Duncan - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Duncan Dragon's Design Was One Of My Favorites In "I Hate Fairland".I Highly Recommended This Amazing

Duncan Dragon's design was one of my favorites in "I Hate Fairland". I highly recommended this amazing comic!

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4 years ago

Okay, late night thought, but Duncan from Total Drama Island, having an OnlyFans account...Just a thought.

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2 years ago

Please don’t say Tommy looks like Duncan☹️

Sketch Dump
Sketch Dump

Sketch dump

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hello i am still alive & very much still obsessed with mads mikkelsen 🤩

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

goin absolutely deranged over this photo

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

the sudden urge to draw him & have him be my lifelong muse is too strong

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

me right now because mads mikkelsen exists^^

(p.s: for anyone wondering that is from the movie die tür & its a goodin n you should definitely watch it if you haven’t)

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen
Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

his fangs?!?!?!!!!?!?? & also just his smile in general ?!?!? HELLO ?!!?!!!

Hello I Am Still Alive & Very Much Still Obsessed With Mads Mikkelsen

this is pretty much all i had to say lol

hope you’re all doin well <3

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6 months ago
I Drew Some Lazy Doodles For Bennie ... I've Also Made A Playlist For Him, Right HERE!!!!!!:
I Drew Some Lazy Doodles For Bennie ... I've Also Made A Playlist For Him, Right HERE!!!!!!:

I drew some lazy doodles for bennie 🤗... I've also made a playlist for him, right HERE!!!!!!:

i hope you guys like bennie because he's the only thing that I've been thinking of these days. so I'm gonna write a few facts about him 😎😎😎😎 sorray for bad english

- he looooves punk rock and ska punk music and his favorite bands are Guttermouth and Rancid

- because of that he wishes he could sing or at the very least scream like Efrem Schulz, but he CAN'T!!!! so he sticks to the electric guitar and he's... mediocre at it

- likes spice girls

- bennie loves graffiti

- he does not gaf about ANYTHING!!!!... he's just happily pouncing around empty-headed

- and for that reason he actually relates to the jocks and gets along with them well... especially damon west. before he was expelled, he mostly hung out with them and likes working out with them (ignore his profile I made for him last time 😢 his relationship with them is around 80% I suwwear)

- at one point he picked up the way the jocks talk, and he still talks that way now

- he's never actually done anything to the nerds, his relationship with them is just low because he gets along with the jocks AND is a townie

- actually really likes the townies, bennie views them as their siblings. and he is clingy, so he likes to follow them around

- will put you into a headlock

- so very extroverted it will actually be painful to go somewhere with him. because he's gonna have at least an hour long conversation with some stranger

- he REAALLY likes making up nicknames for people, except he's not that creative... e.g.: zoe -> bricks (her hair color), duncan -> donut, clint -> clip, jimmy -> jimpops, mandy -> panda

- really wants to get ripped so he works out almost everyday

- he likes watching people fight but hates fighting himself even though he's fairly good at it (at some point he apologizes when fighting jimmy)

- he's scared of needles and he's embarrassed to tell that to people, so when one of the townies invited him to get piercings together, he went along with it. but he never ended up getting one because he ran with a poor excuse 😢

- he likes (jokingly) making fun of gurney because he's old

- loooves provoking otto because of his anger issues. he finds his reactions so funnay

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11 months ago

They'd been having fun. Sure, Elijah had given him the heads up that he might race out, but that was a standard line guys used as an exist strategy. Shit, it was his line in case the guy he went home with started grating on his nerves or something. Duncan thought that the two of them were having a good time but it was possible he'd misread the situation completely; here they were though, sat opposite from each other because fate had a sick sense of humor. Duncan wasn't sensitive, but he didn't know anyone that handled rejection well.

When they were alone, Elijah finally addressed the elephant that had settled between them. Foul mood temporarily dispelled, Duncan's gaze shifted from the glass he'd been fiddling with; the other night was fun, so he was in no way opposed to a repeat. Duncan just wasn't interested in getting burned again, still, he asked because Elijah was- well. He was hot, and had more to him than just an online persona - which was rare these days. "Alright. Shoot." He leaned in a bit against the table, interested once again piqued. "How are you going to make it up to me?"

They'd Been Having Fun. Sure, Elijah Had Given Him The Heads Up That He Might Race Out, But That Was

open to: fellow medical professionals (eli himself is a paramedic), fire-fighters, l.e.o.s, etc, (muses/fcs 30yo+ only pls!) scenario: this! elijah’s personality: youngest child syndrome. sensitive but tries his best not to show it. happy-go-lucky. playful. loyal. people-pleaser. reckless. adventurous. despite having excellent examples of happy and healthy relationships from seeing what his sister and brother have in their respective lives, eli is terrified of commitment. he knows it’s something he wants some day, to have a partner in life, but he’s yet to go beyond the occasional dating app hook-up because he hates disappointing people.

Open To: Fellow Medical Professionals (eli Himself Is A Paramedic), Fire-fighters, L.e.o.s, Etc, (muses/fcs

          “Would you knock it off with the death-glare already?” To say the meal had been awkward was quite the understatement; he’d had plans to meet up with a couple of co-workers and their friends for brunch that morning, just to walk in to find someone at their table that he’d slept with two nights prior. Ghosting them truly had been regrettable, he hadn’t actually had that much fun in years, but duty called and he was embarrassed to say he’d completely spaced on leaving them an apology note on his way out.

          “I was on call the other night, I told you it was well within the realm of possibility that I might have to dip,” Eli sighed, his voice returning to a normal speaking volume once they were left alone at the table, ‘and now that I know you run somewhat parallel to my work I’m surprised you’re not cutting me some slack. Listen, I’m more than willing to try to make it up to you if you give me a chance, so what do you say?”

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7 years ago

oNe oF a RaNDoM “oLD” FaN-aRT aRTWoRK i DiD To SeÑoR (CaRLoS) Yows To SHoW a LiKiNG To HiS oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR oN THe PoKeMoN WoRLD.

MeeT HiS PoKeMoN TRaiNeR “DuNCaN” aND HiS PaRTNeR “ToTo” (WHiCH iS oBViouSLY a ToToDiLe)

BaCKGRouND & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

CHeCK HiS DeViaNTaRT PaGe BeLoW FoR MoRe oF HiS WoRKS: http://yows.deviantart.com/

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