Battle In The Snow - Tumblr Posts
Winter Whumperland Day 9: Jólakötturinn (Left Behind)
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Summary: After Obi-wan and Cody are assumed to be dead and left behind, Obi-wan tries to find a way for the two to survive
Part 2: soon.
It was snowing. Battles in the snow were always somewhat strange. The snow was so elegant and pure yet so deadly. The stains in the snow as well as the footsteps had become something of a warning.
But as the others retreated, Cody wasn't sure what to do. He could barely move. He felt so cold. The snow fell around him, making him look like just another body in the snow.
He needed to get the general to safety. After the clone had been shot, Kenobi stayed near him. He had called for a medic but not to long after, he was shot in the side.
It was unusual for a Jedi to get shot when on the battle field. He had to have been destacted. Cody feared he had been why. They were close, too close for a Jedi to be with someone.
The man tried to call out for someone. His voice never left his throat. It had been a while. Medics had never gotten the chance to find them. The droids hadn't moved forwards yet.
Kenobi regained consciousness. He tried to look around. All he saw at first were bodies. When his eyes landed on Cody, he panicked at first. Then he saw him shift. He was alive at the very least.
"Co-Cody?" His voice shook as he shivered.
The voice brought comfort to Cody. He hadn't even realized Obi-wan was alive. Once more he tried to speak. He tried to stand or even sit up but slipped back into the snow.
Obi-wan looked around again. He realized they had been left behind. But they were alive. Now the two were on their own. He looked down at his injury then back to Cody. He needed to get over there.
Slowly he tried to stand. After a moment, Obi-wan was able to get on his feet. He only walked a few steps before falling to his knees in pain. He half dragged himself the other few feet.
Cody looked at him. Again the Jedi looked around. The forest wasn't far. The droids would be less likely to find them there. But so would anyone else. Then again, I was likely no one was going to look for them anyway.
It was terrifying. They were alone now. It was cold, they were hurt, and there was no saying if the separatist would take prisoners or if they would kill them on the spot. More than likely, taking a Jedi would be more likely than taking a clone as well.
It looked like it was getting darker. The forest was their best bet for survival. So Obi-wan grabbed Cody's arm and started to drag him to the woods. He barely knew what was going on. The snow would hopefully cover their tracks.
It was painful, for both of them. It took a while to get into the forest and far enough away for Obi-wan to be comfortable resting. When they finally stopped, Kenobi collapsed.
Time passed and he woke up again. It was night now and there were clear sounds of battle droids nearby. Obi-wan looked at Cody. He saw the steady rise and fall of his chest, though he was nervous he was breathing too slowly.
Gently, Obi-wan draped his cloak over the other. He leaned against a tree and pulled him onto his lap, hoping their body heat together could help them.
There was nothing else to think about. The Jedi was left to grapple with the feeling of betrayal by the others. Cody and him were still alive. The two had done so much and had given up everything they could to keep the others alive. Now they were alone in the cold.
But Obi-wan also knew they had to. If they hadn't left them behind, someone could have died. They had to have thought that they had been killed. It was the only answer that brought any sort of comfort to the general.
It didn't change the fact that it hurt. It hurt in the same way the snow against his fingers hurt.
Frostbite was inevitable at that point. Hyperthermia would follow. It was freezing. Obi-wan laid his head against the tree and sighed. He watched his breath disappear. He looked down at Cody.
He was still alive. He hoped the same thing would be true come morning. There was nothing else he could do for now.
A few hours later, Obi-wan was still awake. He couldn't find a way to sleep. There was too much to try and plan for. Getting them out of there in the condition he was in felt impossible. He felt Cody shift. He looked down, tears in his eyes.
As they fell, his face burned. "I don't know what to do" he told Cody. "I'm so sorry."
The clone raised a shaky hand up to the other's face. He tried to dry his tears. Obi-wan smiled slightly. He took Cody's hand in his own and held it. It was more life than he had shown previously so that was at least something. Maybe morning would be kinder to them.