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Small stuff for Beholder (Game)
Some things that have been coming to my mind for some time.
And I also have this: "The Grass Is Greener There" AU
Danton treats Brukich like a son / nephew, cherishing the life of a student. One winter evening, George calls the young man to his "home". Fulfledle notices a photograph of the revolutionary: Danton with a whole eye and his dead nephew. After that, George himself quietly approaches the student, saying that they are both similar in character, and that this is the only thing that is very dear to him.
Magda bandages her boss's arm after Pete got into a fight at his party with some left-wing employee (presumably with Legrand). Still recovering from alcohol, Ferguson kisses a woman on the cheek. After such a gesture, Pete gets a strong slap in the face. The handprint remains on his face for a long time.
Bastian was so fed up with everything and/or depression reached such a scale that he used real blueprints (he gave Carl a copy), and wanted to blow himself up together with Helmer. But only undermined the nearest town.
Isaac has a very bad handwriting, so he typed the entire "Canon of Clones" on a typewriter. He treats writing something extremely responsibly (like a scientific work, or the same Canon), can sit for a long time studying the necessary information in the library, and in his office. But according to the classics, he does not treat criticism very well, even extremely negatively.
Bonus: Alloisius and Isaac have known each other since their student years at the medical college. And Weinberg does not fully understand how it is possible to save the lives of imperfect people.
Wise Leader has a secret room in his house with movies and books that he once read/watched. With an armchair and a built-in TV in the closet. And the old man relaxes there after a hard day at the theater, immersing himself in written fantasy stories. Sometimes he can be found in a bookstore, where he buys new books according to his proven method.
Bonus: After many operations to revive, the Leader was left with a scar on his chest.
Bonus 2: After the Leader became a "vegetable", Caleb began to read books to him. He was the only one from the Circle who genuinely cared about him.
I like to think of the 25th floor as a "found family."
1) Amelia, Horatio and others arranged a surprise party for Weinberg on his birthday. Isaac was not impressed by this, but he was touched that he was not forgotten.
2) Hemnitz helps Weinberg with Borean, because for a "great" mind, this language turned out to be difficult.
3) Isaac voluntarily lets Amelia develop herself, but not because he is happy for her, but because "in the world of clones" it will not matter.
Isaac: You can go to your self-development courses. This is a good solution.
Amelia: Thank you very much! (hugs Isaac by the neck, and leaves the office)
Isaac: (sits down at the table) Enjoy it while we're all alive…
Frank got sick of solving "generational problems," and so he took Sabine and Kim to his office, locked them there with a key, after taking the phone:
Frank: Until you two talk, I'm not letting you out of here. Don't worry about Alex, honey, I can feed him. And, Kim, please try not to break anything, okay? Even though Mom earns money, I still pay for the bills.
Ernst had never smoked in his life. But after he was fired along with Lotte (Stephen's ending), then over time he started doing it. Because it calms him down. Ernst takes a drag on his cigarette for the first time, and immediately coughs.
Bonus: Stephen finds Ernst, and arranges him back to the Ministry, because the latter knows many languages. However, he imposes prohibitions on Mueller in the form of: the use of weapons and leaving the country, unless for work.
Emma Grundich: (exhales smoke directly into the listener's face)
Frank: (MEGA COUGH followed by leaving the office for fresh air)
Ernst: (calmly waves his hand away, without even moving his nose or flinching a single muscle on his face)
Alloisius invited Bastian to the tennis court to distract him from parting with Clara and "shake him from the sedentary image behind the blueprints." As a result, Bastian almost dies right on the field due to a sudden heavy load on his heart. Alloisius brings him to his senses, apologizes, and promises to introduce the load gradually.
Stephen and Ernst drank wine, and kissed twice. For the first time, because alcohol hit Stephen harder in the head. And the second time was when Stephen sobered up a little, but both of them wanted this feeling of intimacy. But they kissed a little longer and a little more gently. The next day, no one wanted to remember it.
Stephen tries to lure Ernst into a snowball game, and the latter ignores him at first, and after a while they throw snowballs at each other until they get tired and fall into the snow. But they had fun. Ernst still considers it a “waste of time”, but for some reason he feels calm now.
Emma Grundich watches from the window of the Ministry. This surprises her, and she grins, inhaling the smoke from the cigarette.
— Have you chosen anything? Bastian felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. He had been standing in front of the clothing counter, looking at sweaters for half an hour.
— Are you sure this is necessary, Comrade Alloisius? — uncertainty and awkwardness could be read in the engineer's voice, unaccustomed to this kind of thing. He knew what he wanted to see in his wardrobe, but he was afraid that Shpak would not have enough money.
— Of course! — the doctor smiled, — Besides, maybe it will make you stop wearing this old vest.
Bastian was a little hurt by this, he did not want to part with what he wore all the time. The only thing that did not bring discomfort to his body, did not make him itch and catch bugs in the fabric. However, nothing is eternal.
The engineer closed his eyes, and his hand slowly reached for the hanger. After a while Bastian was holding a dull chocolate-colored sweater.
— This color suits you very well. — it seemed to the man that the cardiologist's soft smile warmed him at this moment more than warm clothes on his own body, — Come on, I've already chosen a sweater for myself.
They left the store, turning left. Satisfied, the two men walked along the sidewalk with a calm step, holding bags of purchased things.

I guess that's what I'm proud of this year
YT ver
Since Beholder 2, I've been struggling to create this meme, and finally it's here. This is my second attempt actually. The first attempt was back in the days when I was drawing worse than I am now (2018 approximately). But I'm glad that after so much time I realized the idea, albeit in this form.
Well, I think the difference is QUITE noticeable.
At least I no longer feel indebted to myself in this.

Arts for Beholder Zine. Unfortunately, the zine did not pay for itself, but now you can upload arts from it.

Old art. It seems like I didn't post it, but this is my favorite work with Marco.

Happy birthday to me~
I have collected my most favorite arts here, although there are a little more of them.
NSFW headcannons
tw: violence/cruelty, mention of sex/death

Carl and Anna started dating. At some point, Carl began to feel a strong sexual attraction to her, but he was ashamed to admit it. He started avoiding Anna (they say I’m sorry, I have business, etc.) until the latter decided to catch and talk to him. Well, he notices that he is excited.
Options for what will go next:
1) They kiss (so that no moans can be heard), and Anna shoves her hand into her pants. 2) Anna goes down and does everything she needs while Carl holds back the moans.
Peter Dong is killing everyone on the ground floor. Even the guards, Emma and Evan are killed. He finally gets to Marco to finally finish him off. Legrand was paralyzed with fear, and he could only watch and hope that he would be spared. The last thing Marco remembered before his death was a look filled with anger and pain.
“Well, bitch, who’s laughing now?”
When Peter comes to, he looks at his hands. They were covered in blood. His face and clothes were also covered in blood. A whole pile of corpses was lying around, and in front of him lay the body of Marco with a broken head. The realization of what happened makes Peter scream in agony. With trembling hands, he raises the weapon, bringing it already to his head.
Somewhere in the distance, Servants of the People hear a shot.
The ending of “Albert De Salvo”:
Evan couldn’t remember how long it had been since he foolishly handed Heimdall over to Albert. After several tortures from De Salvo, who tested them on him from that ill-fated book, Redgrave stopped resisting a long time ago, and simply gave up. It was pointless. There were no thoughts, no fear for his life. And no desires, except one - to die as soon as possible. But Evan knew for sure that this was not destined to come true.
Closed blinds of the office. Knock him down on the table, dropping some of the things on the floor. Passionately kiss on the lips and neck while his hands unhurriedly unbutton the buttons of his coat and shirt. Gently run your palm over your head, ruffling your hair. Touch hot skin, and outline the waistline under the shirt. Grumbling from the fact that the lock on the trousers does not give in. His quiet laugh. Slow tremors, gradually developing into faster ones. Moans that are trying to drown out. Hands clasping the back. Your name.
“I won…” Ernst says in a hoarse voice in Stephen’s ear

I liked the cover for "bloom meme" so much that I decided to redo the rest of the covers of my videos in a similar style. You can go to my channel and watch them all.
Hey, happy pride month!
Today I decided to look at Google drive, and found my first fan fiction about a gay couple. These characters are the OC's of the Beholder (Game) universe. So enjoy it.
Autor: @furiouspatience
Eng ver and owner of the characters: @nyan-ryder
TW: ed implied \ disordered eating
The first thing Pavel saw when he came to was a chandelier hanging over his head. Reflexively closing his eyes from the bright light, he turned to the side, forcing himself to feel the cool breeze on his face. It took only a few minutes to fully get used to the lighting and look around. He could hear the rain constantly drumming outside the window, without changing its rhythm for many weeks, blurring the view of the other high-rise buildings, prominent from the Ministry. The open window was gently tapping on the wall from the stream of cool air. All of this was mixed in Pasha's breath, calming him down a little. Soon the boy could discern things. Weakness still took control of his body, so Pasha didn't remain as calm lying on something soft. What happened to him? The last thing he remembered before falling into darkness, was the fading voice of Nikita, calling his name. Nikita…
Only now Pasha realized that someone was holding his hand the entire time. The young man did not want to turn in his direction to meet his eyes, or even see his face. He didn’t want to think, Pasha did not hate Nikita. Pasha hated himself for making Nikita busy with him like he was a small child. A small abandoned child in a totalitarian state. He still couldn't believe that Nikita loves him so truly and sincerely, so tenderly and affectionately as possible. This was the only reason why Pavlov did not commit suicide. And Pasha can't even repay him... Finally gaining the courage, he turned his head to the opposite side of the bed.
Nikita was sitting next to him, clenching his thin hand. Pasha had been lying in his office for the entire time, right on his leather sofa. How long had he been sitting here with him? Pasha tried to look at him, ignoring the rising feelings of guilt and shame. He never looked Nikita in the eyes, and if he did, he would turn away, blushing, just like a high school girl. The man looked a little shabby, Pasha was smiling warmly, but something was wrong in his eyes. Was it… tears?
They were silent for a long time, looking at each other. No one dared to start the conversation first. The straining silence was broken only by the rain outside the window.
"Good, you're awake," Nikita decided to speak first, his voice had a hint of anxiety, all too familiar to Pasha, which he did not deserve. "What happened to me?" Pavlov asked in a hoarse voice from the long silence, trying to get up from the sofa. "You passed out on our way to my office, my darling." The man gently held Pasha's shoulders, and pushed him to lie back down.
"And now you better not get up, so you don’t lose it again~" he winked at his lover, then walked towards a table. Pasha regained his composure, and stood from the sofa. Memories of recent events clearly resurfaced in his head, like they were a prohibited item in the metal detector at the front of the Ministry. Pasha chose to ignore the growing heat and abdominal pain with each step he took.
The Secretary followed Lebedev to the table, staring at his feet, or to the documents that he held in his arms for his curly-haired lover.
Nikita wanted to make Pasha a pleasant surprise, and ordered some exotic food for them, and arranged a lunch at the Ministry. And when he told his beloved, Pasha was truly uncomfortable. Pavlov could not tell anyone the terrible secret that had been tormenting him for months. He was starving, and no one, not even Nikita, knew.
Anxiety reached its climax when Pavel saw what was before him: food prepared especially for him. Paranoia beat him internally, worse than the clubbing and kicks from the police, mentally and physically draining him. Pasha got nervous whenever he shared a meal with his lover, and ate very small amount of food. Then immediately ran to the bathroom afterwards, feeling ashamed of himself as he used his fingers to force himself to vomit. He would quietly sob over a urinal afterwards. He loved and trusted Nikita, but the fear of being poisoned dominated that trust, which caused him much more pain. This is another reason why Pasha did not consider himself worthy of love, even from such the pretentious, but sensitive and kind man like Nikita Lebedev.
"Where were they?"
Nikita dipped his hands in his pants pockets, trying to find the keys to his office, until suddenly, he heard a rustling sound behind him. He turned back to find a least joyful picture: his lover panting and leaning against the wall, then gently falling to the floor. The documents that he had been holding were scattered across the floor like autumn leaves.
"Oh God, Pasha!" - the keys that fell to the floor and rang loudly.
What pulled him out of the rush of memories was Nikita, who had just sat him back down on the couch. He held a mug of ordinary tea he had grabbed from the table, and he had the warmest smile of all on his face.
"It seems that our surprise dinner is canceled today," Lebedev shrugged, his free hand wrapped around Pasha’s shoulder and pulled him closer. "But that doesn't mean I'll let your stomach stay empty." Nikita handed the mug to the younger man. Anxiety filled Pavel’s head once more, as he stared at the mug. On one hand, the worry that the drink was poisoned ran through his head, but on the other...
Nikita never did anything wrong to him, and he didn’t want to hurt him badly by refusing. He took the mug, and took a small sip from it. The liquid warmed Pasha's body from the inside, causing him to smile involuntarily. It seems that he will not meet with the toilet stall today.

"Goodbye, my only friend I wish this wasn't the end I don't want to go back... I don't want to fade away"
YT ver
I once said that I am not an animator. Just imagine that they turn their head in your direction. This moment has been spinning in my head since I listened to the song. In fact, this song suits Carl more than Frank. And I would also like more fan songs by Beholder (in the first and second parts).
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Something special, simple and at the same time difficult for me. I have been in this fandom literally since its foundation. Maybe someday I will have the strength to do something like this.
And... I do not know what keeps me in the fandom. I do not know why I drive game tags in social networks every time. Since its foundation, this place has been changing, but now, because of some people, everything has not changed for the better. It alienated most of the people I knew. You know, this is an eternal problem of fandom, because of which you just feel uncomfortable being there in your free time.
Perhaps the only thing that keeps me here is some good people that still remain, their fan creativity (and outside of Russia too), and interest in the universe of the game, I think. Thank them for this, thank you for doing this game fanart and fan video. By the way, my old friend once gave me the idea for this meme.
Happy anniversary to you, Beholder Game!
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Wow, another video on "that very fandom". Unfortunately probably.
It's not a ship!!! It seems to me that I will never see a fanart with a more canonical Albert. Cruel and bloody. I rarely draw it by myself.

The new is the well-forgotten old (redraw)