and symmetrical. His metal finger trailed along your waist, his glistening eyes still on yours.

You closed your eyes for a second, admiring the moment of pleasure when his metal fingers were traveling up and down your hips. The coldness was a sensation to your skin, little goosebumps appeared in few places and you sucked on your lower lip. “Mmm, you’re so good to me, Barnes.” You whispered under your breath, slowly rolling on your side, wrapping arm around his neck. “You know how to turn me on, don’t you?” You asked softly against his ear, brushing his bearded cheek with your tender lips. Your fingers severely tangled in the dark hair of his.

His metal hand squeezed your hip roughly and you couldn’t help but smirk. “Call me Barnes again and I’ll have to punish your sexy ass, Y/N.” He told you with a short, wry chuckle, leaning to you and slowly sucking on your pulse point.

You bit your lower lip again and tugged on his hair gently. “You’ll punish your little doll, Barnes? How rude of you.” You chuckled softly, with a rude grimace on your face as you slowly ran tip of your tongue along your half-opened lips.

He shook his head and kissed you, your tongues were dancing together for a second, then he caught your lip with his teeth and pulled it gently, with a smirk. “Bad doll. Ain’t it funny. Gotta get punished.”

He slipped his hands beneath your nightgown and tugged your panties down. He rolled on top of you, pinning you completely down to the mattress with his weight. He was kissing wherever he could reach, his palms were wandering over your body. He knelt between your thighs second later and took his own shirt by the head.

You let out a sigh, admiring his body. He was muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. His strong hands held your hips as he stared deep into your eyes. Muscles on his shoulders tensed, beautiful lines popped up. He could have had almost anyone, he could have had someone with a bigger bust, a smaller waist, blonde hair and more self-confidence. But the only person he has wanted was you. No one else.

You reached your hand and slowly caressed his tensed shoulders, humming softly, looking him deep in the eye. “You’re so handsome, Barnes.” You teased, slowly cupping your breasts to play with them, giving him a little show. “I was such a naughty, little doll.” You grunted in a deep voice and smirked as you noticed, how he slipped his metal arm into his sweatpants, slowly jerking on his cock. “Mmm
 Such a good boy.”

You sucked on your two fingers slowly, still looking at him, then you slipped hand between your thighs to slowly rub over your yet wet clit.

Bucky blushed and hummed, he increased movements on his shaft, even though his pants you could see, how hard he was jerking himself. “On your knees, little cunt.” He ordered as he got up, kicking his pants off.

You smirked and obediently slipped out of bed, getting down on your knees and taking his hard cock in your hand.

"Do you want it in your mouth, whore?" Bucky asked, his voice was husky, his eyes on you. You nodded and opened your mouth to take its full length slowly into your throat, your tongue undulating over his warm skin. You gripped his legs and then his firm ass. You were slowly bobbing your head back and forth, your eyes were still on him. You pulled him out of your mouth only to spit on his tip and pumped your hand along his length, spreading your saliva over his cock to make him wetter.

"Good doll.” He moaned and you braced for him to cum in your mouth. He pulled your hair and forcibly you to your feet, stopping his impending orgasm. “On the bed, whore.” He ordered, his voice was cold enough to send shivers down your spine.

You nodded and sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for his next command to comply.

"Spread your fucking legs." Bucky’s voice was even deeper and you slowly did what he has wanted. He knelt in front of you, burying his face between your thighs and the only thing you could do was moan his name on and on. His tongue was swirling along your clit, his metal fingers found their way into your wet core. Your legs started to shaking, you arched your back, instinctively slipping hands into his hair. Bucky hummed in acceptance and sucked hardly on your pussy, his teeth caught your lips gently and he pulled them a bit, sucking on them at the same time. His other hand cupped your breast and was slowly massaging it.

Soon, you moaned loudly as the wave of pleasure washed over you, the release you’ve been desperately seeking. “Fuck, Bucky!” You grunted, tugging on his hair and rolling your hips to press your sweet spot to his lips as much as you could.

Bucky swallowed all of your cum, kissing your inner thighs after. He got up, towering over you.

You slid your own hand over you belly and slipped a finger between your pussy lips, into your vagina, and up over your clitoris. You were soaking wet; massaging your finger over your swollen clit wrenched another spasm from you. You withdrew it quickly and licked it, your eyes on Bucky. When you looked down his body, you could easily see a precum glistening on his tip. You licked your lips. “I want to suck your cock again. May I?” You made puppy eyes, begging him for the thing you were craving the most.

“Yes, you may.” He nodded slightly, smiling at you as he took step back from the bed, making some room for you. You knelt down in front of him again. You reached out to lick his tip.

“Oh God.” Bucky moaned as his hands finally reached for your head. He held your head still and thrusted his hips at you. You smiled as you opened your lips to let that wet, velvety head slide between them. You closed your lips around it and sucked the precum off. This time there was no doubting his intentions when he started thrusting against your mouth. You let more of it slide in with each forward thrust. You ran your tongue over and around the head as he pulled back and let your tongue slid hard against the underside when he thrusted in. It wasn’t long before you knew Bucky was close to cumming. He knew it too and stepped back before he could.

He pushed you on the bed. Bucky stood between your legs and lowered himself on top of you. His cock slid into you and you brought your legs up around his waist. Bucky started thrusting into you and you could feel the orgasm building up again. You wanted it to go on and on. Then he stopped and pushed your legs down.

“Please, don’t stop!” You begged him.

Bucky just smiled at you and pulled you up into a sitting position. His cock was wet and shiny from your juices and he offered it to me pressing it up toward your face. By this time you were so hot for him that you both knew you’d do anything he wanted. His cock looked so good that you reached over and licked him clean. It tasted of you and as you licked a bead of pre-cum formed on the tip. You licked that off too and sucked him into your mouth. Bucky began thrusting into again, grunting. You could feel how excited he was and knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. You felt him sliding against your tongue and you pulled his hips toward you so you could get it all.

“Don’t stop, cunt.” Bucky groaned as he thrust himself into your mouth. “You feel so good.” His thrusts were coming faster and he shoved his hands into your hair to hold you still. He continued to fuck your mouth and you moaned feeling how much he was enjoying it. Your pussy was flooded with juices and you wanted so badly to cum. Just when you thought he was going to cum in your mouth, he stopped again.

“You know, you’ve been very bad doll, so I don’t know if you deserve this.” He said simply, slipping his cock out of your lips. “Get up.”

He stepped back and reached for the item he had dropped onto the chair earlier. It was white and when he shook it, you could see it was some kind of cloth. He had cut a towel into strips and made four ties out of it. He motioned for you to move down to the end of the bed.

“Sit down.” Bucky commanded, pointing to the chair.

You obediently sat down and he put one of the ties around your right forearm and fastened it to the arm of the chair.

“What are you doing?” You asked.

He didn’t answer but continued with the task of tying your left arm to the left side of the chair. Then he knelt in front of me and you felt him tying your ankles to the legs of the chair.

“Why are you tying me up?” You asked, cold shivers were running down your spine. Bucky and you had discussed tying each other up and had agreed that the activity would require a lot of trust on the tied person’s part.

“I’m just going to show you what happens to bad girls who don’t behave.” Bucky answered and smirked. Now, you were unable to do more than move your upper body forward and scoot a little forward or back against the chair. “You see, when you misbehave, you have to be taught to obey.” He continued. “Now, I am going to have some fun and if you can show me you know how to be good, maybe you can have some fun, too.” He licked his lips, his metal arm jerked on his cock few times.

With that, Bucky knelt in front of you. His head moved forward and his lips encircled one of your nipples. He licked and sucked it to a hard point before he moved to the other one. It received the same treatment and you were moaning before he decided he had enough of that. He trailed his lips down your belly and buried his face in your mound. You scooted forward as far as you could in the chair and pressed your legs against the sides of the chair so he would have better access. He began licking your juices and plunging his tongue into you slit. Your clit was hard and straining toward his mouth when he finally put his lips against it.

“Does that feel good?” Bucky hummed softly.

“You know it does.” You panted at him. “Please, don’t stop.” You were on the verge of cumming again.

He kept his movements until you came all over his bearded mouth. You arched your back as much as you could and when he got up, jerking on his cock, you grinned at him.

“Untie me now, little fucker.” You grunted, pretending to be angry.

“You don’t sound like you have the proper respect for me yet.” Bucky stood looking down at you.

“I’m going to show you how much I respect you if you ever let me go, Buck.” You answered. He chuckled and untied one arm.

You reached the arm up and pulled him down so your lips could meet. Your tongues slid against each other as Bucky untied the other arm. You could see he was still as aroused as you were.

Bucky untied you completely, including your ankles and he yanked you up and into his arms.

He turned you around and shoved you down onto the bed. He reached down before you even quit bouncing and lifted your legs up so your feet were on his shoulders. Bucky rubbed his cock against your pussy and finally thrust deeply into you. You could feel your pussy closing around the hardness it craved.

“Please, don’t stop.,” You begged as he started thrusting. You grabbed handfuls of the sheets and moaned loudly with each thrust. You tried to wait for him but you were just too to wait any longer. Your orgasm was long and powerful and you knew he could feel it as your pussy squeezed his hard cock with each spasm.

“I’m cumming!” Bucky groaned as he thrusted hard into you one more time. You felt the jerks as his cock emptied itself inside you. He released your legs and collapsed on top of you, gasping for air. You closed arms around him and you stayed like that while your heartbeats returned to normal.

You were already thinking about the next time and what you were going to do when it was your turn to tie him up.


PandiesđŸŒ: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest  @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71  @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective  

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1 year ago

Everyone might’ve heard us - Bucky Barnes headcanons & drabble

Summary: a set of headcanons & a little drabble for drunk sex with Bucky

Warnings: smut (unprotected p in v), semi-public sex, drunk sex, female reader

Author: Fenrir

A/N: Today's prompt is: drunk sex.


Everyone Mightve Heard Us - Bucky Barnes Headcanons & Drabble

Everything becomes incredibly heightened when alcohol courses through his veins.

Barnes may be a little more aggressive in his sexual advances. 

Get ready to be thoroughly dominated and fucked mercilessly.

He's consistently forgetful about using condoms.

When he's drunk, Bucky becomes more interested in the idea of public sex - the mere possibility of getting caught red-handed is driving him wild.

Under normal circumstances, he can stifle his moans when you work your magic on his neck, but with the assistance of alcohol, he's a cacophony of pleasure - he’ll groan louder and more often.“Fuck, doll, you’re going to leave a trail of hickeys on my neck, aren’t ya?”

He'll thrust with unrestrained intensity, abandoning his usual caution as he seeks to pleasure you. He will be unstoppable.

Picture this: you both in front of a mirror, where he'll force you to watch how his thick cock slides in and out of your pussy. “You like that, babe? Look at that. My dick fits you fucking perfectly.”

And when he's inebriated, he tends to get a bit cheeky, chuckling as your body jolts because of overstimulation.

"Was that too much for you, babe?" 

He's the type to initiate a passionate makeout session while you're in the midst of your fucking session, savouring the intoxicating taste of alcohol and your essence on your lips.

And here's a surprise — he'll want to experiment with your vibrator, using it to enhance his own pleasure, fucking your tight asshole with the toy while his fat dick is buried deep in your needy cunt.

Bucky's moans will reach a level of eroticism that feels like the very essence of desire. He’s going to sound like a fucking porn star.

He'll cup and squeeze your breasts like there is no tomorrow.

Get ready for ultra hard spanking, especially involving his bionic hand.

He'll deliver the most intense spanks while fucking your tight cunny from behind. Bucky isn’t typically into things that could cause you pain, but now he's gripping your hair like he's taming a wild stallion.

If you happen to be on top, of him, riding his dick, Bucky'll take control by gripping your hips firmly, rendering you immobile while he thrusts up into you with such force that you'll need to cup a headboard to prevent yourself from falling off; the sole sound in the room will be his ball sack slapping against the plush of your ass.

Bucky’s a fucking tease and he would rub his hardened shaft against your wet clit and folds first before sliding it on without a single warning. “Yeah, fuck, you’re so tight for me.”

“Baaaby, ‘m gonna cum inside of you, ok?”

Everyone Mightve Heard Us - Bucky Barnes Headcanons & Drabble

The soft glow of candlelight cast a warm ambiance over the restaurant as Bucky and you sat across from each other at a cosy corner table. The low hum of chatter and clinking cutlery surrounded you, creating a perfect backdrop for the evening ahead.

You had chosen a dress that you felt confident and beautiful in, its neckline gracefully emphasising your décolletage. The deep, rich colour of the dress seemed to catch the candlelight just right, enhancing the allure of the moment.

As the two of you delved into conversation, you couldn't help but notice Bucky's lingering gaze, his eyes locked onto you. His usual demeanour was softened by a faint, appreciative smile, and his blue eyes held a certain warmth that spoke volumes. It was as if the rest of the world had faded into the background, and in that moment, it was just the two of you, lost in the magnetic pull of your connection.


Bucky firmly pressed your face against the restroom door of the restaurant, his hand gripping your neck, and his bionic elbow securing you in place. His other hand boldly explored your ass, while his lips trailed against your cheek. “So fucking sexy, aren’t you, doll?”

You trembled at his touch, a dampness growing bigger between your thighs.

Hiking your dress up slightly, Barnes cupped his hand over your clothed core, groping it, smirking widely as he felt how wet you were. Bucky purred, releasing his firm hold on you and withdrawing his hand from your pussy. With a deft move, he spun you around to face him. His hungry lips devoured yours in an intense, passionate kiss. As the heat between you intensified, your hands urgently worked to remove each other's clothing. Bucky's hand slid up, hiking the dress to your tummy while his bionic arm worked on the fly of his jeans.

Breaking the kiss momentarily, Bucky locked eyes with you, searching for any hint of hesitation and finding none.

His hand firmly gripped the shaft of his hard dick that was freed, aligning it with your eager entrance, all the while maintaining intense eye contact with you. He entered you at a tantalisingly slow pace, and both of you couldn't help but moan in unison. Your fingers dug into Bucky's back as you clung to him.

Barnes' hands held your sides, and he began a rhythmic thrusting motion, pulling out and pushing in, all while burying his head in the crook of your neck. 

Both of you panted heavily, your nails leaving their mark on his skin, which only intensified his groans as he quickened his pace. "Fuck." 

Your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you mid-air, allowing for even deeper thrusts, his hips meeting yours with a passionate intensity.

Intense waves of pleasure coursed through your bodies, leaving you both in a state of ecstasy.

Your silky walls tightened around him, causing Bucky's cock to throb with pleasure. His hold on your sides grew even firmer; you could be sure he'd leave bruises there.

"You feel so amazing around my cock," Bucky moaned, his Romanian accent becoming deeper as he peppered the crook of your neck with sloppy, open-mouthed kisses. One of his hands wandered from your side, trailing up to the back of your head, fingers threading through your hair and gripping firmly.

"Bucky," you moaned in response as he continued his rhythmic thrusting, and they grew faster and more primal.

The room echoed with moans, groans, and the sounds of skin slapping against skin, a cacophony of pleasure. Both of you were lost in pure bliss, completely unconcerned about the possibility of anyone overhearing or getting into the restroom to catch you both red-handed.

As a familiar sensation welled up in the pit of your stomach, you could sense Bucky approaching his climax. His thrusts grew sloppier, his bionic hand that had been on your left sides now moving down to where you were intimately connected. The pad of his metal thumb found your clit, and he began rubbing it in rough circles, causing your toes to curl in your shoes as your orgasm surged through you.

Barnes wasn't far behind, delivering one final powerful thrust before his cock convulsed inside you. 

Your walls clenched tightly around him, and both of you reached the peak of pleasure simultaneously, filling the restroom with loud, unrestrained moans.

As he softened inside you, Bucky murmured a quiet, "I fucking love ya, babe."

Bucky leaned in close, his voice a hushed whisper, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "There's something about that electrifying thrill in my spine and tummy when I think about the possibility of getting caught fucking your cunt senseless." Bucky added with a cocky grin, "I'm pretty sure everyone in the dining room heard us."

Everyone Mightve Heard Us - Bucky Barnes Headcanons & Drabble

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