Batman Found Out About The Rescue Mission - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

The extraction was mostly a success. Cass and Damian made quick work of anyone who had gotten back up after their initial infiltration, Dick and Tim made sure to zip-tie them all together in groups of three or four. Though, in their rush to get out, they might've missed a few.

No further problems were encountered until they all got off the property. Then, the headlights to the Batmobile turned on, freezing them all like deer in headlights. Even behind the cowl, Batman looked extremely unimpressed. "Put him in the car."

It was a simple order, one that none of them were going to disobey. Red Hood sat in the front seat with the kid on his lap, Batman took the driver's side and the two drove off to the Batcave.

Nightwing mounted his bike with Robin at his back, Orphan took Red Hood's bike, and Red Robin started up his own. No one said a thing over the comms until they passed the clocktower. "I told you that telling Father was adviasable.


Danny was not having a good time. He hadn't been having a good time for a while, but this was somehow both worse and better than before. On one hand, he was right about his current company being better than his previous company. On the other hand, he was in a shit ton of pain and nothing to distract from it.

He was in a car, he could tell, and he was being held like a child, curled up on someone's lap. His head was leaning against the person's shoulder, he feet were on the door, and he was basically cured in the fetal position. Not the best pose to be in after being held open, restuffed, and barely sewn back together with glorified fishing line, but at least his organs were in the right places. Mostly. He'd need to adjust his stomach and small intestine a little bit, but the rest seemed to be in place.

He turned his head slightly, groaning at the effort. It shouldn't be nearly this taxing to move a little bit. "'ornin' sun'ine." he pushed out.

The person holding him chuckled a little in disbelief more so than humor. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Sleeping Beauty."

"Still dead," He would know, he checked. "'nd Sleepin' Beau'y didn't die...or wa'e up."

There was a deeper, more gruffer, and possibly also modulated voice from beside Danny. Probably to driver. "We're almost to the cave."

"Great," the man holding Danny said before addressing him, "We're gonna get you some medical assistance, okay?"

This caused Danny's fight or flight to kick in. "No!" he screamed, starting to struggle as much as he could given his injuries, "No hospitals! No doctors! No-!" The man holding him covered his mouth with his hand.

"Hey," he said with no tact, "We're not taking you to a hospital. We might have to get a doctor-!" Danny licked the hand over his mouth. "I've got gloves on, idiot."

"Red Hood." the dirver growled in warning.

If licking was going to work, fine. He opened his mouth, turned his head a bit, and bit down on the side of the hand.

"Mother fuck-!"

The driver slammed on the brakes, jostling both Danny and the man holding him. Then, he got out and opened the passenger side. "My name is Batman," he looked Danny in the eye as he spoke, "We want to help you, but you have to let us."

Holy, shit. He's with Batman?! And, and Batman had said called the other guy Red Hood. Red Hood was holding him?! He bit Red Hood! Just half kill him now. Just finish the job.

Batman picked Danny up, Red Hood climbing out of the car after them. Finally, Danny's mind returned to him and he began to struggle again, the small amount of adrenaline from his initial squirming on Red Hood's lap leaving his system quickly with the revelation of who his company now is. He hurt, but that wasn't going to make him docile. "No-no hospitals1"

"And no doctors." Batman finished.

"No sedatives, neither."

The black clad vigilante looked down at him before relenting. "Alright,"

Danny allowed himself to relax in Batman's arms. This guy was known to be the most violent of the Justice League, but he's also the one most kids seem to be comfortable around, considering the Robins. And, yeah, Danny had to agree. He's never experienced proper Dad Vibes (TM), but Batman definitely gives them off. Would he get in trouble for telling Batman that he feels like a dad? Thoughts for later.

DPxDC Prompt:

The vigilante meant well, taking the kid to the hospital to treat his injuries. The kid mumbled the entire time, barely conscious. "No hospital, please," he said more than once.

Poor kid, the vigilante thought. He must have a phobia of needles or something.


They never could have anticipated the danger they put that kid in, placing him in the care of that hospital.

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