Cass Milligan - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

What makes Balan wonderworld good in your opinion?

In my opinion, Its the characters and their backstories are what are interesting in my opinion! Plus I like the Nega boss battles (Even if they are a bit bad sometimes.)

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6 months ago

We need a Balan wonderworld movie Now!!!

Since Video game movies are Starting to become popular, It wouldn't hurt to have a Balan film even if the Game flopped.

This is how I would make it…

The film would be an animated anime film based on the game With Musical elements and some added stuff that is original to the film itself.

Like for example…

1 - More scenes explaining the other individuals who were infected by Lances control.

2 - More scenes that explain why the Protagonists act like themselves in the beginning. (Emma could be an interesting female protagonist if you ask me.)

3 - Make Lance a better Bad guy. (He could be a good bad guy for the film if they were written better then in the game.)

4 - Interesting character interactions!

5 - Good soundtrack! (They can make original music which I wouldn't mind)


These are my thoughts on a Balan film, What are yours?!

And how would you make a Balan film yourself?!

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9 months ago

Part 2:

Your know is something about Balan Wonderworld Characters in Character Headcanon Generator with about question this?

Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Part 2:

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8 months ago

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Leo Craig & Cosmo Vintage Toy-Robot

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Emma Cole & Winona Unicorn

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Balan & Opal Petalmen

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Lance & King Balor Boitatá

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Jose Gallard & Attilio von Chupacabra

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Fiona Demetria & Mahavir Great White-Shark

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Yuri Brand & Minnie Monarch-Butterfly

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Haoyu Chang & Robert Fusibot

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Sana Hudson & Wallace Yellow-Crested Cockatoo

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Cass Milligan & Kenia Russian Blue

Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's

Next to the Page....

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7 months ago

(ESPAÑOL) Pantalones de pata de los habitantes (ENGLISH) PawPants of the Inhabitants

(ESPAOL) Pantalones De Pata De Los Habitantes (ENGLISH) PawPants Of The Inhabitants

Attilio von Chupacabra - Jose Gallard (Attilio von Chupacabra - José Gallard)

Mahavir Great White-Shark - Fiona Demetria (Gran tiburón blanco Mahavir - Fiona Demetria)

Minnie Monarch-Butterfly - Yuri Brand (Minnie Monarca-Mariposa - Yuri Brand)

Robert Fusibot - Haoyu Chang

Wallace Yellow-Crested Cockatoo - Sana Hudson (Cacatúa de cresta amarilla de Wallace - Sana Hudson)

Kenia Russian Blue - Cass Milligan (Kenia azul ruso - Cass Milligan)

Mr. Dicky Water Python - Cal Suresh (Sr. Dicky Pitón de Agua - Cal Suresh)

Andrea Satyr - Iben Bia (Andrea Sátiro - Iben Bia)

Rasputin "Raz" Mountain Zebra - Attilio Caccini (Cebra de montaña Rasputín "Raz" - Attilio Caccini)

Izzy Jerboa - Lucy Wong

Bella Firefighter - Eis Glover (Bella bombero - Eis Glover)

Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit - Bruce Stone (Rabbidbot "Toyco" Conejo Blanco - Bruce Stone)

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7 months ago

(Fusión de Balan Wonderworld y PawPants) Balan Wonderworld X PawPants Fusion

Leo Craig + Cosmo Vintage Toy-Robot = Leosmo

Emma Cole + Winona Unicorn = Emona

Balan + Opal Petalmen = Bapal

Lance + King Balor Boitatá = Lanlor

Jose Gallard + Attilio von Chupacabra = Josilio

Fiona Demetria + Mahavir Great White-Shark = Fiohavir

Yuri Brand + Minnie Monarch-Butterfly = Yurnie

Haoyu Chang + Robert Fusibot = Haobert

Sana Hudson + Wallace Yellow-Crested Cockatoo = Sallace

Cass Milligan + Kenia Russian Blue = Casia

Cal Suresh + Mr. Dicky Water Python = Calky

Iben Bia + Andrea Satyr = Iberea

Attilio Caccini = Rasputin "Raz" Mountain Zebra = Attputin

Lucy Wong + Izzy Jerboa = Luzy

Eis Glover + Bella Firefighter = Eiella

Bruce Stone + Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit = Brubbidbot

Elliott Wade + Monday Poodle = Ellonday

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6 months ago

BWW Inhabitants X Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots

BWW Inhabitants X Nicktoons: Attack Of The Toybots

BWW Inhabitants X Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots:












& Brucebot

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6 months ago

My Balan Wonderworld X PawPant's AU

Leo Craig: Vintage Toy-Robot (just like his partner Cosmo)

Emma Cole: Alicorn

Jose Gallard: Scarecrow

Fiona Demetria: Bottlenose Dolphin

Yuri Brand: Ladybug

Haoyu Chang: Vampire Bat

Sana Hudson: Blue and Yellow Macaw

Cass Milligan: Russian White Cat (just like his partner Kenia)

Cal Suresh: Chess hybrid Human

Iben Bia: Naga

Attilio Caccini: Cape Mountain Zebra (just like his partner Rasputin "Raz")

Lucy Wong: Octopus

Eis Glover: Hydrant

Bruce Stone: New Zealand White-Rabbit (just like his partner Rabbidbot "Toyco")

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5 months ago

To PawPants belonging to the inhabitants of BWW: What is your reaction when you see your inhabitants in the form of celestials? (If it's okay)

Jose - element earth

Fiona - element water

Yuri - element poison

Haoyu - element air

Sana - element plant

Cass - element mechanics (Because of the hours in Chapter 6)

Cal - element plasma (IDK why)

Iben - element cold

Attilio - element dark (Because of the creepy house and the fear of clowns)

Lucy - element crystal (IDK why)

Eis - element fire

Bruce - element supernatural (In fact, the ability is electric)

(This is just in case you forgot)

To PawPants Belonging To The Inhabitants Of BWW: What Is Your Reaction When You See Your Inhabitants

Attilio confusing about a saw Jose Gallard as Element Earth

Mahavir was nothing but it's like Fiona Demetria as Element Water

Minnie was shocked at Yuri Brand as Element Poison

Robert was a gasped on Haoyu Chang as Element Air

Wallace was Beautiful as a Sana Hudson as Element Plant

Kenia was confusing to Cass Milligan as Element Mechanic

Mr. Water Python was being Shocked on Cal Suresh as Element Plasma

Andrea touch and feeling colder with Iben Bia as Element Cold

Rasputin was scared to Attilio Caccini as Element Dark

Izzy was Excited to Lucy Wong as Element Crystal

Bella was Screaming at Eis Glover as Element Fire

& Rabbidbot, Rabbidmini & Hurricane was gasped on Bruce Stone as Element Supernatural

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