Baljeet Tjinder - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Had a bad all nighter had an idea put it in play

Decided to post on AO3
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

This has gotta be my first time using this app dunno how to feel about it

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1 year ago

I have purple lipstick and i never use it (i stole it from my mom)

And one day i did. I kissed my hand and it stuck very easily

THIS sound reminded me of that

Ferb tried his best not to lose it. They are sleeping inside a trampoline!!

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1 year ago


As you can see phineas is much shorter and a bit of chunk (idk)

And baljeet- tall and a bit skinny to the arms and legs

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1 year ago

Red eye green eye; swap

As i’ve said previously; baljeet and Isabella are at a stand off of who could win phineas’s love.

But unfortunately he never see’s the two of them his attention is always on this presumably ghost.

Of course BUFORD believes phineas.

But thats not the point.

The point is phineas never see’s the obvious signs from both baljeet and Isabella.

Igh i started at like 5 AM its 10 AM now i am so god damn tired

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1 year ago

One winter break morning started like non other, phineas Flynn and his step brother ferb fletcher sat in the backyard. Ferb wearing a black sweater with sewed on star’s and wrenches and such. Phineas on the other hand..did not want to wear a sweater or normally..pants. He wore what he usually worse since it wasn’t as cold for him. His shorts and striped shirt in the comfort of his own home too.

He swayed his arms up in the air huffing out as you could see his breath “ferb I don’t know what we’re gonna do today” he said shuffling himself to face his step-brother whome’s eyes were directed at phineas. The main course of attention, he smiled at sight, looking away as he played with his hands “ever wonder what it feels like to be a puppet?” He asks before.. ding! “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!” He said swiftly jumping on his own two feet “we can turn ourselves into sentient marionettes!” He says with a wide smile as ferb struck a thumbs up “great!” He turned around and almost as if on que Isabella Garcia came in scene hair almost frizzy as her pink sweater was a little bigger than her. “Hey phineas, whatcha dooing?” She asks swooning a little, he turned his attention to her wide smile almost shining like the sun “We’re turning ourselves into marionettes!” He said “wanna join?” He asks tilting his head.

Isabella hummed a little walking towards her one and only beloved “sure!” She said happily stuffing her hands in pocket quickly. “Great!!” The red headed boy exclaimed arms quickly lifting in the air “get the gang and me and ferb will start!” He said turning around and running to grab his toolbox.


With one quick writing the hours quickly passed the Marionette machine was done. “Hmm felt pretty quick dont you think?” He asks ferb, who was just as confused. “Writers surely don’t have the time to get into detail perhaps?” The British said. Phineas gave ferb a very confused look, he obviously didn’t know what ferb meant by details or writers in this fact. But Before he could even speak, Buford interrupted “what is this dinnerbell?” Buford asks, “we’re turning ourselves into marionettes! Care to join, Buford?” He asks a little too eagerly as he waved his hands back and forth. Buford who was holding baljeet like a suitcase faced his gaze to baljeet “what’s our schedule.” Buford asks his nerd As Baljeet looked at a piece of paper “nothing” he said casually as if this was a normal occurrence to be held like a suitcase and be a simple calendar. “Great! Ok!..hey where’s Perry?” Phineas looks around raising an eyebrow in confusion.

Heinz doofenshmirtz laughing out maniacally as his nemesis was trapped “ahh Perry the platypus. As you see your bosses screen wasn’t working. Yea?” He asks cheekily leaning on Perry’s pretty spacious trap. Perry the teal platypus, raised an eyebrow at Heinz in ways to say ‘no shit Sherlock’

Heinz rolled his eyes playfully “well I introduce you, the GONE-WRONG-INATOR!” He yells, dramatically uncovering a brand new shiny inator “you see Perry the platypus, you were sleeping last time I monologued. I’ve always had bad luck. Also proven by my entire house exploding” he rambled out of context before snapping right back “besides that. I had given myself good luck for a day. Great by the way” he said chuckling “but I’ve decided why not give everyone a taste of everything they do going wrong!! What it’ll do is whatever they’re doing will go horribly wrong at that exact moment!” He said cackling. Putting his hands on his hips “but i am out of buttons so it’s just set at random shooting..” he sighed turning around “but it’s not like we haven’t shot random beams already!” He shrugged off. Perry rolled his eyes looking around of ways he could get out.

And atlas! There was. Heinz forgot to lock the cage. He swung the door open in a calm matter as Heinz turned his gaze “huh..” he let out, resting his chin on his hand “I knew I was forgetting something” he said eyelids lowering as if he’s feeling remorse for himself. Quickly he was kicked in the chest by a platypus. Letting out a grunt he was not letting this get him. He got right back up and grabbed Perry by the hands “you thought you got me this time hmmm Perry the platypus?” He said pinning the platypus to the floor. “Well not this time!!” He said chuckling out. Perry growled out trying his most to squirm out. Heinz being as tall as he is picked up Perry by the hands “watch as I cause pure chaos in the Tri-state area!!” He said walking to his inator and pressing a button. The inator powered up coming to life, turning its nob around and right to a neighbourhood.

Phineas was starting up the machine too ferb who was more then willing to become a puppet first. “Alright curb try not to- move?? To much!” He said happily.

He walked over to Buford baljeet and Isabella watching the machine warm up and prepare itself. Watching the machine with proud in his eyes he felt dread wash over him.

Something wasn’t right and it felt awful to phineas. The machine was perfectly ok but it felt wrong. “I’m..” he muttered out before walking over to ferb and pushing him out of the targeted ground “actually..something..” he proceeded to mumbled looking at the machine.. would only take a press of a button to complete the process. But phineas felt lost about this dreading emotion “somethings wrong.” He said Turing his gaze to the rest of his friends. Buford and baljeet looked at each other concerned “just a second ago you were all happy about this” Buford proceeds “suddenly the vibe feels off-“ Buford adds placing baljeet down. Baljeet noted the thick atmosphere.

Phineas shrugged “I’ll just analyze the machine before we shoot ourselves with it . Make sure there’s a chance to turn back y’know?” He said.

Silence felt deafening. But before Isabella could mutter a word out a purple beam hit the machine catching everyone’s attention. The machine shook and let out zaps of electricity “that can’t be good” baljeet proceeded. The machine started breaking down which of course was not expected “I guess we could always make another I mean didn’t take me and ferb that l-“ interrupted by being shot by his own creation. And with of course an initial amount of fear because his machine was now in many random pieces “uh oh-“ he simply let out before shrinking in size.

He was now a perfectly fine marionette done with no way of turning back.


Man don’t I enjoy little stories for some random art!

Marionette was inspired by that big version of Isabella’s marionette!

Part 2 maybe?

FYI I wasn’t really trying to make this story good :’]

One Winter Break Morning Started Like Non Other, Phineas Flynn And His Step Brother Ferb Fletcher Sat

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1 year ago

As much as anyone likes drama between the intimidating brothers, phineas Flynn and ferb fletcher. Let’s step back and think of Baljeet tjinder. High intelligence, and a horrible habit of overworking himself.

Baljeet was well known of phineas and ferbs reputation of fun and new adventures each day. Alongside the other two, Buford and Isabella. He was also tagging behind with their adventures.

Making sure nothing could go possibly wrong in each one just as ferb does. Sometimes though his calculation’s are not accurate from his lack of sleep. Not as accurate as ferb anways. Baljeet found himself jealous of the brother’s higher intelligence. The intelligence he worked so hard for. But it never stopped their friendship or adventure.

“What is it you wanted to tell us?” Baljeet pops the question, as the three Isabella, ferb, and himself stood in the backyard “it’s still cold can we not we do this inside?” He asks. Looking up at the forever night sky. “It wouldn’t have been any better with dad and mom in there” phineas said. He always seemed so skittish to be with his friends when his guardians were here. Baljeet nodding in defeat crossed his arms “so what’s this news that you called us..” he checks his watch “at 10 AM” he said. The sky threw him off, ever since the sun seemed to dim for an unknown reason. “Uh..yeah me and Buford has some hopefully good news!” Phineas exclaimed, he fidgeted with his hands “me and him are a thing..” he mumbled. Quietly. “What??” Baljeet leans in a little to hear phineas speak, “WE’RE LIKE GAY CATS” Buford yelled instead to spite Baljeet. “Gay cats-??” Phineas faces Buford confused “what do you mean gay cats??” Phineas asks again. Buford picked up phineas in one easy swoop “Buford!!” Phineas exclaimed still fixated why they were cats. Buford kissed phineas’s cheek “why we’re cats?” He asks as phineas crossed his arms. Embarrassed. For a good reason too “yeah..” he mumbled, “you’re chaos. An orange cat, I’m a black cat” he said. And everyone knew that was their dynamic.

“Congratulations you two!!” Isabella said enthusiastically, in awe of the relationship as she clapped her hands together, hair swaying left and right “when did you finally confess?” She asks Buford, causing him to now wanting to die. “A week ago..” he muttered. “Hah! Good for you guys” she said happily.

Ferb just simply patted phineas and Buford’s shoulders.

As Baljeet watched, heartbroken.

Liking someone who’s been by your side for years surely takes a tow on you. Especially when they’re your bully.

As Much As Anyone Likes Drama Between The Intimidating Brothers, Phineas Flynn And Ferb Fletcher. Lets

I tried but I am actually so tired.

It took me a little too long to make this design anyways maybe the next one will be Buford’s design. Or ferbs

Merry Christmas

Part 1 part 2 Part 3

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1 year ago

I really really wanna hug phineas :]

Anyways here’s a WIP I’m never gonna finish because I am way to lazy to animate more

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5 months ago

Phineas and Ferb characters as things my friends have said:

Phineas: "What if we bred a cat to be like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of cats?"

Ferb: “I’ve had more thoughts today than you would be able to express in a lifetime.”

Candace: “Growing old with people is super cute but I don’t wanna be old cause like, ew.”

Dr. Doof: “Oh? So now it’s a crime to break the law?”

Perry: “How old am I? Well depending on the day I’m either 7 or 42.”

Isabella: “Well, he has a girlfriend, but she’s just a speed bump on the road to me.”

Buford: “Would I get in trouble if I just like, burned this entire building down?”

Baljeet: “If we’re tagging ourselves as TV Shows, I’d like to go on record saying that I identify as a TV fire of a person.”

Vanessa: "I hate it when people call me buddy. I'm not your buddy, shut the fuck up."

Stacy: “If the Avengers movies were, like, Rom-Coms, I would be into it.”

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6 years ago

Buford throws Baljeet: BALYEET

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6 years ago

Just watched the crossover! Do I think it was good?...

Just Watched The Crossover! Do I Think It Was Good?...

...Yes. Yes it was.

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7 months ago
I Was Feeling Agitated And Artblocked Yesterday So I Decided To Give My Brain A Rest By Watching TV And
I Was Feeling Agitated And Artblocked Yesterday So I Decided To Give My Brain A Rest By Watching TV And
I Was Feeling Agitated And Artblocked Yesterday So I Decided To Give My Brain A Rest By Watching TV And
I Was Feeling Agitated And Artblocked Yesterday So I Decided To Give My Brain A Rest By Watching TV And

I was feeling agitated and artblocked yesterday so I decided to give my brain a rest by watching TV and then the next thing I knew these were in front of me

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3 years ago

Ok so I was rewatching some Phineas and Ferb, and during Bully Bromance Breakup, Perry hides from Buford while him and Doof are at the lab coat dry cleaners. And we know from both the very first episode and Across the 2nd Dimension that if Perry blows his cover as a mindless house pet to his host family, he’ll have to be relocated to another host family. And since he hides from Buford, that means that either A: He doesn’t want Buford to spill his secret to Phineas and the gang, B: Perry considers Phineas’ friends as family, or C: Phineas considers his friends as family. :)

Just me thinking again

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5 months ago

I wish to take the Backyard Gang and throw them into a contraption that transforms them into playdoh and then I want to take them in my hands and squeeze them so hard they seep through my fingertips like strands of spaghetti

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