Bad Ideas - Tumblr Posts
Wow this was really powerful. It was such a good read.

▹ pairing: Jeongguk x reader ▹ words: 18,102 I’m so sorry ▹ genre: smut, fluff, light angst, friends to lovers
You and Jeongguk propose at restaurants to get free food, but somewhere along the way you start to fall for him.
You never thought Jeongguk would actually take you up on the whole fake proposals thing. When you had suggested the idea to him, he’d just laughed and said “yeah”, then continued playing Fallout 4. You hadn’t actually meant it; the idea was one of those you vaguely imagine it happening, but not really, which is why when he brought it up weeks later suggesting you try it out, you thought he was kidding.
He wasn’t, and this is how you end up in one of the city’s nicer restaurants on a fake date with your best friend.
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memory foam gods
so like what if you have a world where there are memory foam matrasses which hold all the knowledge of the universe and they are whorshipped like god and getting in contact with one is on the same level as enlightenment
Shrimp fried rice
a fried rice restaurant chain fully owned and run by shrimp
witch drug shack
a drug shop owned by a witch which instead of having a cauldron and potions and stuff she just has a drug lab
Flying sausages
alien cats who instead of having flying saucers have flying hotdog shaped space ships
Legged tanks
a whole abandoned army of tanks who instead of having tracks have you guessed it legs
Hippy sea serpents
vegan pacifist hippy sea serpents who smoke weed and shit
*whispers temptation in your ear*
my mind is full of terrible ideas
just had a genius idea
russian roulette extreme mode. put bullets in all 6 chambers and rely on god to save you.