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Hope ya don’t mind me adding my thoughts. Was supposed to be a small comment but evolved into a long post so.
I love love love Ever After High and kinda liked Descendants but defo has many flaws and missed opportunities. Still annoyed that Descendants ended EAH smh.
Competition be brutal. And descendants was a quick cash grab. To be fair EAH started around the time once upon a time ended so idk. EAH is leaps and bounds better don’t get me wrong. I am just tryna analyse it from diff angles.
The love potion and no consequence was icky. Them getting married young was random. Mal and Ben were sorta cute but also pretty rushed. Liked the Benevolent and Malevolent symbolism and the light and dark thing. Yin and Yang thing. It seemed so cool but failed pretty bad.
Ben had more chemistry with Evie tbh. The 2nd movie is evidence of this. They seemed so chill and Ben seemed more focused. Mal and Evie also had more chemistry cause they spent more time together.
EAH’s canon ships Dexven and Hunterlynn are very unproblematic and cute. Though I find Hunterlynn pretty meh cause I’d have liked to see em more as individuals before they got together but I can live with it. And Dexter in the webisode was not shown outside him being shy, a love interest of Raven and him being a bro to Dare and Darling. Dex and Rae were cute and awkward and sweet and I was so happy when they got together but justice for Dex having more to him!
Jane and Carlos are kinda okay. Jay and Lonnie have an interesting premise.
There’s so many hints of ships in EAH and also a lil bit in DD.
DD didn’t try as much cause they were banking on nostalgia which sadly worked. So much wasted potential!
So many more characters we could’ve been added. Frozen characters, Enchanted characters (though we’d have to have a lotta editing and explanation, better off in book form). Merida and Moana also being here. Tinkerbell and her movie series being part of it. If they made the tangled series canon there could be more conflict! And if they made Cinderella 2 canon. Cass and VarIan being good but still being put on the Isle and same with Anastasia, she married her baker and had a few kids and was great sisters with Cindy but still taken away.
I love the core 4, Mal, Jay,Carlos and Evie are lovely. But the movies doesn’t even give Jay and Carlos much bonding time with the gals, it feels like the group spilt off while coming to the isle.
One thing Descendants did better than EAH, was how the girls and boys are pretty equal in DD. Not blaming EAH since they wanted to show off the multitude of designs and it reminds me of like Sims, gals have so much more stuff in terms of things.
Disney had pure nostalgia so it should put backgrounders like Easter eggs. Wanted to see more Auradon kingdoms. It did what Disney didn’t let the characters do previously. It let the Disney princesses grow up. And it’s a world with so many places from the multiverse.
But also why are Belle and Adam such tyrants and outta character. They don’t even explain it or acknowledge it! Why did they mess with death and bring villains back from there. Why not flesh out the world and add more Easter eggs.
Adam hates magic cause he and his staff were cursed long ago or maybe there were harsh consequences for messing with death that befell him and they vowed not again?
Check out the books and tie em into canon. I wanted to see more isle kids and Auradon kids. Like in the first movie in rotten to the core, maybe we could’ve seen Anthony Tremaine in the back up dancers. What about people walking about? Maybe hinting bout Dizzy (her carrying supplies)? Mother Gothel walking about. Other villains?
EAH did this pretty well. Check out the Royal and Rebel Pedia for more research. We have Lily Bo Peep and son of hero of Harlem, we have Cari Pillar in wonderland high maybe. We have a girl that can be the daughter of the Midas king. We have a lot of somethings.
Art and naming and Dolls and designs:
EAH’s art and visuals and aesthetic was something else entirely. They made it kinda modern without losing the old fairytale theme.
Obv EAH and DD are told through diff things. DD is live action and has pretty bad graphics and cgi at time but the outfits and hair look decent and the acting is good.
Both have book series on the side and I love both but get this feeling of extra wonderment from EAH like what’s gonna happen? And the books focus on other characters in EAH
EAH made the world feel alive and the characters had really unique beautiful names.
DD’s names were basic, kinda bland but somehow worked. The names being close to the parents showing how narcissistic the parents are and how they saw the kids are little them, meant to be exactly like them and a means to an end. The amount of toxicity and torment these kids must’ve had to deal with tbh. Did the villains have kids to seem sympathetic? It sorta worked I suppose. They got their kids to try and do their dirty work and Ben felt super sad and was like the kids don’t deserve to suffer for what their parents did.
Like Op said DD’s punk style looks interesting and I love the intricate detailing on EAH’s characters. I have a few EAH dolls and no DD ones. EAH dolls stand alone in terms of doll quality and are leagues above the rest.
Descendants songs are BOPs though. My fave EAH song was the theme. No tea or shade to anyone who likes the other songs.
I have always loved fairytale retellings. So I appreciate both. I have fics for both. The descendants one is a major major fix it fic. Adding more characters and side characters and fleshing the world out. Both still WIPs do wish me luck. If ya wanna discuss more with me, please do so.
This is barely the tip of the iceberg in discussion of these two. This was my personal opinion and I was not tryna attack anyone or undermine anyone’s points. The fanfic writers of both be top tier btw!
descendance sucks
descendance is like a worse version of ever after high. its b a d. i watched it while babysitting for a family friend. the main characters design looks like a bad cosplay of some ugly punk girl. then thereś the half baked romance in the first movie. to me it felt like they had no chemistry at all. just a love spell and children getting married. ever after high is simply superior in every way. the designs are miles ahead of descendance. they actually look like the children of the characters there supposed to be. and the writing is way better to. they also have cool dolls. the one thing i like about descendance is that they had a kinda punk looking character but again they failed. so yea i hate descendance and ever after high is wayyyy better.
Thanks for the tag my dearest @feline17ff
I love ships so multifandom and multiple ones let’s go! I be as honest as possible and also spilling the tea. But obv these are purely my opinions! If ya disagree it’s chill.
First ship that you still like:
Dominic and Erika from Barbie Princess and the Pauper
Tink and Terence from Tinker Bell!
Briar Beauty and Hopper Croakington II from ever after high
Dick Grayson and Zatarra Zatanna (Chalant) from Young Justice (still haven’t continued season 3 cause it’s kinda a shhhshow and pretty disappointed)
Roxas and Xion from the kingdom hearts series
Aurora and Philip from Sleeping Beauty
Mulan and Shang from Mulan
Tiana and Naveen from Princess and the frog
Chad and Sonny from Sonny with a chance
Clint and Natasha from Marvel (grew up with Marvel and they were together in so many things! Was so disappointed when they weren’t together in MCU)
Peter Pan and Wendy Darling
All time favorite ship:
Robert and Giselle from Enchanted!
Grand Duchess Anastasia ‘Anya’ Romanov and Dimitri from the movie Anastasia
Sasasuka Takeru and Ichika Hoshino from the Otome game: Collar X Malice (which is also a thing where our main character gotta solve related crimes. this game has beautiful visual!)
Most recent ship: Prince Anders (from Aladdin: 2019) and Charolotte La Bouff (from Princess and the Frog). They gonna be together in my descendants fics cause those cinnamon roll deserve the world and they’d be interesting!
Your most mainstream ship: The Doctor and Rose Tyler from Doctor who! (TenRose, NineRose etc)
Most obscure rarepair:
Anthony Tremaine and Mal Bertha (from Descendants!). How does no one ship em? They’d be so cuteee. He had a possible crush on her in the first book. And so much potential!
I love that Anthony is the son of Anastasia and the Baker (at least in my fic universe because ‘sequels ain’t canon’ be missed opportunities (still not all the sequels canon but lols rambled enough! ) He’s the whole package!
Popular ship you just Don’t Understand:
Jack and Elsa (I kinda get it but not my style)
SasuSaku (Sakura deserves better but I love their kid so torn sometimes lols)
Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper from BBC Sherlock
Ship you could argue is the most canon:
Hmmmm, Helios and Chibusa|Rini from Sailor Moon
Least canon, like they’re never even met:
So I suppose my crossover ships count: Lara Croft from Tomb Raider and Nathan Drake from Uncharted
Jake Long from American Dragon and Juniper Lee from Life and times of Juniper Lee
From the same show, Clara Oswald and Rose Tyler (technically. But also ya never know with Doctor Who! They’d be so cool!). Also River and Rose.
I Think They’re Divorced:
Hermione and Ron
Ginny and Harry (Main canon Harry Potter couples be so bland tbh and boring)
Actually, I think this is platonic:
Merida and are suitors cause like bromance cause let my girl be a single Pringle!
Also Aang and Azula friendship superiority cause of @inamindfarfaraway ‘s amazing fic that I read yesterday!
Most “wholesome” ship you like:
Prince Ben Florian and Evie from descendants,
Red crackle (Graham and Carmen) from Carmen Sandiego,
James ‘Jem’ Carstairs and Theresa ‘Tessa’ Gray from the infernal devices
Maleficent and Diaval from Maleficent!
Layla|Aisha and Nabu from Winx Club like they were the best!
Most “problematic” ship and their Crimes?: Is this cheaty cause i probs have more problematic ones that fit the bill from but can’t remember smhh. Ben and Julie, horrible partners to each other and they sorta nagged each other a lot but I loved em and thought they could’ve been better.
Ship that most of the fandom would kill you for: Chaseling (Darling Charming and Chase Redford, I think this Bi-Icons can be besties but also can be so much more! The adventures they could go would be the best.) from Ever After High
If you like this ship marry me:
MariChat from miraculous!
Zutara (Zuko and Katara) from avatar the last airbender
If you like this ship stay away from me: not so extremely obv. Still would defo chat would ya bout other ships and stuff and we’d have a grand time and put our differences aside and vibe.
Feyre and Rhysand from the ‘A Court of thrones and roses series’ (didn’t care bout any of the ships ish, also dnf-Ed after book two) No offense to anyone who likes em. I got these two from the top of my head rn (there’s probs more ships that deserve to be here but yeah), Hmmm, the main perpetrator is Rhysand and how he mistreats (putting it lightly) her at the end of the first book. Like not a good enemies to lovers at all. Also the ‘soulmate’ thing was atrocious. Soulmate things always make it forced and gross. I be spilling the tea rn. They are so problematic and I don’t ship em at all.
Not my taste but I approve of it:
Nikki Maxwell and Brandon Roberts from Dork diaries! Used to be my bread and butter but it taking em forever to get together and makes it kinda boring and too long stretched out.
Kim possible and Ron Stoppable! I love em but personally legit don’t ship em as fervently anymore.
Sailor Moon|Usagi Tsukino| Serena Tsukino and Tuxedor Mask| Mamaru Chiba |Darien Shield from Sailor Moon
yep the main couple, they cute and all and I get why people ship it but when I first watched it I was like deddd at some over dramatic points. Also ya obv knew they’d end up together from the first episode. I loved the show Sailor moon but main ship was meh to me lols. I am really being honest here. But they are cute ngl
Most crack ship you’ve ever witnessed someone pursue:
villains X Heros can go very very wrong at times and it be scary like. Nuff said, moving on
Ships you want to get more into:
Jay and Mal from Descendants
Evie and Carlos from descendants (Evie just so shippable with everyone tbh)
Need more of this couple:
KC and Brett from KC undercover
Iris and Lev from lolirock
I tag: @ankicacicero @everafterbi @dexterouslycharming @deerdeardarling@small-white-bird @inamindfarfaraway @wehiddendesires @whateverafterhigh @iamannettecresselion @iristovevo @lizzieehearts @lizziedaring @everafterwhy+ anyone else who wants to do it!
✨shipping tag game✨
I was very unsatisfied with the last fandom ship questions tag game so I am going to make one myself
you can choose just one fandom or just do it for all fandoms :)
First ship that you still like:
All time favorite ship:
Most recent ship:
Your most mainstream ship:
Your most obscure rarepair:
Popular ship you just Don’t Understand:
Ship you could argue is the most canon:
Least canon, like they’re never even met:
I Think They’re Divorced:
Actually, I think this is platonic:
Most “wholesome” ship you like:
Most “problematic” ship and their Crimes?:
Ship that most of the fandom would kill you for:
If you like this ship marry me:
If you like this ship stay away from me:
Not my taste but I approve of this strongly:
Most crack ship you’ve ever witnessed someone pursue:
Ships you want to get more into:
my own responses:
I’m just going to do it for bsd because if i did all time there would just be So Much to choose from
First ship that you still like: I think that honestly my first bsd ship was kunidazai. still going strong. i will not give them up
All time favorite ship: If evidenced by the number of works I have for them,, fyozai,,,
Most recent ship: fyogol probably because i waited a hell of a long time to read the manga
Your most mainstream ship: shin soukoku, they’re just every gay couple aren’t they 😔
Most obscure rarepair: the dead apple trio (dazai, shibusawa, and fyodor) legit they’re my favorites and people just dont understand how much i love them
Popular ship you just Don’t Understand: There aren’t any bsd main pairs that I don’t see at all, but I don’t really agree with most interpretations of soukoku, and I usually don’t like fanworks of it.
Ship you could argue is the most canon: ranpoe. they’re gay i just what else is that
Least canon, like they’re never even met: hot take Dazai and Nikolai have definitely fucked
I Think They’re Divorced: soukoku, like i dont think they’re really that together anymore in canon but they definitely were at some point
Actually, I think this is platonic: odazai. I don’t see that romantically, I really don’t. I’m not gonna murder you if you ship it, I just think since they met when dazai was like 16 dazai would see him more like “this is my only good role model” situation lol. I don’t know how good he is at figuring what the difference between that and romantic feelings is but oda definitely made that very clear
Most “wholesome” ship you like: god, there aren’t many in bsd. But probably ranpoe? They’re just undeniably in love and they have done nothing wrong ever
Most “problematic” ship and their Crimes?: I think most any ship involving any member of the DOA is pretty Problematique however Fyogol has to take the prize they are so incredibly violent and toxic and i love them SO much
Ship that most of the fandom would kill you for: Fukumori is apparently really controversial round these parts haha ye olde soukoku
If you like this ship marry me: DEAD APPLE TRIO AWHAHWHHEF
If you like this ship stay away from me: why do so many people like atsushi x kyoka shes fucking 14
Not my taste but I approve of it: Higuchi + Gin and Kousano
Most crack ship you’ve ever witnessed someone pursue: Dazai x lemon bomber man!! I hate that this isn’t that unrealistic Neon this is your fault
Ships you want to get more into: Atsushi and Lucy are really cute, and well, I can’t disagree with Steinbeck and Lovecraft. Also apparently verlaine and rimbaud are gay af i wanna learn more about that.
tagging: @neonandconfused @flamboyantanime @akutagawasslur @guarddog13 @nayruwu @bungoustraypups @glittercrashhh @11nolongerhuman and anyone else who wants to :)