Tbb Cobalt (oc) - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Defective but effectivel (a cadet batch series)


Clone trooper 99 knew he would never be a soldier like his brothers, that much would be obvious. 99 had made his peace with that a long time ago, however there was one thing he yearned for.

By this time the other Alphas had begun training other cadets. 17 had recently taken five young cadets Wolffe, Fox, Bly, Ponds and Cody, Fordo had also taken his own squad consisting of cadets Gree, Neyo, Baccara, Jet and Doom.

While 99 was happy for his brothers, he still couldn't help but wish he had his own cadets to train, even if he could never fight for the Republic knowing he had inspired other troopers would make him happy.

What he didn't know however was that one day his wish would be granted.

He was about to head to his barracks when Nala Se arrived.

"CT-9900 I trust you are well." Nala Se said.

"Yes mistress." 99 nodded.

"Good, follow me I have something I must show you." Nala Se said.

99 just nodded and followed.

They arrived at the lab and went inside.

99 saw a small figure with blond hair in the corner, Nala Se's medical assistant Omega.

He waved at the girl who gave a shy wave in return.

99 smiled then went over to six small cribs which Nala Se was standing next to.

99 looked inside and saw six small cadets, the numbers read CT-9901, CT-9902, CT-9903, CT-9904, CT-9905 and CT-9907.

"There was originally intended to be seven, however I'm afraid CT-9906 did not survive." Nala Se said, although 99 could see she didn't care.

Instead he focused on the cadets.

01 and 02 were asleep, out of the entire batch these two seemed the most like regular cadets, 03 was the largest of the batch, he also seemed the most energetic of the batch, looking around the lab with intense curiosity, 04 was also awake but seemed bothered by the lights, squinting and covering his, 05 was looking at him with a sense of curiosity similar to 03, however 99 noticed 05's eyes weren't the same brown as the other clones, instead his eyes were a dark blue, 07 was the smallest and easily the youngest of the group, he was studying 99 with a curious eye, though 99 noticed a sense of caution within him as he tried to determine what he was looking at.

"These will be your cadets to mentor, they have all been genetically enhanced, CT-9901 has been modified with the ability to access computers and other mechanisms through cybernetic implants implanted within him, CT-9902 has been enhanced to have heightened sense, CT-9903 has been modified to have enhanced strength and muscle growth, CT-9904 has been granted enhanced eyesight allowing him to see from further distances than other clones, CT-9905 has been modified with the ability of force sensitivity and CT-9907 has been modified with enhanced intelligence, once they are fully grown they are to be known as clone force 99." Nala Se.

99 looked at the cadets...his brothers.

"I promise I will look after you boys, you will be the greatest soldiers in all of the Republic." 99 said.

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6 months ago

99's boys:

It had now been several weeks since 99 had taken the six young cadets under his wing and it hadn't taken him long to grow attached to them.

In his time as their guardian he had quickly grown to understand their very different personalities.

The twins 01 and 02 now named Spectre and Hunter were both fiercly loyal to their squad and were both very protective of their younger siblings, 99 knew both were destined to be the commanding officers of the squad so this made sense. The two were also attached at the hip, it was rare to see one without the other.

03 nicknamed Wrecker for his immense strength was the most boisterous of the batch, his energy unmatched by any of the other kids, his own squad could barely keep up with him. While academically he wasn't the smartest of the squad, socially he was miles ahead of the others, often acting as a mouthpiece for them on multiple occasions.

04, named Crosshair for his exceptional shooting skills was the most difficult to read. He seemed to constantly bottle up his emotions and rarely ever let them out, and he additionally had a tendency to snap at others. However there was no denying his love for his brothers, Crosshair always stood by his squad, always defending them from bullies.

05, named Cobalt for his unique blue eyes was perhaps the most levelheaded of the batch, often serving as the peacekeeper when fights (mostly between Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair) broke out. However he could also be fairly skittish when interacting with others outside of his comfort zone though this varied greatly on who he was talking too.

07 named Tech for his love of technology and his immense smarts was easily the most skittish of the squad. As the youngest and therefore the weakest of the group he was already a target for bullies, but his smarts only ostricised him further. However he was a brave little clone always standing up for himself and his brothers.


"99 99!"

99 was roused from his sleep by Wrecker's loud voice, immediately noticing the worry in his brother's tone he turned around.

"Wrecker, Vodi'ka what is it?" 99 asked immediately.

"It's Cobalt, I think he's sick again." Wrecker said.

99 nodded and immediately got up, knowing just how bad the force tests affected the young clone.

The two quickly rushed too the barracks, Wrecker pulling 99 along slightly as they went.

They entered the barracks to find the others crowded around the bunk Cobalt occupied, the group quickly making room for the older clone.

Cobalt was curled up in a ball on his bunk looking as pale as death, both hands clutching his stomach and his whole face was glistening with sweat.

99 felt his heart ache as the young clone looked up at him looking ready to cry.

"Bluir...I don't feel good." Cobalt whined, curling up on himself slightly more.

99 felt his younger brother's forehead wincing at how hot it was...he was burning up fast.

"What's wrong Vodi'ka?" 99 asked wincing slightly at how stupid the question sounded.

"It hurts." Cobalt whimpered a few tears now leaking out his eyes.

"What hurts vod?" 99 asked as he stroked his brother's damp hair trying to comfort him as little as he could.

"My head and tummy." Cobalt whined pitifully fighting off waves of oncoming nausea.

99 nodded and turned to Crosshair and Tech.

''Crosshair get the migraine meds from my cabinet and a glass of water, Tech fill up a compressor with cold water." 99 instructed.

The two nodded dutifully and ran off to carry out their task.

"Everything's gonna be okay Cobalt." 99 said.

Cobalt nodded and was about to reply when suddenly he grew even paler and darted out of 99's grip and into the refresher where he began throwing up harshly into the toilet.

Without a moment's hesitation Spectre was kneeling beside Cobalt gently rubbing circles on the younger clones' back as he retched.

"That's it Cobalt, just get it all out." Sprecte said drawing circles on his younger brother's back with his finger.

Leaving Cobalt in Spectre's care for the time being 99, Hunter and Wrecker straightened out Cobalt's bed and soon after they finished Crosshair and Tech returned with the items 99 had requested.

By this time Cobalt has finished retching and was slumped against Spectre who cradled the young clone in his arms as though he was still an infant.

"Cmon, let's get you back in bed." Spretce said leading his sick younger brother back to his bunk and helping him lie down, Hunter putting a bucket next to Cobalt's bed in case he was sick again.

99 held out the medicine for Cobalt who grimaced and stubbornly turned his head away.

"Come on Cobalt, you need to take this if you want to get better." 99 said.

Cobalt just shook his head.

"It tastes horrible." Cobalt grumbled.

"Cmon Cobby please, for me." Wrecker said giving his little brother his best puppy eyes.

Cobalt looked at his closest brother and glared, but he couldn't say no to those eyes.

"Fine." Cobalt muttered before letting 99 give him the medicine, quickly washing the taste down with the water.

Wrecker just smiled knowing his little brother's bad mood was caused by the sickness.

Getting an idea he went over to his bunk where his tooka plush Lula rested.

Picking her up and going back over to Cobalt's bunk he placed her in his little brother's arms.

"You're giving me Lula?" Cobalt asked incredulously looking at Wrecker.

"Yeah, she's not feeling too well either, so I thought you guys could help each other get better." Wrecker said.

Cobalt beamed up at Wrecker squeezing the plush slightly in his arms.

"Thanks Wrecks." Cobalt mumured yawning and closing his eyes.

99 placed the compress on Cobalt's head trying to help him cool down.

"Just rest Vodi'ka, you'll be feeling better before you know it." 99 said.

The only awnser 99 got was Cobalt's soft snores, confirming the younger clone was now fast asleep.

One by one the others returned to their own bunks but not before checking that Cobalt was truly okay.

99 watched the others drift off one by one and smiled.

Yes, 99 couldn't have asked for a better group of brothers.

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6 months ago


The story of how Tech got his goggles:

The batch woke up as useful one morning, but as he woke up Tech noticed his eyes seemed to have trouble adjusting.

Rubbing his eyes his vision evantually cleared although longer than it usually took.

Getting up and changing his clothes his vision still felt slightly blurred.

"Tech, is everything alright?" Crosshair asked coming over.

"Yes Crosshair, why do you ask?" Tech asked.

"Your shirt is on back to front." Crosshair said holding back a grin.

Tech saw and blushed in embarrassment.

"Ah, so it is." He said.

Crosshair quickly helped him fix his shirt and the two ran off to join the others for breakfast.

"You sure you're alright?" Crosshair asked as the two got into the mess and went to grab some food.

"Yes I'm fine, must have simply been waking up." Tech said.

Crosshair nodded although he wasn't fully convinced.

Throughout the day Tech struggled with his regular training exercises, for some reason his eyes just couldn't seem to focus on what he was doing, his vision continuously becoming blurred which was irritating when he was in the middle of a task and he suddenly couldn't see what he was doing, having to constantly rub his eyes to adjust his vision was annoying.

That night Tech grabbed his pajamas and went into the bathroom to change.

"Tech!" A voice yelled.

Tech quickly rubbed his eyes and saw Cobalt in front of him wearing just his pajama shirt and underwear, his pajama bottoms were on his hand and he was clearly in the middle of changing.

"Sorry Cobalt." Tech squeaked embarrassed and quickly left the bathroom.

After getting changed Cobalt left the bathroom and went over to Tech.

"What was that about, didn't you see me go in?" Cobalt asked irritated and embarrassed, but mostly confused.

"No, I'm sorry Cobalt." Tech said looking at his big brother embarrassed.

"It's fine, but are you sure you're okay, you've been struggling all day, Cross said you were even struggling to get dressed this morning?" Cobalt asked.

"I'm sure I'm fine, must just be a bad day." Tech said.

"If you're sure." Cobalt nodded, not fully convinced.

Over the next couple of days Tech continued having problems with his eyes, his vision seemed to flicker in and out of focus.

The other batchers told 99 about this who soon had his own suspicions on what was happening.

"Tech, do you need glasses?" 99 asked one night as he tucked Tech into bed.

"What do you mean bluir?" Tech asked confused.

"The others told me what's been going on these last couple of days, I think you might need them to help your eyes." 99 said.

Tech thought about this for a moment before humming in agreement.

"I think that may be the most logical conclusion." Tech nodded.

"Right, I'll see what I can do, goodnight Vodi'ka." 99 said tucking Tech into the blankets.

"Goodnight bluir." Tech yawned before succumbing to the pull of sleep.

The next morning Tech groggily woke up although he quickly forgot his exhaustion when he saw something sitting on the small table next to his bunk.

To his surprise they were a pair of goggles, much like ones he had seen some of the other scientists wear.

Putting them on Tech was surprised to find his vision was clearer than it been in days.

"How are they Vodika?" 99 asked from where he was standing in the doorway.

"They're great...thank you bluir." Tech said going over to 99 and giving him one of his very rare hugs.

"Its okay Vodi'ka, anytime." 99 said smiling and patting Tech's head gently.

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6 months ago

Phee's Advice:

*The batch were preparing for a mission*

Phee: Now Joey what did u tell you about using your lightsaber against stormtroopers

Joey: Dead first, alive if you have to

Phee: *patting his head* good boy

Cobalt: *trying hard not to have a heart attack*

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6 months ago


One summer evening on Pabu The bad batch were heading to Shep's house, he was hosting a barbecue and had invited everyone.

The kids were practically pulling the adults along in their excitement.

"Cmon dad, we've been walking forever." Joey whined giving Cobalt an almighty tug forward.

"We've been walking for two minutes bud." Cobalt said as he was almost pulled off his feet.

"Yeah, forever, we're gonna be late at this rate." Joey said.

"Relax Joey, we won't." Cobalt said.

Just minutes later they arrived at Shep's where the man greeted them with one of his signature smiles.

"Hello friends, glad you could make it." He said.

Shep looked to the kids.

"Lyana is in the backyard if you want to see here." He added.

Shep quickly stood aside as the kids and Batcher charged through the door.

Laughing heartily the adults followed through the door and went into the garden where the kids and Lyana were already engrossed in conversation.

Soon Wrecker and Shep had gotten the barbecue started and a smoky smell had now enveloped the garden.

Daniel and James were chasing batcher around the garden, Boba, Zander and Rowan were talking with Mox, Stak and Deke about different ships they had seen and flown and Omega, Kordi, Cynthia and Lyana were sitting together having a whispered the silence interrupted by their frequent giggles.

Other guests soon arrived including Rex and several clones from the rebellion, Riyo Chuchi, Emerie, Phee and to everyone's surprise Rampart along with Jax, Sami and Eva.

"Hello Edmon, glad to see you." Shep said.

"It's a pleasure Shep." Rampart nodded before going and sitting next to Emerie while Jax, Sami and Eva went to the other kids.

Soon Shep, Wrecker and Gregor announced that dinner was ready and the kids eagerly ran over, even batcher and Lucky got a plate of food each. After the kids had been served the adults got their share of food and everyone dug in.

"Good as ever Gregor, you continue to impress." Rex said after a mouthful of fried porg.

"Oh Rex you honey dripper Gregor giggled pretending to blush.

Rampart took a bite of a pirg wing and he suddenly started gasping for breath.

"...To hot.." He gasped out.

Crosshair handed him a bottle from the cooler which Rampart took a large drink from.

"Can't handle your spices Edmon." Crosshair teased.

"Usually I can, but that was spicy even by my standards." Rampart said.

"Sorry about that, that must have been one of my fireball wings." Fireball piped up.

"What's the difference?" Rampart asked.

"They're much spicier than normal porg wings, that's how I got my name, cause I love spicy food." Fireball said.

"I see." Rampart nodded taking another drink of water.

Daniel was typing away on his tablet while chewing away at a pork chop with a healthy amount of apple suacce on it.

Nemec sat down next to him.

"Whatcha working on Danny?" He asked.

Daniel swallowed his food and wiped some sauce off his chin before awnsering.

"My own starfighter, I'm hoping to build it one day, once I'm old enough to do so anyways." Daniel said.

"Can I see?" Nemec asked curiously.

Dan nodded and passed Nemec the tablet.

Nemec whistled impressed.

"That's a nice looking fighter, I'd hate to be on the wrong end of that." Nemec said.

Daniel nodded his thanks blushing slightly with pride.

Sunset was approaching and by now the younger kids were getting tuckered out.

Sami, James, Lyana and Omega were passed out against Batcher who was curled up on the grass.

Eva had crawled onto Rampart's lap half an hour ago and was out cold, head resting against her adoptive father's chest.

Rampart was chatting with Martha along with Daniel who was fast asleep on his mother's lap similar to Eva.

Cynthia and Katie were chatting, about something funny, the two giggling on occasion.

Boba, Jax, Zander and the triplets were huddled together talking in low voices while nearby Kordi read a book with Rowan lying across her lap fast asleep.

Meanwhile Tech and Phee reatreted too the roof where the two watched the setting sun.

"It really is beautiful isn't it?" Phee asked.

"It most certainly is." Tech nodded in agreement.

The two shared a kiss together as the sun set and the others had fun.

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5 months ago

Bad batch fall headcannons:

Wrecker loves making a giant pile of leaves...just so he and James can jump into them

Tech likes to study the migration movements of birds and has a whole database set up to keep watch over the birds he tagged

Phee likes to get the pumpkin spice lattes from the coffee shop she claims it reminds her of Tech's eyes

The one thing the batch all hate about fall is black Friday, they appreciate the cheap prices but hate how dramatic people get over it

Crosshair has a special collection of Halloween themed scarves for Batcher he even bought her a pumpkin themed hat to keep her head warm

Cobalt always buys a boat load of Halloween candy and eats it in his car while on patrol...Joey knows, he caught him in the act once

On Halloween Crosshair likes to dress up as the grim reaper and runs around on Halloween night scaring everyone, he had to stop after rumors of the townspeople starting a lynch mob started

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5 months ago

Star Wars the clone wars Darkness rising season 1 Episode 5: Revelation

With a new addition to the 501st they return to helping save the galaxy from the evil separatists, however there is a secret about their newest member, a secret he has yet to share with his new brothers.

Ashoka Tano and a small squad of clone troopers have been sent to investigate a separatist outpost on the planet Ryloth.


Republic General Cham Syndulla as well as clone captian Howzer were waiting patiently as the shuttle headed towards the landing platform.

The shuttle approached and landed.

The ramp opened and Ashoka, Trix, Cobalt and several troopers descended from the ramp.

"Thank you for coming in such a hurry." Cham said.

"It's no problem at all general Syndulla, always willing to help, I'm commander Ashoka Tano, this is lieutenant Trix and clone commando Cobalt." Ashoka said shaking his hand.

"My name is Cham, Cham Syndulla, and this is my captian Howzer."Cham said.

"Greetings commander." Howzer said shaking her hand as well.

"Shall we head to the briefing room?" Cham asked.

Ashoka nodded and Cham led them all there.


In the briefing room Cham, Howzer, Gobi Glee, Ashoka, Trix and Cobalt were looking for looking at a hologram of the outpost.

"This looks like a pretty tough outpost to get into, there's guards nearly everywhere." Trix said.

"I've infiltrated many outposts like this with my old squad, I think I know a few weak points in the structure of the base." Cobalt said.

"Where would those be?" Howzer asked.

"There are three underground tunnels that connect to the main base, compared to the main section of the base they're relatively unguarded and we should be able to infiltrate them with ease." Cobalt said.

"You're suggesting a three pronged attack, I like it." Howzer nodded.

"It would be best to attack each tunnel at once, therefore scrambling the droids." Cham nodded.

"I believe Ashoka and Cobalt should take one tunnel, Trix and Howzer the second one, Gobi and I will take the third one." Cham said.

"Sounds like a plan." Ashoka nodded.

They all headed to get ready.

Trix was checking his blaster when Ashoka approached him.

"Hey Trix, can I talk for a minute?" Ashoka asked.

"Sure commander, what is it?" Trix asked.

"Have you noticed anything off, about Cobalt?" Ashoka asked.

Trix shook his head.

"Not really, should we be worried?" Trix asked.

"No, it just feels like there's something he's not telling us." Ashoka said.

"Maybe we should try and ask him after the mission." Trix said.

Ashoka nodded.

Meanwhile Cobalt overheard them.

"You should tell them." a voice inside his head said.

"No, I can't." Cobalt muttered under his breath.

"They have a right to know." The voice hissed.

"Yes, they do, but would they understand." Cobalt muttered.

Cobalt was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt a land touch his shoulder.

"You alright Cobalt?" Trix asked.

"You sure, you look as though you've got something on your mind." Trix said.

Cobalt shook his head.

"I-It's nothing important, come on brother, we need to go." Cobalt said heading to his gunship.

Trix followed though he was certainly suspicious.


Three gunships were approaching the base.

"You sure we're in the right location?" Trix asked Howzer.

"My best scouts reported this as the bases' location, I trust them." Howzer said.

"I'll take your word on it." Trix nodded.

He looked at the other clones.

"Lock and load men." Trix said.

Everyone checked their weapons.

On Ashoka and Cobalt's gunship Ashoka readied the grenades.

"Once we go in there's no turning back, is everybody ready?" Ashoka asked.

"Yes commander." Cobalt said.

"We are ready." Cham said over the comm link.

"Ready when you are." Howzer said.

"Commence attack." Ashoka said.

The grenades dropped from the gunships blowing three craters into the ground.

Without delay everyone entered the base.

With Ashoka and Cobalt's team:

Ashoka, Cobalt and their team dropped into the base and were immediately under fire from a squadron of droids.

The Clones quickly fired back while Ashoka deflected the shots with her lightsaber.

"Come on boys." Ashoka called as they started to move forward.

"You heard her boys, move." Cobalt said ushering the others forward.

The command center:

"Sir, we have reports of clones in the base." A battle droid said looking at General Grevious who was sitting in his command chair.

"Deploy all droids, I will deal with this personally." Grevious said getting up and storming from the command center.

With Trix and Howzer's team:

Trix, Howzer and their men were proceeding along the corridor

"Quiet here." Trix said after they'd been going for a few minutes now and hadn't seen any droids.

"Cham's distraction must be working." Howzer said.

"That's good, Cmon let's move." Trix said.

With Cham:

Cham and his group of clones were fighting off a large group of droids.

"There's a lot more droids here than I was expecting." Gobi said as he destroyed another droid.

"Indeed, but we must not give up, if we do Ryloth could become victim to another occupation and I will not allow that." Cham said.

"Me either." Gobi nodded.

With Trix and Howzer:

Howzer and Trix were going down a corridor when they heard a voice.

"So you're the ones sent to take over my base, the Republic must be running out of clones." Grevious cackled.

"Grevious." Trix growled.

"Kill them." Grevious ordered his droids firing a blaster at the Clones.

With Ashoka and Cobalt's team:

"Commander Tano this is Trix." Trix said over the comm.

"I'm here Trix, what is it?" Ashoka asked.

"It's Grevious, he's attacking our group, we need backup." Trix said.

"I'll be right there." Ashoka nodded.

Suddenly Cham, Gobi and their group appeared in front of Ashoka.

"Cham, my lieutenant just commed, he and Howzer are being attacked by Grevious, they need backup." Ashoka said.

"Go, my team and I will take over the command center." Cham said.

Ashoka nodded.

"Come on boys." She said.

Ashoka Cobalt and the rest of their team ran off to reinforce Trix.

With Trix and Howzer:

The Clones had dispatched the droids and were going toe to toe with Grevious, Trix even managing to land a punch on Grevious.

Engraged Grevious threw the Clones off him and activated it above Trix getting ready to finish him.

Before he could strike the clone however Ashoka's blade got in the way.

"Well well, if it isn't Dooku's head clanker." Ashoka said.

"If it isn't Skywalker's little pet." Grevious sneered.

A duel started between the two and while Ashoka was much less experienced than Grevious was she still held her ground well.

Suddenly one powerful strike hit the armour on her arm and grazed her badly.

Cobalt and the rest of his And Ashoka's team fired at Grevious but he deflected their shots killing the troopers, Cobalt was only wounded due to his sturdier katarn armour.

Grevious towered over Ashoka and raised his lightsaber about to strike when suddenly the lightsaber was force pulled from his hands.

Surprised Ashoka and Grevious looked to see who'd taken it.

It was Cobalt.

The Clone commando now wielded the lightsaber it's blue blade glowing fiercely in the hands of it's new armour.

Ashoka took advantage of Grevious's surprise and jumped high in the air landing beside Cobalt and reactivating her own lightsaber.

"A force sensitive clone, a surprise to be sure, no matter even together you are no match for me." Grevious pulling out four lightsabers and activating them all at once.

"We'll take him together." Ashoka said.

The jedi padawan and force sensitive clone both fueled the droid general dodging and parrying his strikes and returning their own attacks in kind.

Evantually they had Grevious pinned.

"Surrender Grevious." Cobalt ordered.

"NEVER." Grevious roared pulling out a grenade which he threw at the ceiling which collapsed dust and debris flying everywhere.

By the time the dust cleared Grevious had fled and Ashoka and Cobalt were being assisted by Trix and Howzer.

"General Syndulla this is Commander Tano, Grevious has fled." Ashoka said.

"Indeed, but we've taken over the base, Ryloth is saved." Cham said.

"Excellent news." Ashoka smiled while Howzer, Trix and Cobalt cheered.


Ashoka, Cobalt, Trix and the remaining 501st troopers were getting ready to head back to the resolute when Cham, Gobi and Howzer appeared.

"Thank you Ashoka for what you and your men have done, all of Ryloth is grateful for your help." Cham said.

"No problem general Syndulla, just doing our jobs." Ashoka nodded.

With that Ashoka and her troops went up the ramp of the shuttle which took off and began heading to the resolute.

The entire flight back Cobalt was silent, holding the stolen lightsaber in his hand, dreading the conversation he was likely going to have with General Skywalker.

The resolute:

Torrent company was relaxing in their barracks Echo was going over the reg manual, Fives was sitting next to his twin although not listening to a word the other Arc was saying, Eagle was sitting on his bunk polishing his blaster, Hardcase and Bats were laughing at a joke Jesse had told them, Acer was refreshing the paint on his helmet and Trix and Cobalt were having a muttered conversation when Anakin, Ashoka and Rex walked in followed by Kix.

The small group stopped in front of Cobalt who looked up at them.

"Ashoka tells me you acted bravely out in the field today, gods work." Anakin smiled.

"Thank you general." Cobalt nodded.

"She also told me that you used the force...is that true?" Anakin asked.

Cobalt nodded again.

"Yes general." He said.

"Would you mind explaining it to me, I've never heard of a clone being force sensitive before?" Anakin asked.

The rest of torrent company were watching, their intrest peaked.

"Well, I was created amongst a group of specialised clones, we all had unique traits but I was modified to be force sensitive, I was part of Project Enigma which was a kamanoin project to create force sensitive clones, but something went wrong and most of the Clones in the project died, the few of us who did were transferred to new units and given new numbers, CC-1043 replacing my original number and Sigma squad being the unit I was transferred to, after the project though for some reason other clones who had survived the project were also killed, either by complications from the testing or due to being unable to control their abilities and being decommissioned and executed by the kamanoins for it, as far as I know I'm the only surviving clone from the project." Cobalt said.

Everyone stared at the story feeling multiple emotions at once, sadness, shock, horror amongst them.

Cobalt got up.

"Guess I'll get ready." Cobalt said.

"For what Cobalt?" Rex asked.

"My decommissioning, you'll not want a defective clone here." Cobalt said.

"Not a chance." Rex said pushing Cobalt back on his bunk.

"Rex is right Cobalt, you're a part of the 501st now and we look after each other, gifted or not." Anakin said putting particular emphasis on the word gifted.

"We'll have to tell Obi-Wan and probably the council though, we can't hide this." Ashoka said.

"We'll tell them when we give him the report for the mission." Anakin said.

A trooper walked into the barracks.

"Sir General Kenobi is requesting your report for the mission to Ryloth." The trooper said.

"Right, come on Cobalt, we'd better get this over with." Anakin said.

"With here for you brother, don't worry about a thing." Trix said the rest of torrent company nodding in agreement.

Cobalt just nodded and walked out the room with Anakin, Ashoka and Rex.

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