Batcher The Lurca Hound - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


Questions and awnsers with the bad batch characters and some of my OCs:

Interviewer: So Eva, what was it like acting with the others

Eva: it was so fun, I've never had the chance to do anything like this before so it was a really great opportunity to get to meet everyone


Interviewer: So Wolffe, you were the only member of the wolfpack to appear in the show, your thoughts

Wolffe: well I was admittedly a bit disappointed Comet, Sinker, Boost and Warthog wouldn't be in the show but I'm sure we'll be in something together before long, and I'm sure nothing bad will happen to them...right


Interviewer: So Crosshair, finally back with your brothers, how does it feel after not being with them for so long

Crosshair: *grunts* no comment

Interviewer: I hear Omega had to constantly make you behave...

Crosshair: *triggered* listen here you little shi-

*we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


Interviewer: *to the kids* so what was your experience with working with Batcher

Daniel: it was really fun having a dog on set, especially when we were having breaks and we could just play fetch with her, my only real complaint is she keeps drooling all over my tools

Omega: Batcher is really fun to play with, we've all taken a real shine to her, even Crosshair too

*she shows a video on her phone of Crosshair and Batcher*

Crosshair: *kissing Batcher's head* who's a good girl..who's a good girl

Batcher: *barks*

*Crosshsir bursts in*

Crosshair: I told you to delete that video

Omega: oh crap


Interviewer: Dr Hemlock despite your character being quite the villain, I hear behind the set you have formed a great friendship with Omega and the other kids

Hemlock: indeed I have, they are certainly an intresting bunch to be around, Daniel here especially loves showing me his inventions

*Daniel nods and smiles*

Interviewer: I see, and what would happen if say, in the show Hemlock broke one of your inventions

Daniel: *casually sipping his juice box* I would break his spine

Hemlock: 0-0

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5 months ago

Bad batch fall headcannons:

Wrecker loves making a giant pile of leaves...just so he and James can jump into them

Tech likes to study the migration movements of birds and has a whole database set up to keep watch over the birds he tagged

Phee likes to get the pumpkin spice lattes from the coffee shop she claims it reminds her of Tech's eyes

The one thing the batch all hate about fall is black Friday, they appreciate the cheap prices but hate how dramatic people get over it

Crosshair has a special collection of Halloween themed scarves for Batcher he even bought her a pumpkin themed hat to keep her head warm

Cobalt always buys a boat load of Halloween candy and eats it in his car while on patrol...Joey knows, he caught him in the act once

On Halloween Crosshair likes to dress up as the grim reaper and runs around on Halloween night scaring everyone, he had to stop after rumors of the townspeople starting a lynch mob started

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6 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

After finally finding out how to post stuff here:

For all TBB fans, my first ever posted work on AO3

Omega being a big sister to a scared and traumatized Crosshair after escaping Tantiss with Batcher.

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