Bartemius Crouch Jr - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

'my barty fc is this', 'my barty fc is that' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!

'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!
'my Barty Fc Is This', 'my Barty Fc Is That' HE IS ALREADY DAVID TENNANT, WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT????!!?!!!

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8 months ago

@rosekillermicrofic | word count: ~570 | 7 June | Prompt- Smirk. Evil.

Evan sat by the tranquil lake, whistling a tune of a foreign soundtrack. Seductive yet bruising.

He watched the water striders pacing one after the other as he stopped whistling and tried focusing into the water deep beyond the noticeable surface.

As the ripples distracted his deep insight, he found himself admiring the pale face of a familiar tawny haired Slytherin that reflected recently over the silver frame of the water.


Evan spun around like a loose spring. The brown haired boy crouched down and pushed himself closer to Evan.

"You noticed me", Barty acquiesced. "How?"

Evan turned back and gestured to the symmetric ripples sketched over the lake. "After all you can not camouflage, can you?"

Barty laughed and then dead panned," You can never be funny enough, can you?"

"Atleast I am sane."

"Insane people are attractive", Barty winked as he shot his elbow under Evan's arm. "Anyways, what were you whistling?"

"I don't know", Evan huffed.

"That makes you insane, but not attractive", Barty winked again.

Evan breathed. Then he eyed at Barty with heinous motives. "If I throw you, I am sure the lake monsters will eat you to death."

Evan didn't need time to react. He gashed the soil as he plunged his grip over Barty's collar. The soil skidded down with some force. And Barty skidded with it, only held back by the collar grip. "EVAN DON'T", Barty fretted.

"Try it."

"Attractive you said, huh?", Evan laughed.

He pulled Barty over the stable soil near to him. Then he reached out with both hands to straighten the creases on the collar. He smiled ear to ear.

"Are you insane?", Barty said, still catching his breath.


"There are no monsters in the water, Rosier. The monster is you", Barty snapped.

"Siren", Evan admired.

"Where?", Barty gasped and scrutinized the water.

Evan smirked. He swayed his hand once again in the air and placed them at the perfect crook behind Barty's neck. "Inside me."

Then he felt the shudder. The eruption. This time, the eruption was not in him but in Barty.

Barty reflexed his arm behind him in a swift move and succeeded in locking Evan's arm, that was holding him, in a tight grip over the soil.

Then, as Evan approached to seize Barty with his free hand, Barty swung his left arm over his opponents throat. Then he pushed the boy over the soil, mudding the white shirt with a brown tint.

Evan turned red as he struggled to wriggle out his rival's strength, but in vain.

Barty strangled the body further by shoving him into the soil. Then he crept closer, until he had his knees locked around the Rosier boy like a cage. Bounded. Barty sunk down lower still. Their faces strewn with mud approached even closer, only left unmet because Evan had forced himself against the soil. He didn't want to meet Barty's evil eyes.

"We are all monsters, Evan. Some of us play, some kill and others steal", Barty whispered. "I might steal your heart just like the way you played with mine."

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8 months ago

Barty (punching the wall): Ahh see, my knuckles are blushing.

Regulus: They are fucking bleeding.

Barty: Blushing.

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8 months ago

Regulus: Stop blackmailing.

Barty: I don't blackmail. I mail the white stuff.

Regulus: What's the white stuff?

Evan: ...

Barty: ...

Regulus: ...

Barty: Evan, why not explain him?

Regulus (realizing): NO.

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7 months ago

@rosekillermicrofic | Rosekiller | Word Count: ~450 | Prompts: Forbidden, Forest, Smile | Date: 5 July


"Are you crazy?"

"Shh", Barty hissed.

Evan raised his senses, alarmed by the ripples on the lake. He waited. One. Two. Three. Then carelessly questioned, "Why are we here, Bee?"

"Shh." That was the flat reply.

Evan aimlessly followed the tall boy under the wispy moonlight. Their robes skated over the soil like a phantom. Barty moved dangerously towards the Forbidden Forest and an unknown uncanny feeling strapped them at their movements.

They shouldn't be here, lurking in the shadows of the forest, at the mourning hour of a grimmy night.

"Have you seen the moon?", Barty whispered.

"What's about it?"

"It's beautiful."

"So?", Evan asked.

"It's a lunar eclipse tonight."


Barty halted, making the feeble torso of Evan bump into his body.

"I will show you", Barty said, an excitement erupting in him as he turned back to meet Evan's confused eyes.

Then, Barty strictly held Evan by his wrist and they ran. They ran till they found themselves deep into heart of the forbidden land.

Evan heavily breathed, "Have you lost your mind?"

Barty chuckled. Then he said, "Can we wait for some more moments?"

"What's -"

They didn't have to wait. It happened in no time.

The sky blacked out. The moon disappeared as if a big spoon had scooped it from the vast expanse of the night. Evan stood petrified, unable to clear his head.

He whispered, "Bee?"

But, where was Barty? Evan threw his arms, pulled his wand, "Lumos!"

A faint light erupted. But it wasn't enough. There was no Barty, and without him the world was collapsing. It felt like a thousand many emotions pounding his heart.

The light evaporated. And Evan dared not to lighten it again because he was scared, he wouldn't find Barty.

A low, clouded voice erupted from his mouth, " Bee?"

And that was it. A roar or a scream or just maybe an eruption.

Evan saw a silken white fabric, or atleast it looked like one, which swirled past him, whooshing to the left then towards the right. It was bright yet transparent, like a ghost but brighter than the moon. It went through Evan and around him, dancing in the air, swaying along the breeze.

Then it took the shape of a fauna that plainly bounded around Evan, illuminating him. It carved into a silver crown over his head, then touched his lifted wand and disappeared just the way it appeared.

Evan was quite. The sudden change in brightness, blinded him but when he could finally make out his surroundings, he saw Barty smiling.

"What was that?", Evan said.


"That was crazy."

"That was", Barty admitted.

"That was beautiful."

"You are beautiful."

The moon slowly appeared among the clouds. Lunar eclipse doesn't last long. But the smile of his lips that Evan had, seemed like lasting forever.

"Happy Birthday, psych", Barty said.

"I love you, maniac. "

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7 months ago

@rosekillermicrofic | Rosekiller | Date: 8 July 2024 | Prompt: Sunset | Word count: 521


Evan sat on the wooden bench, contemplating the dives that Regulus executed with his light broomstick. The sky was closing to a sunset. Regulus had made both Evan and Barty promise that, they would come to see the yearly selections of the Slytherin quidditch team. The few chosen young students were poorly trying to plunge into the air. Some of them went an extra mile by trying to copy the curves performed by Regulus.

Evan sighed. He was sitting all alone in the middle of an abyss.

'Where the hell are you?', Evan asked himself, imaging a tall torso of Barty.


The voice caught Evan off-guard. It was shrill, as if someone was chocked to draw out that voice. Evan turned behind like a spring.

"Someone's bored?", Barty said, maintaining the shrillness. He scrunched his nose and squatted beside Evan, pulling up a sock from his breast pocket.

"Where were you and what the hell is that?", Evan raised a brow, eyeing the sock.

"Look", the piping voice instructed inside the sock.

Evan peeped into the stretched opening of the sock. A hairy twig like creature jumped out.

Evan gasped, not for the creature that leaped out but for the creature itself. It was a tarantula, with a palm sized body and tentacles spreading like the fingers. It was a handful.

Evan looked at the tarantula that he sized inside his palm, confining it from escaping, then he looked at Barty and then again he turned back to the black creature.

"Where did you find it?", Evan said, without lifting his eyes, already been attracted to the spider.

Barty, who was looking at Evan rather than at the spider, felt like been caught in an illusion. And the trick was the sun rays, the golden tint, that glided through his eyes, highlighting their brown into a hue that matched the sky in the west. Evan looked beautiful, as if he was made to look like that.


Barty woke up from his fantasies with a sudden jurk from Evan, he was perplexed. "What happened?"

"What do we name it?", Evan asked.

Barty thought, but he already had names ready, "Blood-poison. Or Scarlet-thirst. Or Famertiano."

"What's Famertiano?", Evan asked, scrutinizing the brown fur of the tarantula.


"Okay then. Famertiano", Evan pressed his lips in a thoughtful manner and ultimately concluded. "Anyways, where did you get this from?"

"I bought it at the cost of winning an arm wrestle with two seniors from Ravenclaw. This is the prize I got. For you."

The last two words seemed to have an effect on Evan. His eyes softened and even though he didn't reply anything back, Barty could comprehend those sun kissed eyes, they were saying love.

"Do you think Famertiano would be able to pull up a melodrama in Regulus's bed?", Barty asked as he a swaying figure in the sky caught his attention.

"I don't see how he could fail, if we teach Famertiano how to execute the melodrama", Evan replied in a single song voice, already hooked up by the thought of mischief.

"Let's plan, should we?"

"Plan A?", Evan asked with a smirk that lifted the corners of his mouth.

Barty saw that beauty, the dark beauty in him. And he knew it at that moment that Evan was not a thing meant for prize, he was a treasure, hard to get, and ever harder to lose.

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7 months ago

Barty: I need someone to match my freak.

Regulus: No.

Evan: You actually need someone to 'watch' your freak.

Regulus: Yes.

Barty: I think I just found that person.

Regulus: Freak!

Evan: And I am actually watching that.

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7 months ago

Regulus: Happy. Birthday.

Barty: Dear Rosy.

Evan: Thank you.

(Barty handing Regulus a dead frog. Regulus floating a candle on top of it. Barty lighting the candle. Regulus handing it over to Evan.)

Regulus: Blow it.

Barty: Then blow me.

Evan: ...

Regulus: (blinking in rosekiller)

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6 months ago
LUNCH - Billie Eilish, But It's Gayer; Feat. Barty Crouch JUNIOR

LUNCH - Billie Eilish, but it's gayer; feat. Barty Crouch JUNIOR

(I suck at instant sketch, but here's an idea.)

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6 months ago


Barty: Because you wrote about me there.


Barty: (frowning) I should have known-

Regulus: (narrator's voice) That you two are clones.

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6 months ago

Evan: If I were an ice cream, would you bite me or lick me?

Barty: I would like to lick you. But-

Evan: But?

Barty: But if you are hard as fuck, biting you wouldn't hurt, would it?

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6 months ago

Unlike other wizards, when Rosekiller enters a muggle house, Regulus has the right to say that "it's in shreds", because it is. Every screw, every ply, every grinder, every metal joiner, every shit is broken, 'cause it's Rosekiller babe.

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