Baratheon Bastards - Tumblr Posts
I would like to pontificate on the locations of Robert Baratheon’s unknown bastard children.
Here’s the ones we know about
Mya Stone, born in the Vale Robert’s first bastard child, all others probably come after her. Born in 279 AC or 280 AC.
Bella, born or conceived in Stony Sept when Robert was running from Jon Connington. Born 283 AC.
Gendry, born at King’s Landing, 284 AC
Edric Storm, born 287 AC raised at Storm’s End with Renly.
Unknown Twins, fathered by Robert on an unknown serving woman at Casterly Rock.
Barra, a daughter born at Chataya’s brothel, in 298 AC.
Now according to Maggy’s prophecy Robert has nine other children. The known children all correspond to places that we as reader’s know Robert has been. Id like to guess at where his other bastards might be based on what information we have as readers (This is just circumstantial evidence I know but an interesting thought exercise).
Possibly locations of Bastard children.
Harrenhal, Robert was there for the largest tourney in living memory. Possibly left a child there.
Riverrun, Robert attending the wedding there during his Rebellion. Based off his having kids at Stannis’ wedding there might be one there.
Greenstone, when Robert visited Estermont as king he bedded an unnamed cousin. It’s possible for her to have had a child but also not since as nobility her potential child would most likely have had to have been acknowledged Robert.
These are just some speculated locations though. It’s possible he’s got bastards in locations from the Wall to Sunspear.