Beverly Katz - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Don't forget the lesbian aunts (Alana and Margot), gay uncles (Jimmy and brian), fun single aunt (Beverly) and the tsundere grandpa who refuses to admit how much he loves his family (Jack)

Sometimes a family is a serial killer, an autistic FBI agent, someone who was orphaned by the FBI agent, and 37 dogs

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1 year ago

So am I the only who saw how Beverly went out of her way to connect with Will? Yeah she went to see him in jail for his help, but up till the moment she died she still thought he was a serial murderer and cannibal. But before that she is the only character to have these extremely touching scenes with Will and truly cares for him for more than what his empathy and imagination can do for her.

I can’t stop thinking about how Will Graham truly didn’t have someone who talked or cared for him just for the sake of it (in season 1 and at the start of season 2) but rather because of what he had to offer:

Jack “borrowed” his imagination, at the expense of Will’s mental health. Yes, Will’s imagination saved lives, but it still cost him greatly. Even in season 3, he emotionally manipulates Will to help him because his deteriorating mental health “serves a greater purpose”

Alana didn’t date him because her professional curiosity towards him was greater than her romantic interest in him.

Hannibal in the first season found him fascinating due to his empathy disorder and then later let his encephalitis get worse so that he could study and observe the psychological effects it has on the human brain. And of course, he later used it to frame Will for his murders.

Beverly, too only came to see Will in jail because she needed help to solve the murders.

So, it makes sense why Will would find so much of himself in Hannibal, and form a close and complicated relationship with him, because after season 1, Hannibal was really the only person who understood him, accepted him, and loved him for who he was, and not his unique empathy disorder.

I Cant Stop Thinking About How Will Graham Truly Didnt Have Someone Who Talked Or Cared For Him Just

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2 years ago

what’s y’alls favorite era of will graham? dilf teacher, outright whore, or mega bitch?

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2 years ago

S2 Hannibal is so embarrassing, all Will had to do was cry a lil and bat his pretty eyelashes and Hannibal practically threw himself at his feet.

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2 years ago
Wish We Couldve Had More Scenes Of Will Smiling In The Show, Hughs Smile Is So Precious (ignore The Tower
Wish We Couldve Had More Scenes Of Will Smiling In The Show, Hughs Smile Is So Precious (ignore The Tower

wish we could’ve had more scenes of Will smiling in the show, Hugh’s smile is so precious 🥰 (ignore the tower of human remains behind him).

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2 years ago

if anyone is like me and loves Hannibal and is looking for kdramas with the same type of vibe, I’d like to suggest Strangers from Hell and The Devil Judge. Or there’s also Psychopath Diary if you want something more comedic.

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2 years ago

“he’s never beating the babygirl allegations” and it’s a fictional man wanted for murder.

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2 years ago

In honor of spooky month finally arriving, I’d like everyone to look at these pics of Hugh holding two giant pumpkins.

In Honor Of Spooky Month Finally Arriving, Id Like Everyone To Look At These Pics Of Hugh Holding Two
In Honor Of Spooky Month Finally Arriving, Id Like Everyone To Look At These Pics Of Hugh Holding Two

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2 years ago

“Will Graham is a top!” “No! Will Graham is a bottom!” Will Graham is wanted by the FBI.

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2 years ago

The plot of Hannibal is literally just everyone being obsessed with Will Graham and Will suffering for it.

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2 years ago

so which breakup in Hannibal hurt you the most? the “I let you know me” breakup or the “I don’t want to think about you anymore” breakup?

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