Axelion Blurbs - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

#train of thoughts

So I gotta complain aka. idem tunak pičovať, why?

We got a simple assignment for school: translate our website (not the school website, out very own webs) into our 2nd foreign language, in my case German. I am relatively speaking, decent at the language...

Than WHY IT'S TAKING ME A WEEK AT THIS POINT!????? Simple... I suck at translating into German.

Idk why, but if I have to translate something from German to Slovak (my mother tongue) it's easy, ja stabil! But if I have to translate something the other way around, I hit a wall, because I wanna do sentence structures I can't yet, because my German is lagging behind Slovak and English so hard, I have to dumb down the sentences.


Anyways... Going to struggle some more.


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7 months ago

K, this is gonna be short, since I am just gonna complain, BUT I HATE THAT THERE ARE JUST 2 PORTRAYALS OF EMMET AFTER INGO'S ISEKAI ADVEN-TOUR.

I know it's a bit of an exaggeration, but it just FEELS like there are 2 ways either the

Useless uwu sadge boi


A dangerous psycho willing to krill.

Yes, they can be entertaining, but sometimes... A dude just has the worst depression meal imaginable and behaves in any other way?

Anyways, share your headcannons as to what the bro does after B2W2, my personal favourite is that he works with International police to find him and gets sent to do undercover jobs OR in AUs where the legendaries are involved he pairs up with Reshiram and then tries to set things up for Ingo to get back home.

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6 months ago

Imma actually elaborate on the last one when it comes to the community characterisation of Submas.

Before I continue, let me clarify that I like and I am a part of the community. I participate in the community. Liking Ingo has kinda been my personality trait for 2 years now. Also some of this extends to other members of communities that obsses over (niche) NPCs in Pokémon.

The less interaction does the NPC has with the player, the easier it is to develop OOC versions of them and we shouldn't be attacking people for their takes on the characters. The only reason to ever go out of your way to comment it in a harsh way is if it's hurtful. Like if someone writes the character as a stereotype. I don't go on AO3 so I don't have the full picture on how the Submas had been mischaracterized (OMG how do you spell that?) ,but I've heard that some people do make them autistic stereotypes or infantilize them.

First of, stereotyping is bad and while yes, liking trains is an autistic stereotype, that doesn't mean that Submas aren't allowed to like trains, liking trains is a part of them you can't take that out because then they aren't The Subway masters anymore. I am autistic and I like trains. There are a lot of autistic people who like trains. HOWEVER there are other stereotypes you should be careful about, like acting like a child and being this all innocent being that's either the most genius to ever genius or complete fool.

I've complained about the borderline/complete infantilization of Emmet specifically in my other blurb, but infantilization also extends to Ingo too. While it's OK in my opinion to write him as having to rely on others to navigate Hisui, keep in mind he's an adult man of ambiguous oldness (aka. we don't know how old he is just that he's definitely not in his 20s, probably in the 35+/40+ range when it comes to PLA). Personally I go about like "he can take a good care of himself and others, he just doesn't have the same sense of danger and self preservation skills as people who were born in Hisui".

Ingo is obviously across his different versions (BW-BW2, PLA, Masters EX, Pokémon anime and Pokémon Adventures manga) a strong trainer, same applies to Emmet, although about him later. According to Bulbapedia he's also the only trainer besides the Player who in PLA can use an Unown. If we take a look at his different teams, we can see that he's capable of using various Pokémon even if their sets are not really that optimal (example Earth Power on Gliscor, despite it's low Sp. Atk), but here comes the fact that you're playing a game so everything has to be represented by a number the computer reads and then determines the outcome. That doesn't mean he's this unbeatable trainer, Protagonist can beat him on more than one occasion and other characters can too, although we don't see him battling others that much if at all.

Also his narrative role is essentially just to give you access to Sneasler, call out Melli for his bs and accompany you for a bit before heading somewhere else again. In BW you only really interact with him at the Battle Subway and in BW2 you only have one more interraction with him and Emmet. Also in PLA he's kinda there as like the "there's someone in the same situation as you" character. There isn't that much to him in the game as others may sell you to, which is completely fine and also by the game's design. When making a game with a story you have to balance the characters and some are supposed to just be the side character.

Is he completely unimportant to the narrative? NO.

Can you write a story with him as a protagonist? YES!

You are allowed to expand the character of Ingo and various NPCs through Headcannons and AUs! However don't be angry that suddenly the character isn't like they are in cannon, because with NPCs like Ingo or Emmet or Looker etc. it's easy to make versions that are OOC. And that is completely fine as long as you don't go around telling people that that's the cannon when it is just your headcannons/fanon.

new tumblr game. put in the tags a GENUINE flaw your fav(s) has. cant be something like "too kind" or "loves too much" like something genuinely bad messed up morally wrong they are or have done

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5 months ago




Are they making an attempt at the like "Oh, it's because you cramp them on."

They are so obviously paw shaped, the Slovak "mountain climbing cats" sounds cooler and makes more sense, because they have the damn front claws! I've never seen more cat coded equipment than this and the terrain work machinery.

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5 months ago

Wanna post my Sketchtembers, but I've put a lot of AU works that would need their separate explanation post (not each, but also so it wouldn't be very long, I would have to split it up into parts) so Imma just...

1st post all the finished entries (at the end of the month) that are NOT AU related (except 1 entry, because I plan to rework that one completely since it's its own separate AU and the outfits look ugly) some of which will end up as adopts on my ToyHouse.

2nd I will either make 1 long post explaining the entire AU (called the Transformation AU) or split everything between multiple posts, being:

1) What is it and how it works

2) Plot

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5 months ago

Love the current TikTok trend of the Sailor song all those OC and fictional character pairings are fun and if I wouldn't be lazy, I would make a Highlands shipping one.

But in my opinion Ingo should be the captee and Melli the pirate. Like yes, Melli is the twink BUT he actually has the audacity to take over an entire ship and throw the crew into the open sea. Ingo is too nice to do that, he would just defeat the captain at most and like the thing in the song is that the original pirate crew is swimming with the fishies (literally).

Melli very much has the audacity to just throw everyone out except that one guy who put up a decent fight.

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5 months ago

Thinking about separating my reposts from my content into different accounts once I start reaching more people, since currently my blog is a giant mess, but I am content with it.

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5 months ago

One G1 complaint before I actually go and do my take on the Monster High cast (Clawdeen, Draculaura, Frankie Stein, Cleo de Nile, Lagoona Blue, Ghoulia Yelps + Abbey Bonimable, Clawd, Torelei and Duce... Maybe Operetta since I remember she was my favourite) is that Abbey has a Russian accent.

Like G3 did her accent so much better, BECAUSE SHE'S NOT RUSSIAN!

She's from the Himalayas.

If you think she should still have a Russian accent I want you to look at a map spend 10 minutes measuring the distance between the Himalayas and Siberia.

Like I missed the fact she's the daughter of the Yeti because of it, I just thought she's just... Russian something.

Like if I were to make a monster that's Russian/Slavic I'm ALWAYS picking a Rusalka.

For those unaware, Rusalkas are essentially nymphs from the Slavic mythology who lure men to bodies of water to drown them. And it wouldn't be too hard to make them since all the monsters in MH are humanoid + there already are characters who are just mythological creatures!

Or you could always take the easier way and make them/her a descendant of either the Fire Bird (it's different from a Phoenix) or Baba Yaga or if you want to go obscure Kikimora (yes, Kikimora is in FACT a witch from Slavic mythology) or Poludnica (a spirit that harmed anyone trying to work around midday).

The main reasons I would personally go with Rusalka are:

1. More water monsters.

2. You could go wild with it as long as it looks like a pretty girl.

3. More monsters with dark hair (never enough of them)

4. Making a name for them is very easy, like you got the base for a name play right there like Russila Kalka or something.

5. Better fit for a monster with a Russian/other Slavic accent than a girl from South West Asia.

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