Phee Genoa - Tumblr Posts
We’ve been robbed of so much.
A moment I really would like / have liked to see is Tech and Phee having a flight competition. Per S3E12 we see Phee's no stranger to flying a bit... unhinged. I picture her in her ship and Tech in the Marauder pulling off some of their finest, maddest moves while in the air, and both being mutually amazed at each other's skills.
"You want to fly, you say? I'll show you flying."
"Bring it, Brown Eyes." ;)
This is unbelievably cute.

If Wrecker had Snapchat, he’d definitely do this. He is #1 Techphee supporter
To the smutmobile!

fucking him probably wont undue the reconditioning but it cant hurt to try
This fic is hot AF. 🥵
There is just not enough Tech/Phee smut out there.
Ah, this is finally done~! I originally wanted to post this for Valentine's Day...yeah.
This is pure Techphee filth - there were, surprisingly, no sex pollen fics for them. So I had to change that, because I find that trope to be *chefs kiss*
Many thanks to @honeykiwis for beta'ing and @niobiumao3 for proofreading.
I love this. I love this so much.

I do have more fluffier wips, but I quite enjoy inflicting pain. what a conundrum 😉
I love them.

they’re still together in my head :,)
Wow. I love it. I love them. This is perfect.

t minus 4 days for them to have the happy ending they deserve 😭
Depends how vigorous their activities are.

Tech and Phee ship. Goggles on or off?
First Time’s The Charm
Read on Ao3
PAIRING: Tech x Phee
SUMMARY: Some sweet smut about Tech and Phee’s first time together
RATING + WARNINGS: 18+, very spicy, porn with feelings, PiV, fluff, kissing
NOTES: When I’m not working on my Batch reverse harem “Bad Choices” smutlet series on Ao3, I occasionally write other stuff. I have a long form WIP that will probably never be finished, so you all might as well have the smut from it.
And yes, this is virgin Tech (which is basically the opposite of him in Bad Choices), though I will fight people if they suggest that he couldn’t still be good at sex from the start. The man loves research. He knows what and where a clitoris is. I will die on this hill.

The first night Tech had stayed with Phee, it had simply been a matter of them talking too late and falling asleep on her couch. When they’d woken up in the soft morning light, both had felt sheepish. She’d laughed it off.
“You’ll fall asleep anywhere, Brown Eyes.” He didn’t deny it.
A few days later, they were in her little workshop, telling each other stories, true stories, while she cataloged and he tinkered. As he walked her home, their hands brushed together until finally their fingers slowly intertwined. He didn’t come in, but they stood in the moonlight outside her door holding hands and talked about everything but what was happening between them.
When they had first met, so many rotations ago, she had liked him immediately, primarily because he was handsome, and then later because he was kind, brilliant, intense, and strong. He was so different from the other men she knew. Bringing them all to Pabu was impulsive, but she’d never regret doing it, giving them a safe space where they were appreciated for their kindness and desire to help, where they flourished, where Omega could have a home.
He began walking her home every night, and they would stand outside holding hands, until finally, one night, she leaned into him and he put his arm around her.
“This is nice, Tech,” she’d said, using his real name to show how serious she was. He’d looked down at her.
“Yes. I would use that descriptor as well.”
Impulsively, she’d risen onto her toes and pressed her lips to his. For a moment, she was afraid she’d gone too far. His body had stiffened abruptly, but just as quickly it relaxed. The kiss was sweet and soft, close-mouthed. He’d pulled away slightly.
“I have never kissed anyone before.”
The words overwhelmed Phee. She had thought it was possible his life hadn’t allowed such things, and she wanted to be careful.
“Is this okay? We don’t have to.” Tech stopped her by lifting her chin so they could kiss again. She pulled him in, and they stayed on her couch while she taught him something new. He was a fast learner.
He stayed with her almost every night, slowly divesting himself of the various layers that he wore as the evenings passed. First, his utility belt and pouches. The night he took off his gloves, and she had felt his bare hands on her own, against her face and neck, had made her giddy. She spent the next day mooning over him like she was a schoolgirl. She chided herself for it; she was too old and wise for this nonsense, but Phee couldn’t stop.
And it was the night he took off his goggles because their kissing had knocked them askew for the umpteenth time that she knew she’d truly fallen for him. Someone’s eyes shouldn’t have that power over her, yet she’d never met anyone so absolutely honest that it reflected perfectly in their gaze. Phee’d been with other people, of course, but she’d never let them into her life the way she let Tech in.
Because she trusted him, and she knew this gesture from him was because he trusted her too.
“Can this come off tonight?” she whispered, running her hands over the chest of his blacks. Their embrace tonight had been particularly passionate and she wanted him as close to her as possible.
“Yes, I would find that acceptable.”
"Let me know if you feel uncomfortable, Brown Eyes."
"Just...proceed slowly."
Phee was trying to do just that. She’d imagined the first time they had sex, that she’d take him to a field of flowers or a beach at sunset…or the back of a library. But now she knew none of those was going to happen.
She circled him, her hand never breaking contact as she felt the contours of his body under the fabric. Finally, she faced him and slowly pulled up the shirt. She ran the back of her hand against his skin, noted that he was hardly breathing. She waited for him to relax, then pulled the shirt off, leaving his torso fully bare. She could feel his tension as he lay back on the bed, his eyes slightly glazed.
“Are you okay?” she asked as she lay beside him.
“Yes,” but the word was almost inaudible.
Tentatively, she stroked his chest, waiting for his breathing to return to normal. She didn’t know what she expected, but his slim, muscular frame fulfilled any fantasy she had had. Her fingers fluttered over a scar on his shoulder.
"Droid," he said. Another scar on his side. "Knife wound. Not from Hunter," he smiled. He turned slightly and showed her one on his hip. "Shrapnel, only partially because of Wrecker." She leaned over, kissing each of them. Hungry for him, she kissed a trail from his hip to his chest. Impulsively, she licked his nipple, and he cried out in shock. Phee drew back quickly.
“I'm sorry."
"No, no. That felt...intense. I was not expecting it.” He drew her to him, kissed her, then whispered, "Do it again."
Hungrily, her lips moved along his neck, drinking in every reaction he had to her touch, then down to his other nipple. Tentatively, she licked it, feeling the hitch in his breathing, then gently raked it with her teeth. He moaned. She did the same on the other side, reveling in his response to her.
His hands began to roam around her body, finding their way under her shirt. On fire, she pulled it off and let him explore her at his own pace. She was desperate to feel his skin against her own, but she did not want to overwhelm him. As she had explored him, his hands did the same to her; caressing the small of her back, the nape of her neck, the curve of her breasts. She gasped at his touch, inflamed, desperate for more. He pulled her closer, and she pressed her body against his, chest to chest. He rolled on top of her, lips locked together, one of his legs between her own. All her control was gone.
She let her hand slide down to the growing bulge in his pants.
"I want to touch you," she said, giving him time to stop her, but he was as inflamed as she was. He groaned and arched his back as her hand cupped him. His responses to her were unbelievable, feeding the flames of her desire.
“Please, take this off.” She fumbled at his pants. “Please, if you are ready.”
He stood and pulled them off, as she slipped out of the rest of her clothes. Standing next to him, looking into his eyes, she took his erection in her hand. It took every ounce of his self control not to climax right then, the sensations were so overwhelming. She pushed him back onto the bed and straddled him. She leaned forward to kiss him and look into his beautiful eyes. She took his hand, and together they guided his length into her as she lowered herself onto him.
He cried out as he entered her. She moved slowly, never breaking eye contact, until he was fully inside her.
“Tech, if you become uncomfortable or need us to stop—”
“I can manage,” he said, his jaw clenched, his eyes focused on her, fingers intertwined. She waited a few moments, letting their bodies acclimate to the new sensations, then together they slowly began moving, finding a rhythm that suited them both.
He held her hips and pushed his pelvis up to be as deep inside her as he could. Her gasps and cries excited him in a way he had never felt, his body responding on instinct as she rocked against him more insistently.
He could see her eyes losing focus, even as he could sense the same in himself, as he felt the build up in his body, a pressure he had never experienced and did not fully understand. This was so different from the furtive, utilitarian fumblings he managed in the ‘fresher when the need arose.
In a move that took her breath away, he pressed himself up, put his arm around her waist, and rotated both of them so he was on top of her. The absolutely feral cry she gave him as her limbs wrapped around his body nearly sent him over the edge. He held her close, trying to slow down, to make this last longer, this sweet, intense, incredible feeling.
She refused to let it happen. She rocked her pelvis against him, desperate for him to lose control, to match her passion. He gasped.
"I need to...Phee, if you do not stop…I am too close," he groaned.
"We'll do this again," she whispered. "I want you. I want you inside me. I want to feel you." She felt incoherent, but she also felt him let go. He lifted one of her legs, hooking it over his arm, giving him an angle to somehow be deeper inside her. His body took over, his thrusts stronger, wilder. Her hands pressed on his lower back, encouraging him.
Her moans of, "Yes, please, yes. Tech. Yes," finally put him over the edge. The absolute bliss of the orgasm was almost too much for him. He buried his head in her neck, drowning himself in her essence, as it pulsed over his body. He lay still on top of her for what he thought was an eternity as the sensation slowly drifted away, leaving him tingling all over like exposed nerves.
Cautiously, she stroked her hand down his back. He shuddered a bit but didn't say anything, then slowly slid out of her as he rolled next to her.
"That was amazing," she whispered.
“I…quite agree.” He lifted his head and looked at her, "But you did not..." His voice trailed off.
She smiled, kissed him, "That's not always the most important part of sex. The...intimacy...this closeness I feel with you, right now. This is better. But also, that was still incredible. You're a natural."
"I did do some research before this encounter…Though it did not prepare me for the intensity of the physical stimulation." She laughed.
"Why is that funny? As I do not have any experience in this area, I wanted to be prepared."
"The idea of you doing research about this on your datapad is very funny, but I'm not going to complain about the results." She rolled out of bed to clean up.
"It will take a little time before I can physically do this again, but.." For a moment he seemed almost shy, "...would you want to when I am ready?"
She got back into the bed, snuggling next to him.
"Yes," she said huskily.
“You were correct,” he said, pulling her close against him, “This was... special. More than just a physical act.” He felt foolish for ever having suggested otherwise in one of their long conversations. His voice drifted off, and she thought he might fall asleep, but instead they lay in wakeful silence, intertwined.
“What is going on in there?" she asked.
In reply, his hands again began roaming over her body. Lightly, his fingertips raised goosebumps on her arms and down her back. She shivered but felt herself opening again for him. His fingers caressed her breasts, tracing a path around them until he moved and his mouth found her hard nipples. He gently stimulated one, then the other, with his tongue.
Now that his mind had cleared, he was studying her carefully. Every action and response was filed away. His hand stroked down her side, then to her already parted legs. He kissed her as his fingers explored between her legs, and he drank up her moans. He slid a wet finger up until he found her clit and just barely made contact with it, feeling her body tighten at the touch. He rubbed against it and was rewarded with a deep gasp. He slid two fingers inside of her, leaving his thumb to work against her sensitive nub. Her reaction was instant. Her thighs closed around his hand, and she groaned as his long fingers reached deeper into her.
"Tech," she whispered. "I need you...I need you inside me."
"Yes, but this type of stimulation will help you to orgasm. I want to ensure that first."
She shook her head, "Oh it feels so good, but I...I don't finish like that. I need..." In her state, words were hard to come by, "...the internal stimulation."
It took only a moment for him to process this, and then, "It does seem as if I am ready to fulfill this need." Her hand had been stroking him to hardness, but he was so focused on her he had barely noticed.
He pressed into her, slowly, each stroke entering her only a little more than the last, until one had a very pronounced reaction. Then he came up slightly on his knees, lifting her legs with him, sure that this angle would allow him better access to this most important spot. He began with short thrusts and was rewarded by her immediate cries.
"Yes, oh, Tech, yes, right there," though her physical reaction would have been enough for him to know he had gotten it right. Her hands had grabbed onto the covers, clawing at the sheets. He timed himself to match the crescendo of her moans and whimpers, varying his strokes, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow, then returning to stimulate this more sensitive area, watching the build up of tension in her body, noting how her arms moved in spasms, her eyes closed tight, her mouth whispering incoherently.
Suddenly her fingers were digging into his forearm, her cries a higher pitched staccato than what had come before, and he watched the orgasm overtake her body. She writhed under him, his thrusts against her sensitive inner wall bringing wave after wave of pleasure. As her reaction finally subsided, he lay over the top of her, kissing her deeply, drinking in everything about her, feeling almost more satisfied now than when he had had his own orgasm. He rocked into her gently, feeling the length of himself enclosed in her, enjoying this unimagined intimacy and reveling in the whole of her.
She wrapped her arms around him, holding him as close as she could, breathing him into her. He pressed his forehead to hers as he let the second orgasm flow through his body, kissing her, needing her, wanting her.
“Good job, Brown Eyes,” she smiled. “Hard to believe that was your first time.” She liked seeing that satisfied glint in his eyes that came from praise.
“Yes, well, there is always room for improvement, especially since there seem to be an infinite variety of positions, techniques, and implements that can be used to enhance—”
She silenced him with her lips. “Slow down. Let’s just enjoy tonight.”
And they did.
* *
I also write a smutty Bad Batch reverse harem series that can be found here.
Warning: It gets kinky.
I love them.

Some more sweet Tech/Phee because I love this couple with all my heart. I need to see them happy together. They deserve to be happy. ❤️
I worked on this to give myself some comfort because season three is bringing me down, and to also practice shading. It’s still a bit messy, but I like it this way.
A warm thank you to all who favorited and reblogged my last Tech/Phee piece. I really appreciate it ❤️
I love them so much.

🎶 all my life’s been a road to you 🎶
Road to You — Five for Fighting
I was just thinking you know who I haven’t drawn yet? Phee. And, of course, I adore her and Tech. So I drew them together. On their wedding day. You know? The one we saw in S3 EP16? That was such a beautiful way to end the series. (I’m not delusional. You’re delusional.)
(Cleaned-up sketch, base colours, and an un-sparkly version under this li’l cut right here)

Phee’s got little gold beads in her braids because why not? And Tech doesn’t have his goggles because I couldn’t get them to look right, so he just took them off for the picture, okay? Can we live with that? Good. Thank you.
We deserved better. They deserved better.

"Tech told me about your ✨sparkling✨ personality" because the writers refused to give us this scene.
And I will shamelessly reuse this quote from Everything Everywhere All At Once featuring The Universal Horrors.

I knew it was just one line in Juggernaut but it was enough to make me run to my drawing tab and create this. I love how that ONE LINE made Techphee canon to me because it implied that they had ✨moments✨, they had dates, they had slow walks in the cold nights of Pabu where they talked about anything under the stars.
He would talk about how the regs made fun of them for being different, how they learned to embrace themselves and how his brothers used to fight a lot and make up afterwards.
He would talk about the Clone Wars, all their missions together, and that one time the male Yalbecs tried to mate with them.
And him.
And Phee would listen. She would lovingly look up at his brown eyes, and listen.
And this is why I'm not a writer.
I love this so so so much. That is exactly the way I would look at Tech.
Thank you for this @amalthiaph
The Conversation (Deluxe Edition)
They were so invested in one another that neither of them noticed how much time had gone by.

Feel free to download the Sunset and Twilight versions.
Oh hey it’ll let me post the video version of that WIP now (tumblr was freaking out before):

2 seconds after the first kiss and they’re such dorks 🥹
This is so unbelievably sweet. 😍
10/10. Highly recommended.

Evidence and Luck
Tech x Phee Genoa
Warnings: very fluffy, implications of and references to sexual relations and therefore I'm labeling this fic as Mature and 18+, but nothing is explicit
My first TechPhee!! I hope I've done them justice.

It was far later than Tech had expected to return to the Marauder. It was certainly later than he’d told the others to expect him. But at the moment, he found he didn’t care much about that. In fact, walking back to the ship in the lowlight just before sunrise, he could probably say he didn’t care much about anything other than her.
Stars above, for the first time in his life there was only one thing on his mind and it was Phee, Phee, Phee. It didn’t matter that he’d spent nearly ten hours with her at her small cottage and only left mere moments ago. He was still replaying it all in his head.
“You sure you have to go now, Brown Eyes?” she’d asked, her voice soft as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t mind you staying through to the morning.”
His hands gripped her hips, pulling her even closer to him, drinking in the soft moan that fell from her lips. “I cannot say I would mind either,” he’d conceded. “Unfortunately, I did inform my brothers that I would be back in…” he trailed off as he glanced at the chrono on the wall. “Four hours ago.”
She smiled, her fingers fiddling with the strap of his goggles at the back of his head. “If you’re already late…”
“What is the harm in a few more minutes?” he finished, already ducking down to kiss her neck again.
“Or hours,” she groaned as she lifted the goggles from his head once more.
Oh, he was feeling particularly lucky at the moment. The events of the past sixteen hours aside, he was feeling this way because all his brothers had leaned away from the early morning risings the war had always brought. Well, almost all of his brothers.
“You were out late,” Echo smirked over his mug of caf as he walked up the ramp. “Or should I say early? Busy night?”
“Busy indeed,” Tech agreed quietly, feeling a little giddy at the memories.
“Got a new… project?”
Tech chuckled. “Perhaps.”
Echo grinned at his brother. “Get some rest,” he advised. “And maybe a shower. You look like you need it.”
“I believe that would be a good idea.”
He walked through the ship, being sure to keep his footsteps light to avoid the two light-sleepers’ wraths until he came up on the refresher. He eyed it for a moment before tilting his head down to gently sniff at himself.
Phee’s perfume - a gorgeous blend of wood and citrus - was all over him.
He sighed. He didn’t really want the smell of her to leave him, but he knew it would irritate Hunter’s senses so he figured a brief stop in the sonic shower wouldn’t hurt.
He stepped out of the fresher a few moments later, adjusting his goggles back into their typical space just as Echo happened to be passing.
“Better, but you… missed a few spots,” he noted with his signature snarky smile.
Tech’s brows furrowed as he turned back to face the small mirror. His cheeks heated and darkened. Phee had left a number of small marks all over his face and neck, little prints of her lipstick dotting his face.
He sighed, but as he began to clean the marks from his face, he found that he couldn’t wipe away the smile his lips had pulled into. Her voice still filled his ears. “Brown eyes. Mmm, yes. Right there, baby.”
He came to the final mark, one on the side of his neck, peeking out of the collar of his shirt. It might’ve appeared to be a simple lipstick stain, but Tech knew better. Hidden behind the subtle red of her favorite lipstick was a deep purple; a small spot where the pressure her teeth and lips had applied ruptured the blood vessels just below the surface.
Maybe it was the deviant nature that seemed encoded in himself and his brothers or maybe it was Phee’s influence, but either way, that small bit of evidence remained. He figured he’d face the teasing of his brothers if it meant they all realized just how lucky he was.

Thanks for reading! - River
Tales of the Clones Master List DangRaccoon Master List Taglist Form Read on AO3

Tags: @writing-positivelyexisting @nekotaetae @lokigirlszendaya @get-wr3ckered @jediknightjana @idoubleswearimawriter @lucyysthings @unstable-kiwi @6oceansofmoons @l3xi3luv @winter-phoenix1995 @serenityselene @nomercyforthewarrior @ravenclawbitch426 @Padawancat97 @error6gendernotfound @techs-goggles9902

Tech & Phee in The Bad Batch | S2EP13 "Pabu"

Tech lives!
I commissioned some art from @luxris from a short scene mentioned in my fic where Tech lives and comes home to Pabu after Tantiss. This is my fic where Tech is not CX-2, but he still goes through a lot to come home and builds himself a hoverchair. Thank you so much for making this! I love how comfortable and in love they are!

They gave us all this, and for what?
So people could drop insane takes about how Phee was abusing Tech? How Phee was disrespectful to the Batch? How Phee was a bad person who hated children?
Yes, I will die mad unless they fix it.

I'm not good at editing images but I can't get over this screenshot. Tech is normally the one with his hand on the shoulder of someone he cares for and seeing Phee with her hand on his shoulder gives me all the feels. And then he holds her and they fly through the air.