Barty My Love He Is So Silly - Tumblr Posts
July 1: astrology | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 880
*surgeon x patient au*
previous part, part one
As soon as James had left, Regulus had wanted him there again, but he was sure James had tons of real work to do. In all fairness though, Regulus did need to talk to James about his surgery. Regulus had decided by now that he did want the surgery, and not just as an excuse to spend more time around James. Frankly, his knee was constantly in a low, throbbing pain even though Dorcas had given him some painkillers. It had been getting annoying. Plus, Regulus figured it couldn't hurt anyway since his brother was a doctor and therefore, Regulus had good medical insurance, so money wouldn't be an issue here.
Regulus' train of thought was interrupted by Dorcas coming into his room with a light knock. "Hey, babes," she cooed, plopping herself down next to Regulus on his bed, "I've got today's astrology horoscope, thought I might share." He scooted over to make more room for her and she curled into his side, taking out a magazine.
Dorcas flipped it open and began rambling to Regulus about all the ways she was supposedly going to be lucky that day, according to her star sign. Then, she opened the magazine to a new page and started telling Regulus about the ways he'd be lucky that day.
"Wait, but how'd you know my birthday?" He asked her, interrupting her warnings to him about things he was supposed to avoid that day.
Dorcas laughed. "I may or may not have looked at your chart," she remarked with a smirk.
"Well, I sure hope you looked at my chart, you're the nurse on my case," Regulus retorted with a chuckle.
"Oh, and Regulus, look," Dorcas added, tapping her finger on the page, "it says here that you'll be lucky in love, today." She smirked at him again. "Or, perhaps, have you already gotten lucky in love today?"
"Dorcas, I've not even known you for a day," he snorted.
"Hardly means I can't be interested in what you've got going on with one of the hottest guys in the hospital."
"I thought you said you liked girls though?"
"My love, some things are just universally agreed upon, and James Potter is one of those."
Regulus couldn't argue with that so, he remained mostly silent and gave her a vague mumble to show he agreed.
"So? Tell me what happened after I left!" Dorcas demanded, punching him playfully in the arm.
"Well, he came in, saying all this BS that he needed to check my heart beat," Regulus started, "then, he took out his little heart-listening-tool thing and stood a million times closer than normal. But, like, no complaints from me. Then, he was all like 'good news is you're fine, bad news is I can't snog you'. By that point he was less than an inch away, but then the git had the gall to just cut it quits there and leave. So, that's what he did!" Regulus finished his story with an exasperated flourish of his hands, dropping them in his lap after.
Dorcas opened her mouth, clearly about to ramble again, when Regulus' phone began vibrating from where it sat on the bedside table. He picked it up, groaned inwardly when he saw the name on the screen, and answered.
"Barty, mate, what is it?"
"What, I'm not allowed to check in on my best friend while he's in the hospital? When Evan had to go to the hospital for his broken ankle, I called him every couple hours. And he never complained, not once!"
"Barty, Evan's your boyfriend, of course he didn't complain!"
"Just because we're not lovers anymore doesn't mean you have to stop showing me the LOVE, Reg. Where's all that LOVE you showed me when we were together? The love we had when we were still f-"
"Right, right. Anyways- Evan, me, and Pandora are thinking of coming round the hospital to be with you before and after the big surgery."
Regulus rolled his eyes.
"Well, if Evan and Panda don't decide to show up, I know I'M coming, because I'M an amazing best friend. Well, apparently not, according to the lack of love you're showing currently."
Regulus rolled his eyes again.
"HEY. I can feel you rolling your eyes. Because only a best friend would be able to tell and I just so happen to be-"
"Okay, yes, Barty, I love you, the love is here, this is me showing you the love," Regulus stated flatly. "Is that all? I was a bit in the middle of something."
"Oh, in the middle of something? Who have you charmed into thinking you're normal again? They better not be trying for the best friend slot, Reg. I don't know if I've made it clear, mate, but as your best friend, I kind of care about you and wouldn't like to see some other idiot kick you around. Call me a crazy, possessive ex, but hey, that's exactly what-"
"Barty, mate, love and care aside, please shut up."
"Alright, alright, I get it. I'll leave. I can take a hint. I can tell when someone doesn't love me anymore-"
Regulus hung up on Barty and sighed, putting his phone back on the bedside table. "Sorry, Dorcas," he mumbled.
Next part