Outertale - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Undertale Au Where Everything Is The Same But Instead Of Underground It Is Set In.. SPACE!!!! Mainly
Undertale Au Where Everything Is The Same But Instead Of Underground It Is Set In.. SPACE!!!! Mainly
Undertale Au Where Everything Is The Same But Instead Of Underground It Is Set In.. SPACE!!!! Mainly

undertale au where everything is the same but instead of underground it is set in….. SPACE!!!! mainly just for the aesthetics okay…. I named it Outertale.  As an addition: when Undyne throws her spear, stardust sprinkles from it. Pretty cool. look i’m not saying please make fanart but pl

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6 months ago

I’ll keep a leftover light, Burning so you can keep looking up…

 Ill Keep A Leftover Light, Burning So You Can Keep Looking Up

Isn’t that worth holding on?

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5 months ago
Woag Space Boysut Sans (mercury) And Ut Papyrus (saturn)

woag space boys ut sans (mercury) and ut papyrus (saturn)

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5 months ago

oo um for the requests maybe outertale san's enjoying a sweet outertale treat? (he deserves to relax hehe)

Oo Um For The Requests Maybe Outertale San's Enjoying A Sweet Outertale Treat? (he Deserves To Relax

Toriel made mooncakes!

Outertale by mimipippin

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6 months ago

PS Outertale was really fun you should play it

PS Outertale Was Really Fun You Should Play It

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10 months ago
Bien, Quizs No Es Uno De Mis Mejores Dibujos, Pero Me Termin Gustando Mucho El Resultado Final. Outertale,

Bien, quizás no es uno de mis mejores dibujos, pero me terminó gustando mucho el resultado final. Outertale, un au interesante y que puede tener escenarios asombrosos;simplemente en pensar en lo hermoso que es su mundo me hace querer estar ahí ^^

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7 months ago
Que Gran Viaje Para Un Pequeo Esqueleto.

Que gran viaje para un pequeño esqueleto.

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6 years ago
OOf Decided To Do One Of These With My Outer!error Bby Uwu

oOf decided to do one of these with my outer!error bby uwu

( @wakyky15 @speedosoundsoniku @busyartist) ((like hammy said you guys dont hsve to do this if ya dont want to)


so uh hi! do ya wanna play de game?

the rules are simple:

If you’ve been tagged or seen someone play this game you can start playing.

Choose a palette. You can choose one from this post (those in the bottom are from @palettepastiche) or any other (not over 10 colors!).

You draw something/someone using that only palette (no mixing the colors!).

You post this art on your Tumblr blog with the palette. 

Also very important (but not necessary) is you tag people to play this game, maybe even specify the color palette you want them to use!

I am going to start this game myself so don’t actually play it yet. game starts!

here are example palettes for you to use if you are too lazy to find your own:


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6 years ago
Outro Got Fucking Stuck In A Door I-
Outro Got Fucking Stuck In A Door I-

Outro got fucking stuck in a door i-

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4 years ago

My first ever finished animation and edit. Lmao I'm a bit disappointed in myself for being lazy with the last drawings. Undertale AU Animation. 

 Programs used: FireAlpaca 

DaVinci Resolve 

 yep. i'm broke. 

 Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides the animation. 

Undertale- Toby Fox 

Nightmare/Dream- @jokublog 

Epic- @yugogeer012

Ink- @comyet/ @myebi

Error- @loverofpiggies 

Outer- @outertale

@Swap/Fell- Au community 

Reaper- @renrink 

Gaster!Sans- yoralim

Sci- talkingsoup

Dance- @teandstars

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2 years ago
I Noticed The Only Outerrune Spamton Drawing Is Made With MSPaint Areograph, So I Decided To Draw It.
I Noticed The Only Outerrune Spamton Drawing Is Made With MSPaint Areograph, So I Decided To Draw It.

I noticed the only Outerrune Spamton drawing is made with MSPaint areograph, so I decided to draw it.

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1 year ago

undertale OC info

Undertale OC Info
Undertale OC Info

Lore: She's an experiment from an unknown lab. She grew up for about 5 year in the lab before breaking out, living with Outer Undyne. She trained EVERY day which allow her to use many gaster blasters at once. She has the same powers as classic and outer sans. She killed about 5 people only in defense and 20 along with 1 full au while working with the bad sanses who found her at the age 10.

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11 months ago

It's 15/4 !!!!!

Happy Brithday angels (* ̄3 ̄)╭

and here is the different between drawing at home & on class :]

It's 15/4 !!!!!
It's 15/4 !!!!!

It's just.. i don't have enough time ToT anyway HAPPY BRITHDAY ♡♡♡

B-Day Boys 👇

15/4☆Ink sans by Comyet 15/4☆ sans (Outertale) by 2mi27 15/4☆ Error 403 (green jacket) by Bùi Nhật

Ccino by Black-nyanko Sans (classic sans) by TobyFox Swap sans by P0pc0rnPr1nce

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6 months ago



CHECK IT OUT NOW‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

I still believe in you !

I Still Believe In You !


I Still Believe In You !

Helloooo !!

My name is Apollo, or Sharky ! :3 Im 18, 19 in about a month, and I use She/He pronouns !

I'm from America and Im in EST !


As of right now I will mostly be posting and reblogging Undertale AU content ! :3 Its been one of my biggest interests since undertale came out ! (PLEASE TALK TO ME UNDERTALE AU FANS !!! I AM CALLING FOR YOU !!!)

My biggest interests are Undertale, Homestuck, Guilty Gear: Strive, and Resident Evil !!

I Still Believe In You !

I am the host of an OSDD-1b system ! :3

I am happily taken by my amazing boyfriend ( you should go look at his art @nonsensical-guild ) He is super talented and amazing :D

I Still Believe In You !
I Still Believe In You !


fit into the basic DNI (homophobic, racist, ableist, etc)

Proshippers LEAVE ME ALONE !!!! I am so sick of seeing Fresh and PJ art on my tumblr I DONT LIKE PROSHIPPERS !!

heavy DSMP fans please dni, the media makes me incredibly uncomfortable

I Still Believe In You !


Like the same media I do !! :3

are a decent human being like come on its not that hard

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8 months ago

Guys, I need information about UnderTale Multiverse

If you know of a site, a video about this information would be appreciated

My questions

1)How many balances are in UnderTale Multiverse

I know there is a balance between creation and Destruction

Balance between positive and negative feelings

A balance between life and death

I think there is a fourth balance. I don't know where I read it but tell me if I'm wrong>

2) Is there some kind of council system for creators or gods?

3) And who is Caos and Void and Feelings and Merci

I read the story on Wattpad by Zero Time Void

New "Brother" for Nightmare (Reincarnated as Dream)

4) How does Fresh Sans talk way? I mean how we spoke in Fresh's style

I read a lot of UnderTale Multiverse fanfiction

How deity is the evil person always ruled by they power and greed

calling them deity or fate but I Just call them all deity

how they treat their ink and their error is bad

And their treatment they Owns Multiverse like a game

I think there was one fanfiction deity is good

We all saw their fate on fanfiction

ink or error Kill deity.

or They were exiled From the rest or from their siblings

Or like a story (I Became the Forced God of Creation) by @Lxzaruss on wattpad page execution [10]

I ask because I want to write a story fanfiction about deity

I was thinking of making deity a Y/n aka the reader

Like born again as deity of the UnderTale Multiverse

But I changed my mind

if you are interested in this idea, take it.

I need information on UnderTale Multiverse Lore for my story

My story was inspired by Manga(No Place for the Fake Princess)

Anyway, My story begins at the beginning

a Young deity found a book about About them

How did they end?

They died because of ink and how happy they all were in deity death

At first, they were angry about the ending and wanted to know the writer But the book shined Show them all the other deities And how they all chose the same path of Choose power, greed, and control torture & misuse & oppress & mistreat & abuses on their Multivers.

How each of their endings is worse than the other

the Young deity realized that they had to choose another path in order to avoid this fate of they story

So they started planning And training & were on a journey of discovering themselves.

deity were creating their own character

They were thinking of making a barrier on their Multiver

something special about barrier No one can enter or leave without their permission

Except some cases that I will explain later

fate & Destiny & Life and death or Supreme Council

They can't enter or see what's going on Multiver

Only phone that deity left for them to continue With them

They tried to contact deity a lot and sent messages But they did not respond

they give up And they decided to wait

while deity Choose a name for themselves

their name is Neo

Neo - This Greek name means "new" or "young" and can represent a new chapter in one's life.

Neo is gender-neutral.

(note)They really don't care what you call them

They decided to make a body skeleton

they outfit is theme sorcerer & witch

Not my art

Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse

-They don't like dress or skirt

wear a long scarf

Sometimes they wear cloak with scarf -Sometimes they wear cloak withou scarf

glasses and Sometimes the style of glasses changes -Always wear a hat

While their hairstyle is like this

Not my art

Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse

Their hair is white And on the ends of the hair are light rainbow colors like this

Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse

Sometimes the ends of their hair change color of colors and shades of colours

Neo pupils change shape and color like ink

-Neo power Like all human's magic and monsters' magic

-They used a big paint brush In a fight like ink And ride brush like a witch's broom.

They have similar powers to Glyph Magic from (The Owl House)

After they made their body

Neo checks their appearance in mirrors.

deity's Personality is Different from before

Neo Personality

a Bookworm

Neo love to write their stories on a typewriter

has different hobbies

Be a calm person or a fun person

loves everything sweet And sometimes bitter


-sometimes their behavior is like a mix between Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)& Rafiki (The Lion King) and Merlin (The Sword In The Stone)

now it's time to raise ink

Before he woke up from his sleep

Neo Check his soul and put a kind of protector system in ink soul so No one could harm his soul Or control it And give him the ability to hide his feelings and his soul

When ink wake up In front of him he met a monster skeleton

In the beginning, Neo had to teach ink baby steps

Teach him how to Used his abilities and learn about all balance in the Multiver and AUS

ink started calling Neo mama or mom

Neo doesn't mind ink call them mama or mom

in Doodle Sphere Neo sing to ink: a million dreams from (the greatest showman )

Neo created a breathtaking view

Neo made in Doodle Sphere Anyone who enters They feel safe and have inner peace

Neo made a mansion

Instead of hanging AUS paper on a string They made the AUS Books in the library in the mansion

The Library name call the AUS library

Here are some ideas for how their home is

Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse
Guys, I Need Information About UnderTale Multiverse

Neo cared about Error When he first wake up in the Anti-Void

Like ink, Neo taught him and told him about his role the destroyer and the all balance in the Multiver and AUS

Error only got destroyed once, twice

Error is comfortable with Neo and ink

Neo Changed some of the things in Dreamtale au

in Dreamtale Neo Made gaster The greatest skeleton wizard

The one who fell in love Nim the guardian of the Tree of feelings

And instead of Nim who get hurt at is gaster. He sacrificed his life for the person he loves

Nim quickly caught his soul Before he disappeared and she Unite her soul with gaster.

Nim used gaster dust to make two skeletons monsters And their name is Dream and nightmare.

gaster became like a spirit

Both Dream and nightmare were raised by their parents Although one of them is spirit.

Just let's say When the villagers came They will pay for their actions if they don't change.

I read it once in fanfiction

If Dream and nightmare ate their apple at the same time

dream will have wings like Swap Dream form while nightmare will have a corrupted form

They can return to their normal form if they want to.

some AUS changed because of Neo

Neo save the other gaster And others from the Void

Neo They can speak with fresh in his accent

Neo Multivers was a perfect balance And harmony

Remember when I said about the barrier here the first case

ink and fresh With voices Check the basement of a mansion

They found a machine like a strange machine behind the curtain in UnderTale

When they messed with it

They brought by mistake another Multiverse ink and Error

They were both confused But when They paid attention to each other

They were both in combat mode But they were confused again when they realized they couldn't use their powers

Yes, you can't use your magic here without my permission

Both Ink and Error looked at the sorcerer & witch skeleton.?

After talking to them

At first, they were afraid and anxious about Neo When they know that they are the deity of this Multiverse

Let's say they didn't like it their deity

But with time Neo Change their mind And they were both shocked When they checks the Balance was perfect And they all live in peace.

Neo bakes a Chocolate pie for them

ink and Error did feel a little jealous and envious at that

They wished their Multiverse was like this one, maybe then, things would have turned out differently.

ink was surprised When Neo gave him His own soul

ink was really happy because he could feel real feelings while Error All his scars and bruises disappeared When Neo moved their hand in front of Error's face.

They were happy.

meanwhile the other Multiverse

the council Follow the deity

Destiny was worried about her child aka Error

When she tried to find her ink and Error

She finds their place but cannot enter or see what is happening inside

She asked for an appointment with this Multiverse council To return what is hers

the Destiny of Neo send a message on phone to Neo

Neo replied and said they will come

On the day of its council meeting

The others were shocked From this deity's appearance and behavior of this Multiverse

After talking

Neo put their finger on their chin as they thought Then Neo said

hey fate Can you tell me What is the rule 7610 of the humans

fate: Protection Against Abuse: RA 7610 provides protection for children against physical and psychological abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse and exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development

exactly, So sorry lady deity But ink and Error will stay with me

deity screamed in anger, cursing them and saying how dare Neo take what was hers

Neo: first They are not objects that you can own them

secondly: I think it's time for them to make the decision instead of us

Neo snapped their fingers And a microphone appeared

While a large screen appeared both ink and Error

Neo: Ladies and gentlemen I am making the offer for the two of special guests

ink and Error You have three choices

First choice: To be free from deity

You are both free from your work, both creative and destructive

Second choice: the revenge

all the harm and punishment And torture that deity Caused you both and all of your comrades

deity will be treated the same as they treat you. deity will suffer all this dozens of times Until death.

Third choice: change

if both of you chose Third option.

she will lose their position as the deity and Drop her level

the ownership of this Multiverse well Be mine

the only way If she wants her position as deity again If your council approves your return.

The one who broke the silence was deity And she was ready to attack Neo After a short fight

holds her down with chains of plants Neo

Error: You know what, ink the Second choice is really tempting

ink: I was thinking about First choice however the Third option is Very interesting

deity tried to talk to them But ink cut her off And he said

ink: Everything you caused me pain And misery And you always call me names because I'm an emotionless being BUT

He shows them his soul.

Neo gave me my soul And they treat me like a person more than you.

Error: In addition, I saw the other version of me here. He eats chocolate and lazes around AND Only once or twice does he destroy Au. So

Both Ink and Error pressed The Third option


Books back in the hands of Neo And other deity lost everything.

After everything that happened Neo talked to the other council

Neo agreed with them to share the Multiverse.

After the other council go

Neo stayed with their council

They wanted to talk together and ask questions to Neo

Neo: I know, I know Let's just say I have my reasons But I'm doing a good job of taking care of Multiverse on my own.

they Check the Multiverse status.

They were surprised that everything was fine And harmony

Destiny was happy because her child aka Error was fine and happ while Death was impressed.

I don't know what their relationship is with deity

Are they family, siblings or just work buddies?

After this, everything returned to normal or is it.

other Destiny came from other Multiverse ask Neo help.

Destiny: I've heard that You are the new owner of this Multiverse And what you did to deity And I here ask for your help in the my universe

Neo: Okay, I'll help you, but you'll owe me a favor

Destiny: Deal.

Neo Think about doing something About this topic Many will come to them for their help

Neo found a solution

Neo decision that a five people from our world

They will become the Guarding of the Multiverse

I was thinking of stories related to this story

for example

First person: soul maker

Neo chose someone from our world And made them the soul maker

as you guessed from their name, They can make any Different types of souls And they can fix the soul

the soul maker travel all Multiverse And They gives or fixes souls.

Second person: The guide

guides all those who are lost from the path And anyone from a destroy AU or their Multiverse and They don't know what to do with their lives

The guide will stay with this person until they find their place in life Then it goes to someone else.

third person: the author

-shows you the choice of your life like the spirit from (A Christmas Carol)

-Gives you a new life somewhere else.

the author appears before that person makes a bad choice in life.

Fourth person: The Blessed

They can give anyone a special power of the Blessings To some people And some special cases are you guys

for example: If you are a person Reincarnated or born again in UnderTale.They will give you the power of special blessing.

Fifth person: the judge

The judge is like a guardian angel

-Gets rid of all players and Hackers from the Multiverse

judge other creators & deity & fate & Destiny

You can use them in your stories if you wish Just mention my name.

In any case I played both UnderTale and Deltatraveler before

I saw comic And some videos

Still remembering Half-Watch UNDERVERSE SEASON 1 before

I will watch it again To refresh my memories

I need help from the UnderTale AU fandom

I need information in order to make my story Even any small detail will be helpful

I was thinking of funny random scenes in my head

Neo Sleepover party with the other gasters au in the morning Neo drinks hot vanilla milk While they see the chaos in front of them.

-Neo lost the bet with One of the Voices and Neo had to go on a date with the person Voices chose. Which incidentally is their friend of Neo

Error overheard the conversation by chance And he smiled evilly He will enjoy it in a dramatic show

Error told Ink and a few other people about Neo's romantic date

Error laughs and says to himself This will be like watching Undernovela Point 2

ink will be like a child who doesn't want anyone to go out with his mom And he will do everything in his power to prevent this

ink brought his friends to help him

while the other gasters au They try to stop them

Neo And their friend realizes the situation from the beginning So they decided to mess with them

at the end of the day

Neo told them to come out of hiding and explained to them that this was just a lost bet

Neo opened portal And imagine their shock

Error with Destiny With snacks and drinks

Neo: You both have been witnessing us this whole time.

another scene

King Godverse was in disguise And he goes to other Multiverse So that he can relax from everything

he meet Neo And they became friends.

Neo knows who he is but doesn't say anything

one day Ayaba Ideel Decisions to put a Hours love potions for King Godverse

Ayaba saw him when he drank coffee and waited for the right time

Queen Godverse went to his office But she just found his clone

note: Koavire Sometimes he Used his magic to make copy of Himself And do his job instead.

while Neo Shocked from Koavire behavior.

Neo Check him And read: Under the influence of a love potion from Queen Godverse and The effect will last for hours.

Sir Matrix checks the situation When he found out what Ayaba did And now with Neo try to control the situation

Then Koavire started singing Did i mention from (Descendants)

Neo now is 100% Terrified and Amazed.

What do you guys think?

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8 months ago
Some Recent Art Trades I Did: The First One Belongs To @bluu3berrythe Second One Belongs To Lungziez
Some Recent Art Trades I Did: The First One Belongs To @bluu3berrythe Second One Belongs To Lungziez

some recent art trades I did: the first one belongs to @bluu3berry the second one belongs to Lungziez on tiktok

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2 years ago


You almost fell asleep and suddenly heard somebody gently knocking on your window.

How curious...your bedroom is not on the first floor, so who could that somebody be knocking, especially at night ?

-Open the curtains?-



Oh boy, I've never written POV or fics before so....😅 it is what it is

Anyways I just wanted to post this art of mine in an interesting way.

I'm going back to my roots~🎶

And will probably post more of UT & Au thingies.


That's all

Good day/night fellas~

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