Melli - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


If you wanna know what Ive been doing on and off for like 2 months, here ya go.

Unbrideled Chaos, no braincells, just anger.

Also featuring Isla by @faestorian and Lani by @cecilioque

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2 years ago

me being bored at school means i get to draw the funky men

Me Being Bored At School Means I Get To Draw The Funky Men
Me Being Bored At School Means I Get To Draw The Funky Men

yes i was too lazy to actually draw Volo's outfit

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2 years ago

i have spent the last week just thinking abt Melli, Volo and the submas twins

and i have been doodling Volo everywhere

he's now in every single school textbook i own

Melli is in half of them

i have not learned to draw the submas twins yet lmao o(-(

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2 years ago

i am finally drawing Melli. please send help, i hate his hair and beanie-hoodie thing

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2 years ago

tempted to make highlandsshipping/mellingo content just bc i saw someone shitting on them bc "they're a pair that doesnt make sense" in the tags

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9 months ago

There was a specific lore I wanted to talk about, but I have forgotten about it...

Anyways, I may as well post here some of my headcannons, because why not? Feel free to *civilly* take and criticise them.

In PLA, Melli, Ingo and Gaeric are around the same age, ranging from mid-30s to early 40s. Melli just takes good care of himself, while Ingo just lets the nature reclaim him.

Ingo got a hair comb stuck in his hair and Arezu just cut the entire top of his head so that's why he's bald.

Gaeric has tried to hide under Ingo's cloak from rain a few times, quit after getting almost kicked in the face.

Ingo and Emmet can communicate just by exchanging looks and minor body language (or well they could).

Emmet can't cut his hair symmetrically for the life of his, he has to put tape on the mirror to act as a ruler.

I ignore the amount of lead every PLA character encounters daily... Or most likely encounters daily.

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9 months ago

Once I am done with this weeks school work dump, I am so gonna be posting more headcannons, that are gonna be illustrated, but have some food:

Warning, it's 11:30 PM as I am starting to type this, if I mistyped anything, am too sleepy to correct it... The only reason I am putting some up is that I kinda don't yet feel sleep... Idk why.

1. Melli hates how crumbly croissants are (before anyone says anything, in the Cresselia quest, he calls Cresselia a croissant, he IS very aware of what a croissant is).

2. Burgh and Elesa are work friends, he even made her the iconic jacket.

3. Sneasler has conflict with most other Nobles, except Braviary (she knows better than to attack something that has type advantage on both fronts) and Arcanine (only because they can't swim to eachother)... Also yes, she's beefing with Basculegion. They don't actually fight, but they beef.

4. Ingo has sleep issues, specifically with how much he sleeps, usually getting just about 4 hours a night, but there are nights where he doesn't sleep, after which if they are concequitive he will just crash anywhere, sometimes even Sneasel cave. Sneasels very much respect his sleep (one of few things they respect)

5. You'll see it once I make a visual headcannon guide, but Ingo's shoes are constantly dirty, because he walks a lot around when he can't sleep. His night trips tend to scare folks unfortunate to cross his tracks.

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7 months ago

OK, time to talk one of the ships I would call my favourite before I drop a completely unrelated thing to you.

So for the sake of clarity:

My age headcannons for Melli and Ingo is that Ingo's 39 going on 40 and just... Looks like he does and Melli is 35 + these headcannons apply for some time after PLA in my little thing (basically just a soft rewrite where both Akari (faller) and Rei are protagonists and there isn't just 1 ancient dinosaur going Origin forme but TWO... Yeah...). The reason I do it because:

1. Love having fun by manipulating the cannon using headcannos

2. Love the idea of a man in his 30s beefing with a 15 year old for no other reason that "Hey, MAYBE getting saved by 2 teens is a BAD IDEA." (Love the mean person that's actually really concerned trope... Ingo hates that idea too but feels like he has no choice so just tries to get the protag as prepared as he can and almost swings a chair at Kamado)

So one thing I headcannon when it comes to their relationship is that they kinda just... Complement (compliment???) eachother in funky ways because of how they are (1 is an autistic man playing confident person the other is even more autistic man who... Let's face it, probably is fathering a bunch of weasels so he let's loose of his mask and embraces being chaotic)...

By that I mean that if Melli gets too baffled to say the mean thing, Ingo steps in (very rare event).

If Ingo needs to get some intel on who has birthday and what to get them, Melli knows (through Arezu probably).

Melli's the yapper, Ingo's all ears, but they can switch occasionally.

Also they probably do be unmasking when together, but tbf, I need to study the specifics of autistic masking even tho I am autistic, just very freshly diagnosed.

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5 months ago

Love the current TikTok trend of the Sailor song all those OC and fictional character pairings are fun and if I wouldn't be lazy, I would make a Highlands shipping one.

But in my opinion Ingo should be the captee and Melli the pirate. Like yes, Melli is the twink BUT he actually has the audacity to take over an entire ship and throw the crew into the open sea. Ingo is too nice to do that, he would just defeat the captain at most and like the thing in the song is that the original pirate crew is swimming with the fishies (literally).

Melli very much has the audacity to just throw everyone out except that one guy who put up a decent fight.

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2 years ago

Take Melli for example the wardens have little to no memories or human contact after the attack and since Melli is at the top of the mountain Adaman wouldn’t even know Melli was gone till something off occurred or Melli didn’t come down to give their report and even then the closest interaction Melli would get that’s non human would be lord Voltorb and the electrodes

leading to Adaman going up there with the player to investigate and finding shredded pieces of Melli’s clothing and an Sneasler claw imbedded in a stone in the area and completely void of any electrodes or the great lord Voltorb leading to the realization that Melli is not in the area and is possibly hurt or worse been kidnapped and the great lord of the hollow Voltorb is missing which could spell disaster for the entirety of the villages as Voltorb absorbed and redirected electricity away from civilizations

And nearby we have a suspicious new Pokémon?? With vivid blue purple eyes that’s taken an interest in the player and Adaman before running off and climbing down a cliff before the player gets a good look at them

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2 years ago

I just had a realization- (kind of might be wrong but-)

Melli lives in the territory of not one not two but three legendaries and one mythical Pokémon or their at least close too the territory of two of them. and now I can’t get the image of Melli having to separate two literal gods and their own lord from having an all out arena battle-

Or maybe just the legendaries hiding around Melli like Darkrai hiding in their shadow for no reason but to avoid Cresselia or the player. Then by accident links their mind with Melli and just get stuck together for a few weeks. During this period of time Adaman saw their shadow and this happened-

Adaman: what did you bring with you

Melli(large shadow with piercing blue eyes looming behind them): My report :D

Adaman: •_•” Melli has come to the conclusion that they are now the warden of lord Voltorb, a easily agitated shadow, and a flying Croissant. Darkrai and Cresselia are having the time of their lives Melli hasn’t slept in a week-

Their not even aware of the two till Darkrai’s accidentally links with them and now they realize how close they are to two other gods territory-

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2 years ago

Headcanons for Primal au part 2:

Vixen/fox witch(clan nickname)/Palina:

Vixen is easily recognized as a human with their kimono and stance but can run on all fours but it is a very rare thing to witness only happening in battles between Space and Time when they possess their favored spared. They have scars in their face that goes from their right cheek to their nose.

the fox witch nickname comes from the nine tails they have all nine aren’t a part of the suit and Vixen can make them vanish if they choose to but it’s rare Vixen is a more aggressive when the research trio come into contact with them and attempt to attack them but the attempt is thwarted when Violet gets in the way and blocks them.

Vixen has two ninetails as partners one a alola variant that ran away from their trainer and was found by Vixen and a normal ninetails both follow Vixen around and assist with any minor chore that vixen is to busy to deal with at the time they are very affectionate with the research trio much to Vixens annoyance

Vixen*in the language of the spared*: is this parenthood?(gestures in exasperation to their ninetails as the two taunt the local alpha drapion)

Violet: (looks down at the three squirming hairless bipedal zoruas and their adopted feral ball of fur of a sylveon in their arms ) yes. yes it is.

Vixen like many of Space’s spared can teleport around by warping space and altering their location with a single thought though they can do nothing else with this ability unless their touching another person.

Vixen cared for the young lord and did not make him evolve knowing that he was not ready yet and a feeling of duty kept them from leaving the pup and his friend to fend for themselves though the pup is rarely seen with them they built a small tent like structure to house the two and brings food when they go and check on them.

Vixen is crafty and mischievous and does things to mess with Fate and Akari’s studying of the hisuian growlithes and arcanines but is unable to stop the three from learning about them because of violet and their Sylveon. Rei was not amused when he woke up to a damaged tent and an empty camp.

Rei: what did I tell you not to do

Sylveon: sylve slyv veon (to not destroy the camp)

Rei: and what did you do?

Sylveon: sylveon ve veon eon ve (protected you from a dangerous predator)

Rei: :| Sylveon: syylllvvvvv…. veon ve (aaannndd…. destroyed the camp)

(Rei doesn’t understand what their saying he can just tell)

Vixen becomes less aggressive after Fate does a request from Irida to give Palina one of the missing wardens a message by taking it to the tip of the mountain nearby the grave of the last lord of the Isles and read it aloud the letter triggers a small memory that quickly fades but the feeling remains and Vixen assists The trio in the battle with coin and clover.

Vixen just like Violet can communicate with Space but also forgets that they can though they have by accident contacted them and both of them just froze staring at each other for thirty minutes in confusion.

When you go to the isles Vixen is there with Violet with already prepared balms to use the two put aside their opposing ideals and put their heads together to prepare for the coming battle and worked together to chase of the bandits after growlithe evolves into the new lord of the isles Vixen unlike Violet remains in cobalt coastline and refuses to leave (until Fate gets kicked out of the village and Akari and Rei convince them to leave and help them find and assist Fate)

Vixen and Violet grow to respect one another in time as their constant battles when possessed by Time and Space leads the two to seek out comfort from each other’s warmth as they heal from once fatal injuries the dragon side of Violet naturally seeking warmth and Vixen to exhausted to complain as the two cuddle with one another in the light of the full moon.

Vixen removes their mask once and that was when they escorted Akari and Rei up mt. Coronet which while intimidated any possible threats as “the fox witch” led two of the survey corps best trainers to the ruins at the top brought Irida to tears who was comforted by a already upset Adaman. After Palina’s memory search request):

Palina like Melli will never truly be the same after everything and she continues to wear the kimono and keep the tails Vixen had Melli and them see more eye to eye and seek each other out when they feel upset with themselves or she wants to see the research trio and can’t help but mess with Melli cause Violet registered them as hairless zoruas when they randomly adopted them into their pack Palina is a welcome addition to the pack and they are regularly seen around the four when they visit Covalt coastland

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1 year ago

me: ignores all my other wips in favor of whatever this is

youtube version here

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9 months ago
Mellis Supposed Height Is Insane.

Melli’s supposed height is insane.

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9 months ago
TFW The Weird Choo-choo Man Takes Away Your Mommy Daddy

TFW the weird choo-choo man takes away your mommy daddy

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