Barbie In The Nutcracker - Tumblr Posts

Currently thinking about Barbie in the Nutcracker being 20 years old and feeling decrepit
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come on barbie let’s go party

You and I know you are much more than that.
BARBIE IN THE NUTCRACKER (2001), dir Owen Hurley

Barbie in The Nutcracker VHS (2001)

Thank you clip studio paint glitter tool

Some my favorite costume design from Barbie.

come on barbie let’s go party

My top ten favorite Barbie movies
Like every young girl I loved the Barbie movies. These are some of my favorites. I like that they are timeless, that you can watch them in every age and still enjoy them like DreamWorks Trilogy Classics or Disney and Pixar Movies. They are still fun too watch and I am really happy the Masterpiece of the Barbie movie that Greta Gerwig created, accomplished this again with a deep meaning behind the story, which is why this movie is so great.
I also recently saw some of the new Barbie movie stuff that is animated and I have the feeling it’s no longer also for us old fans, it’s more for the younger audience. Which isn’t bad don’t get me wrong, it’s always nice to see when Barbie gets new fans, but with the old movies and the cinema version of Barbie I had more the feeling that it was for everyone. But the new Barbie dreamhouse show feels still for everyone. It’s a good show maybe not as iconic as life in the dreamhouse, which is still the best Barbie show today, but it takes another interesting turn on Barbie, her family and friends. I like that her parents got introduced, they are very nice and seem to love each other dearly, which is wonderful. Barbie herself is as always a great protagonist and I like that they tried to make her more relatable. Ken is a bit similar to his life in the dreamhouse self so he is still a dork but adorable, which suits him perfectly. They also have a Ryan and Raquelle, which are called Tammy and Tray. Which is fine but I would’ve liked if Ryan and Raquelle had a comeback in this, they were the best characters in the previous dreamhouse series.
My favorite part of Barbie in the Nutcracker.

Not sure if anyone else noticed this. Barbie looks very close to Clara in the end. I love they both have the golden heart 💛 necklace.